BolshevismCentrismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Soc. Call Whines Militants Capture Palabod et une parblohtus co, boronder enige ople and competition by inviting At Decision YPSL Convention or the ever divergent may be the views of various act within the party or as an objective function is to consolidate satisfied with the action of the New wing of the Roosevelt administraof.
PAGE NW MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1935 ed front conference, the initiative for which was NEW MILITANT taken by La Stamp Libera, a local Italian sowith which is merged cialist newspaper. Our delegates to the conTHE MILITANT ference proposed that an effort be made to 66 East 11th Street, New York City representatives of the Stalinist movement. The Phone. Algonquin 9068 members and supporters of the Socialist party Putered as second class mall matter at the Poet Omce present in the united front, voted down our The new Norman Thomas. Honn Old Guard leadership of the Social.
Continued from Page peared before the resolutions comat New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. proposition on the grounds that first, the ist Parts, resulting from the peace pact between the and the tion delegates. They were discussed mittee to present the case of their Stalinists were professional disrupters and dis New York Old Guard, found little cause for worry in the July 20 issue in sub committees referred, organization. The committee adoptJAMES CANNON. Editor loyal, and second, that their presence in the of the Socialist Call, organ of the leader the new combination and coming National Committee. These delegation and took no further acof the Militant socialiste without recommendation, to the ined a motion of thanks to the united front would militate against securing its program, the Militants con Instead of a clarion call to arms against SUBSCRIPTION RATES: included an anti Stalinist resolution tion.
In the United States 00 per year; 650 six months. the support for the movement among the trade tented themselves with what they a weak kneed appeat that This on the Franco Soviet pact. er Warns of Trotskyism Canada and Foreign 50 per year; 00 six months. unions of the city.
termed an objective, factual re must not be interpreted by any Breaking socialist precedent the Nevertheless, delegation Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
The decision of the conference is not only port, and a shamefully weak State or local as permission to convention was closed to the public work was not at an end. It had highly regrettable, but it is based upon two kneed editorial.
conduct a heresy hunt.
and the press. So little was ac another task: to counteract TrotVOL SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1935 No. 31 The objective, factual report entirely erroneous premises.
This week editorial in the So complished that the Yipsels, con skyist influence Weiss warned and the editorial gave, in actuality, cialist Call is equally weak Kneed. trary to their plans, were unable several Militant leaders to be Terre Haute General Strike united front, while not an all saving insti little hint of the completeness and it says not a word about the signi to issue a press release ware of the Trotskylsta. He cited tution which can solve all the problems of the importance of the Old Guard vic ficance of the definition of commun. The supporters of the MilThe idea of general strike of labor, working class, is a tremendous step in advance tory Instead the report devoted 1sm. It says not a word about the Itants controlled a majority of the the French Socialist youth that the throughout an industry or throughout a city, for the labor movement. That step will be line to blazoning forth the mean. Devere Allen and other erstwhile were conservative Tipsels (of the mies of the working class who must is, it is quite clear, no foreign importation. stronger and will lead labor further along a ingless minor concessions to the friends of the militants, who only Thomas Hoan Hoopes type. One be expelled from the movement.
It is the natural idea that develops in the minds triumphant road, if it is taken by the greatest and another beadline to two days before they voted with delegate, from St. Louis, was the This benevolent advice was met of workers to the same extent that the spirit of possible number of labor organizations. In broadcast that Attacks on party the old Guard, swore at caucus sole er there. The New with skeptical smiles by the young class solidarity takes hold of them. The New York City, the Communist party repre. why shouldn they cense, now the New York Old Guard charter. porters as they had organized a few The Stalinists are fearful of changes taking place in the ranks of the labor sents many thousands of workers. Whether it that Hoan and Thomas have made it says not a word about the need months ago their own rival youth Trotskyist Influence in the Yip movement of the United States have been ex represents them well or poorly, is for the mo peace with the Old Guard. of building a Left wing e a revo organization in New York, the sels. Many young socialists are pressed in the last couple of years alone in the ment beside the point, for the same question in contrast to the political clar lutionary program and breaking Young Socialist Allance sympathetic to Trotskyism even The characteristic Militant though they believe that their place fact that three general strikes have occurred arises also in connection with the Socialist lty of the Old Guard, who in the with the Thomasites and other cap. the general strike of the textile workers, the party. To exclude these workers from the that the basic issue was the defi not a word about the fact that this questions and substituting for them have been inoculated against stalof evading programmatic is in the socialist movement. They general strike in San Francisco and now the united front, by refusing to have anything to nition of Communism, the report in peace pact is really a declaration organization measures, set the tone inism though they are not yet ready general strike in Terre Haute, where the entire do with the party which formally represents the Socialist Call does not refer to of war against all Left wingers. In of the convention. The New York to break with socialist Centrism.
working class came to the aid of their beleage them, is to narrow the united front in an inad this point at all except as it re short, it says not a word that could Militants won a majority on the The Revolutionary Policy Pubprints uered comrades in the Columbian Enameling missible manner.
be of any help to the many left National With the publication of the eight ward moving socialist workers.
eleven meteee. Three of the lishing Committee distributed a of the new com, mimeographed statement to the and Stamping Company who had been on strike Our attitude towards the Stalinists, their point peace pact in the form to The key paragraph in the editor mittee are right wing socialists of delegates. They explained their po.
for some four months.
the type referred to above. sition on the crisis in the socialist It would be the greatest error to draw the their behavior in the general labor movement, srst point, the definition of com The agreement, although almed In addition the national office party, the decision of the National conclusion from the fact that all three general is quite well known, and requires no repetition munten, is seen to be the most imno basle problem of discipline. It On previous occasions the New York Militants.
strikes ended without the demands of the work here. Our attitude towards the united front Portant point, being a decisive de at solving the party crisis, solves was taken over by the Militants. Committee and the actions of the ere involved being granted, that the general with this organization or that, is not, however, from which we how the whole will fall of its purpose unless the peel organization came into con. The statement reads. Although a principled the old National Committee against not despair. The principles for general strike that proved its inefficacy or workers in struggle against their class enemy, party membership all who praecentrarstrikan ole three cases, it was not the the manner in which it proposes to lead the the other points pale into the ignil tance and abandons the disruptive dhe se instances are the ruling ng nothing seems to bring holder med med War Against Dissenters internal statements and, far more which Marx and Engels fought, for bankruptcy, but the timid, or conservative, or important, the relutcance of Dances which our own Gene Debs carried If this were to be the basis for the united tise or advocate: Violent insur What is the purpose of the agree, and McDowell to support the Yip on, call aloud for reaffirmation and downright reactionary leadership which as front, it could never come into existence. The rection; Dictatorship or aban ment? The editorial does not tell sols in their fight against the New adherence. We can go forward to sumed control of the general strike out of fear that it would otherwise fall into the hands of ideal method of achieving social the majority war against dis Pork organization in withdrawing tion as the Right wing intends; determined workingmen and women resolved to organizations and parties on the final emanci sm; Subjection of the party to senters: hence the readers of the support from the New Lender, nor a party that builds its hope utilize this potent weapon to the maximum for pation of the working class and the methods to a bureaucratic, mechanical discl. socialist Call are left to accept the though they were compelled to en. and aspirations on the foundations the purpose of winning their just demands. be employed in attaining it, they are all ready pline from abroad such as that im. majority own chalen pathat the dorse it at the last meeting of the of the sand and water of compromIn the textile strike, the United Textile to state their agreement on this or that con red by the Third International agreement is a peace pact. And National Committee.
ising. Centrist principles. Our party Workers Union leadership called off the mag crete problem before the working class at a ground tactics even as a means to this peace pact will fall its sented to the membership of the fearlessly These differences were not pre can still become revolutionary. by endorsing Left wing nificent movement which had the plants tied up, given moment. Such a problem is the defense a worthy end.
not at the moment when the strike was at an of the Ethiopian people from the assault of Under sections and just quot cialist Call readers are left to be convention. Ernst Brber. Chicago principles. Towards this end we ebb, but while it was reaching new heights of Italian Fascism. Given this fact, it is the duty, any party member who believes lleve more, they are given to be context inger. was elected without of the beļieve that we strength. They called it off at the behest of of every militant worker, and of every labor in revolutionary methods is subject leve that it the old Guard ceases contest to the national charman. have made contributions.
The statement further urges the Sovernment. In the organization, to declare that on this minimum to expulsion; they leave room in its disruptive tactics (and why Ben Fisher, former New York City Yipsels to consider the the party only for those who believe shouldn the Old Guard cease, now Frisco strike, the reactionary leaders of the basis we can all come together and join forces. In growing into socialism by way that it has won everything) there secretary of the Yipeels, defeated program and offers its prow and of tabbed the movement in the back The criticism of any united front moveniente se hace receracy of the capitalist will be peace, Such is the political tary by about a dozen votes, Dances The tereti vedea or the app in an even more despicable manner. In the must be directed primarily against those who state. Section is a roundabout, estimate of the agreement of the clever formula to outlaw oppontional Committee sition on many vital questions, is admirable examples of heroism and militancy, this or that group in the movement, and notents of the corrupted Second Intercapable that the Socialist Call was however re elected to the Na leaving aside its programmatic poTerre Haute strike, where the workers gave declare themselves opposed to the inclusion of What will the Socialist Call do Political Fight Eraded clearly shown by its weakness to and showed a stirring fearlessness even in the against those who state their willingness to of a new International, not based now? The editorial says: But. Undoubtedly an important reason the meets, where left wing face of the troops tear gas guns and bayonets, participate. If a party or group has disrup on Independent national parties but such differences need not give rise for evading a political fight was the should have its greatest support.
it was once again the of bureaucracy tive or anti working class motives in its declar on a collective world leadership to abusive or dictatorial practices. fear of the Militants that they The Yipeel convention revealed which torpedoed the strike and left the fate of ations in favor of participating in the unitedThird International but is actually ship to the principles of Marx winment amongst themselves and with and their Militant leadership.
Section mentions the discredited Our work to educate the member could not be able to reach agree the true condition of the Yipeels the workers in the hands of government representatives who are sure to do the right thing action. In every case, the masses of the work the world party of the Fourth in in a dignified manner.
Hoan Hoopes by. the employers.
ers will learn by experience who is for a loyal ternational. Section is a blund concerned with issues and not with that a revolutionary program would their fight outside of New be presented to the convention. City. Now they are out to capture The general strike is a tremendously power united front of labor and who is against it. erbus, put into the hands of the personalities.
These sentences are not directed such plans undoubtedly existed but posts. Program and policies on the ful weapon, but not in and by itself. When it For our part, we do not fear the participation ing against any and an diesenters to their enemies, but to their own they were not carried out at the burning questions of the day, these is directed and inspired by organized militants, of the Stalinists in any united front. We haveBy voting for this deification of seething following. Continue. convention.
who know what they want and how to go about sufficient confidence in our own movement to pure reformism of the most vulgar that means a continuation of the The Militants chief interest is result is not only the impeding dt getting it, the weapon becomes an invincible believe that when our policies and conduct are social democratic type, Norman policies. We must not make the to capture organization posts in the a Left wing development but the one. That is the lesson of the three general contrasted with theirs, we shall not be the losers Thomas gave up his recent attempts paper a factional organ. We can S. and Yipools in preparation for organizational stagnation of the To accom Yipeels, Little effort is made to strikes, the most recent one included. And the thereby. Moreover, no organization convinced where he feels most at home. ne have a systematic caucus structure Plish this end, they put educate the ranks. Even the loadlesson is at the same time a warning: an or of the superiority of its program and policies is significant that another support in the party. We mustn criticize the paramount question of program equate organization steps taken are ganized Left wing must be built up in the need fear the participation of any political op er of this definition was Devere those who are pretty close to us, into the background but penalize done without the members underof from a local to a national scaleelse ponent in such a collaboration.
Allen, who was the author of the ete, etc. that led to the failure to those who present a revolutionary standing the reasons.
Genuine Left Wing Needed the fighting courage of the American workers It was precisely such a fear of publicly and at Detroit. That Declaration, writ. sequent debacle. Not with person York city secrotary and organizer The results of tho convention will fail to find that necessary point of support honestly having a correct policy counterposed ten immediately after the Austrian alities. that means no criticism of the PSL were forced to re once again afirm the need for a and rallying center which it richly deserves. to their policy, that dictated to the Stalinists civil war and in the midst of the above all of Norman Thomas.
for number of years their criminal policy of Spanish revolutt Weldge the gap The Militants Disdain Ranks a Left wing statement in preparathe Yipsels. Broad and thereby situation Militant leaders bave Now, a leading member tion for the national convention. ineffective in a revolutionary sense social Fascism and united front only from between reform and revolution by spoken through the columns of the group, considered a worthy candi. only by the refusal to adopt a pro this Militant groups are possible United Front on Ethiopia below, that is, no united front at all. It is similar fear that brought about the change viding special clrcumstances in strated the bankruptcy of their tee was suddenly dropped from the costs was revealed for what it to The decision of the Workers Party to send in this policy and its conversion into the course which socialists misht violate the present policies. But theresaya slate because the Militants feared worth by the disruption of the bloc delegates to a united front conference of New towards non aggression pacts in the united laws laid down by the capitalist mass of socialist workers who have that his election would make the between the Militantn and ialist designs of Mussolini upon the Ethiopian same criticisms that they escaped by excluding Guard camp on this basic issue Militant leaders any standing. Hoan Hoopes.
York labor organizations against the imper front, by means of which they seek to avoid the state gee. the len teretumo politie clona Constituted their following and only Yipeels a target for the ora Guara Thomas Hoan Ploppes formed at the following have the and would antagonize Thomas Detroit convention at the recent people, is in line with the whole position of our all other movements from their united front proves once more the Marxian con. This following has had little volce National Committee meeting of the party. We stand pledged to a war to the end frauds of yesterday. significant action of the con tention that such Centrist formula in the determination of Militant vention was the decision to raise Left wing which can make against Fascism, in Italy and everywhere else. It does not speak well for the socialists con are mere half way house from policies. The Militant leaders the maximum age limit from 25 to valuable contributions to the Amer We are always on the side of a colonial or semicolonial people in their efforts to preserve their of Ethiopia that they have picked up the not provide stable position. This backwardness of their rank and Yipsels. It is at the same time an Marxian program, distinguished in ward but which never in themselves by contemptuous references to the then the Militant control of the founded only on revolutionary independence from violation by any of the very odorous policy against which we were ought to be suficient warning to hle, which has been their main ex. admission of the inadequacy of the theory and practice from all shade rapacious imperialist powers. We are com compelled to fight so vigorously when it was the Militants not to attempt to find cuse for not fishing that would be recruiting power of the Socialist of reformism and Centriem.
mitted firmly to the idea of the united front of by. a the be all labor organizations in every progressive advanced or defended by Stalinists or social. Iples, but to abandon its ambiguous rank and file were a developed party to nullify this decision. out of growing militaney but only formulae and seek precise revolu politically as the situation demands, ists, it is a course that divides the workingtionary conceptions.
Gus Tyler, New York Militant, by the conscious efforts of Left We are compelled, however, to register a class and weakens it in the face of its foes. The Militants on the little participation for them in die was elected as the delegate to the wing socialists. The next step of for their leaders have provided so sharp disagreement with the action of the unit High time it were discarded for good.
Krueger, Daniel and Hapgood, took cussion and decision, and Elven held next month.
International Youth Congress to be revolutionary socialists, too long no principled position in opposition them a paper of such low political delayed, 18 the formulation of such of communism. level, that the rank and file have appeal for a united front from the a genuine revolutionary Marzlan The convention had before it an a program and the constitution of or are participating in the building Icies, especially as doing this Here was a splendid opportunity to not had the proper opportunities to Young Communist League. Mae group Greetings To fully appreciate the tremendous en link in the Canadian Hitler. ism the banner revolutionary Nevertheless in the few Militant leaders of the stalinist youth, ap SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT dificulties which our comradee Needless to say, the leader Marxists and let the workers in the meetings at which the rank and file The Vanguard there have faced and overcome. proposes no solution the Socialist party judge under which have had a chance to show where Their success again attests to the workers. ending up in the blind one they wished to march. Indeed, they stand and in the party branch loyalty and devotion of an ever alley of social democratic reform the only answer to the majority meetings where they come in con BOOK SALE The comrades of the Workers increasing number of revolutionary ism, as have similar attempts with declaration would have been a fict with the old Guard, and by Party of the greet and heart workers to the ideas of the 4th In an American Approach the statement of revolutionary princ. their selfless devotion in financing SUMMER CLEARANCE 1ly congratulate the Vanguard, ternational.
United States.
SPECIALS Instead, the Militants the Militants, the rank and file By LEON TROTSKY: official organ of the Workers Party The latest issue of The Vanguard, was a legalistic have shown that they mean busi Marking another step in the minority motion Now Reg. Price Problems of the Chinese Revolution 00 of Canada, on its fourth highly July 15, carries the news that the practical internationalist collabor appeal to the interpretation of com nens even if their leaders do not. 60. 65 Germany What Next. cloth)
successful appearance as an en publications of the Pioneer Publish ation of the two revolutionary par munism adopted three months ago One may confidently predict that. 40 (paper)
larged, bi weekly paper fighting for ing Co have been barred the use ties of the North American main by the which was written the hammer blows of the Ola Guard The Only Road For Germany (cloth)
the Fourth International.
Despite the miserable standard itself to do all in its power to two issues of The Vanguard of a that it enabled him now to vote for policies of the Militant leaders (paper. of living of the working class of smash this dictatorial order. fortnightly column, United States the Old Guard interpretation and will drive the Leftward moving The Spanish Revolution in Danger IMPORTATIONS that country, despite the compara Editorially, the Canadian Ap Labor News Letter, by comrade unity of the sectarian Stalinist rank and fie to find a new program tive youth of the of de proach of Woodsworth, lead Blake Lear of the Sur Workers Unity League with their and a new leadership, it their presThe Web of Thought and Action, by Levy. 98 spite the lack of funds and even er of the Cooperative Common. veying important news in the de organization ent leaders do not move with them.
Essays in the History of Materialism, by Plekbanov. 96 such material necessities as suff wealth Federation is analyzed velopment of the labor movement Not content with achieving a bicient type to set up the larger size from the standpoint of revolution and the counter offensives of the weekly organ, our comrades there Attention New Yorkers!
The Bolshevik Theory, by Raymond e. 76 paper, our Canadian comrades have ary Marxism and exposed what Roosevelt administration, comrade are pressing a campaign for the PIONEER BOOKSHOP Brief History of the French Revolution, by Aveling. 00 developed their press from a tab it is an attempt to mislead the Lear draws revolutionary conclu establishing of The Vanguard as 96 Fifth Avenue, Labour and the Industrial Revolution, hy C. Fairchild. 00 loid size monthly, for the most workers into believing that Canad sions as to their meaning for the a weekly. Anyone wishing to help Tel: AL. 1950 Commercial Crisis of the 19th Century, by Hyndman. 00 The Outlook of Sciences, by Worrall.
part hand set by the voluntary la ian conditions are somehow differ American working class of espe them in reaching even deeper massbor of the comrades, to the presentent from those of other capitalist cial interest to the organized eg of the Canadian workers may Will Be Closed Saturdays Daring No Mail Orders Under 00 During Sale. Add 10 for Postage bl weekly of the size of the NEW countries in the period of capitalist workers in the is the platform send contributions to the editor, JULY and AUGUST PIONEER PUBLISHERS MILITANT.
decline, and therefore that they of the progressives in the Cloak. Vanguard Publishing Assn. 320 96 Fifth Avenue, New York City Only those who have participated need not turn to revolutionary pol makers Union (I. for the Spadina Ave. Toronto.
Open Dally from to PM York trolling the New York united front in behalf which one may go forward or back have thanked them for this loyalty 30. This step is intended to streng lean revolutionary movement can be Cause of the truly Marxian prese can would provoke the capitalists into plant beside the banner of reform develop their political knowledge. Weiss anal Dave Doran, national for 35. 65. 25. 15 20. 10 15. 10 Special Aspects of Dialectical Materialism (Symposium. 47. 50