BolshevismCapitalismEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninMussoliniNazismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. NO. 28 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1935 PRICE CENTS Britain Joins Hitler The New Magna Charta for Labor 100 Companies Grab Against Soviet Union 14 of Nation Wealth Smashes Versailles Protest Stalin ballyhoo connected with the lattachment of Pact by Treaty Roosevelts signature, the much touted Wagner Wagner bike They must how les tever fight the Invent Electric Plutocrats Squeeze with Germany oc hele mooiste Drive in the Union: Ethiopia Rape, Plant Survey Shows ontem may dolog tome se na to meer Mussolini Says As soon as Senator Wagner can get to effect strike breaking agencies even under the Washington to participate personally in the best conditions.
workers not get salvation Labor Disputes Bill will have become law. entire system for which it stands. They will Out Small other of bureaucrats who look to the their organized strength and militancy. They Business NEW YORK, June 30 Over 300 President to save labor, another Magna must prepare more rigorously and thoroughly NEW YORK (FP. Police can Great Britain open support of workers attended the Irving Plaza Charta, Charter of liberties, for labor will have German rearmament, as marked by Hall to protest the recent persecu been established. What will happen then?
than ever, not for an casy way to improved con follow orders now and handle strik WASHINGTON (FP) Fewer and the recent Anglo German naval tions in the Soviet Union, the latest ditions via labor boards, etc. but for a battle toers with gloves electric gloves. tower people are coming to control the evidence was The stoel barons and other employers who the death against the employer drive against Construction Supt. Cirilo Diaz more and more of American indushand of reaction in Europe New onment of Sergei Trotsky and do regard this bill, which on paper) outlaws unionism, against the rising cost of living and Cuba, has invented an electric glove on for some time, of course, but the reson for an impending war the New International, and gain collectively with a union which gets the living.
of imperialist powers others. Max Shachtman, editor of company unions and directs employers to bar the accompanying lowering of the standards of which, he guarantees, will paralyze latest figures are now strike pickets temporily.
is taking place. Peace in Europe Muste, National Secretary of the vote of a majority of their employees, as an a report on the Concented in has been maintained in the last were the speakers.
It is possible that the initial psychological in his office in the heart of the Corporate Control in American Infew years due to Hitler failure to outrageous concession to labor, have given noobtain a strong ally on contin ionlso be the staliniste boererat. tice that they will carry the issue of its consti sections of the workers will be similar to that Diaz demonstrated his invention to senrch and Planning Division of NRA.
It shows that 100 large corpora land and France. Both conditions were abls presented by comrado tutionality to the Supreme Court. The work which occurred when the NRA was first pro Diaz explained that the battery. Comrade Muste con ers have had bitter experience with such delays claimed to create the impression, namely, that supplying power to the glove is tions control well over a quarter of England new polley, a culmina: position of the Party on events in Magna Charta of labor according to Green et.
cluded the meeting by stating the over section 7a of NRA which was also a unionization will get government support and hunk on the policeman belt. An the general industrial wealth of the so to stimulate organizing campaigns and electric cord, cleverly hidden inside country: that the big corporations material support to Hitler rearm to the movement in this country.
the Soviet Union and their relation ul.
strikes. It is a fact that capitalism in the the coat sleeve, runs from the bat. are coming through the crisis years tery to the glove, from which elecwith their relative position streng.
ament, has a two fold purpose: first, to disrupt the Franco Soviet pact, By a unanimous vote the followUnder this bill a National Labor Relations does not yet have to resort to the most ex tricity is sent through the striker thened, and that there is every rear if possible to win France to an ing resolution was adopted by the Board is to be set up to enforce collective treme repression. liberal administration body by means of four contact son to believe the concentration of corporate control is continuing open anti Soviet policy and second, workers present. bargaining, etc. Thus the way is paved for can seek to alloy labor unrest and to buy off points.
The report quotes Berle and to collaborate with Hitler so as to The patent, as issued by the eventual greater control of government over trade union leaders by concessions, by prevent Patent Office, claims the glove is in Gardiner Beans, nuthors of The insure itself against possible Nazi We, the workers assembled at the unions. Apart from that, bitter experience ing the most reactionary employers from car tended for use by police against Modern Corporation and Private military adventures at England a meeting in Irving Plaza Hall, expense, for example in Austria. Sunday, June 30, on the call of has taught the workers how slowly the machin rying out immediately their most extreme drunken and insane people often Property to the effect that the 200 largest non banking corporations on England has held the balance of the Workers Party, protest mostery of these Boards operates even when friends plans. Militants will take advantage of the hard to handle peacon bly.
Dinx himself exploded this Iden Jan. 1, 1930, controlled 40. percent power in Europe for the last few Vigorously the new wave of per of unionism sit on them, and that the employ situation, and especially of any organization when he told this reporter: Police of all corporate wealin in the Unityears. Now it has openly thrown itself to the side or Germany in Eu.
secution against Bolshevik Lenin ers have numerous devices for evading their sentiment which may develop among the work can use my love against radicals led states. In 1931 the percentages ists and worker revolutionists in decisions or crippling their operations. Becrs, not in order to strengthen the mistaken and strikers.
rope. Its agreement with Germany the Soviet Union sanctions an increase in the latter sides, under a capitalist government, which nec impression they may have of friendly govern Diax claims the glove can kill controlled by the 200 largest corporWe consider the arrest and imnavy to 35 percent of Britain or prisonment of Sergel Trotsky, who cssarily is concerned about keeping the wheels ment support, but precisely in order that in anyone, although the current enn ations had increased to 56 percent study compared to France 850, 000 tons a maximum of 429, 000 tons as it is known has not participate soothly, the basic concern of these govern ports to give them, they may learn the true and to cause the more jumpy to detey toward concentration continIn addition an air agreement bein any political activity, as an tween the two countries aet of brutal vengeance on the ment agencies is never that of enforcing the nature and function of all capitalist govern toso consciousness.
ued, the NRA report states. It ag.
now contemplated.
part of Stalin against Leon Trot rights of the workers, but that of maintaining ments. Police, militia, soldiers, with clubs, complete outfit sells for 10 sembles flyures showing that 16. 55 Blow at France atia Trotsky for a commission industrial peace, in other words, preventing tear gas and guns, will meet the workers who and New York police officials have percent of the corporations conFrance is bitter over the agreeof Andre Gide, Rolland and strikes or if they break out somehow, settling strike for the rights granted under the Wag asked for reduced prices on quantity ate wealth in 1831, aud 15. 75 perment. Not only does it strengthen Shaw to investigate the matter them, getting the workers back to work as ner bill, as they met workers who struck for orders. Police in other cities and cent of the corporations controlled Germany, but the fact that it was We are particularly alarmed by quickly as possible.
similar rights under the now defunct NRA. states, well as companies which 13. percent in 1932.
arrived at without the sanction of this new wave of terror against Fewer and Fewer Hands the French government makes the revolutionists since it can only Thus these government boards become in And the lesson will sink in deeper and deeper. hire their own private guards to break strikes and stop unionization, Taking statistics on 100 large inFrench Imperialists uneasy. The weaken the revolutionary forces are expected to buy huge quantities dustrial corporations, the study British, at first, refused to divulge of these electric gloves. They will shows that the percentage of the inHitler naval program to Paris. dermine the prestige of the supplement clubs, guns, horses, dustrial wealth of the country confew days ago, however, Hitler, un in the eyes of the advanced work Backs Green Red Really Wage Slash tear gas and vomit gas in dispers trolled by them rose from 23. per der advice of London, informed the ers in the capitalist countries.
ing strikers.
cent in 1920 to 20. percent in 1932.
French government that his naval program for the next olghteen ly criminal in view of the acute and fortune to Diaz; it means only that 1033 Agures, when available, months calls for the construction of danger of war against the Soviet a new kind of bell to American will show a continuation of this new ships totalling 107, 000 tons, inUnion.
BY JACK WILSON DETROIT (FP. Ford widely workers. But it may galvanize the tendency, the report states.
belusive of two battleships of 25, 000 We delegate the comrades AKRON, Ohio, July Joining heralded wage increase to a day American workers into abrupt ac In regard to the record breaking tons each, The first breach in Anglo French bring our protest to the attention others who has bureaucrats no Dynamite in Situation umns of free advertising and boost police and thug users of the gloves and 1952, the report points out that collaboration over the Italian Ethied his profits, Ford workers say.
these were mostly small firms the Soviet embassy in this their latest anti red drive, Frank May Explode in New Patino, president of the Central On May 21, Ford announced that BEET WORKERS ORGANIZE How many others were forced to oplan dispute, immediately followed country.
the signing of the Anglo German Labor Union hero declared he not World War he was stepping up the minimum FINDLAY, Ohio (FP. Sugar the wall, no one knows. It cleclares.
naval agreement. Until then, de TOLEDO, Ohio (FP. Averting only supported Green move to split wnge of his 126, 000 employees to beet field workers in the Findlay The missing of small businessmen spite the friendly relations estaba strike of the Mechanics Educa labor through mass expulsions but By MARTIN GLEE a day, adding 000. 000 a month area have organized a local of the did not ripple the pages of the fin.
to the payroll. IIe did not reveal Agricultural Workers Union ancial press, and went unrecorded.
lished between France and Italy tional Society of America, the Rath also began a campaign to oust local From official sources, writes the that the raise would cost the com The newly elected officers have But while small and mediumlast January, Paris and London bun Jones Engineering Co. of Tole militants.
acted concertedly in relation to do has granted a new agreement Patino, backed by the Summit London correspondent of the New any nothing, but on the contrary been instructed to confer with grow. sized corporations perished by the Italy.
providing pay boosts from to County Labor News, announced his York Times, it has been learned would actually increase profitsers for a wage agreement. thousands, the leading corporations Mussolint now has a free hand cents an pour and maintenance of policy the day after the monthly that Mussolini has the British Ford workers reveal how the Beet workers are offered a con. As a group came through virtually tract giving them 10 an acre for utarned. With some exceptions in Abyssinia. He has rejected the the 40 hour week.
meeting of the thus prevent envoySir Anthony Eden, that scheme works.
offer of Anthony Eden, British Miu ing an immediate reply by militants nothing could prevent Italy from In foundry coreroom. Dept. 1, blocking, thinning and hooing beets, the relative position of the large ister for League of Nations Affairs NEW YORK (FP. Tom Moon to his disruptive tactics.
going to war with Ethiopia In Octo men turned out 4, 800 cores in and soc a ton for harvesting. They corporations was strengthened beto settle the Italo Ethiopian dispute cy has won what may well be the It was the first open admission ber. Arnaldo Cortesi, writing from eight hours and three shifts were demand 19 an acre flat guarantee cause of the holocaust of leaser by giving Ethiopia strip of British battle that is the turning point in of Patino that he is with the Rome, says: If there was any employed before the increase. Ar. the rate given in the Blissfield, competitors during 1931 32. Four Somaliland to compensate the At: his long flight for freedom. The Of bureaucracy, although his donbt that hostilities (against Eth. ter the increase, they were speeded Nich. area. Both areas are con hundred and eighteen industrial ricans for concessions to Italy. An California supreme court has re previous actions in strikes had topia) would begin in a couple of up to 5, 400 cores in eight hours, and trolled by the Great Lakes Sugar corporations tabulated by Standard the raidnight shift was laid off, a Co.
Statistics hnd more cash and Unitcorrespondents agree that Italy will versed its 18 year old attitude and branded him as a hopeless, petty months there is none now.
ed States government securities at go to war with Ethiopiat in October. hus granted Mooney lawyers a bureaucrat. His statement, widely The war against Ethiopia mny Ford River Rouge plant worker WASHINGTON (FP. New the bottom of the depression than Fear for Colonies writ of habeas corpus, which means featured in the labor paper, came well turn ont to be the precursor of sald.
The same thing occurred in other York banker, Vice Pres. Nell they had 1927.
The reaction of the French gov that the state must answer the three weeks after Coleman Clah the next world massacre. Let us In the foundry in of the Guaranty Trust Co. has been Those 418 corporations controlled ernment to the offer of Eden is not great volume of evidence of per erty, rubber organizer, dragged the recall once again that it was the ld nartments, provoked solely by its bitterness jury committed during Mooney red herring across rubber workers Italo Turkish war of 1911 which take corcrom, Dept. before the given charge of the skeleton NRA, 36. percent of the insh and pulv.
over the Anglo German agreement. trial or release the famous labor union meetings in an attempt to was the precursive signal of the increase 10 86, 15 men turned out now little more than a research alent held by 300, 000 veneral indus France has its own imperialist in prisoner.
scare progressives.
last world war. Italy designs on 000 cores an hour: after getting Ingency. Neill was formerly as trial corporations in 1927. In 1929 terests in Africa.
Ethiopia are pregnant with dire the they were sperded up to sociuted for years with Carnegie the percentage had increased to consequences for the world working 000 cores an hour, the midnight Steel 43. percent.
York Times of July states: class. For it is they who will be shift being laid off, a corcmaker Loyal as France may be to the called upon to suffer a thousand reported.
tortures in a thousand different sec.
Lay off, Speed up principles and text of the League of Nations covenant, the leaders tions of the globe when the next vivil description of what hapand citizens are far from approv.
world war starts.
penedl following Ford announce But Slams Labor at Same Time ing the British suggestion to To understand more clearly the ment of the wage increase is given placate Italy and Ethiopia by One of the first responses to our campaign for the eight page weekly came from Harrison, New York City. 00 contribution dorisms of western imperialism on another worker, who said: In handing over to the latter the this primitive kingilom in Africa, it cores, men on each table before the Roosevelt has disbed ont a new bor, the second is designed to tear port of Zeila, which might become page New Mulitant while in Philadelphia last week. It truly gladdened establish the position of Ethiopianto three shifts working.
listed in lust issue) and carried this message: Read about the eight is necessary to go back a bit. toncrease turned out 17 cores a min nop (slop. this time to the youthdown the wage standards of the a direct rival of the French port of Djubuti. Ir Mr. Mussolini had With of the United States. have de adult workers.
my heart to hear the good bews. There are great perspectives alead on the dark continent and to focus workers getting c, men on each termined, said the President, that other proposals include focal accepted the suggestion, says the of us, the enlarged issue may anul will contribute a whole lot in the attention on the imperialist powers tabte have to turn out 20 a minute. we shall do something for the nine, and assistance for high school Temps, it would have been to the rase. Wishing you once more all the success required for such an detriment of France and an open undertaking.
matter by virtue of howdaries an increase of 180 an bonr, or 1, 410 tons unemployed youth because we students whose families are elleThis is encouraging, violation of Article IX of the Italy, France and England.
in eight hours. The midnight shift can ill afford to lose the skill and ble for rellet at 80 per month avtreaty of 1906 by which Britain ahead of us. We have undertaken a agree, there are great perspectives To produce the eight page weekly has been laid off, and two shifts energy of these young men and worng and for college students up In castern Africa les the king. jure now turning out almost as much men. The yield on this invest to 12 percent of the college enrolBaron Tools undertake Dalefrain Mg sob as behooves a revolutionary per se cover this difference roneously referred to as Abyssinia. Pora Stotor Co. has more than made project proposes, in one of its four month. The des inte prenos alterna The new ment, by providing jobs at 15 a the realignment of the conviction that we can carry it is our job, and we are almost of the many tribes that to up for any increase in wages by points, to provide jobs for about continuation of the FERA system imperialist powers is far from fixed.
tempted to say that it would be make up the empire of Haile Selasle reducing its total payroll. This is 150, 000 youths at 15 a month, which has now operated for a year, Diplomats are making hurriedl trips through ensy if that were all. But it is not. I, the Abyssinians are the most the usual occurrence whenever limited to unemployed youths in transiering supervision from colfrom one leading capital of Wurope It has never been easy to produce in addition we have a heavy present culturally compact, unlfic and po there is a general wage increase. It families that are certified for re lege hands to government authority.
to another. There are rumors of the New Militant week by week. deficit to wipe out, not to speak of litically and socially advanced. is a definite sign of a wholesale lict.
Only One Sixth Benefits tentative Franco German parleys Funds have never yet been plenty. the expenses incurred by acquisition Hence the usual reference to Abys Layor. second, and perhaps more ob All told, the project is estimated which if confirmed may mean arul. As a matter of fact we have of some new printing machinery. sinin when one is in reality spenk The situation at the Ford plant noxious fenture of the project, pro to cost about 60, 000, 000. This sum disruption of Franco Soviet rela managed on a shorestring basis. Our readers will therefore undering of all of Ethiopia. It has a is tersely summed up by another poses to ind employment in prt is to be administered by the Na tions.
Workers Russia cannot be de requires au outlay of 162. 00 per is for setting the goal of our campaign area approximating 350, 000 square and production at its peak of 6, 500 Employers will be urged to accept which will preside Josephine Roche, tended by imperialist France. sue, all expences included. At least at 2, 000, together with the building miles. The chief Industry is agri cars a day, wth a payroll of 60, 000 youths as apprentices during which Colorado mine owner and Asst. SecPeace cannot be maintained by the that is the amount we should have up of a security fund of at least culture with breeding taking second workers, the speedup was bad a minimum allowance should be retary of the Treasury. In addi thieves kitchen, the League of The truth is that we did not get it 60. 00 monthly.
place. The exports, the chief ar. enough; yet at the present time given. In other words, employers, tion the president is to appoint a Nations. The defense of the Soviet and we were compelled to make up New York Pledges 1, 000 ticles of which are wax, ivory and with the midnight shift almost eli who will probably require little urs. National Advisory Committee, to Union depends upon its Red Army in some other way, most often by anim skins, do not amount to very minated and many workers laid offing, are offered labor at eaper representative of labor, the Soviet workers and peasants, reducing the economic rations for So far we have made only a very much. Imports which amount to on the other two shifts, the produc than full scale adult wages. Thus, business, agriculture and youth.
and above all on the international all the comrades who carried the modest beginning and we are still about 10, 000, 000 dollars yearly are tion of Ford cars is around 5, 600 while the first proposal establishes Some 500, 000 youth are expected working class.
burden of the active work. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4) cars a day.
a miserable standard for youth la (Continued on Page 4)
en Patienten to the New New York Pledges 1000 in Drive for Page New Militant Roosevelt Throws YouthaBone and we However, RALLY SUPPORT FOR EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT!