Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 35 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1935 PRICE CENTS NEW MILITANT Europe Rocks on Brink of New World War Dillon to Pack Congress Passes Harmless Dunne Slugged Thieves Kitchen Folds Auto Workers Up; Britain Capitulates Duce Marches Mussolini on a Volcano!
Full Speed to War in Africa workers to be held in Detroit, Aulan old age pension system by taxa campaigning next year is the cham police as the latter escorted scores Negro Clerks Upset History the SO Ineffectual in Improving Workers Conditions; Faker Somewhere in Passes Burden Onto Labor Farmer Labor Mayor the West Organizing Again Gives Scabs By MUSTE foundations the capitalist system Sky Blue Locals Police Protection The Roosevelt administration at itself. It is expected to be a voteBy BURKE COCHRAN taches great importance to the pas getter for Franklin in the 1986 By Northwest Correspondent TOLEDO, Ohio, Aug. 19. Dillon sage of the Social Security Bin elections. If the Supreme Court last week. The measure provides Deal measures unconstitutional, this morning a mass picket line of should declare this and other New MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 19. Early and Co. are clrding thelr lolns for for federal subsidies for unemploy, Roosevelt still has his choice of five hundred workers battled with Writer Describes Crisis in Italy on the Eve the convention of the automobile ment Insurance, the setting up of of the Fascist Adventure in Ethiopia 26 31. The usually quiet office of tion Dillon at the Hoffman Building is of employers and workers, plon of the masses against the re of strike breakers into the Strut By MARTIN Only the Internationbustling with activity. Dillon bime special subsidies for aged persons actionary few for a constitutional wear plant, where a strike of the Hostery sell is reported to be somewhere not covered in the contributors tions are fairly good and discontent Workers has been on since last PARIS, July 24. It is now as clear as day that no compromise in the middle west.
We are plan and subeldles for certalu forms not sharp forgetting about the Friday.
an avert Mussolinfs war Ethiopia. Is this because of the grand al Working Class formed he will visit Cincinnati, of child welfare.
Roy Weir, organizer for the Cen manner of Mussolini or because Mussolini is less peteful than the various points in Can Defeat Him Tot is set forth by the administra: the man who brought back proper tral Labor Union in Minneapolis other statemen? In fact, one considered the new Italian campulem Wisconsin and also St. Louis.
The pleasant news is also re redemption of its pledges to do ity and did his best for the plain has been acting as organizer at the Ethiople from the juridical point of view, and were to take serious By MARTIN GLEE something for the forgotten man people.
leased that in the last few weeks and to keep the big fellows in their ty measure nor the other law enfor months, in a half hearted, vác taking does not appear as a reckless adventure. Millons are not spent Neither the present Social Secur messing around with the situation the Insults to the Italian flag and so forth, then Mussolini ander Not since the year 1914 has the the American Federation of Labor place though not destroying the acted by Congress in the closing illating manner. Finally his band nor are thousands of soldiers sucrificed 4, 800 kilometers from home for world been so close to an armed has granted charters to two large locals in Detroit, while a third struggle for imperialist conquest as days of its long session will do was forced by the firing of eight the honor of the flag. The bourgeoisle itself scorns such chld play.
it is today. The stage is all set.
Charter along whasoo apriled for a Red Scare in Akron anything to relieve immediate dis union men by the company with the truth is that Mussolini would have dolayed till further Doloro Mussolini 19 prepared to strike.
tress. Not until the first of next the result that the strike was called taking this road, If the difficulties of the internal situation had not to participate in the convention. Heralds Convention or does und percent tax on ray without adequate preparatione or impelled him in that direction. It is in this situation that we must Nothing will stop him. Late rerolls for unemployment insurance plan. The blame for the state of seek the causes of the new Italian campaign in Ethiopia and not in the porta record the news that an Italian consul has been shot in Ethio.
ation has been confined to Dego into effect and the full percent affairs is by no means all Weir incidents at Val Ual or in anything else trolt alone. Several cities in Wis By RICHARD FERGUSON But when Rome openly proclaims pia. The record of pre August 4, tax does not go into effect until however. Casebeer, an Internation.
consin, In South Bend, Richmond, AKRON, Aug. 19. Having care January 1, 1938. The contributory al official of the Hosiery Workers, that it wants to occupy Abyssinia 1914 is again blaring forth its raubecause Italy needs to expand, cous tunes: War! War! War!
Ind. Waukegan, Cleveland, tully laid the groundwork in its old age annuity tax does not so has been in town for several days this apparently brutal aim is pro The vain and impossible efforts Obto. Grand Rapids, Mich. Birm campaign against all progressives into effect until January 1, 1987. now, appearing at union meetings ingham, Ala. etc. etc. have had new in the rubber unions by a top head. Even after the tax goes into effect and on the picket line. Casebeer claimed only to deceive the people of the League of Nations to stop locals formed recently.
and especially the toiling masses, war has again been proved to the line blast: Bar All Reds From In it will be some time, of course, be seems to be walking around in a who, moreover are not such easy hilt. The Franco British Italian Toledo, because of the successful bernational in the Summit County fore any benefits obtain. So far as daze, and clings to a polley even battles waged at Auto Lite and the Labor News, the of Le bureau the present and immediate future more vacillating and aimless than vietims to this deception. Forty peace committee has collapsed.
CHICAGO. II. The old story in years ago, in Crispi time, they It has been impossible to reconcilo Chevrolet plants, has developed a cracy yesterday succeeded in out 80 the hammering away at wage Weir Some local workers claim American labor history where the said the same thing need of ex the irreconcilable. If Mussolini comparatively strong and large maneuvering progressives at the standards via the WPA and other that, for an International official, Negro, refused admittance into progressive group, out to challenge Goodyear local, and secured the channels is the Rooseveltian girt this man certainly cuts a sorry trade unions has taken his standinsion, secarity of Italy. Since has not struck till now, it is not the rotten leadership of Dillon election of its own slate of level to the masses. Social Securi then they have spent millions and because of man made agencies that lek. figure. Others claim that for an with the boss organ: sacrificed thousands upon thousands has prevented him from so doing, Toledo has therefore become in a headed delegates for the convenislation is a cover under these con International official, he is pretty ixed labor, is being reversed in of men for conquest of other rather it has been nature in the certain sense the beacon light for tion to establish a rubber workers ditions for the wage cutting cam good.
Chicago today.
the automobile workers throughout International on September 12.
territories in Africa (Libia. Now, form of drenching rains and muddy paign. Little wonder that as the Last Thursday night it was fin In a locality where organized la the country. Therefore the Toledo utilizing a handful of mis business organs report, no particu ally announced that the strike bor has been disintegrating for sev the total Italian inhabitants in trails that has kept Il Duce belprogressives had to be kept out of guided officials of the local who ac lar enthusiasm is being displayed would be called the following eral decades, Retall clerks Union Libia, Eritria and Somalleland is lisereney at bay. But now the rainy only around 50, 000 (and they are season in Ethiopia is almost over.
discredited former business ing union, has been the act.
and on Friday morning agent of the Toledo federal local consistently betrayed by the Big Business Indifferent plekets were on hand to blough spots. In the period following tbe the number of Italian emigres will clear. It is then that fascist ef. Inauguration of the New Deal 18394 was used by the executive of bureaucrats for over a year As for the business Interests, fectively any attempt on the part 600, 000 and even a million. The Bast Africa.
board to put through a motion to and a halt with their sabotaging they are expressing comparatively of the management to open up the several locals of the Rotall Clerke every year before the war was Italy will attempt its conquert in Union were established in Chicago density of population (187 per kilo British Hypocrisy have convention delegates hand. tactics of stalling and actual sell ttle alarm over this legislation. plant. The Strutwear plant (which of all of them the only one to sur meter) and the importance of man Here it is necessary to emphasize Bual labor certainly are heavy prob. again that this conflict cannot be president of the union refuses to shown just what sort of an inter about the measures relating to anti union and low wage policy which was originally laid out to remata for retain which before the realizedia allow any democratic discussion on national they hope to give the banking security and public will employs about 1, 100 workers, most be Jim Crow local. Because its war found a relative solution in booty is at stake. Too many conof order; the convention call is not rounding up members who have to pass and which might in some were fired, all skilled machine ten deaths it has fallen heir to a wider tion. At the present time all doors Britain, because it bar most to lose the floor: all motions are ruled out rubberworkers. The old trick of ties which Congress is threatening young girls. The eight men who sister locals have died natural continental and overseas emigra tending influences are at play.
tloned at the entrance of the union this special occasion to get their piling up of profits and with the About ninety more workers had ponderantly Negro in composition, the number of expatriated is equal opia, has made every effort to coneven read and twenty cops are sta long been inactive in the union for slight degree interfere with the ders, form the nucleus of the union, field of action, and although pre are closed and it can be said that from an Italian Conquest of Ethlhall to terrorize the membership three delegates elected. was also right of private business to man signed applications to join the unit contains an increasing number of to the number of repatriated. tent Nussolint with practically unand to prevent any distribution of successful. The progressives got age its own affairs. There is good lon up to last Friday. Since then white clerks and has lost its Jim the progressive program.
two candidates as alternates. From Jan. to Dec. 31, 1981: ex limited economic control of most of reason for the absence of intense scores of other workers have come Crow status.
patriated 68, 461; repatriated 49. Ethiopia; but Mussolini wants all.
The Flint Buick local, it will be Unionists in the other rubber lo Alarm over the social security leg into the union, chietly the men The most interesting phenomena 827. Can a road be opened to So it is hoping for a speedy solurecalled, wanted to strike in soll cals in the elty will profit further islation. In the first place, as we workers who do the skilled work in this connection is that in a great the superabundant supply of man tion by Italy before the colonial darity with Toledo, during the from the experience of their fellow have already pointed out, it is some of machine tending.
many cases Negro union clerks wal labor by the pillage of Abywin masses of Africa are aroused and Chevrolet strike. Dillon had a progressives at Goodyear, for it is time before these measures go into pretty hard time keeping them out generally conceded that Coleman effect. In the second places the was quiet over the week end, though bave refused to work in stores ian territory? This is precisely before the Italian nasses at home where the other employees (often what the Facist press wants to throw off the yoke of Fascism.
of the fight. It was rumored that Claherty, rubber orgastzer, delib(Continued on Page 3) it was continually patrolled by alwbite) have been non union. have believed in order to justify its Hence its hastily convened Cabinet some progressives were gaining in erately picked on Goodyear as beslight picket line.
many cases these white clerks sidwar of imperialist banditry in ens decision to let things remain as fluence in the Flint local. There ing the weakest link in the progresPolice Open Fire tore one of the militants, Killinger, sives chais.
Don Get Old ing with thelr white boss against tern Africa. But the people, as we they are with the arms embargo At o еlock Monday morning the thelr fellow workers have played shall see, are not being taken in against both Italy and Ethiopia 18 brought up on charges by Dillon, The prospects of electing several picket line began to form around the role of scabs. In all cases Re by this deception standing. Such an embargo can The executive committee drops the progressive delegates from the in Missouri! the entrance of the plant. By 6:30tall Clerks Union No. 901 has charges: Dillon proceeds to read Firestone and Goodrilh unions are there were 550 pickets and a good failed to lose a single fight in Economie Crisis Wracks Italy only be an ald to Italy and a blow him out of the union. No trouble good, and with the help from at to thiopia Italy has arms and sized crowd there. The cope began which it was involved. In most However, the imperialist struggle means of manufacturing more.
makers from Flint must be permit least three other, but smaller, pro ST. LOUIS, Mo. You can get a to arrive in their squad cars, until cases where an independent store or the Italian bourgeoisle reveals a Ethiopia needs arms, has no means ted to disturb the convention at gressive controlled unlons which pension in the state of Missouri if there were 80 or so policemen on is involved, an hour picketing in peculiar character which makes an of manufacturing any and so the Detroit.
bitter exper(1) You do not starve to death or hand, the Labor Skates Not Interested tence with Claherty, these delegates commit suicide before you reach appeared on the same one of the liveries of bread milk ice, and we Mussolini is about to undertake of Anglo Saxon fakery disguised an Internettensive. to equires enormous capital tem sot under the name of equal Justice union with full ation from the union in the deep been in the state at least. nine which the police have insisted were bring the boss to terms.
millions)to and to col.
jurisdiction over au who work in south and far west indicate that years and (3) If you can prove purchased by the city solely to pro The educating of these young Lonize fuerollable capi fascist mouthpiece, bas declared territories or around automobile or automo these locals have suffered heavily that you are destitute and in need tect payrolis in transport.
Meanwhile the Giornale Italia, workers in the role that they must quires still greater bil parts plants. This program is from the demoralization following of it.
Scores of 574 men were on the play as militant trade unionists is tal. Where will this capital be ob that any effort at applying sanc (Continued on Page 2) the April sell out agreement. This reactionary plece of legisla line from both the General Drivers being intelligently handled by its tained if one takes into considerations (penalties for treaty violation, which apparently sprang full and the Federal Workers sections. pres. Kelly (Negro. and its tion that the annual Italian revenue tions) by England will be treated blown from the Chamber of Com(Continued on Page 2)
Mooney Must Be Freed!
organizer, Simington (white. does not exceed 80 millions, that as a declaration of war! French merce and its tools, the corrupt the public debt has already risen to anxiety over the maintenance of capitalist politicians balled by Retain Henderson in Sacramento Appeal budget shows a crowing dedcit. favorable to her, accounts for her (Ed. Note: The Workers Party this personal plet. am in des the local of press as a rives No wholehearted support to perate need of funds for the fin great victory for the workers Recourse to foreign capital will be seeming neutrality with regard to the following appeal by comrade ishing of this fight, and am and a step forward in the legisla NEW YORK CITY Raymond leading role in the Imperial Valley necessary, as was the case in past Italy desire Africa England Tom Mooney and urges all its asking you tf you won help me tive program for social better. Henderson, noted labor attorney cases a few years ago.
wars. Thus, the right of expan decision to teave the matter for members, friends and sympathiz meet my legal expenses before the ment.
and a member of the State Execuors to aid in the greatest cause sion which the Italian bourgeoisie League action on September 4, was California Supreme Court and The amount which the lucky tife Committee of the California We will not stop with retain demands in the name of its youth probably due to, just such pressure labor has known. ing Henderson, Solow stated in the United States Supreme Court ones are going to receive is 45 a Socialist Party, has been retained (read: its age, since it has come from France.
in the event that it becomes nee month for couples and 30 a month a appeal counsel for Norman Mini, tlon. Nobody can present the announcing the committee ac upon the scene very late in the Neutrality California State Prison essary.
partition of the world) is only the Italy decision to act has already San Quentin, Cal. owe five thousand dollars, and for the few days they have left cording to an announcement made legal case better than bers, but the right to be admitted to the booty. had ita repercussions here in the August 14, 1935 it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY after 70 as compensation for the yesterday by Herbert Solow, secreBut whether or no they find the United States. The keep the Dear Friend: that raise sufficient funds to many years of baek breaking toll tary of the National Sacramento Mooney in San Quentin does not consider legal arguments by necessary foreign capital to carry out of war crowd is going through Our battle for justice is now finish this fight for my riadica they have rendered in producing Appeal Committee.
entoring Its final stages the themselves. The judges want to through the occupation of Abyssinia the same antics as in the years imhearings on my writ of habeas my last penny, and had to secure a bare existenice for themselves counsel, the committee advocates know whether there is popular undertaken by the Italian bour mediately prior to 1917. The u.
corpus begin on Septeber 17 beauch is the reward that capitalism release of his seven fellow workers demand for the release of these division of profits between the months in reality this neutralfore the California Supreme that the attorneys could proceed offers its worn out slaves when it also raflroaded by the Associated Our committee will try to rally thieves Whatever the result of the ty is designed to benefit Italy.
with the taking of the depositions can no longer grind proflts from Farmers Inc. under the notorious unions and all opponents of reacbandit war which Rome has re. Neither the wolf nor the lamb sball Because of your splendid, of the witnesses who are in the them in the industries.
California criminal syndicalism tion to give dign fied, aggressive solved to make against the King of be aided is the proud decision. That derstanding support, am making East and unable to appear before Thousands Rubbed off law because of union activities the Court Kings, the cause of it is less the is, aided by federal means. For Needless to say, there are thou Mini was defended in trial court by expression to their feeling against the criminal syndicalism law and result of expansion which Italy there is nothing in the bill to preSUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION!
Your loyal support has always sands of working class mothers and Albert Goldman of Chicago, be the frame up perpetrated under it pretends to need, than the attempt vent private banking firms from the number following your touched the deepest emotions in fathers who will get nothing. They tained by the Non Partisan Labor my heart and it is with sincere will be unable to prove their wor Defense.
to avert the terrible crisis which extending loang nor industrialists The latter organisation in Sacramento by the anti dalon grips the Paselt regime. This from shipping non warlike matermume on the wrapper is regret that am compelled to thiness to the expert social is now associated in the National conspirators.
crisis wracks the whole of Italian Lals such as steel, Serap fron, etc.
call upon you for financial assis workers who will take their appli Sacramento Defense ommittee As its first step in popularizing capitalist society: In short, the to whoever has the cash or the 35 tance which will use for legal cations. Many thousands of such with the Socialist Party, General the Sacramento appeal issue, the new campaign in Abyssinia is a proper credit work exclusively, old workers are not even getting Defense Committee, Workers Party defense committee will issue five new attempt to prevent the revo Under the heading, War Talk your subscription has EXWarm personal regards, relief, the discrimination against and other organizations. cent pamphlet on the history of the lution. Let us carefully examine Aids Steel, in the Wall Street SeeTOM MOONEY PIRED them being equal to that practised. Henderson 1s one of the conn case, to be circulated by the organ the facts tion of New York Times of We urge you to send 31921. against the young workers. try leading experts in criminalizations sonstituting the joint dein your renewal by return mall, Direct all contributions And, of course, the nine years syndicalism defense. He was the tense body. The committee bas es As we have already said, the Ital. August 22, we read the following: thos Insuring the receipt of and commeations to Tom residence in the state qualification foremost defender of mem tablished headquarters at 41 Union lan bourgeoisle came very lato upon controversy has managed to disyour copy without interruption Mooney Molders Defense com will rule out thousands just as it bers against frame ups under this Square, Room 707, where further e seen in the division of the arrange everything else, it apmittee, Box 1475, San Francisco. Continued on Page 3) law 15 years ago and also played a information may be obtained (Continued on Pape Continued on Page 3)