BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismIndividualismItalyLeninismMussoliniParis CommuneReform PartySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE Fierce Class War Tears Loose in France No. 33 NBW MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1935 The object can only be to get a breathing NEW MILITANT space in whick to line up their forces for the next war and in the meantime carry forward with which is merged the robbery of Ethiopia under the cloak of THE MILITANT (Continued from Page 1)
Pablished weekly by the New Militant Publishing Co. peace maneuvers and good intentions.
woskers to maintain peace and the Republie and the control 55 East 11th Street, New York City Thus the Council of the League of Nations dignity. How strongly this smells ist are pledged to maintain at to give a robuko to all those who the nation.
Phone. Algonquin 9068 decided, first, to appoint a fifth member on a Stasional strikebrokers!
or Bli Green and his crew of proteir full level of secunity are endeavor to use it is an Instrebrought into play against the work ment for personal ambitions or On this day, July 14, they se commission to arbitrate the Valual clash be for the ambitions of fascist Entered as second class mall matter at the Post Ofoe, tween Ethiopian and Italian troops. The com the new formula for treachery ever was not enough. In the July 16 ute the armies of land, go and Pence and dignity has become ere, weunding them by the hun.
dreds. The Stalin Laval declaration minority.
air officers, sub dicers, soldiers at New York, under the act of March 8, 1879.
mission is, however, not to take up questions of since the Stalin Laval commun. Humanite they gild the lily in They remember that the pub and sellors the national forces dic force is at the disposal of the constituted for the defense of JAMES CANNON. baltor indivisiblo nation and the governliberty.
in question but simply to determine who fired Couturler, editor of Humanite, peaens of praise for the army of French imperialism. prominent mental authority will not tolerato Whatever else Reed be said of the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: the first shot in the above incident. Second, government puty; Chat the com box reprints Declaration made treachery of the Staliniste is spoken In the United States 00 per year: 66c six months the Council will meet again on September to munist Party was set upon pro by Marc Rocart, Radical 80 tions of a military churructer than Canada and Foreign 50 per year: 00 six months, in the mute comment of the slain discuss the whole situation.
Toulon strikers, victims at the hand tecting the fatherland, its culture clalist Deputy from the Vorke chose which represent the supro Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
In the meantime no restrictions are placed and its wealth. while waiting general reporter of the 8th of Feb meey of the first magistrate of of these defenders of liberty.
Vol SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1935 on Italian war preparations and the negotia flor The Day, that the Communist ruary Commission to the session of meer tions on the really vital matters are to take Party was the most determined Peace and Liberty at the Buffalo Writer Describes Misery of Men, Women and fighter for the People Front with Stadium before 10, 000 delegates on Ethiopia in the Thieves Den place between Italy, France and Great Britain the capitalist Radical Party which July 14 in the name of. the so Children Suffering Untold Horrors with Ethiopia excluded. Italy even abstained will join together all good wills in chalist party, the Communist party In Effort to Earn Livelihood The struggle against Mussolini robber atfrom voting on the motion to provide for an the struggle for a peaceful France telpating in the gathering of July tack on Ethiopia must be continued and intenother session of the League Council in Septem tual betrayal in action in Brest. Continued from Page 1) thunderous volume of ayer went sified. It was, however, made clear at the ber.
Fruits of Social Patriotism In this immortal French Der urers but the code for the titrup. The men stood up and cheered meeting last week of the Council of the League Maxim Litvinov, Foreign Minister of the Class collaboration, the natural laration which constitutes for all miners got sidetracked and these while the women looked on with workers were crushed to a still tear dimmed eyes.
the people of all the land, the of Nations that we do not have a case of a The sentiments Soviet Union, and now president of the League and inevitable concomitant of social charter of liberty, the men of 1789 lower level existence. Persist of these determined people fighting dastardly Fascist nation bent on plunder, on of Nations Council, hailed the announcement patriotism as set forth in the Stalhave written that the public force ently did the National Barytes for their lives and the lives of their the one hand, and a group of noble, democratic of these negotiations as something the Coun in Laval communique and accepted was whstituted for the guaran Producers Ass beg for a code and children was summed up in a few capitalist powers seeking to make peace and cil has learned with satisfaction. If Hitler as only natural, tinds its expreso The Republicans know that ment and its lead code authorities George Bourbon, tall, white balred words by the chairman, to protect Ethiopia on the other hand. Germany, for example, were anywhere today sion on July 14 and after where the they can count on the loyalty of France and Italy have pursued their imper sending military forces thousands of miles away Stalinist loaders hush upalte crite the army, the expression of the too presumptious to guess that on when he told Comins, genialist designs in Africa for decades and specififrom Germany in preparation for a bare faced cism of Paganon, the Minister of public force of the army formed this Code Administration snt a eral superintendent of the comcally moved toward the parcelling out of the attack on small nation, the Soviet Union Interior responsible for government of the sons of the entire people representative of the lead interests. pany: control, if not the ownership, of Ethiopia would unquestionably have protested. The re been Fuse youtube is a member Hoping to break the strike of the If you use that reserve pile of among themselves in 1908. England at the sult of the present policies of the Comintern moment appears as the chief obstacle in the Strike Dords, the compans decided to use ing anyway and we are con strike and of the foreign Office of the Soviet Union favor of the Franco Soviet pact and way of Italy aggressive plans, largely be under Stalinist leadership is that the Soviet therefore must not be irritated. On (Continued from Page 1) been piling up just for this event. peaceable if its possible. But if cause even potential control by Italy over Lake Union has uttered no word of protest against Bastille Day Stalinist leaders had 2030, the painters local 906 and the But they made their calculations not we ll have a nice quiot, little Tsana and the head waters of the blue Nile in the Italian adventure in Ethiopia. The Soviet the placardborrebarevolution bricklayers local 37. No one has without taking into consideration battle here all our own.
Ethiopia would strike a blow at her cotton Union is not free to do so long as the inter the Decree Laws of Laval Herriot clared Mr. Hopkins, and if they there is enough tire in the yards to strike is the American Workers The organisers and leaders of the growing program in the Sudan, and seriously ests of its ally in the Franco Soviet pact are seized and the name of Herriot ex don want to do it, other people on supply the mills for at least three Union, an unemployed organization interfere with other British plans for check for a friendly attitude toward Mussolini! punged from it.
mating the United States and her other rivals. The Negroes in the United States, colonial standing the fact that Herriot is a and receive the security wage. these hundreds of tons of minerals Weakness. The stalinists have just France appears as Italy friend because peoples throughout the world, those who enticipant in the reactionary measures med strike breaking and for the team shovel to load the mineral ployed Councils with this organiz that serves her interests in building up alli thusiastically join in demonstrations of the against French labor. He too, ta trade union movement there can on that cars. But when the machine ation from which the gained man naval agreement, etc. against the day of Italy, the Italians who want to see Mussolini Soviet Uniger and nothing must be accept the challenge and fight it reception committee of 300 minera national committee of Wagenknecht, inevitable war. But France will not for one designs foiled and his regime smashed, will do done to anger him.
When the strikers confronted the moment consent to any action by Italy which well to take note this significant fact and Wm. Green in his editorial in the of weapons ranging from clubs and others of the Stalinist wrecktroops they chanted the Interna American Federationist, August is and stones to the old squirrel ing crew to the local Executive might adversely affect her own colonial empire to draw the necessary conclusions.
tionale. When the Stalinists made sue, takes cognisance of the threat gun (usually a 12 bore shotgun Committee.
in Africa.
Extend and intensify the struggle against peace with capitalism and its armed in assorting that when relief wages which nearly every miner keeps At any rate the bosses are fooling For the moment both Great Britain and the Fascist robber attack on Ethiopia. For forces they brayed the Marseillaise, are set in competition with normal above his door. The shovel never with the most dangerous animal in France would like to prevent the outbreak of the boycott of Fascist Italy! For the struggle the song of the assessing of the wages, work and living standards gut a chance to sink its teeth into the world when they fool with the Paris Compune of 1871, of the for all will be dragged down. But the reserve and no ore has been Missouri tif digger an animal a life sized war in Africa because of the reperagainst imperialism on every front!
jingoes and slaughter bund of 1914. what does he propose? State and moved to date.
that hasn got a thing in this world cussions this would have among their own In a meeting at the Buffalo stadium local labor organizations should or On the morning of the strike they to lose. They are fighting under black, brown and yellow subjects, and because in Paris, in preparation for the ganise for effective participation in came a thousand strong to the the impulsion of the first law of LA VERITE July 14 celebration it remained for state relief plans and olicies. And Washington County Courthouse de nature of they are by no means as yet prepared for that self preservation, of Jacques Duclos, leader, to do after the local and state organiza manding immediate relief, the keeping body and soul together.
general European or world war which must be Organ of the Bolshevik Leninist Group in French what all the socialist and bourgeois tions have participated to the full strike breaking role of the federal Reared in the school of rugged the inevitable result of the outbreak of war in SP. formerly Communist League of France) orators had failed to do to bring est extent in these plans, then what, relief authorities has already been individualism they may try to any important situation, if not immediately, Single coples, 5c each Subscriptions the audience to its feet in the sing. it may be pertinent to ask? There shown by the offer to get Jobs convert the empty promise of dem.
then after a brief interval of months or years.
plus 2c postage.
per yea ing of the patriotic Marseillaise.
can be only one answer: The way for them on reforestation work, agogues into a living reality. And Order from Applauds the Army out is already shown in New York. promising jobs for 500 men. they have taken the only road the The object of delay by imperialist powers PIONEER BOOKSHOP The very troops that the Stalin Strike the project jobs. When the strike wote was taken a road of militant struggle.
cannot possibly be based on peace and on the 96 Fifth Avenue, C.
protection of small nations or colonial peoples.
plant through a small and sur. in one of those situations where all was unrecorded in the local society Iron Workers prised picket line. Latimer has the past sins of the fulse Stalinist columns, it was certainly one of since confided that he heard the line were back to hound them. To the most successful receptions of a plant was bringing in gunmen and get pickets in a hurry, you need a gay summer season. Spiribed pickit is expected they will announce occasions, 22 of the arrested pickbrought the police down to protect real, living contact with the masseting like this had the effect of the strikers. How the seabs manes. The Communist Party does not reviving the strike with a bang.
aged to slip in on his arm still re have this. The Unemployed Coun Here was a strike broken by the On West Coast ments with all locals except San welkin ring and the coppers red Reform Ranks mains a mystery. The sight of a cil? It does not exist. The Com Farmer Labor policy, creating a Continued from Page 1)
reactionaries to tell the members of solidarity. For this an addition, Farmer Labor Mayor acting as a munist Party local? Either it has situation before which the Staliniste (Continued from Page 1) scab herder is causing thousands of dwindled to almost nothing. or its were helpless. It required the openly espouses the cause of the can be secured only through strike. two days in the cooler or five dol from Germany and Austria to Min thinking this last week. It wasn eting. The Friends of the Soviet build the strike. There are lessons that recognition of San Francisco al charge was slammed on them ular practise to import workers serious workers to do some hard members are not interested in pick Workers Party to step in andre employers and makes a velled threat of government action unless It will leave the ther locals the bars fine. On August and 24 the neapolis. He has proceeded to ex. for this that the Farmer Labor Union? Nice people no doubt, but here for every worker to learn.
the unions capitulate to the de shotce of worting agreements without batches of arrested pickets win ploit their skill and take advantage ticket was swept into office. These not the kind to come out on a picket The Employers Whlmper mands of the employers. In a state San Francisco, or Insisting that come up for trial.
of their ignorance of our language workers are beginning to see what line. Why not call a meeting of ment issued Except for that one day attempt to the prese in Wash San Francisco remove Bridges, thel Not only are the police attacks and customs by underpaying these the local branch of the Workers the district committee, discuss the by the Flour City plant to reopen, Ington on July 29, he said source of all the trouble. Flour is rotting in the holds of This may not be the precise plan indiscriminate arrests of individual down the wages of other workers ment is true. In periods of crisis a That might do the trick In a week shut down.
the ships. sháp loaded with that these fakers have up their strelechas proved Propertove, weats in his plant. Some of these work reformist party cannot protect the or so. But a picket lite was needed this strike approximately as they able goods are destroyed, news maneuvers of a similar nature from Ing militant of the union and somers, who could speak a little Enk interests of the workers. For this right now. This afternoon did last summer. They greet the half a dozen others were arrested dish, soon learned of this and, hav. a revolutionary working class party these union splitters.
How Revolutionists Act public dally with large newspaper paper publishing is being cur.
tailed because the paper is being The marine workers must pret many, went to the local metal And how was it with the Workers advertisements, the majority signed held on these bonts, and business Pare themselves for a bitter strup than standing peacefully on street workers union to ask for help. The very real effect of breaking the ferent. We know that situations workers are quite content, that they Mayor Latimer actions had the Party in Minneapolis? It was dit by Tetzlaff, informing us that the corners. The charge was disorder generally is adversely affected.
This is an intolerable condi in last summer herole strikely conduct and for it they each union had found work for these strike. By noon that day the gen like this will arise again and again. don want to join the union, that gle to preserve the gains they won men. The other immigrants had eral Coeling among the strikers was we know that they must be pre we are an unruly mob, and so tlon, and one which cannot be al. They are in a much stronger posle served a day or more in jail The solid status of the picket line been told of this and sooner or later that the strike was crushed. Lati pared for by hard realistic work forth. The employers use the edilowed to continue tion to wage a winning fight than is no use making her contract they were last summer. They are after reven weeks of strike in managed to escape the yoke of mer has not yet explained why he day to day work that never slackens. torial columns to call for more and unless they obtain a quarantee all united through the Maritime which no more than scaba, who Tetzlaft Another of Tetalaff tricks is the made to answer for this act.
took the scabs in. He must be what could we do to establish that better police protection: Of course that the agreement will be lived Federation of the Pacific with its intimidation purposes, are working farming out of special Jobe to his picket lipe? The Workers Party they secured an injunction which They would renow the 34, 000 members. McGrady has amp in the plant is sufficient proof of gang foremen so that the workers Workers Party Takes Hand has contact with the General Driv. they thought would stop the pickAgreement if they had that guar. ly forwarded them of the role the Early in the afternoon a few of erg Union, with the Federal Worketing. But American workers in ante.
bosses government will play.
The why the cops and the mass arrests are doubly ocaploited both Tetzlafr the leading Workers Party comers Section of Local 574, and with these days of mass misery aren Gutter Press Aids Fakers main danger is within their own are needed.
To prepare the way for this as ranks. Hold your ranks frm 10 10 per head for every worker has given stock to his non union There were only about twenty men were sent about town to various contempt it deserves.
Moro in spite of the bonus of profits from the workers Tetzlafrades, active in trade union work, its own no longer insignificant mem. reading injunctions. This weapon half dosen messengers of the bosses was treated with the The workers is bending every effort to whip up and send the first faker who tries brought back, and a months vacu employers. This stock paid no div present. An air of gloom hung plants, to workers on various relier are defying it.
a red scare with Lundberg. presto split your ranks by raising the tion for reporting on strike actividends, had no maturity date. Again, heavy about the place. Our com jobs. Workers were told that their dent of the Maritime Federation of red scare down the same road that ities offered to every foreman the he would sell stock to his workererades made a quick and accurate help was needed immediately on the While Local 574 will continue to the Pacific Bridges of the LA. the rank and Ble of the sent plant has ben unable to operate permitting them to pay for it by appraisal of the situation, and then picket iine at the Flour City plant. sive its full cooperation to the and other militants being daily la Scharrenberg.
where they cannot leave their rooms Later he lost control of this stock went this situation we could have messengers the responded. Byport them to the limit, it does not belled minions of Moscow. The San Francisco Chronicle has taken local Communist 4:30 a good 250 pickets were out take the responsibility for the the head and playing tune Mass Arrests in the link foremen are receiving holding company, the National Party behaved towards the Local side the Flour City building. strike. The Northwest Organizer, their real bonus the payoft for Bronze Company. He has sincere 574 strikes last summer.
gutter We could crowd of a thousand or so quickly weekly organ of the Northwest LAgained control, but to the dismay have organized a rank and heets are taking up in one key or their rat activities file thered, and the police began arbor Unity Conference, has now been Treachery Spiked of the workers their certificates movement, we could have attacked riving another. The chorus shrieks, Amsquad cars. The plan of placed at the disposal of the strikerican Unionism and Red Radical.
It was contidently asserted on process. For years Tetzlaff has for its very life against the em reabs through the picket lines in events demand it on Friday the have become almost valules in the the leadership of a union struggling the employers was to escort the ing union, and may appear daily if ism cannot live together in the same house. In this red baiting the picketing that the strike could maintained stoopigeons on the job. Ployers, we could have issued a autos owned by the management paper carried an interesting expo Mas arrests marked the seventh have been settled some two weeks Bearing this in mind, one sees that leaflet campaign the bosses have the full week of the stubbornly fought ago but for the treachery of the the struggle at the Flour City plant marty. And by so doing we would autos were to be interspersed the sle to maintain his open shop. The satellites, Paddy Morris, Lewis, workers are crippling production backs of the workers met with the is not only for wages and working have earned exactly what the police cars. It happened that at strikers are demanding that the Peterson and Co While Ryan is and well on the road to a victorious bosses in Hotel Towers and as of the workers to organize for their or thousands of loen working men was absent from the picket line, Flour City plant closed as a menace openly attacking Bridges and the settlement other militants his western bench Paying no attention to the much on the job under scab conditions own mutual beneft, a right always and women. The Workers Party and down in the Mayor office con to public pace, that he investigate denied by Tetzlafr.
men are forced to proceed more vaunted declaration of La Guardia until his activities were spotted and does not act in that fashion. ferring with Latimer.
the working conditions there and Here was a case where scaba had The cars began coming out. make a publie report carefully cause of the strength legalizing mase picketing New the scal movement decisively stop Farmer Labor Mayor Herds Scabs The prst two weeks of the strike gained entrance to the plant. It Somehow, or other the police cars An open mass meeting is schedThe Portland News Telegram in some 100 strikers on August be some 300, 000 has been lost by were uneventful. Daily picket lines, the boss could get away with this, were always held up for a minute uled for Monday, August 5, at the an article on the recent meeting of core they even reached within three the company since the outbreak of though small, prevented the bosses the strike was broken. The scabs or 80 as they came rolling out of Central Labor Union, where local the executive board of the Pacific blocks of the plant. 76 pickets were the strike in business and the non from trying to re open with scab would be coming out at 4:30, in the plant. This cut the police off labor leaders will answer the lies District of the boldly out arrested and charged with disor operation of the machines. labor. The strikers felt, and cor just a few hours. What was needed from the scab antos, which were the employers paid advertisements.
lined the tactics that the reaction derly conduct. On the next day Commissaries have been estabrectly, that the real struggle would was a picket Jine. To build a greeted with a shower of bricks. All local workers are called upon Aries will probably use in their 24 workers were arrested on similar lished in the Brooklyn and in the resolve around the labor lating picket line requires numbers of Each scab car looked as though it to support Local 1313 strike. Be campaign to oust the militants. Ac charges. Among those seized were Bronx plant, which is in a similarly Flour City Ornamental Iron Works. lighting workers. The Job was to had been caught in a rain of can on the picket line every morning at cording to this paper, which is un several members of the Workers strong position. However, finances on the morning of July 26, the build that picket line in two hours. non balls. Things finally got to the six o clock. Be around the strike usually close to the of Party who were extremely active are still badly needed. All dona recently elected Farmer. Labor The Communist Party members point where the police cars were headquarters. Give financial aid to leaders, it is not planned to put the If the arrests were meant to tions should question of Bridges removal to a dampen the fighting spirit of the Gordon, organizer. International at the Four City plant with a active, courageous and devoted tops were rolling around on the mental iron industry a union indusreferendum vote for they unhest men and women they failed dismal Upholsterers Union, local 140B at squad of 68 police and proceeded to workers, the cream of the local loors of their cars amid shower try! Make Minneapolis a Union tatingly admit this would prove a ly. Behind the courtroom, in the 114 14th St. escort 30 strike breakers into the membership. But now they were of dying glass. Though the event Town!
SPEAKERS: of Minneapolis at various time for no other reasoning been union members in Ger. is necessary.
Spring Strike MUSTE SHACHTMAN The 7th Congress of the Communist International Wed. Aug. 14 P.
Irving Plaza Hall Irving Pl. 15th St.