BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyLeninMarxMarxismNazismNon-aggression PactSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVoroshílovWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

Question Box The recent decision of the bossvently for the appearance of a lead lead only to the outburst of a new the is not yet an aceom with compulsory military service.
On benefit SATURDAY, JUNE 15 1935 NEW MILITANT PACS MARCH OF EVENTS Behind The Rearmament Of Germany By JACK WEBER (By ICL Press Service. become the principal task hend.
The Poestablishment of compul. Consequences of Hitler Program for compulsory service opens up new Imperialist Objectives. jexpense of Russia and China. Ger. sory military service in Germany, anti fascist and revolutionary pos.
many must convince the rest of on March 16, 1935, marks an impor. The International Working Class sibilities but it also presents new The Hearst yellow press express Europe, in particular France, that tant stage on the road to the second and onerous duties. The fate of By WEAVER es most openly and brazenly the her arming is solely for use against Imperialist world war. But of sth the impending Fascist war against alms and objectives of American the Soviets.
greater importance is the fact that are nature they are based solely tary Sports rounded out by forced the depends above all on If production were so carried Question: Would it be best in the imperialism. Ever since Roosevelt If Germany can make Europe the other European and internaupon an agreement to do nothing labor for the unemployed. Work the success of the anti militariston that only simple reproduction recognition of Soviet Russia, dicexcept maintain the condition of in the industrial enterprizes has as work in Germany. Universal mill took place!
tated by the Japanese seizure or believe that her rearming is against tional powers have accepted this stability. This situation received sumed more and more open military tary service is a double edged sword Answer: Under capitalism simlarger and larger slices of China Russie and that Russia is a great fact, almost without any resistance its classic illustration, just recently, forms, particularly since the estab for the Fascist dictatorship, as well. ple reproduction could take place This re at the Stress Conference.
lishment of the so called Law of and the futile attempt of American danger, might not the Little Enten whatsoever on their part.
What is the important aspect in Labor, in accordance with which Our task must consist in seeing to only if the capitalists personally capitalism to call a halt to this te fly asunder and realign itself action characterizes perfectly the it that the weapons which are consumed process of political pressure, IIcarst with Germany aralyst wh. common tradictions of Imperialism have al this situation as regards Fascist the boss is entitled the chief of the surplus value has been engaged in a viclous counproletariat be turned in the lasters, so that no accumulation takes ter propaganda to bring about the will be the Franco Russian pact ready attained to so great a tension Germany? From the diplomatie the enterprise, and the workers the now in the hands of the German which they extract from the work that every imperialist action can standpoint, the leading role claimed followers. All these varieties of analysis against the Fascists them place. In general this is an impos.
breaking off of this recognition Where indeed! Stirling hopes ferby Geranany in its campaign against military forms are now crowned selves. This requires tenacious and sibility under capitalism, and while class to push Japan into a war ofer (Iitler) with the driving power dangers to the bourgeoisle itselt: political power, Germany is able to war. War, however, bears with itplished fact. but with regard to systematic work.
Labor Passive space does not permit us here to go It 18 Impossible to concelve of into a detailed analysis demonstratThis militarization of all the genuine success in revolutionary ing this, suffice it to point to the lon, as manifested by the with banner. In the rule suchen by the fever of colossal erises, and possibility to deploy and strengthes without consequences. The masses many except from the standpoint would require today the screens intervention against the Soviet Union mundte capitellen under sales te the German bourgeoisier wacked sain the time, the occasion and the phases of national life cannot pass and anti militarist work in Ger fact that simple reproduction aldes from Russia and the serving Inte in men thoughts, cannotone ably clipped by the defeat in the fully for its invasion of the East, permanent press of Fascism. The ist party. But the starting point is the latter which produces the world that America did not contem not only forever (forever, Admir under the blows of the world eco its importance as a leading or an for resistance must act to extend favorable. It is true that here and greatest portion of capitalist ac sllied Cactor.
sia against Japan, was halled by but for opening up the fertile lands nomic crisie.
the feeling of submission to the there revloutionary cadres obtain cumulation takes place.
The internal tension in Germany Such is the situation as it actual. Fascist the direction. Sucht a first step in a hangmen, superimposed new possibilities to carry on work The question of reverting to as those of Representative Tinkhamist could set forth no more clearly to the breaking point, and it posed horizon. The question of war le defeat suttered in 1933. At present to assume the leadership of isolated only a pure abstraction. Who is the repeated breaking to issue from its general world of the capitalist system to the tor: when, how and where does the masses of the population is pases, and in the forced labor camps. capitalista? It is precisely they del trete the the Litvinov pledge not to aid or crisis by the method of war and stallation the parent leat atat not bear decisive importance. Istvity, and the widest strata are but these successes are very small whether they like it or not, who are Foster any organization having as plunder the subjugation of the ship. And the latter implied that may well be that the Archduke who already plunged into complete ap Indeed. They do not at all imply forced by the laws of motion of Its aim the overthrow of American peoples of the Soviet Union and the German Imperialism would ac will this time go travelling to sara athy. To this must be added the the transition of the working class capitalist society to accumulate.
ment, were designed to press for known to imperialism in its destre resume the struggles for it. But there is indeed another, and prime material for militarization, continue to pursue their oid meth ment? Under capitalism the state against the Sovlots. And now teletion.
The imperialists look with the tenacious political and military necessity for preparing the Inter. manifestations of discontent are for taking stock of the possible conse will protect the interests of the latclimax the black wave of chauvin greedy eyes on the one sixth of the preparation for war.
national working class for the com the most part merely lost in the quences. Up to now, this method, ter, who require that accumulation ism set in motion by the imperial globe under the banner of the Sov. Drang Nach Osten ing military contlets, and for fors. vold. The revolutionary proletarian as has been amply demonstrated continues ists, there appears the article by lets, thereby cut off from capitalist This preparation had to occur in ing all its forces into a solid front cadres are still too weak and few does more harm than good. And it the American imperialist admiral, exploitation and the making of pro stages, of which the initial and or international resistance against in Germany, and they are in no es precisely the work under new workers, ie, If the proletariat seizes It the government is that of the formerly commander of the Hawali ats. Stirling shows bow the war most important stage is the destrae a new world slaughter. condition to intervene everywhere conditions that demands a complete the power, expropriates the caplNaval Base, Yates Sterling. Every will start the wheels of Industry tion of the working class movement, But how does this question pose past by the reformist and Stalinist the war drawing closer, the ques along socialist lines, there is no need Disintegrated in the break with these old methods. With talists and organizes production the American capitalist class in the of millions of lives that will be sac proletariat is not only the neces of the drive towards the imperial possibility of finding a correct no assumes an ever increasing sharp would be reactionary. since the epitome of the major objectives of and material destruction. The tens German, proletariat. disarmed Itself in Germany, the pivot polnt schools they still lack today the then of the new communist party at curbing accumulation. To do so coming war.
rificed in this crusade will be sery pre requisite for intense ex litical orientation, and by this very ness The German working class stin fact, likewise the possibility of ap counted well spent by the imperial ploitation, but it is also, at the same problems of humanity can be International Support Vital only by expanding its MATERIAL The Call for War. ists if they are shed for the preser time, the necessary guarantee for finds itself in an atomized and displying the necessary and corres But the question of raising the means even higher than was aceom.
In essence Sterling issues a call Yation of a system rapidly decay. the possibility of preparing war oriented condition.
The Pasclet ponding tactics.
class conscious power of the Gerplished under capitalism. Under to arms to capitalism against the ing towards barbarism.
so that the outbreak of the war thoroughgoing manner the job of Germany, there prevalls among the International question. In Germany grows with the increase In Wealth According to reports coming from man proletariat is, primarily, an capitalism the misery of the masses menace of Bolshevism and prole. American Preparation does not meet with any organized destroying the workingclass organ widest strata spirit of fatalism the best forces await the assistance of the ruling class, whereas. under the international outcome of the class just as feverishly as the other capted the first stage, with more than could become the centers of opposiity, appear to them to be a certain danger in other countries would the increase of the social wonde, damental conflict of our epxoch, the The United States is preparing reelstance on the part of the prole izations, and even bourgeois Andas regards the war danger. The of the international working class the rule of the workers, and furtarian masses. After having hurd reactionary organizations which outbreak of the war, its inevitabil An active struggle against the war ther, under socialism, the greater munism or of capitalism. In terms war. These preparations are not ally proceeding to concentrate its labor Front, a concoction of the for war, but rather fatalism and upon the German proletariat.
revivifying repercussion the more will soclety, as a whole.
of this basle issue Sterling appeals merely of a military technical na attention upon the military and debris of reformist trade unions, apathy.
to the nations of Europe that is to ture. Stirling shows clearly the ideological preparation for war. underwent another transmutation, service Implies the further streng tional unity in countries outside Question: Does not the bureau The compulsory military the other hand, the policy of na NEW YORK the capitalist ruling class to close preladinary arrangements of pollt. Compulsory military service is the being incorporated with the capithening of the Fascist dictatorship of Germany could not fail to aug cracy of the Soviet Union constithe ranks, to present one united seal objectives in the coming catas symbol of it.
front against the Soviet Union. It trophe. It is no accident that stertalist exploiters and white collar it assuredly meets with the appro ment the disorganization and the tute a ruling class?
would be a terrible blunder, he ling writes in this fashion at this the European and international of a purely working class organization, particularly among the petty ing class. Just as the question of exceptionally important and more Let us briefly review once again slaves. There is not a vestige left bation of wide strata of the popula disorientation of the German work Answer. The CLASS has an feels, for the capitalist nations to time. The American ruling class scene. We have already sketched tion.
permit themselves to be divided into is preparing Internally also for the in the background the instability. The militarization of daily life and who hope for a boom in their self in Germany in all its sharp meaning to a Marxist.
bourgeoisle who aspire to new posts, the new commnnist party poses it over a scientifically restricted. class is clashes of interests, Sovet Rus ture in Asia, its life or death. The tradictions which do not allow any cent days. The life of the entire the feeling of impotence among the acts to strengthen ness, so the question of the Fourth defned not its participation in sia remains an important, if not the scrapping of all pretences that the check to be exercised upon the ar population has been elamped within rest: Hitler can do whatever be linice posed before the the distribution of the national inthe stabilization of Europe, yet the of the masses, the casting aside otism. While the Fascist derde military framework. The forms pleases.
most vital factor in any plan for government seeks the betterment gressiveness of German proletariat. serious come alone, but by its independent step forward taken in this direcrole in the general structure of but the essence remains doctrines of Bolshevism ever re the shams of the NRA, the open and in no way hides its Drang Nach the same.
The Double Edged Sword tion would have important reper economy and hy its independent maine menace to all eapitalistle more and more brutal attack on the Osten (the Drive Already the school chil. Conscription has bound the Gercussions in Germany. Today, more roots in the economie foundation of nations. Will the rest of Europe working class in th country, are while it flaunts the obstacles on tary training, and in the train there chains, and it poses new and col. depends upon International solidar bility, the peasantry, the netty Eastward)
dren are compelled to receive milli man proletariat more firmly in its than ever the German proletariat solety. Each class (the feudal no divide against itself and give Rusall preparations also for the next this rond, such Eastern follow military exercises, compulsal tasks before the revolutionary ity and the international class bourgeoiste, the enpitalist bourgeol plan propaganda an opportunity to war. The ruling class shows its Pact so many times discussed and sory labor, extra curricular mill elements. Anti militaristic work has struggle drive Red wedge between the di mailed fist internally and externally 50 frequently modified and while sie, and the proletariat) works out visions. The American admiral to its greatest enemy, the world it openly refuses to conclude a its own special forms of property then indicates how capitalism may proletariat. And first and foremost non aggression pact with Lithu to postpone the coming of revolu The bureaucracy lacks all these revive its waning strength at the to the American working class ania, the avenue for the invasion of social traits. It has no IndependBrockway then offers his criticism ont position in the process of prothe but prises instead as How the Stalinists Ruin the bulwark against the world theoretical basis.
independent property roots. Its danger of Bolshevism all the ef The Third International ts top frometions relate basically to the no forts of other Imperialist powers We reprint the following aeheavy. with the exception of Japan and While the United front with the Russian workers and only thou The existence of a bureteracy, in It embraces millions of Hitlen! TECHNIQUE of class rule.
count and analysis of the confer. remains on the books there sands in other countries.
Poland, the allies Germany) are enee of the British Independent aimed towards maintaining toe inwag much denunciation of the usean its variety of forms and differthat only by the well known moules ternational and Europe thon, but Party of Canada. Ed.
Labor Party from the Vanguard, By ALPHA This unbalanced condition of ences in spectie weight. characterstatus bi weekly organ of the Workers Govern lessness of these activities. Me the Communist International, he is EVERY class regime. Its now.
In recent months, the Kremlin ty of Stalin, for what was involved quo. This is not a to the as a writes, las resulted in mistaker is of a reflected character. The has set about with enviable zeal! here was the life and death of the merely the protraction of the solu to revise the history of the Red revolution. It is also impossible to tlon. The only solution possible for The 43rd Annual Conference of must be something for wrong with manist Nazi alliance on the German feeling itself on the social roots Stephen said in effect that there theory of social fascist, the Com up with the ruling coltomie class Army. The aim of this revision is speak of the sparsity of Informa the butterfalist contradiction 18, us the British ILP, held at Derby the when it continues to char referendum, the over riding of mathe latter, maintaining itself in content, that Trotsky fought in he was doing when he cleansed the to demonstrate, if not in form then tion in the party: Stalin knew wlint always, war.
during Easter weekend was looked acterize one of the world foremost forities in Communist Parties and and falling treether with it.
No Solution at All forward to with keen interest by revolutionists and thinkers, the finposition from above of new Always and in every regime, the the camp of the White Guards Red Army of the counter revolus All the efforts to maintain the all sections of the revoluttonary Trotsky, as a counter revolution leaderships. These mistakes have reaucracy devours to small por.
against the Soviets. We are not tionary nests introduced in it by European status quo, and all the working class movement. The ist, there took place one of the had such a dianstrous effect upon ton of surplus value. It might not exaggerating Trotsky, they aver, Trotsky and when he stopped the results achieved on this path are party participation in the confermost demonstrative ovations of the other wetions of the workine classe interesting for samole to introduced hests of white guards execution of communists, which only of a provisional and tempor ences of the independent revolution. whole conference.
into the Front, who would unfailingly himself. And since Stalin could soldier who knows from experience activities with the Its esThree Main Lines that there is no hope of the growing compute whent portion of the na revolutionary ontside the tional income is devoured by the Juave rin the cause of the revont have acted without the anthor what is involved would arrive at timation of the international situaFenner Brockway writes in the Communist introvemento ng Into Piscist loenste in Italy or Cierlution it Stalin had not intervened ity of the Political Bureau, this about the following conclusion :tion were expected to provide lively New Lender, that three main lines it to redress the balance. many! Rut this fact. of uo small in the nick of time and cleansed also means that the Politicul Bur. When they accused Trotsky of of thought or polley manifested and interesting debate underestimating the the army of Trotsky agents. At eau was informed of the affair. The United Revolutionary importance by itself. is entirely in No decision however of a defnite themselves at the conference.
To ternational of the future. be con sufficient to transform the Fascist the same time Trotsky shot comWhat About Lenin? thought might probably be character regarding future polley quote from his artiele: munists, who fought courageously Certainly the Political Bureau of true: the question was complex tinues, will not grow out of the bureaucracy into an INDEPENDwas made, unless we are to consider They may be described broadly in the ranks of the Red Army, and that time was composed in its mat present Communist International ENT ruling class. It is the bireling and difficult to figure out. But an endorsation of the policy of the as the Communist line, the Trot will be a coming together of all the of the bonrgeoisie.
the affair would inevitably have jority of counter revolutionists or when they tell me that Trotsky present leadership as such. But Socialist Ine. The LL. Conter present Internationals and outside ing what should be changed what MUTATIS MITANDIS (elang.
ented in catastrophe de once again of candidates for the counter introduced nests of white guards this was more an endorsation of a lack of polley than otherwise.
ence proved that the vast majority them. This is the Revolutionary has been said above enn be applied tervention of Stalin, who personally vier. But Lenin? Let us grant squarely: the present leaders are Compared with past conferences of the accept the Revolu Socialist Une to the Stalinist bureaucracy as prefers to shoot Communists in that he was a bad judge of things lying! And if they lle so imputhe debate brought out the fundalonary Socialist lino, and only So there is the line which well. It derours, wastes, and empeace time.
and people (his testament allows dently on the civil war, then mental tendencies reflected in the fractions the Communist and Trot. Brockway is plensed to term the bexxles a considerable portion of These exceedingly interesting and us to come to such a conclusion truly they also lie on the matter international movement more sharp sky line.
in a manner of speaking, sensa But Stalin himself? Why did he of the underestimation of the ly and clearly than ever before, and He describes these lines as typical centrist opportunist line:ament costs the proletariat very tional revelations raise several not pose before the Central Compensantry.
indicated that despite the expressed follows: line which declares that the second clearly. In the Soviet society, it questions, mittee and before the Party the The result of the new campaign testre of the National Committee. The Communist line would join International can be of no effec occuples an extremely privileged Pertinent Questions question of the Insidious work of of sensational revelations can only to preserve an even keel among the and the Communist Party tive service to the working class :Tition not only in the sense of First: Why are these revelations Trotsky in the Red Army at the be the following: raining confidence all the stormy currents (Maxton together in a United Communista line which rejects affiliation to having political and administrative so belated? Is it because the young time of civil war?
in the leadership in the old and the membership is being Party affiliated to the Communist the Third International; a line prerogatives but also in the sense soviet savants have dug up a num The Red Soldier who knows how the new, in all leadership.
forced by the pressure of interua International. The Trotsky line which records the growing revolu of possessing enormous material ber of unexpected discoveries from to read and to reflect, in remarking Killed Again tional events to make up its mind would form the archives or because a new gen the old pamphlets or magazines, One has then to ask oneself: why in which direction it must travel. The Revolutionary Socialist line the internationals, but which refus ments, the juiciest steaks, and even eration has grown up which knows must say to himselt: then does the Stalinist clique find Stalinists Balked sees that the future revolutionary es openly to proclaim the need for Rolls Royces are not enough to nothing of the past. For One thing stands out from the movement, both in this country and a New International, but endeavors transform the bureaucracy into an Secondly: What relation have at the head in Trotsky was of 1985 to embark on such double proceedings that the hope of the Internationally must be something to steer an even keel in the stormy independent ruling class.
these recent revelations with prev the Red Fleet. They named him edged revelations, which at least. Stalinists to capture the or much bigger than a union of forces international waters. the privileges of the hureaulous onex? At the close of 1923 the leader of the armed forces of are 50 percent self revelations? win it for affiliation to the Comin between the LLP. and the Com As the LLP. leadership with crney by themselves do not change they accused Trotsky of underes the Soviet Republic. Trotsky re Trotskyism was killed in 1925, then tern is now a dead issue. This was munist Party or the Revolutionary Ramsay MacDonald at the helm, in the bases of the Soviet society, betimating the peasantry and of fav. ceived the oath of the Red Sold illed in a los ince1927a drevocabolo clearly evidenced in the debates and Partons, and the Communist Inter the days when true revolutionary cnuse the bureaucracy derives its oring the permanent revolution. iers. He has shown himself to be partles had to decide their attitude privileges not from any special Now, they declare that since 1917 a traitor. His criminal acts sky to Alm Ata) the last respokesmen of this tendency. The It (the llne) recognizes towards the New (third Interna property, relations, peculiar to it as Trotsky was in reality an agent of caused hundreds of thousands of mains of the miserable debris decision on the Guild of Youth that revolutionary Socialist thought tlonal after the ignominious col elass, but from those property the Whites in the Red Army, which superfluous victims. Who has de were once again exterminated after (I. means the affilation of the and spirit is growing in all sections lapse of the Second steered and relations which have been created was created by Stalin. Then why celved us! The Political Bureau Trotsky expulsion from the onun Gulld to the Young Communist in of the working class. It is inevit maneuvered for some ha. bor in be by the October Revolution, and have they dinned into the ears of with Lenin at its head. That try where he was conclusively unternational is now definitely broken able that under the present conditween for a two and a half Inter which are fundamentally adequate all bumanity over a period of years is to say, there sat in the masked as an agent of Imperial and although a small minority of tions in the world It should grow national. so the present leadership for the dictatorship of the proleabout ander estimation of the Political Bureau traitors and ism. It seems that it would be the youth will probably go home everywhere.
is looking for some three and a half tariat.
peasantry and other trash of the men who shielded traitors. But time to pass to the order of the to Stalinism, the main body are The time must come when this International. It vaguely talks To put it plainly, Insofar as the same gender, if it concerned not a perhaps they will deceive me revolutionist but a counter revolu. again? They speak to me of the cannot remain at pence: they find orientation particularly internation neaprover the operation de consent there were about eventual unity of all revolu burenucracy rotas the people (and this is done in various ways by tionist?
treachery of Trotsky only ten it necessary wrack their brain. ally, which will lead them away and create the united revolutionary The Present Need every bureaucracy. we have to Thirdly: Why did the Bolshevik! years after his retirement. And would it be possible to invent some from Stalinism onto the path of a movement which alone will be equal But the working class makes its deal not with CLAAS EXPLOITA.
Party for seven years (1918 1925) when will they speak to me of thing else, stronger, more power. New Youth International. In this to the task of winning workers own history. Furthermore the ques TION, in the scientific sense of the keep at the head of the Red Army the treachery Stalin and Vor ful, more poisoned, which will real respect they can render a great power and establishing socialism. tion here is not of merely forming, word, but with SOCIAL PARASIT a man who might have destroyed it oshitov? Who can one believe ly and truly kill this Trotskylam service to the in exposing To join the Communist Internain some narrow mechanical manner, ISM, although on a very large and not nominate Stalin who creat That is what the young reflective that has already been killed at and undermining the centrist role tional or to form a Fourth Interna a New Fourth International, but scale.
ed it? It is impossible to explain Red Soldier would say. The old least seven times.
and influence of the tional under these circumstances is (Continued on Page Continued on Payo 4)
as the British Marks Time to spare time The Morale of the Red Army peasantry