BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

TURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1935 NEW MELITANT PAGE Five Organizations Issue Call for New World Party The Signers of the Open Letter Question Fight Hitlerism!
tional: Weekly (Continued on Page 2)
ternational is intimately linked up ed (Holland, a number of with the Soviet turn in foreign programmatic and tactical docupolicy towards the League of Naments have been elaborated. All tions and the military alliance with The following is a brief resume of the history union movement of about 15, 000 members, the this labor will indubitably proceed French imperiallam. The ruling of the five organizations that have signed the open National Workers Secretariat)
much better correlated and unibureaucracy of the has letter for the Fourth International and have joined fied on a world scale under the definitely arrived at the conclusion INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST LEAGUE (L the Provisional Contact Commission which is initiBox This organization, with groups and members banner of the Fourth International, that the Communist International ating the concrete activity, practical and theoretThe impending war danger does not is impotent to afford it any assistin most of the countries of the world, had its inical, towards the formation of the new Interna ception with the struggle of the Russian Opposition brook a delay in this task for even By WEAVER Out of the hell holes of German ance whatsoever against the war in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in single day.
WORKERS PARTY OF THE Formed by NEW YORKfascism, the concentration campe, danger and at the same time, it The new parties and the New In1923. Its outstanding leader, who has headed this the fusion of the American workers Party and the and the legal activity once again hinders the work of Soviet diploma movement throughout the years of repression by ternational must be built upon a Question: When the social patrlCommunist League of America, the founding concomes the imperious cry of the cy. The humiliating and truly serthe Stalinist bureaucracy is Leon Trotsky. Until new foundation that is the key tle position of the I, and the revolutionists for assistance.
vention of which was held in December, 1934. The Faced vile dependency of the Communist August 1933, after the effects and the meaning Communist League originated with the expulsion with which to solve all other tasks. fact that it is opposed to revolution with tremendous obstacles such as International upon the Soviet upper of tbe defeat in Germany had become clear it was The tempo and the time of the new in the capitalist countries, is called were unknown since the days of Cannon, Shachtman and Abern from the Comcrust is expressed in a particularly called the International Left Opposition, the name revolutionary upbuilding and its to the attention of Stalinists, they which seems mild and glaring light in connection with the munist Party in 1928 for supporting the Russian then changing to the It cerused to be a faction Cseply in comparison with the recent declaration of Stalin, apOpposition led by Trotsky and was afiliated to the consumation depend, obviously, up reply that this means nothing since of the Comintern and directed all ita energies to until the fusion with the The latter on the general course of the class the bureaucracy of the Soviet Unlon Nasl inferno, the German interproving the national defense of ward creating the Fourth International.
organization emerged from the Conference for Prostruggle, the future victories and only stands to gain by extending nationalists are carrying on in spite French imperialism, Through the medium of an imof all. At the risk of life and limb perialist minister the leader of the gressive Labor Action, Its first convention was defeats of the proletariat. The tho International revolution and BOLSHEVIK LENINIST GROUP IN THE Marxists, however, are no fatalists that therefore the whole thing can they are circulating their literature Communist International passed the held in 1933.
LO. French Previously the Communist REVOL. WORKERS SOCIALIST educating the workers anew and order to the French Communist They do not unload upon the his merely be a maneuver to outwit the League of France, it entered the Socialist Party as PARTY OF HOLLAND (R. On March 3, preparing for the day when they party to conclude a patriotic truce torical process those very tasks capitalists. How do you reply to a faction in the Summer of 1934 in order to carry 1935 a unification congress between the Revolutionwill be strong enough to throw of today with the French bourgeoisle.
which the historical process has this?
on a fight within it for the ideas of the Fourth Inposed before them. The initiative Answer: It is extremely difficult, Hitler e yoke. Many ary Socialist Party and the Independent Socialist ternational. It propagates its program of revoluof a conscious minority, the scien of course, to discuss with people tionary Marxism through its paper La Verite Party resulted in the formation of the above meninto prison, others are mauled Thus the Third International whose tioned organization. The Revolutionary Socialist and ita action within the party. At the recent beyond description by the Brown Congresses have not been convoked less agitation in the name of clear the argument of the Stalinists realtific program, the bold and cease who refute facts with theory, and sadists and still others make the for almost seven years has now Party afiliated with the LC. in 1933 and was led Congress of the at Mulhouse, it was the butt ly formulated aims, the mercilessly means that, regardless of the of attack by all the reactionaries in the leadership officially gone over from the intersupreme sacrifice in the cause of nationalist position to that of the by Sncevliet, one of the outstanding trade un criticism of all ambiguity that is evidence, they do not want to be the revolutionary movement.
fonists of Holland. The Independent Socialist but nonetheless gained several thousand votes for most outright and servile social These comrades have appealed to patriotism.
Party (0. began as an opposition in the Social one of the most important factors lieve anything which may smash its outspoken Leninist position and succeeded in for the victory of the proletariat. their Ideals, or interfere with us directly through thelr friends Seventh Congress, Ho continually Whether or not the Democratic Party and was expelled for its opposlelecting one member to the Political Committee of tionist views in Parts. Their organization, the postponed, convenes the Third InWithout a fused and steeled revo their sinecures, or social and per With the removal of the right wing the They have further been instrumental in lutionary party a socialist revolu sonal connections.
International Communista of Germ ternational will not be resuscitated.
of the it began to evolve In a Marxist direcorganizing and leading the fight against social pation is inconceivable.
However that may be, even their any is affiliated to the with The Stalin Laval communique is its tion and fusion was made possible. The new party triotism in a congress recently convened.
The conditions are difficult; the theory is untenable. concluwhich the Workers Party is in frat death warrant.
numbers some 500 members, publishes a blWORKERS PARTY OF CANADA: Affiliated to obstacles are great; the tasks aresion such as theirs can be drawn ernal relations. They give instances paper, Niewe Fakkel and a monthly theoretical It formed its independent party in the fall colossal, but there is no reason only by identifying the interests of organ, Internationale. Schmidt and of the arrest of several of their best New Slaughter and a of 1934, having up to then been part of the ComSnievliet are its outstanding leaders. It has strong munist League of America.
whatever to become pessimistic, or the bureaucracy with that of the It issues a twiceto lose courage. Despite all the de Soviet State, which false. While their Indictment for high treason New Betrayal Imminent influence over an independent revolutionary trade weekly paper, The Vanguard.
feats of the proletariat, the position the workers republic stands to proand their condemnation to between. forces so. of the class enemy remains a hope At by an extension of the world ration de three years in the content of capitalism continue their bolilehdent that they serve as the main event to wars Gestione unity of the Revolution Alone Cane one. Capitalism is doomed. revolution, the Stulinist bureaucrawork. The disintegration of world theme for fascist demagogy. In International and of its national Eliminate War Only in the socialist revolution is cy does not.
there salvation for mankind the hundreds. Yet the work con economy, the unemployment of tens the colossal crists in the United sections can be assured only upon To clarify matters, let us considtinues; each case of persecution of milions, the rain of the peasantry states, in the no less colossal on the revolutionary Marxist founda and death question for the people nationals has its own internal Logte the points of difference. Logically The war danger which is a life The very sequence of the Interer some analogies, bearing in mind oals spurring on the members of put imperiously on the order of the employment in the economic advention, which in its turn can be cre is the supreme test for all the which coincides with the historic it might appear, Green, Woll, and They speak in their communicaution. The toilers, embittered and let the strike struggles, in the ter patriots. To remain silent about the working classe day the task of the socialist revol turism of Roosevelt, in the sweep ated only by a break with the social groupings and tendencies within rise of the proletariat. The First Co. would be better off if the tion of the dreadful shambles that aroused, are seeking a way out ment within all working class or the principled conditions and guar: for peace. the struggle against die program of the proletarian, ter The struggle International advanced the scientiF. of were several times its once was the proud Socialist party The prostration, collapse and putre sanizations there are being lodged antees for proletarian unity is to war. war on war and similar olution, but it fell victim because have at their disposal larger dues present size, since they would then and the Communist party; how the action of the Second and Third for the first time the conditions for join in the chorus for broadcasting slogans are hollow and fraudulent it lacked a mass hase. The second payments, more jobs, etc. To bulla youth are looking for a new road International leave the proletariat a mighty development of the revo Illusions, duping the workers and phrases, it unaccompanied by the International drafted from the up the of however, it is after the shameful collapse of both without revolutionary leadership lutionary movement in North Am preparing new catastrophes these parties face of the Hitler and Impel the petty bourgeois masses erica. The example of the first propaganda and the application of darkness, edurated and mobilized ite aggression. Disillusionment has on the road of despair. The bank Victorious proletarian revolution The New Epoch Requires revolutionary methods of struggle. millions of workers, but in the de necessary to set the workers into motion against the capitalists which The only method to put an end to cisive hour it found itself betrayed could mean nothing else than the not only spread to the adherents rupt leaders seek to shift the re lives in the memory of the masses. New International war is to overthrow the bourgeoisie by the parliamentary and the trade end of control of the of by large sections of the middle clase fascism on the passivity of the of the last twenty years have been of working class parties but also to sponsibility for the triumph of The experience of the great events The only method to overthrow the union bureaucracy depraved by The humiliating and hopeless use of the latter ties with the for whom the Naxl promises have proletariat; thus political betrayal burned into the consciousness of position of the old Internationale Bourgeoisie is by revolutionary rising capitalism. The Third in the reactionary bureaucracy be all turned to dust. Possibilities is supplemented with calumny.
ternational set for the first time ne best militants. Genuinely revis adequately characterized by the tion.
In other words, under capitalists for revolutionary activity are great Threshing in the grip of insolv olutionary organizations, or at least fact that the President of the one As against the reactionary lie of letarian revolution, but it found it is not in the interests of the the example of the victorious pro present day historical conditions, it er in view of the let down of esp able contradictions, capitalism 18 groups, exist in all countries. They became the humble Minister of His national defense it is necessary self ground between the millstones lonage among large sections of the preparing to plunge the peoples intoare closely bound together Ideolog King. while the real master of the to advance the slogan of the revo. of the bureaucracy in the isolate or bureaucracy to really build populace that previously acted as a new slaugh Ministers and ically, and in part also organization other uses the world proletarian lutionary destructi the trade unions.
stool pigeons for Hitler.
the nation. Soviet State and the reformist bun diplomats openly speculate whether ally.
An extension of the wor revoluAlthough the political advantages the outbreak of the war will come sent a force incomparably more in change for diplomatic deals. Reitalist Europe it is necessary to der the conditions of decisive caption world set in toen oor hoe plote tional Commun lets have increased all the governments, vying with than the Zimmerwald lett which euvers the two equally depraved SOCIALIST UNITED STATES OF national standing upon the should tariat of the world the Sothee Sunlion because of the disillusionment that one another, are preparing the most in the fall of 1915 took the initia. bureaucracies may undertake, it is WUROPE, as a stage toward the ers of its predecessors, enriched by this would mean the end of their has spread in both old parties, destructive instruments, and there tive in preparing for the Third In not they who will create the unity United States of the World.
nevertheless they operate under by from every side they are hasten ternational.
tremendous handicape. While the ing the explosion which may be Within the reformist parties and them to point the way out. The pacifice tagerec on raste te the occident and the Orient tersee the latter are conditioned by a de Stalinist and reformist parties immensurably more frightful than trade union opposition groupings efforts of the centrists to reconcile arbitration and Samity between Victorious assault upon the strong cline in the revolutionary mood command huge sums of money the war of 1914 1918.
are emerging and growing stronger. the irreconcilable and to save by opleg (ie, between capitalist holds of world capital.
the masses resulting from internawherewith to carry on their illegal The leaders of the so called Some of these assume the form of means of patebing the pieces what governments) etc. as opium for the tional proletarian defeats activity, the revolutionists Workers of the World, Unite!
are working class parties and the trade independent organizations. Within is fated to be destroyed, are fore popular masses. The combinations Germany, British General Strike, forced to rely on the meager pen unions sing loud the praises of the the sections of the Communist In doomed. The new epoch requires between working class organiza(Signed)
etc. nies and nickels of their comrades beauties of peace, they babble about ternational, as a consequence of the a New International. The prim tions and petty bourgeois pacifists Revolutionary Socialist Workers Consider dialectically, therefore, and the occasional contributions of disarmament, exhort their gov prison regime, the opposition as ary condition for success on this (the Amsterdam Pleyel Committee Party of Holland (R. the Stalinist bureaucracy will not sympathizers.
ernments to make peace among sumes a more mute and masked rond is the close consolidation na and similar undertakings) render Schmidt, Snoevtiet. benefit by an extension of the world Up to now the International themselves, arouse the hopes of the character, but it is developing here tionally and internationally of the the best service to imperialism by Communists have retrained from working masses in the League of as well. Even in the the genuine proletarian revolutionists, distracting the attention of the Workers Party of the United revolution. This is merely another making publie appeals for funds Nations, and at the same time need for ever new purrings and re the disciples of Mixx and Lenin, on working class from reality with its States (W. Muste, way of repeating our thesis that James Cannon.
Stalinism is reactionary and a for fear of jeopardizing the physi swear fealty to the cause of pressions is proof of the fact that a common program, and under a grave struggles, and beguiling them cal safety of those comrades in the national defense le. the defense the bureaucracy is unable to root common bander.
International Secretariat of In brake on revolutionary progress.
instead with impotent parades.
clutches of Fascist justice. of bourgeois rule with its inevit out the spirit of Marxist criticism Any attempt to prescribe an identernational Communist League The struggle against war and (Bolshevik. Leninista. Crus, Question: What eridence is there Changed conditions however have able wars.
which is so hateful to it.
tieal course for all countries would imperialism cannot be the job of obliged a change in this polley and Dubois, Martin that the Soviet bureaucracy enjoy through us they are appealing for and even of organic unity Soviet ne modern cover of the united front: Unity atany Price Isabe fatal. Depending upon national any sort of special committees The Bolshevik Leninist Group in the Juclest steaks and Rolls the LO.
Royces to which Trotsky has re aid. committee has been set up diplomacy is preparing, bebind the Monstrous Deception decomposition of the old working preparation for revolution, that is Workers Party of Canada (W. ferred lehis pamphlet on the SorThe oppositionist moods and ten class organizations, and, finally, to say, the job of working class are received for the purpose ofers, class peace between the needencies bear today a predominantly upon the state of their own forces parties and of the International. MacDonald, Spector. iet Union?
smuggling literature into Germany, tions of the two Internationals and CENTRIST character, that is, in at a given moment, the Marxists The Marxists pose this great task Answer: The Stalinist bureaucradistributing it in the Relch and the tourgeoisle of those countries termediate between social patriot (the revolutionary socialists, the before the proletarian vanguard. ation of Four (See Militant. Au with statistics of the amount of neWe herewith append the Declar. cy does not oblige us, of course, internationalists, the Bolshevik without any frills. To the enervathelping those comrades fleeing from which are in military alliances and revolution. Under conditeninists) can come forward, nowing slogan of disarmament they gust, 1933) on the Fourth International wealth which it consumes, the Pacist butcher and so on. with the Soviet state. Thus the long when the traditional mass or All funds should be sent to: counterpose the slogan of WINtional. Not a single line of this but we do get an occasional glimpo Jean Meichler, 14, 248, rue to a new betrayal which will eclipse lapse and decomposition, centrismanization, now in the guise of a NING THE ARMY and ARMING manifesto has become antiquared behind the curtains.
des Pyrenees Paris (18. that of August 4th, 1914.
Here, for example, is an account represents in many cases an inev. faction in one of the old parties, THE WORKERS. Precisely in The is only a allo ders to: Jean Melebler, We Are Stronger Today table transitionally stages over het trado unhonne annet urealy, mertheater one of the most proberente a element of the Declaration of your of dinner recently siven by the official Soviet press ag.
progressive working class group what the time or the arena may ing lines between Marxism and in the light of the experience of Doletsky, the general manager of YOUNG SPARTACUS OUT Than the Lefts in 1915 Ing. Marxiste mest be able to this factional work serves only centrism drawn. He will never find the last year and a halt.
We call upon all parties, organ ency, for Kent Cooper, general manFOUNG SPARTACUS has come internationaal revolution unity of the sun order by example and propagan the new parties of the Fourth Inary tasks who dares not utter them bela perties to reach the trade Karl Blokel, veneral manager of The betrayal of the cause of the ind access to all such tendencies, as a stage on the road of creating the courage to solve the revolutionmonths and its contents compensate world proletariat the back. The revolutionary road. In this, the created either through the regroup. The 4th International class Associations and grouping Among those who attended here unlons, revolutionary working the United Press. Le convention, the con ary vanguard are incredible. Ne able criticism of the centrist read of the old organizations, or through Stands on the Shoulders who are in agreement with us ambassador Bullitt, M. KrestinKress, and Tom Paine, and excerpts ertheless its position at the present ership exposure of the attempts to the agency of independent ortaupon the fundamental principles sky, Soviet Vice Commissar of Forfrom a manifesto of the Bolshevik time is incomparabil, at more report create an internationtemplad izations. But on whatever Arens, of its Forerunners and upon the great task we have eign Affairs; leading member of the Leninist Youth of France make the able than on the eve of the last ceaseless explanation of the fact and whatever the methods o funeposed the preparntion for and Soviet press and correspondents for paper Interesting reading. war. At that time capitalism ap that the revolutionary tasks of our the name of unqualified principles has elapsed since the publication of ture to the present Open Letter, a dinner, was held in the vast maro to During the year and a half that the building of the Fourth Inter the American newspapers. This banquet, which was called JOIN TELE WORKERS PARTY. Invincible. The patriotle debacle lous bankruptcy those unications and clear revolutionary slogans the first program of the Fourth Inof the International came utterly which are hybrid and amorphous. They do not play hide and seek with ternational, the struggle for its together with any proposal of slon of a former textile magnate WORKERS as a surprise, even to Lenin. Ev The slogan Fof unity on to all the working class: they do not con principles and ideas has not abated vichwa orades who have not are decorated with carved oak and erywhere the revolutionary ele working class Organizationgleeal their aims: they do not subti for a single day: the revolutionary been connected with our work wys, which is the crest of the with Protect Yourselves Against the ments were caught unprepared. gardless of tbelt program and tactute diplomacy and combinations for national sections and groups have Hazards of Life, Join the to now, if they seriously intend de The first international conference tic tu boing realously propagated a principled struggle. MARXISTS sown in number: some of them to henceforth Solen the common royal house of the Bourbone of WORKMEN SICK DEATH very small numerically and its ma at present by the centrists, and is AT ALL TIMES AND UNDER extended their ranks and influence, ranks should get in touch with us. France. In this dignified setting BENEFTT FUND OF THE jority indecisive took place more being ably exploited by the reform ALL CONDITIONS OPENLY SAY others attained to a greater homo The initiating organizations who the sixty guests sat down before geneity and cohesion; organizations are signatories than year after the outbreak of ists who are more farsighted, and WHAT 18.
the Open Letter long tables with glasses, plates and 1884 1935 the war. The formation of revolu who fear, with good cause, being within the same country have unit have resolved to create a PROVI cutlery from the Czars palaces.
tionary cadres slowly. thrown centrists SIONAL CONTACT COMMITTEE Twenty white clad. waiters workers with only one purpose: tion was rejected even by the ma. ing the two old Internationals for unions.
which upon the position of vodka. Then hors oetto render protection to members forsty of the Zimmerwaldists. the idea of a New International In In British Unions Sir Walter Citrine, secretary of the Fourth International. The Provres, cold and hot. Then came and thelr families, and to mp Only the October victory in Russia reality, unity with reformists and the congress, bas been severely visional Committee is to be en borshch, a soup with sour cream, port all endeavors and struggles duced change in the situation, cratie or stalinist variety signifies in the 40th month of the war pro social patriots of the social democriticized by his own Electrical trusted with the issuance of an in and white Caucasian wine.
for the improvement of tollen.
LONDON, England Two of Eng Trade Union for accepting a formation balletin. Then salmon with white French About 60, 000 members organproviding a mighty Impulse for the in the last analysis unity with the land largest and strongest unions Knighthood from the national gov In the immediate future the Com wine. The next course consisted of Ized in 350 branchen. Reserves al formation of the Third Internation national bourgeoisle, and, conse have rejected a call from the Trade ernment mittee is to assure the regular and roast pheasant and turkey. with 2, 400, 000 quently, the inevitable split of the Union Congress executive to expel Passing a motion of regret that collective working out of the fun red Crimean wine. This was fol Today the internal weakness and proletariat, internationally as well radicals.
Death benent graded accordCitrine, one of Britain most prom damental programmatic and tactic lowed by sweets and fruits with ing to age at entry. Slek benet At the recent convention of the Inent labor leaders, had seen at to al documents of the Fourth Inter French champagne, in accordance National Union of Railwaymen, accept a knighthood from a gov national with the Continental custom. The payments from 200 to 900 to men and women, recording to UNSER WORT whose membership Dumbers around ernment of hunger and war, a 400, 000, delegates voted 44 to 35 to branch of his onlon called for externational Conferlace will be de American point of The question of preparing an In. fruits were not so lavist from the cla.
Halbmonatesschrift der Internationalen Kommunist reject a demand from Trade Union pulsion of Citrine from the trade cided on the basis of replice repeatg and apples but they were acMonthly assements from 4oc Deutschlands (Bolschewiki Leninisten)
Congress headquarters that no Comunion movement on the ground that celved and the general course of companied by ice cream worthy of to 20.
munists be allowed to hold oficial he has brought ridicule on our the preparatory work Bestellungen an: America. Walter Duranty. New Por further information apply positions in the union, Shortly be movement.
The Provisional addrere ta: Meichler, 14 248 Rue des Pyrenees Paris 20e 1934. York Times, March to Main Office: fore that the Locomotivo Engineers Schmidt or Bneevliet, Imagine, if you can, capitalist 714 Benneca Ave, Brooklyn, NY.
Preis des Abonnements for Jahr 20; Jahr 600 Union rejected the same order on Support the Eight Paramaribostraat 10 huis, agents being feted like this under the ground that it throttled the Page Now Mintanti Amsterdam W, Holland. the regime of Lenin and Trotsky (China outbreak of a new war must lead animations are in process of col in the form of an independent or re Organized, managed by and for the possibility of proletarian revolu. often substitute the idea of the Move to Oust Lackey democratic movement in the trade between the parte de la red cather followed more on nges