CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyItalyLeninOpportunismReform PartySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Letters to the Editor Rubber Barons BeginOffensive The Manager Corner Drive for Mini the PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1935 HORMIOHINI Convention Marks Dunne Blasts Comments Great Stride Forward in Debate HUTAKIN KUAMINICHIURNONIMAHINDUISM.
On Life, Liberty From Comrade To port for a man whose theoretical and Pursuit of (Continued from Page 1)
ole e creme de la to be there After Complete Rout Disrupter. Style Knowledge is very valuable athe New Line Is Pretext Happiness leagues, called for the creation of McKinney, vice president of the Stalinists Apologize WACO, Texas. How the Com in this state engaged in a whisperfor Firining Active an Anti Capitalist Labor Party. replying to this speaker, For Disruption munist Party protects class war ing campaign Progressives BY BILL REICH Conferences to establish such a pointed out in the course of a brief prisoners is shown by its final belabor party on a state scale were to but pungent address, that the While the charges The World Do Move.
were st111 be held within a month! itselt, in its constitution rejected MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Repre trayal of Dr. John Greenberg. Dr.
By GEORGE PAPCUN convention of the unemployed, AKRON, Ohio. The NRA casti Delegate Slinger, 8th Ward, Al the idea of abolishing the miseries sentatives from the and the Greenberg, who is being deported pending against Greenberg, the Innumerous mass meetings (one, of Workers Party met on the platform to Roumania for activities in beternational Labor Defense and women organizing to stop the rapla lentown, speaking for this resolu of capitalism. The constitution of the National of the Labor Lyceum on May 29 half of the Communist Party, has Communist Party withdrew entirely sation by the United States Suplected the cost de lising and comunist. am for Labor Party unemployed tudengue the cationes and debated the municipal election been denied a visa to the Soviet from the case. The district organ preme Court and its immediate re ization of the served notice percussions in Akron rubber plants.
little demie freedom these are some of because such a party will vote us stressed, stands for the complete policy of the two parties.
Rupon recommendation of the that Greenberg was no longer to be The rubber barons wasted but 11 Dunne of the Workers Party uphela Communist Party recognized as a comrade. The me In calling the meeting of the the events that have prevented me workers into office. Against destruction of capitalism. We know the position of the and Harry Three years ago, Greenbers, a dentist had offended the Party by board of directors of the rubber this week from collecting the usual the parties of the bosses the work this can be done except by revo Mayville spoke for the The local dentist, began to organize the crticizing the inadequacy of his de manufacturers Association, which allly items from Oshkosh, Timbueers need a party of their own, a lutionary action of the workers under the inspiration and leadership debate sponsored by the Dis workers and farmers in this vicin. fense. Greenberg was in no danger, started its meeting in New York too and Talabassee. Instead of re Labor Party.
Delegated. Moser, speaking of a revolutionary political party. Workmen Circle, with Ruben Latz occurred in this plantation area, said, trict Executive Committee of the ity. Although many lynchings have anybow, so the district organization City on June counting the inane drivel of cap against the resolution, said: am The unions in their He urged that the reformist Lact that group acting as chairman Greenberg preached weakened tains of industry, bank presidents a member of the Workers Party, bor Party resolution of the be Inter racial and ward heelers risen to high post. My experiences in the Unemployed voted down. It was. Instead, the Tiala Ducks Out equality and unity from the public Suddenly and without warning. po ton have not been combated openly by the rubber manufacturtion, the entire colaman tot wel Leagues have convinced me that convention went on record reaction To the Communist Party the Department of Labor issued aers, but rather through soft soaping Alfred Tiala, distriet organizer Square is devoted to episodes from lives against the bosses and their partlesing the stand of the for in for the Was scheduled to speak at that time, the Jewish dentist warrant of deportation for the den which disarmed them in the matter of workers.
Two years ago at the convention the workers can be effective only dependent political working class for the negative, but failed to ans Comrade Greenberg. But tist. In desperation, Greenberg sp of grievances since their betrayal in of the National Unemployed League by revolutionary mass action, not action, based on the experiences of pear. As a matter of fact the stal when he was selzed by the Immt plied for a passport to the Soviet of the rubber workers minds today a Flot almost ensued when the or by the false bope of voting capital: the workers in the course of their Inists arrived in a body, with a station Department, he immediate Union. The district orgonizer of April. And there is no doubt das was brought into question. Last upon the to join with the This bid for support of their re vously had no intention of soins This was most conventent several weeks ago, made Inquiries, or seksomathna, under the post week at the Pennsylvania Workers poput bouto wish to take formist venture netted the stalin through with the debate, though it method to telefoner fathe organization bong kepertise, and sold nothing. That industry that the manufacturerer ary con had been widely advertlased on the from its elementary obligation of his report upon the matter was un especially in ttre, taking steps convention the audience cheered views just as members of other po duct. The Unemployed League North side for some days in ad. detending a man who had risked favorable is. employed Lengtie stands for Roumania and thereon: to rid the plants of the militant Second Offensive complete destruction of capitalism press theirs. The previous speaker pered in the class struggle to fall branding the whole affair take berg was arrested three years ago. lows. The fascist government of trade unton members within.
The International Labor Defense King Carol may congratulate itself and we know this can be done ex: claims to speak for the working paign of the bankrupt This will be the second offensive is a member of another party which for the bogus Labor Party cam. and then taking over the meeting cept by revolutionary action of the class. Now, he proposes that we and disbanding it. But Harry Mayi has never issued a mass appeal for upon possessing such sincere and New Officers Elected ville a leading Stalinist here, in a struggle in his behalf. The Daily uncompromising revolutionary al of the rubber barons against the rubber workers since the betrayal.
workers under the inspiration and should form a new party, aside from sdsted on going through with the Worker bas barely mentioned the Mes.
leadership of a revolutionary polit bis owd a labor party. That party slons with the election of officers speak for the position on the The convention concluded its ses debate as scheduled and agreed to incident. Instead of arousing sup Worker Correspondent. The first was when the India Rubber Co. was forced to lock out its ical party. is supposed to be for the rest of us, and of a state committee. Those municipal elections.
workers until they agreed to an The cope ordered 70 year old Mother Kimmel to stop distributing party for second class eltizens, so elected for the coming year are: open shop in the only closed shop Dunne led off by posing len fets announcing a workers meet that make? We have seen Labor Budihas, First Vice President and party, giving the history of the sense does Walter Weldon, President: Andrew the tasks of the revolutionary tre plant in the entire country.
This is no secret, as everyone in Ing. ve pleketed the White House Parties in action before. In Minne Organizational Director: Mike Dem Workers Party of the United States, lof it. And after being out several and around Akron was well aware tired to stop me why should be apolls last year during the truck chak, Second Vice President: Louts and then proceeded to evaluate the The campaign for the elght page aim that we ask your support. weeks, picketing the plant 24 hours she continued to pass out the billsernor sent out the troops to shoot win Zelser. Fourth Vice President: pel election. He was careful to the time for its appearance.
afraid of you? she remarked as drivers strike, the Labor Party gor Breier, Third Vice President: Ed relative importance of the munici. New Militant te on. August first 18 Make checks and money orders of the day, the open shop was put down the strikers. That sort of payable to the New Militant, 55 over with the help of Colman What SecretaryRalph Claherty who shadow boxed against movement we would have if the party the workers have now for Weaver, Treasurer: Bin Reich, hd point out that the Farmer Labories All preparations are now on the Best 11th Street, New York, in office are not to be trusted; that rush order list. In the office steps the India Rubber Co. but took no young folks were as active as Moth. We need a party that will not actucational Director.
as a strike breaker, a party that stirring speech of excellent such a reformist party could never are being taken to build up a state ITALIANS MUTINY AS MOBIL measures to put up a real stand er Kimmel! She never misses will act to overthrow capitalism. revolutionary and educational value make any lasting sains for the of capable writers and to work out IZATION GIVES NATION JUMP against the drive of the rubber picketline, eviction, demonstration workers. He showed that by sup the general character and the type For Revolutionary Action manufacturers.
or committee meeting. At the made by the National President of porting the Farmer Labor ticket in of contents for the enlarged issues. LONDON (FP. Present miliconvention an Intense quiet fell over Delegate Spencer, of Eston, also the Unemployed Lengues, Anthony the coming election, the was Our readers may rest assured that tary mobilization in Italy 18 being take Alght of Claherty was that he The dirtiest part of the whole the hall as she told in simple but took up the cudgels for the Labor Ramuslin, brought the program to stmply showing its readiness to go there will be a good many new and accompanied by a great deal of refused to declare a strike, and got dignified language of her faith in Party. In his opinion, Labor a close.
with the workers who want to deal valuable features added. Detailed rioting and mutiny, private letters the workers to believing that they the power of the workers.
a blow to the bloody Citizens All announcements of this phase of our received in London by persons with merely should try to show the pubWho Respects the Flag? NPLD Pushes prisone from united front in defense of class war ance regime which had ordered the efforts will be made as we go along friends or relatives in the Italian lie that it was the India Rubber PREACHER PICKETS. PROshooting of workers in the Truck with the campaign.
army reveal Co. fault, without any real fightAccording to Herbert Solow, who Drivers Strike last year. With the The next step we now leave up FESSOR HEADS PICKET LINEAuthentic reports relate that in ing measures to combat the comOOPS DESTROY AMERICAN has corresponded with Mint on the issue so clearly drawn it would be to the New Militant supporters one town, women rushed into the pany. This company, which is a FLAG. WORKERS UNITE FOR matter, the refusal to con a mistake for revolutionary That should be expressed concrete barracks and attempted to drag small tire building concern, could ACADEMIC FREEDOM. m rethe detection of ly.
sider the possibility of joint action party to risk (Continged from Page 1)
In last week Issue various their sons away, crying: We don have been combated even through ferring to events in the case of Dr. Warnick, one of the acquitted prisgle, joint legal staff, would compel Alliance candidates to win.
even to the extent of having a sin. enough votes to permit the Citizens ways of realizing the funds neces want our sons to go to be killed. the weak sabotage methods of askWinslow Hallett, recently dismissed oners who has since been expelled the LD. to undertake an en In another town, soldiers marching the members of unions not to from his position at Cedar Crest from the Communist Party for de tirely separate appenl for Minl. expounded the stalinist position, ex. that the first response should be the crowds who cheered them. this is the way that the company Mayville then took the floor and suffice it to emphasize only the fact ing in the streets shouted back at buy union made tires. In the main College because of his activities in fending Mini against charges The PLD. opposes leaving the hibiting all the weaknesses and direct cash contribution, such mat. Thelr replies were the equivalent of trade has been built up throughout behalf of Labor un ons professional men have great force in the appeal. In a suggestion made to Mini by Leo He urged the workers not to sup security fund, soliciting advance We don want to that he was a stool piccom should entire matter in the ILD:s bands, laws in thelr distorted theors: ters 19 obtaining pledges for the Yeah, why don you go and fight? the entire country. And once a and the organized unemployed unit a statement issued yesterday, Felix Gallagher, lawyer.
ed on the picket line in his defense. Morrow, temporary seeretary of the port the Farmer Laborites as the subscriptions and sending In greet In other towns streets were ab build a big business and begin to Headed by the Stars and Stripes. said: Mini Rejects LL. had voted machine guns, pay for inga to the first eight page issue solutely harren and silent as the show a profit on the basis of its the flag of the Christian Church. Our opinion is that an appeal the deputles, etc. in the city counshould follow next. But as a whole soldiers march concentration trade among union members and various union Insignia and the rat. at our disposal, we need only a might very well turn out to would insist that the Farmer. La made use of. With all the legal ammunition subject to the sole control of the cl. Yet in the next breath he the various means proposed can be points.
The German propaganda office is the strength of its unfon label.
Lay On Begins tlesnake for of colonial days (now powder charge of sufficient force be worthless. The manner in which bor Party can be transformed into we shall forward the necessary said to have issued instructions to the banner of the Unemployed to blow down the prison walls and the conducted its trial fight, a class struggle party. Instead of material to follow up in the camall papers that no mention be made this present attack on the rubber The same thing is happening in wond its way in protest to the dic San Quentin.
League) the pleketline began to get these innocent workers out of the often disastrous tactics of Leo one Olson, the stalinists would give paign to all Workers Party branch of mutintes during the Italian mo workers, which the officers of the tatorial control of education by come in the form of a great protest from the organized labor move The charge must Gallagher, the LD. Isolation as a thousand.
es and to all supporters of our bilization rubber manufacturers call a seasonbank presidents and businessmen, Dunne on Stalinism press. Meanwhile there should be Italy is betting on the outbreak al lay off. It will be merely a movement. Such a movement can ment, give no grounds for hope for State troopers, county Sheriff be built, and the is begin such an appeal In his second speech, Dunne no delay in taking the first step and of war in Europe before she be means to get rid of the fighting and deputies, and city police were ning to build it.
went into the disasters of Stalinism forward the cash contributions. comes hopelessly involved in the trade union members, tostarve present to defend the status quo. In the Interests of all the de on an International scale the Brit Let it be clearly understood that Abyssinian adventure, according to them into submission, or to comThey attempted to stop the proces. The failure of the IL. to attendants, we must fight to force the Ish General Strike, and the infamous we have essentially one subject in The Week, a privately published pletely eliminate them. In this of slon. Why can we walk peace tend the first conference is far from LL. into sont appeal it that bloc with Purcell and Hicks; the view by the proposed enlargement and circulated nowspaper in Lon course the rubber barons are ably on public highway asked encouraging. They will tend to is possible. If not, we must go on complete subordinaton of the Chin. of the New Meditant: namels to con noted for its ability in fore helped by the fact that they have the crowd. Angered that their su paralyze the mass movement it independently. This is not simply ese to the netty bourgeo Kou build up a much more effective casting events.
huge stocks on hand remaining from thority should be questioned the the persist in splitting it by our view. Norman Mini writes us Min Tang, with the subsequent party spokesman, educator and or www.
the preparation for the strike last cops charged the ne, seized the branding as stool pigeon a worker as follows: blood letting of the revolution, the sective champion of the case of What to Attend in publie statements are refusing April. The leadership of the unions American flag and tore it partially helped organize a union, and that whose only crimes are that he or my experlences with tragic behavior in Germany: honor and with their legal from its pole. An angry roar arose he disagrees with the The and political abllities, d liave Spain; it milk and water position momentous struggles. This is the it non appenrance in Austria and the working class now faced with to attach any significance to the meeting in y. where all of the eral melce resulted for several see fact that the organ, the Wes imagined that no one would think in France. The Communist Party objective. This is how we proCHICAGO PICNIC leading officials of the Big Four onda. You tell us to respect the tern Worker, bravenly drops Mini me naive enongh to turn my fate today is no more the party of Lenin pose to face the working class probSUNDAY, JUNE 23 It is for this present.
Tire Companies will day but you tear it up and toss it one from the list of appealants in wwer to the unconditional than is the Republican Party the lems of the future at Forest Glen This despite the fact that the Suand cried the workers to the cops this case, indicates the probable at: party of Lincoln, stated Dunne. Forest Preserves)
preme Court decision on the NRA The Hag of the Christian Church titude of the LL. That organiz In view of the situation, we Mayville tongue we covered rather than capital goods; etc. etc.
These, es and slanders were Directions: Elston Car to end of is expected to be discussed, and the is white with a red cross set in a ation disgraced itself during the call on all friends of the labor with hair when it came to answerline transfer to bus and get off semi secrecy in which the meeting blue field in the upper right hand trial and if it persists in its pres movernent to support the Mint Aping our charges. Social fascism, each one, branded for what they at Forest Glen Avenue was called. It was only accident corner. It was carried by Rev. ent attitude, it will do so again. peal Dinner and our future activi the united front from below, the were by our representative. We that it in the local Paul Cotton, recently ousted from ties. Opposes Unity recent stand against a labor have answered them a hundred Sunday, June 16 Hike to Hunters press In spite of the deuials of Island. Starting 10:30 Take the rubber company it is agreed by his church because he cast his lot with the working class rather than Sacramento fight had the endorse part. He is now receiving the New about this monstrous bouquet from times in the future.
During the trial, the for literature have been alled in the Lengue of Nations not a word edly be hurled at us a hundred Lexington Ave, Subway to Pel. most people that the meeting will It is only in ham Park and bike the rest of take up the question of hours and with the barons of Bethlebem Steel. ment and backing of the NEC of York Times every day, and The Mayville. You still read about the this way that Stalin and his bur.
way. Auspices: Spartacus Youth wages. This is especially important Rev. Cotton received a new insight the Socialist Party: the California Nation every week. He has been bandit armies in China, he said. eaucrats can retain their mono Sunday, June 16. Harlem Branch, because even in view of the price into the meaning of nendemic digni. Socialist Party: the Joint Boards sent Manhattan Transfer by John guess that looks like the Chinese League.
ty when he presented a petition for of the in New York. Dos Passos. His request for the revolution is sunk. eh?
Dr. Hallett reinstatement to Dr. San Francisco and Boston Complete Rout of hike picnic to Palisades, across war that has broken out among the Wm. Curtis, President of the United Hebrew Trades of New but the prison authorities confie ville pitiful theoretical armour is representatives were astonished to the New International was alled also, It should be stressed that May. Unquestionably, many of their Dyckman St. ferry. Meet at 29 tire companies, West 120th St. no later than 9:30 Progressives Active school. Dr. Curtis, thinking Dr. York and many other labor organ. cated the theoretical organ of Mini certainly no exception among the hear from Workers Parts spokes Cotton a commencement cuest. Intions. It provided Mint with an marty. protest against this ac Stalin sts rather is he better pre man what the Workers Party really sharp. Drawing of prize raffle, The NRA was used to prorent games. eats.
strikes in the rubber industry durgreeted him cordially. When he attorney. It rescued the Sacramen tion is being organized by the pared than his other comrades. Yet stands for, what onr stand is to Saturday, June 22, 8:30 Dance Ing the last 18 months when rubber recognized the contents of the peti to issue from the obscurity to which LD.
he either does not know the facts of wards the Soviet Union, etc. When entertainment given by Branch workers could have knited someman, ordered Dr. Cotton from the bureaucratie tendencies of some of international polities or he does not the debate was clearly turning into at branch headquarters, 420 thing through a struggle which was building and pushed him out when the prisoners, had consigned it. It Fur Workers Unite the Chinese revolution can come tenders and their sympathizers re19th St.
prevented by the cooperation of the officials of the rubber workers un.
he did not move fast enough. forced and into a ion and the government. And now Don Worry Your WORKERS The endtomashed this rone whether In One Organization Celty workers. For him the Chinese took the soor for speeches instead the weakened condition of the un ions no doubt encourages the rubber Little Heads a few days, and thereby did untola (Continued from Page 1)
Protect Yourselves Against the barons to get rid of the last vestige Hazards of Life. Join the cheer arose as Dr. Hallett came damage to the defense movement, clear. Those alrendy in the Inter though the revolutionary partles down. They refused to permit our of unionism in the rubber plants.
from the commencement exercises driving away all elements except national and the Unity Group must thousand wounds, or as yet weak eral times the meeting threatened WORKMEN SICK DEATH The rubber barons, however, are and joined the pickets. He carried those in political agreement with merge their forees and carry on the and impotent. And so on, down to end up in a free for all. At the BENEFIT FUND OF THE not taking into account the reac a large placard: TEACH THE the CP tion of the workers, who have bad TRUTH TO AMERICAN YOUTH. After pretending for some time cratic, militant one, and to banish through the list.
hint of violence the more timid 1884 1935 a lot of experience, and this may Farmer Laborites quickly left the Old slanders Answered Workers rallied around him, Ear that the smashing of the united from its ranks any recourse to the Organized, managed by and for be the beginning of another attempt ller in the morning one of his fac front was the fault of the Workspitting squads and other ques All the old charges were brought hall. The chairman finally estab on the part of the workers to esulty colleagues refused to walk in ers Party and the Socialist Party, tionable methods of the Gold lead up against ne during the question lished order and the meeting came workers with only one purpose tablish a real union in Akron.
the commencement procession with the Communist Party has at last ership as well as the autocratic and Perlod, Wo Trotskyltex bad urged to close.
to render protection to members Workers are already talking about It is interesting to note that a him.
let the cat out of the bag. cur class collaboration policies of the the truck strikers to beat up the couple of and their families, and to supan International. Attempts are beCharm School: You poor little rent issue of the Western Worker reactionaries.
later, a committee port all endeavors and struggles ing made to mobilize a progressive kittens, worrying about problems contains a long screed denouncing with the unification of the fur plaket Wines; six vears ago from the Stalinists called on Latz, for the improvement of tollers. group to combat Coleman Clah.
that bigger minds than yours can Charles Gordon, San Francisco workers, a campaign of organiza Dunne had hit this stalinist and the chairman, and apologized for About 50, 000 members organerty and other enemies inside the not solve! remarked Miss Esther LD. Organizer, for opportunism. tion in preparation for a struggle sent hire to the hospital, had broken their behavior during the debate ised in 850 branches. Reserves organization. This is a slow and Engle. teacher at the college to One of the chief instances of such to bring union conditions into the that man jaw on Bridge Square: Ikut after all, how did you expect 3, 400, 000.
tedious process.
At a student meeting called to signed un amitededroht that Gordon fur industry of New York is on the Grant Dunne had voted in the cenus to sit there and hear your phones Death benefit graded accordtral Labor Union to offer Governor criticized so. Baptist deacon MINNEAPOLIS (FP. Tom Latcounteract a petition being circu defense of all the Sacramento pris.
Olson a vote of thanks for his use hearing a few facts about God feels ing to age at entry. Sick Benefit payments from 360 to 900 to imer, lawyer long identified with lated among the students for the oners along with the the COPPER MINERS STRIKE much the same way.
of the militin in the truck strike men and women, according to Farmer Labor and radical movoreinstatement of Dr. Hallett, one of and what the Western WorkAT PHELPS DODGE we had called Mayville and the rest classes ments in Minnesota, was elected the teachers said: During the er calls certain other organiza LOWELL, Arix. FP. Pring of of the Stalinist United Front can PAUL LUTTINGER, mayor of Minneapolis June 10. He elght years ve been at Cedar Crest, tions (8. American Civil Liberelght copper miners for union ac didates tools of the Citizens AllMonthly 1stessments from 450 DANIEL LUTTINGER.
was indorsed by the Farmer labor ten teachers bave come and gone. ties Union, Shipyard Workers In tivity by the notoriously anti labor ance. we had not exposed Olson to 20.
organization. The reactionary MayAll have done so with dignity. Had dustrial Union, etc. Thus the Phelps Dodge Corp. has led to a in the Organizer, the daily strike Washington Square North For further information apply for Bainbridge, who conducted a Dr. Hallett done likewise, new and which is simultaneously begging strike of the Bisbee Miners Union. bulletin. Trotsky was kicked out of 2 and 8 Except Sundays to Mala Omce: bloody attack on the teamster strikbeautiful pastures would have the for a united front, admits The strike was about 75 percent et. the Soviet Union because he called and Holidays.
714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, ers last summer, was snowed under opened before him.
a principled objection to such afective at the start.
for production of consumers goods in the primaries.