Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE: Cuban Repressions Maintained with Aid of Question Box Old Guard Hammers Militants AsN. of Socialist Party Meets the Mendieta Regime Vies with only party that can lead the Cuban ican mediator, faithful to the polmasses to victory.
icy of imperialist penetration imBy WEAVER Organizing the Workers peded the rehabilitation of the CuN. BIRMINGHAMMachado in Terror Record To understand our problem the ban petty bourgeoisie, tricking them Question: the Draft Program special characteristics and the so into dependence on the budget of of the Communist International cial composition of the Cuban peo the new born republic. Beginning Trotsky states that the Stalinists, Bolshevik Leninists Among the Victims llo. must because in proportionately wagoon ein second intervention National Militant Caucus Breaks Up e le there most caselalise the speaking, the proletariat Is very of the US, the national budget oretical grounl. of the Social of Savage Government Attacks small, and only the big cities crew dally with the sole object of Hoan and Thomas Backslide Democratie theoreticians as does it present a picture of cobe nourishing the growing petty bourwhole except that they turn the sion and militancy in its economie geois bureaucracy. With the pros(Continued from Page 1)
Social Democratie evaluation Inside (Continued from Page 1)
and shot at strikers wherever they struggles. The political struggles perity occasioned by the high price Guard issue will also be disput into practice a series of laws dared assemble. The headquarters of the proletariat are only of recent of sugar during the world war. lowers of the incidentally. eussed. Not a word about Thomaet out. What does he means by this?
Answer: Basing themselves upon prohibitelemiste no tenen, er de and the ever have to be a cama emozathons the his prohibition of strikes, trade unions, were raided, sacked and 1926both until now had no entita lapse or prices starting in 1921 boycotted by the old Guard, who after the last meeting made formation disappears before all the the suppression of working class our trade union center, the Havana ence on the working masses. The caused a reduction of the budget refuse propaganda. They have also pro Federation of Labor, was raided, all proletariat of the sugar factories, despite the loans contracted in the tion, documents, facilities and Incompatible with party member productive forces be developed hibited the right of tree speech, as its furniture destroyed, its docu although it had participated in North American markets to prevent thereupon, as proof positive to all ship, the militant leaders went for which it has room. and apply, sembly, etc. These series of laws ments taken and all present were strikes since 1914, really embarked such an expediency.
labor fakers and money bags who around explaining that this meaing it to a single state, the Social concocted by the Mendieta and Bat arrested and beaten. The govern on its major struggle only during The effects of the crisis were felt might have some doubts about the clever tactical move by Thomas, cism of the Bolsheviks, that ista regime that do away with all ment acknowledges a total of thirty the years 1924 25 and after the fall most severely by the parasitical resectability of the Hoan that it only to public statedemocratic rights and puts the dead, though in reality on Social latter had no historical right to working class of Cuba into a post. is much higher. Among the dend is an unstable group. The sugar their bureaucratic positions they paign against the left wing workers ists, and they tried to hide the fuct selze power in Russia since that tion known only in countries of our comrade Cresencio Freire, head worker is engaged in industry only soon descended to the ranks of the in the party.
outright fascist nature.
At They passed a resolution making the socialist press, to socialist meet prerequisites for the construction meted out sentences ranging from leader of the Cuban Revolutionary and begs in the nearby towns. As most courageous nucleus took up Ible with advocacy of armed in and everywhere. Though Hoan te Balleret is true that e Russia, by it.
The Emergency Tribunals have leader. Armando Feito and the year, the rest of the year be foute the crossroads of life and death, the membership in the party incompat tings, and to socialists anywhere of a socialist society. To this the of the Bolshevik Leninist party, and a member of Grau San Martin cane and tobacco plantations, where ber of militant organizations of the ly used the resolution to expel rev. that he was getting ready to make self, doo not have the materiale trade unions for the only crime of tary tribunal sentenced to death the out the year is of considerable the ABC which began under MaAfter the strike the mili work is generally spread through petty bourgeoisie. First of them was olutionary workers; and the net a deal with the old Guard, the cutrements for the construction of result of the year struggle is that Militants made no criticisms of a classless society, nevertheless, having a union book on their per. young revolutionist, Jaime Green scope. They work under terrible chndo with a democratic program, the Old Guard is more solidly in him. In other words, on the eve of WORLD capitalism as a whole does son. At present we have about stein, who was es derned to life low cultural level and lack of class open fascism. After the fall of the only blows which have been are completely identified in have these material forces the thirty comrades of the party, al go de Cuba, and most all of them outstanding politimprisonment comrade Eduardo consciousness, however, they are Grau San Martin, the Revolution delivered by the are blows eyes of the party rank and ale with my is part of world economy, took place because WORLD capitalism ical and trade union leaders, in Galves and others.
amenable to organization as was ary Party of Cuba, which the lat to the left. Querulous complaints the prison. Together with the rank The strike, lacking a central proved in the four months of the ter led, appeared to express the about the old Guard, wordy stateInstead of gaining ground by broke at its weakest link. Like the and nie of our unlons a total of leadership which the Bolshevik Grau San Martin government when desires of the petty bourgeoisie. but ments about their crimes, but de these tactics, the Militants have al Social Democrats, the proponents imprisoned.
of this number at couldn resist the formidable at: democratic rights. The other de actionary Mendieta and their moving workers this is Norman called national caucus has disap cast entirely aside the international least sixty are women. These fig tack of reaction, and ended in Cali: termining factor in the social como little faith in the electoral process Thomas record since the Detroit peared: the Chicago left, which perspective of Lenin, and merely ures refer only to the city of Haure. Thousands of workers and position of Cuba is the petty bour made this social stratum, in open convention.
revolved around the national office counterpose to the assertion that vana What, meanwhile, has happened has so completely identified itselt the Soviet Union does not have the Apart from those mentioned their jobs. The government decreed geoisie is different from their proto out. Insurrection. Then it turned to the New York Militants, under with Hoan that its leader, Krueger, necessary material resources for the above hundreds of students and the dissolution of all trade unions types in other countries in that toward the revolutionary organizat the leadership of Murray Baron was attacked by left wing delegates completion of Socialist society been imprisoned. The conditions of the arrested. All foreign militants own. They are not rooted in small Guiteras, secretary of interior in the Chicago left, led by Maynard the western Militants. around have such material forces. They repression are indubitably much ware expelled from the country. businesses, small industry and small the Grau San Martin cabinet Krueger and Clarence Senior. Andrew Blemiller, have found a therefore stand on the same theormore violent now than in the terr. The new public employees are property, but live exclusively as Guiteras Position these revolutionary socialista, resting place in the Milwaukee ma etical ground as the Social Democracy in that they search for his ship. Apart from imprisonment, serves, assuring thereby their strict propxerly be termed as a petty bour is in essence an amalgamation or they never brought te the floor. convention with the right wing.
ible years of the Machado dictator forced to join the Military Re employees of the state. They can The organization Young Cuba with care printed program which wing has just held at harmony torical justification for the Bussipar.
the number of assassinated work control by the government. The geols bureaucracy.
ers mounts dally.
city of a single state.
persecution becomes more intense Middle Class Parasitle Pessimis bourgeoisie of all kinds: conserv. Despite their support of the shady Among Lenders The Strike daily. Our comrades confined in The origin of this anomaly de atives, centrists, lefts. Its program Principles, the socialist militants Some militants privately recog. LOS ANGELES In the month of March the forces the Pententiary of Isla de Pinas are rives from the speciale interests or has as a basle point the anti had a splendid opportunity to crys. lit the conclusion that their weak the proletarians to manage ROT.
nize this situation but draw from Question: How can you expect of the working class, united around forced work in the swamps and American imperialism in Cuba. The perialist struggle and puts forward the Committee of Proletarian De the quarries surrounding the prison. chief industries (sugar, tobacco, a broad reformist program in favor tallize a real left wing in the So ness means they must still further ernment when they cannot even the transportation) belong to cap of the cialist Party. The spectacle of the submit to the To the argu manage themselves?
leaders of the University of Have and weak party is compelled to ital. Wholesale commerce belongs had a bronder outlook than his disloyalty of the Old Guard and the ment that they should have donesena ana, and under the pressure of the work, which notwithstanding its to the Spanish bourgeoisie. After allgemeine beetle for there be possible for the militants to secure refused to do this entre cause the board the logic of this reasoning, the Answer: It one were to follow oppositionist petty bourgeois organ relative numerical weakness is the the war of independence the Amer.
Izations, which have an appreciable Influence on certain sections of the objective he intended to call cialist workers. But the whole issue. with democratic election of manage their state power. On the working class (street car, railway, Continental Congress in Mes strategy of the Militant leaders led steering committees, etc. they re average, the members of the can MARCH OF EVENTS of in an opposite direction.
printers) embarked on a general all the left parties and he expressed fused this because it meant an open italist class, particularly today Cadre Builds Program. a great interest in inviting all the political strike that was supported stand for a factional organization. when they play practically no role by almost all the state employees. By JACK WEBER sections of the International Com revolutionist says: The pro with all decisions submitted for in the productive process, are peoparalyzing all the activities of the The War for Colonies munist League on the American gram builds the cadre. hammer rank and sle approval (they re ple of very ordinary intelligence, governmental offices.
other concessions from Mussolini continent as he had communicated out your principles and win adher fused this because they didn know and, because of their mode of living, Our party, conscious of the weak The general world crisis of capare will probably not be known for for the British lion. What these to our party.
ents by fighting for your prinplples. what they would do the next day are for the most part too incompe State of working class organization, italism of 1907 produced or rather some time. But one can hazard the month Guiteras was taken by sur cadre builds the program. e. wheels of the etc. to all food and clothing. Nevertheless, But in the first days of this The Militant leaders sald: The since they were tied to the chariot tent to even arrange for their own centered all 1s forces on fortifying intensified the fierce life and deaths. knowing the direction of prise by the army as he was em tbey, plus Thomas and Hoan, plus such arguments they mournfully they rule society through special the previously established Commit. struggle for colonies among the nd English diplomacy at this time, that barking for Mexico, near the city of the trade union bureaucrats who answer: Yes, we did wrong, but their agents and who supply for a organizations whose officers are te of Proletarian Defense the us: vanced imperialist countries. Each England is trying to separate Italy Matanzas. He was assassinated to the hoped could be induced to it too late to helped mehet me mend price of one sort or another, the strike would have a centralized tence of the system of exploitation exert pressure on isolated France Carlos Aponte.
leadership and would have a chance at home by attaining and explolt to split anti New York sentiment in the ers, undoubtedly will affect part of ability needed to perform the nech for victory. But in this proposal ing larger controlled we found a clear opposition, on the abroad. Thus the crisis of capital viet Union would be least danger Cuban political scene. Our penetrareasonin short, a bloe having no who will not fight within his own Its work done for it by special rep markets. Union. crusade against the so creates a different situation in the would come along for whatever drop out of the party. And anyone in other words, the ruling class has one calde fram the mistalamiest, party ism was transformed into the first ous to England or so its ruling tion in the ranks ot. Young Cuba, other program than anti New York, party will not be recruited into anresentatives drawn from its own hegemony, called the strike seper world war in 2014. This war was class supposes and would enable the synapathy that its members feel had to be maintained at any cost other party: that is one of the le and other classes ately from the Committee and strome parts of the globe, particularly in the workshop for supplying the spectives for our organization. The tants could lead in only one direc from such defeatism preceded bilo skoratsbes in various England to recover by becoming for our party opens up good per. This unprincipled line of the Missons of 1921. No one will gain Despite the fact that there are students tend the pretty bourgeotate crisis of 1911, the needs of German ne the abrupt and chilling reply of the insurrectionalist intentions. For Thomas and Hoan, who themselves onward march of Fascism, the les. When true become the rules claus It is certainly not too late. The same applies to the proletariat who wanted to hurriedly precipitate imperialism forced the Kalser into Roosevelt to the appeal of Ethiopia them it is a question of life and have no principled differences with sons of Germany. Austria and it is true that there is much more Under these conditions, the work almost precipitated the war at that Briand Pact of Paris Ilustrates not pertanity for the proletarian party So far, Indeed, has this surrender ency of thousands of socialist work proletarian, masses, Spain, have smashed the complae. ance, illiteracy, etc. among the a condition ers spontaneously, and under no time.
centralized leadership, threw them merely that this country, under to show its abilities at leadership by the militants gone, that on the ers; and as they survey the new which capitalist exploitation has order to selves into one of the most extra itself, a Now again the general crisis of bourgeois rule, is no more interest on the other hand the terrible situ eve of the meeting, at which August 1914 being Jointly prepared fostered and developed tory of the Cuban proletariat. They ever before the contradiction belest of Amerler also not to become geoisle into any insurrectionalista fat acceptance of the Old Guard ready to break with reformism than proletariat also set up its special Joined with the state employees in order to obtain for them security of tween highly developed productive involved in complications in Europe movement that may arise. If our on their own terms on the eve of they have been for years. They organs of class domination. The their jobs in Cuba every faction cts. To secure access to new mark here is forced to concentrate its en pat itself in the position of a van the old Guard, with Thomas going they don know how.
and Africa when the ruling class party can mobilize its forces and an open alliance between Hoan and want to fight the old Guard but revolutionary party thus becomes a necessity in order to role for the that takes power redivides the jobsets the great powers find it necestire attention on the knotty prot guard, where its volce will be heard along for the sake of unity thel The leftward moving socialist working class as well as to seize by displacing the old employees. Martial Law sary to prepare for war, one against lem presented by Japanese penetra by the masses, then we can say that year record of the militants down workers have to learn that the way the power in its name.
The government immediately mo of their rivals on the other, so as to break the gription of China. Furthermore Italy the revolution is saved.
not show a single instance of criti to fight is to fight on the basis of There is a fundamental bistorical bilized all its machinery. state able colonies, Japan proceeds stead. Japan, just beginning its thrust prevall work is very difficolt. Our more desir move at this time is at Bat under the conditions that clsm of the clear cut principles. Let them ser difference, however, between the The Socialist Call, organ of the tously turn to an examination of ruling apparatus of the proletariat of war was declared thust putting 19, as yet unchecked, with plunder toward trick through Ethiopia. party lacks Anancial resources. can militants, has only rarely criticized the principles of the main currents and of the capitalist class. The power of of all acts of botage resulting from the strike. Intervening, Germany looks first Mussolini.
walting the opportune moment for somewhat sympathetic towards legally conduct any campaign to word about the cowardly actions of will and that the only revolution erts its rule, for example, the banks, collect funds, and must therefore the It has even suppressed ary program is that of the Work press, chambers of commerce, etc. reigned. All inhabitants were re the Ukraine and to Central Europei Civilizing Ethiopia turn to the proletariat of other the fact that the Old Guard has ers Party. In the Declaration of develop along with the system itquired to remain at home after nine for the expansion that will save its countries in requesting immediate refused to invite or receive the Principles of the Workers Party self, as component parts of it, and o clock. Even in broad aylight it capitalism from complete decline. found it unnecessary to hide his dressed to the North American pro stead of coming out with a declar. for the struggle against reformism lies outside of their money making The fascist leader, 11 Duce, who help. This appeal is especially ad. for this week meeting. In they will find their principled basis no special effort, no sacrifice, which was considered a criminal offense for more than two people to be seen Italy has turned to an African aims and methods when it was aletariat with whom we are unitedation that the old Guard report and its centrist basis of a pro ists, in order of today and routine is red wild up the founby the capitalwalking together. The police and, adventure in Ethiopia for its share matter of knifing the Italian prole through common bonds of exploita is the central issue before the tomorrow. On the milltary hordes thronged the streets of plunder. In a general way Mustariat, now employs the usual Im tion. the Socialist Call, after listing gram the eadres are built: that is dations of their role. The party of solini attack on this African semi perialist hypocrisy of carrying clv North American comrades: you other points on the agenda, says the first lesson the socialist work the proletariat, however, does not colony may well be compared with Irization to the conquered colony. who have the possibility, even with that it is expected that the orders must learn.
evolve naturally out of the develWORKERS the Agadir incident as the prelude Mussolinl, enslaver of the entire in the capitalist system, to bulla opment of the class Itself but must to the second world war. It is not Italian working class and the most your organizations, bave before you Protect Yourselves Against the be built alongside of it. Such a LECTURE enough for fascism to prevent rev hunger stricken peasantry of Eu the task of assigning funds immediparty can be constructed only by Hazards of Life, Join the olution at home with its complete rope, will be the Abraham Linately for the help of your Cuban those who are able and willing to WORKMEN SICK DEATH destruction of the capitalist system coln of Ethiopia. He will free comrades. Your help is necessary it exert the necessary effort and make of exploitation by the proletariat; the large number of slaves held in the Bolshevik Leninist party is to be About the needed sacrifices.
BENEFIT FUND OF THE that represents only the political bondage by the exploiting rulers of able to fulfill its mission. We feel 1884 1935 condition for the continued exis Abyssinia. He will free them certain that a response will be APPLICATION REJECTED Organized, managed by and for tence of the bourgeoisie. Fascism from their present masters to place forthcoming.
The West Coast District Commitknows no other way to solve its eco master and slave alike under the Havana, May 13, 1936.
tee of the Workers Party has reworkers with only one purpose: nomie dilemma than the same meth yoke of Italian capitalism. That REPLY TO OLGIN PAMPHLET AGAINST TROTSKYISM jected the application of Lillian to render protection to membersods pursued abroad that it pursues is all that the bourgeoisie can carry What is the connection between the new slanderous attack and Monroe for membership in the and their familles, and to gup at home. Capitalism cannot exist to the colonies a system of ex What to Attend Stalin Campalyn Against the Bolsheviks in Russla?
Party. Evidences of completo colport rt all endeavors and struggles without resort to plunder and war ploitation more intense, more cruel The Social Patriote Policy of the French Communist Partyt laboration with the of bufor the improvement of tollers.
fare. The Right Wing Swing of the American Communist Party!
reaucracy in the San Joaquin ValAbout 60, 000 members organBROWNSVILLE Ethiopia and the Powers previous system. It is only the ley and of a disregard for the po The growth of the movement for the Fourth International in Dance and Watermellon ized in 350 branches litical party in the field of union Reserver France, Holland and the United Statest Italy did not begin its wolf leap real civilization to the colonies.
Eating Contest 3, 400, 000 activity, coupled with an unreliaat Ethiopia without first securing When the workers throw off the SATURDAY, JULY 13, 8:30 Speaker: Denth benefit graded aceordbility have conclusively proven that 1776 Pitkin Are, Brooklyn the consent of England and France. yoke of capitalism at home, they ing to age at entry. Sick benefit her membership 18 Impossible.
MAX SHACHTMAN All the present sham of British op will at the same time strike off the Friday, July 19, 8:00 House payments from 360 to 900 to position and its sounding out the chains of the colonial people. The Party and social for benefit of Editor, The New International men and women, PAUL LUTTINGER, aing other powers in the League of Na proletarian revolution will not only New Militant. 51 Morton Street WEDNESDAY, JULY 17th at 8:00 clases DANIEL LUTTINGER. MD.
tions concerning the application of destroy the bourgeois exploiters at (F. Norman. Auspices: East Monthly Assessments from 45 economie penalties and sanctions home, but will aid in the destruc Side Branch No. 2, AdmisAt IRVING PLAZA Washington Square North to 20.
to put a stop to Italy further tion of the colonial ruling classes, slon 10c.
Irving Place and 18th Street, New York 2 and 8 Except Sundays For further information apply measures, is characterized even feudal or bourgeois. It is as much Beginning with the next issue all and Holidays Questions and discussion in Jewish and in English to Main Office: the capitalist press as 80 much the task of the workers to accom What to Attend notices must be 714 Beneca Ave. Brooklyn, face saving for its own masses. of plish the freedom of the colonial in the hands of the Editor no later Auspices. New York District, Workers Party of the course it is also intended to wring peoples as their own than Tuesday noon.