BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

Must One Live?
Plot Against Mpls. Local574 Pacifist and Warlike Nations they not formar uproar? Why do Question Box Green Dictates Boycott of Imperiala to Auto Union SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE of putting up with everything. Why is not Mubsam retrieved by his comrades? Why do not the pris Skeletons Out of the Comintern Closet oners create an a living wall around him, that neither club, butt end bor Ed. Note: The following is written by Erich Wollenberg, one revolver sbot can break down. Continued from Page 1)
of the outstanding revolutionists the German labor movement.
Why do they not fasten themselves ment stares Latimer in the face, soldler during the war, he became in turn the military director about him, and so shield him, till even as it did Bainbridge. There By WEAVEE for the German Communist Party in charge of all military pre numbed by death they are torn from off his body? Why does not Oran.
By HENRY THURMAN arms and refuse to defend our wol is one salvation: crush 574.
partions for the abortive 1923 insurrection, the editor of the Rote Communist International, No. 18, men, our children and socialism?
Needless to say, the Citizens Al. BROOKLYNienburg revolt?
Fahne and other leading dalliert. Prior to the trlumph of September 15, 1933, contains a sis: No one will believe you. You llance Jumpes at the chance to pull Question: Why, If the capitalists Hitler he was exiled to Moscow for his stinging criticism of the They felt on a correct front, nificant article entitled How The are fooling yourselves. Our young the Irksome thorn of 574 from its benefit by Inflation, was there sacta fatal course of Stalinism. He is now in elle a member of the Inthese anti fascist prisoners in Oran. Labour Lieutenants of the Bour socialists are no more cowardly side. Jubilent, it notes the actions resistance on the part of the French ternational Communist League. It is translated from De Inter Flebteous war, the revolutionary the light of recent events, the totiike them they have no intention with a keen sense of gratification, content of the frane, particularly national (April 1935. theoretical organ of our brother Dutch sex for liberation from the yoke towing paragraphs from page 593 of betraying the cause of labour, encouragement and hopefulness it wo bear in mind that the Amer party, the by comrade Ronde But no one laks his life for the Just as Carl Legien in August, bureaucracy use the bellicose affering the entire facilities of our by reducing the dollar gold cor By ERICH WOLLENBERG glorious cause of solidarity. No one 1914, so Leon Joubaux now stingression of German tascism to mo: organization in cooperating. tent!
1916. Before Dunaburg.
German, who now greedily attempts to saye his comrade from before the war) openly seeks tobilize the masses in their capitalist under the lie of industrial peace. capitalists benefit, under all cirThe entire plan is carried through Answer: It is not true that the death.
Night. We lle in a trench 200 the refreshing drink.
utilize the machinery of the Am countries for the best preparation metres above our main position.
What drove this person to his On the right, scarcely 10 metres death?
sterdam International in the inter of their national bourgeoiste for The employers are to take care of cumstances, from an Inflation, and Why did not the principle non. To go to sea is necessary, against Navigare Necesse est, viverests of one imperialist grouping war. Under the disguise of a strug: the Incorrigible in their own they texvrd it with miret emrit ons another, contrasting the gle against fascism, by which is ranks and the unions are to do like iusora as relation means indirect operate ng from the Russians, on that One must live apply to him? live not. Whole generations of pacifist nations to belligerent nameant foreign fascism only, the wise. The open shop, Wage slashing wage cuts for the workers, and cor.
the left about 40. Through the He stood one fale front, this so Citizens Alliance surplus value, has already respondingly more great grandfathers, tions, the lands of democracy to conditions necessary for learned the new tune. They boast tht money bags benefit. Inaotaras un pardonable stupidity of our bat English soldier. He fought on the sailors. from talion commander, we are left, just front of foul and blood soaked Brit Grandfathers to grandsons and the land of dictatorship. peace are created even before the This (belng tatr to labor) Ls, and in the early stages of a devnlus 15 of uk to defend some meaning ish imperialism. But he was creat grandesrest, faithful to The Belgian Social Fascist, Au proclamation of war.
les plece of ground of a sudden lover of human kind fanatie to that proud principle, in the watery guste Deviue, in the Central Organ outside one house may be some has been one of the main functions tlon of the currency, they are bet we bear moaning Comrades help the cause of solidarity, and be died graves somewhere on the bottom of of the Belgian Labour me water help About metres for that glorious cause: he rlaked the sea.
Peuple, explained the meaning of ing class than the enemy within leaders give them a helping hand by tors on the foreign market, the gentlemen are pleased.
in front of there lles a stray ble life in order to assuage the Leonidas and his men, saved the the war discussion of the Amster. one own house, is the the would make an effort. to require Insofar, however, as their income German soldier. Help is impossible. Tering sorel wounded tel. culture of Greece by blocking the dam trade union bureaucracy sur Socialist Herald: organ of the the owners of industry to pay living is of a fixed charac (e. Interest The Ruadans keep up an incessantlowman an enemy who fought pass of Thermopylae with a living clently clear: firing. Two of our comrades have on the other side of the line. wall, which the Persians had to One hears young people saying the situation. Communist Interwages these disturbance would on government bonds) they are hew stone by stone, had to conquer now: should a new war break out, national, No. 18. already been shot in the head. largely disappear. How simple it greatly annoyed by an Indation, since this amounts to a reduction lasso te made out of leather straps we will not fight any more, we will July 1934. Oralenburg concen and kill, man by man.
The Socialist Herald is the same is to make an effort and fall. it is thrown to him we pull. The tration camp.
To put over the offensivve against in their real incomes.
The Jacobins of the great French reply by a civil war.
rag of Dan and his Menshevik colwounded comrade howls Hike In all causes? we ask. Think of leagues that supported the Menshe the wage standards of labor they For the capitalists of France Erich Muhsam, the revolutionary revolution marched, under the ban beast in pain, and lets the lasso go writer and fighter, the great lover her of Laberty. Equality. Fraternist government may start a new Revolution (1971. protection of drive against the spearhead of re they have a very large share of Tomorrow the National Social vik Itne of Stalin in the Chinese must make it palatable, by calling the classical country of the rentNow Thorez, it Industrial peace and they must ler) it is the latter consideration soldier ventures over the breast of humankind, the great fanatie inity. singing to their death.
works and drops dying in the the cause of solidarity, is confrontmake it possible by beginning a which outwtighs all others, since The revolutionary history of Rus pople.
war. Supposing the German who boo hoos for the do not revolt against culture, womanhood, socialtheir wealth invested in governventures anew, and so crawls to his do not hang within two days we through the Narodniki and terror appear on our borders ready. fascist bands of Germany, Ands. ismand sistance, and death. Upon this the command is shall lend hand.
The opening gun in the campaign ment bonds. The internal debt of ists to the Bolsheviks. has, more to repeat the murders and devasta himself lined up all over again with have been a test case regarding bonds held by the rentiers, is over against the Drivers Local was to that country, le, the government given, No needless sacrifices! The comrades heard and under emphatically than ever, revealed tion of 1914. Will you let them bis master old advisers.
But again Comrades. help stond what that meant. Erteh prom. anew the old truth, that one Idea, do this? third soldier de les disclises solemnly never to afford Just as capitalists ought never to a dispute between 574 and the 12 billion dollars, whereas the total pline, and disobeys the harsh com. Isfaction to the fascist beasts, not live and conquer unless the bearers ready to die in the fight against the writing. No socialists who want to first defent for the bosses of this Because on the other hand the one nation, one class can hardly What! you declare yourselves put their love for a woman into Glenwood Inglewoud company And national wealth probably does not man. With a bullet in the chest to take his own life. He divides of the iden, unless the vanguard fascists here, while on the day that venture into the bypaths of oppor company signed up with 574. grant American capitalists expected to at here the unholy alliance suffered its exceed 50 billions.
he tumbles back into the trench. among his comrades his tew be of the class are great bellevers, are you are faced with the German tunism should write their principles ing all its demands. The brass least balance their losses and What drives these people to their tongings. They thank him, and fanatics, who not only know how tascists you will throw away your in vanishing ink.
death? Do they attach no signif press his hand, knowing only too to give battle, but are ready to check press tries to save face by gains from an inflation they raised cance to the principle that one well how soon that hand will be fight though they know it may must live? Does not that principle forever cold; their heads become mean death.
made with employees although in vele reduction of the gold content properly apply to them too? On a more deeply bowed, their eyes stare The German working class, like the very next sentence they are of the dollar. It might also be false front they stand, these sold more vacantly toward the ground. no other in the world, has shown ist Italy Must forced to mention that Farrell added that the economie collapse of Dobbs, Secretary Treas. of 574 was 1982 83 hurdly gave them any foul and blood soaked German Im lead up. Nor do the eyes of a 1919, 1921, 1923, 1929, that her best Begin Now one of the negotiators choice.
perialiem. But they die for a glor single one take on a look Alled representatives, fanatics in the When Tobin accepted the bless Question: Why would it have ious cause; these great lovers of with unswerving determination, struggles for freedom, know how to (Continued from Page Continged from Page 1) ings of the Citizens Alliance last been necessary for the French govhumanity are fanaties in the cause Not a single comrade says, Erich fight, and how to make sucrifices arrangement carries, the victory sincere friend of the Soviet Union yeur, he thought that 574 was fineriaid cutting the wages of the to devaluate the frane, and of solidarity.
we won let them murder you But they came out of the won by the progressives will prove So Stalin has stated. The imperished.
They risk their lives because they without resistance. We will not Is the lack of revolutionary solto have been a pyhrric one. The list wpiders are waiting, alded and strike stronger and more influen French workers obvlate this?
cannot endure that even an un tolerate in silence your being taken idarity exhibited in the murder of progressives unfortunately have no atetted by Stallin and Litvinoff who cal than ever. So he revoked their Answer: The possibility that it known comrade dle without help from oltr midst like a beast that is Muhsam, an isolated case? Unforman of their own, ynumie and ex to this any have not uttered so charter. But to no avail. 674 em. might have been necessary to re to be led to the slaughter, March 1918. On the Somme.
that principle that one must live terror infested country where in its proval of all the progressive deleto Italy or encouragement to Etb members and more support. Even developed, not because of insufTen paces in front of the English does not apply to us. We are not concentration camps and bar gation. They have moreover come iopia.
the Central Labor Union was forced cient gold reserves to meet whatlines, there lies a German soldier. worms that crawl on the earth and racks no mutiny has yet occurred to the convention with no slate pre But it is necessary to speak out to endorse its case against Tobin. ever demande might be made (the Tils shortest on through with English cannot in anthemselves of life. in spite of all the terror, torture pared, thus making it easy for the This is not going to be war Now. Trebin counterparts in binne getde helt ny represente les ventes bet by German bullets, and in his left Alahsam, the great fanatic, the object the storm of indignation ranks on the question of delegates. be a war einst imperialism. taking the same rocky road. have been made on them but from thigh there protudes plece of believer in the staunchness, the and protest might not have been They are bound to failure. For the need balancing the budget.
What will perhaps prove to be of And as such the defense of Ethio German shrapnel. He still lives fighting spirit, the insurgent spirit able to save the life of Muhsam. even greater importance than the pin its people and independence is 574 does not stand alone. Behind How was this to be done? Re: despite his terrible suffering. He of man, remains silent and waits. Perhaps, on the wbole, is not the election of candidates will be the the elementary duty of the interna working men, in and out of the un ridiculous them are thousands of Minneapolis duce mor imperialist expenditures. moans and cries piteously Mother! He is silent when the executioner resistance prisoners entirely use question of jurisdiction, which it is tional working class. What is in lonx, who will rally to their sup bandlits.
Water! Mother! burly English comes and calls him away. Sadly less? Here there is no evidence to expected, will come up tomorrow. volved at the present moment sport. And in this struggle they win peasant and shopkeeper were load, Raise more taxes? The soldier crawls towards him.
the German wants to live and eres cast parting glances at him through is certain: putting up with every to put the question on the floor. demerits of Halle Salasie and his learn who the real racketeers ed as heavily as the traffic would out No, no, no, no. He tries eyes full of anguish and sorrow. thing distorts the character of the They have been cooling off the regime; what is important is that are bear. Two alternate methods were left, by which the balance could be to crawl away. He does not want But Muhsam seeks not griet, not revolutionary, breaks his backbone, delegates today by having such Ethiopia is a weak and backward Afrien to rid themselves of the yoke made po Cut the wages of the to be shot, he does not want a knife sorrow nor desperation. what he wastes the living spring of revolu eminent trade unionists as Char nation which has a right in having of foreign imperialism.
thrust in his heart. The English seeks is pride; he seeks a fighting tion, and because of that seems al eleton Ogburn, Prof. Selik Perlman, its national independence safe Workers in industry supplying basis of a reduction of the frane government workers, or, On the and dresses his bleeding chest, and He seeks among his comrades clsm terrorizes, tortures and degressives are not being diverted, erything possible must be done to into the struggle on the side of such a procedure financially sound, Tommy lies next to him. Swabs spirit, he seeks the spirit of revolt. ways to be useless. Hitler fas etc. etc. address them. The pro guarded. That being the case ev materials for Italy must be brought gold content, which would make wanda kes his les He thrusts bis lover of humankind, a fanatle for grades the German people because however. They are pledged to fight see that Museolint is defeated in Ethiopia. The methods of strike. Issue enough additional currency to water bottle towards the the the his sabotage and boycott must be re meet expenses.
German is afraid: Polson. The one and he ands him not.
Englishman smiles, and raises his is the greatest tragedy in the termility of their submissiveness, the ployed in or around automobile or tremendous value in undermining Mussolini war machine. defeat for Italy would be of sorted to in an effort to cripple The first threw the burden directly on the backs of the workers: German rible end of Erich Muhsam. Not raging fascism continues. Every automobile parts plants and they the hold of reaction on the masses Let the workers of all countries bullet plerces his brain. The smll one among his comrades rise up, where and always, it seems that are preparing to fight for fun jur of Italy.
ing distorted visage of the dead man not one revolts against the murder, those who would live and conquer isdictional rights on the floor of the would be a clarion call to all the imperialism is a blow to reaction in this manner the class antagon victory for Ethiopia understand that a blow at Italian the second would have shifted at stares out upon the sorely wounded no one leaves the safe trenches, must be prepared to risk their lives. Toonvention oppressed natives and colonials In at home!
isms between proletariat and capltalist were directly reflected in the WORKERS unth Sept. 10 thereby keeping the strike committer, was also forced of the Young Communist League Spartacan Comrades Ask debates over the currener.
Protect Your Tou Apast the The Strike Meeting there as a representative of his un Assisstance for Activity Laval, uttering the necessary words boss is. The boss has thirty days strike meeting was called for lon, took the floor. He objectively Haarde of Life, Jola the in which to defeat the union. The the next day. It had been decided supported the bureaucrats by mere.
Comrade Gould enforced leave about saving the glories of France, WORKMEN SICK DRATH dnion will be able to sign up people that only those wbo worked in the ly telling the strikers that if they strikes the organization a blow at etc. protected the interests of the BENEPTT YUND OF THE USA. of Skate Turns make the real osebnembers who le mie Bleny and like the outsid and did not attack the proposed absence on the tour, other com and collect the necessary money to shop at the time of the strike be stayed out two weeks more they begun to straighten out our af a crucial moment. He had just coupon clippers, thus providing the Stalinists with the ideal moment 1884 1935 fairs which had suffered from his to begin defending the remnants of bourgeois democracy.
Organised, managed by and for Winning Battle into on this sort of agreement that the ers. continued in charge of plek agreement.
rades summer leaves, and the was settled Defeat workers with only one purpooo: eting. The strike committee was However, the pressure of the summer slump generally. Above BROOKLYNto render protection to member Effective Strike not supposed to tell anyone what fraction had been strong enough all, he was taking steps to meet Question: What reliable litera and their families, and to rep By JACK WALTON At the time of the settlement, the the terms of the settlement were to get the meeting recessed and our most pressing financial obligature, explaining thoroughly to strike was still on the upewing. But some of those who were op send the negotiations committee port all endeavors and struggles simple manner both sides of the tlons by systematic canvassing of CHICAGO, Aug. 28. On The spirit was high and getting posed to the settlement asked over to the factory to try and get our sympathizers here in New Permanent Revolution as opposed for the improvement of toller Thursday, Aug. 22, the Crystal Pure better.
The picket lines were strong. Berny for advice. The mem more concessions. During the reYork City and an intensive cam to Socialism in One Country. cam About 60, 000 members organCandy strike ended. Today the 250 Nobody was working in the shop. bers immediately began to organizacess, the and passed out palgn of letter writing you recommend?
Ised in 800 branches, Reserves workers returned to their jobs. The The strikers and their families an active opposition to the settle a leaflet calling upon the strikers We therefore appeal to all rendAnswer: It is very difficult to list 88, 100, 000.
overwhelming majority have not were being fed. Hardly any trucks ment among the rank and Ale. to stand by Berny and Mike and to ers to help us meet the emergency the theoretical works defending the Death benedt graded accordhad thelr wage cut restored; that is bad gottes through Berny Landau the hall, before the meeting fight for complete immediate created by Gould Alness. theorem of Socialism in One ing to wo at entry. Sick benefit and cooks received a cent an hour truck had been stopped from to be negotiated. The slab men flying squads. That very day a was officially called to order, Lan union recognition.
Send contributions to Jane Og Country because, to all intent and payments from 300 to 200 to om pick dau asked for the floor. It was The meeting reconvened hall den, acting national secretary, 56 purpose, they do not exist. The men and women, according to increase. It within 30 days the maing up a load, notwithstanding the granted. He devoted a 20 minute hour later. The negotiations com 11th St. New York City. entire theoretical reservoir of the cla.
jority of the workers are members fact that the riot squad pulled a specch to attacking the agreement. mittee had gotten nothing more.
Stalinista consists of two quota Monthly Assessments from 45 of the union, then the boss will run on Berny and told him not to He also pointed out that the bur. The settlement was put over on a tions from Lenin, which don mean recognize and deal with them on molest the driver. The next day and rate wanted to oust him from disgusted and discouraged strike Pioneer Publishers when the sections te hele his oppoveda to 20.
For further information apply But in that time, the bosses will see line editorship to appearbeidet med et technicalityand they could have the needs the advanced workers are and their point. Your editor knows of to Main Office: usdoubtedly make a strong attempt begging for negotiations and had they had not proposed it when he being organized into a Progressive PIONEER BOOK SERVICE no single Stalinist work devoted 714 Boneca Ave. Brooklyn, to win the majority to their side. already proposed the above and Mike were working 16 hours a Group to make a union shop out of (formerly Ploneer Bookshop)
And when one remembers that solely to this subject and you will compromise agreement. Everything day to make the strike a success: Crystal Pure and to introduce pro are now located in their new find that whatever is said by the READ THE NEW MILITANT.
workers are all broke and that they pointed toward a successful strike. but because the labor fakers knew gressive, militant policies into the quarters at defenders of the theory usually will not get a substantial check Bat on Wednesday evening the In that if Berny and Mike were able union; and eventually, a leadership ternational sent down Jack San to speak to the strikers, no sell out that 100 FIFTH AVENUE, aprenrs as an apparently unimpor reflect those policies and tord, general organizer in charge of would be perpetrated. When be the real Interests of the rank sod Telephone: Algonquin 4960 tant appendage to some other work.
You will find an authoritative de MASS MEETING the candy Industry.
finished, a prolonged roar of ap Ale workers.
tense of the theory by Stalin in He came to the strike committee plause followed him from the room.
bis Problems of Leninism (1934 meeting that night and immediately The bureaucrats then proceeded exdation, International Publishers. demanded the exclusion of Landau to put over the sell out. They IRVING PLAZA particularly in the chapter entitled on the technical charge that the talked for two hours. Toward the The Question of the Victory of International did not permit out end of that time the strikers start17 IRVING PLACE Socialism in a Single Country in Anti War Rally siders to attend strike committee coming into the corridor to ask meetings. Landau pointed out that Landau and Pretula for advice.
15th Street, between 3rd 4th Avenue which he apologizes for the fact that he once held the view that 80he really wasn an outsider since when the bureaucrats finished New York City cialism could not be built in a Speakers: he and Mike Pretula had organized speaking the strikers began to yell single country.
BILL STREETER SAM GORDON the spontaneous walkout into a for Berby. The moment he IRVING PLAZA Announces That The Same For a criticism of the theory DAVE ATKINS well functioning strike; and that he walked into the room and was and for an explanation of the JANE OGDEN, Chairman had been elected to the strike com greeted by a roar of applause, the Common sense Rates Wi Preve Permanent Revolution the mittee by the unanimous vote of the bureaucrats arose and began to Sunday, Sept. 8th. 1935. at 8P.
lowing are sufficient to occupy your strikers. The bureaucrat remained leave.
For The Coming Season rending time for quite a while: adamant. The strike committee was The chairman of the strike com Criticism of the Draft Program Irving Plaza Hall. Irving Place 15 St.
bluffed into acceding to his demand, mittee called upon the strikers to Halls For Banquets, Receptions, Meetings, Dances and The Permanent Revolution Anhãn 15 centa and later to the settlement. Francis support the International or follow by Trotsky: also the appendices to Heisler, who, as attorney for the Landau and lose the right of joinAuspices: parsons Youth League, District the first and third volumes of the Non Partisan Labor Defense had ing the union. That turned the IRVING PLAZA Union Hall For Union People latter History of the Russian been invited to work with the tide. After Landau left, a member Revolution.
Chicago Candy Strike Spiked International Youth Day tol