BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers FederationWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAR3 MARCH OF EVENTS From The Very Beginning Bolshevik Speaks for Fourth ahead.
International at SFIO Congress By JACK WEBER By AL DASCH The week of July 4th 1s e atting Heritage of Class tempt to garner for the workers and poor farmers the promises made England Ends Versailles engaged in erasing every trace of one to review some of the revolu Struggle in the October Revolution in order to tionary traditions of the American to them. Shay and those with him were defeated by an army, especialThe following is a summary of shakable. We became more and Treaty prove their worthiness to exist side working class. Class struggles in History ly raised for that purpose. But that Bolshevik Leninist group at the the speech of Molinler, for the more impatient, understanding that from the socialist standpoint Hardly one week after the Tories by side with reactionary world im: America did not begin with July action destroyed the myth that the revolution was fought for the Inal.
Mulhouse Congress of the Socialtook over the British government perialism. As the preliminary to 1776. Nor did the first American ple, whose conditions are such as the atmosphere of the Second International became absolutely 10ist Party of France: the new foreign minster, Hoare, refurther concessions to reaction, the Revoluion solve the contradictions by a change could not admit of lenable rights of man, wherein sorted to direct action to resolve the stalinists are proceeding to anni in American Society.
wors, with these began to stand then are the revolutionary tradi Ile explains why some of the livable.
Bolshevik op contradiction between the reality of hilate physically The history of this country is re in Defyance against the govern tions?
members in various sections will positionists, past or present. This plete with class conflicts. From the Since when has it come back to German rearmoment and the fiction can only mean further attack on time of the first indentured and ment. These are the men that The revolution broke the domin. vote against the report of the dele.
are sett up for the good of yo ation of the mother country and gates to the Second International What is involved here at this time Defeat in Italy, in Germany, in Trendy. The tripling of the Ger the working class in the Soviet Un chattel slave down to the modern Country: who for yo ease of the liberated the colonies. It opened man navy is legalized by the for, an added preparation for the wage en rner an uncensing struggle Poore will have no taxes paied the west for expansion and made is not the question of approving Austria, in Spain, in Belgium, where Anglo German agreement. Would have all magistrado possible the unleashing of the pro. some points of opposition of the the former president of the Internafashion British Imperialism tries to will as the world proletariat to tending classes. Nor is this strange.
ductive forces in American society. French delegation but of posing tional presides at the imprisonment The corpses solve a number of its problems, ex bourgeois reaction solely for the For America, almost from the day set up one themselves to make Besides it set up a republican form here briefly the International prob of striking miners!
are rotting ternal and internal. Faced with the purpose of maintaining in power the colonies were founded, has been thelr good intentions more man of government and gave an impul lcm in all its amplitude.
possible danger the reactionary stalinist bureau subject to the laws of the class new naval fest stick not to talk openly of ston to the progress of revolution This is the key question which the Third International?
It must be race in the North Sea with a restruggle. Those who are ignorant shareing men estates among in Europe. As such, it was pro determines all others, which delin. Let us consider it.
Only one force stands in the way of the past, or who deliberately themselves.
gressive and we salate it. The eates the political evolution of the said: surgent German militarism, Britisn capitalism preferred to make con of Stalin and endangers his suc seek to hide and distort its revolu How familiar is this cry from the heritage of the inalienable rights of tendencies: the crossroad where It bore the banner of revolution Cessions relaterer harmless to her cess in blocking the road to power tionary traditions may deny thie: 11ps of a colonial master, to us to man and the heroje suffering of the they meet or divide, a problem throughout the world.
of the proletariat of Western Eu but the past itself is the greatest day?
soldiers in the colonial armies be which determines their will to car Did it organize the split? Does sell, even if a menace to her former Tope. That force, still small but living proof of the class battles In The American Revolution of 1776 long not to the American bourgeol. Ty on a real struggle against war. it mean to split wben one fights for allies. England thus takes one step further in encouraging Ger Growing in influence through the American society, was the class struggle breaking out sle who are only too anxious to for. It is on the international scale what principles?
many to seek the salvation of its power of its correct Marxist ap Legacy of Force into the open and taking place by get the revolutionary actions of the armament is on the plane of the It degenerated with the degenercapitalism by expansion to the East, proach to the revolutionary tasks The past has bequeathed the pro armed means. Underneath the sur past, but to the American proletar struggle for power.
ation of the Russian revolution; it And this question of the Interna. bas seen its death certificate signed means the controle of ene Baltic heritors of the militant traditions erations hammer home the necessity land by a series of decrees was lishment of a working class dieta every time the question of war or German navy of the size permitted of the Fourth International, the in olutionary actions of previous gen a clash of economic interests. Eng. American Revolution by the estab tional poses itself again and again by Stalin.
It is now the International whose Seas, hence the possibility or at of the Second and the Third Inter of revolutionary methods today in bampering the development of the torship.
the seizure of power appears in a parties after many zig zags are betacking Leningrad safely.
nationals. To the Stallplats the order to abolish the ills and all. colonies. The mercantilists (who The bourgeoisie claims that the sharp form. The dilemma: Elther coming the means of national de Fourth International is a greater ments of present day society. The were the ruling class in England) Revolution abolished the difference gradual national and international tense in conformity with the flac At the same time the English menace than capitalist imperialism. lesson they teach is that America prevented the establishment of Am between classes and the necessity development or coordinated inter tuations of the foreign policy of ruling class serves notice to France The next wave of revolution, or was born and matured in violence erican Industries so that their own of strife. But the whole history of national revolutionary action. Russia; such betrayal means that the latter had better come to ganized under the banner of the that those who struck out for factories would have a market. America since then is a bistory of This difference crops up in all the placing the official seal upon the terms also with Hitler and abandon new international, will sweep out their rights relied not upon Etern. They succeeded in passing laws for violent clashes between exploiter debates, tombstone of the oppressed of the the Soviet Union to its fate. This of power and into utter oblivion the al Truths, but upon the more sub bidding the colonists to expand and exploited. From Shay Rebel of what value are international entire world.
act makes of the Franco Soviet corrupt bureaucracy that exists stantial method of force. It was westward. They prevented the ship lion down to the present day a red ist phrases it you are organizing (Molinier retorted to Dormoy pact virtually a scrap of paper, for only so long as the workers suffer in this way that the progressive ping of American raw materials to thrend of revolt runs through Am. for nationalism? At this time onls who interrupts him at this point. be released from its operation in ifested by Stalin for the Trotsky permitted to expand and the basis tions upon the colonists purchasing John Brown, the civil war, the the world and when the socialist Stalin after he has sunk to your goods from other countries. In strike years of 1877 78, May 1, delegates ro to these conferences level.
define the aggressor in the coming workers by slanders and by lumping century before the armed con short the domination of England Homestead, the large and fierce they act there as birelings of their WITAT IS TO BE DONE?
war. England is doing everything together the counter revolutionary Act between the colonies and the was becoming fetter on the strikes of the present period, all bourgeoisle.
Unity of the Second and the Third possible to force France to repudi imperialist robbers and the Bolshe mother country, England, two of growth the colonies. The interbear witness to the class conflict Have we an International? That Internationals!
ate the military alliance with Stalvik Leninist vanguard the two ex the largest colonies, Virginia and esta clashed civil war was the re raging in the United States. is, have we a coordinated political On what basis? The basis which in. Internally the British torlestremes of the class struggle are New York, were plunged into the sult.
Marx, in the introduction to the organization International strug. allows the same class influences, are preparing for the coming gen themselves the recognition that the throes of civil war. These were Suppressing the Poor first volume of Capital speaks of gle? What do those think of the the same germs of difference to ex.
eral elections. Tney can point to Stalinists will have to pay for thelr the Bacon and Leisler uprisinge, For us the heritage of 1776 lies the stimulating influences of the Second International who still have ist?
the naval agreement as being one crimes the moment the workers be taking their names from the lead not in the eloquent phrases of the American Revolution of the 18th authority in the eyes of the the major Or our basis? Concerted, joint, step in the direction of limitation come aware of them.
ers of the oppressed who headed Declaration of Independence or the century and the American Civil War ity of this Congress?
of armaments, which adds nothing The Fourth International alone these revolts. Both met with tem revolutionary fathers. The Declar of the 19th on European society, Lebas said at the National Con concentrated and spirited action action against capitalism, which is to the British naval budget at the can accomplish this necessary task porary successes but were later ation of Independence is violated by The first influenced the course of gress on February 20, 1920 driven forward. Never class peace!
moment. If the tories are success of ridding the working class of the suppressed with the utmost cruelty, the capitalist class whenever there the Great French Revolution and. The entirely different aspect of tnings it is the bullders of the fourth In the severity with which they were working class.
the rebellions and interests clash with those of the brought in its train spread of fin Dugene War, as comrade Raf. No theory of socialism in one coun.
has so correctly ob try.
As for the leaders democratic ideas through Europe. served, has killed not only men after the elections. The naval race ternational who alone can forewarn put down is given by a member of of the revolution, they were almost The second helped bring about a and destroyed wealth. one In the present state of things one must buse himselt on experience to will then be resumed full speed the advanced workers against the the then existing Virginia Council. entirely motivated by personal inserles of important reforms in the its corpses, one of its victims was rebuild the International.
betrayers who are already sowing while his description refers specta terests and not idealistic concer old world.
Who can say that the the International. WE MUST BUILD THE FOURTH the seeds of social patriotism in fically to Bacon it fits perfectly the tions. The revolution did not live revolutionary events which will. One must examine the sitStalinism Grovels Before preparation for the next war.
The rebels in New York.
INTERNATIONAL which means to np to its fine promises once it suc take place in American society in uation created in the Party in justiflers of the Franco Soviet Pact.
Imperialism The Rebels of Yesterday ceeded. Witness for instance, the the 20th century will liberate not all countries and observe more death of the others.
take into account the life and the the lackeys of Soviet diplomacy, are Bacon gathers about him a revolt of Daniel Shay, an army col on the American proletariat but over if we can agree on saying The nearer the war of Interven working, in the interests of a priv. rabble of the basest sort of peo onel, and those he led in an at that of the entire world?
In many countries: Holland (R.
how we can reconstitute it, this tion, the more desperately the Stal. ileged elique, to fasten more firmly America (C. LA, grovel before world Imperial on the necks of the workers the hands of the Executive Board inInternational, whatever number unity was achieved on this we give it.
ism to prove that the Soviets are yoke of capitalism.
cluding the power to suspend and basis.
The Stalinist not really a menace to the bour. Defenders of the Soviet Union are expel members. The present very. These, of course, are the All the living forces of the two geols ruling class. Ambassador ready to become also the Defenders limited democracy would be sucreasons why the Federation of internationals must be organized on the North has decided in almost this basis! What about the big Troyanovsky, and fit representative of the corrupt the upholders of French militarism.
ship of the officers and the Execucomplete unanimity to propose to parties? Win over the decisive ele Stalinist bureaucracy, assures Am With England already openly toggtive Board. The road would be the Party to withdraw from the ments.
erica that the Soviet Union under ing aside the Versailles Trenty, the clear further expulsions of Second International This, of For that: without subordinating Stalin is merely the continuator of Stalinists are becoming the chammembers if they raised any organcourse is not because we are daily action to the creation of the the policies of the Kerensky Provi pions of this treaty insofar as it ixed objections to these means clique we very sincerely believe that we throwing mud at it but because Fourth International, we will group sional Government. And in this bealds Stalin in his renctionary all This is the first of a series of constitutional ruling which will be to any policies which can work more effectively for the olutionary action all the active around us on the principles of rev.
tells the truth. The Stalinists are ances with capitalist imperialism.
two articles on the present situa contested at the national conven sought to pursue.
tion in the Teachers Union. Ed. tion.
Efect on Other Unlons reconstitution of the new Inter. forces of the Party, and with them.
To prevent the opposition from national outside of the old and pave the way for the Fourth InterFor the past five years a struggle gaining a majority, the Adminis carrying through its program it will maining inside it.
If the Administration succeeds in deendent one rather than by renational.
has been going on in the Teachers tration has resorted to anti demo give the Green Woll lendership en Union of New York, Local 5, the cratic practices, to arbitrary decl couragement in their present cam gress, February 20, 1920 Paule Faure at the National Con. Molinler speech was for the statttttttttttttttttto largest local of the American Fed sions, to red baiting, violations paign to expel the communists from. We ask, comrades, that the interrupted very infrequently and most part heard in intense silence. Continued from Page 1)
enesanchion was that the increase of damental question of the Union the investigation whose aim as for landining shachgetting tira de vete French Socialist party leave the applauded lustily by a small minorfar from this goal. But here comes circulation, getting new subscribers policy.
stated a labelling and getting rid of the ity of the Congress.
some good news. The New York and more extensive bundle sales between the administration, now of the Administration, is to oust the listened to Renaudel and The defense of the Stalinist polparty district has pledged itself to comes an important feature all known as the Organized Union MA Opposition from the union. The pressed in one union, then they can deelsive reasons which to my mind of the most active clecamers of the Il minority groups can be supvainly sought in his speech for icy fell upon citizen Grumbach, one raiso not less than half of the funds received for new subscribers Jority, and the minority opposltion Administration also fears that it be suppressed in other unions as he did not produce for maintain Communist International in its best amount stipulated. And, while at the new rate, whether they be groups are: will lose its present majority in well. It is to be expected that the ing our adherence to this organiz days.
these comrades were a bit slow in regular subscribers, or whether Mass activity: The Administra the Delegate Assembly, a body con reactionaries in other of Latlon, getting started, they are leaving no these are obtained by the club plantion believes in confining its chlet sisting of representatives elected unlons will not be slow in seizing pebbles unturned now. Very ex system, together with amounts for activities to lobbying at Albany, from the schools, in the coming elec upon similar reorganization mea Our resolution remains unREAD THE NEW MILITANT made to make good on the pledge. part of the campaign. On this basis uention. 69th st. it relies vent this it has resorted to two be raised that progressive groups Zack Expelled from which has for one of its slogans. We shall render regular accounts we have received during the last upon the support of the teachers main measures: It has secured the based upon a simple trade union so that every reader may watch week the following amounts: in the upper salary brackets. It investigation in order to cut o program are taking orders from For New Progressive Federation Workers Party of Labor. The has never how well this district puts its Contributions: inde the growth of the opposition by a outside organizations, meaning by often subordinates its words into action.
Boston Branch. 14. 00 pendent action to that of the Joint series of expulsions, issued any such slogan: it is conAt the last meeting of the Execu parties. The pretext for the sup.
that the working class political The Boston branch made a pre Brownsville Br. New York. 50 Committee of Teachers Organizatrary to the Party trade union Joseph Zack has been expelled line. The fact that Zack is now 00 tions, which is controlled by the su uve Board it voted to close the pression of progressive minority from the Workers Party of the u. announcing himself as saker at liminary pledge of 50 and in Rorty, Conn.
accord with the habit it has already Back Seat Driver, 00 pervisors in the school system, who books of the union against the ad: groups will have been obtained by for gross violations of Hildegard Smith, Kansas. act in conjunction and are inspired present applicants until the precedent set in the case of the ipline. a public meeting at which he prom established it proceeded to make Grote, Branch 10. 00 by the Board of Superintendents the American Federation of Teach Teachers Union, Thus the investit He wrote to a leading comrade in ises to expose alleged controver good right away. Tast week we reported 25. 00 from Konikow. Astoria Branch, 00 and the Board of Education at 59thers makes its decision in the in gation of Local acquires siguin Minneapolis advising him to violate Bles within the furnishes ad.
ditional confirmation of the correct.
There was a slight error. It shoula Bronx Branch, 00 St. In the salary struggle of 1933, vestigation. This action was taken canle for the progressive forces in an decision on a grave tradeDess of the action taken some weeks have been listed to the credit of the Flatbush Branch, 00 in the furlongh fight of 1983, in the without even permitting the Oppo the entire labor movement. It is union matter in action. He further ago by the Political Committee Boston branch. In this issue we Center Branch, 00 campaign for salary restoration of sition an opportunity to discuss the not an exaggeration that these ma openly violated party discipline by meeting jointly with the DIscan report an additional sum of Harlem Branch, 11. 28 1985, the Administration abandoned question. This arbitrary command chinations endanger the existence contradicting and challenging to trlet Committee in expelling him 14. 00 for this branch. In other words 39. 00 on its account made Total. 53. 78 ship and followed at the tail end of union shows that the Administradebate the Party speaker presenting trom the Party not for his views It thus becomes the duty of the the Party point of view at an open which he was given every opportungood already. Of course, the pledge Total reported last week. 854, 00 the conservative and treacherous tion fears that the influx of new progressives in other unions to mass meeting in New York. He has ity to set forth in the regular chan was only a preliminary one.
Subscriptions (Club Plans. Joint Committee.
members means the end of its rule. come to the assistance of the large been participating without any connels within the Party but for flas Contributions To Date Center Br. subs. 00 Work of the Opposition Groups The Investigation Maneuvers militant membership of the Teach sultation even with the Party, in rant and persistent disregard and We have organized this campaign Minneapolis Branch (8 subs) 00 In opposition to this the minority If the Lefkowitz Lanville factioners Union in their efforts to pre efforts to launch a paper to be violation of the elements of revolu.
groups (Rank and File. Progres succeeds in its present move to reserve the unity of the organization called Independent Unionist tionary discipline. 00 sives, Committee for Democracy, organize the Teachers Union, the against the Administration splitWORKERS Grand Total. 113. 78 etc. despite serious internal differ results will probably take this ters. The progressives should disences, place the main emphasis on form: cuss this question in their own Special Subscription Contest Protect Yourselves Against the LECTURE Hazards of Life, Join the For the best subscription getters, seek the widest possible basis for members mass activity. Consequently they 1) Leaders and many prominent groups. They should raise this the union will be ex question in their unions and try it WORKMEN SICK DEATH during the period from July to support among the teachers through pelled or excluded from the reor possible to have them pass resolu.
September 1, the following prizes consistent organization activities ganized union.
tions condemning the investigation will be awarded. which the Administration neglects, 2) The minority groups will be and defending the right of organ1884 1935 Any comrade sending In 10 new throngh the lowering of dues, aissolved and illegalized. They will ized minorities to exist in the Organized, managed by and for yearly subscriptions. 00 each. through the organization of the unbe prohibited from holding group Teachers Union, Protests of this or 20 new subscriptions. 00 each) employed teachers upon a nominal meetings, issuing literature and ap kind should be sent to workers with only one purpose: li will receive a complete set of dues basis with full right. They peals to the membership, presenting The Executive Council, to render protection to members REPLY TO OLGIY PAMPHLET AGAINST TROTSKYISM Trotsky History of the Russian have declared for a course indepen motions and resolutions in the name American Federation of Teachers and their familles, and to sup Revolution in three bound volumes. dent of the oint Committee when the of the groups. They would likeWhat is the connection between the new slanderous attack and 506 Wabash Ave. Chicago, Ill.
port all endeavors and struggles Any comrade sending in five new latter fails to defend teachers in wise be prohibited from putting up. Stalin Campaign Against the Bolsheviks in Russla?
for the improvement of tollers. The Social Patriotie Policy of the French Communist Party?
yearly subscriptions or 10 six terstr. Finally, in order to carry slates of candidates in the elections FORT WORTH, Tex (FP. The Right Wing Swing of the American Communist Party?
About 50, 000 members organmonths subscriptions will receive a out these policies, upon the tallest or to conduct an organized cam. Though the Texas Electric Service. The growth of the movement for the Fourth International in ized in 350 branches. Reserved bound copy of The Correspondence activization of the union member paign in behalf of their candidates. Co. at Eastland, Tex. denies that France, Holland and the United States. 3, 400, 000 of Karl Marx and Frledrich En ship through its democratic control The growth of the Opposition would a strike is in progress, about 40 gels.
Death benefit graded accordin the determination of union poll probably be checked for the time union and non union men have Of course, these are subscriptions cles.
being, at any rate.
walked out, according to Internaing to age at entry. Sick benefit for the eight page issue only. We To accomplish these objectives 3) The policy of no membership tional Vice Pres. Ingram of MAX SHACHTMAN Editor, The New International payments from 360 to 900 to il shall keep an exact account of all the opposition groups ran cundi meetings with power to decide pol the International Brotherhood of. classes.
subs received and make sure that dates in the annual elections, and icies would be continued. Electrical Workers. The men struck the prizes are awarded properly and in the May elections of this year WEDNESDAY, JULY 17th at 8:00 4) The Delegate Assembly would in protest against the firing of three Monthly assessments from 450 only to those who reach the goal succeeded in polling over 40 percent be stripped of its present powers to union employees.
set during the period stipulated. of the vote for officers and members review decisions of the Executive Irving Place and 15th Street, New York For further information apply In each case we will also change of the executive board. They woula Board; its policy making powers Protest Meeting to Main Office: the prizes for an equivalept of any have elected delegates to the na would be taken from it.
Friday, July 12, P. Muste Questions and discussion in Jewish and in English 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, set of books from the Pioneer Book tional convention had not the Ad 5) All power to determine poll speaks on Recent Events in Soviet Auspices: New York District, Workers Party of the Shop if so desired.
ministration blocked it by an un cles would be concentrated in the Union at 1776 Pitkin Ave. klyn.
Administration Split Policy terme de Hensbevise at the sale of the sovet Union. In Teachers Union Threatens to be the bestuera le dictator Progressives in of The Manager Corner Total The Truth About Trotskyism Speaker: