BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

OVER THE TOP FOR THE EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 31 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1935 PRICE CENTS Relief in Militants Capture TerreHauteStrikers Victimized Dakota YPSL Convention After General Strike Betrayal; Ceases Camden Strike TROOPS JAIL SCORES Ohio Jobless Holds Up Big Prepare Huge State Confab Seventh CongressofCI Opens in Moscow By JOSEPH CARTER because they and none other were PITTSBURGH, Pa. Fresh from able to go to Pittsburgh.
the crushing blows meted to them No Political Discussions The convention was run by the Work at Slave Wage Party, the New York Militants es. The arrangements made im National Committee of the Socialist New York and Chicago top caucuswon signal organizational victories possible ony adequate discussions Or Starve, Gov at the eighth national convention of of the problems confronting the sothe Young Peoples Socialist League clalist movement and the Yipsels in ernor Orders held here during the week end of particular. The three evenings of July 19 to 21.
the convention period were devoted Approximately one hundred dele to public affairs, a mass meeting.
The chickens are now coming gates, a little less than half of them social affair and banquet respec.
home to roost for the unemployed New Yorkers, were present at the tively. The rules of the convention who have been depending upon convention. However, most of the limited speakers on resolutions to Roosevelt relief program. delegates did not participate in the three minutes, seven minutes allotWashington on of Draconian measures a state of expectancy. They did a total of one hour for any one With Onslaught of Press and to be taken to remove Jobless not know precisely what to expect resolution.
wholesale from the reliet rolls. In No pre convention documents had However, even these provisions 4600 Men in Shipyard Soldiers on Workers 20, 000 Are Expected every case, irrespective of the wages been prepared. No pre convention were not carried out. No political Stop Production offered, where jobs are available discussion had taken place. In resolutions came before the convenTo Heed League Call workers will be immediately strick many cases delegates were elected Continued on Page for 11 Weeks For forty eight hours, the Dream, like they had once before during For Demonstration en from the lists. They will be reof Debs the General Strike, not a the San Francisco general strike of entered, says the announcement, CAMDEN, Directly chal street car moving, not a printing the shortage of food. Utterly obonly after the strictest check up lenging Roosevelt war program, press turning came true in Terre livious of the starvation rampant In Columbus, Ohio, beginning on following a new application.
This the 4, 800 workers in the Camden Haute Itselt, Eugene Vietor Debs throughout the year occasioned by July 20 and continuing for three they propose to do or not the crisis of capitalism brass check days, the Ohio Unemployed Langue Shipyards are now holding out for own home town.
Dow Job is obtainable for the Then, just as suddenly but not journalism suddenly became very will hold the largest demonstration jobless worker.
the eleventh week, militantly defy quite as unexpectedly, the strike much concerned over the slight in and mass convention of unemployed Et la our definite effort to liquiing every attempt to open the yards was called off to the great relief of convenience caused by a strike in. In the history of the United States.
late relief rolls, an official de and begin work.
the bosses.
The following article, by a prominent European Marxist, was writtended to improve conditions gener. Over 20, 000 are expected to invade The most recent attempt of the clared. While we don expect ton prior to the appearance of the call for the World Congress of the Called off by the head of the ally. Not so long ago Editor and Columbus in the march of the predvate industry to take up the Third International and serves as an introduction to it. Coming issues met with disaster as the automo resistance the strike was declared. publishers, let the cat out of the mands will be formulated and pre company to import strike breakers Central Labor Union, over whose Publisher, organ of the newspaper Grand Relief Army. Labor de hack at once, wo think that priv ate employment will increas the the Moscow congress now In sesion Ed.
of the NEW MILITANT will contain detailed reports and analyses of biles bearing the scabs were over without advice or consultation of bag when it issued its boast that sented to the lawmakers of Ohio work program continues.
After an interval of exactly sevene turned and the occupants given a the strikers, without any of their the newspapers had been respons and in no hat in hand manner.
Thus upon the good wishes and years it looks as if the Seventh ticularly its foreign policy, which lesson in unionfam.
demands being granted Terre Hauteible for breaking the Frisco and the Local leagues are already recruftthe rainbow hopes of the relief ad Congress of the Comintern will be is assuming a decisive role, makes characterizes the state of mind of sumption.
Frantic is the word that best now waits expectantly for its re Toledo strikes.
ing for the march, setting up tents mintstration the unemployed are to convened after all. Napoleon Declares Martial Law flying the rattlesnake flag at every be given the boot, left to shift for It can be stated with complete rather than an aid. But should the the ship buflders who have resorted Though a surprise to the outside Hand in hand with the subtle in rellet station, and keeping up in the themselves until they can find Jobconfidence that had our Organiza Comintern disappear its place would to every method of coercion and in world the declaration of the genThe official think that Jobs are tlon not existed, hnd not the banner tromediately bee accupied by the timidations known in Industrial diseral Strike was no surprise et sentimidation of the press goes the face of Sheritts and trantie relief The marchers, carrying for the difficulties that will ensue unfurled, had there not been the result in complete ideological to loyalty to covernment which seventeen long weeks a battle had strike put int effect than little Na aid trucks now being for the dut elemente visitors are made of the Fourth Internatiowal been Fourth International which would putes. In vatn they have appealed to the workers of Terre Haute. Por outright coerstone of the state an beads recruited if no such jobs can obtained or latest successes of our French catastrophe for Stalin and his has no regard to the wages its con been in progress between the En.
Durative solpanely although. com. would still be waiting for the ser falsifications and calumnias Which what conditions they toll. How employees. The workers could be martial law In Vigo county and the state twenty tive locals have National already pledged a total of 125. 00.
The Heventh Con le at the basis of the general Just is the attitude of the strikers quite as dogged in their resistance shipped truckloads of employees are rehired.
Guardamen into that territory The response from the locals has Roosevelt is here kiling two gress, just as the lasy Congress of line. Ouly on one condition would and how far they are willing to go as the bosses. Their strike, how with extraordinary dispatch they been even more enthusiastie than birds with one stone. On the one. hand he is cutting down on the web and be Bolshers like the collected by come out sa consistente en partes arbitration where the houses have all crafts and untong. And where were the concert at all for bets of age Williams County Cleach expect 600 primarilyif aot. If he were prepared to Plan for of the budget, thereby saving wealthy the Fourth International After forty eight hours of flerce Putnam County pledges 300, and a taxpayers money and on the other After Hitler victory we proof October and place on himsell The strike is led by the Industrial guards marched a crew of scale hand providing cheap labor extent unorganized, against thugs employed under the rattlesnake flag cheaper even than the relief hand claimed the political death of the some kind of crown. Despite the Union of Marine and Shipbuilding into the plant, the labor movement battling, unarmed and to a large total turnout of a thousand unfrom Chicago armed with machine to expected from Athens County.
outs to slave driving employers.
Third International. But the ex growth of the ideologie and po Workers and has been conducted rose to action.
Town Stands Still guns and National Guardsmen fling Tag days, rallles, and mass meetWithout hesitating very long or ample of the Second International litical preconditions for an open militantly throughout. Demands are Acals in dve states, South Dakota, organizations with a mass basis many risks on such a road as this. terential union shop and abolition and the workers left thele jobs to cation, or at no provocation at all. sponse conference of onions took place ing tear gas at the slightest provo ings are held with enthusiastic reBrass bands are being or Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska and Towar became to corre a hole into the their progressive development does rate, more definite and stable po. Latest in the attempts to crush as a drum. From gasoline station Vigo County Central Labor Unlon marchers will press forward into In South Dakota all relief huo not coincide with the end of thelr litical factor than the petty bour the strike is an injunction which attendants to retall clerks no one and Thomas Taylor, special rep Columbus flying the flag of the stopped completely.
This has been done to meet the Telli nie tarpeely, retalhes tremendous responding with this the Bolshevik fused to accept it and ground that characterizes the so called of Labor concilitators from Wast Fotopastion the songs of the coming Third International, despite its pilning of the last century, and cor strike leaders. Although they re which with the abominable attitude conjunction with two Department bands blend with twenty thousand force adequate to handle the hars reserves in the form of the Soviet tradition is of greater weight than under foot when it fell to the ground aristocracy of labor refused to ington, called the strike of that period. the company will go through with Join the swelling ranks, could not When the 60, 000 strkers paravest. These farmers want hands The Unemployed Leagues intend in the field or wages at the same great posibilities not only for con Stalin must hold on to the appear the action print the labor bating newspapers lyzed the town the officals of the to show the legislators of Ohio that, tinued political existence but also ance of Bolshevism and therefor level or below that granted by Fed for dealing heavy blows to the convene the Seventh Congress in valled up to now in fighting strike deliver paper for the rags.
If the methods that have pre. because the teamsters would not Cha Washed their han de autohthe car from tolerating the general cut ployed met this demand with what world proletariat. The whole ques. face of the danger of the Fourth brokers are continued with greater No sooner was the strike declared Ized despite the fact that all the fest ration is trying to put over, they the state oficials have termed a still need the Third International?
intensity after the injunction, the than three agencies of capitalism other unions, including four locals still demand the so hour 30 week.
War will, of course, be the basic government will have to con went into action against the pro of the United Mine Workers bad and they intend to get it. revolt.
The Soviet bureaucracy in this question. Here one must be pretinue whistling for its orders from testing ranks of labor.
kiven it their authorization. Un official call to to apply themselves to this strene respect finds itself in an acute con pared for a tactical retreat. Stalin the New York Shipbuilding Com. First, the yellow press from New like the Frisco strike, where labortion, the Tuses the question (Continued on Page 3) Ipany yards at Camden. York to Oregon began to scream Continued on Page to the working class, employed as ous backbreaking toll for from 12 tradiction. Its present policy, parto 14 hours at the same pittance, well as unemployed. Slavery or hardly enough to keep body and freedom? And its answer, and that soul together, which they receive of the whole working class of Ohio, when the state supports them.
Is FREEDOM. So far from being For this they are disparaged by intimidated by the government, the the chair sitting governor of the unemployed are out to reverse the State, Berry as refusing to work process. At the Columbus conven because it is. easier to live on French capitalism has been themselves. They agreed to the ness by ordering reductions in pricated by the economie crists and with the petty bourgeois serts. tion, the legislature will hear the reller.
Now that relief has been cut off steel vice years now in the dissolution of the parliament for an ey and rents. Of course, the rents the advent of faselst regimes in funkeyy of imperialism, the party voice it fearmass action by the threshing for of the world crials. Its indefinite period of time and grant and the prices were never lowered the world. We can never insist of Stavisky, the forgers, the stock workers. completely the state officials look foreign trade steadily decreasing ed Laval extraordinary powers on the contrary they kept rising enough on its character of real exchange gamblers, the fortune The does not pin its final with complacency at the fate of the with no immediate prospect of rewhich his predecessors failed to ob. And a double burden was thus im ism, on the leal that animates it, anemployables the sick, halt and let in sight is dealing a crushingtain.
posed upon the masses on Its taking what is living from true sons of France. Listen to go to a falr day pay polley: the blind who are to be taken care blow to the peasantry. Unemploy. Plerre Laval, premier of France. It is indeed significant that lav the traditions of the people of Thorez snarl to ward of the furious like all sections of the National Unof by the degenerating poor laws ment is hiking on a long upward lost time in using the extraoral action followed hard upon the France. The People Front attack of reaction on the Radical employed League, it recognizes that the battle for decent conditions can of the state.
climb while wages are precipitately dinary powers granted him. He ad July 14, Bastille Day demonstra is French because it expresses the Party. In Humanite for July 3, only be won when the working class Thorex bares his teeth at the Fascontrols the government, and that On the other side the rich farm dropping. French fnancial and poplied the economy knife to the sal tion. 200, 000 marched in the Peo will of a people that know how to ers will confront no such slave litical begemony on the European aries of the Civil Employees with ples Front. a glorious parade, commemorate the July 14th dem cist attempt to Divide and Rule. the present government is the tool driving ultimatums of go to work continent is rapidly vanishing. The the more extensive assault upon the united front that included all par austration, who have made four In order to create an obstacle of the boss. And it does not pay at whatever wages offered. recely. full burden of the crisis must be living standards of the working tles, even the bourgeois, radicals, revolutions to preserve and con to the People Front the reactionmerely verbal respect to this funing all the time subelstence from londed upon the working class. The class to follow in short order. The and eclipsing the fascist demonstra solidate their conquests, and it aries and the fascists hope for a damental fact. In battle after batLaval paid his re has the benefit of the internationthe Rural Resettlement Administra, way out for French Imperialism is French Imperialists with their fastion by far.
split in the Radical Party. We tle, it has fought for the rights of tion and subsidies from other gov on the hide and bones of the work cist hirelings are, of course, Icceping spects to it by slashing salaries. In al experiences of those peoples Communista, hope that the EN ernment sources the unemployed, militantly and sav.
who are temporarily under the close watch upon the case with this action is summarized the attiTIRE Radcial party will resoluteagely.
Mr. Ketchum, state relief adminFor years the French financiers which the government can put over tudo of French capitalism to the heel of fascism, as well of those ly take to the road of the People Two years ago, the in a Istrator for South Dakota, out of bave been greedily speculating the initial preparatory stepa. People Pront.
who are finally liberated from Front. We hope that this evensimilar demonstration, mobilized the mellowness of his heart mag about the salaries of the state em Striking indeed is the parallel laval, in one executive order, capitalism.
ing the Executive Committee of 7, 000. This year, there will be nanimity conceded that the order ployees. They could not touch this between pre fascist Germany and pricked the bubble of Stalinist pre In Germany, In the face of what the Radiol party will seal an 20, 000 jobless solid beneath its banwould probably (1) work hard tat plum so long as the working present day France. In Germany tension. short two weeks before they called a revolutionary up orientation that will permit the ner. After Columbus, what!
tip upon somo. individuals or class organizations remained vigil. too, in preparation for Hitler, there the Stalinists blew up the People surge the Stalinists tore to shreds Joining together of all good wills, communities, but he said that this ant, aware of the fact that a blow was a series of strong men, who font as the newest panacea which every proposal, every attempt at a of all energies in the struggle for TO HOLD ANTI WAR Course appeared the only practical in direction could only be follike Laval, were supplied with em would cure all inte, meet all the re united front with the social demo a perceful Franea.
MEETING IN ALLENTOWN lowed by a general slash in wage ergency powers. and who likewise quirements of the situation and cracy, a party with hundreds of som to follow me investigar levels and living conditions. More slashed salaries and wages without deal a death blow to French ta thousands of workers in its ranks only hand in hand with Deladier Today Thorex can fight fascism flowers to demonstrated necessity level, the Chamber of Deputies was the consent of the Reichstag. Their cism. Here is now Vaillant and controlling a trade unton move and no reactionary or fascist dare. the Allentown Branch of On. somewhat of an obstacle because of slogan was Notrerordnungen. And Couturier, editor of Humanite, ment of close to five million.
In come between them. Yesterday this the workers Party will hold a huge Support the Elght the fear of the politicians that re Mke Laval, they posed as the im. halled it on July 1: France, where they swear no pre very same Daladier, then an as. anti war mass meeting on Center Page New Militant!
sentment of their constituents partial arbiters between the camps Just as our party is. new revolutionary situation exists just sassin of the people for accidental Square. Max Shachtman, editor of would be aroused if such measures of fascism and the working class. party so the People Front is Trotskyist hysteria and provoca ly shooting a few fascists, fled all the New International and Sam Bollett Subscriptione! were approved. The deputies, how. They slashed wages and salaries, something new, something which tion they are fighting like tigers in a panic, abdicating the premler Gorden, organizer, will be the Push the Club Plan! ever, found the way to absolve always making a pretence at fair responds to a new situation cre to consolidate and preserve unity Continued on Page main speakers.
Social Patriotism in Full Flower in France ers.
Wed July 31, 8P.
15th St. Irving Pl.
Irving Plaza Hall What Next In The Socialist Party?
Speakers: MAX SHACHTMAN Bill Streeter, An Analysis of The New York National Committee Meeting of the And the Pittsburgh Convention of the