Anti-imperialismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyKamenevLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

A Reply to Liberal Critics of Bolshevism Labor party, PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1935 ership, to divert the growing discontent among REW HILITANT the workers into the safe channels of a Labor with which is merged Party?
THE MILITANT Yes, cditors and cartoonists of the Daily Published weekly by the New Militant Publishing Co. Worker, an anti capitalist, not a pro New 56 East 11th Street, New York City Phone. Algonquin 9058 Deal party is what the workers need. That The Position of the Workers Party on Proletarion Dictatorship can only mean in this period, a revolutionary Entered as second class mall matter at the Post once Marxian party, not an attempt to lead the and Worker Democracy in Light of Recent Events at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. masses in this country into some replica of the British Labor Party or the German Social DeJAMES CANNON.
By MUSTE those who are the enemies of tnesentation of the same point of view. Editor Elmer Rice and Paul Sifton cry mocracy. But the is no longer a revoluDoubt and discredit are being Vorkers State or those who can One among many points of faith out dramatically against the soulSUBSCRIPTION RATES: tionary Marxian party. It lacks consequently thrown upon the entire Marxist with some measure of plausibility common to apologists of Communless industrial system of America In the United States 00 per year: 65c six months. the intelligence and the courage to call the Leninist philosophy and upon the be regarded as such, but also ism and of Fascism is an overween and glory in the industrialization Canada and Foreign 50 per year; 00 six months. workers to rally under the revolutionary ban revolutionary movement of the against revolutionists who are poing contempt for civil liberties, of the mujik. The bread lines of Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
ner. It joins with Hillman and Waldman and working class by the policies of the litical opponents of Stalin and his which are represented as unneces disorganized capitalism stir Edmund Vol. SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1935 No. 28 others of that ilk in singing the Labor Party the Soviet Union. When in connecto produce detailed evidence of the the ship of progress. The longer bread lines of bureaucratic commuchorus. Only it protests that it is singing out tion with the signing of a pact be fact. The Soviet press itselt car have lived in the Soviet Union, nism are accepted as necessary Labor Party Confusion of another book!
tween the and the imperialist ies dally reports of severe measures where divl liberties freedom of expedient in technological develop The peripatetic John StraAs the Workers Party predicted from the stated that Stalin understands sluding recently those who have ton aro most consplenously lackchey deplores from some thirty Ly.
For a Fighting Auto Union and fully approves the national de Dever ceums and a half dozen periodicals outset, the Communist Party gets into hotter water all the time with its mass class not re The announcement by the American Federafense policy of France in keeping Trotskyist opposition, for example, Ing, the more have become con that freedom of speech is abused formist not revolutionary but class struggle tion of Labor that a convention of Federal su quired for security and when atau menanam pollercoaster og end their existence or absence is as good complete, ofrece that involato con participated whereas in Russia is merely tomobile locals is to be held on August 29 indi Committee of the Communist Party witness the case of Trotsky son, test as any of the quality of a sorship and ruthless suppression There is quite a flurry of Labor Party talk cates a triumph for the militants in the indus of France flatly declares: Now a chemist who was permitted to go nation civilization. The commu. are exercised only against the remthese days among the Old Guard of the Social try and at the same time means that they must answer a question that has been on with his work for many years pist (or the Fascist; their trend of nant of capitalists who wish to see ist Party and certain trade union leaders, as work more quickly and seriously than ever to put to me: In case of such a war after his father exilo, to which thought in this question is striking the return of their system. Among well as among some sections of the workers.
As of the outworn fetish of a hand lled authors: Andreyev, ArtzibashExpical of a good deal of this talk was Sidney the reactionary bureaucrats of the hotel. com SR, would you appis your slogan called public attention.
When organizations such as ours ful of disgruntled intellectuals who ev, Bunin, Korolenko, Kuprin, Hillman speech at the Taminent Economic The latter would never have consented to a war into the civil war. against protest against such repressive acts, are unable to rise to the necessary Merejkowski, Tolstoy, and, of and Social Institute of the Old Guard convention at this time had not the conduct of French Imperialism, that is. Well, we are met, and with increasing vision of the high and noble char: course, Trotsky. recently. Labor is now looking to the presi the progressives during the recent Chevrolet not because in such a war it is not the repayment the more or low or Fascist)
state. But my own complacenta la patches in the Times dent for leadership, says Brother Hillman. General Motors strike in Toledo and elsewhere, a war between two imperialist come with poor grace and can hard observation in Russia has led me contrasted the Nazi blood purge But if the conservatives in both old parties and subsequent to the strike, demonstrated that angs, it is a war against the Soviet is expect to get serious attention to believe that a great deal more with Lenin treatment of the top will not permit the president to carry through the latter meant business and would not toler Unton then the enemies of the we are told that we also believe in sout stake then the freedom of position, has been cloquently silent the New Deal program then workers, farmers, ate further delay in setting up an internation working class utter the taunt: the proletarian dictatorship, that thought of the educated classes, al about the oubllette imprisonment etc. will be turning to a new party.
al. But the bureaucrats will now seek to con There goes your boast that the we justified acts of terrorism in the though it seems rather obvious that and summary executions of the Fervently Brother Hillman prays that such trol the convention and through it the new into diplomacy, Into relations bewere the dominant figures in the the historian must alter his record And Waldo Frank, whose burning Workers State brings a new force period when Lenin and Trotsky culture becomes impoverished when Trotsky Zinovicv Kamenev faction, a Party will not go along the lines of the organization.
tween states, your claim that the Soviet Union, that in our opinion a prescribed coloring to his charac. almost scorched the pages of the share the wealth groups und advocates of over the progressives must work to send honest working close revolution will pue the item is pole tehty and free research in any tela beral weeklies. does Inded speak ter, the papers report, in his criticism of lib to establish at the convention an organization cone to have a measure or sympa sary against those who would de powerful state.
Liberals of all shades who had whatever measures may be neces can be cut off by the will of an all in a monstrous little voice of these official murders: realize that the eral and radical critics of the New Deal, Sena based on democratic control by the member thy for the revolutionary movement sire to reestablish capitalism, and In the Ukraine peoples of Russia have their own tor Borah, Clarence Darrow, the left wingers, ship, not bossed by Green, Dillon, Collins and as perhaps the one practical instru so on. The acts against which we It was during my trip through background and that it is utopian radicals and college boys.
Co. an industrial union with jurisdiction over ment for the realization of their protest are bound to occur under the famine regions of Ukraine and Thereupon the Daily Worker bursts forth all workers employed in the automobile and ideals are alienated. maus of them dictatorships, we are told, regard the North Caucasus that became berole prosecution of a great social in editorial and cartoon. But what kind of auto parts industry; with no discrimination humanitarianism and religion to which may exist. Only democra: that democracy, with all its faults, ideato. In so far nie st (Russia)
our own a Labor arty, Mr. Waldman We charge Against members or prospective members be usher in the reign of peace. Reac such as we have in the United weaknesses and imperfections, is appears, even to contradict Justice that the Old Guard of the and the top cause of religion, nationality, race, color, or onary and conservative trade u Statese throwides an insurance enormously superior to dictatorship at home, It is harming the cause bureaucracy of the of are planning a political affiliation; relying not on favors from souists and Social Democrats who against them, Labor Party in name only. What did the the bosses or government boards but on the Soviet regime and the communist Liberals Find a Moral from the standpoint of the common of justice abroad. From the standC. Browder, Stalin and Co. expect to hap militaney and solidarity of the workers. International were making a clear New York, the Post, in its in history where tamincnot poter cutions.
Thus the most liberal dally in man. Is there any recorded case point of this high strategy, it from no other. deplore the recent exepen when they came forth with their Labor The Workers Party now, as for many cut revolutionary attack on capital editorial columns of June 24, 1935, ty or hardship or destitution, but Party slogan? What could happen other than months past, calls for the most loyal and en ism, imperialism and war, take reasons: The appeal or Mrs. Nath stark famine, with a toll of millions Answer of Workers Party Whether or not they are personwhat has actually occurred confusion among thusiastic support of the militant forces in the chest Courage and obtain a fresh alte Trotsky in Saturday post is of lives has occurred in a demo the workers, a golden opportunity for the bu automobile unions seeking to realize this pro and to strengthen their hold upon parlor pinks and Communist Sym conceivable that the famine of revolutionistes in the be reaction the rives reaucrats and fakers to practice their mislead gram.
the advanced workers strikes an effects sure to flow from dictator civil liberties had prevailed in the nnd liberals between them, making icy blast of disillusionment and ship, no matter what its allbl. whe Soviet Union, if newspapers had use of Stalinist policies and actions, keeping a black Christian buffer off by Mr. Williams, assistant Bec cynicism.
ther on the plea of halting Com been free to report the faets, it can make the American workers be state to counteract the sentiments retary of the National Association Stalin Sows Illusions munism as in Germany or the plea speakers could have appealed for lieve that, as over against capitalof the rest of the native Africans for the Advancement of Colored That social patriotism fastening of establishing Socialism as in relief, if the government in power ism. Communism means repression, who are Mohammedans. It was People. The telegram reads as fol itself upon the second International Soviet Russia. Communism and bad been obliged submit its pol regimentation, less freedom, personjust this fact that seotched the am lows: should betray the workers and lend Fascism are new labels, but the Icy of letting vast tumbers of the al dictatorship, etc, a formidable bitions of the Mad Mullah, a num(Continued from Page Why has Soviet Russia, though them to a shastly slaughter, before founders of this country knew them peasants starve to death to the barrier against revolutionary prober of decades ago, who started a The grees will have been erected. We made up chiefly of cotton, sugar, movement to drive the Christian President League Council, re that is understandable. From such the power of Tory King and to countless graves of the humble and of the Workers Party have to de oil, etc. Recently it has been dis imperialists out of Africa. This un mained silent Italian Ethiopian an experience the working class can prevent the recurrence of similar obscure famine victims, the pens fend the assertions of our Declaracovered that Brhlopin is probably doubtedly the powers, particularly situation? Has Russia abandoned profit and therefore recover.
North tion of Principles: that the policies But it despotism in this country that the ants of Ukraine and the rich in important natural resources that power which has had the most Its alleged opposition to imperial now the International of Lenin suc founders of this country set up the Caucasus, of the Volga and Central of socialization of the means of such as gold, silver, iron, etc. experience in imperialist conquest, ism and its much publicized de cumbs to social patriotism, calls safeguards of the American Consti Asia, are to me the final grim, un production and exchange which But that which has led to conflict Great Britain, bas well understood. fense of weaker peoples? Does upon the worker under whatever tution, the world oldest and still answerable refutation of the spec the Workers State will pursue inin the past and which is most likely Mussolini Albi your anti imperialism stop at specious plea to defend the (imper the world best. Communists ious Communist contention that Jures only the small handful of fin a great contributing factor to the The so called cause for the pres black nations Awalt your realist) fatherland. doubt may well oppose the Hitler dictatorship but freedom of speech and press and anciers, landlords and Industrialists present turmell is the fact that ent conflict is the result of a series ply.
arise as to whether there is any they condone the Soviet dictator political agitation is only humbug whose private control of the reEthiopia is completely surrounded of boriler incidents along Eritrea war ngainst Ethiopin by Italy way to save the revolutionary move ship. Trotsky opposes the dictator by which the bourgeoisie tries to sources of the country is the source of hunger, unemployment and ingeby peighbors without an outlet some months ago. Some Italian will not be a purely African affair, ment from corruption and defeat. ship of Stalin but he would like to delude the masses.
of its own to the sea and that in soldiers were found dead, killed or an Italo Ethiopian affair. Even if the salt has lost its savor, substitute for it the dictatorship of For good measure, and in order curity for the great bulk of the its Interior des Lake Tsana from perhnps by Ethiopian soldiers. But if it starts thus, it will not end so. wherewith shall it be salted. Trotsky. The case of Trotsky son to emphasize the frequency with people, that every willing worker which rises the headwaters of the the nets already brought ont prove Too many imperialist powers have. The revolutionary International demonstrates what happens under which the same tune is heard in can be assured of a well paid job.
Blue Nile that water the fertile that these Italian soldiers were their fingers in the pudding. The ists of the workers Party in the any kind of a dictatorship wheth these days, we may quote from the security against unemployment, and cotton regions of the Britis con killed sixty miles within the Ethi liberal jittering that Mussolini, as United States and the parties and er Left or Right. the use of leading article in the Jane issue of insurance against industrial risks, trolled Anglo Egyptian Sudan. As opian boundaries, which it one were usual. is only blustering are false groups in other countries which suppression necessitates ever more Harper Magazine by Joban old age, and sickness: that there close us in tessible to give boundary to go in for this aggression and and disarming. It may well prove lave likewise raised the banner of suppression until rising resentment, Smertenko. John Howard Lawson will be no need for the Workers lines without a map, Bithiopia is a greased business, would certainly to be a test of how secure is the the Fourth International, have the deprived of peaceful vent, over finds Alabama in the grip of a State to impose arbitrary and reinner regime of a modern imperial answer to this problem; and they throws the regime. That applies to fascist terror because he and a pressive measures upon small indl.
dual proprietors and farmers. Italian. on the East by French Italy used this incident, however, ist power since the abject collapse alone in the working class move Russia under Communism as it a lawyer of the International Labor and British Somalland on the as the nub around which to start of the Third International. France ment today have an answer. It is plies to Germany, Austria and Italy Defense were placed momentarily that the Workers State while func South by the west by the Anglo Egyptian Il Duce argued, Abyssinia needs Franco Soviet pact, will compromise the degeneration of the Soviet to under lascism, Democracy will yet under illegal arrest and six Comtioning as dictatorship of the Sudan. France permits the use of civilizing, Italy needs room for its the Soviet Union in the eyes of the gime and the Third International In one of the closing chapters of in daily and hourly danger of will assure and continually extend its railroad which is Ethiopia only people to expand, a modern power world proletarint unless a resound that we are primarily concerned Russia Iron Ago, the much dis whipping, torture, and possible far more genuine and substantial connecting link with the sa, rub els colonies and the Italian pooing call which is bighly improb here: but rather with a problem cussed book by the brilliant foreign death. But he is unmoved by the democratic rights to the masses ning from Addis Ababa to Djibuti pe need to satisfy a long standing able be issued to the world work closely related to it.
correspondent, William Henry thousands, slaving in the timber than ever accorded to them under French prosession.
insulto national pride. All of lng class to demand hands of Ethi.
The present regime in the Soviet Chamberlin, long regarded as one camps of the Aretle region because capitalism. Continued in next Issue)
Only the other day England was which means Italy wants Ethiopinopia.
Culon is employing repression and of the most devoted and effective they will not forswear their reliready to grant llaile Selasie an Isut Italy cannot go it alone. At England has been drawn closer terrorism on a large scale and of a journalistic riends of the Soviet glon, who pray for death as a reREAD THE NEW MILITANT.
entlet to the sea through its Sol last for any length of time. Britain and closer to Germany in recent brutal character, not only against Union, there is a very moving pro lease from their torture.
ilawl, in an effort to arbitrate the and France are directly involved. days. Hitler drang nach osten Italo Ethiopian diferences. but From Hile distance so are Japon may son take on fearful reality. inen and women, old and young, diders delegation, Italy baked Em Germany. So far France is Jajati in concionly contriving one posed to do something for the na Blow at Labor The plants manufacture springs Lion unemployed youth is some The mlllions of youth, the few Britain Stake rity well led up with Italy and at of jorneation after another not like it and they walked out on England concern in the matter, has been driven even still closer as against the Soviet Union. While strike 100 percent. They placed a land spring mattresses. Wages are what answered in Senate Resolution who have been offered a starvation mittance and the many more who its offer for an outlet 10 the sea laval treaty which France consid ning paper brings the news that the street nearby. The plant is tied work with previous rates of pay le result of the Anglo German occupied in writing this, a late eve icket line in frout of the plant and miserably low and the workers are No.
67. January 30, 1935 One of the most tragic results have been completely ignoreil, have of the depression is the effect it been presented a challenge that can Ethiopiar to Italy. besides its red a affront. England efforts srlons skirmishes are already tak and a union to buck them up. has upon the lives of young men only be met with further dangerous game on the European cvmtinent at arbitration bave so far proved ing race on the Ethiopian front up tight as a drum futile. The Leute of Nations with heavy casualties reported.
The need for a trade union which and women emerging from our addition to the discontented and can be understool only is the strawhich Fiopia has been constantly. The next world war looms large on Previously had been agitated for by educational institutions. There radicalmindel elements. Their are several million young people problem is more than a youth strughemowy wer the sake Bone to Youth strikers sent it committee to see between the ages of 18 and 30 Kle. The essence of the Roosevelt gion is taken into consideration. As ter of, arguing benignly, that since the working class be prepared.
Store is ever nowat we reafirmwam. Collins, enten representative Blow to Labor schools and colleges and entered and shows of all workers.
sau strikes a blow at the wages stated wore it is from this region war on a real scale cannot start It aims that rises the waters which makes til after the rainy season (fall. the revolutivary slogans: Turn of the of Collins gave them into a work world where no op to reduce the American working of British controlled torritory in it would table the matter till then, the imperialist war into civil war, his good wishes and referred them (Continued from Page 1) portunities have been open to clans to a lower standard of living Eastern Africa 8o economically val. thousands of troops and tons of try.
Meanwhile Italy has shipped The enemy is in our own coun The Dard sent al representative to benefit from this new scheme them to obtain a start in business and further penury. It must there uable possession. Pacts and who appealed to the non existent According to Labor Department or to commence the practice of fore be met, not as a youth affair, agreements have been in existence supplies to Africa. In the past few heart the boss.
statistics, there are, however, 3, 000. their profession. This large group but as the concern of the whole lafor decades and only recently it has months lalinn tromps have been The workers committee called up000 womployed youth, which esti may become demoralized and dis boring mass.
been reaffirmed that no dams be inylug ronde in Eritrea and Italinn the Central Council of Federal La mate is considered conservative Somaliland in prejaration for war.
heartened and thus constitute a With the support of the adult constructed in the Lake region France, standing by Italy, has bor Unions. That was 15 cents lost Wy the New York Times. Using this dangerous addition to the discon workers behind them, the youth of in phone calls, though Mr. Ravitch, figure, which actually must fall tented and radical minded eleStrike in the United States must demand, in water to its neighboring territory, Addis Alha, which as we have secretary of the Council, was mildly several million short of reality, ments and also offer a challenge united ranks: trade union wageThe gobuling of Ethiopia by any. shown above she could well do.
interested 500. 000 youth are automatically the system which permits the scales; regular Jobs with a five day of the imperialist powers involved The strikers, still determined, obliged to shift for themselves. minds and ingenuities of its youth week and six hour day; adequate would give it a strategic importance No Help from Litvinoff Employees of the Kay Mfg. Cosent a delegation to the Bronx More than one third of the high to be wasted.
provision for support while attendin the entire eastern Africa. In this connection it might bave of 22 Warren Street, Brooklyn are where the Kay family has another school and college graduates be The National Youth Administra ing academic and training schools; The question might well be been expected that one voice in the on strike. The company did not factory. Here a representative of tween the ages of 18 and 29 were tion was therefor created to stem settlement houses in the cities for asked: how is it that, granting its League of Nations would have think profits large enough so it in the International Upholsterers Un unemployed in July, 1934, says the this rising discontent against a bomclose youth weder civil and strategic importance, no power bas spoken up in behalf of the impor creased hours from 40 to 44. With ion was found. The striking work Labor Department. How many have system which permits the minds youth supervision; unemployment seen it to conquer this territory erished little nation in colonial at the increase of hours workers paid ers at both plants are signing up become unemployed since? Ilow and ingenuities of its youth to be insurance: the right to vote at the First, it can be answered, it is not rica che voice of Maxim Litvinore by the week received no increase with this union.
many non graduates are unemploy. wasted. The National Youth Ad age of eighteen. The next step is so easily conquerable. Or rather who represents the Soviet Union in in pay and to show the fairness The spirit of the strikers is ex ed? canvass ducted the ministration was therefor assigned to destroy that system which it wasn Probably with ultra the League. But not a peep out of of the company rates for plece cellent. New to labor unions, they Bureau of Labor Statistics in the the task of regimenting the youth wastes the minds and ingenuities modern instruments of warfare, him, except to so profusely and workers were reduced 10 percent. were able to get themselves organ spring of 1934 found that out of into channels of patriotic devotion of its youth, to join the radical.
Ethiopia could be licked. It must slavishly congratulate Sir Anthony In other words all workers were ized, established a picket line, elect every 100 employable persons he. Moreover, election time and maybe minded elements. the Spartacus be remembered that Italy has al. Eden for his wise decision to post supposed to work an extra foured picket captains, arranged a reg tween the ages of 16 and 24, 34 were war is coming. That then is the Youth League.
ready suffered a shameful defeat at pone the matter until after the hours a week for the glory of god, ular hourly relief of pickets, etc. unemployed, as compared with an yield Roosevelt expects. Unfortunthe hands of these backward tribes. rainy season as even to make Sir the good their health, and the One worker was arrested in con average of 21 for all age groups. ately for the system and those who BUILD THE WORKERS PARTY.
men at the close of the century Anthony blush. In this connection, bosses profits.
nection with an injury received by (Labor Information Bulletin, May, starve because of it the sop is hard SUPPORT THE EIGHT PAGE And secondly, and probably most too, the world is still awaiting the Only one thing was wrong with a seab truck driver. His release 1935. ly enough to assuage the needs or NEW MILITANT Important of all, is the need of answer to the telegram sent Litvin this proposition the 350 workers, was immediately secured by a strik Why Roosevelt should have pro discontent of the youth.
SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT Italy Prepares Ethiopia Rape Spring Makers