BolshevismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers Party

Comments Survey of the Automobile Industry of Spikes Tobin Union Busting Drive Against 574 and their Reply PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1935 it, we must do more than propagandize; we must extend our organiza Plenum of tional base in the auto Industry because events have proved, we in the On Life, Liberty All is again quiet on the automo of the only ones bile front.
Detroit and Toledo Striking Contrast locals might have lost all standing the job. We must fuse our ideas and Pursuit of few stray shots are still being in the industry, had another center with the workers inside the federal False Rumors Ared on the field of battle, but bar Happiness In Organization Methods of attraction existed. At first that unions, to help them arm them.
ring the possibility of the tool and seemed to be the direction, selves against their enemies and to dye makers repeating their specta moment the eft wing was no contrary, heralded their downfall Stagnates organize pressure for the calling By BILL REICH.
The Jane Plenum of the National of a democratically controlled concular strike struggles of two years where to be found. When the blow and disappearance from the trade The Mechanics Educational SociGreat Minds.
again until the fall. Factory schedago, the real battle will not begin came, the men were simply bewild union scene. Apparently the burety, which organized the key men vention to establish an Internation Committee of the took note ered country there would be no unem the mass lay offs have started the the spot to give them the necessary that is why they so assiduously and makers, led brillant, spectaculation drive by September in preparare leaders and members of the who advocate that the should join or merge with the soployment problem, asserts Repre great exodus out of Detrolt and the advice and point the road. The carefully sabotage every step of the battles in almost every plant in De tion for a general strike.
Workers Must Prepare to Strike clalist Party. Occasionally it is troit and apparently were destined sentative Dles who is forming another automobile centers. Obvious auto workers protested in the only locals themselves.
Good Opportunities Missed to sweep the whole field. But after All the elemental forces of the necessary to take account of rumor Organization to be called The Am ty this is the time for the trade way they knew how with their ericans for the purpose of carrying union militants to consolidate their After a year and a ball of such the sell out of March 25, 1934, in industry are again turned loose full and gossip, no matter how absurd 89. 000. cnational campaign is departe position to entrench themselves bureaucrats lett the auto workers ionization is definitely ended. Now, the leadership in a great organiza the men onward towards the path because it is so persistent. Solely After that betrayal, the of experience, the period of easy unstead of pushing on and taking over force, and are inexorably driving and irresponsible it may be, simply drawn a fertile and populous land able struggles of the near future some nine months meditation, Det attract the automobile worker. Stinget in production men, its member idly, that when the explosion oc solutely without foundation, that to all intents and purposes. Witha ions and to prepare for the inevit mobile Labor Board. When after tion fees and dues are necessary to No serious attempts were made to sentment are accumulating so rap states that all such reports are in extent, with a population of tants must have a clear perspective. Wolman at last got around to bola. 1935 was an excellent year to start ship slumped and the union was cars, the Toledo strike will look no leaders or members of the 165, 000, 000 from the usual economic The Toledo strike demonstrated Ing elections in the automobile a serious organization drive. For torn by an internal cancer of fac like a tea party in comparison advocate or have advocated any The workers have had a year such program.
Intercourse with the world. This again the surprising vitality of the percent for the A, of Green men employed in the industry than cliques, which paralyzed its activity experience with the Auto Labor bas upset the delicate economie bal auto worker; his devotion and class and Dillon got terribly Indignant at any time since 1920. Undoubt and rendered it helpless. Unless the Board. Some 200, 000 of them par socialist Party and the Second In: The position of the on the ance of Europe, proclaims Rear solidarity when he engages in bat belligerent. They threatened retrtedly the of would have re can cleanse itself and tipicated in the s selec Admiral Yates Stirling, Jr. com tle. The strike also revealed the button. Fearing that the ground gained major positions in the industhat in short order, and begin an tions and while it was a bitterternational has been clearly and mandant of the Brooklyn Navy present weakness of the federal un was just slipping underneath their try, had it seriously proceeded with earnest drive for the production pill that Green and Collins forced explicitly set forth in the DeclaraYard, in the Hearst press. He ad ions: the fact that even in 80 profeet they promised to start a giant its promised campaign.
men It will cease to be an impor them to swallow we say with contation of Principles adopted at the Germany not only for laying for the machine of the unscrupulous organization drive to organize the triple alliance would have been tant factor in the industry. All Indence: it was not in vain! They merger convention last December of the ghost of Bolshevism but to whole automobile industry.
bureaucracy was powerful enough formed of auto, rubber and steel. dications polnt at the present time have learned more in these last few the former. Come ramistokeo opening up the fertile lands of Rus to push through the agreement that Dillon Blocks the Road e to a crowded and industrially ended the strike. machine suc The organization drive, If it can have inspired, would have been im future, the of federal un than the previous five years put to Parly. We repeat it here both behungry Europe.
ceeded in isolating the strike and be honored with that name, just mense. The men would bave relons are destined to be the shell gether. In plant after plant, memcause of the intrinsic soundness of Safety.
prevented the Buick workers at evaporated into thin alr. Because turned the firing line, and a ser within which the auto workers will bers of the bargaining agencies have the analysis there set forth and be the auto workers wouldn respond? tous offensive could have been organize.
clashed with the manager ent and cause it is the best and simplest way to indicate how Incompatible Flint from joining Toledo in soll. The direct opposite is true. Every launched against the company un 160, 000 was appropriated for darity.
We have spoken previously and have found that beyond getting a with the basic Declaration of the machine guns, floodlights, electrical Detroit Doesn Budge spontaneous outburst of the auto ions.
devices and tear gas for the defense The bureaucracy succeeded in workers at Murray Body, at Hupp. These are all the things that story of the perildy of the of bler repaired their power did not P: 13 advocacy of proposal party of reformism of United States Mints. Evidently keeping the Flint Buick workers ar kelsey Wheel, the wet sanders in might have been done, were the bureaucracy. We can even add: extend. If their demands were not that it should join or merge with a The Socialist Party is not a regular army, remarked Chateman but only after a hard and bitter and referred to some governmental hously concerned about organizing delaying the formation of an Inter opportunity of appealing to Dr. party of revolution but of reform Buchanan of the appropriations Battle. The bureaucrats had to agency. Everyone in Detroit ac the automobile workers. Instead it national in the automobile indus Wolman! Now, their only recourse and pacifism. The fundamental erCommittee. You can tell what threaten Tana pred vamat Calble the quainted with the situation knew did nothing and when the workers try, for fear that they cannot yet is the strike, and for that they for of all wings of the party is sort of an attack will be made, men into submission. In Detroit, ganize the men and was deliberate start organization on their own ac exclude from such an International So, having passed through the thelr false conception of the nature ithave replied Cram, technical ad. however, the Dillon office faced not sabotaging all attempts.
visor of the Treasury, We might problem at all. None of the federal The influx of thounds of new brutally squelched.
count, they were ruthlessly and the tool and dye makers, the main glorious run around of Roosevelt, of the state and of the colonial be attacked by a mob. The New locals there insisted tenance men and other workers Wolman, Green, Collins and Dillon question. From this flow its parliaYork City Police Dept. requested solidarity with their Toledo brotherles in the the and the low ebb in Detroit today. These al unions. All this is true, but axio more experienced, more steeled and within the framework of existing That is why trade unionism is at claimed by the various Internation they are back at the starting point, mentary illusions, its notion that quotations on a new electrical ers. The dying squadron sent up growth of mighty organizations in are the objective conditions which matic to a revolutionist engaged in better prepared for the battle.
strikers. The apparatus consists of Gear and Axle plant at Detroit dia the nerve centers of American in made it so difficult to stir up the trade union work. It we wish, how. It is now the duty of the constate forms, its fetishism of capitala battery and induction coil carried not even produce ripple. The ronding growth and importance of terest them in the strike in Toledo. the bureaucracy. If we would actu hind, but to be prepared to guide collaboration, and betrayal of colon the hip with wires running to pickets were arrested by the ef the present leadership. but, on the After a year of such sterling laborally do battle with it and destroy the workers and help them in their onlal revolts and revolutions. It is dustry did not signify the corres Detroit Chevrolet workers and in ever, to do more than just expose scious revolutionists not to lag be ist democracy, its policies of class the glove. Voltages up to 5, 000 cancient Ilamtramek police, and the be obtaineil. Twenty five 12 year plant continued work as usual.
coming struggle. This task, of or affiliated and gives allegiance to the International, old New York bors were arrested, Observers all ask the question: ganizing this key industry. the bankrupt Second jailed, shown the electric chair and is it that this strike tn Toledo. nerve center of American econo which bears the responsibility for fingerprinted as part of their in which has aroused auto workers in my is the most important and sig and whose leading section, the Ger.
supporting the last imperialist war, struction in the suppression of almost every automobile elty in the nificant one since post war days, prime. After finishing the course country, produced no effect at all ganising the key industries, the man Social Democracy, openly aldThey were presented with badges in Detroit? Doesn that prove that opening up a completely new phase ed the capitalists to suppress revobearing the slogan Crime Can it will be many long years before in American unionism and the labor lutionary uprisings of the workers Win.
movement of this country. If we and made possible the triumph of the auto workers actually begin to Blue Eagle.
succeed, our position in the Ameri Fascism in Germany. The Socialmove?
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. The Cen. bership of the General Drivers to tlon to Tobin. Spellman then care can labor movement is secure and ist Party conducts no struggle ton Manufacturers reports that rolt only a year ago, wher tonthe National Association of fot: troit a city which seethed with retral Labor Union committee has re workers who spend at least 51 per fully explained that this would we shall be prepared to lead the against the reactionaries in the trade union movement and impor100. 000 turned from Ind bearing cuit of their time on trucks, and on that if the or any unworkers forward to victory.
tant sections of the Party are dipliance with NRA codes and that men were ready to man the picket a set of written demands from then they can be mombers only it ion attempted to defend 574 that rectly associated with these ele its policing unit has had practically lines at a moment notice, and to Tobin which outline the basis on the tracks sed to haul certain their charter would be mmedately Letter the Daily ments. Though now, as at other periods in its history, the Party nothing to do. One mill was re day not even corporals guard which General Drivers Local 674 Tobin approved commodities, ported to have increased hourly could be found to strike in sympa can an be reinstated in the Drivers In After reading the Tobin manifes. His motion was not passed the Worker Dared Not Print contains many militant and leftIntes. Textile mills in Macon. The truth of the matter is that witness to the ruthless tactics to spokesman for the LU. commit once. He stated further that the To the Editor of Daily Worker, thy with Toledo?
ternational. These demands bear to to the assembly, Jean Spellman, charter would be revoked at ward moving workers, the powerful right wing elements in the Party openly spurn and combat all revoweek with no Increase in pay (oneered from the shock of March 25, ing desire to get revenge for an im ferred to the Teamsters Joint Coun be willing to step aside as Tobin New York City lutionary tendencies. The radical back inerenNES granted under the 134. The shameful sell out, signed aginary grievance. Here are his cll for action.
mill requiring employees to pay by the of leadership, legal demands: Gentlemen. phrases of the centrist wing repreNRA. millinery manufacturers in Slander Used in Election Campaign Attempting to get the floor to an: In a Daily Worker editorial of sented by the Militant leaders Buffalo, NY announce an increase izing the company union and creat. That all inside workers be At this point several delegates swer Speilman statements, Farrell June 17, 1985, we rend: serve as a cover for an essentially in weekly hours from 35 to 40 ing the Automobile Labor Board. dented membership in the union.
took the floor demanding to know Dobbs, secretary treasurer of Local Joseph Zack and Jack Taylor, reformist attitude and a policy of workers of the Menzies Shoe Co. In broke the back of the nascent trade. That no worker who does not why and how intimate details re 574, was denied that privilege, and the two choice morsels which the capitulation to the right wing. The Tennessee are on strike Steinse in manion movement in the automobille devote at least 61 percent of his carding the Local 674 charter fight the Spellman motion was railroaded Trotskyltes fished out of the gar Party and the Second International An analysis of Tobin demands hours: employees of the ideal Hosstrike, the shameful, traitorous role on a truck be permitted to be a candidate opposing William been expelled and are now pub serve the purpose of hindering the in shows that the voluntary withdraw: lishing a paper of their own. consistent development of the workAny honest worker may be for ers to a revolutionary position. The percent wage reduction: two men thorough unionization of the plants. separate union. That the coal driv. dent of 574, played a militant role not satisfy the last of Tobin.
were killed by deputies in a dispute Ik deepened their understanding of ers be in a separate unton.
given if he holds his nose. genuinely revolutionary workers in in the 1931 strikes and, in keeping He clearly states that he will be Textile Mill, Union, In of them and the necessity, in order separate unton. That the taxi drivers be in a with his fighting ability and in satisfied with nothing short of the Daily Worker editorial runs true to the implications of their position vestigators for the labor Depart.
stincts, waged a splendid and clean complete disorganization of the Stalinist form and method of dis only when they break with the re ment for homework rampantry the battle forward on three die owners be denied membership in despite this fine record he was not for which Henry Ness and Jack Daily Worker editorials for the unite with the workers Party and to chisure victory to prepare to car That all independent truck fight in the election campaign. But local, the sacrifice of all the gains carding garbage in the form of formists and social patriots and Visiting 179 listed employees of the Ferent fronts: against the govern any unfon Rhode Isinnd ince industry theyment mediators, the bosses and the 6. That a new charter be issued on this issue wbich is of such vital scores of militant members from who hold their nose.
invited to speak to the assembly Belor died, and the expulsion of consumption of honest workers the New International.
found 279 other persons working on the union. Tobin demands more The merger of the former importance to his union.
the same production, more than a burenucrats of the American Fed on the following basis: You hold it is the policy of the and after more than a decsixth being children. In 75 percent eration of Labor.
a. An present officers and active Toe Hork, a member of the 574 than the heads of the leaders. be Daily Worker to give the honest ade of splits and disintegration in of the enses weekly earnings were role of Collins produced a directly In Detroit, however, the shameful members in Local 574 be denied executive board, was denied the demands the complete strangulation workers the truth and nothing but tbe revolutionary movement, was in less than 10. Anna Schlorer opposite result: huge bon fires were membership under the new floor when he attempted to speak of the union, the truth. yet you deliberately our opinion an historic turning charter on the tactics employed against Reactionaries Meet Defeat print a trumped up account of my point. The founding of the new manufacturer and owner of Blue built with the union membership All applications for member Brown in the campaign With the matter now in their expulsion from the Workers arty party on the basis of the DeclaraEngle No. 13. slashed her throat cards. They left the federal unions ship be subject to the approval Many delegates took the floor to hands, the Teamsters Joint Council of the tion of Principles was the one poswhen her employees struck in pro the thousands, vowing never to rein disgust, by the hundreds and by of Tobin. This would mean speak of the great gains which the will attempt to carry out the Tobin, The New York Times gives all sible step toward revolutionary that any worker who is even General Drivers have brought to program. But despite the action the news that fit to print provid unity. We believe that in ever intest to an increase in hours to 50 and a cut in wngos from 15 to 10 turn again, suspected of having taken an the entire labor movement. Specific railroaded through the assembly, ing they do their own atting. the creasing numbers the vanguard per week.
Toledo and etroit a Contrast active part in the union would instances were cited, such as the the reactionary bureaucracy was Daily Worker prints a Atting ac workers who are today in other Why is it that in one case the be unable to remain a mem New England construction Job badly defeated.
count of Jack Taylor expul parties and groups or have no politHousing.
traitorous role of the of ber. where the truck drivers threw their The issues in the fight are clearly slon.
ical allegiance will realize with us About one third of America leadership was but a signal for That the Teamsters Joint strength into a fight which had be defined, and the progressive think Need say that this expulsion the crucial importance of breaking dwellings are of a character to in more thorough preparation and Council reorganize the local gun to appear quite hopeless to the ing delegates are well informed as is the brain child of the Daily with reformism and centrism and jure the health, endanger the safety heightened enthusiasm and in the under the direct supervision building trades unions.
to the real meaning of this program Worker editor. Need it be said unifying the revolutionary forces on and morals and interfere with the other it produced complete demor of a special representative of Travesty on Union Democracy to the movement. Their sympathies that stalinist brain fever (perhaps the basis of revolutionary Internanormal life of their inhabitants, alization and pulverized the whole Tobin.
At this point in the debate, which are completely with 674, and they clairvoyancy with Stalinism as the tonalism and under the banner of reports Faith Wood of the PWA movement? Are the Toledo work That all actions of the union had by now become very heated, a will carry their opinions back to medium) has produced a picture of the Fourth International.
TIousing Division after an extensive ers, by any chance, more intelligent be subject to the approval of substitute motion was made to their unions with a recommendation Jack Taylor expelled from the survey of homes in New York, New than the workers of Detroit?
throw the Tobin demands in the that they continue to support the Workers Party of the and a Jersey and Pennsylvania.
No! As a matter of fact, they are That Tobin receive the delin waste basket. This motion was drivers. The standing of Local 574 publishing his own paper. Housing, public works and other much the same type, with more or quent per capita tax of Local 574, later ruled out of order on the will continue to be very high among For the honest and others who What to Attend projects on which material costs The difference is to be explained the General Executive Board and tion and could not be yoted on.
less similar habits and background. the amount to be determined by grounds that it was a negative mo unlon men. hold their nose against the Stalare relatively high will have to take Delegate Crowl, business agent of inist stench known as Dally Work BROWNSVILLE secondary place, states the Ad and can only be explained on the to be not less than 50 percent of Delegate Wachter pointed out the iron workers, told the assemblyer editorials, let me say the follow Dance and Watermellon risory Committee on Allotments basis of the presence in Toledo of what Tobin estimates the local clearly and completely what a that on the armory job, and every ing; Eating Contest President Roosevelt four billion a revolutionary group who under. owes. Tobin estimate, by the travesty of trade union democracy other union construction job where Jack Taylor has not been ex SATURDAY, JULY 13, 8:30 dollar relief fund.
stood the same of Dillon and the way, is almost double the actual Tobin policies represent. He pic the fronworkers are employed, if pelled from the Workers Party of 1776 Pitkin Ave. Brooklyn Unemployment.
government mediators, who knew amount involved. tured how the overwhelming ma any union refuses to demand that the and he is not publishing the moves of the chessboard ahead Tobin Program Worse than Bosses jority of the delegates were in com 574 men deliver their materials, the or helping to publish an indepenTwo thousand hunger marchers of time, and prepared and armed the This program was planned delit plete sympathy with Local 574 and ironworkers will tie up the job. dent paper.
from the Canadian west coast are men against Dillon and his agents, erately to cut the union up into showed that the differences of opin Local 574 will not give up the Finally let me remind youaLerman Bros. coralled in a concentration camp at as far as possible in the short per small helpless units and to strip it on in the matter lay principally in Sains it has made through the bit though you cannot have forgotten 1934. The sacri this fact my resignation from the them from marching on Ottawa. After the shameful speech of Di not want a union in his Interna in determining a course of action. fices made were too great to permit Communist Party was published in Inc.
Prime Minister Bennett stated to Lon on the fateful Monday night tivnal which has the power of 674. Questioning sharply Tobin right Tobin to so lightly cast aside every. the Militant two months prior to members of the group that there which settled the strike, this group few unions like 574 and it would to the dictatorial powers which he thing that Local 574 stands for my being discarded by the Stationers Union Printers wonld be no recognition of Soviet convinced the union militants that be impossible for him to maintain assumes, Wachter proposed that the The membership of the General bureaucrats Selling to Organizations at agitators and Soviet committees. it was their job to go back into the his bureaucratic control which con Central Labor Union appeal Tobin Drivers up in arms over this out Stalinism has now been discardWholesale Prices. You don want work, he contin union, build it up more strongls, stantly strangles unionization of decision to the convention of the rage. They recognize the Tobin ing what you call garbage for Drivers International and that in demands as a twin sister to the years. Thousands of discarded hope this organization you are drive out of the union all the bench. In this desperate attempt to pro th: meantime the whole matter be vicious propaganda of the bosses: revolutionaries are exiled to Siberia 29 EAST STREET building may overawe the governmen of Dillon and what they stand tect his pie card, Tobin is putting left pending with complete recogni. Local 574 will fight Tobin on and others held in Stalin jails.
New York City ment and break down law and or for, that only thus could they butla forward the same program which tion or 574. Wachter was unable every front and defeat his Citizens This garbage is composed of der. FERA colonists at Mann a genuine democratic union to pro the Citizens Alliance put forward to obtain a vote on his proposal. Alliance program.
those Marxists who can see the Telephones ALg. 8843 3356 tuska, Alaska, complain that they tect their interests, etc.
last summer. Once again be plays Threaten Charter Revocations and no honses to live in, food is Role of the into the hands of the employers Speaking for his motion to refer radical organization must take a of Stalin and the Bolshevism of exhorbitantly expensive, schools are In Detroit, on the contrary, the as he did through his editorial writ Tobin demands to the Teamsters clear cut position in this fight. The Lenin and Trotsky.
not ready, and mosquitoes are un suicidal policy of the Communist ing during the 1934 strikes.
PAUL LUTTINGER, In Joint Council for action, Spellman workers of Minneapolis must re This, gentlemen, is the truthbearable. President Roosevelt DANIEL LUTTINGER.
necessary Party and their. fated Auto fact he attempts to go even further told the assembly that, while he spond in the same splendid manner but to get the truth it announces. Harry Hopkins and Workers Union, left the green, un than the bosses did. Not only does was in Tobin office, Tobin had that they did last summer in the to discard the Daily Worker and to Washington Square North are considering offering a medal to trained auto workers at the mercy he deny that the inside workers held a telephone conversation with struggle with the Citizens Alliance read the New Militant, organ of the 2 and 8 Except Sundays the State Administrator who causes of the labor lieutenants, com have a right to belong to the union, Green in Washington and that Smash all union smashers! Workers Party of the and Holidays.
us the fewest beadaches. pletely disarmed. At the crucial but he attempts to confine the mem. Green had promised full co opera Make Minneapolis a union town. JACK TAYLOR is