BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

For the Boycott of Fascist Italy!
Against Italian Agression in Ethiopia!
Manifesto of the on Anti War Day PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1935 Fascist sovereignty, are quite different from NEW MILITANT the glowing idyll depicted by the blackshirted with which is merged demagogues prior to the march on Rome. Only THE MILITANT a few years ago, the League of Nations made Published weekly by the New Militant Publishing 00. public data which showed that the standard of 88 East 11th Street, New York City life of the Italian workers was close to if not Phone. Algonquin 9058 actually the lowest on the European continent.
Fascist Italy and its allies in the Entered as second class mall matter at the Post Office The bourgeoisie of Italy owes a great debt of gratitude to Mussolini for having saved the pretending to justify his invasion of Abyssinia, states at New York, under the act of March 8, 1879.
Mussolini. International Communist League Calls war against Ethiopis. It we are unable to organize such a boycott, profit system from being overthrown by the eastern Africa, Is a gun aimed For World Struggle Italian Fascism may well, as it JAMES CANNON.
waltor masses by the simple expedient of reducing the against the security of Italy. Just does, laugh at our appeals and protests.
latter to the state of serfs, held under the yoke the contrary is true. By massing directed against the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Action Alone Counts his troops on the frontiers of the by the drawn pistol and the naked sabre.
In the United States 00 per year; 650 six months.
No convoy of soldiers and ammuFor the struggle against war we The Thieves Kitchen Canada and Foreign 50 per year; 00 six months The imminent outbreak of the war against alming his cannon against these Ethiopian plateaus Mussolini 18 Thus it can be seen how criminal must no longer walt for what to Inition must be permitted to embark in Ethiopia.
Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
the Ethiopians may, and does mean increased people in order to seize their terri Vol SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1835 No. 82 profits for the ruling class, as is already shown tory, profiting by the general Chaco peace can be assured by the very until it is too late to translate into Every shipment, every Italian by the rise in one day, of the shares of the now prevailing in the entire capi people who endanger it, the imper action the threats which will all the beat carrying merchandise of Italy of the appeals or for that Dark Clouds in Italy of automobile shares from 394 to 401 and of same operation with which Japan was depleted as an attempt to rebe stared off by protests fleding not a penny, not a man for largest Italian rayon concern from 401 to 410, repeat against Abyssinia the very Into the League of National passed at meetings. War cannot. It is not a question of proclaimby tion Barbusse and Co. with the League the war of Italian Imperialism Considerable significance may be attached mining shares from 188 to 193. But it means succeeded in the Far East against invest this decadent organization of Nations. The imperialist hans against Ethiopia, it is a question of to the report from Rome that the government only increased misery and poverty for Italy Manchukuo Win Mussolini be per with new prestige and force. Valn has issued a decree permitting the Bank of toilers. The devaluation which is inevitable mitted to act with the same free bope! The langue of Nations has the pet long beated by address ble which will enable the workers Italy gold reserve to fall below the statutory as a result of the tremendous expenditures that and with which the Japanese not censed to be an instrument in words to be bem como pod to them of Italy to feel the solidarity of the Words must be followed by deeds.
40 percent coverage. The action is unani will be required to keep a quarter of a million This time the consequences will be against each other. Its impotence That is what we propose to all or International proletariat, and, imte march toward their emancipation, mously interpreted in Italy, according to the Those who speak of unity of acTimes correspondent, especially in banking means only a further rise in the cost of living rests on crossed bayonets cannot vealed in the case of the Chaco the struggle for peace.
Mussolini attacks Ethiopia. This tion must demonstrate by deeds and Stock Exchange circles, as the thin end of which, under Fascism, is not going to be com og endure. The hour of the war, in the case of the aggression approaches against Manchukuo, and now it is is an indisputable case of banditty that they really mean it From a devaluation wedge. of further significance pensated by an increase in wages, Mussolini war aggingt Abyssinia to be seen in the case of the Italian Mussolini is allowed to bave his London to Moscow, from Paris to is the fact that such fiscal measures usually Mussolini is thus preparing for himself a will only be the signal for rape of Ethiopia.
e coming months we New York let us organize. There taken when a government is exhausted after defeat on two fronts. The subjugation of the European powers which are suffo The tollers have nothing to hope shall witness the transition from is no time to be lost in this or that years of war comes in Italy before the war has Ethiopian people will not prove to be a simple cating in their steel cages.
even begun!
matter, and will not be accomplished in a day, Mussolint can no longer either spire against peace. The latter are of open warfare, with all that we tionals, as was done at the time To this should be added another item in the if at all. Every blow that the dark skinned retreat or delay his adventure. In their imperialist enemies, regard blaver predicted for Europe and for when the miners in the Asturias the rest of the world as a conse: were mowed down, arms in hand.
What From all corners of the earth, in a report to the effect that the Fascist regime Warbera delike blow that the legeon Musolini sono financiare on the men at not ignificant that all these can probleem warriors deliver to the Fascist conscript army, difficulties (unemployment, deep Mussolini, Hitler and their lik 1s quence How prevent it?
mighty universal action we must now finds itself owing foreign governments the Proletariat Still Mighty speak to the workers of Italy and throne. Every depreciation of the standard of poverishment of the pasant mass gentlemen lay equal claim to the sum of 500, 000, 000 lire (ap. 4, 000, 000. for living of the masses at home will produce such that the regime finally satisfy their Once more we say to the toilers of the bloody dictatorship of fasfend the right of self determination es, ferment in the youth demanding self same desire for peace?
Without a doubt, thirteen years prove to them our firm will to de.
which it does not have on hand sufficient foreign curency and, payment for which would have to an addition to the accumulated hatred for the needs, etc. Mussolini is seeking a that those who paint up the bour cism in Italy has paralyzed the for the peoples in the Dark Con be made by digging into the gold reserves of regime as will ever more threaten its very ex way out of these unsurmountable Geoisie of their own country as working class; undoubtedly Hitler tinent. We must immediately esthe Bank of Italy.
Herein, once more, is shown the community Abyssinia. But this country is not them. The toilers can rely only on most powerful proletariat in Eu class organizations prepared for has been incurred by the increasing purchases iopian peoples. They have one foe: Italian Japonia. solute thetr Papacious am workers are to be strong, they must Nevertheless the proletariat In Bu put into effoet everywhre and withIf it is borne in mind that the rising debt of interests of the Italian masses and the Eth only the coveted hooty of itallan their own strength in the struggle rope to this we must add the Au. such a struggle. Ours is a clarion of materials abroad for the Italian preparations of war against Ethiopia, and that the Fascism. Into this community of solidarity petites to satisty. And Germany is be united, but there is no condition rope and in the other continents out delay.
Organize for Action Now!
impending devaluation hits directly at the death blow to Italian Fascism wit mean the ens to demand its share of the Toot their own national bourgeoisie ander perialiste en con el torn finde en alty An international day of struggle living standards of the masses in Italy, a clear beginning of the end of Fascism everywhere. and Germany on the one hand, and ranks.
The naval pact between England with all its agents in their own by its contradictions corroded by must be organized which will serve er picture is presented of the inseparable connection between Mussolini African adventure the for action on the part of the toilers It will restore the self confidence and the mili the German Polish pact on the struggle against war is the prob once again to utilize the colosen as the crystallizing center and at and the prospects of mutiny behind the lines will destroy the made pretensions to immortal feverlahly weking favorable op working class. To feed the work workers, while confusion relgns in against Italian Fascist aggression at home!
ity of the assassins of the people. It will give portunity to provide the spark for era on the illusions of pacifism the enemy camp. It the enemy is aimed at the Abyssinian people.
The living contlitions of the workers and a tremendous impulsion to the liberating move eise is lacking The aim of the sibilities would be to open the road sain the opportunity to consum action, concrete proot of the interpeasants of Italy after more than a decade of ment the world over.
explosion is already apparent: it is to war and fascism.
mate national front of the oppressed and There must be no repetition of the tollers against their enemy, imwhat took place during the annihil perialism under all banners, be ation of our brothers in Vienna and given, and the forward march of in the Asturias. We can no longer Fascism will be truly checked by remain passive and neutral specta the resurgent power of the world tors while the bandits pillage and proletariat.
run ronghshod as in the Far East Continued on Page nist International and its sections If war occurs against the taught the workers: The enemy this banner, the forces of the van over Mane kuo. Every inch of INTERNATIONALISM!
the foundations of socialism. No under stalinist domination stand and you make your revolution, LONG LIVE PROLETARIAN is in your own country. Stalin guard workers may be welded again soll lost by the toilers in any councapitalist state, whatever temporary condemned as renegades to the you will be traitors!
DOWN WITH IMPERIALISM, tells the workers that their own into a disciplined, solfd, aggressive try whatsoever is a loss for 11 BREEDER OF WARS!
military maneuvers it may execute, teachings of Marx and Lenin, en The social democrats in 1914 car capitalist government is their force: Under the leadership of this toilers. But, if the working class can loyally and effectively defend gaged in capitulating to pacifism ried out their historie betrayal unLONG LIVE enemy but only under certain international party the masses as the will, it can still do won TIONAL STRUGGLE AGAINST THE INTERNA the Workers State, con in the end and social patriotism, preparing der the slogan Defense of the Fa. circumstances. throughout the world can be rallied ders by its prowess. Let us set to FASCISM!
do ought but seek to destroy it. jointly with the Second Interna therland and by means of the The whole system of imperialist tional to betray the masses in the fiction that there are advanced or Lenin said: Turn the imperial for the one real war against war, work to imbue the working class the one war in which the workers with this will. The Fascist aggres ISION IN ETHIOPIA!
AGAINST ITALIAN AGGRESwar preparations constitutes the next war and by that same token liberal capitalist powers which Ist war into civil war. Stalin weapon for an attack on the very to betray the Soviet Union.
Do not interfere with the can win, the revolutionary struggle sion against the Abyssinian people BOYCOTT THE BLACK SHIRT may be supported and barbarie existence of the Soviet Union. The for the overthrow of capitalism and is the link which we must seize CIVILIZERS. military operations of the capiBehind the screen of Stalinist and autocratic capitalist powers imperialism, for the establishment upon today.
real defense of the Soviet Union lip service to revolutionary interna which must be fought, though that talists who are our rlends. FOR THE LIBERATION OF of the workers state under which is the elementary and weighty duty tionalism, of imposing but impo did not prevent these social demoOrganize the Boycott ALL OPPRESSED NATIONALIof all the workers of the world. tent united front maneuvers, of cratic fakers from fighting for or from the social democratic Stalin be No other conclusion can be drawn anyolisher and starvation will and a higher civiliza Without delay it is necessary to TIES FROM THE IMPERIALIST War Will Involve loudly heralded Leagues Against side by side with either type of ist repudiation of the revolutionary tion built.
organize an international boycott of YOKE!
All this directly involves War and Fascism, of entry into capitalist state when the Defense struggle against war their betray On with this struggle against Detroit on Aug. 26th, as announced: the workers, farmers and intel the League of Nations, of military of the Fatherland required it.
this world crisis war, which must also be the that only bonafide delegates elected lectuals of the There could alliances between the Soviet Union Lenin or Stalin than that new revolutionary par.
struggle against perfidions social by the men of the locals be permitbe no greater error than to con and capitalist states, this complete Now the Stalinists confuse the ties and a new revolutionary Interdemocracy and Stalinism, the ted to vote; that an International solo ourselves with the Sllusion and shameful betrayal of the work workers, aid the war preparations national cost be bullt, and built struggle for the Fourth Internathat the will not enter the ing class of the world in its great of the imperialist powers and help immediately!
Auto Confab be set up including all workers, Coming war. No war, for example, est crisis proceeds.
to make the outbreak of war more As the banners of the Second Against the Imperialist arms he manufacture of automobiles and in which Japanese imperialism We of the Workers Party and ments race! Against the war pre (Continued on Page 2)
auto parts.
has involved, as in a war against the Bolshevik Leninists throughout serta mabores creating the myth of and the Third Internationals are once more lowered and dragged parations of the Roosevelt adminthe Soviet Union, is thinkable the world have long proclaimed good, democratic capitalist states.
An Industrial Union Alma in the dust of treason against the istration!
be elected, what the powers of the without the partielpation of the that the Stalinist doctrine of build. But Fascism is only one of the state workers, the Workers Party of In other words the demand is convention will be or for that mat: unmistakably for an industrial uniou American Imperialism has ing Socialism in the Soviet Union forms through which the capitalist the United States, along with the Against Fascism! For the defense of workers rights! For interests in Latin America, in alone, would, after masculating dictatorship operates. Capitalism International Communist League, the liberation of political prisonof the fact that on August 26 a to be completely democratie in form, Europe and Asia far too vital to the revolutionary parties in capital inevitably resorts to Fascism everythe Revolutionary Socialist Labor ers!
constitutional convention will be electing out of the convention all its expansion and its very exist ist lands and transforming them where when it can no longer escape Party (R. of Holland, the For the support of Ethiopia held.
of its officers and that the memberence to allow them to be affected into mere border defenses for the its contradictions by less open and Workers Party of Canada and the Officials Dodge Question ship have the right to recall any against the aggressions of Faseist by the outcome of the next war Soviet Union, lead to complete and brutal measures. The outbreak of French Section of the Bolshevik officer who does not carry out his Italy and the manipulations of In view of the fact that only duties in the organization; that the without the direct and active in open betrayal of the world prole war will see an iron dictatorial rei Leninists joins this week in again other Imperialist robberrations! about four weeks intervene between new International include tool and tariat in the crisis of war.
gime established in the democrat Else why the vast naval building Down with Stallnism which now and Aug. 26th, and that some die makers, maintenance men, etc.
Stalinism Has Betrayed! ic nations also. To fight to defend the inner of the Fourth Inter undermines the foundations of of the federal automobile locals meet letc. and that all workers of this program under the allegedly lib. Today in the most official manner such democratic rights as workers national.
the Soviet Union!
only once every two weeks, the con industry be eligible for membership eral and pacifist Roosevelt admin we have from the lips of Stalin may still retain in certain countries Forward for the 4th International! For the revolutionary defense duct of the of officials can in the union with no discrimination istration?
bimself, from the Comintern Con is one thing. To fight anywhere to No more appropriate time could of the Soviet Union!
only be characterised as lightminded because of race, color, creed or This war which advances with gress, now in session in Moscow defend the hypocritical bourgeoisi be found than this Anti War Week such swift precision upon us and after falling to meet at all for democratie state is another thing for publishing the Open Letter for For the revolutionary struggle and that they are not seriously con political affiliation.
against war and imperialism! cerned about the setting up of an The automobile workers have in which the American masses are seven of the most critical years in. Is to plunge the workers over the the Fourth International. On the For Fourth International International in the automobile and become steeled in two years of certain to be involved, will if it which the proletarian movements precipiee into complete disaster. basis of revolutionary internation bammer of hope and pledge of vie auto parts industry battle with government mediators, ruus its course without the revolu in Germany, Austria and Spain ex Lenin and Karl Liebknecht lalism which it lays down, under tory for the workers of the world!
tionary intervention of the workers, perienced tragie defeats, from the If the activities of the leadershipboards, automobile corporations and League for Industrial Democracy, verdict which one of the jurors has by delay and sabotage, the growing midst. They are now in no mood of the of is characterized treacherous officials in their own struction. It may sive a crushing Intern in France, the United States United Front Socialist Party and Warterse Partenaire de pampeached the meva fhidayat, rank and tile movement in many for playing around with the iden plunge whole nations back into dence that this betrayal in the warfor all eight Sacramento prisoners, financial report, showing that it especially in Toledo, characterized less of what the intentions of the barbarism and svagery.
crisis has been fully prepared.
the Committee will again urge the starts in the unusual condition of itself by Its militancy, class con officials in Washington may be the There is only one way to destroy is indeed fitting that the reporter International Labor Defense, repre baving a cash surplus of about 650 cious leadership, and a growing con progressive workers in the the curse of war capitalist imper on War at the Comintern Congress senting Mini fellow prisoners to with all trial expenses paid. Rough:fidence in its ability to organize mobile unions are determined that Lalist war. That is to destroy cap should be Ercoli, himself a social It will also seek toly estimated, the appeal may cost the automobile industry and con a constitutional convention be called italism and imperialism. Pacifist. patriot in the last war.
NEW YORK CITY. With eight draw in other national bodies and ifteen hundred dollars. In addiduct the affairs of the union.
measures of all kinds, armament Stalin himself states that he national organizations already in, trade unions.
tion to the other reasons for a uni voice of this progressive movement ting up an International on the The on Aug. 26, for the purpose of setcampaigns, peace pacts, League understands and fully approves and others expected to join shortly.
Broad Committee fied appeal, there would be the finis making itself heard in many of above mentioned basis, and of Nations, etc. fail, in fact serve the national defense policy of the National Sacramento Appeal The Committee now includes the ancial saving to the working class the federal locals more and more determined that nothing shall stand as the screen behind which war France keeping her armed forces Committee at a meeting here has League for Industrial De and its organiztions.
preparations on, because none of at a level required for security. taken its first step to open, a broad, aggressive fight for the resent out invitations to the July 16 reveals that copies of the New Melobal convention be convoked in their goal.
mocracy, and which these measures strikes at the root These are the armed forces roInformation from San Quentin clearly demanding that a constitut in their path for the realization of of the matter.
quired for security of French versal of the infamous, union meeting, and the Workmen Sick tant, Socialist Call, New InternaOnly Revolution Can Stop War Insperialism and the suppression smashing Sacramento criminal syn and Death Fund, Spartacus Youth tional and Modern Monthly have Capitalism and imperialism can of the French proletariat!
dicalism verdicts. Thus the work. League, Young Peoples Socialist been denied Mini. The BOOK SALE be stopped and crushed only by the Thorez in France and Clarence ing class will answer William Ran League and National Unemployed will raise with the Warden the SUMMER CLEARANCE working class and its allies. They IIathaway, editor of the Daily dolph Hearst proposal that the League. The Workers Alliance of question of Mini rights to receive can achieve the revolutionary over Worker, in the u. say that it Sacramento cases become a model America, General Defense Commit these papers.
SPECIALS By LEXON TROTSKY: Res Price Now throw of the capitalist states only an imperialist nation such Problemg of the Chinese Revolution 00 under the leadership of the inter France engages in a war against a make union organization impossible and Communist Party Opposition. 00 SAN FRANCISCO. Demand that Germany What Next. cloth). 40 By decision of the Committee, to have sent observers to the Commit. waterfront employers pay retroac national revolutionary party of the Fascist nation and is allied in that (paper. working class based upon the test war with the Soviet Union, then vitations to represent Norman Mini, tee, and have been asked to join tive wages to which longshoremen The Only Road For Germany (cloth). 66 (paper. this awful crisis impending for war in defense of the Soviet Union organize a unlon, have been sent to an, Murray Baron, William Gom local, International Longshoremon First and foremost, therefore, in waging an imperialist war but a Quentin for the crime of helping tomittee at present are Selmar Shock Harry Bridges of the San Francisco Tho Spanish Revolution In Danger IMPORTATIONS Spodal the working masses and for all The Web of Thought and Action, by Levy. 98 humanity, the workers must know war, according to these leaders and labor attorney who represented Ernest McKinney, George Street Failure of employers to live up Hesaya in the History of Materialism, by Plekhanov. 98 to an arbitration Award granting is, and must subject every party imperialist ends! An importalist Workers Party member in the trial Solow, who directed the the men retroactive pay la respons Aspects of Dialectical Materialism (Symposium. 47 and group The Bolshevik Theory, by Raymond Postgate. 76 matter how great nation can and will defend the court, and to Attorney Henderson, work in California during theible for prest on the waterfront, its numbers or how imposing its Soviet Union!
well known California attorney who Sacramento trial, is temporary see Bridges charged. He also accused Brief History of the French Revolution, by Aveling. 00 traditions, to the severent test in Chemadanov, the secretary of handled many criminal syn retary of the He reported the army with violating the Labour and the Industrial Revolution, by Fairchild. 00 order to determine whether it the Young Communist Interna dicalism trials some years ago on the present status of the cause, award in regard to work at the Commercial Crisis of the 19th century, by Hyndman. 00 will lead the masses to victory tlopal, on this basis threatens the The Committee took steps toward pointing out that if the attorneys army docks.
The Outlook of Selence, by Worrall. 50 No Mail Orders Under 00 During Sale. Add 10 for Postage and freedom or repeat under far Soclalists of France, brazenly broadening itaelf before opening its legal arguments are backed by an PIONEER PUBLISHERS more dangerous conditions, the seeks to club them into support fund and mass campaign. Reafirm aggressive, broad, serious campaign Solicit Subscriptions!
96 FMth Avenue, New York City monstrous betrayal of 1914. of war carried on by the French ing the stand taken earlier by the they will cause ibe higher CalifornBy this test the so called Commu Imperialist state saying: War? Non Partisan Labor Defense, the la court to healtate to sustaina Push the Club Plan!
says: Green Dodges tional It onSacramento auto ure 88. 68. 35 20 40. 15. 10. 15