CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 30 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1935 PRICE CENTS NULCalls Plans for Eight Page Africans Third Party Meet Sows NewParty National Completed; Now Funds! Called to Confusion; Safe Gains in Caravan theColors Holland Convention in Wash. Shoulder to the Wher and put over the campaign to provide funds Better Die Free Than Chicagous chairman andere Altered Politicale Anderlection Commentation Fourth Int Vote Municipalities Toledo Plan Revolt Against Hits Militant Muir Lumber Union Policy Strike Sell Out Old Guard Swamps MilitantsatSPMeet The California Workers Party District Committee requests that a By MUSTE ported these mathematical speculaspecial section be set aside for news of class struggle events on the The chief accomplishment of the tions, Plank Eight in the Platform Pacific Coast in the coming page weekly. The comrades will underconvention of the Third partyites for a Third Party drawn up by the take to edit regularly material for this section. This is acceptable.
just held in Chicago with Professor group which, by the way, now calls for the on put their Paul Douglas University of itself the American Commonwealth necessary for the page weekly.
Bingham of Common Sense maga possibly to its other names) beging to be Held This duty rests upon Party branches everywhere. We ask all sym Live as Slaves, zine as secretary, are to furnish the declaration: We reaffirm Increases in Many pathizers of the movement and readers of the NEW MILITANT to some fresh evidence that Roosevelt faith in the democratic form of Same Time give their assistance. Contributions received are still below ten per Sellassie Says has as yet little cause to worry government. This is a frank statecent of the total needed. The report in this issue shows 185. 48 colover the outcome of the 1936 elec ment. It might seem that it would lected at the time of going to press. The total required is 2, 000. 00 tion and to give the Daily Worker take some courage to make such a Once again the National UnemFrom this it is obvious that much more speed in the campaign is any Tribesmen of all Ethiopia are another job of trying to make it statement in these days.
AMSTERDAM. The municipal ployed League is about to embark necessary. We still await a response from the majority prepared to drop the ploughshare clear that this is not the kind of rate, it is well to bave so unequi elections have followed close on the on an action that will make hisbranches. We ask the question: What do the several thousand New and seize the sword to drive back a labor party we are for.
vocally on record these people who heels of the provincial elections. In MDitant readers say?
the Fascist maurauder and preserve The two hundred and tory for the million headed jobfifty often speak of themselves as the them the Revolutionary Socialist less of this country. Entering a Only the New York and Boston branches have recorded somewhat the independence of their nation representatives of Farmer Labor true revolutionists, who know Workers Party made an excellent counter offensive against the pauof a response so far. The Philadelphia and New Haven branches To a man they responded to the groups and the Farmer Labor Pol how really to stop fascism in the showing. electing their candidates per wages of the Roosevelt adHave each made an initial small contribution, and even as far as New ministration, the will bring York City is concerned the bigger branches arestill far behind in the exhorted them with the appeal: pendent Political Action and Peo hopelessly discredited and dead The now commands e Its protest to the front door of campaign. The Harlem branch, which is one of the smallest numerle Better die free than live as ple Political Alliance of Chicago Congressmen such as Lundeen and total of 25 seats in various municslaves.
American capitalism: in October ally but most active in make up, holds the lead with 23. 98 collected the last three all manned by the Marcantonio, who have been same group of liberals, who met in pets recently, are among them. And over the last election. Some of ipal administrations, an increase of mass caravan will march on to date, Meanwhile in Italy Washington, Simultaneous Since the report made a fortnight ago, we have received the Close to two hundred thousand Cuicago described themselves as it is said that the younger, very the preliminary results follow: with the caravan the Third Nafollowing amounts. native American radicals, and radical ones, among them receive Italian troops are now in eastern the direct descendants of the popu advice and counsel from the ReverIn Deventer the vote rose from tional Convention of the Leagues Contributions: Africa prepared to assume military list tradition. They aim at a new end Doctor Harry Ward, master 2, 098 in the provincial elections to will be held in the same city.
Center Branch, 00 operations against the legions of The call for the National ConvenBrownville Branch, 00 Haile Sellassle. Three hundred social order based on production mind of the League Against War 2, 624 in the municipal contest.
Compared with the vote recelved by tion follows: 25 Flatbush Branch, planesare being dispatched by Mus: the groups who want a change to Despite their radical talk on their the in this city, which in Grey, Minotola, 00 NATL UNEMPLOYED LEAGUE Abrams, Cleveland, Ohio 00 00 232 North High Street lighting, Corroding acid to burn the excludes Communists. delegate consists of liberals, nothing more. whose results remained stationB. Weisbroth, soles of the feet of the Ethiopian Columbus, Ohio 00 soldiers is being turned out in large from Idaho, with the eagerness for In such a period as the present at ary: 5561 to 6666. But the propor2. 50 New Haven Branch.
July 16, 1935 quick and big results at the polls cannot persuade any considerable tion between reformist votes on the quantities and shipped to Eritrea which characterizes To All Local Leagues West Side Branch, 11. 50 and Italien Somaliland.
the native number that it has more to offer one side and revolutionary votes on 00 Dear Fellow workers: Bronx Branch, American radicals argued clothan Roosevelt. If the crisis is the other is three times as favor In the meanwhile Emperor Sel quently for the exclusion of all again intensified, the chances are able for the RSAP than for the By action of the National Com10. 50 Boro Park Branch asie is preparing his troops for the members of the Communist Party that Douglas and Co. will be swept The number of votes for the mittee of the National Unemployed Astoria Branch, 00 coming struggle which even the and also those who do not believe aside like chips on a raging forest, capitalist parties remained quite League, the 3rd Annual Convention Harlem Branch, 12. 70 of the NUL has been postponed un Smith, Hutchinson, Kansas. 00 most sceptical declare will in all in the democratic process of gov as the genuinely revolutionary substantial: 8870 out of a total of Likelihood break out in September. crnment (did he mean to imply forces and those of reaction come 17, 806 votes.
til October. The place of the ConTotal 72. 85 In Europe the three imperialist that the with the new turn to grips. If by chance and in com.
Another significant incident in the vention has been set for WashingGreetings powers most concerned, Italy, Eng does believe in the democratie bination with certain labor and voting was at Zaandam. Here the ton, The Caravan to Wash2. 75 Philadelphia Branches Land and France, are busy finding process. on the ground that each farmer organizations, they were to increased its total from ington has been set for the same Subscriptions (Club Plan)
an out for their little institution Communist included in the new or succeed in forming a sizeable party 1, 180 to 1, 397 while the number of 50 Davenport Branch. 50 The reasons for this action are known as the League of Nationsganization would cost ten thousand some day, it could only serve to votes for the Stalinist party fell Philadelphia Branches follows: and dubbed by Lenin the thieves votes and ruin the new move create illusions among the masses from 1, 726 to 1, 590. The president 113. 78 Previously Reported.
kitchen of Geneva. The thieves ment.
1) The great amount of work 195. 48 about salvation by democratic of the building workers uniop, one seem to have come to an agreement While not all the delegates sup. Continued on Page of the social democratic candidates which has been and is now taking (Continued on Page 2)
and Il Duce, It is reported, is pre place in the various states must go beaten by our comrade. The paring to fly to Africa to personally forward to build the Leagues reply of this bureaucrat was the supervise the impending hostilities throughout the country and to prelexpulsion of four members It is quite likely that Mussolini from the union.
pare for the greatest National Conproposed flight is motivated by more vention of the unemployed which In Westellingwert votes thau personal ambition. Reports has ever been held.
rose from 589 to 968 while the reemanating from Italian territory in The West Virginia Unemployed formists lost 2, 680 to 2, 192 and League held its annual Convention ation is setting in among the troops the Stalinists dropped from 300 to on June 8 and is now preparing 325 votes.
stationed there. The fascist chief for a state Hunger March.
undoubtedly reckons that his pres Highly gratifying increases were The Pennsylvania Unemployed Complete victory for the Old Guard, with Norman Thomas and the obtained in other municipalities League hold the largest and most Capital Labor Co ofL. Chief Works declining morale bebet hoe swapper other erstwhile altor of the Militant Socialists voting with the reacthroughout the country. But the swampe the outcome Hand in Glove and mosquitos and the heat may serions setback, however, WA on June 9 and is now conducting operation Intended a big organizational campaign.
yet prove too much of a match for meeting of the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party, suffered in Amsterdam where the Against Strikes With Militia Mussolini vocal cords, July 18. 15. dropped a few thousand The Ohio Unemployed League is Unquestionably England and As predicted by the NEW MILITANT, the majority elected votes. serious disappointment to undertaking the greatest task ever attempted by any State organimBy CYRUS RIGBY By EARL LANE France would much rather come to by the Militants and publicly identified with them in a single bloc the Dutch Party, it has had a total up the PORTLAND, Oregon. The hero an agreement with Italy even since the Detroit convention last June, capitulated to the old Guard y salutary effect in jacking tion of unemployed. It will hold a TOLEDO, July Details of an mass Hunger March and Conved other, high sounding system of gote strike of the Pacific Northwest far as granting it complete pro This was the inevitable result of the systematic struggle waged by the morale of the comrades and imbution at Columbus on July 29 Aug. Vernment strikebreaking were dis lumber workers is entering its tectorate over Ethiopia is con lold Guard, while the ilitants carried on no independent struggle buthnild solid and strong in this cening them with the determination to in Africa may put their trust in Norman Thomas, ter, to make the party a more efstruggle gradually slowing down. Thousands are expected to join closed in Toledo July when we tenth week with the tempo of the cerned. Hostilities both France Dismiss Indictment despite the fact that Thomas has fective instrument in the class prove too costly for in the demonstration which should ward McGrady, assistant United From its inception the workers and England. What these powers start the ball rolling for such dem States Secretary of Labor, Spoke have been contronted with every tear most is a colonial uprising that always demonstrated that he has struggle and a more seriors factor Onstrations and action throughout before the Toledo Rotary Club.
no principled differences with the in the coming elections.
the country as will force a complete The new plan, McGrady said, has weapon in the arsenal of the boss may well put an end to their im clase from the bayonets and gas perlalist domination forever.
Against Robins Gras Old Guard.
change in reller and works pro been dubbed the Toledo Plan for bombs of the national guard to the The forthcoming meeting of the By the passage of an point resmake another step toward the 80 built upon the ideas gained by the wily sell out tricks of the labor League of Nations is scheduled to NEW YORK. Dismissal of the olution, the Old Guard won, not fakers.
notorious Federal meddler during take up the Ethiopian question. The indictment in General Sessions merely on organizational points, In Indiana, Kentucky, Connectt. his experiences in helping settle leadership of the United Brother Italy has already been Saddled with the reactionary attitude of England, France and Court of July 12, terminates vic but on fundamental political princ Plutocrat the Robins Gras case iples.
cut, New Jersey, Michigan, Missis the Chevrolet and Toledo Edison hood of Carpenters and Joiners, above. What will Litvinot say which arose out of the hotel strike sippi, Alabama, Missouri, Massa Reformism Triumphs strikes which was given Jurisdiction over or do 18 months ago and which was one The first point is the most imchusetts, Maine, New York and But McGrady showed rare mod the Sawmill and Timber Workers The unctuous Harry Gannes writof the first important activities of portant, and embodies the main DETROIT. It pays to be a other states the Unemployed esty when talking about the Toledo Union by the executive council of ing in the Daily Worker complains the Non Partisan Labor Defense General Motors bigshot!
demand of the Old Guard. Since Tenemos are swing State. con Edison settlement He claimed at the of the workers are at the Social democratic ministers Harold Robins and Andrea Gras the Detroit convention the old For the top group of 130 direethe real credit for the selling out waging a courageons battle for the in the Scandinavien cabinets not were convicted of slugging non Guard has demanded the proclamtors and executives received in At no time in the history of the of the Edison workers for the edit control of their union and victory raising the 1934 4, 990, 737 for their workN. have we had so much activors of the three Toledo newspapers in the strike.
of Ethiopia and union worker, served eight months ation by the of a broad detitaking a firm stand in defense of in Sing Sing while their appeal was nition defining communism. They or an average of 38, 389 man.
ity and the need of giving every Grove Patterson, editor of The The Northwest Convention of the the people of Abyssinia. Yes, it is pending due to Judge Valente re won this point one making party When Chevrolet workers struck possible assistance to the organiz Blade: Richard Patterson, who is met in April and en correct to demand of those old fusal to issue a certificate of rea membership incompatible with holdational work. The National Unem connected with The Times and dorsed a demand for a six hour bands at social patriotism that they sonable doubt, which would have ing the following views: armed recently, the management termed their demands unreasonable.
ployed League is stronger today Carlton Mateson, editor of the day, five day week, 760 per hour take a stand on this question, than ever before. It is by far the News Bee. These three, he de minimum wage, one weeks sick But what about the neophytes of out that there is not even made ball possible. It now turns violent overthrow of the state.
basis dictatorship as over against de. NEW ORLEANS (FP) The New trongest National organization of clared, had formulated conditions leave and one weeks vacation with the Stalinist school who have taken of a prosecution. For the workers mocracy. buren ucratic control of Orleans local of the International the unemployed in the country and of settlement that could finally be nas annually, and the closed shop, to social patriotism with the zeal of who sat in the pen and for the the party from the national cenAssn. of oil field, Gas Well and Continued on Page Continued on Page and went on record to Strike for an infidel coming late to Christ? strikers at whom the frame up arter, and underground methods. Refinery Workers of Amerion has these demands on May What about the representative of rest was a deliberate blow, how Continued on Page been organized.
Matr Maneuvers the Soviet bureaucracy in the ever, there is no compensation for Abe Muir, vice president of the Leagu of Nations? Haile Sellesste what they suffered at the bands of been made Northwest organiser of plied? Yes his only statement on After conviction, Robins and Gras the lumber workers, immediately the Ethiopian question in the appealed to the for ald.
and his henchmen began a series of lavish praise for Sir Anthony tee set up by the hed the conferences with the employers and Eden proposals!
backing of the Socialist Party, Another important recrult to and culminating with the present Marsh of the DepartVorkers Party. Communist Party the ranks of the Workers Party By JACK WILSON But a survey of the important comes with the application of line in France, leads every clear ment of Labor that were designed Opposition, General Defense Com In the shadows of Northern strikes during the NRA perlod has thinking revolutionary worker to to sow confusion in the union L. ttee, Amalgamated Clothing Ohto massive industrial structure been lacking: one that will estabwith its glant rubber, steel, auto lish facts that can serve as a basis formerly a leading member of the inist International and, abandoning from being effective in the key pro As a result of the fight and the and textile factories, the working for a more thorough, more detailed Lovestone group. Ed.
all illusions concerning the posat duction centers. On the very day Wealth Here able brief drawn by Attorneys Ab class has fought incessantly since understanding of the problems of bility of reforming it, to bend all before the strike was scheduled to Portland, Oregon raham Abramowita of the Socialist the inception of the NRA in 1933 the working class in this key area; energies toward the building of a start he announced that only mills July 12, 1985 Lawyers Association and Louis to establish its fundamental rights one that will serve as a basis for new revolutionary International. whose owners refused to negotiate The Secretariat, The position of the Communist would be called out. As if the time Workers Party of the old Clarabelle Newchurch and their services, a reversal was won task the overthrow of American attempts at le partly, to answer Party Opposition toward the Third to begin negotiations was on the her brother Leo, aged two, are in The higher court handed down a and world Imperialism.
to this need.
Dear Comrades: International can have but one day when a general walkout of the New Orleans Charity Hospital decision last December which was Workers have won great victor It must be borne in mind that the recently resigned from the Com logical outcome if adhered to: cap industry was due to start! He suffering from malnutrition for widely hailed as setting an impor les during this period when led by NRA was not the fundamental face munist Party Opposition and wish Itulation to the Stalinist bureau even went so far as to say that he Huey Long much advertised tant precedent. It castigated the the Workers Party as in the mem tor in causing strikes. Rather, into apply for membership in the cracy and its policies, expected several mille already share the wealth plan never got trial judge, the late Joseph Cor orable Toledo Auto lite strike. crease in productive activity (as the Workers Party of the Pledging myself to work to the closed by spontaneous walkouts of around to them.
rigan, for his violent prejudice and Workers have suffered foulest be industrial upswing in 1934) accenThe pernicious policy pursued by best of my ability rally the the workers to reopen on the strike Joseph Newchurch, the childishonest tactics. So complete was trayals when controlled by the tuates the constant class struggle the Third International in recent workers around the banner of the date.
dren father, told police he the exposure of the frame up engin of bureaucrats. Witness Ak In the forces of production and years with the Min Workers Party and the Fourt These maneuvers a large een ess since 15, by the hotel owners and the rubb city.
it its sharpe form, the Tang policy and continuing down ternational, am, extent successful for only 12, 000 only on grocery orders from the prosecution that the District At The stories of the struggles have strike. That is, under pressure of through the long series of disasters Comradely yours walked out on May Four days FERA. Then the orders expired, torney finally had to drop the case been told in the New Mhltant. It the miserable depression wages, the in Germany, Austria, the Saar, etc. EARL LANE.
Continued on Page and so did the family food supply. altogether.
is unnecessary to repeat them.
Continued on Page It Pays to Be Leading Oregon Lovestonite cu o parte en momento em caso de persone Survey of Ohio Strikes Shows Quits; Joins Workers Party med et Value of Revolutionary Party engele medier of Portugal logon ma No Share the liters, Inc. wow. ama one that ta per els es constelde EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT FIRST STEP TO DAILY