BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismReform PartySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

TURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1935 NN MILITANT Skeletons Out of the Daily Worker Closet What Next in the Socialist Party? Few Telling Quotations Question Box citing By MUSTE the War clouds become thicker and An Analysis of Developments Arising The cocond point that stands blacker. Daily occurrences and out from an analysis of the past speeches furnish conclusive and Out of the Recent Old Guard year developments in the final proof that the Staliniat buU. is that terrific blow has DAMBAYE BY HENRY THURMAN munist International eggs on the reaucracy of the Soviet Union and Triumph at the Meeting been struck at the conceptien 1938, and also in the true of May Stalin, Thores, and Hathaway. French Imperiallam, sold there. The militants who said they were preparedness, by the tallure of the In the Dally Worker of April French workers to support the war? the Comintern have capitulated to that the could be reformed, PHILADELPHIAthat is, that a majority could be Question: What is the means 11. printed the following correct have you forgotten the German Jutionary Integrity and soul of the going to do this jobyes, even Socialist Call for example, to make won to a Marxist position and so of the struggle between Hitler and Leninist policy on the war question: masses in your considerations? Third International for a mens of make the teelt revolutionary even a plausible attempt to state party and the basis of the party make this the position of the the Catholic Church It is difficult to forecast the Monstrous Indeed Answer: In general, Fasciam can.
Inouy in the next Imperialist Thorez tells us that it would be Socialist workers in the United and who rode so high and sung their position and plans since the membership on the contrary, not tolerate the existenge of any wat. But it is very probable that monstrous to consider a side imper States and elsewhere those of at the New York Plenum an obvious Important Questions the course of those who rejected organisation over which it does not auch war would start alther as from of socialism, the country of the lacy of classic Social Democratic being kicked out, the Old Guard to weakness in the fight against the e attack upon the Soviet Union Among the chiet gources of their this road and who worked for the have complete domination other merger of the and CLA wise the interests of clans other or as Stalin said would be rep working class.
So it France Aights on the same revolutionary. are more and in the ascendency and in a stronger Old Guard and as a force for the established the as the inde than, and opposed to finance capelweck of the imperialists against side as non imperialist Ruesta, that more insistently confronted with position to advance its avowed pur crystallization of a senutne lett persona che hanteer een motorreth Pasclat state has become Bonapart the pose of on the labor under what to build a left party question. With few excepInternational, has been justified. that, this is particularly true But whatever the exact er for the time being. The French banner may the revolutionary eley Under the circlmstances thoge tions they are for a Labor party The Open Letter evidenced by the fact that even stances in which the hostil bourgeoisle will fight, not for the mente in this period be welded to who question whether any con and have in no There was a timeliness which composed of large stormtroop organisation pleblan elements, ties would begin, the French Com maintaining of the Versailles Treaty sether into a powerful, Internation.
revolutionary party, Soviet al under siderables poft wing will be built diferentiated themseport from sende from the was perhaps not altogether an bis which might get out of control, canwago ito relentless and anotacing Union, pure and simple? Well whose leadership all the forces of the the SP, have some basis for Old Guard on this point. The role torical accident, and in any case is not be permitted. For this reason, is and their own imperialists: Yes, it would be monstrous to unite, not merely for defense Downtor is that no oft wing cm this period is bound to be a reform and elsewhere, right upon the heels struggle with the Pope, and itler be built on the basis and by the ist one. Politically, how build a of the meeting of the is repeating the prcoess.
It would raise Lenin slogan of think of France as an Imperialist against Fascist aggression but for methods the Militante bare om revolutionary wing on the basis of Open Letter for the Fourth Interturning the imperialist war into nation with the Communist Party the counter attack to destroy cap ployed in the last halt dezon building a reformist labor party? national. The forces in the United however, it not incompatible with revolutionary civil war.
supporting it in a war. But France italism.
years, Socialist party members in the But the Stalinist editorial board is imperialist, and the act of Thorez, caught itong boere in chaining the French party to the United States Mineralwating their of the Militants to do what they set elected to office on its ticket. Fourth International are not ensaitions of its master, it become What is the reason for the failure Labor party, get votes for it and and have accepted the program of has been adjusted to the new con chariot wheels of the national bour own party and their own respons professed they were going to do? Will turnish a means of evading tirely insignificant, compared with month before it had printed a bility in the face of this question front page article vehemently deny. geolie 18 monstrous. the increased mis from heaven Thorez borrows the very argu must make up the balance sheet or rst, they bave never worked out fundamental revolutionary prob those of the Indeed, the num again the justifler, with a mandate ing that there was, or could be, any ments of the social ebauvinists or the party development during the a political program and sought to lems. In such activities all mili ber of members who accept oflery of the masses, even though, as truth in the rumors of an impend. 1914, for be brings in the example little over a year that has elapsed Ibership of the and carry on role, no matter how fine a face they sition is not small. But even if this in Germany. It will have long funds gather followers, educate the mem tants will have to play a tall endist claim to accept our theoretical poing military pact between Stalin and La Belle France. The gentle of Mary attitude toward the since the Detroit convention of the the fight against the Old Guard on my try to put on it, to the Old were not 90, members, MUA at its disposal. The Church do men of the editorial board did not Franco Prussian War of 1870 and the adoption of the De the clear basis of such a program. Guard and the trade union official tants, all who are not reformiste levours a great deal of the wealth troit Declaration. This developSecondly, having know. that Stalin had lost a which was one of the social palement has been reported and promical basis on which to fight, their does not know precisely where it is the Open Letter and draw conclu Lenin clear politi dom the role of a minority which the must face the challenge of of which Hitler is greatly in need. Dalth to the international movementos favorites. answers visionally analyzed the NEW and no longer considered a militant Thores, struggle has been an organizational going sions in the light of it as to which NEW YORK proletariat, fighting against their Lenin on the Stalinlsts MILITANT and the New Interna love. We will get control of the Secondly, the militants are weak party represents the revolutionary Question: What is meant by: laown national bourgeoisie at home, Lenin wrote: Whoever refers tional and it is not necessary to and of the party by uniting because of their lack of a clear vanguard, the future of hope for the flation? Deflation? Detelusloot review it at length Answer: In general, these terms to be the best and only true defense at present to Marx attitude to The Detroit Tum all elements opposed to the old position on what are now the real proletariat and not the pist of be of the Soviet Union. They did not wards the wars of a period when as used by the capitalist economista know (7) that Stalin wants desperAt Detroit, in 1934, a National Guard for this purpose and then test questions before the interea trayal and defent.
the bourgeoisie was progressive, Committee was elected which the the party revolutionary this is in the questions of the Soviet Union. militant workers in the who ingos, reflecting the confusion in the we will use our control to make tional working class movementFor the numerous Marxists and have various and different meanately to get rid of the embarrass forgetting Marx words that the militants claimed to dominate. The effect what the Militants sald to the role of the Stalinist bureaucra are at present unattached, there minds of the bourgeoisde. To some ment of Comintern, as a chame workers have no fatherland, leon Anape at a broken tail until it ride itself of the useless member.
words which refer to period Marxist one. It represented, how part carried on a political fight on attitude to the Second and Third which have taken place in the eral rise in prices is an Inflation. Detroit Declaration was far from themselves. The Old Guard on itsey in International relations, the can now, after the development economists, for example, any genwhen the bourgeoisle is reaction ever, a certain turning away from the basis of a program though, of as yet to the sorry spectacle of a period of socialist revolutions, is Tbey had not adapted themselves ary and has entired it all to the reformiam. In other words, it was course, an incorrect one, and they for the Fourth International, the tern Congress now in session in diffeulties arise, of course, through a Centrist declaration. The election won out. The opposition to them, Internationals and to the movement and the revelations of the Company decrease is a deflation. Thetr bureaucracy renting out the Inter shamelessly distorting Marx and of the and the adoption of the not standing united on a program, war crisis a betrayal more question of how in the ay atamon Cow as to the final capitulation their failure to understand the die national in the manner of Abraham substituting bourgeols vlow Declaration were hailed by the being composed of the Comintern to social petrlot tinction between money as a standrenting out his wife Sarah, point. Socialism and War. Militants, on the one hand, as clear, heterogeneous elements, tell be prevented.
politically un and tragle than that of 1914 18 to 1sm. be no question of going into ard of value and as a standard of Little Correction Since Lenin wrote those words, ellmax of their work over a period to pieces just at the critical moment. berebere meeted the enclear on these is the revolutionary party in the Under the normal development Maurice Thorez, General Secrethe workers have a guined a father career the learned the indication Norman Thomas, for example, har pornts are the some instances tend United States. Its doors are open. of capitalism, prices roses and reduce France, cleared up matters, as the still in the age when the bourgeois could be contention there lutten as the old Guard, could not make a oid Gaardo veselo mente pershdea: The honest militant to stand on the deflation. It merely meant that Daily Worker ghowe: fense of the Soviet Union is iden. party. On the other hand, they how many violations of disciplinelose to follow the same fundaside Une. There is no time to lose the amount of gold for which fixed ale is made revolutionary And here shall answer a tical with the struggle against our stated that this was the beginning policies of betrayal as in even in the in increasing and quantities of commodities would question which has been put to own national ruling cla, for its of a vigorous and more rapld move they committed, how ruthlessly tbey the past. How pretend to be crys welding together the party of the lerchange fell or rose, and, since eventual overthrow. The struggle toward the latter goal. On this how many onths of loyalty be less you have a clear answer to the might hold him up to ridicule, and tallizing a revolutionary wing un. vanguard.
the standard of price (the weight me: In any war unloosed by. were considerable number of individuria pound sterling, tranc etc.
We are aware that there are a lof gold represented by the dollar, would your apply your sloga: Frenet master class tor example, inviterer to such the Goldman, Colowchos run the risk of having the prevent this betrayala les portes so the le who are not yet ready mained stationary, there are more recente the to ayil Wart ful struggle of the German masses and Zam accepted the invitation Intlonists with whom he does have to accept our program or if they dollars (or pounds, francs, etc. also against Natism.
Those who were not convinced that differences and whose control of Well, no! Because in such The Trade Unlon Problem do, to draw the organizational con hell and rose.
war it would not be a question of organisations such as the the party would mean to diacredit The term Inflation, therefore, Third, the economic basis for exclusions from it. We never have, a parlaist conflict betwem in defense of a position that al and join the were put down as that is, of the of bureau leaders depend will prevent them manner call them counter cevolu change takes place in the standard Thores brings up another point and the sbould be liquidated it in the eyes of the trade unionistence upon which many Militant and we do not now in the Stalinistas no significance unless an actual twe Imperialist goes, it would Marxist Leninist cannot defend. He hopeless sectarians.
bo question of war against the refers to the fact that Lenin accrats.
The Old Guard in the and unless, of course, they break away tionists and Social Fascists. On the of price so that each unit (dollar, Soviet Union.
cepted the aid of French officers especially the New York section, The Petish of Unity trom it, trom following an out and contrary, we expect them to be our pound, franc, etc. represents les Maedchen für alle, indeed! as who were willing to blow up rall. promptly took the offensive. Oront revolutionary policy. The Old comrades in the struggles of the gold than formerly. Prices then Lenin would have said.
Because of this inherent political Guard leaders in the are pro working class today and hope. that rise not because it requires more Now let us consider the matter troope from advancing upon the Politically, it declared that the De their hands tied by a formal and who are related to the top officials not merely road tracks to keep the German ganisationally it defied the weakness the militants also badressionals, lawyers, for example trny, if not all of them, will be gold to exchange for commoditie from the viewpoint of Internation Bolsheviks.
fellow travelers but but because the amount of gold Obviously this agree trolt Declaration was Common fetishistle conception of the unity in the unions and get their practice, comrades in the fullest sense of the represented by each unit of paper allestes titet war of Germany against meat Ini 1918, ing watch the Bolshem it it meant anything and that of the party. Keep the party to directly or indirectly from the term in the approaching revolution money 18 less Intellion james bones want the German workers to turo French Imperialism by handing openly and unequivocally on a grad valons in the workikng class, was tante babe the war into a rebellion against over the services of the French ualist and democratie basis, that is, their plea. Suflice it at this point the make, the second layer of offyounger professionals on The Duty of Left Wingers plying that the standard of price We do say to them, however, has become worthless.
them gazing with pained anxiety renounce the Leninist polley of to sion of the as a result of this First: Unity on an unsound they held their positions in the unthat they are not reformists or that the government, when it Hitler e regimees? Correct. See working class, and which did not on reformism. At the Boston se to make three brief observations cals in the unions, etc. Now if that if they are serious in asserting Devaluation is inflation except over the line to see if thelr commenting revolution against rades on the other alde remain loyal French bourgeoiste, bas little in ceeded promptly to follow up this ed experiences of the working class long as representatives of a rank mere centrists it is in the first able, formally gets the lowered to internationalism. What are the common with the present traitorous opening and further balted the have demonstrated and as the Mill, and conservatives, they would be gram of the and the Open and Alle opposition to reactionaries place, their duty to study the pro standard of price.
German workers to do if the Compact The Militants on their part, as well tants have now once again found pushed to the left because the in Letter, and to see to it that they Deflation is a mosning as their allies such as Norman out, disruption at the critical mo terests of this rank and file in the are discussed in the Socialist Party. term, product of bourgeois contoand the When this pro Thomas, realized that the old ment disruption precisely of the capitalist erials would demand it if these comrades are not prepared ston, and can have significance gram Anally came to a vote it was Guard was gaining ground and that more progressive forces to the bene. But in the main this is not at for such discussion of the prob only if it is intended to mean the overwhelmingly defeated; a resolu they post put up a much more de Alt of the reactionaries Stalinist tactics used in Mlinois In be routed. So the Socialist Call it which means political collaborato a certain point the militant name of revolutionist. If these latter has not been the case, the they were not to Second: What kind of unity is advocating progressive measures up ment, they have no right to the which has been reduced or at the the past, particularly during the was projected and established, and tion with the old Guard, reformiets cannot contemplate an intransigent issues cannot be discussed in the raising of the standard of price Hunger March resolution for afiliation of the be able to avoid a split in the party no collaboration with, objectively, reaucracy and a decisive break talking of butiding revolutionary we shall ever witness anything of (Continued from Page 1) with the Workers Alllance were wrong and that the Old Guard even emnity towards revolutionists? with it, for this would mean a wing in it.
this sort. The devaluations and shadow, the contraste and contra of America was passed without must be kicked out began to be Third: Such painless births as threat to their jobs and also to the Inflations, which we are witnessSecondly, the leftward moving ing, an index of the decline of cap dictions of capitalism in decay, serious opposition. This plan was beard.
are envisaged by those who expect basis of their prestige, their social elements in the Socialist Party who italism 10. donally, are forced There were shots The Pirst Blow a revolutionary party to be born on position, in the labor movement. still belleve that something can be families svingen in working class This fact alone human habitation, One family in party expressed and proved stand Thomas Allen, ete. group made altogether in a party may have bed either offered no opposition, or own program covering the crucial nation will ever take place.
eliminates the possibility that de en actually living in a cave. Fac. whether employed or unemployed laying down certain requirements renlm but it is not yet in the social! Guard blunt refusal to pass eveneipe in generalities, and they must this tories, mills and other engines of in spite of the raw tactics used which they must meet within a If the Militants have learned mild resolution of censure on the plenty, if the workers would but recently by the national leadership given period or (presumably) be anything from recent experiences o Localdom. As we wembe blowe and education the What to Attend take them over, were shown. Jim of the when Lasser invaded kicked out. At the same time and expect to go seriously about pointed out at the time, so far as against not only reformism but territory what could be much more decisive attack, how crystallizing the left wing, they the American labor movement and not covered by subtitles on the effort to chisel away fragments of means of the resolution which de they are now in a very weak post concerned, the trade union question program. Thirdly, these comrades Friday, August S, dram Shipley explained those pictures interpreted as nothing else but an ever, was made on the left wing by mit begin by facing the fact that specific American problems are centrism on the basis of such a screen.
Toup meets P. at 55 11th the membership. The upclared advocacy of armed insurSt. Casting for Exhibit A, on the second day of the conven: derstanding of delegates who rection as incompatible with mem. themselves elven the clearest Indi. the militants failed, and must fail the reformists of the old Gaard in ion. The Militant leaders have is the test question today. On this cannot expect to be taken seriously tion resolutions were passed for voted for the national affiliation bership in the The notion that cation of their helplessness and un unless they effect a right about the and collaboration with one act anti war play scheduled as the first production of the might be presented to Congress with main a rank and file organization of cially revolutionary ones, in the elements such as Norman Thomas. Spartacan Players, will begin on the basis of toleration of such a this Friday.
the same principles as the Lundeen the workers, as opposed to one was thus abandoned. The Cen.
BILI: endorsing the Labor Party: mechanicallp dominated by Lasser triats made an attempt to establish surrender to the Old Guard as the Anap: Spracus Youth League.
against Hearst; condemning war and Rasmussen and the a political position of their own as recent peace pact, the basis for and post of capitalism; against Jim Shipley and Charles Fearn, al gesture against the right and a out that it is an inev Among others two members, that of the by an organizationATTENTION moonlighters, comrades and sympathloors. The their procedure, while they hola itable WORKERS Mussolini and his imminent raping were elected to the Executive Board political blow against the left.
por me more about the Moonlight Sailare going full steam borad Don look trom por objectively even Protect Youne Arthe of Ethiopia; for youth reller; and by the convention. Hank Mayer wm be sold and those who wait too long will find it impossible to outs in the or outside. To say that they have differences with Hards Life, Jela the Cordieborn of unton wages and was continued as Educational du have been expected and watch some obtain them. The dents can be bought at 55 11th Street and at the Bookshop9 conditions to promote the ideals of rector and commended on the line of us had frequently enough prethese elements is to sty exactly WORKMEN SICK DEATH 30 bour 30 week.
nothing or alive to cover up organ BENEFIT VUND OF THE US.
This last job he has done in propaganda and dicted, tame at the recent New named resolution was altered sev workers education in Iinois dur York Plenum of the which izational fetishigm and cowardly MUSIC tral times before being finally toned ing the past year. Other comrades bas been reported in the columns 1884 1935 evasion, for they claim to have dir.
DANCING down to more of an appeal than a were assigned duties towards bulld of the NEW MILITANT. There terences with the Old Guard and Organlaed, managed by and for demand.
the trade union bureaucrats also ing an organization to include all Thomas, Hoan, etc. signed a peace MOONLIGHT SAIL workers with only one parpou: Any movement in the which Two members, Cyrus Rigby, the unemployed workers of the pact with the old Gaard do 29. ISLANDER TO HOOK MOUNTAIN makes serious pretensione et almal to render protection to members secretary of the Utica (N. Un state of Illinois.
good Socialista could get ready to and their families, and to rap employed League, and Leighton ing at the crystallization of a leftroll up a big vote or the party Rigby of Diron, Ill. asked for perPhiladelphia wing must make a clear and finallport all endeavors and strugdes (meaning for Hoan. to the 1936 mission to address the convention, PICNIC presidential election. The basis of bronk with the borse trading and the organizational for the improvement of tollers.
maneuvering They were refused the floor on For the benefit of the elght page the pact to the exclusion of Com About 60, 000 members or PDgrounds that the business before weekly New Militant which have marked the Militant munists, that is Marxists from Ised in 360 branches Reserve the ageremblage allowed no time for SUNDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1935 tacties in the past, must stand un 13, 400, 000 the technical acceptance by guest speakers who had not ap In Firmount Park, equivocally and from the outset on the Old Guard of the Detroit DecDeath beneat graded accordpeared before the proper committee west of 33rd and Cumberland Ste laration with the understanding program of break with all re formists and Centrists and unity Ing to eat entry. Sick Bened on the first day. Dick Harrington, Arranged by Philadelphia Br. that the right to criticise and payments from 300 to 900 to national chairman of with the revolutionary elementa on the Unemmodify exista, etc.
LEAVES PEIR 192ND ST. 30 ployed Councils, however, had gone Militants Fall to Create Left Wios PAUL LUTTING, the basis of a revolutionary pro men and women, according to SATURDAY AUGUST 17, 1935 gram. Let the rank and ble in the through with the necessary formal DANIEL LUTTINGER KLD.
The first point that stands ont Socialist Party and especially the Monthly Assements from 18 itiee and was allowed to speak. He today is that after all these years BENEFIT PAGE NEW MILITANT Socialist youth apply that test rig to 12. 20.
spoke on working class unity and Thingtee Bar Not of work by the assorted varieties of TICKET 00 specifically advanced the proorously and without delay to every For further information apply 2 and 8 th cept Sunday militants in the Do revolution ENTERTAINMENT program submitted to them and to gram of a united front by calling REFRESHMENTS to Main Oprice: und Holidays ary left wing of any proportions every would be leader who standa 714 Beneta Ave, Brooklyn, NY.
for soch unity hetween the has been crystallised in the party.
lup before them 150 Delegates Attend Convention Moonlight On The Hudson o that a cla.