Raise Banner of Bolshevism At French Congress Mexican Labor Movement Unites Against Reaction sants Pledge Support twice in succession, Once more, the pretends as a result of our united general strike all over France. But iam, the banner of those principles observer it appeared that Calles Eight Page New Militant Is en her er en sout en permanente First Step Toward Daily Paper PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1935 fined themselves to demanding from Flandin the dissolution of the fascist bands and the guaranteeing of democratic rights. Flandin, in turn, fell. But despite the electoral victories of the Peoples Front in the municipal elections in May and June, the Socialists and (Continued from Page 1)
the Communists agreed to do nothagreement runs the risk of disrup Strictly maintained. snid that Communist point of view is to be power, who in their turn quit cold. threats of a violent capitalist often tice, are phenomena slurred over One representative from each or ing, pushing the Radicals to take MEXICO CITY (FT. Sudden ness and to a state of social Injus Proletarian Defense Committee are: tion. The Radicals, however, de in case of aggression by Hitlerite observed: the question of parlia. In the meantime the fascist bands sive have quickly jerked labor in only by those who represent capital sanization forms the committee Communists and the promises of would rise, together with the rest leon Blum have to say on this sub did not cease from equipping them, Mexico into unified netion, produc st interests, The member support from Humanite, bnlked at the country. Now say that on jeet? The Communists were much selveg, from taking to the road of in almost overnight the formation achieved a transformation of the from attacking one another. Dit. Strikes will end when there is respect their sutegrity and abstain civil war.
They quit cold and contulifted to the day of Hitlerite nggression, more interested than we in getting of a permanent united front gronp Laval who was finally able to form Itnssit would be threatened and the Lefts together. Nobody as much The Bolshevik Leninists known as the National Proletarian bourgeois system in which we live. ficulties between labor organiza the new ministry, now in office, hav therefore the proletariat of the as they pushed for the constitution But, the Mulhouse Congress not Defense Committee. The organid labor and peasant tions will be referred to the coming obtained the extraordinary pow. world will risc, My statement was of I ft Government in which the only had nothing concrete to say on The rront sharp menace to or movement of Mexico, aware of the mittee in an effort to settle then es previously refused Flandin and nothing but sort of a prophesy and Radicals would take the tending these questions but it revealed the crnized Inbor came in the wake of historical moment in which it live without attacking each other and Buisson. What leeson must be events have vindicated it. No interference in auton.
For us it is simple and clear rahe Whnt events? The declarations to the Radicals. ice there the whwn a single voice and ut single a relevar er strike mevcanent since the declares that will osse an King meeting the worked moved Radicals asked: Will the Socialists force took the floor to remind it of 1, 200 strikes have been called ing at the proper time, the general omy of member Krups. Ample Radicals revealed what they are of Stalin, naturally!
for solidarity action. what they capable of when Have you noticed. Blum kept come with us? In a word: the Com is duty the voice and the force of thronghont the country, including nationwide strike as the only means basis sympathetic strikes of defense against the possibile im Agreement that upon appearance of they are in power on Fel. 6, 1934. shonting at the Congress, the munists pressed for a situation the Bolshevik Leninists.
Nothing reveals better the char Because many of these have been plantation of a Fascist regime in any fascist or similar organizations Place de la Concorde by the rene tions isn it obvions today that tlon. Whence the great embar. acter of the Mulhouse Congress directed aralust foreign capitalist Alexico. And facing the threat of threatening workers or pasius or tionary troops Faced with the Vaillant Courturier employs almost rassment of the Socialists. What than the reaction of the parliamen who control Mexican industry and seeing its interests jeopardimd, de their fundamental right to strike, danger of civil war the Radicals the identical formulas which used would we have done if the Radicals they high priests to the speeches of commerce insistent pressure las clares its firm intention of main liberty of association, liberty of expression, right to blle demonstrahave lived. Tlum continued, shevik Icuinist tendency, the so departments by employers organ The united front which signed tion, or if the state tolerates or mutinous forces, and to the reac And Humanito. Its heart leaping through some very aficult day called Trotskyists. For the first ixations which have been trying to this statement represented the ma foments organizations whose aims tionary coup etat. This attitude with joy, applands Blum for baving of the radienis flows logienlly from said what we say. Naturally, for fear of his being time see the split in Tours tu inject a red scare into the situa jority of organiwd labor, ranging or tendencies are openly against they, ever break with this attitude that we stron were come on the systy. But the Radienis, Toy cutting tribune of a socialist congress. It sympathizers of the clergy opposedation of Mexico to the more power tons of the committee will declare freed by involving themselves with the planations given by the common the matter shor Blum and was represented by over a hundred to the government church policy. ful but less radical General Work a general strike in opposition to a his Communist colleagues from the mandates. But its real force rested Growing dissension within the crs and Confederation tyranny of this nature. Convo.
Socinlists and the Communists in ists as a result of onr united action fears of revolutionary hazards, from In the ideas defended by it. The ranks of the official government Na. headed by Lombardo Toledano ention of a National Workers and the struggle against the armed and as something wbich will facilStalinist degeneration, is proved, tional Revolutionary Party recently and generally characterived as syn easants Congress. The signaforces of reaction? That would be itato organle unity. Coinmon form the fears of taking power.
tantamount to their committing ulations are possible.
What did the Mulhouse Congress among other things, by this mutnal came to a head in a political crisis dicalist reformist. This was the tory groups declare that they are themselves to the rond of civil war, say and what did It do in the facetunt and compatible understanding Cardenas cabinet and incorporation Rederation joined the united front capitalist class and will adjust which is precisely what the Rad tant problems which have divided problem posed by the situation in for past errors between the Social orble to certain conservative Groups Thus. On one of the most import of this problem which is the central which inaplies the reciprocal pardon into it of eloments regarded as fav. movement in Mexico.
their acts to revolutionary tactie Among the points in the part of and under the principle of the class after many hesitations, the Red tunists and centrists of all shades, year in the question of power present time they rest on the same was a split between followers of At the The crisis, which on the surface solidarity signed by the National struggle.
cals who refusel extraordinary the problem of nationni defense, the has been posed in the sharpest centrist positions. On the other pres, Cardens and Political preta front.
perceiving where this road led them, stalinists and social democrats be ruary 6th. On February 12, 1934 on whom Calls the honor of rating president and strong man of Har while after its flattery turned tail once more, by granting comes not only possible but has in the toiling masses at the call of the banner called to win Mint over the Laval powers around endeavored to silence him by terto Victims werkzation. The contestantiora weich threat of armed gang, of extra true, but rather because the shamstead of making a bid for power, of Lenin was founded. When Paul denas was defending labor.
action because the contrary is the Socialists and Communists, in on which the Third International was attacking labor and that Car(Continued from Page 1)
bers in Sacramento been use some America, Spartacus called the cards in the parliament unity of action is only a consequit cold, capitulating before Dou Faure appealed to the congress for legal forces organized hy fascism, Youth of them had dared challenge the of the latest evolution of mergue who was placed in power unanimty, he exhorted all the dele.
Mexleo New Deal Langue, Young Peoples Socialist bureaucratle regime of the Ary game, demonstrating the comdid not hesitate to try to terrorize Labor spokesmen, however, turintLeague and Communist Party Opplete impotence of the parliament Stalinism on to the positions of by the forces of the reactionary gates, save the Bolshevik Leninistsed out that the situation was in position (Lovestoneites. The AmMind into a fear that if he did not which has outlived itsele.
social patriotism to make room for Flandin and once of Moscow, that is to say, true to pared with an open declaration of coup etat. Doumergue, finally had who remain true to the 21 points reality one which might be com erican Civil Liberties Union and knnckle under to them, he would But on another question of the again the Socialists and Commun. the principles which gave birth to hostility between progressive Re the General Defense Committee have no defense at all. The LL.
The Mulhouse Congress same gender (L. have already appointed sent to San Quentin Leo Gallagher, similar rapproache ists sighed, relieved of the fear of the Third International. And when publicans in the and New observers.
The Mulhouse Congress, convened ment between the Socialist and being the successors, and they con the Trotskyist delegates heckled Dealers. The issue, labor lenders its trial attorney whose court room tactics were such a miserable comon the morrow of this ministerial meeting will be held shortly in bination of opportunistie backslid crisis, sbould have been a tribune Blum speech, calling the Stalin said, was whether inbor should be this city to add these organizations ing and provocative nonsense, to to broadcast to the country, to clarLaval communique a betrayal, Blum treated openly as a factor which to the temporary committee. Stope state that Mini could ride along on ify the country on the difficulties of in a fit of anger replied: Should opposeil capitalist encroachments will be taken immediately there the appen for his seven the hour, to give the working massunity have to leave your small or whether it shonld be given after to add trade union delega co defendants, only on condition group ontside the reunified party, greater doses of demagogy in order tions, and there will follow the that the Non Partisan Labor De On the contrary, the Mulhouse Con will take my party into it. Natur to make it appear that the govern work of providing Mint with appeal fense, which handled Mni trial gress took note only of the past. Continued from Page 1)
ally, and we are also ready. Blum ment is really a labor government. counsel and launching a militant defense and in a score of ways aldgiving no directions for the future. basis. propagandes group might conceivably go along with four warns us that the vaunted organte The report of the parliamentary page paper, reaching its readers once a week and confining itself to unity is the unity of the two bus labore will not retreat, and that it convictions and the criminal syndi. have no part in the ense.
group was approved by 2584 man. some particular phase of revolutionary theory or activity. party: ary current. But the small group ace requiring anited nction. Calles will be very substantial due to er reaucracles against the revolution does recognize a common class men calism law. The appeal argument Mini Stands Firm dates against 427, 47 abstaining which in the nature of the case assumes responsibility for theoretical Mini was informed that the al In the course of the discussion on edhention of the advanced workers and also for leadership in the daily which Blam would like to leave alled the recent strike wave, eit rors made by the trial Judge and ternative would be renewed ostrathis report Leon Blum made a outside the unified mrty, bas al ing lig name strikes which he con also due to the affidavit obtained cism by the and his abanspeech which, as usual, was canonstruggles of the working class, simply cannot begin to meet its obliga ready won an important place for videred unjust, such as those from a juror by the which donment to the shady characters ized as a great speech, but whose tions with a four page paper reaching its readers only once a week. The Mulhouse Congress is proof or against the telephone company (U. impeaches the entire verdict as an of the who are Impotent, greatness, again as usual, consisted As a matter of fact, we should aim at daily paper at the earliest itself in the French labor movement. capital) and the Huasteceded popular bncking, the defenso will mor was set on foot and peddled to Petrol illegal horse trade. With active counter revolutionary etc. ruIn its absolute emptiness, and its possible moment. That in a country as large as the United States and that.
eam Co. capital. and complete inck of directives and In such a period as this there should be only one general working class The only clear and definite slo that lobor should show itself more have a fighting chance, Mini through his fellow prisoners perspectives.
gans; the only true and possible grateful for the concessions gained More LL. Sabotage What did Leon Blum, the lead daily, and that a Stalinist one is nothing short of truck. dually and otherwise, that the paper issued by the Workers Party of the raising aloft the bansolutions for the working class in the past and should not seek to According to an announcement by was abandoning him. When Mini er of the. say? Humanwere presented by the delegates of embarrass the government which is the Mini, placing polit proved as impervious to this panic ite gave his speech the most prom ner of the Fourth International, and presenting a truthful report of the Bolshevik Leninist tendency working in thelr Interests. ical integrity above legal expedien lagitation as he had to flattery, the Inent display, as if he were a leader national and international events and an analysis of them based upon National defense? No national deOrganized labor was not partie cy to nse his own words, bas italyanprincipled bureaucrata of the Communist Party itself. In an umeompromising revolutionary internationalism, would have a nafense as long as the bourgeoisie is ularly inetrested in the fights among rejected attempts of the Interna turned on him venomously once reality both centrisme, one stem tional, and in fact, international significance.
in power Revolutionary defeatism the politicians, but it certainly tional Labor Defense and the Com again.
The first step toward the nehlevement of the goal is to carry out is the only working class policy talked in plain language about those munist Party to bribe and threaten In a letter to Leo Gallagher, Mini other from Stalinism, complement the proposal of the Political Committee to increase the weekly New against imperialist war.
The de aspects of the fight which might at him into becoming a silent partner hos stated his position in unmisone another and merge in an amor Mulitant from four to elght pages by Anti War Day, August All the fense of the is the problem fect workers. The united front im in their efforts to make of the Sac takable language as follows: phons hash, so that it becomes more various types of readers of the Now Militant will thus receive more of of the socialist revolution is the mediately issued the following ramento criminal syndicalisman. At the time when the ques.
and more difficult to tell them apart. the material for which they have been asking. New readers can be question of the struggle for power. statement after Calles declarations peal fight a political football. tion of joint appeal first came up.
National Defense enrolled by the hundreds, possibly even thousands. An immense stime mollize the masses for revolution The ILD, the Western Worker took it for granted that an But now we come to the question Jus can be given to all the branization activities of the party itself ary action against all collabora movement of Mexico energetically stalinist institutions have made The organised labor and peasant (mouthplace of the and other agreement for close collaboration of national defense. This is the between the LL. and the and of the mass organizations in which it exerts influence.
question which should have revealed could easily be worked out.
Funds for the small amount of additional machinery needed in the struggle for power is the immediate Calles, and declares that it will de Sacramento appeal fight. Ignoring But apparently this part of the mulhem and socialdemoere erat print shop and to guarantoe the steady Issuance of the enlarged weekly problem and not merely an object fend the rights of the working class. William Ramdolph Hearst chal question was never considered by the present time the position of for a period must be in hand before the change is Inaugurated. To for discussion at a congress. Work. sneh as strikes withont restrictions, lelige that the Incrnimento convie members of the ruling Leon Rinm is no different from that proceed in any other way would be to net irresponsibly. Hence the ers government (Socialist Commun association in unions, and others: tionis constitute a national test case, group: and the idea became kenist government. that is of Thorex. the Stalinist lender. financial campaign for the eight page New Militant which has been stove and parlin economic and fighting for the the playing up, not the eral that the had aban.
proachement of the two points of love been informel. Ustionably the members and friends of the Inmanite rejoices in the inaugurated in recent issues and alreut which the branches of the party of the hon Ballote We slogan and will not cca betterment of sacramento inse, but the Gallup done the case, and that lind mentary action will not bar the wage earners.
road to fascism and lead the mass assailed as due to collective uncas. Minor, one of its leading burean Strike movements, affair, in order to publicize Bob turned over my defense to the many to power. Wenpon against wca it fails to perceive that by this party, the workers who are seen the party In operation struggle, can by united efforts make the realization of this new for workers militia. Thnt is the task erats. This was a mistake, of course.
alienation of the Stalinist parties very fact it avows the increasing warl step possible. We call upon the party members and branches to watch falls how the working class Report Activities The LL. which during the How could anyone be so naive as to believe that would entrust trial, slandered the youthful Mini from Leninism and from revolutioncarry out swiftly and enthusiastically the directions while have been parties at the present moment.
my entire defense to the ary Marxism. Let Blum speak for sent them. We call upon all our sympathizers and friends to send in These slogans, broadcast from the of Boston Br. is back down the time and his speelally after the four montlus himself: their contributions, large or small, withont a monsen elay.
Mulhouse tribune, distorted the conviction. It then characterised display of the honesty and polit The attitude of the party (on No more appropriate day could be found to carry the banner of corrupt Social Democratic and ical ability had just soon in the question of national defense) revolutionary internationalism a long step forward than Anti War Day, Stalinist bureaucrats, will make Two well attended oneses were bim as an honest misled class Saeramento?
conforms to that of the Socialist som prisoner. attorney To Caltheir way into the hearts of the held during the winter senson August You can see that with me it is International and the trade union workers, will create new and grand which were fruitful in organizing Lasher proposed a joint defense.
a question of placing political inThe set on foot rumor that international. We are ready to do Storer organization. The Governor lose opportunities: the only opporn Spartacus group and gnining new Mlui bad repented of his political If the LD. refuses to acknowtegrity above legal expediency everything in onr power to avoid said before leaving that he was go tunities for salvation. Numerical members and sympathivers for the errors, and that he was no worse war. But this preventive attitude ing to place a wreath on the grve weakness is The class on the Iistory is a good argument only branch.
ledge that an organization that no longer suffices when war becomes of Jane Addams. Bennethum didn for klum; but the small group in of the American Labor Movement than Jack Warwick, the solitary belong to exists, then it seems a fact.
Illinois Strike annonnce his destination, but as the the turbulent conditions of today with comrade Konikow as instrucc. Sacramento defendant who logleal that they should ignore The parliamentary group takes car sped away some of the workers can become the nucleus around tor will continue as previously on bad the moral courage to defend my existence also since believe its stand upon the position of the (Continued from Page 1) said they boped he would go to which all the revolutionary forces Wednesdays at on headquarters. hi against the malicious onin the principles and policies of Tours congress of 1920.
the organization, Under those will be regrouped. The progress on Saturdays, our active members slaughts of the Darey controlled clared then that we, Socialists, be at workers were hurt after oversharp Enttle ensued in which wer hell.
achieved by the Bolshevik Leninist study and practice public speaking Stalinist machine.
circumstances, any gesture by the lieved that, under given conditions turning two trucks benring depuNow the has expelled Warntendency in the course of seven for service in the labor movement.
LL. to let me in, whlle leaving the national and international duMIUTANT months inside the proves Two members spoke at a Ick because he refused to back down my political beliefs out, must be tles coincide. Under what conds tied company guards. Reedy NEW how great are the possibilities of moeting of RRA workers on May on his support of Mini, and, discov.
tions does this coincidence exist? Injuries are grave.
with which is merged development for a genuine revolu 24 held in Lyon, Mass. They deering that Mini is no less intransi ism. And can not be part of it.
When there is a flagrant Assession courthouse, where the Governor The first to leave the county THE MILITANT tionary current in the impending scribed the general conditions fac geant, the has also turned on him again. From now on, then, to avoid and invasion of the national soll. conference was held, was Sample Published weekly by the New Mill great working class struggles and ing the unemployed and urged or any mistriderstanding, any legal The Western Worker, which for When this thesis was first pre actions on my behalf must have sented, Maurice Thorez (Secretary who told the workers to gather at tant Publishing 55 East 11th st. the civil war. Days of stressaareganization into an unemploy a few weeks urged renders to send New York City. inexorably approaching for France League. About 40 attended.
Labor hall for a meeting within an Entered as second clase mail matter as well. And the struggle for the approval of the of the Communist Party) rose to Following up this step in Lynn comradely letters to Mint, bus the tribune and declared his oppo bouir.
Several hundred strikers band at the Post Office at New York, power remains the only way out is the meeting of ERA workers or turned Iter back on him. Endeavor.
sition to it. But since then things waited four hours in the rain out ly under the act of March 8, 1879. for the working class. Which how ganized in Boston on June 21 ating to escape in advance the blame STRIKES CITIES SERVICE the courthouse for news of the BOSTON (FT. With have changed.
JAMES CANNON: Editor ever it will not be able to find with 8:15 at 995 Washington st. due it for dividing the appeal moveStalin Changes Thorer Mind Subscription Rates. In the United out a party genuinely polsed for under the auspices of the Nationai ment, the now charges that service of tankers already idle in We know what this change 18.
Next came the Governor, flanked States 00 per year; 650 months. this revolutionary struggle. That Unemployed Committee League. Mini has decided to go it alone five ports from Boston to Port ArFollowing the Stalin Laval commun by national guard officers, including Canada and Foreign 50 per year; party will be created in the very Four of our comrades will speak thar, the International Seamen on the appeal Union looks forward to a complete ique the Communists also supported Captain Sherwood Dixon, Demo 00 six months. Bundle Rates: fire of the struggle. It cannot raise at this meeting. LD. Tries Terror tieup of the company 14 ships.
the idea that National Defense cratie Central committeeman, of Two cents per copy.
any other banner than that of the The headquarters of the Nevertheless, the 18 collect The strike was ordered to force Gn coincide with international ob Dixon. Captain Dixon had the loud vol. JUNE 29, 1935 No. 27 Fourth International. Without that, branch and the Is 12 Hay ing funds in Mini name without the company the only oil company ligations. But let us allow Leon est volce in Lee county during the the merger of the reformism of ward place. Branch educational Authorization and without account of importance still unsigned to ac.
Shortly after my speech there ises of a new deal for the forgot Textile Workers of Americh execu rism of Thorez will lead the work friends are invited are held every a number of documents, including its ships are some 16 month (ing appeared a series of articles in ten man.
tive board has proposed legislation ing class only to new defeats. It Thursday at 9:30 Spartacus the mimeographed program of a lower than on other tankers, unton Humanite which designated Hitler Horner, after poging for two pic patterned after the Guffey coal is the grave task of the Bolshevik meets on Tuesdays. Literature, the benefit dance held at Eagles Hall officials state.
as the hereditary enemy. From tures, was wblaked away in his bill, setting a national board of Leninists to avoid this catastrophe. New Militant and the New Interna in San Francisco on June 8th by cities Service ships are tied up in this time on the theory of revoluwaiting automobile, acrompanied control for the cotton textile Indon tional can be purchased at the the so called State Conference for Boston, Providence, New York, tlonary defeatism was no longer by Roy Bennethum, president of the try.
READ THE NEW MILITANT. headquarters United Action, a united Philadelphia Port Arthur. Tex.
Troops Smash We de Cities Itine Muste Max Shachtman Protest Persecution of Bolshevik Revolutionists in Soviet Russia Irving Plaza Hall 15th St Irving Pl.
Sunday, June 30th at P.