PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1935 with which is mais comum Reply to Liberal Critics of Bolshevism In the final analysis the Palazzo Chigi might well recall at this time ask to what extent civil liberties ard of living and relief from inse ralism will seek to establish its against the terrorism now being were filled with embittered soldiers returned under which millions of Negroestion on the masses now haunted by not by forced and mechanical ical opponents of of Stalin and his from the humiliating defeat of Sadow and labor. Consider the plight of the the spectre of insecurity and en processes, not by clever get futile henchmen. We protest against these of the world, ringing with challenge against NEW imperialist aggression, ever vigorously articuTHE MILITAR Bed peoples, of the hundreds of millions of brown Published weekly by the New Militant Publishing Co. and black and yellow serfs of imperialism.
55 East 11th Street, New York City That voice is now stilled! The Stalinist press The Position of the Workers Party on Proletarion Dictatorship Phone. Algonquin 9058 is filled with delirious joy when it reports that Entered as second class mall matter at the Post Office Maxim Litvinov is chairman of this or that and Worker Democracy in Light of Recent Events at New York, under the act of March 8, 1879.
session of the Council of the League of NaJAMES CANNON.
tions. It has not yet reported that he has (Continued from last issue) ment of well being and of freedom. or external of the Workers State Bureaucratic Regime. Editor uttered a single vigorous note of protest By MUSTE shudder what constitutes indeed By the same token, it is when SUBSCRIPTION RATES: against the infamous villanies of MussoliniFirst of all we may obeerve that The Workers State In the United States 00 per year: 65e six months.
to say nothing of a criticism of that ally of while it is true that we do not have The Workers state is a dictator a tragic menace to the well being bureaucracy gets the upper hand in Canada and Foreign 50 per year; 00 six months, Fascist Italy in the Ethiopian expedition, a Fascist regime in the and ship As Marxists we believe that of the masses in the modern world, the revolutionary party itself, when Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
France, which is at the same time the ally of Siny to talk as if we did have, those it. But it is important to under is not the proletarian dictatorship. there, that corruption enters into Vol. SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1935 the Soviet Union.
No, 28 Neither Kellogg nor Laval, Henderson nor ly proclaiming the joys of life under is here used, and Marxists have not it may have committed, nor the torship: it becomes a caricature of This is present Stalin Progressive Litvinov, can cover up the true and quintes American democracy as contrasted always been too careful and accu dominant role of the revolutionary the workers democracy.
sential nature of the League of Nations. The with the repressions and horrors rate on this point. so long as there party in the Workers State. So the crime which the How history plays pranks on names under dictatorship whether Fruscist are classes, every government is in long as classes exist, government regime has perpetrated. Party, deand thieve kitchen of Geneva. remains what it or Communist, are unquestionably essence a dictatorship of the ruling will be in essence dictatorship. mocracy was crushed. The utterly makes a mockery of shibboleths is strikingly was: an association of imperialist bandits for unrealistic and sentimental in their class over whatever other classes Human beings are nowhere infall un Marxian conception of an abso revealed in a recent issue of the Progres the preservation of capitalist slavery through view of the United States. We there may be.
sive Miner, organ of the Progressive Miners out the world. Any impromptu activity at know that the ordinary worker and moment, however, this rule expessed, heroic party of the Vanguard standing above the working class, of America.
ever, rose In it is reproduced an article by Eugene Times. The League is in the worst dilemma perfect liberty and profound happi dictatorship, resorts to open and modern revolutionary task is incon needed no checks upon itself what Talmadge, the governor of Georgia called the of its career and sees no way out. Not only free to spend their youthful powers upon whether this is necessary to. The crime of the Stalin regime is this can only end in a personal die Cruel Scarcity Policy which is published un have the French and the British abandoned in a few years on the chain gang in the ruling class. The facts are that it has abandoned and destroy tatorship. That is what exists in der a picture of the Governor and the following fate, but the League itself is preparing to re uction factory. free to eke out an of our Declaration of Principles which the revolutionary party must parties today. But such a party, note by the editors: humble fellow member of the League to her the production line in a mass. prod. clearly suggested in that sentenced the organisation principle on the Third International and its existence in the midst of plenty which says: The political forms be built and thus has corrupted the resting now tipon an insecure and The following from an article by the new that policy of postponement and masterly by means of a puble works job at of capitalist society (monarchy, mirty and transformed the prote artificial basis, serving essentially governor is charged, by some people, with inactivity that left China at Japan mercy the Rooseveltian security wage of democracy, military dictatorship tarian dictatorship into a caricature not the working class but a bureaubeing political propaganda, and by others and the conflict in the Chaco to settle itself. four to twelve dollars per week: fascism) are only the means by of workers democracy. No greater cracy, will crush out democracy also committed in the Soviets, the unions, etc.
been forced with being an attempt to whitewash his labor Notwithstanding, the case for Ethiopia is the ticket for their choice and so on, controlling minority expresses it for it means the corruption of those The Stalin veel record.
far from hopeless, and the prospects for the provided they do not mind being selt. We are not familiar with Gov. TalFascist regime far from guaranteed. So far Kicked out of a job, seeing their The political expression of the the masses can be liberated and a of party democracy and workers madge labor record, nor his intentions in as the latter is concerned, it would be well for families suffer privation, getting proletarian dictatorship is the so higher stage in human development democracy, because its basic aim of building Socialism in one country writing this article; but we are absolutely this murderous Bonapartist regime which seeks dubbed over the head, thrown into viet or Workers State Workers of achieved.
to solve its ever increasing problems at home sail, possibly shot in the back on the categories industrial, agricul Democratic Centralism to attempt to conch warte position sure that every word contained therein is Democratie centralism is the or. among revolutionists both inside absolutely true, and that the writer being a by foreign aggression, to remember Sedan, not reached any such proportions sional will be organized on a funcDemocratic governor deserves a lot of credit Port Arthur and. Sadowa. The senseless bere as in many other countries, tional basis into Workers Councils anization principle of the Leninist and outside the Soviet Union, be party. Precisely because there cause if the opposition had had any slaughter of for this clear cut expose of the vicious unthe hopeless campaign of the little Napolcon hourly peril of invading armlesa democratie manner, under the action and because the Party takes ion of the Communist Parties thro.
Christian and un American New Deal agrias many nations have to face, that control of their membership, the upon itself the role of leadership out the world which was the incultural program.
to smash Germany led to the uprising of the at the moment there is no force workers Parisian masses and the establishment of the which can remotely threaten the direct and simple way of sharing of the workers in the greatest evitable result of this policy would Can it be that the editor of the Progressive immortal Commune. The wanton destruction continuence of the existinting gov in the determination of the policies crises, its own funer life must be not have been tolerated. On this, correctly anti labor, record of Talmadge of satisfy the imperialist lust of degeneratetezte edition of every paper bringe fresh they have under the farcical elee sleu rost, stratshtest Marxian think to dwell here We of the Workers Party who the right of criticism; and that raised and raise no protest against textile wages in the country obtain in Georgia? 1905, just as Kerensky adventures on the then trying to resert the right to with the resources and the technicannot exist where there is repres necessary repressive acts of the was succeeded by the St. Petersburg Soviet of stories of clubbing. cassing, Sailing toral system which exists in the Did he fail to see the headlines during the texWorkers State against its class enewestern front in 1917 was followed by the great organize and bargain collectively cal equipment of the an imA healthy revolutionary party mies, within and without, do raise tile strike of 1934 which proclaimed Talmadge Bolshevik revolution. The present lord of in conservative trade unions. Then mediate improvement of the standwhich is based on democratic cen our voices with all our might as the first governor to call out the militia against the mill workers? Doesn he know that the fate of his equally audacious predecessor. are a reality, and not merely a curity could be provided if the cap leadership over the mass organiza exercised in an intensified degree this southern bourbon bears the unenviable traditions or a myth in democratic italiat brakes upon production were tions of the workers whether be against revolutionists, against those the prime minister Crispi, who fell from power United States. Consider the econo released, and this too would have fore, during or after the revolu who are for the Workers State in honor of being the first to introduce the Nazi. concentration camp in the United States for the purpose of subduing and subjugating rebellious working men?
attempts to capture organize persecutions because this policy We can hardly believe it. Every suckling in had sent them to die on foreign plains.
clamoring for the heads of the criminals who Jews and of foreigners in a nat slaved to tions, but by what may be rightly corrupts the revolutionary party pet a far distance from the break Dealing with Enemies characterized as democratic meth itselt and so undermines the Work the labor movement has marked the cross over And when he thinks of Sadowa, let him re ing point It is true that parasites will be ods. It gains influence in the uners State, which has been the beathis reactionary: labor enemy No. The edi member also that this is 1935 and not 1894. Freedom and Fascism disfranchised in the Workers State ions es by the correctness of the con light of inspiration to the workand that repressive measures will policies which its members seters of the entire world. It, further.
tor of the Progressive Miner, we are certain, is Ethiopia is not weaker, but stronger. Even willfully closing his eyes and the eyes of his though it is matched against an army of far suppose that we can retain the to overthrow the new regime and which they argue for them, by their rupts the entire revolutionary moveIt is, furthermore, a fallacy to be used against those who conspire forth, by the persuasiveness with more, casts discredit upon and cormadge. Opposition to militancy and left wing have an infinitely higher morale. They are it only we can maintain our econo ism, unemployment, war that is to the organization, by the sacrificial From our Leninist point of view forces and tactics have driven the leaders of fighting for their own independence, for their mic system based on the center let atorget po ho want to rebolushotos and herote role they are prepared we can also criticize, worst reactionaries in the country. They have, armed merely with primitive spears and knives against both Fascism and Commun the minority and bring back the es. It is in substantially the same against class enemies, but the manthe into a loving embrace with the national integrity. And no longer are they prise and our politica democracy the ordering en thermadorly over to play in strikes and similar cris principle of repressive measures ism. It is precisely the attempt to dictatorship of the minority over manner that a revolutionary party ner in which the principle is aphowever, one thing in common: they pose as We do not refer here to the comparatively in maintain the capitalist system the majority under which we now with a democratie inner regime plied in the Soviet Union under the progressives until the issues become too hot.
the And what does Talmadge say? First, plagiarism of the facts long ago adduced in ruling class radical circles which marshall figures depicting summon them to their aid the millions upon unless the workers and their wellies primarily, he has been repeaten workers and their allies have taken therefore, on a basis of fear and cotton and live stock destruction by the AAX millions of other natives of the Dark Continent prevent in the effort to maintain demonstrated in revolutionary per Now a vanguard party of this such measures as the collectvization physical force, cannot carry out and the consequent suffering caused by it.
Then a good deal of specious reasoning which imperialism. By themselves, the Ethiopians pretense of democracy and cut tester lone may be treatened with check by the mass organizations numerous other policies in a sound space does not permit us to deal with in this are no match against the Italian forces, backed rights, will appeal to the besest destruction from outside and upon it must essentially and most of the manner. it falls into entirely un editorial. Finally, the conclusion printed move time actually serve their needs or necessary excesses which give both as they are by the active or passive support of establish an open and brutal die jments within. Life was not alto: it will be rejected. On the other the workers and their enemies a large, bold face type: other imperialist powers. And the party in power should return But they have allies. Their allies are the the time when capitalism can main. the. curls and for some time ordinarily cncourage democratic tarian dictatorship really means.
to the principles of its founders and fulfill the promises of its platform to eliminate unItalian workers and peasants who are under andere producerareas to the workers alte France Perlato many weber noget mellom to educate the Our Position the Fascist lash, but who await only the mo better the standard of living, 15 Great French Revolution, It took well aware that in the long run it We of the Workers Party thus necessary and extravagant governmental bu ment when their taskmasters have encountered past. Now it maintains itself only four years of Civil War in these is precisely as they are enlightened have the answer, as neither the reaus and reduce the cost of government. such difficulties as will enable the masses to by taking away even such conces nited States to smash the stave that the masses will follow them. hypocritten reactionary defenders In short, Talmadge is not one whit better attack them from the rear. Their allies are the standard of living even lower. even after a president and congress the capitalista today, will do all inties, nor the liberals of various than any die hard tory who speaks for the the workers of entire world, whose foe is But obviously if the masses have representing a new class had been their power to keep them ignorant shades, nor the social democrats, Chamber of Commerce.
their foe, who have cause to hate and harry any freedom at all any means for elected by parliamentary methods, and confused. Leninist revolu nor the Stalinists have to the ques, At least this much should be elementary for imperialism with the same bitterness and vigor protest and self expression, any and there was a considerable futer tionary party will do just the option of freedom in the modern a progressive. But the Progressive Miner their African brothers. Their allies are the workers or farmers union, party, ruption of normal activities. It is site. Thus our Declaration of world. The alternatives before the thinks otherwise. we are absolutely sure that African masses themselves. Before the first puntlegal, respectable, meck they mental character is effected. The the u. that the workers state those artists and professtonals who every word (in Talmadge article) is abso Italian shot is fired, the black and brown mass may be, they will at some point fact is not usually regarded as an does not mean repression, the curare concerned about freedom to lutely true.
And they call themselves progressive. a sacred war against world imperialism and fight for mere existence. But this it that could be done. And, in them but, while it functions as a to Fascism and the corrupt version What in a name!
for their own liberation. When the Bantu in threatens the existence of capital view of all that has been said, we dictatorship against enemies who of the proletarian dictatorship the south and the Berber in the north joins ism. Therefore it wipes ont dem are not among those who raise plous may want to restore capitalism, which stalin offers, and the sham Shall Ethopia Perish?
hands and masses rifle and spear with all the farmers organization and political when the Soviet Union takes what far more democratic rights to the countries today under capitalism, other imperialist slaves of Africa, then not only party, degrades the intellectuals, ever measures may be necessary masses than ever accorded to them but which cannot be maintained if (Continued from Page 1)
Italy, but France, and England, and Spain and hounds and destroys minority aganst the class enemies, Internal under capitalism.
capitalism remains. There is the tion, in other words, it is now what it was and Portugal all the assassins and exploiters groups It is not by maintaining other alternative of an uncorrupted originally intended to be.
of the African peoples. will have ce use to trem capitalise that we can maintain July Issue of New of domestic significance is the and genuine workers democracy From its very inception, the League of Na ble for their empires and to regret the day they democracy and escape dictatorship.
Those who declaim against red International Out analysis of the recent Supreme under the leadership of a revolutions was given a high credit rating by the aroused the fettered titan.
terror and present imposing lists Court decision with regard the NRA tionary party organized under the in an article by comrade Swabeck principle democratie centralism acting and would be socialist ministers of the Therein lies the hope of the Ethiopian peo or its victims and catalogues of its entitled The Passing of the NRA. and based upon revolutionary intersocial and psychological effects need world. No less powerful a pillar of the Second ple, on whose side we stand together with every also to be reminded over and over national 1s just off the press. The arena for the of the great Toledo is not away from, but back to The July issue of the New Inter Also, away from the international nationalism.
International than Arthur Henderson, the honest and conscious working man and woman. again not only of the numerous in long awaited article by Trotsky on ical exposition is the critThe road to genuine democracy leader of the British Labor Party, adorned its Therein, further, is clearly implied our ele stances of white terror and the Thermidor and Bonapartism in rcstrike by comrade Muste. An Marxism and Leninism; not away sessions and set its tone. Now that the Italian mentary duty. The Washington government abominable excess of Fascism, lation to the Soviet Union is printed article on the coming struggles in from but back to revolutionary in imperialists are preparing the brutal rape of has piously and impartially refused to furnish but of that most colossal and ob in full. In this article comrade raltronds by Weaver concludes ternationalism; not away from but a far weaker foc, where are the spokesmen of arms to either side. It is, you see, neutral scene terror of all war. War which Trotsky revises the previously con that portion of the magazine deal through the proletarian dictatorthe Second International, the Messrs. Hender that is, it will help neither the heavily armed and inevitable by product of capital idor and gives terminological con country today.
in its modern form is the natural fused conception implied by Therming with internal affairs in the ship, e. workers democracy. This is the road to which the masses opson and Vandervelde and all their political butcher nor the virtually unarmed victim. ist imperialist rivalries, which killscreteness to the term. It is an kinfolk? What is their League of Nations We are not neutral. Heart and soul we millions of its victims, itselt abro tremely interesting study of histor ticle by John West, The Bands Are Fascism and capitalist democracy or special Importance is the ar pressed in varying degrees under doings, what does it intend to do, and what do are with the Ethiopian people in their defen eates all civil liberties and makes ical contraste between episodes Playing. dealing with the question are directed by the parties of the they propose it shall do?
sive war against the Fascist invader. Heart the individual the puppet of an ab. transpiring today in year ago, the Stalinists drove the Soviet and soul we are with the Italian masses who solutist state 11 indeed it does not union and those in the period of ily with slogans against war. And in pursuing this course we are Union into the League of Nations. The self have languished for thirteen years in the great this is, however, only the negat great French Revolution denrica him of his reason altogether. Thermidorian reaction Curiak the here comrade West takes the also the sole effective champions of ubiquitous slogans: Against War humanity, of any idealism worthy admittedly beloved leader of the world prole prison which the Fascist despots have erected, ive side of the case. if we could very timely and penetrating and Fascism and Defend the Soviet of the name in the modern world, tariat, Stalin, told Walter Duranty that the and from which they are now being conscripted Indeed offer the workers, farmers analysis of Centrism is contained Union and dissects them to show and of world peace. For a social League of Nations was at least a little bump to fight those with whom they have no quarrel, and the professional and technical in the article, Centret Alchemy the positive and negative features order in which human dignity can groups only a choice of terrors in or Marxism? which deals with the inherent in them as bare slogans. maint: and not constantly in the road that would prevent war and help nor can have.
the future, they could hardly be road toward the Fourth Interna An article on Greece, book retrampled in the mire, in which the strengthen the peace loving countries to pre Throughout the length and breadth of the blamed for emulating Hamlet and tional and the centrist brakes ap views and excerpts from the inter creative energies of mankind can serve world order. What is the Stalin Litvinov country, in every labor organization, let the clinging desperately to those illis plied thereto by the Socialist Work national press conclude the con express themselves and not be end.
section of the League of Nations doing to de voice of the American masses be heard in un they have under so called democers Party of Germany. The fact tents of this issue.
lessly suppressed and thwarted, la fend the Ethiopian people from enslavement to measured condemnation of the cowardly Fas racy rather than flying to evils that the has given tip service possible only if capitalism is de SUPPORT THE EIGHT PAGE the bastard descendants of the Roman emper cist butchers, in unmistakable solidarity with which they have not yet experiene to the idea of building Fourth stroyed, and this deliverance can NEW MILITANT ors? Time was when the voice of the Soviet the courageous battlers against the enslave alist does offer a positive alter thing in its centrist nature to delay come only as the result of victory of the workers in a revolutionary Union was heard in the most obscure hamlets ment of Ethiopia!
Inative to the mases an enbadce that process is here acldly exposed. BUILD THE WORKERS PARTY. struggle.
not the few thousand rifles and some mcahine guns, tions with fatal precision to the of these repressive measures, and over the mass organizations, the Soing on an insecure foundation.