CommunismEnglandFranceImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyMussoliniSocialismStalinStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the PRICE CENTS VOL. 1, NO. 36 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1935 Labor Skates, Mayor, Profits in African War Imperialist Carnage Awaits Bosses FormAlliance Mussolini Raid on Ethiopia To Smash Local 574 Minn. State Federation Officials Line Up rubber barons, who increased Tyrant in Chief Bill Green Pass Guffey POWERS READY with Open Shop Employers in Fight Dictates Auto Union Heads Bill; Blow to Boycott of ImperialAgainst Militant Unionism Overrides Overwhelming Vote of Membership Mine Workers ist Italy Must Begin Now Defeating Dillon for Office at Teachers Win Legalizes Company UnVictory Over Sellout Fixed Green Machine headlines Labor Chiefs Ask Drive For WPA Militants Defeat Move from the worse reactionary heels in the auto industry.
Relief Strike et Fight: Offers Entire Facilities Meany Pals with John CLEVELAND, Aug. 29. Pro: man, although he had previously received a press card from the reso breaking Moves srs and this entire labor movement with other representatives of the press new AKRON, Ohio, Aug. 26 Rubber workers received a grim reminder of the world significance of Mussolini brutal aggression in Ethiopia this week as they were ordered lu the mechanical departments of the large factories to bring out of storage molds used to make Kas masks.
It is very evident that the their fortunes by the millions in the disastrous World War, already anticipate more bloody profits from the precarious world situation of today.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Aug. 28 Crusading to Make MinneapollsSafe for Profits, an unholy alliance has been formed between Minne International diplomacy is spin sota State Federation of Labor oflicials, the notorious Citizens Alliance, Convention in Detroit ions; Stifles Strike ning its last threads in the web of and the Farmer Labor mayor, to crush Drivers Local 574, sword and imperialist intrigue aronnd the shield of labor in the Northwest.
BULLETIN Movements kingdom of Ethiopia. While neuBehind the closed doors of Mayor DETROIT, fug. 30 Dietator William Green, who crawls on all trality way bring guaranteed efThomas Latimer office the fours before the bosses and the President, threw Into the waste basket conspiracy to smash militant un The 14tge of the Gulfy Snyder recting both Italy and Ethiopia, 11 the democratie decisions of the convention of the auto workers now in ionism in Minneapolis was hatched session, overrode the crushing defeat administered to Dillon and his Coal Bin just before Congress ad De kept laying in war supplies Spread over the capitalist rags are machines and tandpleked the incoming Executive Council and officers journed undoubtedly brought great and purchasing the raw materials satisfaction to the officials at the necessary for the manufacture of on Incorrigibles and United Mine Workers leadquarters arms and munitions. Boatloads of Ing In Strikes Hit by Labor LeadTo Oust New York BULLETIN It has now become law. But what Italian troops are keeping up a ers; Unwarranted Interference by DETROIT. Aug. 28. Burke. ochran, correspondent for the NEW will it mean to the mine camps, steady traffic on the way to East Afrien, Outside Unions Opposed and CitProgressives MILITANT, was ordered out of the convention of the United Automo About 450. 000 soft coal miners, More than one quarter of a milIrens Allanen Joins Labor in Rackbile Workers held at the Fort Shelby Hotel by Francis Dillon, chair wracked by the twin scourge of unemployment and low wages, have lion men are now campal in the territories bordering on Ethiopia to Help Stamp Out Incorrigibles, gressive forces at the convention of lutions committee of the convention. He is sent in a written protest time and again asserted their de Only the military command. ready.
etc. etc. ad nauseum.
son Despite Strike the American Federation of Teach to the resolutions committee and demanding that he be allowed to sit mand for a six hour workday and aim, fire, is needed to get off a con That the high officials of the the six dollar a day sale. The flagration that must inevitably State Federation brazenly dare to scored a at present contract with the conl oper. bring all of humanity into appear in the broad daylight before day session. The Lefkowitz Lin DETROIT, Mich. Aug. 28. Theolutions committee began its report. ators expired on April first and world carnage.
all of Minneapolis labor arm in arm By JACK TAYLOR ville motion to revoke the charter constitutional convention of the Among a lot of innocuous resolu the union officials were empowered In the meanwhile, Haile Selasie, with the worst foe of unionism, the In spite of the many radio of the New York Teachers Union United Automobile Workers, meet tions, one was slipped in to the ef to call a strike gain these main king of the Negus, is mobilizingCitizens Alliance, is a clear sign speeches by leaders of the of which would have meant expulsion ing at the Fort Shelby Hotel here rect that Dillon continue to serve demands; but they preferred to it could be called that 750, 000 men of the progressive elements was de in Detroft is entering into its fourth as President of the International, place their hopes in the passage of to stand off the imperialist inva les siguilleant is the fact that, Building Trades unions and feated by a roll call vote of 100 to days yet the convention has with his salary to be held by the the Guffy Bil. Three times the conta during the famous drivers strikes particularly the speeches of George 79.
nothing more substantial to report Britain is sending war whips to of last summer, they were very Meany, head of the State Federation in similar fashion the entire slate than the adoption of a few minor American Federation of labor. Ac projected and again postponed natonee, Carl Shipley, a progressive of lowal strike was called off in antiother wary of a similar move made by of Labor, the strike PWA and of the progressive forces was el bill utlying naval stations in the war Dan Tobin, mogul of the Teamsters WPA projects in New York City lected as follows: Raymond Presolutions and a name for the un local 18437 of South Bend was oncipation of the passage of the the Suez Canal, Malta and Low. ion, The International Union of his feet and offered a substitute it was on the Roosevelt administ zone.
International. The spectre of fight bas simmered down to the partiel ry. Cleveland, Pres. Geo. Davis. United Automobile Workers of Am that all oficers of the International ration must list and it was And Laval, with typical French ing unioniam, dreaded by them farnation of no more than two Cleveland, Seefy Treas. and memerica.
elected by the convention. Di supported jointly by the large cool polish and sophistication has unmore than any bosses association of building trades unions, local bers of the Executive Council The Dillon machine has come lon, who acted as chairman, sala operators and the officials. earthed a pretty euphemism for is moving the fakere into action Cancels Strike Action Mussolini imperialist war of in Outside Interferencen er Electrichern Workerbrennar hand Chistrom Teinte. Maynard Krally determined to place its heavy rated him, so the motion involved Of course, the Gufy Bill wil invasion, calling it a colonial exIt is openly admitted by these Bricklayers Union of with ger (Chicago. Walter Bergman hands around the throat of the Inhim (Dillon) personally. Therefore no sense meet the demands of the petition.
alates in their joint statement with locals 37 and 34 in the forefront. Detroit. Anna Dart (Santernational from the start; to place he would turn the chair over to coal miners. The fact that it enBritain Game the mayo what they are most George Meany, representing the Francisco. Mary Grossman (Phile the automobile worker in a strait Pres. Green. Groen came forward, joyed the support of the large coal The greatest factor which has no concerned with is outside Interfer State Federation of Labor and adelphia. Florence Hanson (Chl jacket and to dampen his ardor. suave and prepared. The machine operators should make this perfectly far kept 11 Duce from his desired ence in strikes, falling to mention holding a membership card in the engo. Mercedes Nelson (Minn. The first session opened with ait appeared was well oiled. Every clear. But this is not all. The goal has unquestionably been the 574 by name but obviously refer Plumbers Union, has to date Satterthwaite (Seattle. blowing of bugles and a fanfare of thing seemed to be running accord same as the anticipation of the pas attitude of Great Britain. As stated ring to them. And while ranting taken no action of any kind involv. Weinberger (W. Va. Claude drums. First, the usual quota of ing to schedule.
sage of the Guriy Bill served be previously in these columns Eng against this so called Interference ing the membership of his trade wmiams Ark. Wells (Wisc. speeches. Then delegation of Gren began explaining. Now ore to postpone strike actin it can land has too much to lose from a (read: solidarity) they deliberately union. Philip Zausner, the social. Mary Merrick (Chicago. about thirty men was charged with was a transition period, a proba nw be expected to serve as a means complete domination of Ethiopia by overlook their comrades in arms, ist leader of Painters District The great surprise of the elee the honor and responsibility of pro tionary period; the of L, like to cancel strike action for the coal Italy, England wants absolute the Citizens Alliance, which never Council No. is as silent as a tomb tlons was the election to the Ex ceeding to Suite 1873 of this hotel a father was solicitous for the wel miners demands together. This control for herself of the Lake loves a minute in interfering. Le on the strike. Not a single member ecutive Couneil of Ches. Hend and there conveying to the Presl fare of a child, wanted to watch after all is its real purpx.
Tu region, source of the cotton helping other employers in a strike of the thirteen locals affiliated to ley of New York, representing the dent of the American Federation of over the International. Is it pos The Guffy Bill is a part of the wealth in the British controlled situation and is owned body and the council 18 on strike. The same minority opposition in Locals and Labor your desire to usher him to sible, he exclaimed, that we can legislation symbolical of the Roose Egyptian Sndan.
soul by Wall Street.
18 true of the carpenters, wire the defeat of Abraham Lefko this convention. As Pres. Green not extend to you the help we are velt regime. Similar in essence to France, too, would prefer a The ferocity of their opposition lathers, steamfitters, plasterers lo witz who was also a candidate entered the convention hall the craving to give? For half an hour the Wagner Bil it is to serve as a peaceful slicing apart of Ethiopia to 574 has as its immediate cause incals 30 and 60, etc.
for that body.
chorus sang How do you do, Mr he kept alternately threatening and means what is popularly called, with each of the imperialist powers two recent struggles in this cityMeany broadcasts over the radio Green Splitting Telegram Green? Then after a long speech pleading that Dillon be accepted diminishing the causes of labor concerned getting equitable porthe strikes in the Ornamental Iron regarding general strike. while significant factor in the victory full of patbos and deep feeling as the President of the Internation disputes. But this merely diplo tions. Ethiopia remaining nominWorks and the Strutwear Hoxfery considered by many as radical are of the progressives was the impo Green presented, with a deep and al.
Mill. In both cases members of nevertheless mere talk intending to dent and intimidating telegram sincere consciousness of the solem As soon as he finished his resigned to prevent the workers from And so the League of Nations is leaders had hopelessly bungled the background for behind the scenes delegates when it was read 374 stepped in after of La premire the necessary psychological from Pres. Green of the of Lnity of this occasion charter to marks up jumped delegate after resorting to strike action to gain to meet again on September and aroused the the United Automobile Workers. delegate from Toledo, Cleveland, their deneinds. With its various There France will endeavor to get the There it is, he cried. It is South Bend, Norwood, Kenosha ali provisions the Guffy Bill aims to Italy to see the broad, liumanitarian in only on the ocial request for New York (Gen. Johnson) and gov convention at yesterday session. yours. Quleting down a little, be the substantial delegations as a divert the coal miuers from the way out of the conflict, by taking assistance by the local unions in (Continued on Page 2)
Miss Selma Borchardt, legislative explained that the charter gave the matter of fact, and rejected with path of struggle, from making use as much of Ethiopia peacefully volved. And in both cases the tae representative of the of union jurisdiction over production indignation the attempt the part of their organized power and instead as she could possibly get by war.
ties of 574 turned a certain defeat at Washington, and a Leskowitz workers only and that for a tem of the of to ram down their to tie them up in a complicated For is not France a peace loving country? It is. Stalin las so de As previously reported in the NEW she had ar They Power clared it. And Herriot shall repreMILITANTI was Roy Weir, or Sure in RubberUnion ranged to have Groenend, the designated by the press be the Am to their intelligence All the accu. The Gulfy Bill has been called sent France in the debates on this mulated bitterness of a whole year: a little NILA for the coal industry. question. Litvinoff will gain ties brought nothing but disorder sychological moment. But the Green Pleads, Cajoles, Whines the betrayals, the sabotage of the It impreses a code on the industry worthy ally. For is not llerriota and demoralization into the ranks By JACK WILSON (Continued on Page 4) The next day the handpicked res Dillon office, revealed itself in their (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
of the Hosiery workers 574 put AKRON, Ohio, Aug. 26 The pet indignant but restrained remarks the strike on its feet and the leader resim of William Green, reaction.
For about an hour and a half the delegates debated the motion. Then was badly beaten by the cops song rubber workers convention. Green ruled the substitute ont that this aim might be achieved. to form an international union be of order!
Uphold Police Action in Strikes a purut show, with him pulling The vote was now to concer with The timely and effective action the strings, came nearer realization the recommendation of the resoluof the Drivers Union has made them this week as prominent tools of his tions committee or not to concur.
the source of hope and courage for rolley were elected among the del By C, CURTISS They then descended upon Nitz roll call vote was taken and the Practically every shipping clerk ladies garment industry. They are all unorganized and newly organates.
SANTA ROSA, Calil. Aug. burg, a rancher. Shotgun firt met chairman finally announced the in the ladies garment industry in striking for union recognition, a ired workers Minneapolis. This The selection of George Roberts, Santa Rosa is the cheif town in them at Nitzburg ranchouse. The resolution had been defeated by a New York is on strike. Responding 23 minimum weekly wage and the is what makes the labor skates so of organizer, as a delegate Sonoma county from which come brave mob of 300 then fell back, vote of 164. to 112. Cheers greet to the call of Ladies Apparel Ship 35 hour week.
fearful. And because of this they from Goodrich local, was of par the big, red, juicy, Gravenstien and sent for tear gas. When the ed the announcement of the count. ping Clerks Federal Union between The strike shows a great need of have agreed to uphold Mayor Latricular importance for it lent strong apples and hope. The crops are was arrived it was shot into the This was the first test of strength 12 to 16, 000 walked out on Tuesday. a change in the structure of the imer if he finds it necessary to use confirmation to the suspicion he ripening now. The trees are load. ranchhouse, driving Nitzburg and boween the progressives and the It was an overwhelming response. CO. in the direction of an Arm police measures to prevent al. was being groomed as president of cd: the branches sigging to the his family out. They rounded up reactionary machine, and the pro The union was not prepared to industrial union, with an agreement legal picketing in future Industrial the international union by the earth. Libor is needed to harvest three others, manhandling women gressives had come out victorious! handle such masses and some con coverig all workers in the Industry controversies. Even open strike Green bureaucracy which seeks to the apples and hops. The cry is in their attempts to capture their The convention had voted its de fusion resulted. With the support While the shipping clerks are strikbreaking 18 not beneath them! continue its strankle hold over the for labor, labor victims. The five were ordered to cision on the matter, but as the of other unions, efforts to perfecting the truck drivers are at work The use of police in strikes 18 Labor does not respond to the kiss the American flag. Nitzburg good book says, Man proposes, but the strike machinery are being and in some cases actually doing nothing new for Mayor Latimer. Although the majority of dele cry because the wages offered are and Green refused, while the other God disposes. After the meeting made.
the work formerly. done by the demagogue, elected against Bloody scutes from Goodrich and Firestone not sufficient to maintain even the acceded. Finally they beat Nitz was adjourned, Green informed the Besides the usual difficulties such and cloak makers are at work and strikers. In the shops, dressmakers Bainbridge, on promise to keep the local are preponderantly conserva low standard of life the agricult burg and Green into doing likewise press this has no effect on the cops away from strikes, ho person tive trade unionists, a goodly port ural workers are accustomed to, but as a reprisal for their refusal status of things. Dillon will be as strike breakers, thugs and cops, though anxious in the main to sup ally supervised the herding of seabsion of workers favoring industrial The workers are organizing and they shaved the beads of the two retained in an executive capacity: Stacle to overcome truck Drivers port the strike, they are bound by and provided them with police con unionism and local autonomy also corming into unions.
voys in the first strike actions un der his administration. Everything two questions are the key issues of striker apple juice there want ever them shouting, the triumple point to the national convention of Local 102 LLG. is working contract. Apparently no attempt were the of in October, but the overtime to move shipments held up called to arrange for what limited might have proceeded smoothly, the convention.
Rosa. The workers called a meet drunk, paraded the two through the charter clearly states that the ex with seabe Aling the places of The Mohawk and General Locals ing. Vigilantes crashed into this streets of Santa Rosa.
ecutive council can appoint its et laders of Local 102 is running support could be given by the Cloak high Pressure from other unions and Elevator Operators unlons. As makers, Dressmakers, Truckdrivers strikers, it 674 had not intervened. selected men known widely as hold strike meeting, dispersing it, and The vigilantes instructed all five ficers.
has been brought to bear on Sol think, however, that can Metz, Secretary Manager of the challenges are being hurled back the friend of labor and the Farsantiments and thus express the period. the vigilantes have a result all sorts of charges and At present, the vigilantes, en straighten this out today to the local and other oficials and there and forth. Dressmakers charge the been mer Labor Party might have been teelings of the great majority of terrorising Sonoma county. The couraged by the great feat of 300 satisfaction of all parties.
able to continue to pose ne the the workers, highest point to date was reached vanquishing five, are mouthing they have been straightening the is some hope that strikebreaking by officials of Local 102 with strike workingmen party Discredit Another more of the of on the night of Wednesday, August threats of invading San Franciscothing out for the last day and a union truck drivers will be stopped. breaking, and the charge seems well (Continued on Page 3)
membership drive after the selecters, accused of being Communists, front unions Their reception by with all of the delegations, soft ets and company thugs have taken lenges the Dressmakers to call a Fone delegates and before the con were tarred and feathered and then the maritime unions will be warm soaping, pleading explaining chat, gave a good account of them that they are under a contract.
SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION! vention which they will try to marched through town for eight They will be met with open arms, they falled to obtain by coercion, the number following your utilise to create an impression at hours.
and doubled fists.
selves Cops and squad cars on they now intend to cheat the con horse and a foot are getting in their which forbids sympathetic strikes.
name on the wrapper is the convention that the rubber Patriotism and a Drunken Mob The local police and authorities vention out of by diplomacy.
All of this could be avoided or at workers, by Joinitig now, have The night riders began their ac undoubtedly cooperate with the Compromise Not a Defeat!
usual strikebreaking. Many pickets worst minimized by the proper con36 always approved their polles. tivities by taking Jack Green, a vigilantes. While the victims were It is understood that compro have been arrested. One picket, a ferences belng held prior to the The red scare so often used sign painter of Santa Rosa Jack being paraded up and down the mise resolution is being sought.
sabeeripeton has EX. died down temporarily since leading of the Central Trades and Labor perind of eight hours, the police did that the majority of the delegations sult because a shot from the thugs elvas sprit of the young strikers before the voting on delegates has Green for many years was president main streets of Santa Ross for a Late Tuesday night, it was rumored thug is charged with felonious as Despite the difficulties, the marv.
PIRED. Wo urge you to send progresives were defeated. Of Counoll of Sonoma County, and up nothing The police of Santa Ros bad agreed to the election of Martevolver wounded a passer by.
rises over all. Many shops have in your resowal by return mail, course, it it will be revived at any time to two months ago was president of have not yet been able to answer tens of Kansas City as President of The shipping clerks, some of signed on with the union and there these for the receipt of during the convention set for Sept. the local union of sigo painters. He the question: how did the riders the International, and that Dillon whom posh racks of dresses through is every reason to expect solid yoer copy without interruption 12 ff the rank and file begins to get is at present a delegate to the Cen get the tear gas bombs that were would act as his advisor. if this the streets, are the lowest paid and organization of shipping clerks as out of band tral Trades and Labor Council. Continued on Page Continued on Page 3) the most overworked of all in the a result of the strike.
into a favorable chance for victory Packed Convention adherent, admitted on the door o porary period, the oficers to fane throats an appointed president system of governmental boards.
a numero del Monte Pin Armed Vigilantes Terrorize Calif. Agricultural Workers Shipping Clerks Out Solidin NY Strike;DriversMoveScabGoods rubber workers.