AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1935 NEW MILITANT PA613 Few Millions or a Few Marks. No Difference!
Expulsions Hit French Socialist Youth Nazi Fictions and. Cold Facts Entire Seine District Supports Manifesto of Struggle Leaders; Pivert Urges Fight Question Box rades The French Trotskyists on the Conclave Against ClassPeace Peace, Anti Fascism, Stalinism few weeks ago, Ley, the notor and prevented disciplinary action.
ious leader of the so called Labor Only after the wage cut vas withComrades, Front said in an address: drawn did the workers go back to The Socialist Youth of the Paris District have been expelled. The The differences betweep men, their shope. This is not the only best among us: FRED ZELLER, ROUSSET, CRAIPBAU, MARIA as to what they consume are very strike in recent weeks: 7, 000 work. Continued from Pape 1) fuse to employ the term Stalin. CRAIPEAU, BRAUDO, LISSANSKY, GENIA, CORVIN, RIGAL VAN, small Indeed. Whether you have ers struck in Chemnitz Wanderer Relatively few of the federations, ism but now have taken it up. with whom we are in complete solidarity have been thrown out of the By WEAVER millions or only a few marts Works (also armament factories from the provinces were represent the merger of the two bureaucra organization. Simultaneously with the reinstatement of COMPERE. BOSTON you can only sit on one ehalr, you and also won their demands, glass ed at the Congress. The bureau cies, reformist and Stalinist, etc. MOREL the whole left wing of our party 18 threatened.
blowers in Frauena, Bavaria lata cracy had in its hands a large num. Friday, August a mass meeting cannot ontwbolo call at once Because at the Lille Congress of the Socialist Youth (July 28 29. Folding Company WHY?
Question What is meant by. you can only wear one suit down their tools against starvation ber of mandates, which it cast in of the Socialist Youth was held 1935) as well as in all public activities they have defended our poslat a time and not twenty. Those wages.
bloc for the expulsion. It must be with 400 present. Zeller was exAnswer: The holding company tion: AGAINST ALL FORMS OF NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER who possess fine house, well, It is significant that strikes can noted that the federations had hot tremely emphatie: he developed We, the thousands of Socialist youth of the Paris District in toll.
is one of the instruments by which or they are to be onvied; but they finance. capital monopolizes, also ehe only be in one room at a of terror in Germany. The official and that the vote is completely un People Front, on the role of the darity with the comrades victimized for the crime of having an opln ularly the public utilities. Usually gains control of industries, partic time. all this does not matter harmony of all interests, the peace constitutional. 3, 087: mandates were two working class parties, on na 1on, appeal to you.
ab all. If we try to solve the ful relations of capital and labor for expulsion, 1, 634 against, with tional defense, on the struggle SUPPORT US IN OUR STRUGGLE AGAINST WARsuch control is characterized by the labor problem from the angle of Banos capitalista fact that the more and more workers dienver the 331 abstentions.
By demanding with us the reinstatement of all the expelled comwagte we are already on the truth behind this smokescreen of against war, the term revolutionThe majority of the Selne Fedary defeatism which now is only squeeze out large profits for themwrong road.
eration, together with a dozen delwed in France by the Socialist selves without really owning more By strengthening our organization of the Young Socialists of the It is possible that Ley and his What happenel to the profits of seates from the provincts left the youth was greeted with endless ap than a small portion of the indusParis District, Agbting against any national defense, tries. This is made possible through bitwits believe this nonsense. They their exploiters while wagte were hall singing the Internationale.
plause, Flually, speaking of reinAll comrades will respond to the appeal of Marceau Pivert, issued may even claim originallty for this slashed right and lett? 70 comAfter the Expulsions the assistance of the government statement, Zeller declared: They in his telegram of July 30: FIGHT BACK! APPEAL TO THE interpretation of national socialpanies reported an increase in diviVarious indications lead us to be must take us as we are, with all bodies, the so called public service PARTY! SOLIDARITY!
dend payments of 38 percent. Com lleve that the top leadership of the our ideas and our entire program. signed) Executive Committee of the Socialist commissions, which presumably German workers, however, cannot parisong with profits in 1932 show Party (around Blum) were for a 55 out of 80 of the Seine groupe Youth of the Seine District regulate the utilities, but actually function so that high rates of profit be persuaded by this kind of pro the following: severe enforcement of the bureau were represented and the motion of are guaranteed.
paganda. They know too well that Profits in Milton Marks cratic discipline but not for imme solidarity was carried unanimously. Some members of the Spartacus now we have received a letter from millions of Marks, fine bomes, etc.
This is one example of the many diate expulsion. In any case the few words on the Spartacus group endorse this plan. Needlesa a corrade from Gard saying that Soy power do make a difference. Their Inter1932 1984 action having meanwhile been car tendency. inspired by the to say it is doomed to the most in his federation at least a third or ways this may work.
est in wages in the face of daily Krupp (armamento) 108 177 ried out by the bureaucracy of the and which was ourally at Lille complete failure.
the members were against expul and requiring 100, 000, 000, 1s to be utility, furnishing electric price increases is serious; they have Mitteldeutsche Stahlyouth allied with certain elements At the present time turbulent disnot forgotten how to bear pressure werke (Steel)
22 Marceau Plvert, wbo at the pression (moreover on the basis of the built. The government permits the 1688 at the party (Lagorgette. the top cussions are taking place in it. For ent time is away from Paris, has lying statements of Populaire or company to charge such rates for on the borses in the days of a mill Varben (Chemical) 476 tant trade union policy. When the Opel (Auto Tanks) 25 83 greet it and acknowledge the split. tive and we must obtain reinstate expelled. These letters, together had not pronounced themselves. earn percent on its electricity that the aluation Labor Front turned them down with Deutsche Nickel (Nickel) 5 Reinstatement is an Illusion.
the remark that has no juris Vereinigte Aluminum ment at anycost. Moreover the with numerous other documents, falr example of the democracy in diction over wage disputes 3, 000 (Aluminum)
24 tion during and after the Congress the Trotskyists because of their Verite (organ of the BolshevikThe attitude of the Seine delega split itself is partially the work of appear in the special issue of Lawhose name we have been expelled (which is usually inflated. The promoters (rond banks) sell 80, workers of the NSU works (armaments) went on strike. Nazi oft sangs proves to be a good invest corridor maneuvers no cracks took provoked the reformists.
The financing of Hitler murder was excellent. In spite of all the factional habits, etc. and they had Leninist group in the Federation, together with those er cent, 20, 000, 000 in preferred stock At the present time the Selne 000, 000 in bonds which pes per cials threatened dismissal and pro ment of the German barons of steel, place and our allies remained firm. Friday meeting they were shocked At the which is now on the press. pelled still occuples the official which pay percent, and keep for ecution. It was of no avail. The goal and chemicals. The workers iy welded around the Bolshevik at the political offensive of Leller yet receive a complete reports from we are going to start a great cam 0o in common stock, the holders of and its success.
Upon returning to Paris we mothe provinces. The Seine et Oise paige of meetings against war and which control the company since bilized our membership to explain members of the adult Seine Feder is largely with us. Up to the presAt the present time a number of Federation, a very important one, national defense.
common stock alone has voting in power. holding company is to the Seine district how and why atlon (supporters of Zyromsky) are ent score of federations are in the socialist ranks is at an end. then formed which has as its func against the bureaucracy intense. would like to reinstate the expelled places throughout the country mo tore us it is the road of mobiliz000, 000 in stock, and 10, 000, 000 Entire sections have declared their non Trotskyists, Zeller, Corvin, etc. orities are coming to the fore. Here ing the young workers against the in preferred stock, paying percent, solidarity with the expelled. Im. out of the 13 expelled there are is a very characteristic example. betrayal now openly being pre 18 gold, the promoters keeping From La Veribe inseparable from that of the crea vik leninists made a strong impres. Ists )perhaps even some Trotsky sented to the Lille Congress by a INTERNATIONAL!
mediately the ideas of the Bolshe Bolshevik Leninists and Zeller: The motion of expulsion was prepared the road of the FOURTH 10, 000, 000 in common stock for (Organ of the Bolshevik Leninist tion of the organ of the workersion on the mass of the Socialist ists; they would throw overboard member of the National Commitee, themselves. The process can then be repeated so that the promoters The National Conference Against importance can the regrouping democracy within the party, the lacking in the much as craipeate ketenter der France) Cand nature to have greeted the expulsions with holds the common stock in thes, 0, Ed. Note: The French Stalinista emerge with a new company which United Committee, has been set for merely to consist of organising in many Young Socialsts used to re discipline a little more rigorous. eration in favor of expulsion. Only healthy action.
comAugust 10. As has already been order to agree on a contradictory indicated the Bolshevik Leninist manifesto which can be nothing pany, paying percent, the total Group (B. is participating in but sterile?
worthy ally against Fascism?
investment of the financiers is now the preparation of this conference. No, this must not be one of per.
Fascism Concomitant of War only 5, 000, 000, by means of which However, from the very outset, mitting the pacifists to sing their they completely control the 100, at the formation of the first com hollow phrass or of the pure and Capitalism, we say openly, will000, 000 utility, and obtain for themmittee we insisted in clearly stating simple trade unionists of turning By MUSTE inevitably seek to resort to Fasct selves the Terence between the our position ag set out in the fol phrases into an attack on CommunFrom events reasonable human few years, a year, a few months.
when in any slven nation the eco percent which is earned by the beings must draw conclusions. They ism itaele.
lowing declaration: League of Nations! Is this pro nomie and political crisis becomes utility and that which is paid to Declaration of the Bolshevik. Just as the only effective Instru must evaluate them and then set in the actual situation of today? wart But what exactly does that mean moting pesce? Is it staying on severe enough, when it is only by the middle class bond holders and ment more struggle against Class upon those evaluations. wish to It means that the capitalist nations Disregarding the Marxist answer tatorship that it can push down example assumed this would be (In the Pence was the pletion of the Third comment briedly on the conclusions beter breathing sure to complete to these questions, on their own the standard of living and keep the 2, 550, 000 annually on a 5, 000, 000 Leninist Group The declaration of Stalin signifies the abandonment of the International by the Bolsheviks, so that are being drawn and that ought their war preparations. Pacifist premises and assumptions the more masses in subjection, Liberals and investment, or about 51 percent. who really want to struggle not the present Comintern Congress and and it is no different today. Would cannot believe that Stalinism has somehow it will be possible to go their familles to positions of higte erstical war question on the part of the Communist International only by words but by deeds, are what it symbolizes and contro as cabo cronted with the most pressing to the present role of the so called single moment to embark on war Langues of Nations, etc. wilt avail times under capitalism. But thing materials at very high prices la genuine We steadfastly afirm oor fidel(democratie) malarles, or milk the utility by buy ity to the principle of revolutionneed to reconstruct the new revolu Communist parties and the It is not necessary to dwell upon vantage in that course?
If it were ready or saw a clear ad. to prevent catastrophe now any 80 back as Fascism does in the from companies which they own defendim, and the duty of tonary world party, the Fourth the reaction of the real intellectumore than similar pacifist measures economic, the political, the cultural themselves.
the proletariat in time of war of Digimament The declaration and manifesto abs who are capable of independent did in 1914.
transforming the Imperialit war field means, as Hitler continues to It is important to note that this of the mm. forlty of the Unity Com thinking and of probing below the few years ago the Soviet (StalThose Who Fear Fascism Into drill war. In the present prove daily, back the Middle form of financial pyramiding deepoch, prery war waged by our mittee which we have not signed surface, whose Marxism, if they inist) peace policy was a Dis The same elements of which we Ages, to barbarism, to savagery. pends for its stability entirely upon with the comrades of the Teachers be Marxista, is not an extrancous armament policy. In those days, have been speaking, and others as The one way to medom, to ad. the fact that the capitalist govern: whilance with the Soviet Union, Union of the Red Trade Unions) ornament, who are not merely sen. When capitalist economy was relawell, are tapued to think favorance in elinization, is the way mint guarantees the rate of profit remete a imperialist war. The and the revolutionary groupe states: timental or professional Friends of tively stable and the political crisis ably of the and I, to sup forward through the workers rovo for the utility. The entire holding real enemy is our own bour We wish to counter pore workers the Soviet Union. These elements not acute, the Powers could safely port stalinist auxiliary organise lution company structure would collapee goole.
unity to the splitting influence of are drawing conclusions and their talk about armament reduction, tions, demonstrations, etc. even di It now the Comintern, the would if the rate of protit earned by the by Hin by to esmonding the betray cleaningles and confusionerleden Nor do we concern coarselves at parations appropriate to it would be tal funds. on the ground that the standard, also preach the blerteles are required to maintain payments to enalty o maneuvering on the part Laration.
the moment with the honest ad carried on behind this particular etc. constitute a great bul tensive war against Fascism, also the bondbolders and preferred of the Soviet State is to add to The unity of both the Staliniat vanced workers or farmers who smoke screen. Where is the dis wark against Fasciam. wen encourage the illusions that demo stock holders, thu the one of deceit.
and social democratic campe is be were not introduced to the revolu armament talk now. Nobody disagree with Lenin ngertected precieely under the tomar movement the day before unders not yesterday and whose minds love sey or they cand policy la pol. day that many Jewish people, even capitalism, that bourgeois dere bet up is much more complicated for the Worthony Stalo to the absolutely essential to counterpose not been staltined by too long a powers are lining up in two groupe. The Comintern appears sensible those clements which have such one holding company usually con the contradietions among them to this organle unity of class peace mojourn in the thought stiling at while feverlsh increase in arma and temperate. The is a les abundant reason to fear Fascism trolling a chain of utilities. In this various Beaperillstatates, Bata complete which means hartary unity that is for the new rev. ments will also draw their conclu: Hining of rival groups is always ation. All It asks of supporters 18 fellow who takes off his rough pro companies, connected to the big being the proche profetarie toolutionary road, the new vanguard stone and those conclusions will the signs of approaching war not that they be against Fascism. Letarian blouse and chip and put banks, control all the utilities of the proletariat.
the whole of its own imperial Their class and social status 18 not on the diplomat frock coat and country to Those in the conference who belng demonstrated by the fact that Consider, for example, the effect affected. They fear Fascism above top hat, has thereby become a Question: What is the signie.
longer comprom have decided to evade the issue of the youmger, more militant Social in Germany of the Franco Soviet all else.
lso but an out and out betrayal.
They welcome this ally, trustworthy ally, a safe and main cance of Roosevelt fight to pro The USSR cannot be de the responsibility of the leadership Ista are coming to us are draw when it was in the once unprepossessing, now a bulwark against Fascism?
the holding companies, the fended by diplomatie combina of the parties and trade unione in ing closer to our theoretical pool making. The French course Ver very decent and renalble fellow.
Once again, actual events are so called Death Sentences bille tiones the expense of the rore the preparations of class peacetion even when they do not yet sailles treaty, revenge policy, main one may even get the thrill of be already giving a clear answer. The Answer: Liberalism is the ideollutleitary proletartas but only by would do well to ask themselves draw organizational conclusions. tenance of status quo, indemnities, ing something of a red himself same stalinist regime which falled 087 of capitalism in its progressie the dovelopesent of the world why they participate at all in this and by the fact that practically the etc. paved the way for the nation without making serious commit to stay the advent of Hitler today stage of competitive capitalism. In povolution donference, whole of the former Staliniat farm alist reaction in Germany and even ments in associating with the stands with its French imperialist the epoch of monopoly capitalism. The German trophe We state categorically: the leadership in three northwestern tually for Hitler. What happened of the Fourth Period!
Unquestionably had already marked the end of conference will be abeolutely fotile states has recently come to the when the French Imperialist govern liberals, all Germany, but raises no voice against Roosevelt government is an atav.
ally in preparing for war against therefore, the Heralism of the the activity on the part of the ment, in making its war prepara minority racial and national groups, the present course of that arch tam, evidence of the fact that inunless it enables the revolutionary The Lovers Ponor Cominter far as being the tions entered into a pact with the all who have cultural interests, do Fascist Mussolini and of Fascist ance capital bad so completely lost wards the creation of the one entee There are certain groups whose Soviet Union also? What effect well to fear Fascism and to wel Italy in Ethiopia: Is this fighting confidence in itself, as a result of Tangoard of the proletariat is concerned. Today Stalin has merely tive Instrument the economic collapse of 1932 33, class peace: the Fourth Interna. One of these consists of the pact effect then furnishing Hitler tur not pause here to paint the horrors or elsewhere belleve for a moment to asert themselves.
Intern is, however, a favorable one. workers?
dgned the death witrant of the Can it have any other ward it off in the We need sons among the Jews in the Comintern fists of varlous kinds, those whose ther support in his counter prepar of Fascism. By the same token all that given similar conditions Mus It is indispensable that the One product of the pressure of Row Linist yangunnd be found CHICAGO PICNIC absorbing concern is to prevent or ations for war? Is this a peace elements do well to make sure that solini attitude toward racial, na these classes upon the Roosevelt put of war. In the past these ele policy or the time honored way to their course will really defeat Fas tlonal or religious minorities would government has been to Aght ed on the principles of revolu Chlouge Committee for ments regarded the Soviet Union move toward the abyse?
cism and that their alles are easter essentially from Hitler s? against tionary Marxism Its policial monopolies which were Non Partisan Labor Defense Haell and the Communist Interna Consider, friends of peace, that tective not a broken reed to lean Ask the black peoples of Ethiopia strangling them. the latest expresand wrganisational preparations SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 12 Noon the Versailles treaty wanting to advancing a theory of two kinds of Anti Furests will do well to tional as disturbing forces, against Stalinism has worked out and is upon!
Lr It does by the regrouping of the most sion of such struggle being the advanced class conselous ele at Ryan Grove change the status quo, etc.
Before it is too late, let the lov. Aght against the holding company, Now capltaltet nations Aggressdve and study carefully the funciona ers of peace and those who dread monopoly of monopolis monts of the working elaes is the 87th St and Western Are.
they are improved by the peace non aggressive, bad Panelst powers which we think we can shed sonstd. the advent of Fascism here and in most urgent tack of the hour. North East Section of Grove. and think of and good democratic powers. Such erable light as to why the most other lands awake to a true under the middle classes was not of long The political lease of life granted Wo dere: the Third Inter Follow Markers)
national like the Second broko its the. and as a powerful a theory helped pave the way for powerful of all Comeninist parties, standing of the situation. Let thera duration, however. As soon as big torce against war.
confidence restored neck on the question of elase PHILADELPHIA MEETING In effect the Comintern says to and liberals in various countries teed in staring off Packm there still hang in the balance, while through a renewal of profits, peace. Long live the Fourth International The Seventh Congress of the Com them: The Soviet Union wants to into support of the war when it S, for example, he united western stave or war in order that there came in 1914. Inevitably it must front from below policies and Social have a breathing spell, how war Americas, again began to breathe fire and munist International and the Whilo retaining its own launched an attack all along the may be time to strengthen its eco perform the same function today. Fascism theory were partly re and Pasctam may be smashed, and line against that part of Roose Franco Soviet Paeth Independence and without meuming arty responsibility for any By MUSTE nomic regime, bulld Socialism It spreads Illusions, throws up a sponsible, as the itself may who are dependable allies, or ra velt liberalism which expressed strengthen the Red Army for de smoke sbreen behind which the be thought to have admitted by its ther leaders in that task. the Interests of class opposed to other organization the Bolshevik National Secretary of tenge against any possible Fascist armles, the guns, the gas, are pre precipitate abandonment of them it. One of the victims of this as Leninists firmly intend to partie Friday, August 23 at P.
attack. But while the Soviet Union Pared.
recently, then anti Fascists will do pate in the efforts of the roro Grand Fraternity Hall, sault was the bill which would opposes war for its own reasons, Already, as we have previously well to make sure that a move lutionary group to initiato 1626 Areh Street have probibited holding companies.
there is no reason why all lovers pointed out to the NEW MILI ment which could once make och DIE NEUE FRONT campaign against elaes peace. It Admission 20 centa of peace on whatever ground TANT, the atteet of such a peace a colossal mistake will not make Incidentally, the results of this Organ der Sozialistischen Ar.
hopes that the clous Auspices: Phlla. Local struggle are an object lesson of the pape should join hands with it for policy has been clearly shown to another, that it has indeed belter Parte Deutschlands, revolutionary thesis that, the taking the initiative in this directhe moment. And thus the Leagues the fallure of the Soviet Union fundamentally, etc. Or again, war tion will cooperate in an attempt final analysis, the state power is PAUL LUTTINGER, Against War, and Fascism, etc. to utter one word of protest Erscheint am u. 15 des Monats.
will inevitably mean the abandonto bold a united conference.
the executive committee for manflourish.
against the rape of Ethiopia by Jahresabonnement fur 60.
ment of democratie forms and the (Signed)
aging the attairs of the ruling Few even of the more Intelligent Italy and against the course of establishment of Fascism in one Einzelnummer: centa came Bolsbovik Leninist Group Washington Square North pacifists today believe that war can France and Britain in virtually gulse or another. If then, as we class monopoly capitalis Redaktu Administration out of the fray vietor, more 2 and 8 Exoopt Sundays actually be postponed indefinitely setting Mussolinis court al have shown, the Stalinist peace. rue Moutletard stongly entrenched than ever. It clear that for us the proband Holiday or permanently. It is then a ques hooph Maxim Litvinov alts u policy is not what it claims to be Parts lem of the struggle against war is tion of putting of the evil day a irman of the Council of the 1s Staliniam an effective and trust PUSH THE CLUB PLAN.
struggle Akinat first renotion to the present Com does this have upon the German come all allles in the struggle to Fascim? Do any intelligent per that the middle classes were able