BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers FederationWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 15 Industrial Unionism and the of exist and that they center around Workers to which all employees example, the locals are composed to victorious strike movements 18 Corroboration Of Betrayal By KARL LORE nearly 4, 000, 000 grand total of In the event that the Czechoslovakian army will fight Rumors of serious division in the Basic Issue Stirs Conflict Between more than 12, 000, 000 organizable consistently against German imperialism, the Czechosloleading circles of the American but with no place in the exlating Federation of Labor run thick on Bureaucrats and Ranks International union structure.
the labor movement grapevine.
vakian Communists will support this struggle and come Separating Unskilled Dorkers Louis Stark, the cautious and well It is a great advance of course, out in favor of the army. We are for preserving the indeinformed labor correspondent of the brewery bosses to split the workers took all the skill of the practiced New York Times has even written ranks, in others they ousted the trade union politicians of the that the less skilled elements have of the Brewery Workers from Central LA of to turn the trick but in one been organized in greater numbers pendence of the Czechoslovak nation which can be guar Mine Workers, the Metal Miners. bor Unions. dispatch from Spo place after another the pressure than ever before. There can be no possibility that the United anteed by means of a strong army cleansed of Fascist clothing, brewery, and printing kane, Washington (where union has been too great and the splitting doubt that their presence within the organized labor movement will tradesmen might take the initiative brewers are on strike or are locked off process began.
make a profound Impression. But elements and in which the workers enjoy all political libSplitting the Federal Locals in setting up another federation, out as a result of this fight) quotes Unlikely as Today every possible craft worker to separate them organizatioually it is that the near future Harry Dahl, district representative will see any such development, there are the Teamsters, as saying: We is being squeezed out of the Federal from the vitally important skilled erties. We demand that the members of the army be granted is no doubt that real differences are organizing a new affiliated un locals. In the rubber Industry, for workers who are so often the key ion called the Brewery Inside the right of suffrage again. We will support the Socialist the historic and basic issue of indangerous. The joint parties in the government in all the measures which are dustrial uuionism.
inside the local breweries must be almost entirely of the production extremely men.
All others are in the craft Councils which are being set up in The Federation executive is reap Truly an unprecedented situs locals and under the discipline of most industries to provide for some measure of united action are at designed to combat fascism and to produce concrete ben ing the harvest for its unwillingness to take a stand on the issue. It has been considered a cardinal crime by ists has recently taken the machintion!
Bilder antonis has always ternational Association of Machin best shoddy substitute for Agenuine. the efits to the workers. In foreign policy we will advocate been straddling the fence ever since Federation officials. Yet here, insts and tool and die makers out or tuture can tell whether such makethe organizing drive began in the its efforts to smash an industrially the mass unions of the Remington the attack of industry.
shift construction will withstand everything that is designed to support the peaceful foreign been worked out to meet the sit constructed Federation afiliate, an Rand Company. The of The leaders of the great craft policy of the Soviet Union and to beat back the war plans uation which arose when the work. other of organization goes regards the crux of the problem of have of Hitler Germany.
ers in their thousands, flocked into unico. Tento word ten protest has organizing the great electrical and scornful of the mass ot the un mnen newly organized into the redcome from Federation headquarters applicationment fac general policy skilled. This attitude cropped out From a speech by the deputy in the Czech parliament delivered eral Labor Unions wanted to know. used in a national fight to dismem which would result in the organ: Tobin of the Teamsters referred to Would they be allowed to retain an ber one of its oldest bodies.
at a mass meeting of the in Prague and reported in the Prager Tagblatt. Neue Front, May 24, 1985. industrial structure or would a later division into crafts be forced The Campaign in Steel anies in their respective craft or the rubbish that had recently ganizations and a coordination of come into the trade union movement. His remark was notable for upon them? The organisers had no The last convention of the these organizations by plants.
answer. The of was band of voted with great enthusiasm At its convention held some months its frankness but it only expressed tional campaign which we have conducted for ling dynamite and no one knew it for a widespread organization cam noin Buffalo the Radio and Anted what too many other labor chiefs, NEW MILITANT a long time now on this question. All the more exucutive council.
better than the labor moguls of ita palan in the steel industry. Plans Trades National Council which had members a force which may even with which is merged significant is it that this enlightenment occurs declaration against industrial union the Executive Counci at its last basis voted to corsanize upon a places, are thinking. Constant and THE MILITANT on the question which determined the regroup ism meant the loss of thousands of session. But the drive never got foundation to meet the require unpredictable strike waves are not Published weekly by the New Militant Publishing Co. ment of the revolutionary forces once before the new recruits. To grant such a under way. What happened is fair ments which will allow it to be to their liking. They fear the new 55 East 11th Street, New York City and which will do so again the question of to sweep the ground out from under the campaign by insisting that iteration of labor as an Internation from the mills and factories of AmPhone, ALgonquin 9058 war.
the feet of some of the most power. be conducted on a craft basis and al Union. The aluminum workers erles, are challenging their polleles, Batered as second class mall matter at the Post Office But something more fundamental is involved tul national units in the Federation that Wharton of the Machiniste bave been obliged to give up crate their lack of militanes and their at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. here. The question under consideration is Nor was the issue confined to the whole idea was sbelved. The indus others, a similar process is under right to leadership.
social patriotism, and the Stalinists, unfortun new unions. The Brewery Workers trial unionists on the Council knew way. When the independent Indus JAMES CANNON. Editor Issue For Progressives ately, are not the sole exponents and practi Union which had come back with that it would be a grizzly farce to trial Union of Marine and Ship This raisos a serious question in SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tioners of this treachery to the working class. a bang after prohibition repeal, was approach the men of the mills on building Workers of Camden, regard to the new ass unions of In the United States 00 per year; 650 six months applied for affiliation, it was denied seni aud uuskilled workers. They Canada and Foreign: 50 per year; 00 six months The original, and present, carriers of the pois: organizations who claimed jurisdic. At the same session the Interna a charter because of its refusel to are not yet firmly established. The Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
on of social patriotism in the labor movement tion over these labur categories in tional Union of Mill. Mine and sacrifice a unified structure.
are the Social Democratic reformists! We con broweries. The Machinists Union Smelter Workers appealed against No Change Envisaged and large untrained. They have Vol. SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1935 No. 26 demn the Stalinists, not because they have in and the Amalgamated Association the action of the Metal Trades De The picture that emerges is a far no adequate treasures to sustain troduced something new but because they have of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers partment of the of and its from happy one. The bigh hope them in their fight. For some time The Socialist Call and Social sunk down to the old platform of Social Demo who worked in steel mills. The is in dividing the workers in the present time, have gone glimmering. deal of help from the Federation were quarreling about machinists president, the astute John Frey, for real industrial unionem at the to come they will require a good Patriotism cracy! It is not enough for a socialist paper de was there, it was inescapable Butte, Montana coppermines Large slices have been cut out of and from its affiliated organizations.
The Stalin Laval Communique is arousing Such a limitation does not clarify but confuses the inconvention betan tiny sadomly the sembled and there the Federal locals. Instead of the won they get it? It is tragically. in the widest interest among the politically orrely. the issue for the socialist workers. It is one: brought in the recommendation that ization. The appeal was rejected tion which all too often fan to battle in the history of America, not ganized workers and, following the attacks of the the revolutionary Marxists on this shameful the more so since the Social Democratic leaders cutive Council is directed to issue Trades Department composed en strike of 1934, for example, the craft anfon cohorts. It is entirely announcement of the social patriotic betrayal stand today where they stood in 1914.
charters for National or Interna tirely of craft organizations. Was machinists, organized in a separate possible that these die hards, once of the Stalinists, has now brought important tional unions in the automotive, ce approved local, failed to come out and lend they have blasted loose and absorbed ment, aluminum and such other The Oll Contract repercussions in the socialist ranks. The Sotheir support in the fight.
the craft workers from the Federal Leon Blum, the leader of the French Social mass production and miscellaneous cialist Call, organ of the militants, ist Party, in a speech in the French Chamber Industries as in the Judgment of the has just signed a joint agreement no change in its basic craft strac lems of the masses in the basic inThe Federation can conceive of Unions, will lose interest in the probdevotes an article in the June issue to this of Deputies on March 15, announced. Executive Council may be necessary for twelve of its affiliated craftsture and orientation. It regards dustries. The craft moguls are question and minces no words in its denunciato meet the situation. This roo with the Sinclair Oil Company, an craft unionism based the skilled fighting for their lives. They know am convinced, gentlemen, and say it lution, unanimously adopted, was agreement which runs out in March worker as the backbone of its that the trend of the is against tion of Stalin and his French lackeys who are weighing my words, that in replying to aggres amet universally regarded as van 1826. Last June un contract was strengen in the future is in the theme and that the ground they stand ialist bourgeoisie.
The Socialist Call quotes the notorious all other Frenchmen.
this country will rise to a man together with terpreted as the decisive straw with the Oil Field, Gas Well and lines are impossible for the semi they control the Executive Council which pointed the path of an in Refinery Workers which expires in skilled and unskilled production of the American Federation of Lab dustrial organization gole.
statement: In this respect Stalin fully underJune 1935. The Boiler makers have workers in the basic industries. or and, in the cause of self preserv.
stands and approves the policy of national de be Why doesn the Socialist Call speak about what has happened since the still another agreement. Certainly These elements accords to this ation, they seem prepared to leave fense undertaken by France of maintaining the speech of Blum is known to the editors. It trend the Federation been in contracts expiring simultaneously thelr Industries. report on the It is unfortunate that there trial unions been set up? Has the learned the necessity of writing together into national unions for despise and fear, holding the bag.
her armed forces at the level required for sewas called to their attention in the May 11 that direction? Unfortunately, it for all divisions of the industry. Field for Unionization made to been as yet, no consolidation of the curity, and the prompt response of Humanite to the effect that We are resolved in case issue of the New Militant.
has not. In fact, the trend has the present situation in oll menns conference of presidents of Interna progressives in the trade union of war to carry out our obligation of revoluOr, to come closer home, the Nero Leader been the other way. There is that power to act, instead of being tional untores carly in 1934 shows movement to take the initiative tionary defense even if it coincides with sooften praises the policy of the right wing so path of the of. may wipe is divided in three directions. Conception of the role that the new without such crystallization no called national defense. Revolutionary decialists in the bourgeois government of Europe, out all the organizational gains tractual relations with the employer unions were to play. It estimated effective opposition may be expected.
featism demands that we should struggle for who stand frankly on a program of civil peace that the past few years have made are not coordinated. Unifled strike that of 30, 000, 000 organizable work. The light for genuine industrial unthe defeat of the Hitlerian counter revolution.
and national defense. This paper, in its issue Warfare Against Browery Union Impossible of achievement action will be very difficult if noters in the United States, over ontem has just begun and is by no 17, 000, 000 or about 58 percent were means a hopeless one. The rank To this the Call quite properly replies: of May 18, endorses the Franco Soviet pact fierce fight on against the The Federation real problem, eligible to membership in the exist and file has come through the fire and espouses the international fight on Hitler Brewery workers. Two successive however, lay in the newly organing internationals. Three chiet and the blaze of the industrial con So revolutionary defense is to be put at ism in company with the bourgeois govern conventions of the of Lorized industries. The Federal locals categories make up the remainder fliet hardened and more sure of the service of French imperialism! And rev ments in the democratic countries.
dered them to give up crafts had been largely the work of rank as follows: the clerks and kindred itself, its desire for labor organolutionary defcatism which always meant the Why doesn the Socialist Call answer and The brewers rejected the decision organizers had little influence in 5, 000, 000 organizable but not elig job heightened manifold. united other internationals. and Ale elements and Federation workers where there are nearly ization which can face up to the defeat of your government is perverted to mean the defeat of the enemy of your governdenounce these expressions when it deals with by referendum vote of 24, 161 to them. The unions thus set up were able to existing internationals: the progressive movement can carry the subject of social patriotism? To fail to 170. The craft unions have begun completely industrial in structure semi skilled workors with a corres forward the banner of organization ment!
do so is to fail to arm the socialist workers war to the death. In a number and suggestions that crafts be split ponding figure of over 3, 000, 000 on the great industrial battlefront This is the most vulgur national chauvin against social patriotic betrayal in their own of. It of ism, no matter in what fine sounding terms it party and international. More correctly, it is is clad.
encies in all countries, with the in cases where untons were expelled Confab to disarm them.
open rejection of all vestiges of rev.
where workers were compelled to olutionary working class InternaSo far so good. The expression of the So We advise the Socialist Call to continue its Meet in You are refusilor oficials to allow Marks Time tionalism by the 18 little short cialist Call is an indication that the Socialist campaign against the vulgar national chauof a betrayal of basic Interests of strikes, etc. some delegates thought the international working class. Militants are overcoming the false and dan vinism of the Stalinists. And the next time an addition on this was in place.
The British has within its (Continued from Page 1)
gerous illusion that Stalinism is something they write the editors should remember the ex ve local 22, noting that onclause Meet out and barrage of attack proclaiming before all the import the British working class. com (Continued from Page 3)
ranks some of the best elements of left and revolutionary. It shows that the cellent watchword of Karl Liebknecht: The en race discrimination was included was launched achinist its sponsorshive necessity for such and working pared with it the is a mor Socialists are already to a certain extent vac main enemy is in our own country! The so in the program, corrected the over as dual unionists.
towards and for its consummation. ibund and decrepit outfit. The cinated against this disease. That is a pre cialist militants will never approach the sight.
At the Paris Conference of Inde is called upon to give a fearless, Sleight of Hand requisite for their further development on the great German revolutionist until they translate Shelve Industrial Unionism pendent Socialist Parties held in honest, open revolutionary lead to road of revolutionary Marxism, and is a sign Charles Zimmerman endeavored February of this year, which is the British workers. On its declhis words to read: The enemy is in our own tonism and smallgamation, delegate upon the workers Party by reading muper, the British LLP. played a nation it will flourish and grow in the of to tack the label dunt unionist brietly reported elsewhere in this sion depends whether as an organthat events have served to confirm the educaparty!
Shitt, moved that a committee be leaflet which advertixed a meeting icading and important role. This in revolutionary strength and activity authorized to draw up a resolution of the on the question: Is fluence has undoubtedly been cxert or miserably disintegrate in the Question Box covering the steps to be taken in an independent Federation of Labored to prevent a clear declaration for centrist morass of indecision and (Continued from Page 3)
reaching our objective of one indus on the Order of the Day? That New International. Delegnte vacillation. The conference for the trial mion of all wedle workers. The answer given to this question Smith, a prominent worker and first time posed the question openly Finally, we may add for the te of enplete clarity This proposit was ruled out as by the is a decisive No was writer in the LLP. drew attention before the organization and the if in the impractical on the ground that well known to Zimmerman. felay, the Marxist party But at the Derby conference to the fact British workers. Let us hope that the committee could not report back that made no difference. The ener. that, within the Left Parties group, the lead given by certain delegates were in power, it would renovate to the conference. Zimmerinany which was not displayed by an the LLP has been responsible for and the obvious desire of many the entire political regime: poke to this effect. An addition attack on biosks and Co was the prevention of steps towards the others to meet the problem openly would share and cleanse be bu Prop by the lay manager of utilized for a typical Lovestoncite formation of a Fourth Internation and honestly will spell a speedy end reneracy, dl pince it under the nel 1) group opposed mechanical slor on the Workers Party. In this al.
cum the masses; it would party control of nons. Zimmer he was seconded by other well to the past policy of tacking and transform all of the administrative The perspective of a New Inter veering in the stormy currents and practices, and inaugurate a series man moved to wfer this clause to known Lovestoneites who were pre national in the dim and distant fu that a course will be set for a June Clearance of cual reforms in the mare the incoming executive committee.
sent in abundance.
ture must be energetically rejected. Fourth International capable of Two points in the program were men of economy: but in no ense While some delegates from Pro. Such an attitude this deep crisis leading the international working world it have to undertake an 20 50 Discount subicct to debate: the labor party gressive groups were seated only as of capitalism, with rapidly apclass to victory and to Socialism.
OVERTURN IN THE PROPERTY fraternal delegtes and had their proaching war, with the alarming RELATIONS. le. NEW SOCIAL Bill Green Position amendments ruled out of order, growth of fascism and fascist tend MEXICAN RAILWAY, MINE REVOLITION. Trotsky, The The clause on dual unionism Will Herbers of the Lovestone WORKERS FORMING PACT On All Books Serie Linion and the Fourth Inter.
reads in part: For any union to group who was neither delegate nor The poor relations. progressive MEXICO CITY (FP. pact of national, all emphasis in original)
stand outside the of means needle trades worker, wrote out an groups in opposition in the balance solidarity is being discussed be to stand outside the labor move addition to the program, handed it of the ILG. the millinery worktween two of the strongest and BREMERTON, Wash. FP. ment. In the Interests of unity up to the reporter Murray Grossers and the are to divide largest unions in Mexico th RallThe Roosevelt administration fevwe filrmly oppose dual unionism of and had it accepted by the latter tour delegates between them. There way Workers Union and the Mining erish naval preparations against PIONEER BOOKSHOP all brands and varieties. Dual un with the readiness of one long used will be one repres ntative from the and Metallurgical Workers Union.
Japan are giving Bremerton, seat ionism destroys solidarity and to accepting suggestions.
Furriers union, The pract involves close to 100. 000 of the Puget Sound navy yard, breeds demoralization and conflicts The constitution provides for an delegats who pointed out the men and will probably be signed 96 Fifth Avenue, New York City boom time prosperity. 4, 500, 000 among the workers, leading to executive committee of 15, three discrepancy of representation be before July naval drydock is alrendy voted by Cor. 15ths treet One Flight Up strikebreaking and scabbery, to from local 1, four from local 22, tween administration groups and The action is of marked imporcongress, warships are being a paralysis and disintegration. three from knit goods local all of groups in opposition, was pounced tance since it is the first case of conditioned and new building is exAs no reference was made in this these being locals where the pro on by Zimmerman, Gross and such united action by industrial unpected.
clause to the progressive attitude gressives are the administration. others.
ions in Mexico.
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