AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyKronstadtLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE 1, 087 Vote for Bolshevik Leninists in Paris District Question en los protocole First Battalion of Workers het om anderes y hormones Rotten Arguments for a Box Militia Marches in France Rotten Cause the Road from is the ON total lack of understanding of the Preliminary results of the votsituation in a single phrase which to the Congress were as follows: sions. Haven we still got plenty MORROCCO of liberties? asked Sevarac. SevLBy WEAVER Out of a total of 301 voting at erac can only propose to continue Question: Can we not get rid of the federal congress on May 30, the and wait. Carry propaganda.
boons and depressions merely by motion of the Bolshevik Leninist Undoubtedly Severac prefers the group received 185 votes as against On June 10, a monster demonstration took place in Paris. In com sanatorium to the concentration on the products of the workers?
117 for the motion of the Bataille memoration of the Commune, some 250, 000 workers paraded and demcamp, but if he is permitted to Answer: There are several fallaSocialiste. 10 mandates from Moronstrated before the Mur de Federer, at the Pore Lachaise cemetary.
continue, it will be the concentraTOCCO will be cast for the BLG.
At the present time as during the thelr material and moral preparacies in this conception, which is The demonstration took place, so to speak, under the sign of the to what occurred during the last years or theoreticians rise to the net that at the moment when war The first consists in assuming that tion camp Nevertheless, contrary motion at Mulhouse.
MARNE Stalin Laval Communique. As reported in Humauite and the Pravda Federal Congress of the Seine DisOut of 700 votes cast at the Con practically the entire demonstration was devoted to expressions of love triet, the impression was obviously theoretical and scientific defense of is declared (if there is a declara it is, ever has been, or will be gress at Vertus the motion to Stulin. Whut neither the Humanite, nor the Pravda dared to conveyed that severac this time did the fact that the Communist Inter tion) is the very moment when the possible to tax anything which not rush to attack the vague motion national has accepted national im proletarint and its organizntions not the product of a worker. Land, received 120 votes, thus giving them report will that thousands upon thonsands of workers, the left wing of the Rataille, which smacks of worlalist defense.
are least apt to bring into play the without labor, produces practically mandates.
of the syndicalists, anarchists, Doriotists, and, op course, the the Tonlouse self defense motion The first ones to date are not Instrument of such a scopens the nothing for human use and it is FINISTERE insurrectional strike. Thus the slo only when the energies of man are Itolshevik Tunists expressed themselves in no unmistakable way which Severae had himself voted worth much, nature that articles Thanks to the work of Comrade about the great ander consummate betrayal. This time the im for. It was against the concrete ai meinberahine meeting. Therez dangerous. The example of Jon of tuse are created. When the state Behel one fourth of the Carhaix port or the leader of the world revolntion was all too clear. And proposals and methods watch the wrapped himself in the mantle of a hnux and the French anarchista ne be it Slave, Fendal, Capitalist, or section voted for the BolshevikLeninists. The work had been car such slogans as own with National Defense! Civil Peace is War! the Trotskyists that severac almed great historical example. com xeals what befalls the slogan of the Proletarian, applies taxes, it merely ried on for scarcely a month. Down with the renegade stalin. Stalin se nu dos. Klek Stalin his fire. Severae attitnde uncerades. That is to say, the attitude Insurrectional strike and its sub appropriates that which has been of Marx and Angels who supported sequent transformation.
created by the work of humans RIIONEngain testitles to the fact that two np to September 4, 1870 the war out. plentifully punctuated the line of march.
Lenin said that the communists whether this tax is assessed in 15 percent of the votes were won policies are confronting one y no means the least, vociferous, wis the detachment of the first Ivy the thus giving them against the French Empire. And and the workers will participate in money or in kind, on land, Incomes, other, one the policy of catastrophe consequently the Communists may the imperialist war like the slaves inheritances, or any other form of workers militia, 300 strong that participated in the demonstration, nine national mandates.
and pacifism, the other, the policy support the war against German they are. But they will participate wealth VAUCLUSE carrying on high its own proletarian version of the founde code: For lacing taxes on land of the Bolshevik Leninists, the pol fascism.
The Avignon section gave one naone eye, both eyes, for one tooth, the whole jaw.
118 implacable opponents of national alone merely affects a change in the icy of revolution. The motion of Social latek Dishrags defencism in order to continue the form tax and therefore in the tional mandate to the This first detachment comes as the result of the vigorous propathe Bataille Socialiste seeks to balantee itself in the middle; it is only The trouble with this threadbare class struggle and work for the share of this burden which the ditTARNE ET GARONNEBunda and work of the Young Leninists, who formed the initial unclens The gained three mandates of the present detachment. screen being crected to cover up argument is that it has alrendy heen transformation of the imperialist Cerent classes in society must bear.
Nothing else.
as aut four for the Bataille SoThe beginning is always the most dillicult. Having achieved the the gule between reformism and lantGursde. Scheidemand and That is not at all the way in the second fallacy lies in the as cialiste, and at Pivert on the Tightrope first step, it will be mueli wsier tow to build and drill subsequent Kantsky during the war of 1914, which Thoruz and others give proof sumption that taxation can level YONNEdetachments. Other iron detachments will come on the morrow.
Pivert provided the surprise of And it is a fact that in the Joint of not being deserlers. At the son out the economie cycles of capital Two andates were received by the conference Ile did nothing articles in Against the stream, eral membership meeting of the ism. Dixes are merely part of the the Bolshevik Leninists.
spoke in the name of Constructive chain. Says La Verite, the criti. Hittemotion by means of the sio war of 1870 was a national war, And now answer question by appropriating this portion in in more or less than defend the Bat Taun and Zinoviev proved that the Thorez made the following rowealth which is created, and, mere.
Just before going to press we Revolution was compelled to disso cism applics perfectly to Zyromsky, received the information relating clate himself from ihe traitors in whose sole reliance in the struggles in the motion of the Trotsky resulting from the bourgeois na that has been put to me. In case way changes the mode by which to the results of the second ballot the Belgian Labor Party. is to arm himself with phrases.
The Will to Revolution toullinent, that those who apople, which was democratic, nn the wonld you apply your will, under capitalism, the Anarchy, taken at the Federal Congress of IIe exposed the true depths of the plawted vert during his speech tying and progressive. It is the slogan: Transformation of the im competition, and economic cycles the Seine District. In this rote reactionary nature of his tendency It is siguificant that after the rev beard as his conclusion, that be was las content of the war, its signl perialist war into the civil war? will and must continue. Otherwise the Bolshevik Leninists of France by condemnihs as wild eyed roman olutionary phrase had its iling supporting the Rataille Socialiste Hennce in the histors of the eman. Well, no! Because in such a war capitalism ennnot exist.
received 1, 073 votes for their motheism the formulations relating there was expressed before the con motion. After everything he had cinntion of classes that dictated the it is not an importantise war that is It may here be argued that the tion, over a fifth of all the votes to the arming of the workers.
attitude taken by Marx and Engels Involved, a war between two imper intention is to tax the capitalists Three delegates, Balay, Molinier The Centrint Verblage til. That is what comrade Balay after he had written and stated toward the close or the historical talist sangs, it is a war against the so heavily is to practically force Zyromski took the floor as the aid in and Naville were elected to the wokesman for the motion of his concise terms. Balny is a member and actuelle motion, that it was But what is the class content of a speech, in vigorous and that he for one wanted a concrete period of continental, national wars. Soviet Union.
Mulhouse Congress th system out of existence. Here Revolutionary Defense we come to the chief Callacy implied The main point on the Agenda oftendency, the Bataille Socialiste. of the of the Seine District, necesary to tie up the seizure of horen wants to use this argument the very same: involveil here for do the taxing?
war of French inperialism? If Thus the conclusion remains in the above question. Who will The government?
district on the eve of the National y he had found himself in so com socialist, defense and to subetonal defense) that one must not llting that he should follow Guesde vlutionary defense. In the name Instrument of the the Federal Congress of the Selne He began by stating that very rare he is the leader of the the power with the war against nain suport of his position, it is only the workers is the question of rer. But the present. min.
close a the resolution how in of using its ist Party of France) at Mulhouse motion. There is no doubt of it. the Bolshevik Leninists. June 9) was the struggle against The motion of the Bataille is the cd out that those who had just chain: the workers militin after plain that to him pate in an imperialist war in the own weapons to commit suicide nor best posible specimen of centrism. spoken of revolutionary force never all this, and more, Pivert signed Norcover, in this war of the pro service of French Imperialism.
to permit others to use it in dealing er.
the Crisis and the Seizure of low it faces on the one side toward read the courage to take the slight and proclaimed his adherence to Imperialist ejkich, Marx and Engels Here we are not even discussing it a death blow.
The division of the votes on the formisin and on the other towards est political responsibility for the the motion which is in ilat contra supported Bebel and Liebknecht in the dublons unstable and pertidious revolutionary Ideas. It deals with and he cited instances diction to what he has said and their refusal to vote war credits to character of the alliance between It is therefore indulging in use Socialiste resolution (the left cenfirst ballot was as follows: Bataille reformism in the vaginest and most known to everybody: the rue Key written, and he refused to vote for Bismark, not to be compared with French imperinlism and the less abstractions to attempt to fgtrist group, who have the majority cautious manner possible, clothing can affair, ete. in the case of the that resolution which was fully in Abusing a Good Example Lavail or Wiegand. What is under discussion is not ure out how to get rid of capitalism in the Seine district 2, 581 votes; itself with the vaguest formularue Feydan, an attack by the Fascord with his expressed ideas.
the final ends pursued by the ment. There is only one way: The by means of a capitalist governtions, and then deals a blow clats ocenrred, while the party Lebas Severne resolution. 1, 300 straight at the heart of revolution leadership refused to permit the Concrete road of revolution, but minds us that when the hangman every other bourgeoisie in Euroneonpitalist state must be destroyed In other words, one advocates the Duclos comes next. He re French bourgeoisie as well as by (the leadership of the party. Resolution of the Bolshevik. inists 805.
tion of phrases that binds those been designated for attack. Come winter was that we talent to between practicera Works ta etice towards the slaughter which will be untenshed state.
Action Socialiste resolution 125. Voting for it to nothing.
rade Balay supported the BolsbeLA Verite, in commenting on Zy vik Leninist motion because in his all the more damnable because it porting the latter but directing all Constructive Revolution resoluThis nttitude on Pivert part is Kerensky government, not of sup by the capitalist crials, romsky speech, observes that after opluton it was the only one that serves to screen from the eyes of forces agninst the main enemy As it stands the leaders of the V, ST. PAUL are pledging themselves to Question: How do you account tion 183. resolution (the extreme maten romskom spenderas pused the problem of the seixure of the workers the real problems tae. We popularized this example dur rivet the proletariat to the chains for the fact that the state of Ohio left. 96.
much about revolutionary force wer in a lucid and responsible ing them.
ing the Red Plebiscite and throughAbstentions 445.
it could not but recall Pivert crit manner, and he was enthusiastical What 18 motivation? He out the entire course of events in cluding all the slaughters of war, whereas these only seem to be flarThe resolution presented by the Ice (which had appeared in the cheered by the revolutionists at lainks by conciliating the prejudices Germany: at that time the German throughout all the crises of the line up spasmodically in other parts Bolshevik Leninists has of the province to capture the Communist Party, instead of com war. And all this in the name of of the country, been printed in the New Militant. answer to an open letter to him) Neverac (nasistant secretary of sty. The classic argumentation ducting against Hitler the tactic of what kind of revolutionary de Answer: We can only here adspeeches of the Trotskyists in de bout armlus, without envisaging stuk phrases against romantle in ixtional questions en primary to er to make a united front with the other revolution which is or will possible to gauge at any particular then repeated bis o Centrism always putting organ Lenin against Kornilov, chose rath tense of the French proletariat, vance a supposition since it is imfense of their positions were in the actual, concrete link to the surrectionalism. Ho expressed his the political legges German nacists agalust the sorry be accomplished. No. It is in the time all the molecular processes sharp contrast to the vague leftsocialist government Braun Sev. name of the Russian Workers state that are generated by the class 1sm of the other delegates, with ering in Irela. This meant vic which the French bonrgeoisie means struggle. In all probability the out a shade of the false optimism tory for Kornilov Hitler to strangle, tempo of the st Miggles in Ohio, rewhich pervaded the leadership as But today it is Duclos who reBut will matters rest here? lative to the rest of the country. consegnence of the latest municisorts to the example. It is no The Logleal Conelusion flows from two chiet factors: pal elections, longer a question of the united Once on this road, it is fore The objective fnetor, e. the We reprint below a summary of front with the social fascists of doomed that the Communist leaders concentrated untnre of Ohio indusa report of the Congress, from the yesterday upon the common class will proceed much further at try. If we take 1920 statistics es May 25 issue of La Verite (organ front, but of an improbable con Prague, Sverna declared that the basis, 24. percent of the workers of the Bolshevik Leninist group in struction in which a Hitler 18 al Communists would defend the in in the manufacturing Industries of the ways tantamount to Kornilov, dependence of Czechoslovakia. In this country worked in establish.
The Bolshevik Leninist Position Ferce strnggle against the country. etc. Persevering work in the trade but where the Kerensky to be sup Paris the expert writes: the ments employing each over 1, 000 82. In his speech comrade Molinier ideas and methods of reformism, Revolutionary Defentism unions, cooperatives, and other mass ported after fashion becomes communists do not plant their bad people. As compared to stressed the only possible revolu complete and final break with the Intransigeant opposition organizations win them over to Laval Weygand. That is not the ner over a ding heap. They do not percent of the workers in the mantionary concrete measures which advocates of collaboration with national defense under a capitalist the cause of proletarian revolution. puny reformist Kerensky of the condemn the army as such. They ufacturing Industries in Ohto were concentrated in such large indusreally want to take to the road of Ints, etc. in France and throughout ary defeatism as the only consistent formist bureaucracy of the trade ameared by history but mighty therland (no, since the time of tries, and this figure is exceeded revolution. He aimed his attack at the world. The struggle against proletarian policy.
Denunciation unions, French imperialisin, Marx, they know that the workers by only three states in the Union: the notion of the Bataille Social reformiam does not exclude, but and complete break with hypocritStruggle for the realization and Lenin Conditions lave no fatherland. They want Michigan, with 18. percent, Conniste which speaks of the selzure of demands the strnekle for reforms. ical and false social pacifism as nuson for presentation of trade It must be added that the wretch. to conquer for the tolling masses ecticut, with 34. percent, and lopower without recogulxing the need the reformists who stand on bour well as selal patriotism. The nec nulon unity on the basis of workers ed numbkult remains triumphant to the right to their own banner, the dinna with 34. percent.
of the general strike or of creating geols legality betray the struggle essity of systematically pointing democracy and the right of political the end. He continues with the right to their own army, and the The subjective factor. People the embryonic organizations of the for reforms. Condemnation of the cut to the workers that without the roups quotation: Allowing for necessary right to their own fatherand. with revolutionary consciousness, Organization of a revolutionary changes, Lenin wrote, we equally tes. Also, the latter motion Hists cracy. The Lenser Evil, which ism, no International tribunal, no group in the trade union And, WHOLE WAITING, they particularly members of the Work some excellent prescriptions for the led to the worst possible evil, Pas conference on the reduction of arm. In order to displace the connecomast push to the foreground at this time want to safeguard all the materialer Party, have taken leading post aments, no democratic reorgantz orationist leadership of the o. what may be called partial de WILLE WAITING. that is tusny trance of Marxism into the class In this historical period, the enwithout so much as hinting at the The Struggle for Power ation of the League of Nations, wilt reformist trade union center) and manda (there you see you have the while under the present domination struggle is, of course, the decisive actual and concrete link toward Necessity of revolutionary save humanity from imperialist for vor der no contient the latter on a inmediate demands, ute.
that end: the workers militia.
struggle for power, of armed insur war.
Comrade Gerard followed by em rection for the establishment of the But the quotation does not end the bourgeois fatherland. Thus, 10. United front policy toward there, and here are the partial de revolutionary defense leaps over the Revolutionary defense against other working class organizations phasizing the typical contradictions afctatorship of the proletariat, a imperialism and against internal mands that Lenin listed: arrest chasm which divides it from social statement, attributed to Stalin, in Question: Where can find the of centrism which pervaded the mo the only method of transforming con, which remains a proletarian boy the entire party. Control of the Wybory and felingsfors, dissolve conse pledges the proletariat to 11. Control of the activity of the Miliukov, arm the Petrograd work patriotiem.
tions presented.
The polley of revolutionary de Democracy and fascism are twins?
which it is stated that the Social It was quite in the nature of ciety.
state because of its social basis and things that the motion of the BatThe struggle against bourgeois the predominant form of property activity of every member of the or the Dutna, arrest Rodzianko, legal war and to counter revolution. It Answer: In the pamphlet What aille Socialiste could have as its Necessity of mercilessly unmaskize the transfer of the landed es is as inevitable for the French pro Fritx Heckert, published by the 18 Happening in Germany) by signatories at one and the same democracy does not exclude but deNecessity time those who were the partisans mands the struggle for the defense Ing the false methods of the Soviet tage of non proletarian elements in workers control over food suppliesion. And all this in the name of a 1933. IIeekert states as follows (P of! percentates to the peasante, establish letariat as it is for the Soviet Us Workers Library Publishers in June and those who were the opponents and extension of workers rights to bureaucracy and especially its for the leadership, and among the can and industry realistie polley.
of direct revolutionary action. This the democratic period. This strug eign policy. The utilization, for the Thus is it that Lenin, who goes motlon, suld comrade Gerard, was sie becomes all the more pressing defense of the of the con Aidates for urliamentary election etc.
on to exhort the soldiers to rise for the proletariat than Marklem. the development of social democraThere is nothing more realisti 20. estrly as 1914 (2)
Comrade Stalin gave a definition of a colored screen, ou which anyone as against the varions forms of the tradictions between the various imFactory Nuclei against the generals and officers for ten years we have fought the ey into fascism that in its exactness could project his own particular dictatorship of tuance capital (Fas perialist states must not in any case mean enpltulation before the bour cism, Bonapatism, etc. 12. Orientation of the work of who had declared themselves for theory and practise of socialism in color.
Comrade Naville devoted himself Condemnation of the method of geolate of the proletariat of an im the party sections toward the fac Kornilov, rises to fing in Duclos one country. Now more than ever and its clear sightedness is unsur to the exposition of the concrete Austrian Social Democracy in at perlu se state temporarliy allled ories Setting up of nuclet in the face the call for a workers mill we call upon the proletariat to gole passed. a defaltion that was with the Implications of the seizure of pow. tempting to gain 51 percent of the us in the struggle for the regenera made the basis of the Comintern negal Work Kitrective support by the party of Thoren. Duclos and Gitton tion of proletarian Internationalism and the policy of the er, linking it up with the actual electorate, a method of passivity The strikes and other economic strugkeep repeating to anyone who tissituation (the Flandin government, and gradualism which can only revolutionary struggle Igles of the working class. Fascism cald Comrade Stalin tens to them: we are no desertors. DETROIT (FP. Preparations. Is Alghting organization of the the state of the party and of the lead to defeat.
for the dictatorship of the proletar 13. Condemnation of the federal As Lenin called upon us, we shall are being made to charter an inter bourgeoiste, an organization that working clase. He pointed out lat demands secret, systematic and of that the policies of the leadershlpers, peasants, and soldiers as the persevering propaganda in the late structure which is sulted to a participate in every war, no mat national union of automoblle work rests on the active support of so of the party were incompatible with form of the dictatorship of the pro army.
purely parliamentary activity under ter how rcactionary It may be.
As crs within the near future. Ques: elal democrnes. Social democracy a bourgeols democracy. Necessity a matter of fact, Lenin declared that tionnaires will be sent to the varis objectively the moderate wing of real struggle for power. letariat: a form historically estab Necessity of supporting, not for a democratic centralist structure the communists and the workers tous locals of the United Automo fascism. These organizations do Speaking of parliamentary illu lished by the experiences of the in words but in deeds, every move based upon a revolutionary policy will participate in wars imperialism bile Workers of America to ascer not contradict each other but com.
slons, Naville took as an example, Russian revolution of 1905 and the ment for emancipation among col and operating in conformity with may unleash. Upon this point we tain whether these organized work plete each other. They are not supporting it by facts, the experl revolutions at the close of the war. onial peoples or oppressed national. the demands of such a policy. must discuss with our comrades of ers now desire an International un antipodea, but twins.
ence in Italy. The Italian Socialist Recognition of the Internaties up to and Including the right 14. Necessity of carrying on a the left wing of the Socialist party ion and feel capable of the respons. Further on in the pamphlet, party despite its considerable electional, and by the same token the of these peoples to secede from the struggle for the revolutionary re who declare themselves for the ibility of directing its affairs.
toral successes was none the less permanent, character of the prole mother country. The right to sell groupment of the proletariat on an launching of an insurrectionary The response will be for the im says: The facts (77. then, have Heckert, ranting against Trotsky, annihilated by Fascism, which was tarian revolution, corresponding to determination of the peoples of Al International scale, that is to say, strike in reply to the war. mediate establishment of an inter in a crael fashion unmasked the weakest in the electoral field. His the imperialist nature of the pres sace Lorraine, Including the right as a consequence of the collapse of General Strike Against War national, the Detroit office of the counter revolutionary meaning of speech created a profound impresent epoch capitalism. Condemna of secession from France if they the Second and Third Internation It the Marxist Leninists reject American Federation of Labor as the platform of the social Hitlerslon.
tion of all deviations of a national. wish.
als, the building of a Fourth Inter this slogan It is assuredly not on sumer. In anticipation of a large Ite Trotsky, who has striven to The experience in Belgium bad lat character in the policy of the Systematic propaganda among the national based upon the theoretical the grounds of principle. But the affirmative vote, preprations are prove that social democracy and dealt a serious blow to the support. proletariat. France is not Ger French workers against all nation and strategical principles laid down mechanism whereby wars are un now under way to call a convention fascism are not twins, but antiers of de Man. So that, Itard who many or Italy. We love our allst and anti foreigo sentiment by Marr and Lenin.
leashed by Imperialist powers and to Detroit, starting August 26. podes. 23)
Platform of the BolshevikLeninist Group in French to anisation.
limiting the