AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1935 de los The Comintern Goes Back to Kautsky ism the NEW MILITANT the fact that the workers republic and that with which is merged alone championed the right of self determinaTHE MILITANT Published weekly by the New Militant Publishing Co.
of imperialism the Soviet Union maintained an 55 East 11th Street, New York City Phone, Algonquin 9068 attitude of implacable hostility and it proclaimed this attitude in words and deeds.
Stalinist 7th Congress Throws Overboard All the Teachings of Marx Entered as second class mall matter at the Post Office Lenin had no objection to accepting potaand Lenin on the State and Internationalism at New York, under the act of March 8, 1879.
toes and arms from the imperialist brigands JAMES CANNON.
when the Soviet Union was in need so long as Editor this furthered the cause of the world revoluBy JOHN WEST theory of socialism in one country, Democratic theory best stated by tee the victory of fascism, and the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tion. In general there could be no objection In 1928, the sixth Congress of the keystone of the arch of Stalin. Kautsky. No question of principle concomitant loss of actual demoIn the United States 00 per year; 650 six months. to any endeavors of the Soviet government to the Communist International met What follows? Peace must can be more important: only by the cratie rights. The only defense of Canada and Foreign 50 per year; 00 six months utilize the antagonisms in the camp of the im to record the triumph of Stalin be preserved. What then follows? clear and constant recognition of democratic rights in the Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
of of Forester for Vol. SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1935 No. 33 of expedieney. But the fundamental objective consolidate the abandonment or in converted into peace propaganda the fact that the bourgeois state in socialisme and Thus the doctine can serve must remain the furthering of the proletarian the utilization of the ci in the ests of its national proletariat to must be destroyed, can a revolu. only to weaken, disarm, and disorShame!
revolution. For Stalinism this fundamental years ahead, more and more directly the construction of socialism in the tionary party sustain a objective no longer exists. It has turned in the reactionary interests of the What follows? The interests strategy in the class struggle. Any real struggle against fascism.
Through the Daily Worker we are informed Lenin formulæ into political solidarity with Stalinist bureaucracy and against of the Chinese, German, Austrian, watering down whatever of this The United Front is of course the interests of the world proletar French. workers must be be principle means, necessarily, be an indispensable tactic in the rev.
that Litvinoff representing the Soviet Union the brigands of imperialism.
iat. Seven long years of disaster trayed to Soviet nationalism. The trayal.
olutionary struggle. But the Unit in the League of Nations Councilvoted for From the very beginning of the chain of have demonstrated in the labora cause of the proletariat will be adTwo Sources of Degeneration ed Front must be aggressive, milithe resolution to dismember Ethiopia, based on events that have characterized the Stalinist tory of history the role of the vaneed and the defended not, We can trace consequences of the tant, fighting an instrument by the 1906 robber treaty between Italy. Britain foreign policy of the Soviet Union we sounded under Stalin: the structure which as Lenin demanded by the overand France, not because the Soviet Union apthe alarm. The reliance on pacts with the once stood dynamically at the head throw of bourgeous states, by the con degeneration on this point gains leadership over the neres, joins the working masses in comproves of this treaty, but because the resolu bourgeoisie and the entry into the League of become solidified as the organizer thou, but by (a) the independent (1) Defense of the democratic mon action, with no sacrifice of construction of socialism in the rights of the workors and toiling program or principle. On occasion, tion contained a clause pledging Mussolini not Nations could only arouse false hopes in the of defeat, the agent of betrayal.
to resort to force while the matter was pending, working masses. New illusions of reformism When an Instrument which the along with (b) the preserva masacs is, under all circumstances, the United Front can even include, and thus set up an obstacle no matter how replaced the revolutionary objectives and heart of its struggles, to serve its the rest of the world in order to leadership in such defense is an class leadership, sections of other small to the fascist war plans.
served only to disarm the proletariat. From needs, abandons its progressive permit this socialist construction elementary duty of the revolution classes. But the after sabo And how is the world to know, we might ask, that position there was only a short distance function and turns against the That means the preservation of ary party.
that the Soviet Union or more correctly, the to the final approval of the national defense of class that formed it, the working the bourgeois governments, in their rights, for example, when they are every kind of United Front, now dominant Stalin regime does not approve of French imperialism as expressed in the Franco class cannot merely cast it off as a present relationshipe, in power, for threatened by the oncoming of Fas reverses itself to sanction an united The Marxist answers: Front policy even more disastrous this treaty? Where would be the place to pro Sov. et pact. Viewed in this light the actions of snake casts off its old skin in the only such preservation can maintain cism?
The instrument repeace. Not International revolu They can be defended only by the than no polley at all. The prole claim this fact if not exactly where the last of Litvinoff at Geneva with regard to the planned mains, and remains not as sometion, but pacifism and diplomacy, offensive revolutionary struggle for tarlan United front and the antithe independent African republics pleaded its fascist plunder of Ethiopia herome entirely thing dead and abandoned, but ac the classic balance of power workers power, only by the class fascist People Front are closely workers, the connected with each other by living case? But that would not have been possible, clear. This action was in perfect harmony tively, as a weapon turned against methods of bourgeois politics, will organization of the fighting proletarian united front, dlalecties, says Dimitrofe, and the says the Daily Worker because: All Council with the foreign policy of the Soviet bureau its maker. Veiled with the glitter protect the and the construce the building of the workers militia, developments from one to the of former triumphs, it becomes a tion of socialism.
the overthrow of bourgeols rule. other. This theme is repeated in resolutions have to be adopted unanimously.
cracy which is also the actual leadership of Will o the wisp to turn aside great The Inevitable Conclusions For this correct slogan and the 50 speeches at the Congresse.
the Comintern. From the position of revolu sections of the working class from And so, the representative of the Workers Quotation (2) draws the correct correct method of carrying into Lenski: The immediato persportionary internationalism characteristic of Len the Marxist road, to confuse, blind, ands from the thieves kitchen at Geneva to Fatherland joined with the imperialist brig in time has now emerged the servile social and sterilize them. Just so the conclusion: Granted the basic line practice, the Congress substitve in Poland is the broadest PeoComintern. If it were merely dead, prevents international revolution, democracy against fascism (er factor in the maturing revolution of socialism in one country, which tutes The defense of bourgeois ple Front becoming a decisive offer Ethiopia the choice of assassination of patriotism of Stalin.
it could be forgotten. But it is not suicide.
dead. It remains, with all its corfor the sake of maintaining the Pieck, we defend parliamentarism ary crisis.
maneuvers for new imperialist conquests. It cague boots. This remains the life and death by the coating of early glories, atariat in this era is not between Daily Worker, July 27; Gorkitch, which is to include all anti fascist This closes the first chapter of the recent proletarian dictatorship and bour Real united front work has re elements. It is the logical devel unfolded behind the scenes as well as at the question for the masses of the people every tremendous obstacle on the path ofreols democracy, but between bour cently begun (in Jugoslavia. Its lopment of the conception of the working class. The Seventh front doors of the League of Nations charac where. It is the crucial test for all groupings Congress meets, not to chant the scope democracy and fascism. aims must be to establish a united a proletarian United Pront tls car people government ried out, for example, in France.
terized by Lenin as an insurance policy in and tendencies within the working class. The death of the 1, but in a desper. Therefore, the working class is led anti fascist The United Front is for the which the victors mutually guarantee each empty chatter about the League of Nations ate effort to patch up the rotting emphatic NO to all the generous offers and blasted to the skies. Only the application of the resten als het acteun the pathe New Signers for the Open Letter en contraceler mesatnost na tedentore cism, in defense of bourgeois de vanced by Litvinoff in his capacity as chair revolutionary methods of struggle against war Seventh Congress. st meets, not to Ed. Note: We print below the first additions to the signatories of mocracy against fascism. The man of the Council. Now Mussolini is about can be of real significance.
organize victory, but to consolidate the Open Letter to the World Proletariat, declaring for the Fourth united front represents not a fighting structure for common struggle It is necessary to draw a line and draw it its position as an obstacle, to atto cast the die opening up the second chapter in action, but a capitulation to of actual warfare for the enslavement of Ethi sharply. Between the treacherous policy of tempt to prepare the last stages of tional Contaet Committee which will facilitate this Betivity. The first social democratic reformism. Consolidarity and unanimity with the League the ancrifice of the International letter is from the Cooperative Society of the Friends of the New Age, opis.
an independent French organization with strong influence in the trade sequently it is only natural that Council coupled with alliances for national de working class to Stalinism.
Through the maneuvers making up this first fense on the one hand and the Marxist position unions and the Socialist Party. The second letter of adherence is The Flowers of Stalinism the United Front can broaden signed by comrade Vereeken for the Internationalist Communist out into a People Front includchapter stands out most glaringly the shame on the other. no compromise is possible. For note, in the reports of the Congress, It is, therefore, not surprising to League (Trotskylst) in Belgium This is ikkewis an independent ing Daladier and the others, whose ful played by Stalin representative at Marxists the slogan remains: the enemy is group. as we go to press are in receipt of a copy of Spartacus, anti fascist character is shown in Geneva, equalized only by the revolting hypothe incredibly low political level of organ of this group, which contains extended comment as well as their their rapid efforts to hide when our own country. War is inherent in capital the discussions. No effort wbatsignature to the Open Letter. We will reprint sections of their com ever they smell a fascist.
crisy of a MacDonald or a Henderson.
ment in a forthcoming issue.
ism and the struggle against war is unthink ever is made, or could be made, at The People Government Litvinoff voted for the resolution based on To complete the picture: The the imperialist robber treaty at the Council imperialism.
able without the struggle against one own serious political analysis. No opposition on any question is present.
Parls, July 29, 1935 not studied immediately. We can defense of democracy and mecting held in July. But did this resolution No criticism of the past even such Doer Comrade say to you today that although People Front both, again quite Of course the Soviet Union is threatened in a past is suggested, beyond mila We have received your docu we are ready to adhere in the logically, lead to support of or set up an obstacle to the Fascist war plans. this developing war situation. But it would be scoldings about sectarianism for ments concerning the Fourth In founding of the Fourth Interm entry into a People government Or was Stalin correct when he asserted that ternational and our reply follows.
an idle dream to place any hopes for its defense over zealousness in the applicational, we would consider our ad. or a united anti Fasolst govern if the League is even the tiniest bump someWe are indeed sorry that these herence to be futile unless the ment. Upton Sinclair himself on the diplomatic games at Geneva or on mili tion of the line. Not one lesson what to slow down the drive toward war and is drawn from the world shaking documents came somewhat late, problem which we have indicated would feel at home at many of the tary alliances with bourgeois powers. At the events of the past seven years. Not sinco our leading committees have is placed on the agenda inmedi sessions of the Seventh Congress help peace, then we are not against the first opportunity these powers will strike their one negative vote for recorded been disorganized due to the vaately. We will submit our pro government the new Labor League? Obviously, history has again refutown most favorable military alliances and turn against the official resolutions. Any cation period and we fear that posals on this subject. We deem Party in the afiliation with ed Stalin. The League was not an obstacle Vitality still remaining the del with full fury upon the Soviet Union.
we will not be able to send you a it necessary to point this out to the British Labor Party in Great and could not be an obstacle. On the contrary, egates is devoted to 20 minute ovaAs war approaches we sound the alarm once tions for the great leader and motivated answer before a fort you and we box you tom ake this Britain (cf. speeches of Foster, night.
known together with the fact that Browder, Dutt, Pollitt. Florin decomposing, due to the impact of imperialist again. We emphasize: There can be no com teacher of the world proletariat At any rate, we can say now our publications are at the dis favors the slogan: Give us for contradictions, the League furnishes today onpromise between the policy of national defense and frequent singing of the Inter that, for us, the question on of the posal of any of the groups which ernment of the anti fascist People ly a cover for the vile games of bourgeois dip and the position of struggle for the overthrow nationale. But it must not be sup you may indicate.
Front (Daily Worker, Aug. lomacy in search for military allies to peepare Please recelve, dear comrade, Gorkitch will support the Macek of the bourgeoisie by revolutionary assault. posed that this takes away from national is Inseparable from the the new slaughter. Mussolini, adamant in pur. The former can lead only to a repetition of Rather does it make clear the signi question of the principles and the our fraternal greetings, government and Dimitroff, great methods of the building of sosuit of his prey, used the League to help the shameful betrayal of 1914. The real strug cance. It is only in such a soil (signed) GEORGE VALOIS, helmsman of the Comintern, sums cialist economy as the first act of Administrative Secretary up the new realism. are the revolution accomplished by nunciation of the formation or sup Britain and France. Stalin representative, gle against war must proceed in implacable an that the flowers of stalinism can the seizure of power.
tagonism to all these forms of social patriotism bloom.
The following is the letter of port of the government of the covering himself with the glorious name of Our opinion, formulated after or People Front and against the purveyers of these bourgeois comrade Vereeken in the name of united front The key to the significance of exhaustive conferences, is that the workers fatherland, became a partner to wohld be impermissible pedantism.
his group on the subject of the illusions, the Social Democrats and the Stalin the present Congress can be given the defeats suffered by socialism this deceitful game.
Open Letter: Dimitroft dialectics go further. In ists.
in three quotations from the pro and the Third International flow This action of Litvinoff is not a mere inci To the of the Re Lascist countries, where a bour.
from the fact that the socialismeelved your document. An affirmgeois democratic revolution devel.
dent for history to note and pass on to the (1) The victory of socialism of the Second or of the Third has ative answer has been elaborated op people front government order of the day. It must be understood as LA VERITE on a world scale in a brief historie not yet fonnd the method of dem and is now being examined by can become the government of a one link in a whole chain of policies pursued period is assured if peace is mainocratie realization of economie the comrades of our organization. democratic dictatorship of workers tained, thus making possible new Organ of the Bolshevik Leninist Group in French by the present day leaders of the Soviet Union.
construction after the revolution.
vietories of socialism in the The reply will be sent and pub and peasants. And the latter, no formerly Communist League of France)
We believe that new disasters lished in Spartacus.
doubt, workers dictatorship, and And it is fraught with dangers and treachery.
Subscriptions Single coples, 5c euch Pieck, quoted Times, July 29. are inevitable if this question is (signed) VEREEKEN. to socialism in two countries.
Naturally this system of politics can have plus 2c postage. 00 per year And the whole process, mind you. Now the working nothing in common with the example of the by dialectic evolution, without the Order from masses are not choosing between to support of bourgeois democratic which will support the Macek gov. painful tasks of revolutionary class first victorious proletarian revolution, that PIONEER BOOKSHOP the proletarian dictatorship and governments, it only these govern ernment it takes the necessary struggle.
still lives in the memory of the masses. In 96 Fifth Avenue, C.
bourgeois democracy but between ments promise to support the firm steps against fascism. Daily What wonder, then, that we shall Lenin time no doubt could ever be possible of bourgeois democracy and fascism peace policy of the In other worker, Aug. 14. But this means. Dimitroff, quoted Daily Worker, words, abandonment of Internation in effect, support of the clase enemy be asked to support the next imperialist war? Do not Dimitroff having got into the automobile, Aug. 15. alism logically leads to abandon for a bourgeois democratic cov. and the others prove to us that might use it and the firearms for. 3) In the present situation mnent of Marxian theory of the ernment is like a fascist govern support of democratie France and new robberies. Our compromise how should the boiling masses of state, which holds that the hour ment, simply one foran of bourgeois England and Czechoslovakia is the with the bandits of German imper Czechoslovakia fight for peace geois state is under all circum. class dictatorship. To support the high road to socialism?
ialism was such a compromise. against fascism? They must fight stances the political instrument of class enemy under any circumstane. But when the Mensheviks and with all means at their disposal the bourgeoisie and consequently means always to weaken one often during the Congress there is And what wonder, then, that so By HENRY THURMAN on the face of it a good Leninist Socialist Revolutionaries in Russia, for the preservation and deepen on all occasions the irreconcilable own forces, to disarm the proletar mention of organic unity with the We have uniform program maneuver But Lenin specifically the Scheidemannists and, to a ing of friendly relations between enemy of the proletariat and its iat buih materially and ideological Social Democracy? Kautsky him for socialism, the strategy and warned: there are pacts and pacts, large extent, the Kautskyists) in Czechoslovakia and the party tacties of the world revolution and we are able to tell the differ Germany, Otto Bauer and Friedrich for the carrying into practice the But with things as they are, the Social Democracy did in Ger self went no further from Lenin on one fortress, the Soviet Union; ence between a principled compro Adler (let alone Renner and Co. the key question of the state, on mutual assistanco pact between peace may not be preserved even many, where its support of the the key slogan one world party, the Communist mise and a traitorous capitulation. in Austria, the Renaudels and Lon Class against Czechoslovakia and the Weimar government class. and it was here that there International; one teacher, the Today, when hear our tactics quet ad Co. in France, the Fabians. Sverma, quoted Daily Worker, with iron logic, the necessary con prepared the way for Hitler great Stalin. Tremendous ap in signing the Brest Litovsk treaty the Independents and the Labour Aug. 19. clusion is drawn in quotation (3. Bourgeois Democracy and Fascism arose the dividing line that called plause, demonstrations, cheers and To arry into practice the mutual assailed, for instance, by the So ites in England, in 1914 1920, en for the formation of the new party It is of course true that the and the new international. the singing. Chinese tepresenta cialist Revolutionaries, or when tered into compromises with the The Poison Spreads assistance act between Czecholso question of what kind of bour Leninist International. The Sev.
tive at Seventh World Congress The political content of these vakia and the means precise geois dictatorship democratic or enth Congress turns back, back to by Comrade Lansbury in conversa and sometimes with those of the quotations must be carefully underly to support the bourgeois governfascist is not indifferent to the Kautsky and his fellow renegades.
It is a strange batch of rookies tion with me: Our British trade bourgeoisie of the allies, against stood. They are theoretical ac ment of Czechoslovakia in war proletariat (as Pieck stated in his There is no longer any real obstacle to the service of their French al missible for the Bolsheviks to com their own country, all these gentle in the degeneration of the Comin. perlalist powers notably Crecho proletariat is interested in keeping Democracy and Stalinism apart.
that Stalin and Thorez have drafted union leaders say that if it is per the revolutionary proletariat of knowledgments of progressive steps against Germany; and, since im. opening address. But what the in Lasic principle to keep Social lies; no less than Lenin, Marx and promise, then it is permissible for men acted as accomplices in band tern which have already been taken Slovakia ally France. will be or gaining is not bourgeois demo Engels are whipped into line under them also. usually reply first of itry. Left Wing Communism. in practice. Launched on the tracks involved in such a war, to support cracy as against fascism, but cer the tricolor to rally the communist all by giving a simple and popular But why waste our time on these of socialism in one country, the likewise French Imperialism. Thus, tain of the rights which the prole NEW YORKERS ATTENTION proletariat in defense of laval example: outmoded instructors of the past, could not leave it at that. For abandonment of the Marxian the tariat still has under democracy brand of culture. Imagine that your automobile is when they have been so adequately the poisoning of one cardinal pointory of the state loads, just as in Book Clearance and loses under fascism. However, The world has long grown accus held up by armed bandits. You replaced as Wan Min bluntly points of Marxian principle in this case, evitably as it led Social Democracy the democratic rights themselves, To make room for new stock, tomed to seeing Jewis Christ ser hand them over your money, pass out in his speech proposing the liq revolutionary internationalism prior to the last war, to an aban. when threatened by Fascism in the all miscellaneous books. im vices borrowed for the endorsement, port, revolver, automobile. In re uidation of Soviet China and form meant that the poison would donment of the Marxian position on era of the decline of capitalism, phlets and magazines have been in turn, of Church politics, monar turn you are spared the pleasanting of a coalition government: spread throughout the system. In war, to social patriotism, and pre can be kept only by a revolutionary drastically reduced for immedi chy. democracy, pacifism, imperial company of the bandi That We have iform for the end to point can be left unparations for the betrayal of the struggle, only, that is, by the over ate disposal. Visit our new ism, socialism, and of late anti compromise beyond all dubt. Do ut socialism (In one country. tainted. The abandonment of in proletariat of France and all other throw of bourgeois class rute in quarters today and take advan semitism: Ho we suppose that theredes. give you money, firearms, One fortress, the Soviet Union ternationalism is not a minor de nations which happen to be, for whatever form it appears, and the tage of our special prices.
should be nothing startling about a automobile, so that you give me (reputedly two, until the very hour viation which can be merely cor their own purposes, in alliance establishment of workers rule mere secular leader being utilized the opportunity to depart in peace. of Wan Min address. rected. It is a repudiation of with the to the war makers. Bourgeois democracy, left to itself, BOOKS OF ALL PUBLISHERS for divers strange purposes long. But it would be difficult to find a One teacher STALIN! Marxism. And it involves success defended by the proletariat, nec after his death, sane man who would declare such Ively the repudiation of every other wish in the remainder of this essarily is transformed by finance PIONEER BOOK SERVICE The Stalinist pundits solemnly a compromise to be inadmissible on Rally Support for the Eight Page cardinal principle of Marxism. article to demonstrate further the capital to fascism; and thus the (formerly Pioneer Book Shop)
assure us that Lanin mode pacts principle, or would proclaim the NEW MILITANT. These quotations mark major extent to which the has aban defense of bourgeois democracy, 100 Fifth Avenue, with the imperialists, and therefore compromiser an accomplice of the stages in the spread of the poison. doned the Marxist theory of the far from protecting democratic Room 1010 the present Franco Soviet pact is bandits (even though the bandits, JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY. Quotation (1) states brletly the state and has accepted the Social rights, is the sure way to guaranceedings They Have One Teacher