AnarchismBolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFranceIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninismMarxMarxismRosa LuxemburgSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 34 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AU UST 17, 1935 PRICE CENTS ofL. Skates Fur Workers AFL Crew Turns Leadership WPA Strike Into Fiasco REMEMBER Face Crucial Elect New SACCO VANZETTI! Issues in landmark in the struggle of leadership of James Cannon, as Fight for Spoils at Top; Stalinists Unite With es. August 22 marks the eighth wide agitation for their release. Demands from Ranks Right Wing to Sidetracked Gain Control Follow Their Example! LIMIT WALKOUT From a group of New York fur workers we have received a 10. 00 Sabotage Picketing anguish for word of a reprievebility for the manner in which they of Executive Council is now is of the there to mark Horten torrent and the ideas it stands for, but it is also an example worthy of emula. While they Connive session in preparation for the 5th Union have just taken place. The other lampaigns with sucede espelho ana the soupage weekly will 600 With Gen. Johnson e me mere end en Progressives Fight for Sway InRubberUnion Imperialist Ring Tightens Prepare Now status de table to dell out your help for Silk Strike anniversary of the execution of During the early years, the defense Sacco and Vanzetti Once again, committee was handicapped by the we shall relive the experience of sectarian nature of its legal defense that hot August night when, is committee. The lawyers obtained Comforted by the delightful The first elections, since unificano to word that never came. Continued on Page 2)
The crime committed at South annual convention scheduled for stalinist leadership of the former be an actuality.
Braintree, Massachusetts, for which October Among the questions industrial union. eded by Ren Sacco and Vanzetti were unjustly considered was the report of its To date, however, we have pollected only one fourth of the funds Due to the glaring incompetence stewardship to be made to this con Gold, was elected by a large maneeded. Three fourths of the way is still to be made. This the hold up such as occurred innumerIndications are that vention, and in spite meager in could have elected the whole ad. and our sympathizers.
serious question before We pass it on to our comrades, our readers and in many Instances downright able times before and since. The formation it is already clear that ministration had they chosen to sabotage by the local trade union paymaster and guard of a shoe only very scant attention will be nominate a complete slate. Their Our aim with this campugn is a doubly effective and a doubly officials, the strike on the New York company were stopped as they left the factory by bullets fired from given to the real problems that endorsement of certain right powerful NEW MILITANT. To reach an. We propone four weeks WPA projects entered its second face the trade union movement towing candidates and their slanderweek in a state of utter con fuston, of concentrated efforts, in order to collect the 2, 000 that is necessary.
an automobile. Two men seized Characteristic of this state of afOur New York organization is now taking the lead in such a the payroll amounting to approxiThe stimulus given to unlon or cus campaign against the Progres concentrated effort, starting out with complete mobilization of the fairs is the fact that ou some of mately 18, 000 and jumped into the Claherty Gerryman exists. Two serious strike waves Kanization by the NRA no longer sives did not meet with the same success whole membership. All will be obliged to go out and helt friends, the projects, one or more of the car which then gathered speed and shop mates and fellow unionists with contribution Hists and subscrip building trades are called out while disappeared.
dering Meets with Despite the slanderous attack, tion blanks, fand we expect a rapid rise in the figure column and a others remain at work. In other were effectively checked with a cor ve members of the Fur Workers componding increase in circulation Only actul results count in Facts in the Frame up instances, one or more trades are responding set back to the move Progressive League and one memMany people witnessed the occur. Stiff Opposition anlled out and shortly thereafter ment. This enabled the employers this campaign.
rence. Most of them testified that told by the business agents to reThe District Committee will take full charge. Each branch has to proclaim more boldly their open ber of the Furriers Unity League turn and await further develop it was impossible in the brief per By JACK WILSON shop policy and to resist union were elected to the Joint Council quota to fulfill and keep strict account of the activity of each ment iod of three seconds, during which the crime was expertly consummat oceupled the attention of progressles in the complicated system of AKRON, Ohio. Two problems recognition more effectively. The progression. Lereng Barthote the member. The quota for all the New York brunetus combined 5825.
On tho Astor project, bricklayers Pursuing this course every a business agent. Other members recommend it.
were called out; but on the Highpool project, ed, to identify the criminals. Only sive rubber workers this week as governmental boards has won of these two groupe ran well ahend tree fourths still to go. where, it should be easy to collect the Bridge swimming fleeting glimpses were obtained of they continued to organize a bloc temporary victory.
Four weeks of concentrated effort to go over the top in the camof some of the independent and paign. Four weeks of active work visiting friends, shop mates and bricklayers remained working. On them. Testimony agreed that a to wrest control of the federal unlight complexioned man was at the ions away from the of buthe latter project, carpenters were Failure and Disappointment Right wing canidates endorsed by fellow unionists for support to the page weekly.
wheel of the automobile and a forreaucracy at the approaching conthe Staliniste called out one day and later told to Undoubtedly, trade union mem and devotion, characteristic of revolutionists, we should soon reach eign looking man was in the back vention for the formation of an in bership is receding from its peak a Oppose Removals our goal.
return. Moreover, in several in seat shooting The prosecution ternational union.
stances where committees of the year ago, and receding at a time The elections indicated, As excould not find anybody, at first, who unemployed organizations, whose could describe the criminals more notorious betrayer in the threat gains. The decline is most obvious and File group has a decisive macooperation had previously been acAttempts of Coleman Claberty, when conditions were favorable for pected, that the Stalinist Rank cepted by the union officials, apaccurately. After Sacco and Van ened strike this spring. to reduce in the basic and in the mass pro jority in the union. That majority Treared to assist in calling out the zetti. were arrested, they brought to South Braintree where Akron unions was being fought hand, this is due to sheer disaption, and any attempt to oust the On the one is reflected in the new administrawere the number of delegates from the duction industries of these officials demanding busiKatzman, the district attorney, for successfully by the progressives. At pointment of the workers at the democratically elected representa: ness agent credentials, together to hesitantly identify them as hav Ports to reduce the delegates from policy of organization; but much to split the union and should be By MARTIN GLEE with policemen ordering them off ing been in the car. These witness 16 to were defeated.
the projects.
However, more disastrous in their effects were opposed by every progressive force You offer us the cholce between Workers Want to Strike that even the notorious Judge Thay. unions, es were subsequently so discredited he will try the same thing In other the outright strike betrayals in the in the union, and in the labor assassination and suicide we preautomobile Industry last year and movement as a whole.
fer the latter. At least, then, we From the outset the overwhelmer, the trial Judge, said at a later His purpose is to cut down the in the rubber Industry this year. Though opposed to any attempts These were virtually the last words ing majority of the approximately stage of the case when motion for Akron delegation so that he can meerde la funny or the se tulee trades by elected buttet er te spoken at the most recent session.
100, 000 workers employed on the projects, who are unorganized, that the conviction did not rest on out of towners who are more under there is an appalling loss of memunton, it must be stated that we thrown into the teeth of the chair of the League of Nations Council. CPShouts for General proved their readiness to make the identification, but on the fact his influence. Progressives at Good. bership due to unemployment and have no confidence whatever in common cause with the unlons.
This was demonstrated in face of that Sacco and Vanzetti betrayed year local are meeting this week to consequent inability to pay dues. them. Past experiences with these man of the Council, Maxim Latvin. Strike but Does No consciousness of guilt after they plan their fight next Sunday when Above all, however, the whole Am. Stalinists when they were in con off by the Ethiopian delegate, Jeze.
thing About It the fact that these workers were arrested.
delegate election comes out.
erican wage standard is threatened trol of the Industrial Union show their disappointment expressed And thus the matter stands to Thayer referred to the fact that the failure of the union lenders to date. The choice offered thiopia The problem of selecting a slate by the Roosevelt coolle reller ware that they repressed minority group by the imperialist bandits, aided Sacco and Vanzetti lied to the poor candidates which will swing the on the WPA projects ranging from opinion in the most brutal and bu and abetted by the representative of By FELIX GIORDANO tako measures to secure home relice about their activities in the majority of delegates behind the 19 to a month.
PATERSON, In an article Lief for those refusing to accept date of their arrest. It was shown confronting them.
perlod immediately preceding the progressive bloe is another question ones that cause the most worry to and social patriotic turn of Stalin that of assination or suicide. the NEW MILITANT we called forect. In test case made one reaucratle manner. Their new turn, the Stalin bureaucracy is indeed published in the May Day issue of the Roosevelt work or starse But these questions are not the which conforms to the opportunistic that Saeco and Vanzetti were active members of an organization Claherty Maneuvers the mandarins on the Executive ism on a world scale, only reveals the Nekus take? What can Its industry for the expected general even this advantage was not folWhich road will the kingdom of extensive preparations in the silk worker was granted such reller, but Council. They have their own vest that added to their pust policies of people do under which distributed literature banned Claherty will back either George ed interests to protect. While they suppression and split is a new one what solution will the bourgeoiste sam program was introduced to the circumstances? strike. resolution embodying the lowed up.
by the government. Their comrades Roberts, his assistant, who was are unable to separate these inter that of collaboration with rear Reports are now current on the were being hunted, jailed and de a rubber worker, or else back John ests entirely from the life and tionaries against progressives.
of France and England offer Joint Board, where it was killed projects that the local union offiported at that time of post war anti. House, president of the Goodyear growth of the untons, what is now tew quotations from their pre electeer een valt and edeng What solu the communist Party suddenly re once loudly proclaimede interotic mate through its respective intermediar Now, three and a half months later, cials are backing down from their Red hysteria. The third degree local, who while sincere, 18 easily uppermost in their minds is reflect. tion leaflets will prove this: was commonly used by the police. led by Claberty. Many workers ed in the maneuvering for position The illegality of the methods re seem to like elther Sherman that goes on behind the scenes. The Right and Left, Unite. tion to the problem of Ethiopia can noembers the general strike, and fight for the prevailing union rate we, the proletariat suggest? These just as suddenly comes to life of wages, and are scheming to in sorted to by Palmer and his raiders Dalrymple, Goodrich local president Executive Conncil is not united. We want a united leadership are questions which every person shouting and demanding that the duce General Johnson to accept the in the Department of Justice was or Thomas Burns, of or And beneath the surface of com in our union to consist of the two conscious of the seriousness of the strike be called.
establishment of a rating board to so nagrant that even the capitalist sanizer from New England rubber placent tranquility the issues of the main tendencies in the working situation is asking.
How has the strike been pre comprise representatives of the loelase movement, namely, the right Pathetie Ples for Arms them. comrade named Salsedo led a strong fight against Claherty of the positions of bargaining power wing and the left wing. We pared? What has the Communist cal unions concerned. Obviously, From the viewpoint of his own Party done to sue to it that the the aim would be to secure a some hat few months before dted last year at the rubber workers afforded by an organization the pledge ourselves to agitate for particular interest, Halle Selasie is preparations for the strike were what better rate of rellet wage and Continued on Page (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
Continued on Page at the hands of Department of Jusumfon wage. But hidden behind ttee men who held him incommun this aim lurks the danger of throwScado in the office of the depart ing the interests of the unorganment. He either jumped or was ized to the winds at a time when pushed from the window of the ofthe most complete coordination beVanzetti were both ized is imperative.
the Department of JusGroundwork to Lower Standards tice.
The failure of this coordination When they were arrested by a which collapsed in 1914 and beyond lone, hlek policemen to whom they the Third International which is utter confusion now prevalent in offered no resistance, they thought submerged in Class Peace we must the strike. There exists no doubt that the charge against them was a the trade union movement that wherever the monthly relief wago Serious events have just taken consider the People Front as the advanced workers of the need to lence was used on the delegates of simple expulsion for comrades the reference to their radical activi: place in the French Socialist Youth. rallying center of the exploited work for the recention the Nech the revolutionary minority (a com who, having taken an active part ties. They sought, therefore, to The Lille National Congress on French masses and declare thelr ternational.
ranging from 19 to 03 prevails, conceal their movements and to July 28 29 has decreed the expul desire to fight inside this group.
rade of the Seine, Bressler, memthe groundwork is laid for the tear.
protect thelr comrades by with sion of the sectarian action contributed to This New International will not ber of the outgoing National Coming down of the whole standard of holding information from the poentire revolutionary but state their opposition to the those which mittee, the highest body of the or the development of intolerable in unlon wages. This crucial Issue lice.
political Ine actually imposed on have preceded it. It will reject sanization was carried out of the confusion within our organiza remains. The unions are chal It was never denied that after The National Congress had been the People Front.
their mistakes, theit errors their hall unconscious due to blows re lenged to lead the fight. The fight the date on which the crime was preceded in the Seine district by a The Socialist Youth fights for crimes.
ceived. The young bureaucrats In konclusion, the congress tey can conduct effectively only committed, Sacco and Vanzetti con Federal Congress which was held Workers and Peasants Govern It will be enriched with the ex have learned very well the teach deerees the expulsion of the re through the establishmtne of unity tinued the normal existence of the on July 21. The different tenden: ment, supported by workers and periences accumulated by them. It ings of their elders.
sponsible militants: Rousset, Van, of action between the unions and working man the normal existence cies were the Bolshevik. Leninist peasants Communes and factory will proelaim itself the legitimate Ivan and Maria Craipaan, Brau. the unorganized project workers In a more or less excited manner. ten. of suppressed, exploited proletari deney (200 mandates) Zeller is! They struggle for bread, work, Engels, of Rosa Luxemburg report: 4, 082 votes for and 380 Rigal, Corvin and of all those United Front Antiheir of the doctrines of Marx and the debates continued Sunday and do. Bressler, Pero, Fred Zeller, ane Sacco working steadily in shoe factory and Vanzetti peddling Regional Secretary the strongest peace, liberty.
and Monday (vote on the organizational Genia, Lissansky, Makarowsky, by revolutionary Liebknecht, of the example of the ssh in the small towns on the coast hostile to us and recently approach. They are true to revolutionary Founders of the Third International. votes against. Monday afternoon who in publie action follow tendency in the federation, formerly means Both faithfully carried on the working is very rapidly. representing defeatism and to the teaching of The motion ended thus: our in at the opening of the session, dis policy in opposition to that of War Meet in Boston the Party.
and lecturing on behalf of the the average state of mind of the Karl Liebknecht, The enemy is in transigeant opposition to reformism etission was immediately begin on Attack on Revolutionary Position and to Class Peace will not keep the following motion working class every moment of Young Socialists of the Seine; the our own country The discussion immediately op BOSTON, Mass On August 4, their spare time. No wonder the the composed mostly of in Spartacus tendency, inspired by On the International: us from fighting for the fusion of Whereas certain comrades have ened on this motion. The attack 21st anniversary of major declara best people said that they ought Itellectuals, moet frequently living its fight against war as well as for cialist Party and of their youth.
To guide the world proletariat in the Communist Party and the So placed themselves on record for their affiliation to the Fourth Inof the bureaucracy was centered on tions of war, a united front demon.
to hang anyway. The Young Communist workers ternational and this attitude is the position taken against national stration against Imperialist war Until the early part of 1926, the on intrigues against the Bolshevik World Revolution, revolutionary are our brothers. Shoulder to defense and class peace, for revo was held on Boston Common Jointincompatible with membership in defense of Sacco and Vanzetti was all the right tendency in the International does not exist Leninista (90 mandates. and flo International le necessary.
This lutionary defeatism, and also ly by the Socialist Party, the work shoulder with them in action, entrusted to a committee organized Seine, Mireille Osmin (130 manthe Socialist Youth, affiliated to the Second International against the appearance of the indeers Party, the Young People so by their friends in the anarchis dates) which is a Centrist group Most of its sections have followed guarantees of democracy and disThe Y, is in complete decay. cussing fraternally with all the And, whereas the systematic pendent paper of the Seine Federa cialist Langue, and the Spartacus movement. Thereafter, the Inter tion, Revolution. The attack wits Youth League.
national Labor Defense, then nationally.
denigration and violation of the their parties into clase collabora clpline, we will build the revolunot directed only against the Bol The Communist Party and the After the Federal Congress on the tion and social patriotism.
tionary vanguard.
healthy organization under the theoretical line of the Socialist The Bolshevik Leniniste signed Parly as formulated by its Con bulk of the majority of the seine been asked to join in this united shevik Leninists, but against 21st, which had been a great suc The in spite the Young Communist League also had the revoluSUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION!
cers for the Bolshevik Leniniats, tionary desires of its rank and Ble, the joint motion. They had 2180 resses cannot be tolerated by Federation. The International dis front, but had replied (per Sidney and where the lies of the Stalinista 18 only the docile instrument of a brought in a further statement on members of the Socalist Youth.
cussion had not yet come before the Bloomfield, district organizer of the If the number following your against us had been exposed, their nationalistie diplomacy.
the international question, making And, whereas the reported at Congress (the retext of affiliation and Mac Libby. o. of the name on the wrapper is Influence in general had been liq The Young Socialists of France clear their position on the Fourth tacks directed against the best to the Fourth International was in. CL) that they would not enter uidated in the Selne, the three left will fight beside their comrades and International.
militants of the Party and of the troduced at the last moment) and any united front with Trotskyists, 34 Socialist Youth are guided solely tendencies (Bolshevik Leninist, other revolutionary sections and The National Conference at Lille Zeller, and Spartacus. agreed on minoritieg for a Youth Internation.
among the expelled there are some and would rather unite with Fus.
The Congress opened in an atmos by the well established intention who are opposed to the Fourth In cists.
your subscription has Xa common motion and prepared to al on the basis of revolutionary phere of threats against the revo to split the Socialist organization ternational However, the workers Party and defend this motion in the National Marxism.
lutionary majority of the Seine The National Congress of the PIRED. Wo urge you to send Conciliatory attempts have been the are working for a United Congress at Lille. The main points. This new International can only Every question (division of dele Socialist Youth decreen the com made (by Mireille Osmin in partie Front Sacco. Vanzetti Memorial in your renewal by return mail, of this motion were as follows: be founded on criticism of the In gates, etc. was a pretext for pro plete dissolution of the Bolshevik ular. The conservative bureau Demonstration on August 23, and thus resuring the receipt of Today the problem of revolution ternationals which have preceded vocation. An imposing group of Loninist Group as a tendency cracy attacked in haste, so that will fight for participation by ALL your copy without interruption. is placed before the entire working it and on the lessons of past revo sergeant at arms were massed in within the Socialist, Youth these attempts would fail, workers organizations, including class youth. The Young Socialists lutionary experiences.
the Congress Hall and physical vio. Further it deerees pare and (Continued on Page 3) the and the en ese momento pulsions Hit French Socialist Youth and the Bolshivik. Leninists and Zeller Beyond the Second International GroupOustedby Reactionaries Leaders; Pivert Urges Fight dis