BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

OVER THE TOP FOR THE EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 32 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1935 PRICE CENTS FOR THE 4th INTERNATIONAL Five Organizations Issue Call for New World Party; Answer New Betrayal of 7th Comintern Congress the the Manifesto of the on Anti War Day Open Letter to All Rep within the party and in the trade imperialism, publicly renounced the in Austria and Spain, the Commun.
Introduction to the Open Letter American Communists. This party, ist International, despite extremely olutionary Working Class marrow of their bones. Their per The Workers Party of the of the Fourth International way ceed as rapidly as possible to the corrupted by a decade of unprinc favorable circumstances, failed not Organizations Groups viowa bind them to the bourgeoisie partielates this week in an proclaimed that the headquar building of the Fourth Interna.
ipled maneuvers and liquidationist only to create an organisation in experiments with parties (Farmer the least influential, but systemat.
Hitler assumption to power, and they are utterly incapable of action of the greatest significance tional.
ters of the Provisional Contact which did not meet with the slight ressorting to the road of the class for the international proletariat, Committee provided for in the Labor Party) which have nothing ically compromised in the eyes of In this hour of mounting war in common with proletarian parties the workers the very idea of the et resistance on the part of the struggle.
Open Letter be Amsterdam; and viz. the publication of the Open that certain paragraphs dealing danger and on the other hand of either in their composition or pro revolutionary party. The Saar plebtwo mighty working class parties Social Democracy. Bound Letter on the Fourth Internation with the Franco Soviet pact and renewed evidence of capitulation gram this stalinist party, upon or iscite is evidence that the German.
self upon the has exposed to the Chariot of with the situation in the of the Second and Third Interna ders from Moscow confides itself to proletariat lost every vestige of contion to the are the Rev. and other American countries be tionals to social patriotism, the the role of a radical intellectual fidence not only in the social demodecisively the Internal putrefaction olutionary Socialist Workers Par of the second and Third Interna. the Bourgeoisie Included. joins with joy, pride movement which functions in the cracy but in the Communist party and hope in raising higher the United States as the valet of Stal as well the party that so inglor.
ty of Holland (R. tbe In tionals. In August, 1933, four or The expresses sympathy The parties of the Second Inter ternational Communist Leagues banner of the Fourth Internation inist diplomacy. But the deep going iously capitulated to Hitler. In ganizations (International Commuthe Workers Party of Canada and with the movement to build the Dist League, Revolutionary Social national calmly reconcile themFourth International but asks Ik Leninista.
and intellectuals throughout the awakening wide layers of workers Scandinavia, on both American conist Party. Independent Socialist selves to the fact that thel Belgian the French BolshevikOf course the signature of the that parties such as the Join world, and especially here in the from their semi provincial slumbers, tinents and in the Orient the sec Party both of Holland, and the president, at the very frst beck of the London Amsterdam Socialist Workers Party of Ger the Catholie and liberal midde men United States, to whatever or gradually dispelling bourgeois and tions of the Communist Interna.
finance Implies that of its other sec capital, Joined hands with Bureau of centrist parties. a ganization they may today tions also, Russian, South Afrt.
many) formulated for the first time to salvage the banks at the expense be pretty bourgeois Illusions, impelling tional, burdened by twelve years of in a programmatle document the of the toiling masses. In the wake can, Chilean, Cuban, Chinese, etc.
condition which the plenum home to mad and strendy the Open the proletariat towards large scale fatal policies are unable to emerge rejected.
new historie task: the creation of The signature of the Open Lettents and the present world situ San Francisco) and creates for the the Fourth International. The er. Man, the vainglorious eritie of Karl ixed, depending upon the fulfill.
True, after the German debacle, The other conditions laid down ter by the was author by the have been fulfilled.
ation to determine where their rerolutionary Marxist party the the Communist International subents that have transpired since that Marx, the originator of a Plan. allegiance belongs. We have no time have been irrefutable confirm nor did the left centrist Spaak June Plenum of the National possibility of gaining a wide spread stituted the capitulatory policy of In accordance, therefore with time to lose in deelding how the and profound influence upon the united front at any price for ation that there is no other road.
the action of the June Plenum of working class may be saved from development and organixation of the adventurist policy of the third The annihilation of the Austrian tion in return for the livery of a fail to betray the socialist opposi Committee of the party. The chief the the Political Committee fresh betrayals and defeats, under the American working class. The period However, the experience conditions were that the proletariat has demonstrated that minister.
of the Party has ordered the pubwhat banner and how the van historic roll which accrues to the in France, where this latest turn (Socialist Workers Party of Ger lication of the Open Letter in our guard and the masses may be victory cannot be gained by Issuing Mindful neither of lessons normany) should be given a month Fourth International and its Am has attained its greatest develop last minute call for insurrection warnings, offietal organ as the official pro rallied for the revolutionary vicerican section not only within the ment, demonstrates that the ComFrench Socialist to the masses, disoriented and party continues vainly to clutch at time to join with other signers, elamation to the world labor tory over capitalism and the confines of the Western hemisphere munist International, with all its the having been one of the movement of our concurrence in building of a workers world drained by opportunism after the party had been driven into a blind bourgeoisie, and the tailcoats of the Republican signers of the Declaration of but on the world arena as well is contradictions and zigzags, manag the Open Letter and renewed eviA. MUSTE, of exceptional importance, since the es to retain Its function of being a Alley. It is necessary to prepare hopes upon the friendship of the it ping greater Four in 1933 where the concept dence of our determination to proNational See y, smashing of American Imperialism brake upon the proletarian revolusyatematically for victory by means Radicals than upon the revolution defense against fascism.
is of extreme significance for the tion. Rejecting the creation of of revolutionary policies in every ary might of the proletariat. In all should the electoral sitecesses of the parliamentarian and trade un the possibilities provided by the reveal its complete bankruptcy. izations, against the background of world proletariat.
workers militia in face of the immeiliate fascist danger, substituting sphere of the working class move other countries, in every part of the Labor Party raise it once again tonist morons have yet to be con demagogy of the Roosevelt plan The Frightful Wreckage its program of immediate demands nobe very interessantiommutabile Switzerland, the Social Democracy, not a peaceful socialist transform. In England is no less real than on vative and bourgeois forces within oftheC. Over the World the struggle for power, the Commu.
Spanish proletariat. Under all con continues to remain the agency of solidation of imperialist reaction. The turbulent development of the for the Stalinist party, it is hogtied national does nothing except quan worst illusions of reformism and tion, it is impermissible to turn ones class and reveals its utter inability war, in face of which the leadership ending chain of strike struggles and vinov, who in return for the recoge lence and authority acquired during leht wing in the Socialist Partie back upon the toilers for the sake to mobilize the masses in its own of the Labor Party will inevitably the growth of working class organ Inition of the by Yankee the first five years of its existence against the Left, demoralizes the of a bloc with the bourgeoisle. It proletarian vanguard, and clears te impossible to expect and demand that the duped and disillusioned the road for a fascist overturn.
masses will fly to arms upon the Finally, the founder of the Combelated call of a party in which munist International, the Commun they have lost confidence. The pro ist Party of the Soviet Union has letarian revolution is not improvised been completely crushed during the last few years by the uncontrolled by orders of a bankrupt leadership, For the working class the great on this twenty first anniversary of der barrels of the Polish Corridor, slip back unless she reasserts her the same time the masses in other bureaucracy which has turned the The revolution must be prepared est tragedy in connection with the the outbreak of the first World War, for which Germany is now renew through incessant and irreconcil World War of 1914 18 was its be which finds all the capitalist powers ink its claim, and of Memel, where and goes forward that is, un. countries are reminded that it is dictatorship of the proletariat into able class struggle which gains for trayal by the Socialist leaders and engaged in war preparations on the the antagonism between Germany she is a victor in another war. but a question of time until there the conservative absolutism of the leadership the invincible cont the trade union leaders under social most extensive scale, is not only and Lithuania is only a superficial which the The economic contradictions in too capitalism, either in prepara Stallo. By means of persecutions, guard with the entire class, and who had ostensibly been engaged in cracy but betrayal also by the among all the rival imperialist toward expansion in China, Man barbarie terrorism.
demce of the party, fuses the van democratic Indaence. These leaders fresh betrayal by the social demo expression for a deeper rivalry undes iele come to Fative Japan to me that there are computer. conduce not fraudes ventes nga puede presa to nip in the bud every manifestatransforms tho proletariat into the the struggle against imperialist Third (Stalinist) International and powers of the Old World.
leader of all the exploited in the war capitulated at the outbreak of the Communist (Stalinist) parties chukuo, Mongolia, all along the All of these war preparations of tion of Marxist thought. Nowhere The hegemony of France over borders of the Soviet Union, and the imperialist powers are in real in the world is genuine Leninism city and country, the war to the capitalists and mill throughout the world and by the Continental Europe, temporarily finally past them, in Siberia.
Following the ignominious down tarists, voted the war credits de Stalinist bureaucracy which consecured by the Versailles treaty, is British interests are threatened Union, though only some of them ity directed also against the Soviet bounded so bestially as in the fall of the principal section of remanded by the various governments, trols the Soviet Union today. now threatened; and France must by the adventures of Italy and have this avowed alm and some Stalin Has Signed the formism the completely corroded and made it possible for these gov The most urgent task of the German social democracy the leftemments to lead the workers of one advanced workers is to expose the wing of the Second International nation to slaughter and be slaugh and shject surrender of the of capitalism, so that at the to be eager to help detend the Death Warrantof the utter a went down ruins in Austria and tered by the workers of another Stalinist parties to soelal patriot.
very moment when a poll of British Soviet Union. Capitalism cannot citizens records ninety percent live peacefully side by side with The most recent opportunistic Spain. But these fearful lessons nation ism; to expose the so called passed by without leaving a trace: The greatest tragedy which peace policies of the present vote for universal disarmament the the workers state which is laying somersault of the Communist Inthe leading cadres of reformism threatens the workers of the world Soviet British government launches a col. Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
as leading not osal naval building campaign.
to peace but to capitulation in The European continent is being war, not to the defense of the Soviet Union but to the breakof armies.
down of its best and only defense, London to Paris to Moscow to Vienmovement; to smash the influence capitals the lines are kept feverof the Stalinist parties over the mined to Form ishly busy by the wire pullers who SAN FRANCISCO, July 28 10, 000 The entire program of workers and their allies through International are setting the stage for the im OMAHA, Nebr. General strike will be affected. Strikers followed three out the world; and to raise aloft workers filled the Civie Auditorium hours was broadcast over radio the banner of the New, Fourth, pending war, Jockeying for favor sentiment in Omaha in support of the recent Terre Haute general tiebere today, on the nineteenth annt station KROW, and the only unexable positions and the greatest and the striking streetcar men bas risen up with keen interest, and it is felt International, under which alone By BURKE COCHRAN most potent set of confederates. so strongly that the executive board that the Indiana situation has been versary of the frameup of Tom pected occurrence was during Rev. the uncompromising revolutionary Mooney. The all important and Alexander speech, when he asked DETROIT, Mich. The unofficial Terrorism Grows of the Central Labor Union has a great influence in creating kenimmediate purpose of this mass for a demonstration by the audio and against imperialism can be struggle against Imperialist war date for the convocation of a con As capitalism everywhere in spite agreed to place a general strike eral strike sentiment here.
meeting was to signalize attention ence for the especial benefit of Tom carried to a victorious conclusion. stitutional convention of delegates of its most frantie efforts, finds it call before that body Aug.
to the continued imprisonment of Mooney who was listening to the The executive board action folersthe Omaha and Council Bluffs In support of the streetcar workMooney on the rankest frame up meeting over the radio from San Feverish War Preparations set up an International in the auto the most elementary needs of the lowed pressure from the streetcar Central Labor Unions and the conspiracy ever perpetrated by open Quentin. The radio station immed.
At this very moment when the mobile and auto parts Industry, is masses, as it further depresses the men rank and file strike commit Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen shop employers against active milit lately cut him off the air, and the children who were born during the supposed to have been set for Aug standard of living even in relative tee of 13, who demanded that the Havels issued 10, 000 circulers mere Harry Bridges, militant maritime audience that it was a federal of for military service, all the capital already engendered a tremendous and as the discontent of the masses eral walkout within two weeks.
in every home in Omaha and Counautomobile sethes and boils over, expresses. conference of all organized laell Bluts. Organized labor contrib pal speakers who emphatically pro oner inside a penitentiary by radio rarations on the most colossal workers thrombout the country: resentment against misery and war bor in the city has been called for uted the stock, members of the tested against continuing this monThe sponsors of the meeting. longer something that may or may the time is doubly ripe for the es establish ever more repressive recommittee scale and the coming war io no The response has proved again that preparations, the capitalist nations August to form a gneral strike printing crafts donated their labor, Teo Gallagher, former attorney those who helped to make it a huge not appear in the remote tuture. tablishment of an International simes and by unlimited terrorism for the strike will be definitely set. Council Bluffs gave the use of its At that time the date and the Farmer Labor Press of for Mooney, commented at length on Longshoremen Association 38 79, discuss cynically not whether war major factor in the organization of ity which will enable them to be a conference of anafilated and On the following day there is to press the legal aspects of the Mooney the Saltors Union of the Pacific, the is to come but when it will break the workers of this key industry lead the masses to war in an at unorganized workers and farmers that the streetcar strike is the same The lendlet emphasizes the fact Cele; and Melvin Jackson who to Ship Sealers 28 100, the Communist out. In portions of Asia and Africa presented the Tom Mooney Molders Party. the International Ladies the armles are already being drawn tive council of the American Feder is today compelled to resort to teraction President Wm. Green, the execu tempt to resolve the crisis. Hitler to form a supporting committee of one which was called April 20, 1934, Defense Committee spoke on the Garment Workers Union No. 8, the up in battle formation.
role of Youth in the struggles of LLA. Auxiliary, the Workers Party ation of Labor, and Francis Dillon, roristic methods even against those The aggressiveness of Omaha and has been repeatedly interrupted Labor for a place in the sun and in Hitler Germany has defied the head of the National Council of the very lower middle class elements labor was aroused by the continued by conferences only to have the the tight for Tom Mooney freedom. Waitresses Union, the Auto Mech. Versailles treaty, introduced int. United Automobile Workers Union, which helped to bring him into delay of officials, by the vie comercio morsomme declisions of such Kanju Kato, Chairman of the anleg Union, the Carmens Union No. reballding of a navy to make her a silence with regard to the proposedlics and Protestants, the Hitler tice of the daily prees, and by Roy Cochran forced an agreement desh versal conscription and began the however, have not yet broken their power the persecutions of Catho tous red balting and splitting tac conferences. Some weeks ago, Gov.
National Trade Union Congress of open Japan, brought a message of peace and the Machinists Unlon.
518, the Painters Union No. 1158, dominant ses power once again, at convention. Nobody in the Dillon press attacks on small business threats by bodies of wholesale tire to have the company after compulsory arbitration only and friendship from the workers of least the North Sea.
office at Detroit, knows what armen. The Hitler regime has not ing of onion abor.
Japan, and expressed international Tom Mooney on this August attention solidarity in the demand that Tom will have been a continuous active intention to subjugate Ethiopia and convention, where it will be held or promises to these elements; he is kins, strike leader, called upon all Wooney be freed. He delivered his member of the International Mold is daily transporting thousands of anything else about it. None of the already in danger of losing their sroups to support the program of to its offer of free ride carteiden oration entirely in Japanese and at ere Unton for thirty three years, and armed men to that country front locals have yet received instruc support. Thus we are shown that unity and militant action as the tined by red and white stickers, a intervals pad so that his inter the unions of San Francisco supiers.
tlong with regards to the conventhe German economic crisis is so only means of winning strike. convenience developed by organized preter could translate for the audi ported him loyally in this mighty Once more the tuse has been tion, on what basis delegates will severe that Hitler may be compelled Should the general walkout ako labor for the citizens to enable them ence what he had said demonstration of solidarity. lighted that may blow up the pow. Continued on Page 4) Iany day to embark upon war. At place, some 35, 000 Omaha familles to boyeott the streetcars.
Green Dodges Convention of Auto Workers 10, 000 Rally for Tom Mooney overrun by the diplomatie advance Movefor Omaha GeneralStrike In Support of Tram Workers