NW MILITANT JULY 27, 1935 Members of Sect Resign Ride Scabs Out Criminal Syndicalism Laws, multiplying by the hour that and justify this ivory tower post working class unity and the reto ecutive committee to prepare for ment should be overthrown by Organization.
Spring Strike Enters Moonlight On The Hudson er de Comments Terre Haute An Outline History of Class rsecution Under Militia After Bitter Struggle; Join In Iowa Strike On Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Labor Skates Time Be hopeless. tor not only is it ultra torting others by Lenlo. The Proletarian Party is today Marx out of their context and dis Workers on March Happiness trayal with Troop sectarian in nature and its position for fifteen years, the statement In Many Cities Prosecutions of militant workers with a handpicked jury, it is an completely incorrect, but there is goes on to say, the has lectured EBY BILL REICH.
Onslaught Of State which have occurred in Bacramento effective weapon for the suppres Do possibility of changing it. The at the working class. Members of Civil and elsewhere are proceeding undersion of radical activity a The existing bureaucracy 18 too the party, like a group in Chicago Washington Side Show.
laws passed during the post war War musket, slightly rusty, but Continued from Page deeply intrenched, and cannot be who cooperated in building an unBy PAT MURPHY Ralph Easty of the National Civic skates placed themselves at the dislodged. There is nothing for us employed movement in the worst DAVENPORT, Iowa, June 18. labor struggles. As the rising tide still usable us the conviction of Federation protests the extent to bead of the movement to behend it to do but resign.
years of the crisis were persona Twenty Ave men who were imported reached the heights of the general Angelo Herndon shows.
Finally, there is a fourth type of which Soviet Ambassador Troyan. at the earliest opportunity, the InWith these concluding remarks non grata with Keracher and his from St. Louis, Mo. to act as strike strikes of Winnipeg and Seattle, George Marklan, president of for the strike, stepping in only when son, Dick Landgrat and Gunther, ot Only on one occasion were the unbakery strike were met at the depot 1920 21 states and two territories language intended to incito dis ovekayels feted in Washington diana crowd took no responsibility in commonly known as the sedi.
the Philadelphia Board of Trade confusion appeared in the ranks and the Detroit local of the bia employed honored by the appear by over 200 labor union members passed criminal syndicalist laws. regard ef the Constitution or laws.
protests the President plan to stay the reactionary whip would be most out Beginning with a protest at the condescended to Tecture to them stay long in Des Moines. The Desodoxaetiga alike. The California cacy of any measures interno deline In sixteen states the law is word. Connecticut punishes public advokick Ford and Rockefeller? They pall frults of this rotten treach the unwarranted and unconatito on primitive communism or some Moines workers lined up the stwo (1819 is typlent. It defines proposed or propaganda intended to bullt up this country. Roonery are already to be picked in topat expulsion of comrades Martin similar timely subject.
injuriously affect the government.
velt share the wealth scheme Terre Haute. Returning to work Larson and Stanley Novack boot In Detroit and Flint members of them to the labor temple and held any doctrine or precept advocat Terror in California would raise less than per per before a real test of strength coulded out for challenging the dictator the succeeded in building up them until train time. They then ing, teaching, siding and abetting The criminal syndicalist lawe BOD. Important debate in the be made, the workers are being vlo ship of John Keracher, Secrea considerable movement amont the marched them back to the station the commission of crime, sabotage bave Senate last week: How queen beee timized by the bobles. In several tary they submit the policies and auto workers only to see their ef and saw that they left town.
need mostly against un(which term is horoby defined as lon organizers. In California up to Ahver, head of the Indust meaning willful and malicious can be made to conform to produc of the plants which strack in sym. practice of the party tona devas forts frittered away by neglect and tion controle of the AAA The pathy with the Columbia Stamping tating criticism sabotage from the Center and out rial Investigators of St. Louis, Mo. physical damage or injury to phy 1924 there were 531 indicted of queen lays eggs at the rate of 1, 000 Company employers are refusing to Taking a clear stand on the in right persecution of those elements a company that makes a specialtysical property) or unlawful acts ed; 292 dismissed without trial; of whom 504 were actually apprehendper day. Professor Paul Pear: retro workers, contending that ternational question they point out who dared to criticize the infall of striko breaking) accompanied of force and violence or unlawful 212 who wore tried, 164 were conthe men to son, Governor of the Virgin Islands found few virgins there. survey Coludents were violated. In the that the Proletarian Party hid forble leadership.
methods of terrorism as a means The six leading bakeries of the Others who oceupled themselves city are shut down. The ancontend dustrial owner political chango. Party Plant itself, where the years behind the skirts of the Comvicted, all of whom were members of accomplishing a change in inof the except three who beshowed that 85 percent of all Island strike is still in effect, the original intern, never criticizing it through longed to the Communist Labor births were legitimate. To correct cause of the strike still remains years of bankruptcy and treachers wethylty Free State the best recente boe bakers and bakery truck drivers are eling Any person, who by word of ported a musical director at 4, 800 plant while scabe work inside. The erican Stalinist party as a means the leadership In Michigan a few manding closed shop contract Anita Whitney was one of the per year to produce Gilbert and bones refuse to accept the services of avoiding responsibility or for a moratorium on farm mort the Hubinger Co. corn product the of the comrades led a fight mouth or by the clrculation of three Daughter of a former SoIn Keokuk, Iowa, workers struck literature, advocates the prine preme Court Judge of California, golllvan operettas. of Federal Labor Department in world movement. The best one can This the crime of manufacturers, demanding the reiples of criminal syndicalism, or she had played an important role tive Truar of Ohio in mediating the strike. On the other way for the position of the Proletar sages Congress a bill to subsidize circusea hand, martial law still prevailian Party on the Comintern, they crimes, since the Moguls of the ipstatement of seven workers who an organization which adyocates II. She was convicted so any person who knowingly joins in the defense of members of the in order to preserve and encourage union halls are closed. Innocent by commenter Wathtatningerne organize all farmers are reactionary and After dve days the strike was see have discharged for.
soon similar panelples, is guilty of a after the organization of the Coma declining national Institution. standers are hauled before court excuse for maintaining an organizfelony and subject to imprleon martial and several of the mostation that can never consider unity activity among them for immediate tled with the company granting all munist Labor Party that the state Housing.
demands is a betrayal of the revo the demands o the workers.
ment for from to 14 years, had little evidence except some Cost of materials and opposition militant strike leaders and workers with any other.
Originally the criminal syndical speeches made at the Chicago con In Council Bluffs the Street Rallist laws were directed chiefly at the vention. As part of its platform, of realtors has forced the govern to the number of almost ninety are all of this is of a piece with the lutionary movement.
The final polnt of their document way strike is still on. There has But as the revolutionary the party had adopted a rosolution rest of the haloed sectarianism of ment to relegate to second place still har dere naboerakenstadre about the Proletarian Party which raises the indoor people her these are the ratio been only one attempt made to move movement developed the courts used recognizing the historical sigalathe PWA housing program.
Fundreds of children in West Vir to reap a cyclone for their betrayal educational activity to princ thority and of course in his own such resistance on the part of the the laws against all militant work cance for militant unionism of the gine have never lived in a honge. can already be seen in the tenseness iple and by means of study circles, the Interest has forbidden any discus strikers that they returned the car IW. The rudge ruled that the ers.
Thiee other types of laws were Communist Labor Party had there The miner parents were evicted that prevails in Terre Haute Re lectures, reading groups four years ago and have been living sentment 18 rite everywhere, and like it hopes to win over the maston in the Detroit local on the to the barn for repairs. The men already on the statute books as by endorsed the and that offer to begin unity negotiations ae just as determined to win as weapons against labor: criminal evidence as to the activities of the in tents since then. The gov. the forty eight unions in the general jority of the working class.
With the dogma sa gulding line with the when they walked out April 20. anarchy, incitement to insurrection, was admissible to show the ment duck rehabilitation program resumption of the general walkout. contempt has marked their attitude.
Another crack in the fissure Ined and sedition laws.
character of the Communist Labor calls for the expenditure of 2, 000. Party.
Reviving Dead Laws Whitney was convicted, as 000 for Improving 117. 129 acre Desting zone in North Dakota. Too Power Plant Workers are refusing the working class They spurn imment of individuals to the Workers The resolution was passed DDDCriminal anarchy is defined as were all the others, solely on the stations and duck hospitals are be to return to the job. Indications contante na tem andere tearing to be party constitutes one more indica notably!
contaminated in the class struggle, tion as to where the center of The conference instructed the ex the doctrine that organized govern. basis of membership in a radical The Usual Story the reserve has been purchased by they will not long be alone, tion by tearing some quotations of lutionary party exlsts.
Immediately upon the passage of large mass meeting within two force and violence or by assassinawealthy bunting clubs.
weeks, as preparation for a demon. York, New Jersey, and Washington the criminal syndicalist laws the High Finance.
stration against wage cuts, against passed such laws after the assassin had eliminated from its Tobacco growers in 1982 received 107, 000, 000 for their entire crop.
Fifth Week and for the 30 hour week, 30 min.
Workers in tobacco factories reTo those who love the moonlight, the cadence of dancing feet, the Imum wage. Jules Bertman, NUL President McKinley, but for twenty as a tactic in class struggle Bat years they remained unused. They this was of no avail. Pre war doccelved only 60, 000, 000 in wages. Fifteen million dollars of involving 800 workers of two spring evening. moonlight sail, up the moont portunity of an August delegate, was elected as an addl. were revived in New York for the uments were used to convict WobThe Brooklyn and Bronx strikes odor of boiling franks, we are offering the Hudson tional member of the Executive purpose of prosecuting Larkin, Git blies. Two stool pigeons appeared We have chartered the sus. Islander (all to ourselves. for Satur Committee. 27, 500, 000 RFC loan to the New manufacturing companies enters its York Central Railroad falls due on Arth week with the ranks united day, August 17, 1935. The boat leaves 132nd St. at 5:30 PM. Plans were also developed for low, Ruthenberg and others. The at trial after trial with the same defendants, as Communists, were evidence, which was so much.
The railroad is unable and determined to win.
An enthysharp for Hook Mountain Buy your tickets early as only 300 tickets the Workerte rondes deland Wholech, not opposed to organized govern. matter of rote that the Appellate to pay but RFC director Jesse Jones slastic meeting of the Brooklyn will be sold first conference decided to hold.
ment, and were opposed to indivi. Courts often refer to it as the made arrangements to extend the strikers held at strike headDancing, loan until October 1, or to refin quarters applauded the vice preslerably to masie, entertainment, and refreshments will add consid The date selected was August 11. dunl terror. Nevertheless, they were usual story.
the joy and merriment.
The program Included mes and The California prosecutors have convicted and the New York Court This affair for the benefit of the page New Militant, Wo urge two speaking programs, one in the of Appeals sustained the conviction developed a technique for confusing nance it if necessary. Despite dent Demar of the Inter. Upholsthe HOLC, Karl Jungdorf, unem terers UnTon as he pledged the full ilth Street or the Bookshop at 96 Fifth Avenue.
everyone to get their tickets at once. They can be purchased at 55 afternoon at which representatives minority (Pound and Cardoza) the jurles. Evidence is introduced ployed Philadelphia tallor, and fam support of the Lnternational to the ily were evicted from the home on strike and called for solid ranks izations will speak, and in the eve dissented because the statute was not as to the defendants activiwhich they had paid 8, 150.
ning a symposium of representa directed against the doctrines of tles but to show that the organisand even greater activity on the Indiana Council Members tives from all political parties Tolstol and Kropotkin and not of ation the defendants belong to has advocated certain doctrines. Since, Education.
picket line what their party is doing and will Marx and Lenin.
The strikers are not the same Half an hour after passing a res do for the workers in the night Judge Anderson in Federal Dis however, furies have often shown against wage cuts, etc.
trict Court concluded similarly in themselves not ready to send workolution endorsing the principle of crowd of workers that walked out academie freedom the convention of on strike three weeks ago. The The resolution adopted follows interpreting our deportation laws ers to Jail merely because they adwhich were originally directed spe vocate and organize unions, the the National Educational Associa same enthusiasm Is there, the same Whereas the workers, unemINDIANAPOLIS, July 14. The ent, three from the NUL four from ployed and employed in Marion cifically against anarchists. How prosecution resorts embellishtion passed another to the effect high spirit, but there is a discipline that the NEA believes and will and direction to the strike that was second conference of the Marlon one block of the NUC, two from County are faced with a new of ever, this acquaintance with some on religion, taken out of thelr. com some ments: long extracts from Lenin of the rudimentary differences government is the best so star de The strike committee members to wage Cuts and For Increased Re: LL. and one alternate delegate Including he rangements radical philosophies has left no im text and badly distorted, followed vised by man.
Teachers salaries day speak with sober assurance, llet, held Sunday, July 14. passed from the NUL Fellow worker crimination press on the law. In fact, the only up with a parade of boglos, such as And whereas united action of person who seriously accepted these nationalisation of women, destrue 1984, 250, 000 teachers receiving less the mighty army of labor. They Party and organizations close to it Party representative on the recuall workers organizations is imdistinctions is that well known stu tion of the American bome and than 750 annually, 54, 000 less then have tested themselves in action responsible for criminal sabotage tive Committee failed to function dent of Lenin, William Randolph Greside, etc. The prosecutors have that action have been weld of the united front. 450. According to the Depart and at all, and that delegates from operative; And whereas this conference is Hearst, who has recently cried out also been accustomed to prove with The first conference was held on ganizations close to the also a step in this direction; that our deportation and syndicalist perjured evidence that Communist ment of Labor, in July 1934 more ed together into a strong united function, with the excepthan third of the high school and force. They have been harrled, at June 16, consisting of delegates Called And whereas the Communist laws are creaky, antiquated instru. meetings are opened with a ritual Red college graduates between the ages tacked and jailed by the police from the National Unemployed tion of several from the Nud Party and crganizations closer to ments inadequate for a 20th century which starts by kissing the of 18 and 29 were unemployed. They have battled with scabs and League one local. National Un blocks. Allen further stated that it have sabotaged this fight; Two unemployed University of Wisthugs and more than held their employed Council (three branches. the report had come bim that Be therefore resolved that feel the need of new laws, for the underfoot and ending with the col Party. International the reason they wanted nothing to consin graduates set up an odd Job own. Many have been arrested. Communist this gathering of workers for an courts have shown remarkable in leglate cheer, Bolshevik, Bolshe employment service for college Seven are charged with entering the Labor Defense, and Young Ploneer do with the united front was beIted action hold the above parties genuity in extending existing laws vik, bang bang bang! Prosecutors total of 37 cause Birchman of the NUL was responsible and condemn them for to any philosophy or activity of have also introduced fake evidence graduates. For your odd Job get plant and attacking scabs. They League. There was the companionship of a man who are veterans of a battle and deter delegates. program of action secretary of the Executive Commit. criminal sabotage.
Signed: whleb capitalist courts disapprove of sabotage, terrible tales of arson, can converse in French. they ad mined to fight until victory is theirs. against wage cuts and for increased tee.
MOHAMED AJAMY, National The criminal anarchy laws are now emergy dust in machinery, system vertize.
The plant is producing nothing. relief was drawn up by this con ence by telling the workers in or Unemployment Council, Marion being used in Arkansas against or matic destruction of property, etc.
County, Block No. 101.
The manager, who formerly, as one ference, the following being the ganizations under their influence to ganizers of tenant farmers.
The Land of Plenty.
Everything Goes striker stated, had one name for all main points: stay away, he further stated. ReWhere convictions have been ob Dusting of the Civil War ROBERT BIRCHMAN, Nationtained on such evidence, the deAfter two years of unem the workers Hey, you, has now Absolutely no wage cuts on ports and discussion by other deleal Unemployed League, Marlon FERA; 515 miners of the Oliver Mineg near addressed letters to them as Deer Another example of the Ingenuits fense objections against the evigates followed Jobs for every unemployed of the courts is the use of the In dence have been agreed to by ap County, Brightwood Local.
Uniontown, Pa. received for two Mr. So and 80, urging them to reRobert Birchman, delegate ANDY JOHN FAUNE, NUC, Marcitement to Insurrection laws peal courts. which, nevertheless, worker, with the 30 hour week from the Brightwood Local, NUL, weeks work. The rest of their pay turn to work. The boss now recfon County, Block 101. passed in the Southern states dursustain the convictions! How? The was kept by the company for bisognizes our name but he ll have to and 30 minimum wage; and secretary of the Executive Unemployment insurance owed at the company store. Re recognize our union before we enFRED SULLIVAN, NUL, Marlon ing Reconstruction days. The Geor. California law, for example, proCommittee of the conference, disCounty, Brightwood Local, gia laws says that the expense of the bosses; cussed the functions of a united lief officials granted food orders to ter his factory.
FAYE ALLEN, NUC, Marion Co. vides that even improper evidence Any attempt or persuasion or may be overlooked by the appeal Right to call the family front, and stated that it appeared keep the families from starving. Some financial support for the Block 101.
other means used physician at the expense of the that the did not understand induce others court, unless the Court shall be of Ten year old Lucy Cotton Thomas strikers has been secured. The InANNIE HOLLME, Angelo Hern to join in any combined resistance the oinion that the error comthe character of a united front, or must get along on an income of ternational Upholsterers Union, relief authorities; don Branch, International La to the state, shall constitte an at plained of has resulted in a miscar 60, 000 year. Her mother re which has been hit very hard by Immediate so percent in want one, and that no objections bor Defense tempt to incite insurrection, which Plage or justice. So, no matter cently petitioned for more. Loal the depression, has contributed to crease in relief allowance, with had been raised to the NUL local MARJORIE KIRTLEY, Angelo is punishable by death, unless the how raw the patriotic antics of the ing on the job will not be tolerated the support of the strike. Other 15 a month cash for rent and being a part of the united front at Herndon Branch, utilities.
the first conference jury recommends mercy, in that prosecutor, no matter how little stated the Montgomery, Ala. Worka unions are urged to give financial CECIL ALLEN, NUC, Marion event, the punishment shall not be evidence is produced, the upper Plans were made or drawing the Jules Bertman, delegate from the Progress Administration as It an. atd. Send funds to the strike. com. unions into the united front. Plans Brightwood local, NUL, spoke turnounced plans to work the unemploy mittee: Jack Gordon, Upholsterers also were made for the holding of ther on the purpose and function JULES Bertman, NUL Marlon years. This type of statute does vincing themselves that there was ed 140 hours per month at 19 or Union, 273 Sacket Street, Brooklyn a picnic, for the purpose of raising of the united front, and offered County, Brightwood Local not penalize membership in radical no miscarriage of Justice.
13 cents an hour. Mrs. George Delegates to the Second Marion organizations, but requires proof of Anances for the carrying on of the resolution pointing out that the County Joint Conference Against an actual attempt at incitement to and the whitney case (1921) the Cambell of Newboro, Pa. mother of two daughters, applied for her What to Attend Conference prvemmittee of seven fight against wege cuts, etc. that uef.
united front is imperative in the Wage Cuts and For Increased Reinsurrection. However, in the hands Supreme Court sustained the An executive for a vicious prosecutor, together coa victions. Thus the highest court been jniled for sterling food for the was elected to carry out the activ this conference was a step in this in the land has blessed these vigilfamily ities of the conference until the direction; and that the Communist Fourteen year old Diana Saturday, July 27, 8:30 Boro next eonference when further ac Party be condemned for criminal Frazier has an income of 9000 a ante laws. The post war wave of MUSIC Park Social, 1869 43rd St. Brook tion would be decided on. The rep sabotage in openly disrupting the DANCING prosecutions was finally defeated, month. Her budget Includes 450 monthly for clothes. Born to Mr.
lyn, Spartacus Hall. Come and resentation on the Committee was: united front.
not by reversals in bigher courts, and Mrs. Clarence Swarrington, on hear the Mysterious Proletarian National Unemployed League Mrs. Faye Allen of the NUC MOONLIGHT SAIL but by failure of the Juries in lower Tenor.
courts to render verdicts. As the relief in Quincy, the 16th child.
Dancing, refreshments Brightwood Local, Fred Sulle pointed out that the county chairB. ISLANDER TO HOOK MOUNTAIN red scare faded, fewer and fewer The oldest is 16 years of age. The Sunday, July 28 Outing to Coney Robert Birchman, NUL organ both conferences, as was also the juries could be found who were relief of the family amounts to less Island. Meet at 4th St. in front Izer for Indiana. National Unem. state secretary of the NUC and than 12 per week. Gloria Vanamenable to the prosecution derbilt, age 11, must live on a mere of Municipal Baths at 11 ployment Council blocks, Ceell that neither functioned in any way frame ups. The struggle for chvil Aus: Spartacus Youth League rights began to have its effect on Allen, Andy John Faune, Mohamed to build the united front; the state 18, 000 per year. An examination Friday. Dram group of Ajamy, and Elle Froncis; and organizer of the NUC was present of 82, 634 children of Pennsylvania the juries, and there were many familles on relief conducted by the meets regularly Friday evening Charles Statafelt, Section Secretary at the first conference, bat othersplit Juries. In desperation, prose Emergency Child Health Committee at P. M, at 55 11th St. All of the Communist Party. Cecil wise failed to function. She stated cutors and judges even resorted to found 30 per cent suffering from comrades interested in dramaties Allen, of the National Unemploy. Organizations that do not function the use of injunctions against radicals for the violation of the inmalnuts are asked to attend. Aus: Lment Council was elected chairman, are only Isolating themselves from LEAVES PEIR 132ND ST. 30 and Robert Birchman of the Na the workers and are doing wrong.
Junction could be punished by the PAUL LUTTINGER, tional Unemployed League, secre Andy John Faune, delegate from SATURDAY AUGUST 17, 1935 judge himself without a jury. This DANIEL LUTTINOER Bronx Branch Picnic tary of the Executive Committee. Block No. 101, NUC, of Marlon method was too raw, however, and POST TPONED When the second conference con County, stated: We should have BENEFIT PAGE NEW MILITANT was dropped. The splitting of jur5 Washington Square North From July 28 to August vened on Sunday afternoon, July had double the number of delegates TICKET 00 les under the pressure and persua1. and 8 Except Sundays To be held at 14, Cecil Allen as chairman of the here that we had at the first conREFRESHMENTS ENTERTAINMENT sion of the struggle for civil rights and Holldayı Tippets Brook Park, Plot Executive Committee noted the fact terence. The reason we haven 10 brought to an end the post war that only nine delegates were pres that the Communist Party blackprosecutione Denounce Stalinist Splitting