BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Head of Young Communist International to French Socialist Youth: If war occurs against the and you make your revolution, you will be traitors.
Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 29 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1935 PRICE CENTS Mooney Oud Guard Pounds Militants Aids Powers Yield to Italy Wins New Terror of Hearing Mendieta Aggression in Ethiopia Il Duce Moves For Conquest In September reference will stiam oppointed out there accept any of the compromises de Given to Group of the largest apprendere malen in een decided to adjourn its sessions indefinitely, after having met As Socialist Party Meets Right Wing Riding High; National Militant Caucus Breaks; Hoan with Waldman; Thomas Attacks Left The National Executive Commit Under this stendy barrage, their State Confesses to become the most een groente entre Brutal Regime Slays Shall Ethiopia Perish?
vening for its quarterly meeting ful compromise after another, and Destruction of The most important point on its thrown back in their faces, have re and Jails Scores Evidence agenda is the report of the Com treated still further. The old mittee of Inquiry and Mediation, Guard has given to the capitalist of Workers Against Italian Fascism, Negroes Are Fighting appointed at the last meeting to press a series of statements declar.
SAN FRANCISCO. The Califor New York City.
solve the internecine struggle in ing they refuse to abide by the Right on the heels of the de Battle of World Proletariat nie state supreme court has con The is exiled to the Bronxation of Principles. When the conconvention decision on the Declarportation of the liberal delsented to hear new testimony or Queens, the City Central Com vention decision was supplemented sational report, printed herewith, egation from Cuba comes the senthrough referee on Sept. tomittee, under control of the right by a referendum which gave a ma of assassination, wholesale ar.
The devouring flames of war are burning on two contin White Man Burden prove that Tom Mooney is innocent wing, having refused to act as hostjority for the Declaration, the old ents. In Northern Asia, the troops of Japanese imperialism Alibi for Fascist of the crime for which he has spent to their national leadership reste and horrible persecution of Gnard merely reiterated its stand.
continue their relentless drive to the west and the south 19 years in San Quentin prison. This meeting takes place one The answer of Norman Thomas the militarist regime of Cuba.
workers and revolutionists by in order to assunge the ruling caste rapacious appetite for Exploitation The court made this concession year after the national convention and Dan Hoan was. to propose when Mooney attorneys, on behalf at Detroit, when the Milwaukce to have the make changes ing Butcher Machado, has sup This reactionary clique, emulatan empire in Siberia and China. Afraid of bringing to its of the famons labor prisoner, asked machine of Mayor Hoan, the Cht in the Declaration! When, after feet a powerful people movement that might mean its own, By MARTIN GLEE a writ of habeas corpus.
pressed all trade union and polit end, the pitiable Chinese bourgeoisie dampens the ardor of The situation with regard EthioAttorneys John Finerty of Wash group and Norman Thomas fol Norman Thomne recently revealed the right of free speech, press cago left, the New York Militant agreement was almost reached, as ical organizations and prohibited pia grows more tense dally. Whereresistance of the masses and retreats precipitately before the as it could be stated a few days ington, Frank Walsh of lowers made a horse trading com the old Guard refused to compro and assemblage. This terror proJapanese invader.
ago that Italy penetration into New York City, and George Dav bination which cnptured the mise and continued to violate the ceeds with the open support of is of San Francisco unsuccessfully The theoretical excuse for this cap party principles, Thomas the kingdom of the Negus would And now the plains and mountainsides of Ethiopia are beand the tried to force the court to produce ture of power was the passage of Hoan decided to act. They. through its Ambassador Jefferson Roosevelt Administration not start until October; today reapproached as the scene of the Fascist war upon the last liable reports have it that operaMooney for the hearing. The law. a Declaration of Principles which, appointed a committee to consider Caffrey. Ed.
of even semi independent countries on the African continent.
tions will more than likely begin waive Alooney right to be present, rhraseology, enabled the Militants vance of the next convention of the Tens of thousands of Mussolini troops, equipped with the month sooner, By DE LA TORRE most modern machinery of warfare, are on the march against As the utally well informed but the judges asserted that it is to claim it was a revolutionary Party so that the matter may be Frederick Birchall of the Lonan unwritten law of the court that document, while Norman Thomas adjusted with a little dispute as confronted with a situation in many and Somaliland were subdued to accomplish now with the The proletariat of Cuba is today the Ethiopians, determined to subdue them as once Eritrea don bureau of the Times buts it: the petitioner does not have to ap and Dan Hoan could assert it was possible (Thomas. The last hope of averting a jear personally in a habeas corpus traditional socialism.
Then, at the Inst meeting of the ways similar although more difficult Fascist legions what they failed to do in the war upon Abys military attack by Italy upon Ethi proceeding.
Old Guard Position Clear instead of carrying on a than in other colonial or imperialiopia faded out today. His refer If, in the future, Mooney presence is to the fact that the meeting The Old Guard will have no cen struggle against the old Guard, ist countries. The government of Ninia towards the end of the last century.
he will be trist ambiguities, but demands a they appointed a committee to der the pressure of the United talk about conciliation about peaceable settlement of the ence is necessary, The invasion is now generally recognized as inevitable. All of the conciliation commission apbrought here and all his rights frank avowal of unashamed loyalty MEDIATE between the slugging pointed by the League of Nations broke up when the Italian delegasafeguarded, Chief Justice Waste to the capitalist state and its de la Guard and the battered fol States Ambassador, Jefferson Catdispute, has been nothing more it is now clear than so has a most mocrncy. The Old Guard served (Continued on Page 3)
tion refused so much as to listen officient instrument of imperialist much verbiage behind which Mussolini was taking all the too Over strenuous protests of the notice at Detroit of war to the to the statements of the Ethiopian oppression. In order to accomplish measures necessary to dispatch to Africa an army which, delegate who insisted on establish three lawyers, the court refused to death against the Declaration and when it reaches its full strength, will number some 200, 000 ing the fact that Ual Ual, the scene set to hear the testimony. special has carried on its fight with prine. Heavy Prison Terms this destructive mission against the men. From the Netherlands comes the official announcement of the first clash, was within Ethioee, the government has organized that the Italo Ethiopian Conciliation Commission has finally pian territory.
oppressive machinery fered it by the Systematie Il Duce Ready for Action wecks, Mooney attorneys asserted. expulsions of left wingers. in New Polish Trotskyites Leadership of Batista, commander ever known So far as Italy is concerned the This court, in light of its past York and uptate; Heting of char for two weeks, without coming to a conclusion. The whole negotiations are over and dead. Il rulings, 18 going to have to reverse ters of anti old Guard the itself to hear our evidence, and enough to secure a majority of the is long matter is now referred to. the League of Nations. Duce is now completely occupied GENEVA (ICL. Information Inch of the country, from the large therefore the whole court should City Central Committee: forcible has just been received here that ar cities to the most remote sugar And the League of Nations? What is to be expected from with the strengthening of his forces in Africa, building his army up to hear the case, Finerty contended. expulsion of the New York branch the beginning of the month of May, plantations.
this great instrument for peace. Approximately the same about 250, 000 (already about 150, State Destroys Evidence les of the Young Peoples Socialist pine The army of Cuba (a country result that was produced by it in the case of the war in the 000 Italian soldiers are encamped The state. In effect, confessed League from their headquarters into the accused of belonging organization that has no national frontiers)
that it had destroyed some of the the land School and the organiza were brought to trial in Warsaw, renches the exorbitant numbers of Gran Chaco; approximately the same result that was pro in Eritrea and Italian Somaliland. duced by it in the case of the appeal of ravished China against Moreover, Italy is compelled to most vital defense evidence. When tion of a rival youth organization without any proofs submitted, they 18. 000 soldiers with a budget of prepare a sufficient water supply Mooney lawyers asked that the under Old Guard leadership: sys were condemned to especially sev. 18, 000, 000 which is in effect a the brutal invasion by Japan.
for drinking purposes, provision its state be directed to bring to the tematic onslaughts in the Forwardere prison terms: one woman to cater expenditure per soldier than For years the League of Nations has been advertized to African commissaries with food and September hearing the negatives of and the New Leader; alliance with five years in prison, three of the ac any country in either Europe or the world as the only, even if not entirely satisfactory medical supplies and continue road the pictures which showed Tom and the most corrupt of bu cused to four years, and three to America. this we have to add improvements for military purposa few thousand more technical and agency for the preservation of world peace. Each time it Anna Money on a roof a mile from reaucrats to put pressure on the three years ench.
For this she is compelled to the scene of the crime, the answer the United Hebrew Trades, The attorney general of the re secret Intelligence service men, encountered a situation which brought new discredit upon it, wait a month or two longer. Became: The negatives have disap for example, passing a resolution public, in his act of Indictment, devoted exclusively to political per it took care to take some new action which would restore its sides, the rainy season will not be peared!
denouncing the Declaration of Prin. dwelled on the character of Trot secution of all those persons and failing credit in the cyes of the masses. For a time, the as gin subsiding until the early fall.
During the arguments before the ciples. organization of inter state skyism which he described as organizations opposed to the soy sembled imperialist bandits covered their bristling armor with All of which means that Italy is prepared to strike now. The reply reiterated former statements to the anizations to set up programs in communism which merely wants to the urban police, controlled by the the solemn pledges of the Kellogg Pact which renounced effect that the state will oppose competition with the in defend the whereas the municipal government, which is a aggression as an instrument of national policy. Where is the of Washington to the Ethiopian Mooney release even if perjury is these and a hundred other ways the Trotskylsts aim inflaming the mere department of the general Kellogg Pact today the pact to which both Italy and Ethi The apparent change of front on proven.
Old Guard has hammered away, entire world. It above all on staff of the army, cooperating loy.
opia were signatories? scrap of paper, a fraud, a decep the part of England, in reconciling herself to the Italian adventure. Mooney must prove not only like a battering ram, against their this point that the big press ally in the persecution of all the oppositionists.
perjury, but that it was committed opponents.
dwelled in its court reports As a general rule. Continued on Page 4)
can possibly be explained by the with the knowledge and connivance the soldiers as well as the polico, fact that Italy has assured Great are recruited from the most degen Britain that it will not deflect the assertion.
waters of Lake Tsana toward its Finerty jumped to his feet with pen proletariat of the cities and own territory and that it is ready the statement: the hungry peons of the countryto assume treaty obligations to Two years ago, Mooney side. They are paid very generous trial on an indictment remaining ly and given kinds of privileges, Wants Only a Crumb against him, Matthew Brady, disA BILL (4) The hours of labor under submission to the government.
thus assuring their unconditional Italy will probably attempt to trict Attorney of San Francisco, To limit the hours of labor, to all projects established under this Fresh evidence of the revulsion national basis, as advocated by the admitted the witnesses in Mooney In order to round out the oppres.
provide additional appropria bill shall he not more than 30 per sive apparatus, directed essentially of revolutionary workers to the Workers Party and other groups of connect its colonies bounding Eth.
first trial had been impeached as week.
Intest acts of treachery by the revolutionists in other countries iopia on the north and south by perjurers. For the state to admit tions for publie works, and for with which it is affiliated, we with building a railroad and highway that it was not bound by that adthe relief of the unemployed the the commentation profesiog have created Emergency Tribunals in the statement of rosignation drew our membership in and sever across the chain linea de instamoolihis those employed under the provisions whch judge all matters of a polit of three leading militants in the missi will bring down upon the employment and social Insurattorney general of California anof this net shall be not less thanical nature. These tribunals hetve! North Dakota District from the ist Tarty. Section of the civilizing invaders reaching the 30. 00 per week and the prevailing ance.
other castigation at the hands of See. Be it enacted by the Sen union rate of wages wherever said (Continued on Page 3)
Communist Party. Excerpts from Communist International, and sub capital, Addis Ababa, and taking the Supreme Court.
their statement quitting the mit our application for membership complete control. Few more calate and Honse of Representatives rate exceeds 30. 00 per week.
Finerty and his associates said of the United States of America and Joining the Workers Party in the Workers Party of the loux exhibitions of imperialistic See. Be it further enacted are printed below Ed and agree to submit to its discipline methods of conquest could be cited that they have 18 witnesses to give in Congress assembled that the that the Secretary of Labor is testimony. Two of the most im maximum hours Flaxton, and to support the party to the unless one were to go back to the labor of those hereby authorized and directed to portant witnesses are seriously ill, employed by the government of the provide for the immediate establishThrift Pays Workers Party of best of our abilities. We call upon Boer War. One of the Jingoes for and will testify only through depo United States, state, county, municment of a system of unemployment New York City all honest and sincere revolution the Italian Fascist press puts it ists to follow our example.
neatly and unhypocritically when Comrade: sitions. They are John McDonald, ipal and other governmental units and social waiter, who has admitted he per. In the United States and of those pose or for the pur.
We feel that we owe it to our he declares that justice would refor become convinced former comrades and associates in the the scene of the in industry, mining, no fault of their own in Dime But Inherits of all the we arrived at the decision stated aside attempts to ing, and Rigall, who can agriculture, domestic, techntenl. amounts equal to average local prove that Frank Oxman, now dead, clercial and facts that the Communist Party of above, after due and careful intain a small erumb left over fropa professional service, wager. Such insurance shall be 30, 000 Year the United States, and the Third vestigation and mature considera Britain sargantuan meal.
who was one of the main witnesses and all other occupations, shall be administered by workers and farmInternational dominated and consti tion, being fully aware of the tmThe small crumb 1s Ethiopia.
against Mooney and Billings, per 30 hours per week.
ers and controlled by them under NEW YORK. It pays to work tuted as it is now, cannot and will pllentions and results. This declDespite the hypocritical talk of Jured himself.
Sec. Be It further enacted rules and regulations prescribed hard and be thrifty.
not organize and lead the workers that the sum of 10 billion dollars by the Secretary of Labor in conFourteen year old Brenda Diana of this country or the world, for slon is based upon the open and Washington that it expects the plain repudiation and betrayal of matter to be froned out between the Wagner Bill Ignored in Akron a an. be appropriated for the purpose of Lormity with the purposes and pro Duc Frazier of New York can tell or to the seizure of power and the the world revolution, of internation parties involved and that it sees no publie works.
ployment insurance commissions that thrift brings its own rewards, national basis. Another vanguard the u. under the domination Engert, a shrewd expert of AKRON, Ohio, July Enact (1) The monies available or to composed of the rank and file mem though she never had to work or party of the proletariat must be or of the Stalin leadership and bu imperialism in the Far East has ment of the Wagner strike breaking he appropriated for the purposes of bers of workers and farmers or think of pennies and dimes. For sanized and built by the workers reaucracy.
labor disputes bill provoked little this bill shall be expended within ganizations. Funds for such ingur. her mother, who the divorced wife and farmers of this country.
attention among rubberworkers one year from the date of its en ancespehu bere the core pomene and an approved kerder from resurrovinced after careful and mature one country, and its destructive For that task, and we are con the ruinous theory of Socialism in Consul General at Addis Ababa.
Then follows a condemnation of to become Charge Affaires and here, even conservatives realized it actment.
The question of Ethiopia comes was but a futile gesture of the gov. 2) The objects for which the of employers, and it is the sense of gate court for expenses for little consideration, that the Workers results throughout the world trom up in the next day or two in the ernment to pretend having an in money available or to be appropri Congress that funds to be raised by Brenda Diana.
Party of the already organ China through to Germany and cul House of Commons in London.
terest in labor welfare.
ated under this act shall be spent the Government shall be secured by Forty five thousand dollars is all Ized by honest and capable revolu: minating with the Stalin Laval France is still standing by Italy.
Strong company unions at Good shall be the provision of modern taxing inheritance and gifts, and hy she gets to spend in the next 18 tionists, and now functioning, is communique. It concludes with the Germany and Japan look on with year, Goodrich and Firestone con low rental homes: an up to date, taxing individual and corporation months. Her dresses will cost her such a vanguard party of the work collowing statement. hawk like attention tinued to exist without a murmur fully equipped county hospital in incomes of 5, 000 per year and 5, 600. she ll be able to get by on ing class, that can and will organ These successive acts of betrayal The backward colonial country of of protest from the A, of bu every county: modern libraries and over. No tax or contribution in her vacation if she spends herize and lead the workers of Ameri by the Third International and the Ethiopia stands like a sparrow with reaucrats. Meanwhile uncertainty recreational centers in every city any form shall be levied on work 5, 250 carefully; and on 900 for ca for the selzure of power and the bee of the Soviet Einion, Toree clipped wings surrounded by hunwas evident among union workers and county: rural electrification: ers for the purposes of this Act. music lessons she may be able to building of Socialism on an interover progress towards establishing and elimination of grade crossings. In no case shall the unemployment pick up a tune or two.
national basis. And being fully the steps we have taken.
the necessity and justification for gry cats on all sides and its one friend whom it has a right to rely an international union as Washing. 3) No monies available or to be insurance be less than 10 per week Only one item is really small and convinced of the necessity of the esCHARLES TAYLOR because of a conservative bureauon, the Soviet Union, does nothing ton of headquarters with appropriated under this act shall plus for each dependent. economical. Brenda will spend just tablishment of the Fourth Internaheld word, for no apparent reason, be spent for military or naval purThe benefits of this Act shall be 375 for Christmas presents and tional to organize and lead the ASHBEL INGERSON cracy at its top. Litvinov, in the of a convention call.
poses. Continued on Page 2) charitable contributions!
workers of the world on an interMARY INGERSON League of Nations, remains silent!
to the one amelala, was clearms Workers Security Bill Drafted es conseil romeone Leading Members of North By Nat Unemployed League Dakota Resign; Join toate in and farmers atemployed Little Diana Didn Save arter due and careful investigation de ce POS ale started fresults, shat createst colonial, empire se stand EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT FIRST STEP TO DAILY