Fixed Calif. Vigilantes מט PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1935 Comments Sellout Terrorize Foreunner of Crumbs for America Starving Children On Life, Liberty For WPA Agricultural Laborers the Revolution Millions for Defense and Pursuit of Relief Strike Tor and Feather Union Organizers in Desperate By II. MUSTE Happiness (Continged from Page 1)
On a mountain side near Old ernment officials in Washington, Attempt to Stem Unionization; Fort, hundreds of men and By of American bankers and Imperial women gathered last Sunday for While the bosses and their govists in the next (and imminent)
But Crops Rot in Field BY BILL REICH His friendship for General Johnthe funeral of Larry Hogan, Work ernment appropriate hundreds of international murder match son has not been affected one whit ers Party member and Southern millions of dollars to protect thelr Estimated appropriations for the Log of a Hitch Hiker by the present serious situation in (Oontinued from Pro 1) of big business, will have to be met strike leader. The mountain folks interests at home and abroad the year of 1936 for what the bosses Hop in boy. We ll be in Nash which Johnson, with the entire used against Netzburg and others. determinedly, or the cause of labor from whom he had sprung, farm hand out a few miserable crumbe call social security and for bom ville by 8:30. The driver, government apparatus behind him. No one else but the police had the will be doomed. Vigilantelem hasers, unemployed, hostery workers to the workers. Their motto seems war are as follows: become a common occurrence: textile workers whom he had or to be: Millions for defense but Children Bureau, 403, 380 frayed Babbitt, halled from Atlanta has undertaken to smash union bombs nor the guns to fire them.
Police Cooperation Jackson, Pxley, San Francisco, ganized and with whom he had little or nothing for the starving Caretakers for Army horses, 1, 830, and eked out precarious living conditions and union wage scales Santa Rose is not a large town Richmond, Imperial Valley, Santa Lought on a hundred picket lines, children of the American working 900.
subacription combination. The car son success (read: govern and three hundred men could not Rosa and other places have been union officials, composed that crowd. chud Old age pension, 50, 000, 000 wab model of five years back and ment) in this campaign cannot fall organise themselves without police scenes of ralde by vigilantes against Editorials in the capitalist press Almost every day newspapers an Sea Coast Defense 88, 646, 618.
broke down before we had gone tar. to undermine orgaqleed labor stan knowledge and connivance. It 18 labor unions. The only way the of North Carolina commented on ble over the country carry such news Orphans, 21, 750, 000. National With a little tinkering we were on dards in the buliding Industry and definitely charged as proven that workers can defeat the vigilantes death which was the result of an itens as the following: Guard, 80, 812, 798 About 3, 000, 000 children to the Employment Service, 94, 000, 000 Lots of Negroes in this town. Despite the serious situation Meany, prominent honored citizens were anguish and appeals for sympathy. him as an arch enemy of the em. rural districts of the United Aircraft Maintenance, 54, 896, 761. remarked as we passed through representing labor, Ands it possible active but by having groups of workers ploying Interests, yet paying grads: States have been deprived of Women Bureau, 153, 680 CM Attorney General Webb, ready and willing to Aght for laboring pralee a bleak, dingy village.
to utter pleasing words about his his courage, skill and schooling during the whole or 1, 000, 000. Not Negroes, niggers to us he good friend. Gen. Hugh John obadve function to the verby all means matching weapon for power over the master Colorful part of the school form of 1933 Unemployment Insurance, 4, 000, replied, There are more niggers son.
dynamic, Aled with passion for 1935 because of insuficient school 900 Army alreratt 30. 710, 874 than whites in this county.
On Wednesday, Aug. 28, the PWA cases in Santa Rosa, had the fol. Contrary to the hopes of the mas social change, were the expremtons fundo Are they mostly sharecroppers? strike committee met with Gen. lowing statement to make in reply ter class the jalling of eight work they used about him. Lo making publle these figures 000 Army Air Corpe, 28. 808, 400. ask.
Johnson at his offices the Port to a demand of the Civil Libertlesers, at Sacramento, a few months Less than seven years ago Larry recently the Dotted States Otice Orippled children, 3, 000, 000 Bharecroppers or hired bands. Authority Building. According to Union for investigation and action: Ago has not atifled the labor move Hogan, a young married man of 24 of Education Masted that over Army planes, 22, 188, 000 ment. It continues. Struggles are who had come down out of the hills 37, 000 rural schools were able he replied.
Harry Van Ansdale Jr. Busnelle There is nothing to investigate.
Child welfare, 1, 500, 000 Do any own their own land? Manager of Electrical Workers Hell no he esclaimed in ear Local 8, one of the major de some strikebreaker and Mr. Webb industry and on the waterfront. We to be distingulahed from tens of because of lack of funds In 461 Let some strikers say ch to developing in agriculture, mining to work in a cotton mill, was not to ponto the fall school term 3, 3232War Machine prise, we won let em.
mands by organized labor 18 reclas will be sure to call out all the have recounted in brief the situa thousands of Southern textile work rural districts funds this year Study the following table and He rambled on good naturedly. sification of all building mechanickorces at his disposal to restore tlon in Santa Rosa. Word comes ors. When, however, a 11. 00 wage Were Insutleient to pay teachers learn how peace loving country Our governor was all right untii Van Aradale reported to a meeting law and order, meanwhile beating that the Mexican Agricultural for a 70 hour week, plus a merellese Klaries for even one month. In bullds one of the most powerful he started to attack the President of striking electrical workers that and arresting workers by scores. Workers Union of Los Angeles and speed up, finally forced the workers some of the districts schools war machines in the world!
Navy Dept. approp. 6457, 805, 251 accede to This attack upon the lives of five surrounding counties is preparing of the Marion Mg Company to mained open only because teach We Georgians won let any man Johnson is prepared workers Navy Dept. PWA fund. 118, 328, 982 knock Roosevelt, not even the gov this demand.
He ll be turned out next In reality reclassification of me but evokes nothing out of him to go out on strike. The Jackson revolt, Larry was one of the leaders ers served in missionary capethe implett support of the miners are still holding out. On of the union and emerged from the ity.
Additional PWA fund election. m goin to see my chanics can only meen one thing the capitallist sta tea machinery, that there will be a struggle with killed by drunken deputies on the Omce of Education was 261, 780 The approprlation for 1986 for anchorized for Navy. 38, 000, 000 and two line boys. Don get to see trades unions are to be reclassified the matter how ca ml fled the poslan Septemple to one there onet, men picket line as an outstanding igure. While the appropriation for forage Total for Navy. 414, 132, 243 only for army hornea is 602, 317. War Dept approp. 341, 348, 261 Five locals of agriI ve got a skilled workers are to emerge from Francisco News, liberal paper, are on strike most of the time.
8, 639, 248 Larry learned many things durlike the following: wweet little dalny in Chatanoo this jugglery as unakilled labor. may be by the declaration of Webb. cultural workers have been charteding that strike. At its beginning lheadline we will run across a War Dept. WPA tund. blond, and boy how she can love! ers with a monthly wage rate of timid protest against the vigilantes Central Labor Council.
The San Francisco News in its in one county by the Bakersfield the quartette of which he was the 8, 000, 000 Children Under 16 On Total for Army. 344, 987, 404 Thus while the unions in has the following to say: She went with me for three days 56.
Grand Total. 957, 119, 647 leader was singing We are build Federal Relief Rolle.
last week. She sit in the car and volved refuse to organize the unThe capitalist class places a lot ing Jacob ladder, soldiers of the The result, says Katherine. This will be 7, 627, 725 per day We have every sympathy for of hope in the vigilantes as a wearead magazines while made my organized, the officials of these ungrowers who see their entire cross. Before many days had Lenroot, chief of the Children Bu for war but the bosses propose to pon against the workers.
calls. She a swell baby, and tons are prepared to monopolise all passed the words were changed to reau, le seen in increased sickness spend on the program of social year work menaced by a few sensible. Not like most giddy girls forms of government construction, read We are building a strong and death rates in families with security the sum of 98, 400, 000 for The terroristie action of union, workers of the mill.
He curtailed incomes, in malnutrition the whole year. Nearly 300, 000 you run across. guess that why city, state and federal, against the agitators. like her, she so sensible.
non union building trades workers.
How about some sympathy for the vigilantes has resulted in creat hnd learned, in other words, to the among children, in curtailed educa day for preparedness and almost These workers, because of their un the underpaid workers, with their ing labor shortage in Sonoma the idealism which had been bred tional facilities, closing of schools 000. 000 a day for the past wars.
An enormous Cadillac, the back organized position, are at present substandard existence wages! The County which may mean that the in him in the only realistic way and restricted budgets for health More than 8, 000, 000 day ground out of the bodies of the seat filled with luggage stopped a unable to obtain consideration from position of the News This possible under modern conditions, services.
was the announcement of namely, for organising the workers workers for the benefit of capitalist few feet from my outstretched of officials for united ac in the statement Safe for Capitalism Could the mob take a better Stellern, state director of national to cope with the oppression and thumb.
Meanwhile big hearted Uncle bankers and munition manufacturA beavy, course featured tion against the anti union activiwoman was the lone occupant. ties of the government and its way to arouse sympathy for its re employment, Mr. Stellern said misery to which they were sub sam grants the army the tidy little ers.
victims and to weaken any legiti 600 men are needed for work at jected. He learned the basic fact sum of 341, 318, 281.
spokesman in New York.
Nor is this all. This huge armed thought you were one of the profession, she remarked in a husky Unorganized PWA building trades mute ease there may be against once in the harvest around Santa of the class struggle in modern so While millions of children are force will be used also against the. in the enemy at home the disillusioned volce. What profession I asked workers, who apply for membership The victims sole crime was that that only men active in fomenting men and events in the light of that cultured while workers who will seek to make innocently. The show business, the In the unions of their respective circus. But see you don talk crafts, are informed that they can they took a position for the organ: Labor trouble and strike movements Marxian truth. He leared, further closed down and teachers go with demagogic promises of Roosevelt. are in in the front seat and you can ride be given those on strike.
our lingo. ll make room for you not join but that protection will the capitalist class this is a hein Behind all the obscene exhibition more, that the struggle was not aout pay, while the infant mortality for security something of a realsuperficial one but must end with rate mounts higher and higher. ity.
Against ware for Americanimfar as always like to George Meany, Pres of the State ous crime. And the News position of lackissing and frenzy stands the the destruction of the prevailing more than a third of a billion dolvigilante ethods do economic interests of the growers. economic system. He have a man around, not that they re Federation of Labor and Joseph Is that th become lark goes to make the United States rialism! Conversion of all war any good but they make you feel Ryan, Pres. of tlie Central Trades work in suppressing this crime the motive behind this 100 percent. a revolutionist. Ile also learned sure for capitalism, for the defense funds to the unemployed!
these methods merely arouse symism is cold profit. Patriotism is the that within the labor movement it tott for a circus. My husband a clowners of Johnson strikebreaking athy for the victims. The News refuge of all anti labor forces.
self there are the fighters and the and wor a concession. The Labor Advisory Board. While it is prefers the more regular channels class collaborationists, and decided show playing Paducah and m senerally known that this bard. cfficient instrument of oppression deliberating less than an hour and STOCKTON, Cali, Aug. 23. After that his place was with former, taking this chance to visit my old informed a group of technical workAt the close of the strike he could To the workers of the state, there a ball, a jury in this city found have eased into a secure position as tttttttttttttt Kentucky home and scout around a bit. uw in Billboard of an opere employed by the lark Depart is but little to choose between the Grey not guilty and released him a trade union organizer if he had The Fall season is now before us branches, although now with a dimHopkinsville this week. We ve been they demonstrated against Gen with the growers and the vigilante in April. Grey had shot down in machine. He felt instead the need pect that it will bring about tion is 59. 50. The Philadelphia methods.
cold blood Ray Morency, vice prest of study in order to discover the creat spurt in activities for the Kensington branch has contributed doing hick towns in Ninols and Johnson, it is also known that Ryan Made in Californla business is rotten. We got the and Meany. representatives of or dent of the union, who was on the intellectual justification for the launching of the eight page weekly. 34. 78, the Minneapolis branch Heurst inspired vigilanteism which Dicket line at the time of his death convictions he had reached in the the summer months are always 333. 60, the Chicago branches (three crowds but they won spend. Some ganized labor, themselves members look at clear of the big tent. No money, not utter one word against the Cauleeping the state is a Made in and had attempted to dissuade Grey struggle and to equip himself for more difficult and still we did not branches) 30. 25, the Los Angeles freaks but they steer of the above mentioned board, dia variety of fascism. The from carrying hot cargo in his translating his ideals into reality. do so badly as might have been branch 10. 00, the Detroit branch guess. We heard that business to strikebreaking action of the board. terror practiced by the small grow truck.
Thus he became a student at Brook the case. Already this week we can 00, the Youngstown, Kansas City good in Tennessee and we ll go The strike committee will continers, storekeepers, petty Officials and Class justice: Santa Rost and wood Labor College which had report a slight increase in total con and Gulfport, Miss branches each down there if they lift the infantile ue in conference with Gen. Johnson hoodlum elements, in the interests Stockton.
shortly before been placed under tributions over the proceeding week. 00, the New Haven branch 94. 56, the ban of the of paralysis quaranteen. My man and Mayor LaGuardia: but the But, of course, it is not nearly the Pittsburgh and St. Louis since that became the particular. His course at Brookwood was in enough. We still have a long way branches 00 each and the Davenpicked up this Cadillac for bar strike 18 In the bag betrayed by NRA feature which was declared terrupted by an educational period to go to obtain the total sum nec port, Iowa branch 50 sain, but god, it expensive to run the Ryans and the Mennys for the He going to use it as a taxi this dublous honor of a seat on strike unconstitutional by the Su on the chain gang In But what about all the other winter.
breaker Johnson Labor Advisory preme Court. Many predictions have line, the state having found the wary. 2, 000 is the amount.
already been made that the Guffey cient evidence in his strike activi The comprehensive plans outlined branches from which we have not Much to my astonishment a large the building project workers The immediate task confronting (Continued from Page 1)
Bill will suffer the same fate. Be ties to warrant a sentence, though by the New York party district or yet heard at all? There are a furniture van stopped. m going lor And unorganized is the credincluding an excise tax of 15 per to remember in the fact that it is evidence on which to convict the format its recent convention, are them are large branches. We have that as it may, what is important it had not been able to discover gantention, which began to take good many of them, and some of as far as Lexington, the driver erled. got in und the driver contion of a coordinated body of city cent of the sale price of all coal nowa force functioning essentially deputy sherits who had killed is now on the way to execution. But, not yet heard from Allentown, concrete results are still very Akron, FYCO and Oakland, Cal. tinued work out of Louisville wide project workers organizations marketed with a return of 90 per as a means of frustrating any direct strikers. m a contract driver and can haut with militant leadership. Only in cent of this tax to all operators action by the coal miners. John Plugging Along small. The most active comrades Cleveland, Columbus, Buffalo, To in the leld of sustaining and build ledo, Salt Lake City. Charleston, for only one company. The furnt this manner will unlon standards accepting the code. It sets up a Lewis has now the pretext needed Following completion of bising the party prege have formed a Va. New Castle, Pa. Northamp ture man that m hauling for keepebe maintained and unity between a national bituminous coal commis to cancel the projected strike for me busy. He tells me he sola. of and unorganized workers son appointed by the President and the six hour day and the six dollar work at Brookwood, Larry went special press and literature com ton, Pa: Dickson City, Pa, mt.
more during the last year than in established.
twenty three district boards of coal All such goestions to the coal labor perlod of dullness and slump in the the membership for an extensive Springfield, Utka, Wash any since he started business 25 ago. Most of the stuff goes nowadays they re taking all the for marketing of producers with power to fix prices board. No doubt this will be the labor movement. He plugged away scale of distribution to be followed Ington, and soon we may also ased on a course he will pursue. And before nevertheless organizing farmers, up by canvassing to eastern Tennessee and Kentucky. Jobs away from white folks.
subscriptions, expect to hear from our newly orair profit. in order to accomplish this board where these questions unemployed, textile workers, build Increuame of bundle sales and in gensanad braches in Fargo, Dak.
The governments doing a lot down just took my wife and daughter to what is called sustain the stabiliza may be treated exactly as were the ing small, secret groups, picking eral to push the campaign forward. Austin, Minn. and Albert Lee there and the people are buyin her folks. My girl smart one. tion of wages, working conditions, demands of the automobile working them the meaning of the class the New York district branches wiu Two active sub getters are wel In view of this the standing of Minn.
furniture. d make good time only seventeen and she ll graduate and maximum hours of labor. ers, the neel if it wasn for the cops. They re a from high school next year. She This part of the Bill, it should others who have and the many struggle, helping Pioneer Youth to bear special watohing. This week dently heading for the special pro had experiences fright. They boss us around and also the school teacher be noted, puts all the power of re, with established labor boards. The work with groups of mill and moun the record of total contributions offered for advance subscriptions Indiana saw em arrest a guy wife folks in eight years. tend sulation in the bands of the oper result of their experiences were Beginning with the general strikets as follows: Leon Goodman of Philadelphia has and they made him turn around to my business and let them tendators under governmental supervi. Strengthening of the company in High Point three years ago al set back sion. There should thus be little lons and a colle Branch on a narrow pavement. He blocked to thelr My boss is good to wonder of the fact that the large to their own Contribution Quotament in to date me subeeriptions change occurred. In one town after Harlem branch 57. 38 96. 00 to the amount 14. 00, and Paul 47. 90 106. 00 Graves of Detroit has sent in 00. kicked they tried to arrest me for him. He promised to get me a 39. 76 130. 00 The prices offered are for a total They tested my truck and made me job on another project when this limit. The provisions mentioned is thus revealed once more the revolt and wanted Instruction and Center branch 24. 00 30. 00 of 10 years subs. 00 each) or slow all my papers but couldn get one through.
Just work hard can serve them well. Not only can combination of the bosses, the gov leadership. In 1933 the Hosiery Matbush branch 22. 00 150. 00 twenty six month subs. 00 each)
anything on me.
the large operators corner the mar ernment and the top labor union Workers Union launched large scale Bronx branch and manage to get by.
18. 50 ket by the price fixing devices and bureaucrats against the rank and organizing campaigns in the South. Newark branch 54. 00 turned in by one individual: His15. 00 48. 00 tory of the Russian Revolution by The gun beat down unmercifully. ve read many of Trotsky squeeze out the smaller operators file workers. This has become typLarry was a member of the staff Boro Park branch and called upon incessantly for East Side branch by closing down their mines asical of the Roosevelt policy. Osten strike organization activity. Char Astoria branch One hour, two hours, passed. Trap works and am inclined to sympa unprofitable and throw many miners sibly it sets out to establish baracteristically, he was on the way Brownsville branch 75 90. 00Leon Trotsky, in three bound vol9. 30 00 umes. For a total of five yearly 50 63. 00 subscriptions or 10 of six months a a freight took form in my mind astonished by this statement from can serve also for the large opera reality it is an attempt to harness strike meeting when his car was from the other branches in the of Mary and Angels. 00 15. 00 bound copy of the Correspondence But finally a car responded to my Mr. who picked me up in Arkanagile thumb. The driver was thin NS. The trouble with you radicalstors to completely dictate and dom the trade union movement in a new crowded on the road and the accountry. that is those that have During the past week we can re and shrewd. promised my wife is that you re not realistic. Huminate conditions of labor, wages system of class collaboration super cident which in a few days brought so far participated in the campaign, cord the following amounts received and hours.
vised by the government. The top wouldn pick anybody up but you Long Is stealing your thunder. Why look all right. It lonesome riding don you take a few lessons from RA second aspecte clothes to labor larly characteristic of the John hot and backed up his father and branch still bolds the lead over all Center branch, 00 union offcials, and this is particu on his death occurred. Character we can record the following in the campaign: Contributions alone.
Huey and you ll soon bring about Bill refers more relations. It recically to labor lewis regime, fear strike action by other progressive natives around How far you going, asked.
the provi. To Grafton West Virginia, but Mr. has invented machine wions o! Section 7a of the NRA. the workers above alle andere pre: Old Fort in having Negro as well develop a leadership for the revolu Bast side branch, Ny. 75 not all today. This was a good news as we were dustry. It will do the work of afts will before its passage makes clear treate 4, Ancluding an outright sell camphite epiled rear the Planet Woutationary movement in the South. Flatbush branch, 00 story: m a carpenter. m work ital character of his statements ing applies not merely to the miners fined system of collaboration with opposition of many of the neighbors. praise Larry Hogan as an individu West Side branch, 290 ing on a PWA project, the Tygart prevent me from being more explle union but to any group of miners. the bosses and become so much He had plans for putting up in the al; but because he and his expert. Harlem branch, 00 river dam.
Total. 16. 66 or any other organization there market but the company that is bas exactly the same legal status. bor ranks. This lesson the actual building his own little house, a sands, in the South and in other Advance Subscriptions Most of the men are satisfied, and manufacturing it plans to set aside Finally, a coal labor board, appoint operation of the Coal Act will once couple more buildings to bouse a sections of the country who can be et es side ed by the President, is to be set up more make clear to the workers, out the promising young fellows army and because it is important Goldberg, St. Louis. 00 the on the job. The government has the rehabilitation of the men to adjudicate all labor disputes and and with redoubled force.
and girls, said Larry, who em that the Workers Party should men planted all around to weed out thrown out of work. Perhape it to have the power to hold elections PAUL LUTTINGER, erge in a strike, take them to Old realize both the assets which Semongton, Ohiengo. 00 the rele. hundred or more men would be more sensible to use the to decide wbo shall represent the DANIEL LUTTINGER. MD.
Fort for a month and teach them poses in these American mill Johnson, Minneapolis. 00 are fire each week. There not profits to aid in overthrowing the miners.
something of what it is all about, tants and its responsibility for findGreetings many niggers on the job. wouldn profit system and to install sys Indeed, what we have here is a Washington Square Norte send them back into practical ac ing and developing them. With such Minneapolis branch. 60 work with one. If there anything tem where labor saving devices repetition of the NRA, but in worse And 8 Except Sundays tivity, bring them back again for as these a really new South, Dew Previously reported. 480. 96 hate it a nigger. They re all would be a blessing rather than a torm. The Guffy Bill does not fix and Holidays further instruction after six months America, new world will be won Ngbt if they keep in their place but durse.
maximum hours or minimum wages or a year; that is the way we will the workers world.
Grand Total 526. 11 The Manager Corner is Guffey Bill is Blow to Miners traffic for twenty minutes and when me and do a lot of extra things goal operators backed the Bill to the in the passage of the Guffey Bm another the workers were ready for West Side branch