AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

TURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGRS Italy Alive with Unrest on Eve of African Conflict Duce Marches Mussolini Embarks on Campaign Against Congress Passes Harmless Full Speed to Ethiopia to Sidetrack Attention from Social Security Program War in Africa Poverty and Discontent at Home West Coast Notes By EARL LANE because of its indisciplined acts (Continued from Page 1)
PORTLAND, Ore. Aug. 20. Pacand its vandallom.
possibility of emasculation by the ific coast longsboremen began vot Besides, a state of constant Supreme Court remains Thirdly, ing today on the question of hand. Continued from Page Continued from Page 1) and who out of fear of Bolsbe everything, the solution by war in vigilance is being born. Rumors, the increased costs of production ling scab cargo from British Colum pears that it is acting as steady world The unity of the Italian Vism augmented the ranks of Abyssinia opens a road. But it is often exaggerated, are current may always be passed on to the bia ports where the longshoremen ing influence on the iron and steel state was consummated in 1870 un Fascism in 1921 1922, saw all his a road which can precipitate a catconsumer. Fourthly, new machin are on strike.
merkets. The possibilities inher der the impulsion of the Northern property disappear withoitie se only not excluded but appears very On this question hinges the fate ant in conflict between those ery, more intensive methods of proThis eventuality is not the troops in Africa. No ono be industrial bourgeoisie.
Lieves the official reports. Though duction to keep down the cost of of the present working agreement two nations have not been lost on its very weak specific gravity the prived of his bit of ground he is probable.
in fact, the latter proclaims hu social legislation for the employer, which expires September 30. Notice those close to the trade. Because industrial bourgeoisie could safe forced today beg for his exist man losses from unimportant ailcan and will be resorted to ments as true.
and more three store probleme me applies the manu Even Victory Fatal agreement was due today but LA Italy, formerly one of the beari over the political facturers Fascism has lost its soThis state In any cas the taxes will be commind agitates ratively small, percent of the officials asked for and received a est importers of American serap of the nation only by Even on the supposition that the fascist regime, which is seek Myroll for unemployment insurten day extension of the time limit. steel, has been absent from th lan, e. reactionary, methods. The chal prope. But the most disturbing Mussolini will carry through a vic ing by overy means to stifle news ance and a maximum by January The Maritime Federation of the market ately. However, it is inPacific has already voted to sustain dleated that the Mussolini gov regime of Crispl. 1887 1896) wit problem for it is the problem of torious war and that this war win and rumors. They have banned 1, 1949, of percent for the old age nessed the first adventure in Abys the youth.
be very brief, from September to all publleity to mournings caused pension system. The exchange of the embargo.
emment will return here for its sinta. The cities and Vuages of Youth Rebellious March, the results may be very by the Abyssinian adventure. In a few million dollars in social se Action of the Pacific const execu metals and with funds to fin Italy were still seething: the peasdisastrous for Italian imperialism.
Turin, for example, they forced curity benefits for a cut of billions tive board of the headed by ance its purchases.
ants of central Italy and the work The young generation, raised in The slipping of the lira, already a merchant to remove a notice of dollars in the wage bill is decidWilliam Lewis, in ordering a referendum independent of the ism bave as yet been enacted to rising, rebelling against the state. its right to live Games, sports, Even if the industries are worked No laws on the books of capital ers of the Northern Industries were Fascist surroundings, is demanding begun, will assume a dizzy pace carrying the legend: Closed be edly good business. Let Ma Per cause of sons in Abyssinia The kins, Eleanor Roosevelt and the Maritime Federation can only be keep steel manufacturers from Crispi the man of the bruscist festivals cannot fill the to full capacity for the war, even communications of death are now rest of the social workers have construed as an attempt to split the selling their product.
hourgeoisle. He energetically belly The youth, returning home in the pensant receives a bundred laconie and read as follows: It fling Finally, as experience in ILA. away from the Federation War Preparations Everywhere and thus materially weaken the coincident with the events in tionist attempt. Then came Adowather bread nor cigarettes and is products, the growing devaluation son for husband, etc) is de suppressed in blood every insurrec from the demonstrations, finds nel percent more for the sale of his has been communicated that your other countries has conclusively demonstrated, it is always possible, ranks of the maritime unions in the Europe and East Africa the March 1, 1806. Two Italian gen forced to demand his place in the of the lira because of the growing censed. In a note there is as the capitalist crisis intensifies, face of the attacks of the bosses. military machine is going through erals, 4, 000 soldiers and officers sun. Unconsciously, he is carrying inflation which will be necessary to warning not to give publicity to to effect a cut in the munificent the most stupendous maneuvers were killed there. Others were on the class struggle. Corruption cover the expenses of the war, will the news.
benefits due under these social inThe. and If fascism fears publicity of asurance programs.
and Frank department store, Blue armies equipped with all the lik defeated young Italian imper lengths that Mussolini and his will come very neur to that in Italy few deaths from sickness in Africa, largest in the Pacific Northwest, are accoutrements of modern warfare, talism. For five ensuing years the lackeys are compelled to refer in in 1019 20 and that in Germany what will it do when the list of Perkins Waxes Eloquent It is important to note the philon strike for union wages and union ten wheel tanks, poison gas, radio bourgeoisie tried to rule by terror. their speeches to the system, to 1923. The wages the workers, dead stretches out once the operarecognition cars, bombers, etc. are fighting im. After the bloody repression of the eapitalism, which has outlived the unlaries of the employees, fear tong begin? For we are inclinecosophy back of this legislation. It This establishment has as one of aginary Red armies in an effort to peasant movements in Sicily (1893) its usefulness. But if anti capital fully reduced by thirteen are present revival in business, the its partners former governor Julius test the war time strength and came the repression in Milan in ism in the mouth of Mussolint is fuscism will be utterly incor to believe that the Abyssinians is bused on the concept that he also good shots, They have dem upturn on the stock exchango ete.
Meier, who called out the national capacity of the standing army. Aus 1896. At the dawn of the 20th only demagogy, the young people of meeting the feverish rise in onstrated that very well in 1896 in is the beginning of a real capitalist guard at the request of the water trix is already pledged to stand by century Humbert the 1st was as do not stop at formalities; they prices (although operations Adowa. In the wars conducted by boom. In a feature article in the front employers last summer in an Italy and has declared its readinesssassinated by the anarchist Breset. demand deeds. And it is not with have not yet begun, the prices of democracies, the so called Free New York Times Frances Perkius Portland workers are once again The question et nost tiempo. wasement par le bloopenedoci ga pitalism out Importance that in the ranks fruits and veretables have already preau had this advantage over states The cost of social security will getting a practical lesson in the tance is: Can Italy withstand am flourished from 1900 to 1910. lent suppression of all clans spirit, also, in exchange for his products, ers who believed even in its lies. be comparatively small for some role of the state through the fact protracted and long drawn out The revolution tool the road of anti capitalist tendencies are every will receive money which depreci The fascist press is suspect. the years to come. This was deliberthat a policeman is riding in every confllet? Elsewhere in this 19sue legality. But not for long. The where gaining ground. Together ates from day to day. And then, people do not read it and do not ately arranged by the committee truck that makes a Meler and there is an analysis of the internal worker clolitti bloc lost the deportation camps are many territories, it will be necessary to disadvantage for fascism in a war. the incidence of tax might be Frank delivery in order to protect regime in Italy on the eve of the by the bloc represented with the old Marxists being sent to the order to pillage the Abyssinian believe it. This is an enormous for the President in order that the scab driver.
conflict. The maery of the Italian its effectiveness. The worker and young people who took seriously impose draconian measures on the dispatch made with the aim of gradual, as business and workers Longshoromen are refusing to masses unparallelled. The hung peasant masses one handle any merchandise shipped to er belt cannot be squeezed ang their fre at the state. The revo aries of the corporations. new which is protected by fascism and vigilance and agitation, more directed the anti capitalism of the function entire nation so that speculation, quleting the populace gives rise to will be paying this tax in the This is early years of recovery from do this establishment.
tighter. Add to that the horrors of lutionary current strengthened and spirit breathes in the Pascist jail. even nourished by it will not fall very significant for the application pression and before the full prop war and the Italian masses may developed. This was the period of The young unemployed graduate, to garner its profits. The famous of the attitude prevalent among the perity level has been reached.
Organized labor Joined ranks yet awaken and take advantage of Mussolinism, of Mussolini, the the young worker and the young queues known in the last war will Italian masses: an attitude of dis She becomes positively eloquent Ang in a militant protest against Ethiopia and put an end to fascism (June 1914) found Mussolini at the plane absorbed in the search of form again before the stores. Strikestrnst which will end with violent in painting the figure of the with the unemployed and the veter. Mussolini desperate adventure in revolutionary leader. Red week peasant of bread, who in the capi will reappear. They are already explosions. In the degree that this under liberal capitalism.
the 19 to 94 WPA wage scale, on in Italy foreover. But for that head of the insurrectionist move talist countries where fascism is reappearing.
state of mind tends to become gen The foundation has been laid.
Saturday, August 17.
more than despair is needed. The ment. But with such leaders only a threat, constitute the source But the war will neither be shorteral and active, it can transform on it will be reared a structure, Aparade through the main masses indeed are desperate. What the movement was bound to fail of eventual recruits which enlarge nor very easy. Abyssinia, which de itself into a truly revolutionary through the experience of the streets of the city was followed by is needed is guidance and help from and the war. From 1915 to 1918 where fascism has ruled for 13 fail to offer a very hardy resistance arore especially from the inertin of haven for the nation wage years to come, which will prove in fact, it did fail. This was the ranks of fascism In Italy, rented the troos of Crispi, will not spirit. The strength of fascism a mass meeting in Plaza Park the outside world.
before which lasted for several hours. The Italian Workers Must Aet Italy participated in the slaughter. years, they can find an issue for to Mussolini troops. The difficul the masses pulverized by violence ekmers in times of economic disOrganizations which participated The cause of the people of Ethi 16 1917 we see Caporetto and the their difficulties and their disconties Italy will face in Aghting Eth and terror. Fascism, by the war tress and when they become old the tale charts demonstration of opia is the cause of the Italian revole in Turin against the war. tent only on the road of revolution, topla are enormous if one considers Abyssina, itself is about to save and feeblo It will be a refuge the growing militancy and solidari laboring masses. There is no con. The revolution was not dead. The bellicose solution is presented that it will take place in a territory the masses the opportunity lost for also for widows and dependent of labor bere in this city were: Act between them. Their goal is Victory found Italy in complete to the discontented and aroused where the Abyssinian mule is the years of communicating among children.
the National Welfare eFderation, the same. liberation from fascism chaos. The masses of the North youth as the antklote to revolution best means of conveyance. There themselves and of feeling and sults it will likewise benefit all affiliated to the Workers Alliance and imperialism. The Italian pro and the Center once again rose Thus the Italian bourgeoisie is fore, it can be foreseen that the wanting the same thing at the same employers and investors by proCentral Federation Agent Unem letariat is being armed with phys against the state. Through the doubly interested in supporting the economic, financial, political and time: the fall of the regime. moting and stabilizing mass per chasing power.
Unemployment Council: Portland these arms must be added the arms olution was once again defeated. cause the latter appears as a pos Ethiopian conflict will be a thou The intelligence displayed by eco Central Labor Council, comprising of revolutionary Ideology. Let the Came Fasciam.
sible source of loot; and 2) because sand times more serious and acute What is lacking to prepare, tonomists, business men, workers and 88 local unions, Veterans Union, workers and peasants of Italy learn It oflers a safety valve for dis in the interior of Italy.
orient, to guide the masses seeking Congress in the passage of this legand the Oregon Truckmen Associ to use these arms Against their Fascism attributed the cause of charging the forces of revolution If one considers only the first another road than the bellicose so islation and the intellectual coordorsed by the convention of the Orers the ruling class of Italy.
ation. The demonstration was en own oppressors, their own exploit the economic and inancial crisis to which once again have made their reactions to mobilizations of tution of fascism and capitalism, age and human insight of the Prer the workers strikes, the very heavy pressure felt in Italy.
Mussolini, it is to be foreseen that their road, a revolutionary road, is ident have brought a renewal egon State Federation of Labor, it is necessary to show the Ital. taxes, the very high prices and the the hostility of the people towards an organized vanguard.
faith in the possibilities of life to which adjourned the day before the lant masmes they are not alone that mistortune of the peasants, to the Capital Frightened the bandit war in Abyssinia will the parts of the proletariat, the this great nation as broad as a con demonftration the International working class will workers also What has it done? However, capitalism itself is con become much greater when the Communist party constituted at tinent.
be behind them in their efforts to It slashed the wages of the workers stantly disturbed by this solution operations begin.
Livorno in 1921, has been reduced or course, as per the formula of Don Get Old in tbe fascisse to a level below that of the pre Where will it lead to in the end?
to complete impotence under the Uberal capitalism, this prosperity la Powerful demonstrations war period; It developed the indus WI not hlows of the fascist reaction and to be made permanent and real Missouri tascism must be organized to bring trial apparatus, but by that it in than those desired? Profit is the populace Panicky Stalinism. The Socialist Party, the by achieving a balance of consump this message to the exploited of creased the disproportion between raison etre of capitalism. Now, The fascist press would bave us old party of Turati, hus been re tlon and production by the promo (Continued from Page 1) Italy. In this connection it is nec capacity of production and the after thirteen years of fascism, the believe that there is enthusiasm for duced in emigration circles, to a tion and stabilization of mass purwas intended It should. No doubt estry to speak out against the possibilities of consumption, there Italian capitalist is full of anxiety war in Italy. Nothing could be fragmentary carcass. In the eml. chasing power without which the other states will make similar qual shameful manner in which the So by difusing even further the gen for his money. Wasn fascism to turther from the truth. Here is gration circles the fragments of present economie system cannot ea lications. The tremendous populacialist party, through its intermed eral impoverishment of the populative him peace, and security of in what a correspondent from Italy both the Italian Stalinist and so dure.
tion shifts which have taken place tary Valente, has permitted the tion. It probibited the right to vestments? But, he finds, on the writes in an emigre periodical cialist parties have constituted, as No Revival at All as a result of seven years of devas united front movement against strike, but chaos production in contrary, that the fascism which he (Nuovo Avanti, July 13, 1985) on a reflection of what is happening The fatuous exponents of liberal tating and unprecedented capitalist Italy invasion of Ethiopia to peter crensed at the same time. Taking supported and helped to place in the state of mind of the masses in in France, a pact of unity of ac capitalism continue to hold forth crisis will thus play right into the out. The efforts of the Communist 1920 as an index, the year when power, is very costly. Fascism face of the war: tion. But this pact remains this hope and doubtless in many hands of the boss class and its inparty on behalf of Ethopianet the last crists began, production takes the lon share. What more Enthusiasm is conspicuous by without real importance for the instances actually to believe it strument, the capitalist state. ting aside days of prayer, etc. are fell to 70 percent at the close of will it devour? Every form of cap its absence. while calls to ser masses in Italy. The lack of an themselves, in spite of the real facts Workers who have all the rights too disgusting to be worthy of too 1934. In many branches of indus ital investment gives rise to fear vice are confined to the centers of organized vanguard, the political about the present revival of busiaccorded to citizens under con much comment here. The spectacle try, particularly textile, machine among the money holders. Fear of Italian mobilization, opposltion to and organisational liquldation iness, etc. as set forth, for example, stitutional law will find that their of Negro workers breaking up activity dropped to 40 percent of Inheritance taxes turns away in the war has not assumed in Ken the Communist party indubitably in the statistics of the Dept.
citizenship and constitutional meetings of working clues organiz capacity. Despite the introduction vestment in real estate. Similarly, eral the forms of rebellion except represents the weakest side of the of Commerce itself. These indicate rights aren worth a damn when ations speaking in the name of of the 40 hour week the unemployed the fear of taxation on dividends in isolated cases. In Forli, for Italian situation. On the other that there was an increase of about they apply for relief or share in communism because of Litvinoff were far from absorbed into pro and rendering deeds nominal makes example (Mussolini home towa. hand it cannot be separated from blitons in the national income for the New Deal social betterment despicable role in Geneva Stalin on this year despite the mobilix. The rate of profits on investments the departure of the rewrvists the women attempted to prevent the international situation. 1984 as compared with 1983 but plan which capitalism has prepared ism contribution to the Italo Ethnion of soldiers and workers for the in Italy. is besides, very low. Al there were also an important today is a double and a single one: the net share of labor The task of the Italian Marxists when relief wages are eliminated for them just as they have found iopian dispute.
1934 was them worthless in other fields of mighty united front movement Ethiopian adventure there were very significant symptom of the number of deserters, who were the struggle for the constitution of only 64. as compared with 65. in class struggle.
must be set up to stem the fascist more than 700, 000 unemployed. state of mind of the Italian capital easily captured, and also some the Italian and international party 1833. This does not take account The Inbor skates would have us march on Ethiopia. The Interna: Peasants Impoverished ist, is found in the fact that from violent opposition to public force. of proletarian revolution.
of the fact that prices during the believe that this starvation program tional boycott against fascist Italy 1928 to 1981 the reserves of the In Cagliari (where Mussolini To aid the Italian masses defeat period rose as fast or even faster for the working class aged is so must get under way. Time is short.
If one wishes to establish what Bank of Italy fell from 12, 106 mil. came in person to deliver a fascism we must throw our than wages so that the real wages much better than relief. When a Speed and decision is necessary. To Fascism has given the pasants it lion to 6, 832 million liras, That is speech) a reservist committed sa forces in the balance for the defeat of labor have decreased bare subsistence reller dole is dig the Italian masses we say: Turn is sufficient to take note of the res to say about millions took flight leide because he was refused per of Italian Imperialism in Abyssinia. According to the same report the nified with the title old age pen. Mussolini war against Ethiopla olution passed by the leadership of abroad before draconian measures mission to visit his slek wife. The That depends on the Italiap masses dividend and business profits rose slon that is supposed to make into a civil war the enemy is in the (fasclet) Syndicate of Agrarian were taken to stem the flight of barracks mutknied and it was in the interior, on the active and sharply from 7, 365, 000, 000 to difference. There is an old saying your own country.
Technicians of Trevise gold and currency (arrangements necessary to use bombs and tear conscious opposition which must be 8, 103, 000, 000 etween 1933 and 1934.
that a rose by any other name is 1) From the agrarian point of governing the movement of capital: gas to quell the mutty.
organized in the interior against Wage earners in 1934 received just as sweet. To which we would PUSH THE CLUB PLAN. view there is an obvious regres defense against exporting money in Many desertions took place in the war, but it also depends on the only 52 percent of their 1929 in add that a lemon by any slop in productive activity, par bank notes or in checks: rigia South Tyrol, with attempts at cooperation of the international lome. Property owners recel ved name.
SUPPORT THE EIGHT PAGE of trade in the means of assassination; but here, the cor proletariat.
61. percent and men in business years and ticularly Pe. In recent payment. an Without the victory of Hitler in for themselves 65. percent of their inferior cultural activity, a dim is the general fall of state deeds. Strong Hitlerite movement, the Germany, Mussolint today wouta 1929 income. Thus all the indicaPioneer PublishersMove to NewQuarters Inishing use of fertilizer, inferior The ex consolidate percent. com kind that would come from this not have been able to embark on altfons are that both earned and undistrict, but must be analyzed war today. working class policy, earned Incomes above 5, 000 are Announce Publishing Program ment of the offspring in live able at percent and which was from another standpoint.
a revolutionary polley, today, in going dp and that incomes below stock; 2) from the economic polnt 88 in December fell to 77 last April The reservists called to serPiormer Publishers, formerly located at 96 Fifth Avenue, London, Paris and Moscow can be 000 are going down.
of view, growing pauperization and is now 68!
vice, both officers and soldiers, of tremendous assistance to the Nothing has taken place in these have moved to their new and more spacious quarters at 100 Fiffth Avel! and indebtedness of the big and Are we to believe by this that showed the most obvious signs of Italian magaes in reforming its closing days of Congress to cause where they will be better able to devote themselves to the ambitions small farmers on the one side and the bourgboksle is withdrawing its rebellion when they were about batallions of world revolution. But any change in the program of the publishing program they have now undertaken.
of the landed proprietors on the confidence in its fascist agent. to leave for Eastern Afrien it would be tatile to expect this masses of workers and farmers, They plan to insule an edition of the SELECTED WORKS OF other, and of a lack of profit in Undoubtedly a revolutionary crisis clear symptom In the new cooperation from the two dead In namely, Fight against the Roosevelt LEON TROTSKY, six volume of which are scheduled ffor publication stables, when there is no loss; will not unfold without extremo situation in the Italian army canternationals, the Second and the wago cutting program, against the during 1935 36. The olumes as listed are: The Third International 3) from the demographic point of manifestations of panic in the probe seen in the negligence in ex Third. We must appeal directly to erftfre WPA set up against fake Alfter Lenin, The Stalin School of Falsification. The Revolution view, disproportion between pertied classes. However, we are ternal formalities between officers the working class of these countries, social security, for substantial proof 1905. The Revolution of 1917. Seven Years of World Polities. the labor force of the families of still far from that. The bourgeoisle and soldiers. great disregard And we can and we must do it only tection against the risks of sick Problems of the Chinese Revolution. II.
the farmers and the extension of has not forgotten 1919 1920, it fears of discipline is rifo among the in the name of the Fourth Interness, accident, old age and unemAlso included in the publishing program are the selected writings the land, and a lack of equlibri the proletarian revolution at the volunteers. The chaotic composl national. Such action will open a ployment, at the cost of employere of Franz Mebring and George Plekhanov, a volume on Mardism and um between the timber of fam same time that it is discontented tion of these corps, in which in way into the hearts of the Italian and government. Above all, organArt and the Selected Correspondence of Lenin.
ilies and the avallable property, with fascism, which costs very dividuals of the most varying workers. It is not without signification to achieve power and thus To finance this undertaking a special Publication Fund is being wh! ch is the cus 687 famllies dearly and it already feels the ages and the most diverse physi cance that the only Initiative in or to end, before it inflicts still furestablished through the sale of Pioneer Publishers Certificates at 10 of the province remaining with drain of usury. And that sa al constitutions are thrown to ganizing the international boycott ther misery upon the masses, syseach. The holders Pioneer Certificates, in addition to being contri out land.
symptom which must be taken into gether, has made the antagonism of Imperialist and fasciat Italy at tem whose most liberal and human butors to this essential work, also have an opportunity to purchase Multiplied by 92 for there are account in development of the between the army and militla very the outbreak of war in Abyssinia itarian exponents can do do better books at low cost. Pioneer publications will be made available to them 82 provinses in Italy the above situation.
at a discount of 30 percent and books of other publishers at 15 percent figures give a real picture of the For the present, the bourgeoisie has come from the Bolshevik Lenin. than the Roosevelt ocial Security milithe (fascist) has lats. The banner of Lenin today program. prospectus with complete details will be sent on roquent by writ grim misery of Italian agriculture and fasciam remain solidly at stirred up a lively resentment bears the name: the Fourth Intering ta PIONEER PUBLISHERS, 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City. The peasant who Ind a bit of land tached to each otber. In spite ofl against itealt to the population national.
SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT slough off other obvious by The