BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceImperialismInvasionLeninismSovietStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

OVER THE TOP FOR THE EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 33 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AU UST 10, 1935 PRICE CENTS President Roosevelt. Strikebreaker No. Fierce Class War Tears Loose in France Congress Next Week Orders Striking WPA Against Laval Starvation Decree Laws Workers Off Relief TROOPS SLAY Iron Workers Doomed to Life of Poverty Dignity Advice of of Minneapolis Ozark Tiff Diggers Rebel Living Wage; Flying Squads Formed In Fusillade Reform Ranks Writer Describes Misery of Men, Women and 150 Delegates Attend Convention Forces Clash company the the talented parameters Movement Toward Before Rubber outlet store online bene Union Confab comprehensive article on the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern, by Max Shachtman, editor of the New International, will appear in the next issue of the NEW MILITANT. Full treatment will be given to the deel Trade Unions Stand by Men Demanding sions of this congress to participate in bourgeois governments, support imperialist governments in alliance with the Soviet Un.
ion all these new betrayals will Several thousand skilled workers struck on New York City Works be exhaustively discussed. Watch Project Administration jobs this week demanding the prevailing union Of Bullets for the next issue!
rate of wages. Flying squadrons which have proved such a popular Children Suffering Untold Horrors and effective weapon in recent labor struggles set to work immediately Teamsters local 574 In Effort to Earn Livelihood to spread the strike throughout the city, and indications are at the Five workingmen gave their lives in France in the first battle of the And Members time of his writing, that it will become general, affecting all of the oncoming civil war which will paint (By Speolal Correspondent) cal attention, subsisting on a starWPA jobs.
the nation either with the black of Help Raid Scabs ST. LOUIS, MO. What promises vation diet and living in houses This is not the first example of a strike on relief project works; fascism or the red of proletarian to be the most sensational strike which makes the miserable hovels of but it is the first real sign of the determination of the workers to revolution.
By Northwest Correspondent of the year for the Middle West is the Southern sharecropper and the maintain the union standard of Breaking through the dead! MINNEAPOLIS, August The the action of the brutally exploited West Virginia coal miner seem wages gained after decades of bitweight of passivity which fettered strike of the Ornamental Iron tift miners of Washington Co. al nost grand in comparison, ter struggle. This is the issue inthe ranks of labor since the estab Workers, Local 1313, which is now Missouri, which has just begun. Many of the miners live in volved, and the trade unionista made no mistake in putting it inactivity the sailors and workmen along. About 250 men are out in given to a mineral, the trade name property of the National Pigments in the great naval armories of seven or eight shops. The union of which is brytes. It is used ex and Chemical Co. a subsidiary of Left Shown in the to the trade union movement that France struck the first blow at demands are: Increases to bring tensively in the manufacture of the powerful wnion hating National the efforts to establish the RooseLavals decree laws, thereby point wages up to 45 675 cents an hour; paint and other lead products. It Leid Co. still others occupy Proceedimgs velt relief wage ranging from 19. 00 Ing the road ot struggle to their a 40 hour week; time and a hall likewise has its uses in the rubber houses furnished by individual to 80. 00 per month on relief probrothers in the rest of the country for overtime; seniority rights; and tire industry and last, but not least, producers, a description of which By CYRUS RIGBY jects could mean nothing else but In Toulon, Brest. Cherbourg, union recognition and shop commit for the sealing of oil wells when would defy the English language.
By JACK WILSON a signal to employers everywhere SPRINGFIELD, III. Aug. The Lorient, St. Nagire and Havre the tees. over production threatens.
AKRON, Ohio, Aug. Issuance to force down the existing union From the standpoint of protection second annual convention of the ot a call for a rubber workers unton scale. The workers who are un of Though the strike is small, it is the strike is a protest against from the bitter, wet, cold ellmate Illinois Workers Alliance opened convention tentatively set for Sept. volved in the New York strike unline are lying Idle in the harbors unusually rich in lessons because of wage and llving conditions always of a Missouri Winter they can be August at Springfield. About 150 12 to form an international union dorstand the issue this way.
while pitched battles between the the political developments which low but which with the recent rise compared only to a pig sty or a delegates from all parts of the state affiliated with the of Labas troops and the workers stain the have grown out of it. The three in prices of foodstuffs are no longer corn crib.
Strike Seen Spreading streets with the blood of the dead firties involved are the Communist tolerable.
In such a shack of two rooms These miners of the spurred progressive elements to New York 18 vrtually the first and the wounded. Beginning in Party, the Farmer Labor arty, and Ozark hills, comprising they do about ten feet square were found Militancy of the rilinols unem form a block to take control away elty to get WPA projects actually Brest where clashes between the the Workers Party.
the descendants of the herole and 16 people three families. Families ployed workers was demonstrated from the of bureaucracy under way, but the trade union notorious Mobile Guards and strik The leadership of the union has self sacrificing first settlers the of six, seven and elght were the several weeks ago when Gerry Al and has brought sharply into light movement throughout the country es resulted in the loss of life of been drawn largely from the Stal. Middle West are today the neglect rule rather than the exception, con lard of the Workers Party led the the forces which will dash at the ta on record for a fight to maintain one of the workers the struggle Inlets. Before the strike was called ed and the forgotten men of the demned to live in these one and two Hunger March on the state capitol. lcoming convention.
the prevalling union rate of wages, spread rapidly to all the govern the membership of Local 1313, barlum sulphate industry. Reduced room houses. Children and adults This convention reaffirmed not only Coleman Claberty, rubber or And no sooner had the walk out ment armories. In Toulon the through its representatives, asked to a standard of living, little text, live and sleep in the same room that militancy but also the conti gnizer for the of L, and started in New York than the ex.
conflict assumed its sharpest form. several of the local unions for help. coolie, there was nothing else left except in cases where the children dence the workers have in his assistants, are uniting react ample was followed bp the workers Workers Storm City delegate from the Iron Workers to do. And it early indications are crowded into the loft to sleep members who are also members of ionary forces throughout the count employed on the WPA project at Here the police, the Mobile appeared before Local 574 and speak for anything we think they within a few short inches of the the ry in an effort to keep their strangle the League Island Navy Yard in roof made miserably hot by the One element of surprise of the bold on the rubberworkers, as per Philadelphia. The possibilities are, French imperialism colonials threw give two men to sit in on the strike Fighting for Life mid summer sun. Some houses first day and throughout the con instructions from their boss, win therefore, that this strike will exbarricades to stay the marching committee. The request was of the fact that they are organ were without floors, most of them vention was the definite and unmis iam Greene, who has announced he tend to a large number of cltles and Sainst the determined militants, pledged its full cooperation to its decades of suffering and privation dilapidated beyond description. The erican workers during the past Leading industrial unionists in Who the employer here was the volley after volley struggling brothers.
in silence. But organizing they are best houses in the entire district year. Known communists were not the ot bureaucracy prob the question before a New York Into the columns of the striker Slave Driving Boss and thelr first act was to stop not were the generations old log houses the only ones who talked about aably including John Lewis, United meeting of about 200 trade union kwang Ave and wounding two hun: The two largest shops afected only the mining of the title but trullt by the descendants of the workers world: unemployed dele Mine Workers president, and others officials by General Johnson, the dood Newspapers report that the were the Olson Company and the the transportation of the reserves carly French setlers led by Pierre gates beloning to reformist parties are quietly encouraging a few mis hot air artist, who proposes to run powder plant workers were armed Flour City Ornamental Iron Works, which company has piled up LA Clode and Henri Choutlan nearly and workers without any political lead workers in the hope that they the WPA jobs in the city after the and returned the fire of the soldiers. Almost from the first the Olson for just such an event as this two centuries ago.
affiliation spoke one after another can control the Akron delegates to fashion of a Prussian drill serTheir fury at the starvation de shop has showed a willingness to the forethonght of the company Nor were any apologies offered of the working class revolution. Not the next national of con geant. And the answered the ques crees of Laval and the murderous negotiate.
tion. The government is the emaction of his armed minions im agreed to accede to the demands of these grim, determined mene the these housing conditions. Thelr at speakers who dared to call for Yesterday this plant will do them little good because by the profit hungry Doses for once was the epithet red hurled vention The Stalinists are concentrating player. This is a strike against the pelled the workers into tempestuous the strikers, and some 10 employees Ozarks are fighting not merely for own II gotten gains mean more the overthrow of capitalism and all their entire Akron strength to gain action, storming the entire town, of Olson will go back to work to an increased standard of living: than the welfare of thousands of its trappings. Rather the delegates control of the progressive bloe and lot, an attack against the and people of the Unit.
First resulta of the action in morrow.
these cities are already to be seen they are fighting for life itselt, workers and their families who to this convention deemed being thereby make an entry into rubber cd States. According to the furThe Flour City plant, employing with families of six and eight slave to produce these profits. It called red more of a compliment and keep out the workers Party Thur statements made by the Genin the conferences summoned by about 80 workers, has followed a and incomes of 50 a week the was pointed out that the houses than an insult.
from exerting any influence. The eral the strike is nothing but a On the evening of the first day usual run of slander and lies against red conspiracy, a plot by these Other ca the one hand and on the ship of Walter Tetzlaff, Citizens previous expose of social conditions was bought two decades ago by free movies were shown in a public the Workers Party is the only weap reds to use the strikers as suckother to make them more palat Alliance man, a boss who has for ever made. survey made by the the Lead Co. and they have not mark in Springfield. These movies on the CP, has to accomplish thelrers to pull their chestnuts out of able to the people by distribut years held a contemptible labor at Post Despatch reporter reveals that been touched since.
In such a way were taken by member Hank latter alm.
the fire. But all this heroic bom.
bank the burden more evenly among thtude in his plant. For the past among 2, 000 miners more than hall aid the National Lead Co. bring Mayer, Educational Director of the The Akron branch of the Workers bast bad merely the effect on the How striking is the 25 years Tetzlaff has made it a rek of whom are on relief, there are culture and civilization into and showed the lights and Party is working steadily to come meeting of a reaffirmation of the contrast between the militant (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
strike vote previously taken. The struggle in the sensports and the whole communities without medl the backwoods of Missouri, Malnutrition and the diseases ultimatum issued later by the brave armory towns ind the flamboyan arising from it are rampant. Of general ordering all strikers to reparades of July 14 in commemorafollowing Monturn to work by Protest Persecution of Chinese tion of the taking of the Bastille.
the dreadful eye disease that strikes day or lose their jobs, resulting in As was pointed out in a previous at America army of the underted, D: the flying squadrons setting to eene of the NEW MILITANT 50 it is estimated that a large perwork in a heals Put on Spot wornful was the capitalist class of Union centage of them comes from the the Bastille Day marches with its or course, the trade union othpoverty stricken homes of the Wash waving of the tricolor, singing Recognizing the Draconian meer One when Comrade Chen Tu hadu apdington County titt miners By EARL LANE cials are on the spot. They know materially in the struggle of the Marseillaise and its patriotle sure taken in Chin, as the ar. ten others were taken and sed worker told Post Despatch re PORTLAND, Ore. Aug. 11. Del striking demonstration of in who the employer and all of their Fletches that two days later Laval ticle below reveals, against the tensed to long full terms in Nank porter that he hadn had a doctor termined to smash the solidarity of ternational working class unity is past actions have shown a hundred kicked the working class in the Communist League (Bolsheviking. The most recent arrests coln in three years and even as he spoke the marine workers of the Pacific the manner in which the same times over that their sympathies face with his decree laws. The Leninists. the insufferable op cided with the revival of the or there came the wails of two sick Coast, evidenced by the formation and longshoremen are at the pres are pretty close to the sentiment Toulon action, on contrary, pression and the brutal persecu: ganization activity, especially babies from the corner of the room, or the Maritime Federation of the ent time cooperating with the strikexpressed by the General. But in with ita resistance to the troops, its tion levelled at them by the but among the Shanghai workers. It the youngest of a family of eight. Pacific, refusal to handle scad caring Canadian longshoremen. Two this instance there is something armed encounter and its singing of cher Chiang Kai Shek who at the was the reappearance of our com is set not to exceed more than tionary officials as Scharrenberg of ports by scabs are held up in San strike. And today there officials With families of eight the reliet to, and the ousting of such reac shine that were loaded in Canadian more at stake than just an ordinary of our liter our song, the Internationale, bas same time complacently watches ature and the activity of our given the Bonapartist premier and tacitly supports the Japanrades on a considerable scale in the a month for any family. dollar the waterfront employers have to handle their cargo. Three coolle wage to stand would not only the International Seamen Union, Francisco harbor by refusal of the fear that permitting the Roosevelt of his anti working class action.
pause and has halted the rapidity ese invasion and partition of that industrial districts for Peace and Dignity country, the Political Committee down upon us once more the heavy they have to depend on the truck launched a drive that has as its ships are tied up in Canadian west tear down the wage standard but of the Workers Party of the Unit hand of the terror.
gardens which hang on despair goal the smashing of every marine coast ports by the refusal of the also seriously undermine the existadvery Indication points to the ed States wholeheartedly endorses Comrade Nid Sih record dates ingly on the sun baked, drought union on the west coast and a rescamen either to take them out of once of the trade unton movement their appeal for funds and will do back to the very beginning of bitten hillsides. Two meals a day turn to the intolerable conditions port with seab cargo or to furnish itself. Yet there are up to the sentant actions were to a large ex. everything in its power to raise the modern Chinese revolutionary must suffice them for they dread prevalling prior to last summer steam for the winches tent sponaneous, that the trade un movement of protest against movement. As a student he played the long winter months when even The present agreement explres the part of the workers have steeled their part to coordinate the strike that they moment of this writing only scant may be loaded. These actions on indications of serious ecorts on the cPand the had nothing nents of the Chinese Bolshevik onstration of May 4, 1919 in Peking the homes boxes are used for turn. September 30, and the employers the bosses in their determination to and cannect it up effectively not to do with them, except to ham. Leninists. Further information when the new youth rose against Ature and tin cans for cooking state they will not renew it unless oust the militant leaders, whom ondy with the many building trades (including sympathy they hold responsible.
string and restrain militancy of the on this campaign will follow in the first workers who are today not in the workers. An dispatch reports subsequent issues of the NEW the corrupt Peking Government utensils and dishes.
which was preparing to sell the lamps are useless since they cannot strikes) are barred for the duration step in their campaign to smash unions and who work on the reller that Stalinist leaders urged the MILITANT. Ed.
projects side by side with the union country to the Japanese. This dem afford the oil to burn in them of the agreement, and on the con the waterfront unions.
Continued on Page onstration marked the starting what the most lowly paid city of the San Francisco local of the Strikebreaker No. men. So far it 18 mainly the bulld.
Comrade Liu Jen uhin, Iown in point of a new revolutionary epoch laborer would count as common International Longshoremen As secretary of labor, who is fust the signs of solidarity in action alEdward McGrady. assistant ing workers who are involved; but SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION!
If the number following your other leading comrades of the Com swept forward comrade Niel sth urleg by these sorts of the Nationalsociation headed by Harry Bridges earning the title of America ready displayed by the white col.
munist League of China (Bolshe remained in the front ranks.
In Load Co.
Strikebreaker No. 1, has taken com lar groups certainly emphasizes the mame on the wrapper is International Solidarity mand of the union smashing drive necessity of the coordination exvik Leninists) were recently ar 1920 he joined the newly born Chin Code Sidetracked Time after time during the past He bas called a series of conferenc tending to this group as well.
rested and are now prisoners of the ese Communist Party and in the Kuominta wing year ALS delegate. in Charta of American Labor came have demonstrated their working sentatives in Washington at which by General Rellef Administrator Nanking. These arrests marked the the party first national congress along the tiff miners thought they class solidarity by refusing to he is bringing the full force of gov. Hopkins is a further warning of your subscription has third wave of repression directed Subsequently he represented the were going to get a break. But handle seab cargo and work shipeernment authority to bear upon the the need of this most complete coPIRED. We urge you to send against the Bolshevik Leninista in Chinese Communist Party as dele alas! The lead bosses in conjune loaded by scabs. During the Northumions to force them to conclude an ordination of the project striko alChina.
in your monewal by return mail, 1931, virtually the whole gresses of the Communist Internah aged to work out a code for the men consistently refused to pass bosses.
gate to the third and fourth con tion with the code authorities man. west lumber strike the longshore agreement satisfactory to the ready demanded by several New thus ensuring the receipt of Discarding the mask of York local building trades untons, then existing Central Committee of tonal. During the revolution of lead industry which put millions pleket lines established by the saw impartiality which he usually as amongst them the electrical work: your copy without interruption. the organization was destroyed and 1925 27, Niel sih was was studying into the pockets of the manufact mil and Timber Workers Union, sumes on such occasions, McGrady er local 3, the carpenters local similar blow we struck Cooted on Page (Continuand ou Page 4) thus aiding the lumber workers (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
al the state 17, 00 cases or trachoma! West Coast Marine Workers Bolshevik Leninists. Call Fight for Class Struggle Union Kerosene all strikes 33 in