AnarchismBolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyFootballGermanyIV InternationalItalyLeninismMarxismSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeTerrorismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

IN THE UNIONS On Life, Liberty Deportation of The The Manager Corner PAGE NSW MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1935 The longshoremen walked out solForm United Front to Protest Revolt Against idly, refusing to work as long as Comments the troops were in Tacoma.
Anti Fascists Strike Sell Out In the face of this attack upon the most elementary rights of the workers the reactionary Tacoma By KARL LORE Establishment of Labor and Pursuit of SAN FRANCISCO, July Pro It deported to Fascist Italy as Muir Lumber centola Tabor Coundi turned down a resolution calling for a general Red Cross with million dollar testing the ordered deportation of the government plans, Sallitto and The American Federation of strike and as substitute action Hosiery Workers has, for years, fund to feed strikers.
Happiness two Italian uuti Fascista, Vicent Ferrero are subject to a sentence Greater financial and more!
wired Roosevelt asking him to send been known as one of the more (Continued from Page 1)
Ferrero and Doci fek Sallirro, a in Fascist dungeons of five to fill By BILL REICH mas meeting was held hoe last teen years under a law specifically after the strike began Muir trium in Federal troops to replace the wide awake and aggressive units support to workers education, Intensification of activities Agriculture.
night, by the Workers Parts, o paneed to cover anti Fascist cit! phantly announced that he had ne national guard and state polico! Jof the American Federation of cialist Party, the the Nor zens who have been residing out gotiated a model agreement with mills were opened under police pro tuted practically the only organized Meanwhile in Portland several Labor. Por a long time it consti among Negro workers There can be no disagreement For the year ending March 15, thern 1983, approximately farms per Committee, Tom Mooney Blo:dero ation equivalent to extradition. Re negotiations would be begun with tection. However, no lumber was force in the textile Industry. With with the reneral one of these prom 1, 000 were sold for taxes or more Deleuse Committee, the enly Item yang tertuang dream to all employees on the basis of this produced as less than 200 men were out the hosiery workers, the United poor an interna les Federation can which the gages. Forbes Magazine an. and the Non Partisan Labor De sentine and Uruguay were immedi agreement and that the end of the induced to scab nounces a farm tractor with air tenne. Ls bosses and the support of the lead a paper organization. Its leader certainly make the organization These proposals, adopted would cooled, sound proof cab, equipped Ferrero, a resident of San Fran tenced to long terms on the dreaded brazen sellout agreement providership of the of L, Muir reship, by and large, takes a riga land strike campaigns of the Federately seized upon arrival and sen strike was now in sight. This Backed up by the terror of the Textile Wood bave been a more strongly centralized basis.
with radio and cigar lighter. cisco for thirty years, and sallitto, penal islands.
for 50c per hour, forty hour week, Because few American farmers have who has been here fifteen years and Working class organizations are the recognition of the union as a newed his campaign to force the Socialist position. It is likely that money to buy tractors, the use of bas a motherless child of three, urged to protest to MacCor collective bargaining agency and workers back on the job under his the coming period will see a certain ation more effective and vigorous.
horses and mules is increasing. In were charged with being anarchists mack, Commissioner of Immigra rejected the closed shop.
Arkansas and Oklahoma human be subject, as aliens, to deportation, tion, Washington, and to send The fakers were slven a rude through the sell out be summarily grouping of forces around thu ten they would encourage organization ings are forced to pull plows and because all owners of.
of a restawant notice of their action to the son shock when the Weyerhauser work revoked the charters of the Long denty which these leaders repra. tries it would be much more din cult, under such an organizational y sub let office space to the edt Partisan Labor Defense view and Aberdeen locals, granting ers did not even wait to vote on this In the Jupe 28 18uo of the Ho setup for the large and powerful ly 100, 000 more tractors are avail tor of the English language Anar Marcus Graham, editor of Man. model agreement but walked out ordered the men back to Pork hiery Worker, the oficial unton or craft untons, to strangle the orga able this year than in 1934 and the chist newspaper, Man. Their Acroase per tractor has increased rest was part of a campaign of in which cooperated in the protest local aid vote on the well out it was the threat of being cust outside the san, this group presents its concer izations of the workers in the mass 25 percent. Food prices are approx. timidation against radical workers meeting that he had requested the rejected to 1, and this large pro pale of the labor movement. Ontion of the path which the labor production fields.
Imately half of what they were a inst year, during which subscribers to participate also. Roth of duction center was soon closed Sunday, June 30, the workers of the movement should take it Its organ. How. year ago and consumption bas into the paper were visited by im the D, expressed a willingness down tight.
The editorial proposes that the creased accordingly.
migration officials and threatened to cooperate but said that she would Revolt Against Mulr voted to return to work under the strengthened. Summarized, their questions raised. be taken up if they continued to aid it.
terme negotiated by Muir, thus proposals are as follows: first have to take the matter up Patriotism.
on the floor of all local unions, From then on the strike spread causing Saliitto is now detained under with the Communist Party. After rapidly and soon over 40, 000 were strike ranks, serious break in Program.
central bodies and in every type of The next day the Adopting the slogan Crime and 2, 500 ball on Angel Island here a conference between the LL. and out. Although miuir and his stooges Long Bell and Weyerhauser mills The of should be trade union gathering. As opinion Communism, must perish the Unawaiting decision on a writ of the which took nearly two continued their maneuvers the in Longview opened with small empowered to order, within certain crystalizon, resolutions should the ited States Flag Association adopt babeas corpus which is to be achours, Graham was informed that strike ranks remained solid, except crews composed of members of limits, the form of organization to drawn and adopted and eventually gued next week, and under for important break, work. Muir local. The militant group be adopted in a given section of brought to the attention of the Ex ence on July It asserts that tate. They are defended by Austin same platform with the Or returned to work on Muir terms. picketed 500 strong but were routed the penetration of such felds as and the responsible leaders of the United States people are normally Lewis. Previously, after secret Then to further disrupt Revolt against Mulr leadership by the state police.
autos, rubber, armament industries, movement, local, sectional and naon the planet. Wages of American bearings the men were ordered de the mass protest, the CP. orgad began to rise in the union locale, steel and food. Such a program Lal.
workmen are highest in the worla ported on June 3, and the Board of ined a rival meeting on the same several of which wired Green and 5, 000 Protest in Aberdeen can only be effected by a complete Radicals and progressives in the and the American Standard of liv. Review in Washington refused to evening at which the counter at Hutcheson weichen dinge nie remond Muir pursued the same tactics at change in the status of the inter. unions will do well to keep their Ing far above any other. Com reopen the case.
traction was Leo Gallagher speak and when action was not forthcom: Aberdeen but without the same de national unions. Some of their ab eyes open in this situation The protests to Washington of ing on the NRA.
spending six million dollars year many workers organizations and The mass meeting adopted a res Ale Northwest Strike Committee was were rushed there last Sunday taken away in order to create a sether with such others as Gorman the attention the case has received olution pledging all participating set up which announced its intent night, and yesterday a demonstra more powerful central organiza of the United Textile Workers, Harrison of the Railway Clerks, destroy the republle. The time ton so far, but they are still in cainpaign for the freedom of Saluting to a finish for the original strike a protest against their presence.
has come when every man must de imminent danger. In line with this conception, constitute what might be called the to and Ferrero. moderate progressive tendency in clare himself and show bis colors, demands.
be they red or pink, black or blue, ECE When it became apparent that es reject Mulrs sell out he revokes unity action in the printing indus the Federation. Par more acces brown or silver, or Red, White and the fakers were losing control of their charter, grants a new one to try. One cratt must not work while slve, honest and intelligent than the Blue. Among the 56 signers were Al Smith, former Vice President their executive committee, the state the troops to enforce his strike ments made by printing trades and they are still part of the of machine, they play the game ac Curtis, Hamilton Fish, Jr. John Raskob, Walgreen, Copper settes ington to take action. Ever obed onet. And this is done in the name while organization of the unskilled cording to the official rules and they magnate Solomon Guggenheim and (Continued from Page 1) make a great step forward but lent to their masters volce these of the labor movement with the elements in the industry is a vital undertake no real fight against full sanction and support of the necessity.
corruption and reaction The texWILLIAM GREEN. The The enlargement of the NEW much more responsible attitude is organs of class rule swung into top leadership of the of LI Central authority should be deal, made at the last conCatholic Daughters of America, 49 MILITANT to an page issue is a required if we are to succeed.
tile workers will not soon forget the action and unleashed a reign of sembled in convention in Seattle, big job. Plans are now being On July there was due to the terror upon the workers so vielous Every trade union and workers or were urged by their national chap worked out for its contents and for NEW MILITANT from branches that even conservative of sanization in the country must flood Santed to the Of to end vention whereby kleve, bosiery the executive committee of the the ranks of the building trades tention of running against Thomas lain, Bishop William Hatey, to the enlistment of regular contribu and bundle agents not less than leaders branded it as Hitlerism. of combat Communism, Bolshevism, tors to its columns from the im 406. 05. There was due the New Police Terror with demands for Mair removal and demand that the reunions.
MacMahon for the presidency of Athelem and birth control. Mem portant Belds in the country and International for bundle order ac Pleket lines were broken up at voked charters be restored and that The situation calls for an im the He withdrew at the bers bitterly attacked Margaret from abroad. It is planned to carry counts on the same day a total of Bridal Veil, Oregon, by state police it condemn the organized strike mediate organizing drive in the last moment after MacMahon had Sanger, birth control advocate. regular feature articles on Ameri 367. 35.
and sheriffs deputes and the work breaking being carried on by its South, in other thinly populated agreed to Gorman run the genA recent study shows that during can revolutionary traditions and to Is it clear to the comrades whaters driven down the highway at a authority.
areas and in steel and other basic eral textile strike, a Ight which he the past 16 years the birthrate of carry pen portraits of American this means? For us, this represents dog trot with these armed thugs Catholics in Milwaukee fell 15 per labor leaders and labor martyrs. an appalling situation of laxity and showering blows upon them with betrayal or the struggle by its paign as well as legal defense ex the combined pressure of the govIn glaring contrast to the base Industries. The cost of this cam ended with a gross capitulation to cent, of Protestants percent. The it will carry regular analyses of negligence, and it also explains riot clubs and pick handles. Over leaders, stands the splendid mill penses, etc. would be covered by ernment and the operators.
report states, Whether Catholic economic trends. It will carry Why our organs had to carry 230 workers were arrested at this tancy of the rank and file workers universal assessment of con families are resorting to contra facts for agitators and general edu crushing defickt. Naturally, we can town.
on the plcket lines, and the splendid every member of the Federation to WASHINGTON. Workers will ceptives or continence cannot be cational material. It is planned to not continue on this basis and we, The answer of the of Lsolidarity with them, of the Inter raise a two million dollar fund. not even be allowed to protest proved by the evidence.
carry about one page regularly of therefore, address ourselves in the leaders to this terrorism was a national Longshoremen Associa5. The legislative activities of against being shot down in strikes, feature articles, dealing with im first instance to the following serles of statements bristling with tlon, who, in every instance have the Federation should be intensified under the McCormack military disCapitol Hill. portant international events and branches which are among the radical talk and. a resort to refused to load scab lamber. The and more adequate publicity med obedience bil favorably reported The Senate passed an problems of the international move worst delinquents: What are these the capitalist courts in an effort to will to struggle has been present lums should be developed. An im. Julyi2 by the Housemilitary affaire amendment appropriating mileage ment, together with a regular col branches going to do to settle their obtain an injunction to prevent the from the beginning. What has been perative necessity is a Tabor Radio committee. It is a counterpart of 20 cents a mile to vice presidents. umn of concise comments on cur accounts without delay?
ollee trom interfering with peace sadly lacking is a Marxist Leninist System equal in range to the hook the Tydings bill which was slipped The Chicago branches owed on tull picketing. To John Nance Garner this means rent International events. Plans are Vanguard to lead the fight against up of Father Coughlin through the Senate Uvalde, Texas. Senators and Vice cultural page, for a trade union total of 40. 83, on the New Inter Martin of Washington, acting on vell of illusion from the capitalist per trip for. Presidents now receive free pos page, for material of a humorous national account a total of 45. 00. petitions allegedly signed by per government and all its agencies, tage, free clerk hire, free haircuts, character and, of course, for regu The blladelphia branches owed a cent of the employes of the Tacoma and to point out and lead the work shakes and massages, free snuff and are news from the class struggle total to the NEW MILITANTROL mills, ordered the state police to ers along the road they must take Parker, citizen of Newport, Tenn. These are only some of the pre tional a total of 20. 50. The Boston right to work.
neath the iron beel of the bosses, picke his wife and four machis: uminary plans. Later we shall be branch owed 22. 99 and 00, Ample evidence showing that the road to the workers state. Continued from Page 1) dustry plants, company unions were deement chouk edar the Wallingtonbey specifically; but all the plans, no owed 21. 00 and 11. 50, respective istied with agreements negotiated the self confessed vanguard Tote the speed up accompanying the up formed by the bosses to split the vere put out of the Senate gallery matter how good they may be, stil The Allentown branch owed with employers and want to return workers, the Stalinist It swing, the long hours, etc. workers ranks of labor.
When Mrs. Parkere begane nursing depend for thelr execution entirely 21. 00 for the NEW MILITANT to work were laid before the ex once again glaringly betrays its sought to better their conditions. Over 21, 000 of the 60, 000 workers bankruptey in the following State Using as a basis for generaliza involved in major strikes in the Senator Lucy Lone recent Alibus: our campaign for the necessary 16. 06 and 11. 00, respetively. The The state will go the limit in ment issued by the Northwest Dis tions sixty mafor Ohto strikes, three Ohio region were auto workers who tera cost taxpayers 14, 450, the funds. 2, 000 in cast contributions Detroit branche owed 15. 00 mand protecting them. Their right to trict Committee, which was pub. characteristics of them come sharp struck in six plants during this period. Of course, the Toledo ChevPessional recordat 850 the page. celve it in outright donations, ad branch owed 12. 30 to the NEX Proof that the statement that es Action on June 28: General Features of Strikes rolet and Auto lite strikes were the The United States Weather vanse subscription, greetings to MILITANT, the Charleston branche percent of the milimen wished to This attack by the state authormost significant.
Bureau reports that Washington is the first issue, receipts from attairs. 13. 05.
the New Castle branch 50 return to work was false was evt. itles on the lumber strikers, who Two thirds of the strikes, pre lease winds than any other large etc. We need also secure the fund and the St. Louls branch 75. To denced by the fact that only a with their dependents, constitute dominantly those in the basic 10. and the Wetrto whe and Steubenville betrayed city. The average wind velocity in to be made of monthly pledges, be the New International the Sparta handful would pass the picket lines the largest single group of the dustries, were met with flagrant walkouts drew 15, 000 workers into Chicago tuli miles per bow, New have come to ako makingo before we 13. 50, the Foungstown branch, rolowed debe data de oregontorada e representes na hora the prime med police, the national Guards, all may opere eles straigelca York, 13 miles per hour, Washing reach this goal, and it is necessary 12, 00; the Salt Lake City branch, Washington when pickets at Eureka to prepare now for a militant anti: der the domination of the capitalist workers on the picket line in three state of California people (whom Martin supposed by county ton only miles per hour.
BOOK REVIEWS to work with speed If we expect to 50; and the Center branch, were fired on and one worker mur capitalist Labor Party in the next rorism serve its purpose. The mil actories and three rubber strikes have a successful campaign. 50. At the very outset Franklin was elections.
Jump, pink and nice, says Sarah Since July 1, the Minneapolis dered. Another has since died.
After the reopening of the TacoPAY UP BUNDLE ACCOUNTS On the contrary, to every mill. tancy of the working class hurled (in minor plants) had 2, 500 work.
Delano Roosevelt in My Boy branch, the Center branch, ma mills had proved a failure with tant revolutionary worker the les back this challenge It took other What the paper results of the Franklin. When editor of the Harvard Crimson he showed his 17 sees the light of day, a serious but not yet enough to improve their terror on the workers. on Monday tons we many were leave that task the dominant role in effecting set. bermake some barizede welbietenca Before the page weekly actual: have made some payments, was decided to loose rent reign of not to prepare for the next elec The federal government played se temeliorata riced keem militant spirit by crusading against change of attitude by the branches standing seriously.
lack of sportsmanship. listless and bundle agents in regard to setthe 24th the national guard was to the Stalinists, the Townsendites, tlements in four ifths of The publication of these delin ordered into Tacoma Picket lines the Socialists, and other reform strikes. In other words, the class gotiate, Callod Of, Company ume of cheering at football games. The truth is that too many branch. Until was twelve sincerelyes fall altogether to make promet present notice to the branches in bayonet. Although martial law wasing politically only insofar as it in the great majority of the strug Employes, etc. etc. Labor gained question and we shall follow up not formally declared groups of unmasks the brutal, coercive char gles little there The Role of the house on Fifth Avenue, a villa in the NEW MILITANT has to carry Fress made by them in setting clared an unlawful assemblage by capitalist class and the need for Labor served as brake e di believed that everybody had an et lements and the result is that henceforth making public and pro more than two persons were de acter of the state apparatus of the The American Federation of What the working class learned Newport and a steam driven, ocean the burden caused by this negll their accounts in a responsible mangoinng yacht, confesses Cornelius gence.
the commander of the guard. revolutionary action. Concretely struggles, it openly betrayed the from its experiences is of decisive ner.
Vanderbilt in his Farewell to Fifth To make this clear we want to permit which the City Council had we must raise high the revolution rubber workers in three strikes, it importance. One scarcely need add Avenue.
give a few examples which should Support the Elghtgranted to the to hold a ary banner of the Workers Party rolned the labor movement in rub we are not mechanical Marxistaalso serve as a serious reminder to tag day was summarily revoked. and the Fourth International.
temporarily through its policy the workers didn learn automatSociety Notes.
and it served as an effective screen Ically. Only where revolutionary the comrades in question. The rePage New Militant!
Solleit Subscriptions!
for the government in many cases forces drew correct conclusions and To prove that it is a pure Nordic minder is to pay up accounts promptly.
Natlon, Germany has undertaken to We are preparing to Strike Pits Brother against Brother Push the Club Plan!
Besides the rubber industry, there explained them to the masses was are many examples which should be conscious progress made in the establish a family tree for each of By GERRY ALLARD mentioned; the Chevrolet strike workinl class movement.
its sixty six million inhabitants.
PORTLAND, Oregon Two brothers bravely carry symbolic this spring, the huge gas operators It is precisely in this that the The Lakens Steel Co. of Coatesville, MUSIC DANCING banners of their cause on the strike front.
strike in Cleveland last year the Workers Party played its mejor and Pa, first makers of boiler plate, Two brothers man bayonetted rifles and menacing machine guns Columbia Chemical strike in Bar constructive role. Utilizing both an recently celebrated its 125th birthMOONLIGHT SAIL in a company of national guards.
berton; the Berger Steel strike: Auto lite victory and the rubber day. Last March, Mike Nagels, The four brothers met the other night at their father home in and so on and on ISLANDER TO HOOK MOUNTAIN betrayal to educate and lead the unemployed puddler who had a conference asking the selon for advice.
While every strike had union workers, the Workers Party gained worked for the company 40 years Dad, if they call out the troops to break the strike? What recognition as its prime motive, in strength and influence.
died of starvation. There are should we do? was the question the boys asked their dad. this was won clearly in only two Only in so far as the Workers no more sticks, no more hicks, an. Stick with your gung! the father exclaimed to his striking out of the sixty strikes. Pay in Party is built up to play a greater nounces the fashion editor of a natsons. believe in labor right to organize. Thus the sagaclous creases were wrung from employers and stronger role in the numerous tional woman magazine. Clad old father spoke, knowing full well that the strike meant a loss of in ten of the strikes, being used as struggles (through participating in only in nightsbirt, John Hechter of family income they could not afford to lose. bribe in five cases to avoid them) will the revolutionary moveWeldon, Ark. was found wandering For days and days the two sons continue to carry their banners unlon recognition.
ment grow in America.
the streets of Dallas, Texas, at A before the gate of a Portland lumber mill proclaiming the right Concrete Results This must be one of our major AM. It was his first visit to the of their cause in the long strike of lumber mill workers of AmeriLabor was organized in only four tasks. Strengthen and build the went out in the back yard LEAVES PEIR 132ND ST. 30 ca Pacific northwest.
of the sixty plants involved before Workers Party in the highly indusand there was no path leading to SATURDAY AUGUST 17, 1935 Many strikers have been injured while picketing. Two have been the NRA. Less than 5, 000 out of trialized Ohio region.
the place wanted to go and killed. The strike continues. Efforts to smash the picket lines the 65, 000 workers in these strikes clear understanding of the nacouldn see my little house, he ex.
BENEFIT PAGE NEW MILITANT with brute, criminal force bave falled. Attempts to reopen the were union members before NRA. ture and scope of the problem and plained.
TICKET 00 mllls fizzled. The strikers are winning.
The weight of the factor of iner of the prominent position strikes ag Thus another chapter perhaps only a sidelight, but neverthe e manifestation of the class strugENTERTAINMENT REFRESHMENTS perience speaks or itself.
SUPPORT THE EIGHT PAGE less significant has been written of American labor onward march In sixty percent of the plants, gle will play are necessary pre reNEW MILITANT to victory.
and particularly in the basic inquisites to our success.
Survey of Ohio Strikes Shows Value of Revolutionary Party ers.
hockey practice and the small voltlement of accounts is necessary. quent Accounts should serve as a were broken up at the point of theists. For us this strike has mancharacter of the state exposed itself Agrees to Meet with Any Group of city