CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceItalySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGB NEW TITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1935 Various Groups in the Struggle Ends; Obtain Occuringinthe Teachers Union Few Demands In accordance with this orienta joining the Union. But the Admin. Labor Skates Expel All party press The figures of total portere. Plans for the further or Rebellious Locals and only did so after the workers plan for the eight page weekly wo It could get into action much quick the militants in the Union rank in our estimates. We did not fully this advantage has been utilized.
were only does not justity its past antiComments size how much greater its strength might have been had it followed a pro Union course. In the last On Life, Liberty few months of the school year. It Tbe realisation of the edght page Bact Date In Neart Issue strove feverishly to bring in as and Pursuit of weekly is many members as possible into the Appured by the en That basis is now actually in the Union from among its followers thusiastle response given to our making due to the gratifying reHappiness which it had previously kept from for the our Below is the third of serice progressive or militant program.
By BILL REICH of articles on the situation in the istration contributions received to date for Canization work are going ahead, Teachers Union, its background, tion, it initiated the organization of Rank and Filo previous blunders this special purpose would hardly and with the present beginnings of Brides.
the policies of the groups within the Committee to Protect Salaries to win in the elections of 1935.
seem to substantiate our claim. But excellent results it will be only a it, and the struggle for union de (1931) ostensibly for the purpose This woon made it possible for the from Union these figures do not tell the whole very few weeks before the elgbtFrom the New York Times, Joly mocracy as occasioned by the root organizing school salary commit Lefkowitz Lenville taction to block story. So while we have now page weekly will be in your hands.
22: Mrs. Ottille Stufmann Um cont attempt of the administra tees to fight the then proposed sal the rapid growth of the opposition By KARL LANE reached only a little less than 20 In our next leve we shall give you bach, 20 year old bride, drowned tion to drlve minorities from the Saturday near Wasbington Bridge organization EL ary cuts, but actually for the pur. by closing the books of the Union PORTLAND, Ore, July 31. The percent of the 2, 000 set a goal the exact date.
pose of laying the basis for a nivel against the entrance of new mem turliy ended in this important lom eight pago weekly, the real situa remponges made to the party call The most excellent example of when a torrent of rain water swept organization to the Teachers Union. bers.
her down a drain in which poverty In 1928, a small group of Union After this attempt had falled, it The Committee for Democracy Đd driven her and her husband to teachers organized the Progressive initiated and organized the Classsoth day the Sawmill and Timber solid economic foundation for our and of responsible attention to the seek refuge. The couple had Group based upon a program de room Teachers Groups on a similar Because the leaders of the Rank ly to acoept a compromise beginning to extend its circulation. weekly possible set by the moved to New Jersey about signed to make the Union mor anti Union besls and used this on end le refused to refore the Workers local voted overwepress, and above all, we are really onmpaign to make the eight page month ago, police said, after Um effective force among the teachers. ganisation as a means of attacking because they refused to organize a wage scale, 40 hour, five consecu party branches and the bundlo Is. Both branches settled thelr de policies in a pro Union direction, ment of 50 cents per hour minimum Our appeal was not in vain. The branches of Boston and Minneapo bach had lost his job and they had the Union then bad within Ho the Union from the outside. At broad and non fnctional united dive day week, no discrimination agents are undertaking in a serious linquent accounts in short order no living quarters.
ranks out tent, they camped in Pallader ID of a teaching body of over 80, 000 tempts by members of the Ranfront movement together with the against workers wbo participated in manner to pay up on their accounts, and simultaneously made good conFento correct the tent by day, until the rains of last organising them. Two years later proved of no avail they were sim. clements to restore democracy in us each department re opens, and subscription renewals are given at Boston branch still leads the feld week forced them to seek other certain sections of the left wingceived no notices, were refused the expulston and catracam against individual employers and employed for the elght page weekly are ap Other branches have made a be shelter. Then they moved to the within the general labor movement toor, etc.
mouth of the drain, a concrete tun. adopted a policy of seeking to build Similarly, the Rank and File un these changes the Committee forers in each mill are to be repre those of its members who advocated in the individual mills. The work pearing.
ginning toward getting their ao. total Times na polar bear) wai Influence of this policy was con Unemployed Teachers Association existence. Dissatisfied members of the the original strike demands New MiLOTANTOPerthadows angeha In our next here From the same issue of the y. in opposition to the of The dertohoto preconcertion soda tibe Democracy in the Union came into sented by a committee elected by away Arizona, writes to us: The results in this respect we sball pubin 1831, which was a correct move bring his mate to one of the finest reflected within the ranks of the in Itaelt due to the refusal of the the Progressive Group and indepenwere: 75e per hour minimum wage other publication in the field al The New York district made a dwellings to be found any 200. Progressives, which resulted in a Administration to organize or per committee.
dent members likewise Jolded the scale, 80 hour week, one week sick ready. Organizational gains are excellent promise at the Inception with the latest and most modern split into two groups, one retaining mit the organisation of the unem. crente a third opposition group pually with pay, and unlon recor even better paper. Many similar ratse half of the funds needed for The aim was not to leave and one week vacation an. bound to flow from a larger and of the campaign. It undertook to improvements. At least atty feet the name of the group and the other ployed teachers under its auspices with a complete trade union pro nition on the ground te slanted, with a group representing this new influ: But the Rank and File leadership sram but to develop a non partisan messages arrive.
drop of about thirty feet from the ence adopting the name of Rank (Begun, Oltron, Levine) mlaused movement to restore the democratie Krant even the meager concessions The bosses were reluctant to Postponement Unsvoklable 1, 000. Magnificent. The New York top of the stone clifts to the semi and Flle.
their influence within the to rights of the membership to deter contained in the final settlement, When we announced our cam district had the jump on all the circular swimming pool below. The Progressive Group lead it into anti Union channels. mine the policies of the Union.
other party units in the country narrow waterfall separates the two cliffs under one of which is a roomy policies on building the Union as carried on by a group of leading The Progressive Group based its within the a struggle was set August as a tentative date for The program of the Committee had flatly rejected a proposed agree its appearance. Many comrades un er in the campaign and all that and comfortable den.
the sole economie organization of members to correct this falso consists of the following: ment that would have left the oper: doubtedly expected this issue to be remained was to make good on the the teachers and was opposed to all course. The result was the same 1) The restoration by constitu. Housing.
independent activity outside thens in the Rank and File: the oppo. tional amendment of the right of The courts have ruled that land Union. Although it has been in opsition was removed from the heco the membership to determine the and put the matter of rearealize that because we had beenTo date the total contributions from the strikers off into the 181. 08. ID may be condemned to build rall position to the Administration and tive Board and ostracised within basic policles of the union.
2) The democratization of the future, whenever it in poesible to so badly remies in the past, result New York branches roads, arsenals, military campe and hights it on many issues on the floor the organist of the Rank and Delicate Assembly, which will of the Union, it does not seek to The leadership do so. In the case of the milling in so many frightfully delio other words still less than 20 per publie buildings The circuit court of Louisville, Ky, has denied out the Administration from the File proved in action that in addi then constitute the working body tants whenever It is possible quent accounta, there was so much cent of the pledge. No, the advansound economie tage is not yet made use of. More the power of the government to leadership It seeks to reform it in tlon to steering dual unionist would with creatinty have been basis could be assured. In addi action, more speed is necessary.
of the Union between membership never.
a progressive direction.
It takes course, it could outdo the Lefko meetings.
Another concession forced Totals Going Up condemn land for housing workers. the position that at present the Adwitz Linville faction in using the by the was the five consecution we were ourselves so much de3) The admission into the Unlayed in getting the campaign on. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sonnes, ministration is much to the lett of same buroaneratic and anti demoCompared to these figures we tive day ion, with full membership rights der way. And let it be clearly un have received from the other Barnesville, Ohio, fairground stable what is needed is not a new leader. disagreed with them in their own and at nominal dues, of unemConcessions Inadequate derstood, we have no interest in branches in the various cities in during the birth of their baby. Ship bat reform of the policies of organization. Through these de In spite of the fact that these making show of progrese that is the country a total of 181. 08. From ployed and unappointed teachers concessions were won the settlement not real and does not rent on a individual supporters we have reThe HOLC up to July 15 had start the present one.
of the city ed foreclosure proceedings against Bertram Wolfe, one of the File leadership played into the structive activities the Rank and 4) Reduction of dues to facili fact that the workers in two planta tain every gain and to march formust be considered a defeat. The realistic basis enabling us to main ceived a total of 42. 76.
In the New York district the 712 home owners who falled to tate an organizational eampaign leaders of this group, declared at hands of the Administration which meet payments on loans granted one of its meetings that it would used their tacties as arguments to e not included and were left to ward. Our aim is not merely to West Side branch has maintained to make posable the drawing into settle with their bosges by them add to the pages of the NEW MIL its lead with a total of 38 turned to save their properties from fore be disastrous to the Union or the confuse the membership and to prethe Union of the great mass of selves was a serious departure from ITANT, rather it is to make the in. The Harlem branch follows teachers who are still outside it.
appropriated a half million dollara present Administration to be revent the adoption of mass action true union solidarity. But the grav. kind of advance that will produce closely with 33. 53 and the Center The Committee for Democracy in est defeat is the splitting up of the a vastly improved party organ and branch is next with a contribution plant in the statue of Liberty. out of touch with the point of view to install a heating and ventilating placed by left wing leadership policies by the Union. Bankrupt Maneuver the Union, in the brief period of union into separate mill locals, thus produce a worthy spokesman for of 32. 75. Let us soe which of these its existence (Nov. 1984) engaged preventing the presentation a the militant workers.
branches will be aboad next week.
of the majority of the teachers 28 After the liquidation of such dual in a remarkable amount of con united front to the attacks of the New Deal.
Since last week report the following amounts bave been received: to cause collapse of the Union organizations as the National Minstructive in a hostile at bosses which are sure to follow Cootributions John Dickenson, former counsel and the ruin of many years of hard ers Union, the National Textile mosphere created by a highly fas soon as they feel themselves strong Nowark branch 12. 00 for the Sugar Trust and most vocal work in building the organization Workers, the Needle Trades Worktionalized situation. In this brlet enough.
Boston branch. 00 opponent of the Securities and Er Ben Davidson, the chief of the ers Industrial Union, etc. the pol period it issued a program for the In the face of the fact that the Harlem brancb, 05 change Act, has been appointed As Progressives, declared that it Dr. icy of the Rank and File also was democratization of the Union. Six strike has virtually ended in every Gulfport, Miss. branch 00 sistant Attorney General in charge Lefkowitz should resign as legislacbanged. At first it proposed a bulletins explaining this program other important center, the workers Kansas City branch. 00 of anti trust sults. The tive representative of the Union, united front of the Classroom were issued to the membership. Itin Tacoma and Aberdeen are stil East Side branch, 00 Board sold 146 ships, some he believed it would go to pieces. Teachers Groupe with the Teachers sounded the alarm and called for out, the Tacoma local having re1. 00 Herman Kressig Brji, When this a united front when the Organized Jected a compromise settlement last of which cost as much as 2, 500, 000 With this defentist point of view Union (June, 1934. Workers of Bangor, Maine 00 for 1, 000 each. The company that as its guiding line, it becomes clear maneuver failed, it proposed that Union Majority was organized and Saturdny night.
Flatbush branch, 25 purchased the ships made a profit why the Progressives did not put the Teachers Union call a confer when Dr. Linville sent out his un Abe Muir, with the support of the Bronx branch, 00 of 35, 000 each on the steel alone, out a full election slate until 1933, ence of all teachers organizations authorized letters to the member top leadership of the of L, is Paterson branch 00 selling it to Japan for munitions offering until then no candidates in for the purpose of uniting, although ship attacking the right of minor continuing his campaign to smash Center branch, 50. In 1983, 80, 539 corporations roopposition to Lefkowitz and Lin the Rank and File leaders knew ity groups to exist in the Union, the militant locals of the Boro Park branch, 00 ported Incomes below 100, 000 and ville. It also becomes clear why perfectly well that the only organ Predicting that these moves were using same charter revoking 231 above 1, 000, 000. The aggre the Progressives centered their main zation that would respond to such preliminary to the renewal of the tactics that are being used against Total. 56. 80 gate income of the big corporations attack during this period upon the a call would be its own controlled Administration campaign to crush the Minneapolis militants. William Advance Subscriptions exceeded that of the small. Rank and File for its dual unionist Classroom Teachers Groups. This the cpposition groups by using Green injected himself into the New Haven branch (Gendleman. 00 25, 000 has been appropriated for a polices, and not upon the Admin maneuver was designed to cover them from the Union, the Commit struggle to smash local 2004 which Philadelphia branches (Goodman) 00 photo electric eye to check exaministration thus giving the latter the bankruptcy of its own policy tee pointed out the dangers and aphas been fighting Mulr and his sellSubscriptions (Club Plans)
ation papers for the Civil Service fuel for its attack upon the entire and to act as a face saving device pealed to the Rank and Fle and to out policies. In a telegram to HutChicago branches 80 Commission. It will displace 100 opposition. That is why the belief while a change of policy was being the Progressive Group to form a cheson, reactionary president of the 50 Boston branch.
clerks. Plgures compiled by the has existed among many teachers effected, likewise failed. The Rank united front with it on a limited Carpenters and Jolders, he threatFERA show that 29 percent of the that the Progressives are simply a and File leaders were compelled to program of restoring and extending ened to revoke the charter of longPhiladelphia branches 00 employed heads of rural households pseudo opposition.
order the liquidation of the 00 West Side branch, After the formation of the Unroom Teachers Groupe de Class. democracy (Nov. 1934. Both of view Kelso Central Labor Council have shifted from their usual oe thus us sub these groups refused the they did not unseat delegates Kansas City branch.
3, 00 cupations, most of them going one employed Teachers Association instantiating the charge that its in appeal, each denying that an im from 2504 and completely dissasso or more steps dowoward on the oc the spring of 1931, upon the initia tent was to create a rival to dis mediate danger of expulsion exlated clate itself from the militant local. California District Committee Libby Rockhill, Brooklyn, cupational ladder. Dr. tive of the Rank and File, the Pro place the Teachers Union. and each setting forth ultimatistic The federation crecutive threat is 276. 48 Hargett, Methodist minister, crit gressives, in the fall of the same Previous total.
In spite of its false policies, the demands which made a united front contained in this message sent to cizes Roosevelt policies: wish year, sponsored the organization of strength of the Rank and File has impossible They were soon to Dowler, general representaGrand Total 362 86 the President would not make such the Association of Unappointed Increased considerably during the learn how costly their blunder tive of the Carpenters and Joiners. pleasure day of Sunday. Teachers as a rival organzation of past year, a contradiction which not would prove.
Green Papal Bul (Bronx east side Pelham Bay unemployed tenchers thus split Just received following telo Prosperity.
line to last stop. Cost per day ting the movement at the very out. stem from President Green Ham What to Attend per person, boat 26c. Bring lunch.
Last February General Charles until the present despite the fact set. This policy it has maintained Dawes predicted that prosperity that there does not exist any legiti tached thereto to officers Central Friday, August 9, P. Special Labor Council, Kelso and Long Friday. Dram group of lecture: The Third International would return by July, 1935. mate reason for two organizations Apple growers in Illinois are per in this field.
CLEVELAND, Ohio. The recent response to a question from the view by airmail Instructing them meets regularly Friday evenings Meets at Last. Speaker: at P. at 155 11th St. All ly organized Downtown Branch of District organiser of the as to to disassociate delegates from Muste. 1776 Pitkin Ave. Aurp: mitting their fruit to rot for lack comrados interested in dramatics The leaders of the Progresaves the workers Party began its organ why he was leaving the Staliniste suspended local 2504 from affiliaBrownsville Branch, of a profitable market. Eight children in Fresno, Cal. were pofsemnly promised that Davidson, Wolfe and Wittes sol izational and agitational work with for the Workers Party. Thurman, tion with orntral body and also are asked to attend.
Saturday, August 10, 8:30 Brownsville Package Party and oned from eating contaminated Rank und File Group abandoned its 21, through the medium of soon as the a bang here Wednesday night, July a member of the Communist Party wiring organizer Watson Instruct Sunday, August Come boating open for two years, became convinced of ing him to proceed to Longylew and swimming with the Sparta Dance. 7176 Pitkin Ave. Adm. 160 garbage. Household workers in dual unionistic position, liquidated organizational meeting attended by the bankruptcy of the Third Interand if necessary revoke the char cus Youth League. Meet at PelHarlem place themselves on the its Classroom Teacher Groups, etc. approximately fifty workers. The national after reading statements with package. Free refreshments, ter of the central body in order to ham Bay Station at 10:30 songs; Spartakive Ballet.
public auction block and sell them it would propose a emerger of the meeting had been well advertized of Thorez, leading theoretician of enforce compliance with my to The home of Mrs. Anna Roosevelt Progressive Group and the Rank at several open air meetings held the French in which he at structions. Wm. Hutcheson.
Dall Boettiper near Ossining, groups. In this event it further and File and other opposition during the week at Public Square tempted to explain away the en Thus we see that the labor fakers belng sold to foreclose mort promised to merge the Association tary, in opening the meeting gave has just concluded with France, ods, no matter how vile, to smash Harry Thurman, branch secre tangling alliance the Soviet Union will not hesitate to use any methrage. Huey Long newspaper, of Unappointed Teachers with the a short report dealing wth the which forces the French mem militant unionism.
ATTENTION moonlighters, comrades and sympathizos The The American Progress basecor Unemployed Teachers Association great need of an organization of bers to act as recrulting sergeanta preparations for the Moonlight Ball are going full steam ahead. We doubled its subscription price.
Although the workers tell far have engaged the sorvices of a well known New York music metro or both into the Teachers Union. The remained and showing the neces the and in Cleveland an. short of winning their original movente sono rimes galore. Don wait until the last moment to purchase Royally.
File has changed its policies in this tionally. He also brought out the the Stalinists for the same reason such as the ones concluded in Port will find it impossible to obtain them Tickets can be bought at 55 When Haile Selassle was crowned respect despite the dissolution of necessity for every class conscious land represent a real setback, neverCHELSEA, Mass. FP. un theless some definite gains can be 11th Street, and at the Bookshop, 96 Fifth Avonu.
England presented him with a one the Progressives leader refuse to this preliminary report the floorique decision closely affecting the recorded. Wape increases were tone Angel Food cake. The King carry out their promises and hide was thrown open for discussion. The labor and radical movements was won, the company union (4L) has MUSIC of Italy sent 500 bottles of Chiant. their opposition to the long overdue majority of the questions asked recently handed down when Judge been smashed in the largest proDANCING John Rockefeller, at 96, has merger under various intenable dealt with the difference between Samuel Cutler of Chelsea dis duction centers, and although its 19 of his own teeth. The mon pretexta the Workers Party and the trict court found the Western Un ranks are infested with such rats MOONLIGHT SAIL archist Austrian State Council apPolicies of Rank and File Group, and They also stressed the ion Telegraph Co in contempt of as Muir, a bonafide trade union has proved a bill to restore Hapaburg ISLANDER TO HOOK MOUNTAIN The Rank and tile group, as necessity for a united front of all court and Aned it. 500 for accept been established.
property the income of which, esti stated above, came into existence political working class organizing, transmitting and delivering The Northwest Tumber workers mated at 200, 000 per year, has as a result of the movement, during tions against the common enemy protest telegrams against the armust gird themselves for a struggle since 1919 been used to aid crippled 1920 to 1934, for the building of a capitalism.
rest of two defendants appearing to cleanse their ranks of the fakers new national trade union center, As a result of this meeting afteen before his court. If this decision and build a strong rank and file Book Review.
and as a result of a split within the workers who attended signed ap is upheld, it will deprive the great movement that will wage a deterWalter Pitkin of the Columbia File le officially allied to the Rank Party. Besides holding these to inform pabile complicitate the histoimined struggle for better living Journalism, in and File movements in other meetings, the downtown branch opinions, and bring mass pressure Above all the workers must realhis Capitalism Carrles On. Who of unions, such as the of plans to help in the organization of to bear on reactionary officials ize that labor fakers, the bosses and the government are one big LEAVES PEIR 132ND ST. 30 are the Coolles? Hundreds of thou Committee for Unemployment an Unemployed Lengue.
sands sweatshop workers. They live Insurance, Its official organ is The PAUL LUTTINGER, union of exploiters which the workSATURDAY AUGUST 17, 1935 in squalor that a fastidious animal of Rank and Filer. The CLEVELAND, Ohio. Ha DANIEL LUTTINGER NLD.
ers must unite to banish from the earth or gradually sink back to the BENEFIT PAGE NEW MILITANT would shon. How grotesque to Rank and File, finder the leader thaway was responsible for my reask scientists and engineers and ad ship of Isadore Begun, originally signation from the Communist Washington Square Norte level of the serfs of the Middle Ages.
TICKET 00 ministrators to spend their lives took the position that it was hope Party and my intention to join the 8 Except Sundays Join the ranks of the Workers ENTERTAINMENT REFRESHMENTS Party.
supporting such rabble. He sola Iless to me to reform the union Worker Party. Harry Thurman, Onward to the goal of a tion is sterilization.
and have it adopt and carry out a young member answered in clasele society.
Shipping Greetings heed. 00 26 Party Grows In Cleveland latened or better with bead et Moonlight On The Hudson war veterans.
And Holiday