CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyExtremistFascismGermanyHitlerIndividualismJohn DeweyMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAOS Third Party Meet Sows Confusion; Safe Reveal Background of Fight Warned to Ву Militants in Teachers Stop Hooligan Union for Real Democracy Tactics in Stalinists and Cops Break up Question Box Ryan Cops ILA Gab Fest; Raises Salary this line has emanated from the White House since this trial balloon was sent up. If the measures already taken suflice to retain liberal and labor support until the elections then talk about an amendment can rest and timid souls will be reassured that after all Roose velt will do nothing rash, even By WEAYER (Continued from Page 1) fact of the matter is that the pro though in bis genial way he someprocess which bitter experience gram of taxing big incomes, big times says the most radical This is the second of a serles the charge of communism.
LOS ANGELES COMRADEwould dispel and thus to postpone corporations and big inheritance things. Should the pressure of of articles on the situation in the In a series of letters to the memQuestion: In Palme Dutt the unification of all the oppressed does not soak the rich at all. It industrialists and financiers, by Teachers Union resulting from bership, and without permission Fascism and Social Revolution, elements of society under the lead represents a feeble start toward im means of an early adverse Supreme the red investigation carried from the Delegate Assembly he atthe author makes it appear that the ership of the revolutionary Marxist posing income and inheritance taxes Court decision or otherwise, emasMeeting on by the Administration at the tacked that body for upholding the behest of William Groen Ed.
Communist Party of Germany made party.
which the ruling classes in Euro culate the Wagner however right of union members to hold poincessant appeals to the Social De As we have suggested, the Daily pean countries bave long since had and labor and other elements devellitical opinions of their own choosThe following letters addressed mocracy for a united front to comWorker will have to get busy again, to accept as a price for keeping the op a belligerent attack, then the tion tactie was to concentrate the of the Dewey Committee concernIn 1931 and 1982 the Administra. ing. He also rebashed the charges to the Communist Party and the bat fascism but that the Socialists uttering disclaimers that these rad capitalist system on ita fcet. Bat slogan of a constitutional amend policy making power of the Unioning the alleged political amillations themselves Civil Liberties Union speak for stubbornly refused. What is the Icals are building the right kind when all the advantages on Roose ment can be brought forward for into the hands of the Executive of the minority groups. It must be And what they say truth In this?
of Labor Party and furnishing an velt side are taken loudest is that will account, the presidential campaign and as a Board by proposing constitutional emphasized that such charges, re countenance no further violence Answer: Prior to Hitler coming other detailed explanation of just what chance have any of these basis for urging the unfons not to amendments requiring a two thirds gardless of thelr truth or untruth, to power the Stalinists were prowhat 19 a labor party which is not extremists of persuading the spoil their own case by resorting majority at a membership meeting have a sinister, red balting characessary to call upon the entire rad.
gramatically forbidden to make reformist and not revolutionary and electorate that any candidate that to direct action.
so forth and so on.
may advance has a chance against On the part of many rank and as necessary to override decisions te, because they place in jeopardy ical labor movement in New York united fronts with the Social DemoBig Guns Very Absent to put an end to these fascist Roosevelt or could accomplish any filers the call for Independent polit of the Board. After this move the jobs of those teachers who supAs things now stand, the Roose thing more than Roosevelt will? Ical action, for a labor party, etc. the organization into ternational (headed by Stalinhad failed the Administration threw port the opposition, methods. Ed.
maintained that the social democraturmoil by velt strategy has taken the wind Neglect Costly in Elections cy and fascism were twins and that out of the sales of such movements velt has given the of the sciousness that labor must pass be preferring charges of expulston Timed with the issuance of the New York District Committee July 16, 1985 only a united front from below under the leadership of the Communas this at least so tar as making a Wagner Bill, the Magna Charta of yond pure and simple trade union of the nationele Wadding remembers Linville letters came the announce Communist Partist cismam considerable showing in the 1986 Labor, as William Green does not ism. The so called progressive of the site to rise munder pressure not ment of the organization of the Somas 19h street ist Party could and would be considered. On two occasions, the cidents of the Chicago conference Militant has pointed out, the em and a betted by the CP, and ber was reduced to five. Finallyed by lanville and Lefkowitz. This Communist Party of Germany, grievance committee, was the first time that the Admin Comrades, forced into this by life Itself, anwere conspicuous by their absence. tionality of the act, they will con ing tall endism in this matter. In beaded by Prof. John Dewey was istration appeared before the Union Young Bob, predestined to become struct the National Labor Board, stead of educating the masses in elected to hear the charges. The as an organized group. The lead members of the Communist Party ingness to make a united front with Last Friday evening. July 12, nounced in its public press its will Third partyites when they make a realize that the Wagner Bill will lical solution of this problem and port condemning the existence of Progressive Groupe failed to esti the aid of the police broke up an demning as false its entire approach ta for a real showing, does not seedo no more for them than the other rallying them around the banner of minority groups and recommending mate correctly the appearance of open air meeting held by the East toward the united front, since, on enough anti Roosevelt, liberal labor Stagne Charta, Section 72. For the revolutionary Marxist party, they the suspension of the five members this group. They turned down the side Branch of the Workers Party, the days preceding and following votes in sight yet.
such public declaration, the Socialthere planne course of buliding up talk about a labor party and the channel of labor perty, a programe pension was voted down by the proposal of the Committee for Det Norfolk and Delancey Streets.
the reputation as determined but tona hopes of their per and all the which can producerent immediate membership meeting in April 1938. united Front the combat the organ your party been taken bepa inst only the united front from below constructive radical and friend varieties of the socialists, the union gains for labor in this period and Although the administration was ized Union Majority and to conduct meetings of the socialist Party, was possible.
The Stalinist apologists, e. velt to go farther but votes for unions, will stick to friend Roose fers the development of an effective undemocratic use of its majority to democratic membership rights in employed Union and other workers Tutt. are today attempting to pass Roosevelt mensures, when he has velt. They will not run any chances revolutionary party which alone force through an amendment to the the Union. This action of the two organizations.
made his attempt to get more and of a Republican slipping into office can effectively guide the daily constitution depriving the member.
minority groups proved very costly failed. Governor Olson, the Minne. by putting up a Labor Party can struggles now and provide clearship meeting of the power to deter for in the election platform the that such conduct plays Into the ations by means of which the Stal.
We call your attention to the fact prior to January, 1938, these declar.
sota Farmer Laborite, another big didate against him.
leadership and a bulwark against wine the policies of the union nous main plank of the Organized Unton hands of capitalist reaction. It spists condemned or their proves per Even if disillusionment with the fascism when the crisis again be wastfione at the end of positibont Majority was the demand for the gives the police a pretext for limit gram (The exceptione provedenie cago dabblers in politics, sent word Wagner Bill should come more comes intensified for us there is meeting called to act upon the measuppression of the minority groupe nye ore prohibiting and workers pub rule but is nevertheless not identi. cal with. It 18 particularly movement standing for production the labor sections of the NRA, that of developing an offensive after considerable part of the vestigation. In the elections for condemnable at a time like the If you wish elaborate for use, but also had other en. Roosevelt has protected his post against the labor party propagan membership had left the meeting.
ent in person. Senator Nye came the press few days after the advisedly. Negative criticism of tbeing a Delegate Assembly was set Adates polled less than 60 percent animations against the growing Trotsky. dle of the Daily Workofficers and members of the Execu present when the crying need is see the files of the (old) the Clone and What Next? and The Only Road by and made a speech as a sort Supreme Court knocked the labor party idea is certain to ad up composed of representatives of at the vote while the opposition wave of reaction which threatenser for this period will also show it clear that the liberal forces must be recuhe Supreme Court against him when he has become measure would have been a step the fact that over 200 applications we call upon you to state the pol truthfully establishing historical.
that Dutt is far from interested in not be divided in 1936 and that in has acted on the philosophy of the aroused to the necessity of doing forward for the Union It combined the forthcoming election it Roose horse and buggy age. some time something. His enthusiasm must with continuation of member held up in order to prevent theanley of your party in respect to the facts.
for membership had been purposely velt so far as he concerned. In the next few years the Constitu be aroused for the positive alterna ship. NEW YORK Marcantonto, the New York Contion might have to be amended tive of the revolutionary party, for the abolition of membership meet for the opposition candidates. When ing up working class meetings.
Question: Should workers refrain gressman who succeeded LaGuardia the Supreme Court persisted in such the real as against the fake solu toets out became crabureprocedure di at is recalled that in the elections in the wriday oldung beint a lehen estime from striking to benefit their con. tortion of democratic procedure.
of the signers of the call for the Placed Hopes on LaGuardia conference, withdrew rom the movebetween 85 percent and 90 percent corner as last week, Norfolk and ditions where they are handling ment as did the Knickerbocker The administration likewise re of the vote, it becomes clear why Delancey Streets. All necessary products destined for the Soviet Democrats when a decision looking vealed its band in the struggle of the Administration has moved its steps have been taken for the ade Union?
Answer: By no means. Our slotoward running a presidential tickministration over the question of a The hand writing or its future de against any attempts to disrupt it. sun: The enemy is at home.
which applies even to the case et in 1936 was made. Upton Sinfurlough for teachers (temporary feat was on the wall.
clair also made it clear that he is salary cut. In this struggle Dr.
It members of your party contin where the United States and the still for capturing the Democratic Lefkowitz admitted that the adminue the tacties employed last week, Soviet Union are war time allies, party for Socialism and Epic.
istration hnd placed its confidence at this or any other meeting of the surely holds during peace time.
Conservative As Any Calls Under the slogan of Kick the was elected by all the delegates Guardia not to cut tenchers salaries in the pre election promises of La Workers Party. we plan to call on It is only from the Stalinist conNobody outside an ingane asylum all workers organizations to form cept of Socialism in one country.
any longer believes that Roosevelt radical elements out of the Amer present except the five from the and had supported him in the cam Convention a united front committee in defense which counterposes the internationis going to put an end to the capican Federation of Labor and Pacific coast.
of workers meetings.
al proletarian revolution to the Italist system and usher in the co square deal to square employers, Coast delegation. Harding and pain on the basis of that promise We urge your consideration of economic success of the Soviet Unoperative commonwealth. The Re Joseph Ryan was again elected Rogers, did not abide by the deci pressure of the bankers and real the above and an early reply.
fon, that one can arrive at the cop publican case against him 18 acto serve as President of the Inter sion not to run for office at the estate interests broke his promise forces in the entire labor movement (Continued from Page 1)
Fraternally, clusion that a strike, which affects cordingly weak and no Republican national Longshoremen Assocla convention and were elected as the Administration expressed its MORRIS LEWITT products destined for that country, of importance has yet show and 2) To hold the convention in July any tion for four years.
District Organiner.
can be of harm rather than of aid eagerness for the job of The first days of the convention, executive board respectively. An amazement. When it had recovered would mean that many local copy of this letter is being It is true that certain economie to it.
benrer in 1936. little excitement held at the Governor Clinton Hotell other officers were elected unani. From its amazement it proceeded to leagues which are taxed with the sent to the American Civil Liberties aimeulties can develop in the Soviet defend the politician of the broken expenses of their State Conventions Union. We are calling upon the has been stirred up about a Car in New York, were turned into mously in so far as Bridges and his promises by pointing to the finan, would not be able to attend the Nac. LU. to send an observer to Fr. Union as a result of such strikes.
program which asks a few more get together gabfest in which talk, friends did not record themselvescial difficulties which the newly dollars from big Incomes, about talk, and more talk was the order against Bridges declaring that e. tcted Mayor had inherited from state convention and the National day meeting. If, however, the American workers federal control of business invading of the day. One of the first very they were out to get only Ryan.
the previous Tammany regime.
July 16, 1935.
must make sherifices for the Rus states rights, about a big spending Important acts of the convention It was after he was elected that convention to be a success.
slan workers, is not the obligation The result of the Administration program, about Roosevelt bint Was the presentation of a gold Ryan made his Square deal for mutual, particularly when the ful3) The place of the convention American Civil Liberties Union Allment of his International duties that the constitution might have to solid gold membership card in the square bossles speech. He attacked so tone wants to stretnet on the coppe has been set for Washington, Metropolis Rest be Amended to allow Congress to union to the present prize fight Bridges, the newspapermen that in ings, its anti democratic proceed. This means that the Caravan to is, in the final analysis, in the best enact social legislation but Roose. ght champion, Braddock. Then terviewed him, the radionl and lite nosition in the salary Sures, Washington as proposed is now New York City Interests of the Russian worker?
Select the feed the colution ist, does not William Green opened up an anti alten elements who are trying to opposition to mass action which Caraven to Washington, however, sent to the Communist Party re the struggle internationally, because Dear Friends, its combined with the Convention. The You will find enclosed a letter Union is the extension of the class The greatest ald to the Soviet Dr. Wirts which the red stripes in the flag he had only for Maegle, and Jimmy its tall ending of the Joint Com ciude tive delegates from each local of the Workers Party by members as Soviet state unless the work On the other hand, unless new were barely spared.
Walker and the square bogs.
elements enter the picture, the Harry Bridges of the West Coast Reports on resolutions were taken its undercover support of the League. Every local League should of that organization.
mittee of Teachers Organizations, liberals and the trade unions will be delegation took the floor. For al up Friday The progressive resoluleast several La start preparations now for the Nafound on the Roosevelt 208t two hours he spoke, telling of tions of the West coast delenetton Guardia Administration, its fre tional Caraven and Convention in holding another open air meeting tries.
ers selze power in You will note that we intend of the advanced capitalist counIn 1988. Many jobs are quent resort to red balting while Washington.
the dock strike on the Pacific of were killed in committee These a The month of October has been this Friday evening at the same lic works which Roosevelt has for charges of Green and Ryan and trolled hiring halls and the Bis defense to victimized teachers like of the Federal administrators, 10 open at 7:30 PM place as last weck, Norfolk, and BALLSTON SPA, laborate and unfon generally exposing the corrupt ma: hour day for the Industry other Blumberg. Begun and Burroughs, cluding the President, return to Question: How can you expect omcials are subject to subtle Indu. chtne of Ryan and will cohorts in Bridese mense be the bored for and is fraternization with both st. Washington rom their vacations, LU. We request that you send you change hoppe un tebing In view of the position of the Institute Socialist society untosa ence from this source, being only the Longsboremen union human like the garden variety of Bridges Outmaneuw. red Answer: The pecullar thing about the Landeen Bill. These too were local politicians and eltizens.
defented. The convention moved position. In addition, a process of supporters en masse to the op: with the army of the unemployed. In case of a repetition of last week this criticism is that who adLong. Coughlin and On Thursday after days of speech concurrence in the body of the rescan declaim that the Roosevelt un making in which nothing of a pracolutions dealing with hiring helis radicalization due to the economic employment insurance and old age tical nature bad been taken up and six hour day and referred the crisis, was taking place among suede.
Cuentioning watehe is a position to give an objective rest position and then proceed to overthrow their own straw man.
Teachers who had been rangements and problems to be acdough and days in which not a resolution had resolver to the local districts. known for their conservative or libe faced at the convention. MASS AC.
Kindly inform us of your dectWe are materialists, idealists.
that approriations for public works been read or a concrete motion Our perspectives do not flow from The Practical Ryan eral views became militant slon.
the idea that human nature will be are too small. They can argue that acted on the first item thrown on Fraternally, Bridges argued for a national radionl as the crisis continued with carry a special series of articles in DISTRICT ORGANIZER. eduouted by our propaganda into palable publicity artist pulled out tion of officers. Bridges tried to Aght to unlfy the forces behind the out abatement. An Influx of new preparation for the convention.
becoming Wunselfish, but, on the contrary, that human nature, being when Congressmen were all set to the convention. The chairman then ically that while it wasn impos ular and substitute teachers only the convention and other work by what it is, the masses are forced flee the heat of Washington, doe called for nominations for prest sible to get these demands, it would added new recruits to the ranks of sending in their per capita tax to What to Attend in their own self material interest the opposition, not soak the rich enough. The dent. Ryan was, nominated. certainly prove impractical.
the National Unemployed League under the given historical condi.
After calling for more nominations Another resolution calling for a The Green Anti Red Campaign of one cent per member per month tions and productive forces of sofor a number of minutes someone convention every two years instead In the winter of 1935 the Admin as decided by the delegates at the Saturday evening, July 20 Refresh ciety, to bring about a social WORKERS suggested that nominations be of four met with the same fate as Istration began to realize that the National Convention in 1984.
Yourself. Immediately after the change.
the others. Ryan arguing that four anti democratic measures of 1883 BUILD THE UNEMPLOYED District Discussion Meeting, at a Selfishness itsell, or more strictly Protect Yourselves Against the Your correspondent approached years was not too long a time for (abolition of membership meetings) LEAGUES!
party given by Branch 1, 420 speaking, the methods by which Hazards of Life, Join the Bridges and asked him why the one to serve. On the resolution had not solved the question of se Make the Ohio Hunger March and 19th St. Dancing, eats, drinks. human beings look after their own WORKMEN SICK DEATH West Coast delegation had not nom fro a one day general strike for the curing a stable majority for itsell Mass Convention a complete suc. Saturday, July 20, P. The So Interests, is an historical and not BENEFIT FUND OF THE Inated anybody for the office. freedom of Tom Mooney the con for even the Delegate Assembly was cess!
cial affair announced by the East a fixed human characteristic, and Bridges declared: We are pledged vention voted to concur on not always safe. It now realised Mobilize the West Virginia Un Side Branch at 41 Morton St. Is conditioned by the social mode 1884 1935 by the west coast membership not whereases and non concurred on that it had only postponed its in employed League Hunger Merch (Normans) has been postponed of production.
Onward in the organizational to nominate anybody until after the resolves. Meaning that inevitable defeat for a few years. It Organized, managed by and for the resolutions have been discussed Under capitalism the self interest words they are for freedom but ac from Friday, July 19 to Saturday, decided to renew its campaign to drives throughout the country. July 20. good time is guaran. of the rulers of society, whose workers with only one purpose and to vote for officers of our union tion god forbid! resolution pre destroy the opposition by extra le FORWARD TO THE NATIONAL to render protection to members teed. Benefit New Militant. IRT Ideology is that of the society so by a national referendum.
sented a Southern delegate call gal measures. The pretext was CARAVAN AND CONVENTION IN to Sheriden Sq. blocks south. long as this rule exists, 1e best and their families, and to sup So far as the delegates assembled ing for the convention to go on furnished by a letter which willam WASHINGTON, DC. IN OCTO Fridays Dram group meets every served by individual appropriatlon port all endeavors and struggles were concerned this strategy on the record not to handle company union Green, President of the of BER! March On to Real Freedom Friday at P. 65 East 11 St. of wealth regardless of, and in op for the improvement of tollers.
part of the Bridges delegation went freight shipped from southern had sent to all local unlons demand and Security!
Al comrades interested are urged hoolidahness, therefore, takes on the About 60, 000 members organcompletely over their heads as ports was concurred in in spiriting the expulsion of communists.
Fraternally yours, to attend this Friday. Auspices: form of individualism. Under a Ized in 350 branches. Reserves Bridges had no occasion under the and recommended to the incoming The Delegate Assembly, con ARNOLD JOHNSON, Secretary procedure adopted to explain it. executive board. 8, 400, 000 Spartacus Youth League.
trolled by the Administration, and Socialist society the welfare of the Friday, July 19, P. Sketch individual is best served when the Death benefit graded accordSome of the delegates demanded of And as a fitting conclusion to a against its opposition, replied to Bridges to ran for president or bureaucratic controlled convention Green by repudiating his demand Attention New Yorkers! group meets. Aus. Ing to age at entry. Sick benefit interests of society are enhanced so nominate someone other than Ryan of of machine men was the and defending the right of all teachPIONEER BOOKSHOP Sunday, July 21, 11 Beach that selfishness will take on the payments from 360 to 900 to if he was so violently opposed to slap in the administered to ers to Union membership regardless 96 Fifth Avenue, Frolic to Rockaway Beach. Take form of collectivism.
men and women, according to him. But Bridges had his mind dock workers over which these cor of politcal views or affiliations.
Tel: AL. 4950 Lots Take classes.
made up not to play ball. Outmerrupted and money grubbing bureau Green, continuing his letter cam Hammels bus to 84th St. Meet PAUL LUTTINGER, Monthly assessments from 45 euvered by the machine in having crats rule in having the salary of raign called the Teachers Union a Will Be Closed Saturdays During on beach at First Aid Station.
to 20.
DANIEL LUTTINGER the elections put on the agenda Joseph Ryan raised from 8, 000 communist organization which had Round fare 30e. Aus.
JULY and AUGUST For further information apply tore the resolutions, Bridges de to 15, 000 a year. That, argued no proper place in the of Beginning with the next Insuo all Washington Square North to Main Office: cided on a silent boycott of the Ryan, was not impractical. At this juncture the President of Open Dally from to P. What to Attend notices must be and Except Sundays 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, whole proceedings.
the Union, Dr. Linville, proceeded. In the hands of the Editor no later and Holidays The vote was called for and Ryan READ THE NEW MILITANT. to save the Union reputation from BOOKS OF ALL PUBLISHERS than Tuesday noon.