Comments Impartial St. Louis Cops Before Rubber Minority Groups in Teachers Bust a Record and Heads Union Confab Union to Wage United Fight Strikebreaking is a Pastime sinceramente entre outros To Save Union at Convention Happiness The Manager Corner or forty acres that he tends. The police department established a new scorted back into the shop by PAGE NW WITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1931 defeated even in the Delegate sembly which they control.
The United Committee has also circularized the various locals of the and prominent members On Life, Liberty of it, informing them of the condi (Contioned from Page 1)
tlons in Local No. and appealing and Pursuit of to them to support the opposition of our policies and bring them into in the coming National Convention the Party, not only because correct which will be held in Cleveland be ST. LOUIS, Trotsky once was hired to break the strike and perspectives must be given before In April, 1085, the leaders of the ment or asume the responsibility sinning August 26. The Committee By BILL REICH said that a policeman in the ser the police department to protect and at the convention but because Rank and Flle suddenly woke up to for breaking the anited front. The is also organizing a mass delegaMENA, Arkansas The earnings vice of the capitalist class is no Ahner. Again arrests on a mass our primary task is to build the the fact that the Administration representatives of the Committee tion to the convention to support was preparing the expulsion of the for Democracy took a firm and con its position. It hopes to convince of the Missouri Ozarks average cope of words to that effect. And. few molders were secured. It is doubtful that any siatent position, arguing that the the majority of the delegates that force ondan sorces.
of proposing a genuine fight to remain in the union was white rock containing barium which 1985 be would have found more evi care anything about it. They were must become more alert and under allt opposition groups on the basie mocratice the union. They argued Lefkowitz Linville clique to split 500 per weiteren harian bare during the spring and summer of thing about molding and did not the convention. Bat the workers united front movement to include bound up with the struggle to de defeat of the machinations of the serves as a base in the manufacturedence of his assertion than in any bired to break a strike Literally stand more clearly the numerous of a limited prgram acceptable to that the Administration would be the onion in order to save them Pigment des chemical co. parchas other six months of his eventta thousands of tons of worthicae underbanded methods belng used to all, the leaders of the Rank and quite willing to let them remetyr det selves from defeat by the memberce practically the entire supply, paying 00 per ton for rocks, the St. Louis cope are not only ex the owner had to close shop. The bureaucrats and also the Stalinista. below meeting of its own member manded. The struggle against exSayo the Teachers Union gathering of which representa pert strikebreakers but are jealous molders BO plcket line led Mr.
Claherty is spending his time and ship and adopted a program to propulsione acquired meaning and The Administration of the union of their reputation News of police Brtle straight to the Bankrupts money creating small locals in ont mote its own factional Interests could be used to effect changes only is determined to expect a Teorganhours of arduous toll.
Most of the miners eke out a new zeal and energy. They do not on a rampage in May and tried to chanical control of the convention and the Committee for Democracy struggle for the right of the mem. It will stop at nothing not even living from scrawny gardens and believe in neutrality either in the run the picket line away. They His story about the youngstown in the Union to join its so called bership to determine the policies of split. Only the overwhelming de many must receive supplementary ory or practise. The bosses, yes were not successful but since the local is an example. He reported untod front.
the union.
feat of the administration proposals rellet in order to subsist. This is terday, today and forever, is their cops basted all previous records in a large mass meeting and a good When the groups including varl These arguments were not beeded at the convention and the intervenanother example of an industry be slogan. And they do not discrimin this atrair it must be told. Let local after a trip their to organize ous independent members refused, by the other forces in the United tion of the membership of the ing subsidized by the government: ate. Women who violate the first Martin Dillman, editor of the Labor a minor plant. Actually, less than the Rank and File was forced to Committee; they were determined T, aided by the protests of the it is not the miners who actually commandment of the bosses creed, Advocate tell the story a dozen workers Joined!
yield and accept a genuine united to court the Militant Socialist progressive locals in the of receive the relief but the industry Thou shalt Not Strike are given Try picture policemen sta Flattering letters from the Lewis front program and organizational teachers even at the expense of can defeat these wrecking operawhich thereby is enabled to pay as liberal portions of the night tioned at a strike bound shop to es are used by these reactionaries set up. The United Committee to emasculating their minimum pro tions.
The progressive trade unionista The men have recently banded for equal militancy on the picket their teeth while 75 rats march out their banner and thus give them acopted a program calling for the sion was made, the Militants re throughout the country must realize together to form an independent line is thelr motto.
of the plant in a body with gas more control in the of A struggle against expulsions and for fused to join the united movement that the struggle now being winged union. The first demand is an inNo Discrimination pipes, clubs and other weapons for few mislead workers seem to all the complete democratization of the on any terms. They refused to be inside the for the preservacrease of a ton for their pro In the Forest City garment work a riotous attack on strikers head for this. All the reactionarles Union. All groups agreed that this associated, they declared, with the tion of Local is part and parcel duct. God put you men on earth erg strike radio cars and patrol quarters and to assault pickets. really want is not a strong union, program would have the widest other forces in the movement be of the struggle which they are to live, not to starve, cried a lead. wagons were used as acab convoys. At about 1:30 May 22 a but votes to oust Green so they can possible appeal.
cause of their previous record. waging within their own unions for er at a recent meeting on a wooded Pickets were arrested wholesalo mob estimated at from 75 to 100 of take his place and then continue No sooner had the United Com They have since organized their democracy and clean, effective, hillside attended by more than 600 without the slightest provocation. Ertle strike breakers suddenly bis betrayals.
mittee settled down to work when own little independent protest militant unionism. They must help desperate workers.
Artics Wilson, overworked, under marched out of the foundry in a The Stalinists tell rabber work the majority of the Executive Board movement in an effective manner. this struggle by sending resolutions The men voted to strike on Aug. paid and brutally exploited car body armed with a varied assorters that the has 20 presidents of the Union threw bombshell Committee Active to the Executive Council of the 12 if their demands are not met. mont slave was picked up and lit ment of weapons and made for of the autoworkers unions with into the organization by serving the The United Committee to Save orging it to condemn the arthey them and that they are going to opposition with an ultimatum that the Union undertook and carried bitrary and undemocratic policies dig tif and pile it up but will pre was then hauled into the capitalist staged a Wild West raid, driving a run the autoworkers convention to they must dissolve their groupe, out a certain number of actions of the Administration of Locals det it from being moved, by force court on the charge of assault and sew unarmed for outnumbered form an international next month discontinue their activities or face useful to the campaign. It staged and its red balting statements as.
16 necessary.
was given the same dose Thas then proceeded to make the rounds to believe their only hope Lleg in Council of the Laſkowita which was attended by over 700 as a progressive trade union New Deal Heaven.
boldly announced that the aim of union members. The Executive Com organization; as a menace to the The aristocratie plantation own the police was established. wo er one was eighted and det upon we let the past record of the histove was to expel the opposite mittee of the College Teachers Jobs at the unton teachers. They ers and simple hil folk of the man and a man had received equa! by the mob and several union men Workers Party here speak for it tlon groupe from the Union. The section of the union has gone on should request the Executive Conn South have been celebrated in song punishment for an equal offene barely escaped serious injury or self. The only leadershlp, the only prediction and the warning issued record against the investigation ell to recommend to the National worse. One storekeeper resented warning of impending betrayal, the by the Committee for Democracy in because of the activity of the Unit convention that it go on record in and story. The largest single group. being on a picket line.
In the South, tenant farmers and in the Forest sbare croppers, remained unknown Durocher hero of the pendant offenseless striker, in fact be em after the Claherty nad Green sell the whole course pursued by it stirring up such a protest sentiment the membership of the various loby bing months ago. They have come into used his car as a scab convoying it with a frm dowoward mo a radio attachment and bring small but active group here! the end of May, 1985. Assembly, although the official vote the organization, to defend the As the Workers Party first agl Bowing to Prejudice on the investigation was 80 in right of minorities to function le the limelight because of thousands Doris Smith, low paid, part time of evictions of their oumber due to employee of the Forest City Co. and ton on the scabe head whereupon tuted for a strike; Arat brought to The brutal and cynical manner in favor and 77 opposed, the unofficial gally within the Local the plow under policy of the AAA, mother of several children, was ar the sluggers beat it trom that place Akron the lessons of Toledo and which the Administration decided count sbowed that 81 were record T, includine e locals of the AF at too hot.
Minneapolis strategy in strike, so upon the Investigation called ed against the investigation! No because of their militant efforts to rested and fined 250 in court on Resolutions should be addressed riot call brought a good sup: we are trying again to give the forth the protests of various inde wonder the Administration refused to: Executive Council, American protect themselves through a union, the testimony of Durocher and a and because of the vicious counter cop. St. Louls labor has put a ply of cope who perhaps anticipated rubberworkers correct perspective pendent elements, including the to permit a recount by roll call Federation of Teachers, Bosse. We want to repeat for emphasis.
offensive of the landlords.
cidentally, Sam Brendon, owner of boycott on the Cardinal team. But it was scabs who were the duly Only Insofar as the rubbetworkera tant Socialist teachers group. They realized that they had been Wabash ATO. Chicagy, IIL headed by Hendley and Miss Tuletetttttttttttttttt ditions lower than those of the Forest City. It is hard to imagine living con the cards, is also a stockholder in qualified candidates for the lock up understand the nature of the forces chin. This group was opposed to this time. Oh! that different contending in the industry and expulsdong as well as to the investisharecropper. His miserable one or The Gas Workers Strike Were the rioters arrested? Don adopt the ideas of the Workers nation, but was likewise opposed to two room shack of unpainted boards In the Gas Workers strike the make us laugh.
Party, will the labor movement in the program of democratizing the stands in the middle of the thirty The rioting scabs were simply Akron progress union proposed by the United Com uttttttttttttttttttttttttt are no sanitary conveniences and feels for the bones.
mittee. They also refused to join record in showing the partiality It these uniformed minions of law and CORRECTION the united front on any terms.
This weeks report brings the con Newark branch sent in 15. 00 to tributions received for the eight date and the Los Angeles branch during the rainy season the shack Cope were put on twelve hour, protested 30 loudly that Superinten asked us to make the following teachers to join the representatives thig is only a little better than 20 tons we will not mention until Order Neighborhood merchants Our Canadian comrades have often stands in a typhus infected seven day assignments.
To induce the Militant Socialist page weekly up to 125. 46 But 10. 00. The other branch contriba mosquito breeding paddle. In many sections the landowners are taking crossings. Scabs are more impor of the raiding bullies, was arrested which appeared in the Greetings that the entire democracy section still to be collected is 1, 574. 54. we do wish to say to all of them, They were withdrawn from school dent and Harry Schneider, leader factural correction of an error of the Progressive Group proposed per cent of the total sum needed. they become more substantial. But advantage of FERA generosity by tant than working clase children.
but released on bond.
to the Vanguard in the NEW MIL of the program be eliminated and How soon can we make it?
having sanitary privies built on the These acabs were tried and two ITANT for July 27: Instead of, so that the light be waged solely Judging from present indications Vidual sympathisers: Harry your and this goes also for all our indiWholesale arrests were made, as plots. No attempts have been made many as seventy in one day.
The of them drew 50 fines. The case special interest to the organized against the investigation and this should be a matter of only a contributions. The soner we comby the landlords or the government charges were auspicion of affray was appealed and the fine was of workers in the United States is the against expulsions. That this was to provide decent homes for the which necessitates a common law course never pald at least so far platform of the Progressives in the a violation of their agreement did very short time. Now the campaign plete the campaign the sooner the workers Cloakmakers Union (I. LG. not concern the Progressives; they is getting into full swing. The test of the elght page issues will bond, the highest feed bond for or as we know.
The usual garb of the sharecrop dinary labor disturbances.
Chicago branches have a big affair be in your hands. During the rest With the words of the Labor Ad for unity of the sectarian Stalinis desired to have the Milltant Social scheduled. The Philadelphia bran of this month we must have real per is a pair of patched demin over. Ahner, stoolpigeon, ex labor Vocate am willing to slose: Three Workers Unity League with theirists in the united front even on an abes will brve a picnie Sunday speed and we should be pretty DOT alls and blue shirt. Women and spy, renegade from the labor move rousing Whispers for St. Louis organization, the article should anti democratic basis. The Rank Aug. 18 and the Allentowa branch to our goal.
children wear clothing made of ment of about 1920. gangster and impartial cops during atrikes!
Organised workers in the United ing group in the United Commit. All proceeds are for the benefit of celved the amounts listed below: read, or special Interest to the and File, the largest and dominatwill have a icnic on the same date. During the week we have reflour sacks and burlap bags with nominal if not actual boss of every cheap store clothes for Sunday. stick up man in town was hired to SUPPORT THE EIGHT PAGE ressives in the Industrial Dres of the democracy part of the pro But in order not to be outdone Harlem Branch, 16. 86 Winter or summer the children break the strike.
The most demalcers Union (Stalinist gram, but finally capitulated to the the New York branches are now Philadelpbia branches (Lee) 00 seldom wear shoes.
praved criminals recruited from the SOLICIT SUBSCRIPTIONS. row amity in the ranks of the LL. Progressives demand instead of going in for real concentration Krakofaki, 00 The pay of the Arkanss ghare underworld of America largest PUSH THE CLUB PLAN cropper is 50 or 75 cents a day. He cities were imported. The brave is rarely paid in cash however but and handsome St. Louis police force a big way for the remainder of Herman, Chicago. 00 must take his pay in credit at the were sent out for protection for enemies of the future and has this month. The district committee Los Angeles branch.
commery store where prices are these killers and cutthroats. Protest Persecution of Chinese therefore wasted no time in trying has assigned one of its members to Selame, marked up and accounts are kept nine year old boy was cursed to deal us a mortal blow; and in each branch to be personally in Scott, Wasb.
with a crooked pencil. His diet and threatened with arrest for.
consists of beans, fat back meat and watching some scabs attempt to do of no small consequence to us, since tlons for the elght page weekly Flatbush branch, corn bread with poke salad (the some work which only experienced all were sterling fighters. China and greetings will be solicited. The Bronx branch, bolled leaves of the poke berry union men know how to do and today stands on the brink of fur branches are going in for a hot Massachusetts. Continued from Page 1) to sign documents denouncing Com plant) and tunrip greens in season. laughing at the clumsy efforts of the Relief is hard to get in spite of acabs.
in Moscow and there became ac munism and embracing the Kuother dismemberment, imperialist competition, each having a definite quota assigned and keeping a record the obvious poverty and hunger. In Crime and Criminals quainted with the views of Trotsky mintang. One of our best men, aggression and militarist wars.
Redouble Efforts of the activities of its members.
Total. 46. 85 many counties rellet has been cut fourteen year old girl was ar and the Lett Opposition, particular. Se, was brought before local Advance Subscriptions The economy of the whole coun The trade union fractions are set Paul Graves, Detroit. 00 oft entirely during the growing and rested for protesting against the ly in the questions of the Chinese judge who was one of his own relaharvesting eason in order to foroo brutal and Insulting Gas Co. gang Revolution. He soon became an tives. The Judge pleaded with him try is all bat bankrupt, plunging ting special assignments in the all able bodied persons to work in ster workmen and was hauled be oppositionist and upon his return to renounce his views promising the masses of workers and peasants campaign, and the moonlight er Los Angeles branch. 00 the delds. Men, women and chil fore the court for juvenile delin to China brought with him the first immediate release it only he would into dren must hoe and pick cotton.
quents. This child is to be branded documents of the Left Opposition do so. Sze refused and subsequent these circumstances our ranks stand fit of the eight page weekly prom, Pittsburgh branch.
ly shared the fate of the others in need of every firm revolutionary 10 to become a successful affair. Chicago branches 75 The Southern Tenant Farmers as an enemy to society in order ever to reach this country.
In point of contributions made Previous total.
who were handed over to the mili capable of holding up his head in Niel Sih Tortured Daily 362. 86 Unlon spread like wildfire among that Chicago Blackle and Omaha subscriptions these exploited people. But the Red may be safely returned to He was arrested in Peking in tary. Of the latter, Wang has alu days when the prospects seem so including advance Grand Total. 425. 46 planters are not asleep. They have their old haunts, the underworla Marob of this year together with ready served four years in Tsaoho dark for our movement. Such com acured for the elght page weekly these five men, now tight (None of the regular subs or re. One of the contributors listed enlisted every possible means to dives of the respective cities. This bis wife and two intant children. Of Shangbal, one of the most n04 in the grip of the Kuomintang newals are counted in this columns) above, Comrade Scott writes: You fight the menace to their continued is important. The bosses may (will) Only the most strenuous efforts on exploitation. Organizers are kid again have use to these vicious and the part of relatives and friends toriously foul of all the Kuomintalons. But these arrests will only and greetings collected the Boston may be interested to learn that secured the release of the two cbn tang dungeons in which political cate us to redouble our efforts to branch still leads the field with a letter subscribing to and supporting napped beaten and intimidated; depraved killers, the press for five years have tenants are forced to sign yellowA mother, babe In arms, was nar. dren, but all efforts on his behalf prisoners receive treatment far rebuild the Chinese revolutionary total of 62. 50.
Harlem Leads this day cancelled my sub to the dog contracts; members of the unrowly missed by the flying bullets and for his wife proved futile. worse than that of ordinary crim movement, to create a new revolutionary party on the ruins which ion are evicted and discriminated of cops who went beserk in an alley Both were subsequently transport vale.
In New York City the Harlem Daily Worker. Forward to a dally Wedge Between City and Country have been left to us as the heritage branch is back in the lead with a NEW MILITANT.
against by reliet officials; meetings because some scab thought he sawed to Nanking where Niel sih la of Stalinism.
are forbidden and broken up: rea flying squadron of Gas Workers now being subjected to daily beattotal contribution of 50. 38. Next The labor movement in the cities ligious and racial prejudices are pickets.
ings in an effort to force him to bas been abandoned and left pros We appeal to our comrades and follows the West Side branch with SETTLING BUNDLE ACCOUNTS the Center fomented. virtual reign of fasThis month we did it. Not only Many dozens of women were sign a statement repudiating his trate by the Stalinists, who have sympathizers throughout the world a total of 38. 00 and cist terror exists.
cursed and manhandled for refus. Communist views. The release of linked their fate to that of the to demand the release of our im branch with a total of 32. 76. bave the current amounts for buning to let the dope fiends and petty his wife has been made contingent peasant armies in the rural inter prisoned comrades. Let the minions After that the other branches have dle orders been met but we have The Commonwealth. thieves whom the Gas Co. had hired upon the publication of such a lor. The policy of the Chinese stal of the Kuomintang know that the record as follows: The Flatbush succeeded in reducing slightly the Commonwealth College, situated as meter readers into their homes. statement. As a result of the treat inists is being dictated solely by men they hold are rich in their branch 22. 00, the Bronx branch total outstanding accounts. That This article would be incomplete ment which he has suffered, he has the military strategic interests of relations to the Armest Bolshevik 21. 00. Boro Park branch 14. 00, in the first instance, is due to the from the cotton belt, played in terms maingat experience in Lang berasa ar ties have refused to site bimany count of the tundamental intereste lutionary movements organizat de ser barenches de les se sontributed of the branches who were tar bo portant role in furthering the Inter striking gas worker. He wag ar medical treatment and his condi of the Chinese Revolution. wedge legations to call upon Chinese diplo 00 each and the ests of the downtrodden croppers. rested and charged with beating up tion is believed to be critical is thus driven between the Chinese matic and consular officials to probranch 60. It is not altogether cumrades in Minneapolis and BoStudents and teachers venture on a man. The victim of assault not Despite this, and despite the im proletariat and the insurgent peastest against the imprisonment and the smallest branches that are in ton we already mentioned in our numerons organizational and edu only our comrades. the lowest columns; as a matter of laat Issue. But we still have alto while leaders of the union attend Ing to frame a grs worker.
cational forays into the region, but ba wied the copper out for try holds a post in Chiang Kalsbek recent heavy detents of the peasant Write letters of protest, address fact, compared to membership pro sether too large delinquent list.
The own headquarters, Niel sib has armies in Central China.
them to the Executive Yuan, the portions the Harlem and the Flat The Chicago branches still have the school to obtain theoretical cop locked Lang up anyway, insist steadfastiy refused to repudiate his Wholesale betrayals and capita Judicial Yuan and the Central Mil. bush branches have by far the best the dubious honor of heading this background for their movement.
ing that the must be guilty of views as a revolutionary or to be lations in the remnants of the stalitary Headquarters at Nanking record.
list, owing on August first a total Landlords recognize the danger something. When Brother Lang tray the names of any of his com inist apparatus have brought the China, demanding the release of Outside of New York City to the NEW MILITANT of 15. 98.
of such an institution in the state. protested that his constitutional rades.
whole revolutionary movement to a Liu Jen chin, Sze Chao seng, Wang Boston branch has already been The Allentown branch owed on the Two bills were introduced in the rights were being violated the cop In sharp contrast to the conduct still lower ebb. in this situation Xao hus, Hu Hwang chang and Liu mentioned. After that follows the same date a total of 27. 50, the session of the Arkansas legis growled: Aw, you reds give me a of most of the Stalinist function tasks of the greatest magnitude de Chinalang, and of all other class Philadelphia branches with a total Pittsburgh branch 25. 00, the Phillature which would in effect abol pain in the neck.
aries who have been arrested in volvo upon us, the Chinese Bolshe war prisoners now in the prisons contribution of 29. 78. One graadelphia branches a total of 23. 60, 1sh the college. special loziala Thug, Legal and Elegal recent months, all our comradesvik Leninista of the. Kuomintang, including our Lifying feature of this contribution the Detroit branch 17. 20, the tive committee was appointed to in In February, the employees of have displayed answering Adelity Smug and complacent over the comrade Chen Tu halu.
is that a goodly portion were sub Charleston, Va branch 15. 05, vestigate the teaching of cummu the Commercial Foundry came out to their convictions. The other four defents which it has been able to For a Soviet China!
mitted in new subscriptions to the the Columbus branch 14. 40, the nigm, atheism, nudism and free in body in protest against a wage comrades, Sze Chaosing, Wang mete out to the Stalinista (thanks For the Fourth International! eight page weekly The Minne New Castle branch 11. 20, the St.
love. The school was saved by cut for molders from 60 to a Yao bua, Hu Hwang chang and largely to the Stalinista owa pollLong live the World Revolutiont apolls branch is next in line with Louis branch 10. 70. Since August the mass protest of friends from day and for labor from 40 cents an Liu Chia diang. were arrested in cies. the Kuomintang bas not COMMUNIST LEAGUE OP contribution of 23. 00, the Chicago the Pittsburg branch has remitall over the nation.
hour to 25 cents an bour. Al Ahder Shanghai in April and all refused called to recognize in ue the real CHINA (Bolshevik Leninista) branches with a total of 17. 06, the ted a partial payment. 00. 71 00 00 26 00 00 00 far