Comments Stalinists On Life, Liberty Go to Bat for Priest TheNegro American Labor emelerinden olan other example Defy Ryan at Meeting Relief.
for Coughlin Arrested.
PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1935 in general and the of the President of the International Stage in particular is to prevent the The Color Line in the of Employees and Motion Peture Op Coast Dockers advance of Fascism, and for that erators, thus continuing the familend to Bght for Father Coughlin iar policy of evasion.
right to obtain a public meeting place where he may expound bis of discrimination against Negroes views which up to the present was and Pursuit of as brought out by Mr. Johnson at characterized by the as noththe hearing and culled from the Happiness ing else but potential fascism If pot clear fascism.
Discrimination against Negroestional unions if they maintain the New York Times, July 9, 1935. Negro who tried to enter Propose Progressive By BILL REICH In Black on White in the American Federation of La color bar. Reginald Johnson of Many of the workers of Chicago bor has always represented one of the National Urban League warned local of the painters union in Atwhen reading the bourgeois Dally the most ignominious features In that dual unions, company unions lanta, according to Mr. Johnson, Measures: Wants An FERA survey of Baltimore Chicago Makes that the communist Party Hought this country have News wondered how it happened the organized labor movement of and anti of unions among were told that their leader was a Negroes would take shape unless Communist. They withdrew the New Leadership 1550, 000 unemployed showed only Casus where people refused to work leave to file an intervening petition At the convention of the of the policy of discrimination were leader and then again applied. This time, he said, they were informed The convention of the InternaTouching Plea without legitimate reason, this in Coughlin behalf. an ironical held in San Francisco last Octo discontinued.
phrase applying to men who refused note in view of the priests attack ber Pres. Philip Randolph of the One or two preliminary meetings by the District Council of the Paint tional Longshoremen Association to scab and to those who refused on Communism. Judge Kelly at Brotherhood of sleeping Car Por of the committee have been held but ers Unions that the hod carriers held this week in New York promto work nt less than union rates.
tempted, unbeknown to himself, to ters raised the question of discrim a hearing will finally take place in were forming a union and that their ises to bave some stormy sessions. An ad for a salesgirl in a New save the from the embarrassination for discussion among the Washington sometime in July of members should apply to that or it advance indications can serve as By FERRY a measure of judgment.
York evening paper attracted 1, 000 ment of being recorded in the court assembled delegates. It might be this year where Randolph and oth ganization The applicants responded that Since the upswing in business applicants by A. the following CHICAGO. The workers of Chi files when he arst denied leave to interesting to observe that Negroesers will present their ense.
morning By o clock the crowd cago who were greatly interested the to intervene, telling the picketing the convention for the number of unions afiliated they were skilled painters and not such conflicts have found increasin following the contortions and lawyer representing the that National Association for the Ad with the of Labsolutely deny hod carriers. Then the secretary of ing manifestations in numerous store front gave way. Berry ice represent the policy of the 8th the court relented and permitted landolph resolution called for them by various rituals which usual 15 fee to accompany the re vanced. There is a fairly distinct Store afrohet se vea vase plate ones up. tional provisions. Others exclude hood suggested that they send the men unlon it is particularly adgrowers complain that the unem. District of the Communist Party the attorney to be an appearance Nota come on both the site est a ver ese things perpetrated under the fag of linger, waruing the scene. to keer violates the constitution of the bring up a Negro for membership. This they said and a charter was er represented in the main by the International officials and their a day. Workers are quartered uprised when the bourgeois press of cords, was not observed. The Hne. It might be pointed out, here, visions excluding Negroes, yet in supporters and the latter by the Pacific Const delegation headed by ing in sanitary facilities, twenty Red Party Joins Coughlin Suit. perior Court of Cook County under at the convention it is well known are admitted. In stil other unions Bill Harry Bridges persons cuties and sleeping in one The workers shared the surprise of No SGS SSTO, as an intervening her that Randolph has worked hand in the Jin Crow system of Negro loWest Coast Against Ryan (Continued from Page 1) This delegation declares openly recently appointed relief adminis the bourgeois press which pointed titioner in which they joined with glove with Green and Co. who have cals prevails.
out fronically in the Chicago Trib. Congblin in asking the Court that tacitly condoned race discrimina. It is of some merit here to cite extended to workers and farmers that it has come to the convention trator for New York City, States une, the Daily News and the Dally the Park Commissioners be ordered tion in of unions. After same example of crass discrim. without alserimination because of instructed by the West Coast memhe cance you enter presenteret, Times that the Communist Party of to reut Soldiers Field to the priest hearing the resolution the commitamation neainst an er rose. et petites con core barn Halost, who bership to oust the president, Jogets arance to take a private job. America sought to join in a law whom the labelled the Radionon concurrence, but a lond chorusevasion if not outright chauvinismther they be industrial, agricultur leadership. This course of action affiliationwhe new even it it pays les than he is getsuit on behalf of Coughlin against Hitler of the United States.
ting on Wier, he should he made to the Chicago Park Board.
Of course, it may be take the private job. Halthat Earl of NO greeted the recommenda of the leadership of the American al domestic or professional work is based on direct experiences, datThe story began when Attorney Browder does not know anything on Fearing a show of hands, Federation of Labor. We quote aters, for all time lost. No workering back to the Pacific Coast mari iburton, Oklahomat oll magnate, has Samuel Ettelson, former Insull at about Chicago, but there is no ques. Pres. LIIutchinson of the Car length from the 25th annual report shall be disqualified from the bene time strike and the San Francisco banned from employment in his retorney and the former city attorney tion about it that some of the big renters union quickly introduced an of the fits of this Act because of refusal to general strike of last year. Ryan finery anyone who has ever accept of Chicago during the administra lights must have been informed amendment calling on William Outright Discrimination work in place of of strikers, at less took some flying trips to the coast, ed relict. In Oregon single mention of the famous America first since the political genius of the Green to appoint an investigating On october 31 the attention of than normal or trade union rates, not to support the strike but to o rellot are forced to live in campo Mayor Thompson, Bled a suit in the Bob Minor, was seen around committee to report on the whole President Green was called to the under unsafe or unsanitary condit: connive with the employers and to and work on publie projects for superior Court of Cook County on headquarters on the first day of matter to the next convention, complaints of discrimination against tions, or where hours are longer break it up.
than the prevailing union standards After some debate this amendment Negro members of Local 306, Mospending money. Sixty five year lin, and of his organisation Union petition was filed.
inaintenance and one dollar a week behalf of the Detroit priest, Cough July, that is, one day before the was finally adopted. Chairman of tion Picture Operators of New York at the particular trade and Incality. high sense of solidarity has ola Calle Fancy, on relief in Little for Social Justice, asking that the ity of Bridges is attested by the The workers have seen the the committee on the Negro ques. City, as to bours of work, general or at any unreasonable distance prevalled ever since. The popularRock, Ark, could not cat the Chicago Park Bord be ordered to in action more than once the chestion is John Rooney of the Oper working conditions, rates of pay from home.
canned beef provided her because rent the Stadium, or as it is known, have seen it going through a whole ative Plasterers and Cement Finand restriction of locality of work Sec. Be it further chacted fact that in the elections of deleshe had no teeth. Relief omelais found her a job with a dentist the soldiers Field to Coughlin for series of united front tactics so Ishers International Assn. The sec to the colored section of Manhattan that pending the establishment of gates to the International convenwhere she could work out set the purpose of holding a public there is no justification for any fol retary is John Brophy of the Unit. It was pointed out that the employ the system of unemployment insur tion he snowed under his conservalower of the to be very much ed Mine Workers of Amerlea. ment of Negro union operators was ance profided for under this Act. tive opponent by a vote of 1, 759 to 129.
of false teeth. Using an attiC. Enforces the Constitution surprised. They may feel satisfied No Negro on Comonittee restricted to theatres patronized Congress shall authorixe to be aptude test, Dr. Rundquist of Minneapolis found that the average board was that the stadium is not the united front from below and committee are John Garvey, In houses erat they were he ed, the sum of billion dollars to simub elheire fare con strike creation The other three members of the principally by Negroes and that propriated out of any money in the But the greatest gain scored by complex but that his economic post holding controversial meetings, be Coughlin is undoubtedly not out of Hanks, Journeyman Barbers and llons and wages unacceptable doubtedly expressed in the tion bred radicalisin.
they on polltlenl or economic ques. line with the clrcus which they Carroll, Brotherhood of Mainten. Where within the union Jurisdie: 10 per week for each unemployed tending through all the ports from Imperialism. additional Seattle to San Diego It comprise Mussolini war with Abbysinie field is to be used for sport and Divine (Father Divine is God. and Interesting to note that the one con code. The of was asked to for each dependent.
the the waterfront general educational purposes as it is surely not out of line with the cerned most in that he brought the workers 18 scheduled to begin when the staging festivals, etc. The herings tragie role which the of Ger quention up at all for discussion. promptly correct these abuses. Late rainy season ends. Meanwhile be in November President Green reWOOSTER, Ohio. dramatic The Pacific Coast delegation pro Italy needs room for expansion, ber of times after certain technical endum when they joined, if not in erhood is not on the committee is collecting insults to justify it. In the court were continued a num many played in the famous refer Randolph of the Sleeping Car Broth plied that it was impossible to in veminute strike of thirty tele poses that the convention adopt this phone operators of the Ohio Bell form of organization in all ports.
points were decided and after a forces at least efforts, with the At the hearing held July 9, Ran terfere in the internal affairs of atcouragement, Italy birthrate has and of his Share the Wealth Club ernment of Prussia says he. In spite of every en petition of the Huey Long taction Hitlerites to oust the Socialist goy dolph relterated his plea for the bliated national or international Telephone Co. office here won for It proposes a national uniform them a ten percent pay increase agreement for all ports and joint declined steadily during the past for permission to intervene on benecessity of disciplining Internal and referred the Association to the thelr mafn objective.
control of hiring halls.
ten years. Great Britain probalf of Coughlin was denied.
tests that health conditions in LiOn July 2, the Chicago Tribune berin (literally a protectorate) reported Reds Offer Ald in Fr.
proposed that we leave the Second are so bad that it is a source of Coughlin Fight for Field and that International and join in sympaInfection for the rest of Africa. Formal notice was served on Coughthetle capacity to the Third. They Monrovia, the capital, is overrun lin attorney and on the counsel have the advantage over us of haywith rats and bubonic plague which for the Park Commissioners that ing triumphed. We understand is kept from spreading only because the Communist Party of the Untheir state of mind. If we do what Kessaroy: The minority of the INTRODUCTION your autonomy.
the city has no harbor. Governited States of America will ask Socialist youth will You are twenty. they want, what will be our reladefeated it Towards the end of April the Young Socialists of France had five years behind the Germany of tion, exactly, with the Young Comment officials raid the interior for permission of Judge James Joseph it continues on its present course the very doubtful plengure of meeting two representatives of inter1908. And once autonomy is ob munist International? Will we be slaves which they sell to Spanish Kelly to file an intervening petition of action, not knowing exactly what tained, what will you do? It is a obliged to apply all its decisions or national Stalinism, Chemodanov, Secretary of the Young Communist and French provinces. Harvey Fire in the case. The Chicago Tribune it wants. minority is built for little stone gave the nation a brief per obtained some information on the struggle falling that it becomes deInternational and Kossarov, Secretary of the Russian Comsomols.
soon to form an organiza will we have a certain amount of fod of prosperity by hiring natives matter from the attorney represent moralized, its leadership disinte Their trip to France had a decidedly reactionary alm. As is so tion sympathetic to the Young Com independence? Will we have the munist International. On the other possibility of forming factions? Our at 25 a week on his rubber planting the Communist Party to whom grates, and it loses the masses. You clearly revealed in the report of the negotiations published below, ations. The United States Sen the vicious bourgeois paper refers are not yet ready to fuse with the they came to inject the virus of Stalinist into the young socialists, hand it is not enough to contine movement is young, we are organate passed a bill which makes it to as the mouthpiece of the Reds Young Communists: that will leave to line them up behind the General Staff of the French Army, to yourself to the strengthening of the icing ourselves, we must first win illegal to pursue, shoot, shoot at, and who identified his clients as you a free hand. Should you beunited front.
over the Young Socialists and the youth to accept the fate of cannon fodder in tben kill, capture trar, collect or other having an organization in Illinois come a sympathetic organization o the socialist (At this point, Memeton raises Socialist Party: we have no other war the question of National Defense perspectives. Can we extricate our cating that their organization adopt a social patriotic position. Thus wise willfully molest or disturb the and a headquarters in Chicago and the Young Communist International American Eagle.
Chemodanov declares in the course of the negotiations: IF WAR and the foreign policy of the Soviet selves from it now? That is imdescribed the organization as told you will retain the prerogative of Union. possible.
OCCURS AGAINST THE AND YOU MAKE YOUR REVlows: The Communist Party of tendencies and Internal factions.
OLUTION, YOU WILL BE TRAITORS. This statement was made Chemodanov: As far as Russia What is the foreign policy of In the Revolutionary War 011 the United States of America is an If you should fuse with the three weeks before the Stalin Laval Communique!
is concerned can say that we have the For a long time it ricans lost thele lives: 290 industrial and Agricultural, small our program without reservations, made our revolution, but we want refused to join the League of NaEqually interesting is the first part of the conversation in which people were killed celebrating the farmers, professionals, intellectu because we do not permit factions the young socialists evince a horror of the stilling internal regime it on a world scale. In present tions, that is, when there were revconditions pour entrance into the olutionary possibilities in Germany, Fourth of July in the last 30 years, als and such other sections of the in our movement. We do not force of the Any reference to recent history will show how barren Young Communist International in Austria and in Spain. On the investeetiline Senates Committee population who are opmsed to ex anyone to join our organization but is the statement that the Stalinists believe in discussion first before investigating allegations that stu ploitation of the toiling workers by once there he belongs unreservedis.
arriving at a decision, would be complicated and inopor other hand, the social democracy dents at the University of Chicago a handful of the rich.
tune. Practically, we must arrive believed in the usefulness of the From our point of view tendencies The young socialists participating, Lissansky, Memeton, Ranwere subjected to subversive teachat the point where the united front League of Nations: the Russians vier, and Fred Zeller, are leading militants in the Seine organization The attorney assured the are detrimental to the unity of our turns to action.
now have created a spirit of patriis ings dismissed the charges but ac Chicago Tribune that his friends organization. Our rule is the foland members of the Revolutionary Socialist Youth group. It WAR! IF cused Prof. Robert Morse Lorett of and associates really are hostile to lowing: before accepting a decision interesting to note that a few days after these conversations took WAR OCCURS otism among the workers and they being unloyal to the spirit and father Coughlin for a number of there is a discussion, then everyone place Fred Zeller declared in the Seine District Committee of the AGAINST THE AND YOU are obliged to utilize the contradie letter of the Constitution of the reasons, but nevertheless, as he must abide by it a strict and indisyoung socialists on April 29: Up till now we were social democrats, MAKE YOUR REVOLUTION, YOU tions between the imperialist states.
United States because he engaged stated in his petition. we are inensable WILL BE TRAITORS. war pro do not at all agree with Chemoscipline. Unity with the they (the Bolshevik Leninist group) Leninists. They were right in in activities in defense of civil lib terested in the performance by pub y. will be possible only on the defending against us all the positions they believed correct. And vok od against the can be danov: we do not want to place erties. Tiis only son ad. and in the enforcement of the Conkilled in lle officers of their official duties basis of the above on May Lassansky said in part: If we expel them (the simultaneously directed against the ourselves underthe orders of our the battle of Bellcau and France: if there is bourgeoiste for the defense of the we would be submitting to the external influence of the Young Lissansky: It is only thanks to Chicago Howrs were filled with stitution and laws protecting public democracy that who was expelled Communists. such a war, it will be one of Ger.
reports of the investigation which rights.
man fascism against communism. Chemodanoy: The question of the was inspired by Walgreen.
for having participated in the Am. a revolutionary basis: our aim is, Belgian Young Socialists Ed. The comrades ask 119: what must foreign policy of the has drugcist. Not a word was said on abant Court Case 2385 against the of course, it is very hard to say Stalinist international united fronts the dictator sine bothée proletarilete threatening to cut on all financial e do In that caso? The revolo been discussed in the R, too Walgreen Trng Co. for adulterat the United States actually identifies cism which were held in the twin whose interest do they struggle: stand in the way of the party they day of the mobiliation because not accept the united front because whether the Communist Party of with themselves on war and fus bourgeoisie. If there are factions, is hardly different here. If you will not make it today nor on the opinion. But the Communists did in medicines and tonics. The com siselt with the petition presented on igat of the third period Ed. those of the bourgeoisie or of the will not play the democratie gamol there will then no longer be any tbe needed it: the workers pany was found guilty.
Commerce Industry. does, it is more than interesting for is becoming increasingly revolution ens our ranks.
its beball by its attorney, but it it can speak here today. The situation revolution? For us a faction weak with you. Don be so sure of your organizations. It war comes, the in every country need it. The for selt. The question of espulsion is comrades must participate in it. eign policy of the doos To boost trade the British Asso the workers to know that the at. Rry. The comrades believe that what has happened in the not so important What counts are German fascism is arming and pre not influence the course of the ciation of Colton Mannfacturers torney for the Communist Party they will be able to continue their Young Socialist International? In your perspectives. Do you want to paring for war.
How shall we Party: the Young Communists have announced at a traide Inncheon that states that many communist work action without being expelled, to do Sweden the Socialists are collaborwin out in the youth movement, in struggle against it? By meetings? not abandoned the anti militarist the Prince of Wales wears cotton ers would like to hear Father as the minorities did during the ating with the bourgeoisie in the the Party and then in the Interna By gatherings? hell of lot struggle, etc. If there is a war underwear. Wool manufacturers coughlin, not only to listen to him, war. It is possible. If events are government and are against the tional? That is a remote objective. Fascism worries about that. Paper against the the workers countered with the information that but to expose his anti workingmen with us, to regroup the left elements united front: similarly in Norway, Everywhere in the there is to stays paper, whereas gases and air will want to defend it and they King George wears Woolien Hleas. it undoubtedly true thatns our Belgian and Spanish com Denmark and Czechoslovakia. One be found a tendency favoring unity, slanez are heing manufactured will defend it arms in haud. In bought by Queen Mary. Call Coughlin will appreciate the help rades have done. It is therefore of the leaders of the Swedish Young Is your aim then to form an inter German fascism must find itself case of a struggle between Germany fornia prumes are graded according extended to him by the in more possible to raise thelr class Socialists, Valenken, said: If nego national inid way between the Sec confronted with the countries who and Russia, the will be in to the following sizes: medium, obtaining working class and more consclousness by creating an organ tiations with the young commun ond and the Third? That is a dif are strugeling for peace: France no special danger: no country can large, extra large, mammoth giant, particularly Communist working. ixation sympathetic to the ists are opened we will leave the cult and unfruitful task. There is and the withstand the Soviet Union; it will jumbo, colossal, and super cologenl. class andlences in wbich to peddle In this mannerements of the Young Socialists have voted to of the Young Socialist Internation international fascism, French and will all be on tho side of the we will be in agree. Second International. In Spain the another road: change the leadership Ranvier: For us, the enemy is be a world war and the workers. Cheese manufacturers in Wishls stuff ment with the left consin were successful in obtaining to be sure, the attorney for the party and the international and we withdraw from the reformist Social al; remove Ollenhauer, You will German. We do not believe, in any a law regrering two thirds of an becomes also theoretical in will be able to retain the comrades ist International and are for the then be the leadership And then case, that the youth must follow Kossarer: The problem for revoounce of cheese to be served with support of his petition in which who still evince a party patriotism. united front; similarly in France what? What are our basic differ their faselsm against German fas lusionists is the organization of the every se ment. Maxwell Stew. they support the prayer of Father What we propose is almost a des and in Belgium (where the leaders ences? The theory of Marx bas cism. It we allow our pre fascist masses. The mistake many Young art, Associate Editor of The Nation, Coughlin that the court should give perate solution: 1935 is not 1917. are neither for nor against the un been translated into life over one government to arm, then we allow Socialists make is neglecting the was arrested for picketing the ofhin the right of using the Soldiers You have thirty million sympathiz ited front; we cannot understand sixth of the globe, etc. If there the fascist morale to develop: our struggle for the conquest of the un.
fice of the American Mercury in Fleld for a public meeting because ers and the prestige of having de that. We believe that the French is a war it will indubitably be attitude must, of necessity, be clear organized youth, especially the protest to the return of officials to it la stated that any denial of the feated your capitalism. If we dis young socialists are acting in the against the It will not be ly antl militarist. If we allow the Catholic; they are allowed to go grant collective bargaining to em use of Soliders Field is in itself a cuss equal to equal we are likely interests of the young workery, a war between Imperialists but be militarist spirit to develop, the rev thelr own way under the influence ployees. The current issue of Fascist attack against the right of to hesitate for we are not entirely contrary to the young Socialists of tween classes. Where will the olution will no longer be possible of the enemy. If we do not work The Nation carries a full page ad freedom of speech and assembly of in agreement.
Sweden. If we struggle for the Young Socialists be in such an We cannot bind ourselves to our among them, the enemy will. Peace offering the two magazines clubbed citizens and workers. Chemodanov: Thanks to the ex united front we must exclude those eventuality? In the imperialism under cover of de is the aim of the foreign policy of at a bargain price.
Apparently the has a new Istence of a tendency, the meeting who are against it; that is why we road? With us? They must make sending the The emanci the but besides it is also theory concerning Fascism some this evening could have taken are against factions, their position concrete.
pation of the working class is the necessary to be able to maneuver Sanday, July 14. Beach Party. what similar but not quite as clear place: thanks to democracy Lissan Will you be expelled from your There is another question: it task of the working class itself. for the purpose of utilizing existing Boro Park Branch Meet at the as that concerning Social Fascism, sky was reinstated. But we must party? Possibly. In Argentina the you feel yourself to be very weak Therefor, the workers must rise contradictions; the bourgeoisie has 1st Aid Station on Ocean Park because now they believe, at least not lose sight of the differences be Young Socialists were dissolved. In it is useless to form an independent against thelr own fascism and thus good relations with us but we must way at 11 sharp. All com in their intervening petition in Chl tween the socialist and the Com Belgium the leaders brought pres organization. The essential que assure the defense of the Bot renounce the struggle against rades invited Icago, that the duty of the workers munist organizations. We stand on sure to bear on Godefroy (leader of tion, however, is the struggle for Zeller: Comrade Chemodanov hasit.
Russian Stalinist Emissaries Sent to France to Win SocialistYouth for PatriotismandagainstMarxism the the