BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRosa LuxemburgSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

SATURDAY JULY 27, 1935 NEW ILLTANT PO3 Stalinistsin Van of SocialPatriotic PeoplesFront Question Box Bureaucrats Dismayed at Rising Tide of Opposition ling his happigenic Unity che non services to nature de la seconda French Revolutionists in The Manager Corner In their hand, oozing sweat and defense policy of Stalin. The com factor of the first order. Foaming ist has the full liberty to belong blood in milltary exercises under mittee for Organic Unity (merger at their mouths, the bureaucrats and work in political and philosothe severe and imperious com between the and the is had to recognize this fact by grant phie organizations of his own By WEAVER mand of colonel Marcel Cachin. working overtime. Humanite ing the Bolshevik Leninists one reg choice, he, however, cari belong to With myself seated in corner drives for organic unity as the task ular representative and one alter the trade union only in the capacC. BROOKLYN watching them, while re reading of the hour. Zyromsky is happily ate on the the equivity of a trade unionist.
Question: According to Mary the the theses and conditions of 1920, agreed to the Stalinist formulation alent of a Political Committee) and Continued from Page 1)
Thus at the end of the Stalinist value of commodities is determined in France? Did you want him to and the articles and speeches of in the draft program for unity (see one representative on the Administrade union rainbow we And the by the socially necessary labor time ship, when a few canes tipped with make a declaration to disapprove Cachder and morez on revolution umanite, June 8, 1995. where trative Board of the organ Lo Popu. Siamese twin of the People embodied in bloeie hand one capitalrazor blades were waved in the at them? That is not serious.
tempted coup of February 6, 1934. What is important is that the in And over the drawing, this list war has been substituted for reaucrats behind the scenes will to the labor lieutenants of the ist employing a certain number of But that was before the Stalin terview led to concrete results men makes much different profits heading: Ones must never swear no national defense in a capitalist now be forced into the open through French capitalist class.
Laval pact. Today Daladier is the for the defense of the to anything.
regime in harmony with Thorez the medium of the Bolshevik Len But within the ranks of the than another employing the same very plilar of the People Front, And further on, the communists France, for Russia, let us prepare would be no Imperialist war. Below, an inscription: For oath that a war against the inists.
itself, despite the stranglehold of number. Does this not contradict worthy indeed to march side by side do not plant their banner in mod. quickly and well. Populaire, Platnitzky, high priest in the Iorgan of the government, Tempe, in discipline there is a seething fer apparently the workers should be The reporter for the serni oficial the bureaucracy, the barracks room the Marxian economic theory, since with Thores himself, leading the They do not condemn the army as Bastille Day demonstration. such. They do not misconstrue the May 23. will be shortly in France to oficlate covering the Mulhouse Congress of ment. Opposition to the stalin adding the same value in each case?
Cachin, the prodigal son, has re at the social patriotic wedlock.
And on the platform of the Peo idea of the fatherland. They want. the expressed only too well Laval pact in Jura, Montlucon, Aurlot thunders his undying opposition the right to their flag, the right to ornally cannot refrain from chort. altion: the expulsion of the Bolshe stating that they (the leaders) open. The Auxerre district demand their values, and it is this fact ple Front none other than her to conquer for the toiling masses turned to the fold and Evrard patTrue the stalinists have one con the emotions of Blum and Co. in rillacc and elsewhere broke into the in capitalist society: do not sellest vik Leninists.
to fascism of the right as well as their army, the right to their faThis time, however, regret having accepted them several ed the expulsion of Stalin, the which gives rise to the suspicion fascism of the extreme left. For therland. The Communist party is expulsion will not prove so easy, months ago.
social patriot. The workers are no sary labor time as the determinant he too flights for the common a young, realistic, honest party, a Now that Stalin has trampled un for the Bolshevik Leninists already in the meantime, while unity longer being taken in by the spec. of value is incorrect.
What we have canse, The keen Thores known government party, which has alder foot the last vestiges of Lenin control over one fourth of the with Blum bang fire, the Stalinists dous arguments of the bureaucrats here however, is not a refutation of not evident, he declares, that we globe, one fourth of China, and between himself, Blum, Zyromsky Paris, and they have a strong fol. tions on the trade union fileld, seck nothing is changed, Stalin Is fen the law of value but its further guard peace with party whose about to augment its prestige to agreement on the united Peo October has turned from a prope. revolutionary elements, particularly can come to an agreement to save which in France by its successes is und all the other Evrards. Lo Popowing elsewhere as well. The ori. Ing an alliance with Jouhaux, the intet and is leading the bourgeoiste dhe elepante de termined by the socially necessary labor time em most eminent leaders and notabl Sok siderablemen det er en. writ ple front and on the national ganda group into a revolutionary against the Bolshevik Leninists sition to social patriotism is taking bodievalne extracted from the work President Herriot, have ceased to say and to prove their Small wonder the died in the wool whose influence in the movement is an organized form. An initiative ers is proportioned among the altfriendship for the Soviet Union, social patriots can raise their heads growing. Had the Red committee of revolutionary minort ferent capitalists according to the considered Trade Union Center) entered the ctles already functions. The Bolshe amount and power of the capttal Us, as the great force for peace in has met with the sanction of MosG. the reformist organization) vik Leninists, Plvert (one of the that each controls and not accord.
in as a revolutionary opposition, trade leading figures in the Paris District ing to the number of workers that On July 14, Herriot, Daladier, Populaire, organ of the French Sounion unity would have been al of the Dorlot together with each directly employe.
cialist Party: ready achieved. The Stalinists, of several other groups and trade unBlum and Thorez marched in the Under competitive capitalism this Stalin, the great Stalin, the vanguard of the first People course, were instead interested in ton organizations held a meeting on proportioning is brought about by The Bolshevik Leninist group of the coordinated two prestigo and to securing for them July 10 in preparation for a nation the tendency towards the creation Pront parade bearing high aloft supreme lender of the Third In. the tricolor flak, the emblem ternational, has proclaimed before conferences against social patriotism and class peace. One of these selves a proper share of sinecures al conference set for August. Else of an average rate of profit for all Point Seven of the declare where in this issue we print the capital. As an illustration let us of French revolutionary traditions, the entire world that the task in by the New Age kroup.
France is not to allow in any way At the initiative of the Bolthevik Lonand the Red flag. Humanite, the weakening of its instruments ation that made possible the re resolution of the preliminary con assume three industries as follows inists these committees have fused. The group whose names are sumption of negotiations with Jou ference against a repetition of the which are selling commodities at June 28. of national del not mentioned in the nesolution published below Includes: Dortot, haux reads as follows: 1914 betrayal.
The Stalinists have traded in the And as he goes on, he becomes Pivert, Action Socialiste, Guy Jeram and the Proletarian Revolution 7) Freedom of opinton and the For the first time, thelr value. 1) Constant capital, after more 1, 000, 000; variable capital 500, 000; revolutionary struggle for power moro emphatic.
group, etc. exercise of trade union democracy than a decade of crimes, betrayale surplus value, 500, 000; selling price for respectable program of haggling for Immediate demands. In and fully approves the policy of Stalin adds that he understands must not entall the formation of and defeats, the revolutionary pro 2, 000, 000; rate of profit 33 113 per The cause of proletarian internationalism has just been officially bodies that act as factions in the letariat is rising in France to take cont. 2) Constant capital 2, 000, a period such as this, concessione national defense carried on by deserted by Stalin who speaks as the leader of the Third International, trade unions. Each trade union to the road of the October victory. 000; variable capital 500, 000; sur can be wrested from the bourgeoisie France to maintain its forces at approving the policy of national defense followed by France.
only its power itself a chal the necessary level of seeurity. We are completely opposed to the conception which has dictated tttttttttttttttset plus value, 500, 000: selling price 3, 000, 000; rate of profit 20 per lenged. Otherwise the new immed These declarations of their cent. 3) Constant capital 200, late demands will not be granted deity have descended on the skulls of the Second International on national defense in a capitalist regime.
and instead the old ones with000: variable capital 100, 000; surof the French Communist leaders Whatever our ideas op the economie and social regime of the drawn. While the fascists are pre like so many hammer blows tm we repudiate any sacred union, any participation in national plus value 100, 000; selling price. gan tt 81, 100, 000 Kate of profit, 10 per paring the noose, the Staliniats are they we stars by the thousands.
defense with any of our capitalist governments, democratic or not, hamstringing the workers so that They are waiting the order to The Chicago branches are now, West Side Branch, 50 cent. We assume for the sake of allied with the Soviet Union or no, and we remain true to the ideas the bourgeoisle can bleed all resis dilute their wine with a little expressed by Lenin in the name of the revolutionary proletariat. getting their forces together to help Boro Park branch, 60 simplicity that the entire plant tance out of them. 60 Wears out in a year so that its enwater and to prepare their minds We denounce the policy which prepares a world war, and which put over the campaign for the eight Chicago branches.
page weekly. special committee Harlem branch, 00 tire value is transferred into the Painting Up the Radicals more and more for a new concep justifies it with the same sophisms, with the same artifices of propa of Afteen, composed of the most Greetings value of the commodities. What is this monstrosity, the tion of Communist duty in the ganda as in the war of 1914. People Front. Is it an alliance active comrades, has been set up. St. Louis branch (Burbank. 00 The total surplus value extracted event of war but they were It is not true that German Imperialism, even with Hitler, is the elaborate plans are worked out and Philadelphia br. Thomas. 08 from the workers of all Industries sole instigator of war.
with the petty bourgeoiste? The many hundred miles removed All the imperialist powers are equally and practical results in a big way Previously reported. 195. 48 1s thus 1, 100, 000, and the total middle classes, who can have no from the thought that Stalin jointly responsible, having prepared the germs of the next war in the should follow soon. An initial invalue of all commodities is 6, 100 program of their own, will follow would personally take the liberty Versailles treaty.
stallment is recorded this week. Grand Total. 276. 51 000.
the most resolute camp in society.
to proelaim that Flandin and There can no question of defending democracy by since But so far the Boston branch still This amount is still only a little There would now be a tendency While vacillating in despair beLaval were right in reestablish entry into war carries with it militarization and the suppression of holds the lead with a total contri hetter than ten percent of the total for capital to flow from the 10all democratie life.
bution of 39. 00 tween the revolutionary proletariating the two years term of com necessary to lay secure founda dustries with a lower to those of and the fascist gange, the middle pulsory military service, and that There is no other method to assure to the people bread, peace and their duty was to continually classes are presented by the Stalinliberty than the proletarian revolution, than to organize against cap the competition to show best results must build that foundation right now their value would occur in Among the New York branchestion for the eight page weekly. We a higher rate of profit so that over production, forcing down the prices ists with the shoddy People strengthen French armaments italism in every country.
that our people must bear up anFront. This constellation 18 in Let us act before war breaks out to overthrow the capitalist rehas brought a small change this away.
week. The West Side branch has the latter and underproduction and tended to refurbish all the Dalader their bunden, and the oppon. gime. If the catastrophe overtakes us, let it be the signal for the diers and all the democrats ir ents of this polley must be cast taken the lead over Harlem which BUNDLE ORDER SETTLEMENTS raising of prices above their world revolution, where all the workers will turn first against their was ahead last week. Contributions values would take place in the into prison whom the middle class is fast losing common enemy, Imperialism in their home country.
Last week we published a resume former. This process would tend from the West Side branch at the of the branches and bundle agents to continue until an average rate all confidence and hope. Its only At the moment when, according to the gental prophecy of Engels, time of going to press were 33. 00. who have been put on the list of prodit was brought about for all confess that today would result can be to throw them into have cause for laughter if were the world is obliged to choose between the realization of socialism or still this is not such a good lead allinquents in regard to remittances Industries the decline into barbarism, at the moment when the general historic in the mood.
the arms of fasciam.
since this sum represents contribu due to the NEW MILITANT and taken as examples would then have the three Industries But will refrain because the interests of the proletariat become vital necessities for all of human The People Front is the untions society, the revolutionists today have tne duty of jointly organizing on the West Side we have one of course they were only the from only five members and the NEW INTERNATIONAL of the following compositions. 1)
facts are indeed very serious.
holy offspring of the Stalin Laval pact. It is social patriotism in full me against the stream heaped on Stall, since Stalin has avenged and undertaking this act of salvation.
our larger branches. In comparison anlinquents. There are a number able capital, 500, 000: surplus val.
worst Constant capital, 1, 000, 000; vart That is why we, the undersigned, members of different parties, flower. It is intended to be and it the smaller branches like Harlem of others whose accounts are also ue, 330, 000; selling price, 1, 830, 19 Alliance with the bourgeoisie itme by hits French followers, organizations, groups and tendencies of the proletariat, call upon our and Flatbush, the former with overdue for payments but there is 000. 170, 000 less than its value. have decided to thank him for it, comrades to unite in a national conference, as a prelude to an internaselt.
Bach new day brings into bolder ocering. In fact, intended to send to present him with a ceremonial total of 20. 48 and the latter with still an opportunity for them to rate of profit, 22 percent (113 per tional conference which will be able to coordinate the efforts of the a total of 20. 00 have done better catch up before they will also becent less than before. Con relief the social patriotic aspect of him a drawing depicting the com proletariat against war and for world revolution. Action Leniniste (Boyer, Renoult. Bolshevik Leninist Group: larger branches are still behind in when measured in real terms. The entered on the dilinquent list stant capital, 2, 000, 000; verlable Staliniam.
In May, the new me munist leaders Thorez, Duclos, Unitary Federation of Teachers (Land Bouet, Collinet, GASome of the branches mentioned capital, 500, 000; surplus value.
cruiting sergeant for French im this sense. For example the Bronx last week have since made a ser 3560, 000: selling price, 3, 000, 000 perialism, Valllant Couturier, plows the rest a doughboys, with Thiepact, Quinet, Darguesse and bert, Peret. la Construction Sociale (Victor. Internationale branch, which has a membership of tous effort to get in good standing 50, 000 more than its value. rate the trumpet. Union Commumiste. La Lutto de Classe (Limhour. La Lutte about 60, has contributed only 18 The Minneapolis branch forwarded of profit, 22 (2 more than be pack on their shoulder, a musket Finale (Treint, Teaser. Nouvelle Age (Valls, Weber. The fatherland? Why not. We to date and the Center branch, also 15. 00 payment on the NEW MILI tore. Constant capital, 900, want to conquer it. We do not with a large membership, has con TANT account and 00 payment 000 variable capital, 100, 000: want to conquer the fatherland fate. 220, 000: selling Out of the six congresses must not exaggerate. The Russian tributed only 24. 26. There is stin on the NEW INTERNATIONAL AC surplus value, after his old low, ruined and heretofore known in the history of revolutionists, not only the Bolshe a long way to go to reach the quota count. The New York Spartacus price 220, 000. 120, 000 above its devastated by war. While waiting the Comintern, Zinoviev presided viks but also the Social Revolution accepted by the New York district Youth League made a similar effort. value; rate of profit, 22 (12 for The Day we must do everyover five. At present he languishes ary terrorists, for example, in their or 1, 000.
But the most important point is more than before. thing in our power to protect it in a prison cell for the alleged in majority conducted themselves be number of individual contribu: that practically all accounts are far The total surplus value extracted against the capitalists, the de tention of restoring capitalism with fore the Czarist police courageous tions have been received from NEW overdue and the branches and the from the workers of all industries stroyers of the machine, and the (Continued from Page 1)
the aid of terrorist acts against the ly and with distinction. This was MILITANT readers and friends. bundle agents must take serious remains, as before, 1, 100, 000, and fascists, the destroyers of culture, Soviet bureaucracy. The alarming the rule and not the exception. The Amongst them Glasben from steps to remedy this situation. the total value of all commodities undoubtedly did not foresee the ex turn of the Soviet bureaucracy finds cowards were despised but there West Virginia informs us that he its material wealth, its moral and tremely unpleasant response to his its clearest expression in the per was no scraping before the cour received a copy of the NEW MILI AUGUST NEW INTERNATIONAL What has bappened is that the remains, as before, at 6, 100, 000.
Intellectual riches accumulated by generations of the toiling masses communique. The leaders of the sonal fate of Zinoviev. But can ageous ones. And it is character. TANT from ALMOST READY competition between capitals has of France. We are proud of the French party immediately went to any Cachin or Pieck find any interistic of the moral level of the Comparticularly attracted bp the arMoscow in an almost panicky mood. est in this? So long as they have intern bureaucracy that Dimitrov ticles in defense of Ethiopia. Among the valuable material that the surplus value among the vari brought about a redistribution of revolutionary traditions of France. Leon Blum lectured to them learn a post and a salary, why should became a demi God for his courag says: read carefully the little will appear in the August issue of ous capitalists so that the capital. Humanite, May 15)
edly: you mustn at present waste they be concerned whether Zinoviev cous conduct before the court. At paper and love the stand it took the NEW INTERNATIONAL wil ists of industries (2) and (3) are Humanite beats the drums. What could be more naturnl all your patriotic powder or else presides over a revolutionary con any rate Dimitrov never sought on the side of right against might be an Open Letter to the French exploiting, not only their own workyou will be morally and politically gress or is confined to fall as a and never attempted to prove his and truth against falsehood. Proletariat by Trotsky, the first ers but those of industry (1) and than the fact that our comrade disarmed at the outbreak of the counter revolutionist? But the mettle as a Marxist and a Bolshe pledge to give my strong support to installment of a discussion with this occurs because the latter sells Stalin, upon the request of Laval war. in parliament the Stalinist question ore Zinovjev must be posed wit and to contradict the stalinist this paper and you will and en Max Eastman on some Marxian its commodities for an amount bewhom he received in the presence have already refused to vote for by us, particularly in connection general line. He went through the closed 00 for my subscription and Fundamentals, Survey of the low their value equal to the amount of members of the government military credits. The reasons with the 7th Congress.
should have declared his approv. There are Fascist officers in the whole shameful policy of the epl. 50 cents for a donation.
Third Party Movement, review of above their values for which the al of the military measures taken Who will now make the big gones in all its stages and bears re Needless to say we receive quite Olgin pamphlet on Trotskyism, an commodities of the other two inarmy. The army of imperialism is speeches and write the long reso sponsibility for it.
a few of such notes of support and analysis of the British German dustries are sold.
to be democratic, people army, lutions? Manullsky and Kuusinen As to the decisions of the Conit augurs well for what we have Naval Agreement and an article by Under monopolies the same procWORKERS ciples of the People Front (re Kun? He is most suited for it, turn to this subject later. it must correspond to the prin are now in decline. Perhaps Bela gress we shall have occasion to re been convinced of from the outset: Trotsky on Rosa Luxemburg and ess occurs except that it is the We will put the campaign for the the Fourth International.
Protect Yourselves Against the member that the speeches of Noske particularly if we remember Lenmonopoly which makes it possible eight page weekly over the top. For a change the NEW INTER for certain capitalists to sell comHazards of Lito, Joln tho in the Reichstag on the attitude to in famous speech at the plenum PHILA, FRUIT CLERKS IN Since last week report we have NATIONAL will appear on time. modities above their values and WORKMEN SICK DEATH had this tone. Something in the Third Congress. The speech was ward the Hohenzollern war always of the on the eve of the SIX WEEKS STRIKE received the following amounts: The August issue is now almost even above the price which would BENEFIT FUND OF THE same spirit will be decided by the devoted almost entirely to Bela Contributions The Fruit Clerks Union struck West Side br. Wright 10. 00 first of the month. Henceforth it Monopoly capital is thus able to ready and will be mailed about the realize the average rate of profit.
1884 1935 Seventh Congress. The sense of Kun and its leit motit was the brief the Blue Ribbon Market six weeks Flatbush branch, 25 will appear regularly every month extract wealth from lesser capital the decision will approximately formula. Bela Kun stuplaities. ago. The demands are. 1) a 13 Bronx branch, 00 and on time. But, and this is ur. 1sts as well as from the workers Organised, managed by and for as follows: it is not necessary to Not by accident did the Comintern hour week. 2) 17. 50 minimum a Harlem branch, 10 gent. All branches and bundle To answer the many questions workers with only one purpose: day openly to support French, reach Bela Kun level. week. 3) union recognition. It Is Zackbein, Detroit to render protection to members Czeckoslovak and other imperial Another candidate. Dimitrov. rumored that the Blue Ribbon Newark branch. 00 tances. We can no longer aftord baring on this subject we should like to go more the matand their families, and to wup ists but rather to prepare the His present, entirely unexpected Market is in a bad condition finan. Philadelphia branches. 50 to let the accounts lapse. The in ter but we are here able to merely port all endeavors and struggles workers gradually and carefully career, was caused exclusively by cially and can no longer get credit Gulfport, Miss. branch. 00 dication given above shows the present an extremely simplified er for the defense of imperialism at his conduct at the Pascist trial. We in the wholesale market as a result Minneapolis branch. 20. 00 character of the rich material to ample of why prices do not corresfor the improvement of tollen the time of war. In other words, all applauded him, particularly in of the strike Glasben, Va. 50 appear in the August issue. There pond to values, since a completo About 60, 000 members organ the strategy for the obliteration of comparison with the conduct of the ized in 350 branchos Reserves Anne Collins, 00 fore no delay in settlements. Get analysis of the question would rethe elementary principle of Marx. chairman of the Stalinist parliaSUPPORT THE EIGHT PAGE 3, 400, 000 Center branch, 75 ready to distribute the August 18 quire a complete review of Capiism will for a time be substituted mentary traction, Torgler. But we NEW MILITANT Paterson branch (Glordano. 00 sue.
tul. Your editor thinks it approDeath benent graded accord by a strategy of selge. After all Dave Warren, Brooklyn. 00 Incidentally the combination of priate however to call to the attening to age at entry. Sick benett Stalin. will succeed in carrying out IAS Larsen, Brooklyn. 00 ter of 00 for a yearly subscription of those comrades whose ques payments from 360 to 900 to his will as expressed in the com UNSER WORT Helen Grey, Brooklyn, 50 tion to the NEW INTERNATION tlone indicate that they believe men and women, ording muniquewe can only be grateful AL and the NEW MILITANT both, Marxian economic knowledge to be clase to him for this. This would be too Halbmonatesschrift der Internationalen Kommunisten. 655. 00 still holds good. But it will hold exhausted by the concept of labor Monthly assecaments from 46c great of a gift for the proletariat Deutschlands (Bolschewiki Leninisten)
Advance Subscriptions good insofar as the price is con as the determinant of value, that, to 20.
and for us.
Bestellungen an: Goodman, Philadelphia. 2. 00 cerned only for the next few weeks. besides volume I, there are volumen For further information apply One can be confident that not one Semington, Chicago. 00 With the appearance of the elicht. II and III to Marx critique of to Main Office: of the lenders commanding at Meichler, 14 248 Rue des Pyrenees Paris 20e Thomas, Philadelphia. 00 page weekly th price will change. capitalist economy.
714 Boneca Are, Brooklyn, the Congress will have the courage Preis des Abonnements fur Jahr 20; Jahr 60c Subscriptions (Club Plan) Take advantage of this offer wblle to pose the question of Zinovley e Flatbush branch, 60it te still good.
7th Congress Of Opens He Total.