CapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandGermanyImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninismLiberalismMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT Pacifism Keynote of BE SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1935 Old Guard Swamps Militantsat SPMeet Stalinists Adopt Social Patriotic Position. Defeat Spartacus Resolution to Oppose Imperialism under any Conditions in Next War Whole Venture Nears Collapse. Yipsels Prepare Break en este enlace temptant to THE RESOLUTION ble all on the question of social proces was lacking at Detroit. The then they come per te doen in het beroende tants with complete impunity.
Kreuger, the Defend the Fatherland replaces Turn the imperialist war into a civil war as the slogan of the Therein lies the significance of the s opposition to our resolution.
Sections and of the resolution were defeated by a vote of 40 to 80, with many Lers voting aye. Section was defeated by a Continued from Page do. With the Left wing taking vote of 60 to 25. Let the ex. Under this blanket definition the such a tawning attitude and the plain its vote.
Ola Guard state organizations canola Guard barassing them and The enthusiasm that marked the expel members of the Revolutionary hammering away, the could The American Youth Congress, a three point resolution introduced by New York Washington con Policy Publishing Association, M11. betray thelr promises to the M11tion of the Leninist united front patriotism. resolution was futility the Detroit Declaration of Princtactic, held its second national con1. There exists at present a is still so called democratic one, prompted by the growing social comes clearer to greater numbers iples seriously, or who demand vention in Detroit, Michigan on In a caucus held in the Socialist July 4, 6, and 7: The congress and all Anti war organizations, a danger in the workers movement against country in which Fas cism or reaction is in power. Such class movement, evidenced by the sions the sessions were interrupted force discipline against the state and Coolidge had sworn to revoke patriotic sentiment in the working of participants. On several occa that the national organization en Call office on Priday night, Thomas opened with the singing at an out war could not and would not be sections of the Communist Interna by delegates who demanded to know organizations. Under the banner the Old Guard state charter. But door mass meeting, attended by tendency to distinguish, in their in the interests of the masses and tional, 2, 000, of America. In considera struggle against war, between to countenance this theory could former and other centrist and re what the congress had accomplished of unity Norman Thomas and two days later they voted solidly groups. The resolution con in the year of its existence.
Yipotber militants voted for this tion of the Father, Son and Holy Fascist countries and the soonly lead to creating support of tained three points: called democratic countries and Ghost, ten o clock mass was ar sels and Lers refer with skep point, carrying it by to Only with the Old Guard. Why shouldn the main to such a war. Against war engaged in by ranged at which Reverend Ward lend their sympathies to the demticism to the congress. Its collapec Daniel, Hapgood and Kreuger vot they? They had no fear of any American imperialism The Congress recognizes retaliation by their militant alis inevitable. It is no secret that ed against preached a delightful and most in oeratie country. This Congress lies, who had docilely for a year that any part engaged in by this Against the theory of the the congress continues only thanks Thomas Backslides teresting sermon.
goes on record against ANY war country, would be so engaged in lesser evil in the wars of so called to the presence of the Yipeels in it. To support the Old Guard on done whatever Thomas ordered This second convention was char And fundamentally Thoengaged in by American imperialonly to advance the intereste of democratte nations against a fas There is however reason to be this, Norman Thomas throw over. mas, Coolidge, Allen, Krzycklar acterized principally by its moving ism.
American importalism, and under cist nations (1. refusal to sup lleve that the Is no longer board the line latd down in this the militants Erlends. belonged to the right of the New York con The Congress does not re Do strcumstances can the work port war of American imperial desirous of remaining in the speech at the Detroit convention Tess (August 1934) and the ognize such a thing as a losser ons movement or any anti war Ism against another capitalist The right wing of the certain supporting the Declaration of Prin with the Old Guard; they had Washington plenum (January, evil, o. the idea that justifies movement support any pact enstate with a fascist government. ly wishes the to break ciple. Then Thomas, moving from struckled for control of the party 1935. Having completed its grad.
support of one own country, or tered into by the ruling elass of Rofe to support war or ual capitulation to pacifism, the any country, whose political form away because of its (the right an outright reformist position to with them, hated them for this and this country. peace poets bagaged in by Amwing s)
reactionary opposition to the ambiguous formulas of cent that; but at bottom they were as congress was no longer dignified by reluctant opposition to IMPER and New York the congress demand stirring defense of the document, Wars of capitalist states, whether wishes to break because it has be cumstances under which violence of the capitallet state as the old TALIST war. Resolutions congrued the right of workers to join acknowledging the correctness of democratic or fascist, argued our gun to recognize the inability of the against capitalism was necessary the party. they voted with those ous with revolutionary spirit were political organizations as well as our criticism, but insisting that the comrades, are profiteers wars. TO AY. to conduct actions, and that and dictatorial methods o a work whom they really belong with.
of the pacifists. Thus, at last, the of political activities for the work be presented for adoption, at the war for the conquest of fascist Ger character acts as a detriment to the bogus democracy of capitalism. river. They gave us away. de They didn sell us down the congress came out flat footed for sing class today? Even the liberals Thus, the and the many, Austria or Italy would be the proper education of the Amerone consequences of Thomas now clared one Militant leader. But program of national and internal do not deny us that right. The are jointly responsible for a betrayal transcending that of the can youth to radicalism.
social harmony, and international defeated amendment of the the Declaration. The document was Second International in 1914.
peace among nations. The congress read: accepted by all the seminare with The Yipeels therefore are seeking of an invitation to nattached rad the Militants have only prepared The big cuns of the top to break from the congress; but onicals to foln the this was this situation by their own course recked from beginning to end with We affirm the rights of work ont one basic change. peace. Amen. a with the collaboration of combinationist, unprincipled, seekers to join trade unions and PO and SL, members, caucus went into action against the organizational, not on political litlow Zam Goldman and resulted Ing to make deals instead of fight resolution but could not keep all sues. They cannot break on politThe Stalinists, chiel sponsors of LITICAL, ORGANIZATIONS narascated by en roer dose of uberal ther members in the to their ob sical issues because they bear daun in their joining the under the links are to be a devolucione te bestik the congress, blocked every formu. POLITICAL WEAPONS to ad sweetmeats, reacted very postion and and on revolutionary basis, lation, motion, resolution or amend thetically to the position of the posing this resolution, the permanent status. In breaking from the All this is now thrown it was by such a deal that they ment that stood to the left of the vance the ECONOMIC AND PO Members of both organiza applied the Franco Russian pact the congress they have then this overboard by Thomas in his alliance Joined with Hoan to elect the proposed program. Every resoluLITICAL INTERESTS OF THE of which has now tion Introduced to the right of the OPPRESSED CLASSES.
with the conocuous and pacist Chrechoslovakian and French the real wuc the false character All other points were carried by dumped them Left wing with program was carried with passionThe document of the conference character ate enthusiasm and exhilaration concludes. taking our stand pressure they exerted upon their members violated party membership so as not to duplicate the minority on the other points, of heterogeneous political views, alwith the LA they were ter squarely by pom tore terineri ples sans respective our ses we recenteden discipline and voted for the entire another such caricature of the unit after, as a pacifist opposed to pro some other personality instead of not our forefathers July basic revision of the document. resolution. depending the rank and fle pacifist and liberal elements. They 4, 1776. In vain did the The second draft contained many the ennounced their sup cality. some small organizational Old Guard support on the most de goch a polley can only lead to cap were consequently little concerned argue that the principles of 1776. fundamental changes and some import of the resolution. In the sem question, and thereby reap no bene cisive point.
with offense to revolutionary ele.
revolutionary as they were for the provements. But it retained the inar on Peace and Freedom, fts from the experience islilusion The State organization itulation, ments by passing a pacifist, liberal times are the peripetposant petate false familien som he painter of the where the resolution was presented. the Yipeels in the united front, and accepted the Declaration of Prin dialog back Batemembers the semi left proposal was combatted this section from the document we first. The voted the rejec. 25.
guard of the criticised and changed at the next whose only standing in the party The three points were then voted and possibilities for support are es It is necessary now for the convehtion.
ment: Everybody knows that my as sectarian, opposed to the doc the Proletarian Party youth.
upon individually. The cau which bears co responsibility National, state and local con Left wing candidates.
organization is beartily in favor ofument (which we were. confusing The Stelinist cbatrman of the cus leaders even fought and voted with the for this farce, and stitutions to be enforced. This to him by Left wingers at the recent that resolution. However it must the issue (which we were not) and democratic conference exposed the against point which read: The for all y. ers to speak out. It meaningless abstraction, to save Mlinox state convention and the be defeated because its acceptance offending the liberals and pacifists. Stalinist control by was defeated (through error, of course) that the war engaged in by American Imannouncing congress goes on record against any is necessary that the inability of the face of the which has The motion will marrow the congress to purely with a few and final form of the Declaration wasperinism Pray, tell us, what war youth be exposed, and that the Guard violations of the national the list of those elected to the state the Ay. to serve the American been confronted by systematic Old fact that he was at the bottom of labor organizations.
In compliance with the character ty, despite the attack on the the congress was discussing its does the support? The an to establish, wherever possible, ignored.
members voting for it Significant already being mimeographed while engaged in by American Imperialism be dissolved. It is necessary constitution, which are to be committee, dropped his recent maneuvering with Hoan, and rejoined of the congress, a weak, innocuous the section was deleted from the merits and presenting amendments. swer is clear. Should the enand ambiguous document, a clumsy ocal youth ouncils of action which Eligibility the minority. Powers Hapgood final draft.
All amendments were defeated.
sels to party fought desperately, but paid for the attempt at evasion, was presented.
ter a multi lateral pact similar to can act as the apparatus of labor membership at 18 years to be car In the Illinois seminar, Ethel The point of greatest controversy ted to the four seminars for dis.
This message of liberalism, submit shachner of the made a lat the entire congress arose on the branco Russian pact, the youth organizations in the conduct ried out by the state organization policy of a bloc with Thomas of which he has been an insistent ad stands ready to suspend all activity ing and initiating of united action with point one defining eligibility cussion and correction, was labagainst a war waged by American of united action of the tolling and the Old Guard can keep out the vocate. Franz Daniel, elected to elled The Declaration of Rights of view, sald that an office would be capitalism with, possibly, Germany. student youth in the United States. Tuding Tipsel cadres who are Revolutionary Policy Publishing the as the candidate of the the American Youth. Its most Toledo Plan set up in Toledo, with a representabreaking with reformist idens.
radical feature was a recognition of tive of the Department of Labor in No vicious attacks on com Association, and with only this the existence of a number of us in rades in party press and no state group to give him any standing.
present day society. The terms ately go about getting the Toledo ments to the capitalist press revealed his serious weakness when capitalist, working class, class Plan in operation, presumably be Drop Charges ho voted for the Wagner Labor Disstruggle, imperialist war were Continued from Page tore the workers could recover from The militants charges putes Bill on the sole ground that scrupulously avoided. The few McGrady, for some reason, failed their last two foul blows. comagainst New York state organizathe of was for it tion to be dismissed without impliOld Guard Satisfied dignation, without explaining their of the Flison strike, what wage and representatives of labor, had alls were mentioned with liberal in. to describe further the aftermath mittee, composed of both capitalists By PAUL STURM period with a re adjustment of cation that they right or wrong. The Old Guard expressed comorigin or proposing solution other increases had actually been gained already held one meeting to put the National Secretary rates. The basic monthly assess these charges, including the sus plete satisfaction with the peace thon vague references of speech, press and assembly. The the terms of settlement, what stepe ering has been arranged for July Convention of this Society was hela cach three dollars sick benefit pro enable the old Guard to capture make Dan Hoan the presidential freedom by the strikers who had listened to scheme in effect, and another cathBROOKLYN, The 17th ment was adjusted at 25 cents for rension of sufficient branches to pact, and declared that they would Spartacus Youth League proposed had actually been taken to see that 16, McGrady stated.
As soon as the Rotary Club meet. June 10 to June 24 in the society Vision. The death benefit in the the City Central Committee, can candidate (was this part of the of capitalism. It a programatic do out, When asked about the arbeiding was over, McGrady departea mala administration building to Juvenile Department was consid now be acted upon only by the old deal. But peace is merely the cated at 714 Sencor Avenue, Brook erably increased though the month Guard state organization slogan under which the Old Guard The quadrennial report ly assessment of 10 cents was re The suspended of and the Centrists are uniting in united front agreement on action, for the next day. McGradycon equally famous strikebreaker, Hugh was given by the National Secretained. Our initiation fees which New York is to be reinstated with order to carry on war against the was to be drafted, argued, the veniently said he had not been in Johnson, with his plans for dis tars. The report showed that the were too high for the changed eco out requiring from it a declaration Left With a blanket definition of L, the declaration must include the formed of the meeting.
the New Leader, but communism as their sword, the responsibility of capitalism for the All the Toledo newpapers, so The Toledo Plan for Industrial 276. 72 during the past four years. nominal fees ranging from one to is to accept the direction and con new Old Guard Hoan Thomas leadevils listed in the document (which blatant in playing up the whole Peace is too apparently Roose. The solid financial foundation is three dollars.
Itrol of the Old Guard.
should be analyzed with specific sale vending of the Edison strikers, velt answer to the organized and evidenced by the large reserves. All ership have the weapon with which Since the time of organization in The New Lender is to put to cut down every Left winger who reference to the youth. and that found it politie to elther ignore the militant efforts of Toledo workers funds hand December 31, 1984 1984, the society grew by the sole back into its constitution a declar takes his principles seriously.
only the destruction of this society meeting entirely or bory it in the to gain better conditions of labor. amounted to 3, 533, 808. 73. activity of its members. No organ ation of loyalty to the Socialist The Leftward moving elements in could solve these evils. Such a Tess read sections of their papers. It would be dificult to find a center The convention did not act as a izers nor agents were employed, nor Party and to print no factional the have suffered a serious program alone could be a true Dee laration of Rights.
Slobbers Over Plutocrats According to McGrady, people in the past few years, used better pared to amend the society conation. The convention empowered Call is to be discontinued. Since which must be laid at the door of pose to realize in actuality vehem were continually asking him the rected tips tactics than institution, but deliberated in busi: the administration to employ from no mention is made that the the Militants. The only hope of other body is to decide whe recovery from this defeat is a com We propose the maintenance and that there is nothing Fundamental: Roosevelt administration has taken assembly, had gone over the con permanent basis to gain new mem. its requirements, this means that ods. The Left wing workers must tactics are evident in the pains the special committees, elected by the izers one temporary as well as ther the New Leader has fulfilled plete break with their past meth: sembly, with full academic free business men, even in the face of workers have another Toledo Plan participated in the debate during the foremost characteristic or call to cease publication. Another faction. Undoubtedly in the course rights of free speech, press and as Labor. Then, as always before called the Toledo Plan. But Ohio ered its report. Many delegates Aid those who are in distress, in a position to order the Socialist genuine foundation for a left wing dom in the schools, and the un lactuni labor struggle, McGradsere that they know will work: ther the plenum session, at on time, more this society and the organization motion to take the New Leader of of working out this program, they and public buildings for the expres continually demonstrated the lack complete exposure of McGrady tion took part in the discussion form of relief for dues and outright pers, because of its vicious attacks Militant leadership must be brokAs revolutionaries The main feature of the contributions to needy members on the was countered by a en with, especially those who vie ey in him: There are no greater fine plans for perpetual sellouts.
distin. Industrial leaders anywhere than and to wit. to provide for during the our year period of 1931 victorious substitute motion, sup with the stalinists in supporting by qualifying our interpretation of You have men bers for a continuous period of 80 scope of relief the revenues for the tho New Lender, to abolish the list party, and who even after Thomas civil rights. We aim to deny these and who have confidence in the vision, courage, rights to our enemtes. Reactionary future of your community.
weeks was extended to a 100 weeks national relief fund were increased of accredited papers!
open stand with the Old Guard, Many transactions before the Thus did the militants reep in still seek collaboration with him.
and fascist organizations confront Relief Office occasional difficulties (see New Mil old saw about an American way out McGrady then went into the old, Setting up of Appeals Board plenum were of difficult nature due full measure the fruits of their Without a revolutionary program itant, June 13, for example of ra through mediation and compromwith Adequate representation of re to the fact that the society mem policy of liquidating all efforts to and a break with the pacifists and ther Coughlin in Chicago. The The start of the picketing of the Lief workers and trade unions to bers live in 27 states of the Union build an independent Left wing of reformists like Thomas and Devere formulation of the allowed All our industrial, financial, Works Progress Administration un. act in cases of discharges, discrim and the laws differ so greatly in suppressing the facts about Nor Allen, the left wing workers in the freedom of speech for the fasciststhe various states. What seemed man Thomas constant support of cannot even begin the procesa ination, etc.
political and labor leaders mus der the Johnson regime occurred No discrimination against wo to be feasible and legal in the home Right wink principles, of ignoring of building their disoriented ranks.
a resolution consistent with apply themselves unselfishly to last Friday. Fifty three men and policy, as evidenced in the Father men workers state, appeared to be contrary to all the signs of many months that Already there are those in Coughlin incident. Hence, the folfind a solution, an American solu women, members of local 15 of the When the delegation told Captain the statutes in Massachusetts and the majority was preparing ranks of the Militants who are. an way, and Workers Unemployed Union picket. Rattley that this was only the be elsewhere. The difference in the to come to an understanding with saying that the peace pact is not lowing amendment was introduced by the end met with defent that way is not through Faseism ed in front of the building under ginning of the fight for their de sum of money to be taken from the the Old Guard. As late as Satur entirely a defeat, that the Yipsels after having been viciously ator Communism, but by the use of the following slogans: mands, the captain replied that he death benefit for funeral expenses day night, at a mass meeting to got something, etc. etc. and are tacked by the spokesman. Trade Union Wages, General was an army man and would know illustrated this vividly. Uniform greet the which was boy hoping against hope that the ultraod team work, all pulling for the Johnson. Not Your Berry Pickere bow to take care of tromble pre ity of laws was a great desire and cotted by the old Guard two mil reactionaries in the Old Guard camp We propose the maintenance Seale!
common good we will find a solaand the extension of the elementary rights of the WORKING tion for these problems. Promiscs, Promises Promises, was told by the delegation that he gates, who hailed from Mid West. Marcus, declared from the platform thus give these wavering M111CLASS AND THEIR PROGRES It all sounded much like the IA Where Are the Jobs. wasn in the army now but in civ. New England and the Pacific Coast to the We declare our tants an excuse to crawl back to bor is Capital: Capital Labor ho Give Us Relief From Relief, Wenian clothes and working for the SIVE ALLIES to free speech, Every section of the by laws loyalty to you, no matter what you Thomas. This tendency must be Demand Jobs!
kum handed out by the then Works Division. He finally flared found suitable attention, and wher press immediately crushed by the millassembly with full acar demie freedom in the schools, and Wright, at the beginning of the Hours!
Commissioner of Labor, Carrol Thirty Dollars for thirty up when the delegation told him ever possible, the spirit to amellor NEW MILITANT tant rank and fle who must demand the unhampered use of the streets, to inform General Johnson when ate to face new conditions was the immediate turn to the hamcentury.
After picketing for more than an presenting their demands that he present and into practice.
with which is merged mering out of a revolutionary proparks and public buildings for The tableau of deceit in Toledo hour committee of three, Paula wasn on the San Francisco Coast Tom Mooney fight for freedom THE MILITANT gram, and the conducting of an inthe expression of opinion. WE REFUSE TO STRUGGLE FOR could never be complete without Aragon, Nell Harrison and. Saul now and he couldn pull the same was considered and a resolution Published weekly by the New transigeant struggle for their views OR TO DEFEND THE CIVIL the entrance of Oliver Myers, notor Steiglitz presented their demands stuff that he pulled during the Gen passed unanimously to donate 2, 000 tant Publishing Co. 55 East 11th St.
ious secretary of the Toledo Build to the administration. Johnson and eral strike.
the Tom Mooney Molders DeNew York City.
LIBERTIES OF THOSE MOVE ing Trades Council and business Francis Robinson. Robble. being CASE OF FRAMED NEXGROES TO fense Committee to help to get this Entered as second class mall matter GO TO SUPREME COURT MENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS agent of the Electrical Workers in Washington, the delegation was BROOKLYN, FP. Golf victim of injustice free.
at the Post Office at New York, JACKSON, Miss. FP. Three WHICH AIM TO DENY US (the Union. Myers sent McGrady his received by Captain Battley, first ers out for exercise at the Dyker resolution was also passed to under the act of March 3, 1879. Kemper county Negro farmhande working class) clvl liberties and best wishes and complete approval aide to the General.
Beach Park municipal golf course aid the suffering and destitute min JAMES CANNON: Editor who were tortured and beaten into rights (Fascists. of the so called Toledo Plan. The demands presented were: in Brooklyn found themselves ers with a 1, 000 contribution. Subscription rates: In the United confessing the murder of a white The Declaration continues: We How deep an impression the mill Jobs for all unemployed; forced to carry their own clubs with hearty greetings and best States 00 per year; 65c months. tenant farmer will have their case affirm the right of workers to join tancy of Toledo workers has made Minimum wages of an hour; when 225 caddies walked off the wishes to the administration the Canada and Foreign 50 per year; brought to the Supreme Court, trade unions and to use the weap upon industrial barons and their with trade union wages when such job at A. July 15. They want convention concluded its work on 00 six months. Bundle Rates the National Association for the ons of strike to advance their eco puppets in Washington was dis are higher. a round, instead of the 75 cents June 24 after the last tunes of ap. Two cents per copy.
Advancement of Colored People has Domie interest. At Washington closed when McGrady, in an inter Thirty hour week on all jobs; they ve been getting propriate songs faded away.
Vol. JULY 20, 1935 No. 30 announced.
Hits Laboratoriete moet logenta Solod Workmen Sick and Death Benefit FundHolds Convention we Picket Work ise