BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1935 REMEMBER ofL. Skates Freethe SacramentoPrisoners! The Manager Corner Face Crucial SACCO VANZETTI! Issues in ter Call for Uniting Opposition Groups in Teachers Union Fur Workers Elect New Leadership The formation of the National such a committee as the Estetta Sacramento Appeal Committee because of its shameful past in the The Boston branch stiu leads the INTERNATIONAL is off the press which was recently announced, 18 Sacramento case. The stalinist als held in the campaign for the eight Living up to its nual standard. Continued from Pape 1)
to the elight Sacramento criminal charge that Norman Mini a ton to date of 60, 50. However, and fundamental material on topics scorning men might have died. Oontinued from Papo 1)
syndicalism prisoners now in Ban stoolpigeon but they cannot make with the additional contribution of vital importance to the movie conducted the legal defense. There marked known, failure only form in which the leaders un Quentin and Tehachapt. will this anybody forget to sordid spectacle recorded this week, there has been ment.
was no coordination of the work in Now we are not a tallure. This is derstand these issues begins to development give Stanism made throughout the no change in the comparative The situation in France, which is the court room with the work out our career and our trumph. cause a division. Today, it is ex Before the trial began in Janu month wruggle preceding convle standing of the branches, but the rapidly becoming the storm center spirit in the formation of a united hope do do such work for tolor la straggle between the John Lense, informed by the Stalinist their past tat to split the to be releases there are one to be ve been part of revolutionary events, es elucidat front for the defense of the prison and, for justice, for man mm Lowla wing, supported essentially bureaucracy that some of the Sac and commit more crime to cover all example set by a group of New Open Letter byen. Trot by the needle trades officials, on ramento prisoners had not paid the up. We may expect plenty of cow York for workers whose 10. 00 tions of particular interest in the arousing a storm of protest from by ReddenkOur words our the one hand, and, on the other, the proper respect to the District Com. ering up from the Stalinists dur contribution is recorded here the world proletariat. From China ves our pains nothing!
United States at the present time The Ing the appeal light and plenty of During the past week we have are answered in three important Wm. Green section of dyed in the mittee, sabotaged the whole strag to Argentine, there were outbursts taking of our liree Hyes of wool craft union chlets. Irrespecsle for their freedom. The LD. mud alinging received the following amounts: articles, one by Moste on the le collection the Western in een heldeboek om home ordent the main bong lao Industrial unto the publicity aide, but deliberately new committee. Its policy in pro Bildegarde Smith. Kans. 00 revolution, one article by Can.
Contributions phere.
belongs to me that agony is our ism verme craft unioniam. withheld bail from 16 prisoners for viding an attorney for Norman Mint Eugene Morris, Brush, Col. 00 non entitled The Socialist Party at Protest Too Late trumph!
Bubbar and Aste Conventions six months.
and calling for the release of West Side branch, 00 the Crownroads and an article on We who participated in the mass on August 22, let all workers This is coming to head once Defense, at the request of Norman working class will approve it and Boro Park branch, 2, 00 Swabeck.
Not until the Non Partisan Labor the prisoners is a sound one. The Newark branch. 50 the third party movement by Arne Vanzetti from the clutches of cap ory of Sacco and Vanzetti they long of the automoblle workers and Decker and Jack Warnick of the will back the new committee to the Greenan, Santa Crus, Cal. 00. Ot special interest, however, will Itallat law, had no illosions that the were of the flesh and blood of the rubber workers. It is planned to a entered the Sacramento hilt. The Aght for the release of overwhelming evidence of their in workers. We of the Workers Party Issue national charters in the construggle, did the fate of the prison Mind and his seven fellow victims Total. 17. 50 cussion submitted by Max Bastman tion to relent. We fully understood words, we will emulate them with these unions, the former to be held interest. Since their conviction, the ons is of deep concern to all clase M. Berman, Pittsburgh. 00 or Philosophy Comrade Trouble Advance Bube (B pago) on the subject Marxism: Science Ing triumphantly the creat of a parties which no longer lead the ember. And although 8t 18 openly LD. and have again played conscious workers of the country. Paul Graves, Detrolt. 200 also contributes a second article labor circled down the case. It was the LD. On to victory in Sacramento!
Suhe (Club Plan)
take vengeance on the two fearless They have left the road of unre that craft inlons in these industries which, by its highly successful ApHelen Frank, Dayton, Ohio 00 Fourth International. And, finalGreetings ly, there appears in this issue, to had dared to raise their voices for salnst bourgeois democracy, the vehicle Skilled trade frem til en betere month, revived the attention of the Imperialist Ring Group of Fur Workers. 10. 00 gether with other valuable materthe emancipation of the working road of Lenin and Liebknecht. Con quietly segregated into the craft un working class public, and threw the class.
Previously Reports. 426. 48 ial, reply to Olgin latest fulmia Around Ethiopia scious of our Marxist heritage, lon told. The national unions Sacramento bons prese into a The mass protest was organzed pledging ourselves to the carrying would, therefore, conglst practicalations against Trotskylam.
frenzy of fear leat the Sacramento (Continued from Page 1)
Grand Total. 157, 96 Please remember the combination too late, as the case was drawing out of the teachings of Lenter and ly exclusively peoduction workcase become a new Mooney logo Justified in demanding, in a special offer of 00 for a yearly subscrip to close. The resut was fatally Trotsky tousle Before the mass campaign ity with the working class, with to the power all corporation Prinding role in setting up the new appeal to the League that be be AUGUST NEW INTERNATIONAL tion to the NEW MILITANT and NEW INTERNATIONAL still bolde united defense committed On permitted to import arms, to be in The August 1sue of the NEW good for a limited period of time.
strength, both in this country and of our comrades who are following John Lawis finds it possible in are the oficial delegates of the contreasure prepared for them.
on an international scale, which the road of the misleaders the this altuation to cover himself with AD, the Workers Party, the spending combat which is taking on a borrifying reality.
ant capitalist class decisively, Sac defeat to ponder well the lesson trial unionism. agentlally, bowLeague for Industrial Democracy, co and Vanzzetti heroically met of Sacco and Vanzetti Fasciat troops are carrying on an ever, this their death at the hands of the Let us, also, on this day rally to general Jockeying for poaltions. In the Workmen sick and Death unceasta penetration into the Italagents of capitalist justice.
It is important to remember that everywhere. Let us remember that cerned, all the elders on the Coun League and the the defense of class war prisoners sofar as the basis issues are con Benett Pund, the Spartacus Youth Lan territories bordering on withio al syndicalism law being a threat transported to the French ponse This is the last of a series of voting membership means the de bort stons about the ultimate outcomrades are atill In San Quentin, siderations. Above all, they con to the entire working class, at de slon oft Djibati from Addis Ababa firo articles on the situation in struction of the largest local in the come of the case or the nature of martyrs in the struggle against the the aluatisfaction of the rank tema itting that such diverse organiza In fear of a sudden Invasion. Con the Teachers Union national organization, the forces which implacably sought enemies of Sacco and Vanzetti.
their doom. Sacco, especially, saw Unification of opposition groupe unified opposition, united on a ale workers and the possibility of tlons should make common cause to siderably outranked in matters of control of these antons by progres overturn the infamous Sacramento war materials, supplies, etc. It 13 within the teacher anion minimum trade union program, no hope in engaging in the interpathetic to hear Ethiopia hopeless sive elements.
That is the road which heads to boldly and openly confronting the minable legal angle of Anglo Saxon Both the automobile workers and it is also atting that the appeal plea for equal rights to arms from victory over the Lefkowite Linville convention, will constitute the Jurisprudence. While he underthe rubber workers have clearly ex struggle is being conceived of on a As stated in previous issues or Splitters!
the very people who control them.
strongest factor in convincing the stood the necessity of using the pressed their desire for an indusnational scale. Hearst is shouting An examination of the programa majority of the delegates that they court of the enemy as a forum from trial union. Moreover, in the pres for a Federal criminal syndicalism the NEW MILITANT, England which to blason forth the irreconent federal locals in the automobile law to supplement the laws now er would like to find an amicable of two of the largest opposition must reject the course of the Let groups in the Tenchers Union the kowite Linville faction as destruc cilable antagonism of the proletar.
industry, a distinctly progressivesting in donen or more states. solution to the problem. The relProgressive Group and the Ranktive not only to the local, but to lat, his lack of familiarity with English precluded his taking upon movement has been launched, re The working class has the task of son being that it fears the unleashthe.
ceiving its impelues and drawing Is Wiping all such legislation of the ingoa colonial war that may well minor details both programs are in the unification of the opposition himself the offensive against capi. Continued from Page 1)
talism which Vanzetti so eloquent and support Right wing candl Inspiration from Toledo. This books and freeing all the victims put an end to British imperialistatantial agreement. Both take on a minimum basis has thus be ly carried on. He set himself the dates.
movement is presenting resolutions of it. For this a national struggle oppression in Africa.
10 large the same position on democracy in come the most pressing need of the extent that is the case with France, the union, on building the union, on hour. Upon la realization depende to the coming convention for an in1s needed.
task, nevertheless, immediately af. At the same time the Progressive dustrial union comprising all the It is not surprising to read in too. These two powers represent mass activity, on admission of the not only the fate of the opposition, ter his imprisonment of learning League and Unity Groupe were de workers in the Betelah but never achieved Vannounced as cliques and the correctories it propose desastre parts that the. LD. has failed to answeet posueredong In Africa. An Italian unemployed with full membership but of the whole union as well07 rights at nominal dues, etc. For a this analysis is correct, and there The latter has testided in one of their candidates, Ben Gold, the rank and ple delegates present the ization does not dare come before Bo Laval and Eden with the con long time, strong sentiment for un can be no doubt of it, why then be his letters that Sacco warm elolong manifesto, stated: sent of Baron Aloist will endeavor groups have made themselves felt. place? The answer is that factional already taken the convention, for limitation of to come to some agreement for the This sentiment has undoubtedly rivalry and the desire for control quence in his native tongue tre appeal to poveryone of you to salaries to be granted officials, and peaceful partitioning of Ethiopia, quently brought tears to his eyes. glve the proper answer to these for prevention of any interference Heroism of the Deffendants even if they have to resort to the grown stronger since the liquida outweigh, In the minds of the leaddespicable poople who have als in the affairs of the union by paid legality of applying treaties never ton of the Classroom Teachers ers of the two group, their daty a Sacco several times refused to ways been against unity and of organizers, together with Groupe trade unfonists. These are the cooperate with the attorney, Thomp against one union, and who are provisions for recall of elected offrepudiated by all concerned. How the Administration in calling for the road to unification.
Furthermore, the recent action of factors that have thus far blocked son, who was representing them in at present continuing their malie clals any time it is deemed neces. Continued from Page 1) ever, even this effort may fail.
a manner which indicated that he ious work against unity and one sary. Finally, the progressive move carried out? Has the Communist the avestigation As a means of In spite of the difficulties and Italy is too far involved already getting rid of the opposition has prejudices which undoubtedly eclat was more concerned with rehabili Union.
ment proposes to introduce meus Party learned yet that just shout Some 250, 000 troops are cooling created an entirely new situation there are manifestations that these tating the reputation of Massachus This was directed at the very ures for the exemption from dues ing for a strike may bring the thelr heels that were physically the Administration now has the obstacles are beginning to crumble, etts Justice than with securing the people who in the past were spat payments of unemployed members strike about, but will not help to posodble inarid Eritreden weltling official sanction of the powerful although they have not yet been release of the prisoners. It was on and attacked for proposing unity and for no discrimination in the make it a success?
for orders to strike. Besides it does Green Woll bareaucracy in its cam removed. The Committee for Demonly at the Insistence of Vanzetti, with what Gold then called the establishment of a union because of of course not! Fifteen weeks not seem likely that either France who correctly urged that the battle Scab Joint (Furriers Joint Coun race, color, nationality, political have gone by since we first public or Britain will grant Mussolini paign. It is determined to co ocracy in the Union has paved the must be fought with whatever cil. beliefs or affiliations.
ly called for extensive preparations demands for a political as well as through with its destructive course. way by approaching the representa weapons were available that Sacco The campaign to elect Progres Lowls Pulling Wines for the strike. In these steen economic protectorate. There To defeat these powerful forces, tives of the groupes unofficially with continued to collaborate with thesives, though partially successful, Of course, such measures are weeks the Communist Party has also the possibility that the three more than a united front against a proposal for unification. Mr.
legal defense. Vanzetti said, wby was weakened by the fact that they known to prove popular with the been sleeping Now that the time powers directly involved will decide expulstons is necessary. It is nec. Hendkey, the leader of the Miu.
the enemy before we have exhausting on a clear cat program. Groupe Council Anda itself unanimous In have been called, the Communist three parts and thus again show to tion, here and at the convention, as of the forces in opposition has be ed every means of defense? And which were formed in the old Joint its efforts to countermand the pro Party with great shouting and the world what an instrument for one unified opposition in order to come necessary. The Rank and File again be said, late in 1926, Only Council and in the former Indusgressive movement. Its main banging of tista demands that the peace is the League of Nations impress upon the delegates and the has proposed a united front in the the thunders of a mighty world trial Union must now adjust them teation is centered on the problem strike materialize Maxim Litvinor will again be able leaders of the the fact that elections for the Delegate Adem wide agitation and protest could selves to the new situation. Frlend of securing control of the impor We do not belleve in strikes that to offer his quack remedies for be represtane sebe compatible white bly this tall, and the Progressive Induce the enemy to free us. Ly discussion on the tasks facing tant elective office for its trusted materialize out of thin alr. We ligerent powers, the world will represents over 40 percent of the have indicated that they would be Vanzetti never lost sight of the them and on programmatle difter. lleutenants. But behind the scenes believe in preparing, patiently again have been made gate for opposed to it fact that the persecution of the two ences dividing them, must be start the John Lewis wing palls the plowing the ground, sowing the peace and Stalin will rest at ease But these manifestations and prisoners was motivated by classed at once. In this the Unity Group strings for his separate interest in idea of a gtrike, in order to be able at the safeguarding of the status IRAT for way moves are insufficient. It is nec hatred. Tirelessly, he pointed out and the Progressive League should opposition to the craft union oft to reap the harvest of a successful quo.
essary to move rapldly even before the essential lerson for the working take the initiative.
clals poring as the friend and sup strike when the season comes.
For Soviet Italy the convention is opened. Even clagg which the case provided. That That such a united Progressive porter of industrial unionism It But the ground has not been pre To a large extent Ethiopia stands he was a representative of a move group can and should contain mem appears that John Lewis has his pared. No organizational campaign with regard to the rest of the world (Continued from Pape 1)
though it may not be possible to reach a definitive unification before ment which bought the overthrowbers and supporters of different po own slate to put forward. has been carried out; the member in the same relation as some of the convention and has a good deal of the school term begins, it is posof the bourgeois, nalist state, utical tendencies, has been shown The deceptive motivation of the ship has fallen off, if anything. In Russo Asiatic nationalities stood prestige. Since then he has become sible to arrange a tentative agree the end of imperialist war, the es by experiences in other unions, not industrial unlon wing is even more the union throughout the country: with regard to Ruseta prior to the NAF of organizer and his ment in that direction. Recouren tablishment of workers rule, the ably the The narrow clearly demonstrated in the case of no strike fund has been raised, and October revolution. Just as the position is not clear. The workers to technicalities or snbterfugee on abolition of the explotation of the factional and bureaucratic control the maritime unions. On the Pad the ordinary treasury of the Amer Revolution emancipated the primi. will have to prevent spilt in their der these crtumstances may serimany by the few. That he was be exercised by the newly elected ad fle Coast, the longshoremen, the ican Federation of Silk Workers is tive, feudal and pre feudal tribes of votes or else Claberty candidate ously hurt the chances of vietory ing prosecuted, in reality, for his ministration majority when they seamen, the marine engineers, the mainly a myth.
outlying Czarlat Russia today will win.
Or may even prove fatal to the op opinions and his activity in the led the Industrial Union, and their masters, mates and pilots, and Under these circumstances the the emancipation of the Ethiopian no The progress we blocate the position. The leadership of the working class movement. That the present efforts to unite with reac crafts affiliated with the seamen, chances of our winning the strike, people can be accomplished only by nounce Bilken ferocity of the trial judge tionaries against progressive forces such as the firemen, cooks and ste should one be called now, are prac the world revolution. Concretely week too. serious attempt will an opportunity to rlae to the occa 19 up a tically nil.
of the head of the Massachusetts time to lose in the building of a Maritime Federation. The progretion while these conditions prevall be the best guarantor for tre ordinate the local workers so that cation of the opposition is the road branch of the Department of Jus united progave group.
sive forces who had advocated this is to doom it to defeat and the un and independent Ethiopia. Com they will presenta united front which leads to victory over the Adtice who cooperated with the prosmeasure became an important fac on to liquidation, bined with Soviet France and against the bureaucracy.
ecution, of Governor Faller who re tor in the leadership. So this ques. We want the strike to material. Britain the cultural and revolution William Sreen is expected to precused his petition for crecutire What to Attend tion also loome large behind the But we also want to assure it ary development of Etiopia would side at the convention which means In face of the best chances of victory. be absolutely askured.
that he personally, will try to WORKERS tee selected by the Governor to the danger that the Maritime Fed Fifteen weeks luba en ple Butt pagands should be directed to those bunch of reactionaries so he can sanction with their fake impartial Saturday Sunday, August 24 25Hence all our agitation and pro place into office a hand picked Protect Yormarea Agadest the ity the vicious system that conGala overnite bike to Lake progressive leadership, unity pre there may still be some time to go ends. While it would be impossible control the rubber workers in the Hazards of Life, Jela the demned him, the Jury of middle Tlorati, Bear Mountains. Hitch valls within the strategy board. It through with preparations, and yet for us to reach the Ethiopian mass fature. His presence will make the WORKMEN SICK DEATH class men obedient to the dictates hike up and back. Swimming presenta a solid front, extending it see the strike materialize this year. es with proletarian propaganda, for progressives Job more difficult but of the ruling class and subservient BENEFIT FUND OF THE US.
fishing, campfire, mock debate to the steamship companies in the Instead of foolishly calling for a the simple reason that there is no they realize it. One thing however to post war hysteria and ace pre (Staliniam va. Trotskyism. boat attempt to break up the Maritime strike now, we propose that the proletariat there, we can and must appears certain, Coleman Claherty 1884 1935 judice that all these phenomena Ing. group singing, etc. Leave Federation.
union go to work and prepare ser reach the Italian laboring masses. La definitely on his way out as rubOrganised, managed by and for were to be explained as the logical Saturday, A. For informa At the Crossroads iously for it, initiate a drive Or time limited boycott against a ber organiser for the of He outcome of the hatred and fear of tion call at office Spartacus However, all these 18sues are tied ganize the as yet untouched disclat Italy such as was proposed has been told he will be removed by workers with only one purpose: the dominant class in society of the Youth League, 66 East 11th st. up in one knot in the consideration tricts of inner Pennsylvania espec by the International Communist virtually every union in Akron, The to render protection to members suppressed class, the prolotariat.
3rd floor, any weekday.
given by the Executive Council to ially. get the support of the labor League and printed in a recent is Mohawk local won let him even and ther families, and to sup This was the lesson which Sacco Oakland, CAL the recently united furriers union. movement to back the strike, raise sue of the NEW MILITANT is a come to any of its meetings!
port all endeavors and struggles and Vanzetti continually hammered Saturday, August 31, 8:30 Shall that unification de permitted the necessary strike funds, prepare concrete application of the task at The convention must be used to for the improvement of tollen home and which they were joyful Attention! Workers in the bay to stand? The Executive Council adequate strike machinery, call for hand. The boycott muat however place progressives in control. Then About 60, 000 members OTELD and proud to write with their blood.
Vanrettt Immortal Words Ized in 850 branches region. Dancing, entertainment fears that this would be tantamount an emergency Convention to declare beso Instituted as not to make a the utilons must be built up so that Rendered and social to raise funds for the to an open recognition and an open the strike, and then go into the negative impression on the Italian they can wage a successful strike 13, 400, 000 After Vanzetti was sentenced, he page NEW MILITANT. Jenny sanction of activities by revolution strike with a good chance of win proletariat. It must be as effective for wages and recognition and reDeath benefit graded accordwas permitted, as is customary, to Lind Hall 2220, Telegraph Ave. ary and Left wing elements within ning it and a firm determination to in its message of class solidarity duction of the speed up.
make a statement. His words were Oakland. Admaslon 26 cents.
the unions Here is the crux of make use of that chance.
ing to ako at entry. Sick benefit with our Italian brothers as in its Engrossed in the trade union transcribed by a shorthand reportpayments from 4300 to 900 to problemas work, rubber workers are inclined Now even more than fifteen weeks of Il Duon Free Instructions by competent er. The words of Vanzetti, spoken men and women, according to clame in that uncomprehending courtroom muisicians in all band instruments this they are not in error. Punda ost. The organization drive must tonal boycott to get under way. long time perspectives necessary for at Dedham are never falling will be given to all sympathisers, mentally, the future of the move be started seriously and immediate Mussolint has made up his mind. the rubber industry to insure the Monthly assessments from 45 to 20.
source of courage and inspiration to Young Spartacus and Party mem ment depends upon which policies ly, the union must be made ready The League of Nations, with it, working class correct preparation us who are carrying on their work. bers. Arrangements will be made and what leadership prevails. for the strike as quickly as possible, vinoff at its head is only a cover for its historic task the overthrow For further information apply If it had not been for these to procure Instruments. An inso that we may still be able to util for the international imperialist of American capitalism. For this to Main Office: things, might have lived out my terested apply once to Morris SUPPORT THE EIGHT PAGE ize our opportunity for strike this bandits. It is high time the inter the Workers Party pledges its loyal 714 Bena Are, Brooklyn I.
Ufo lalking at street corners to Lewitt, etc. etc.
nationat working class Intervened. asistance and support: Prepare Now for Silk Strike recognized toy ethiopia nende InRubberUnion