NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 26 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1935 PRICE CENTS Left Groupings Progressives Unite to Fight NPLD Pushes Unemployed Leagues Shoulders to the Wheel Everybody MEETS Militant Stand Is Adopted on Burning Issues FARNERS UNION EXPANDS and then moderne et 131 Delegates Participate in Va. Jobless Convention sectores Tabwe spokesmen, trained He thc Threatens Lovestonites Dampen Administration Moves to comply with and Dominate Green Demand for Red Hunt Cpening Gun Will Be Banquet in Conference The Teachers Union of New York trame up of the left wing. The City, Local of the American Fed administration is climaxing a series On June 26 Behind the Eight Page New Militant eration of Teachers, is now facing of flagrant abuses of democratic Needle Trades Progressive Groups, tory, with the panic stricken right label on the opposition and kicking Partisan Labor Defense, leader of Decisions to set up a Council of the most serious crisis in its his praction by attempting to pin a red NEW YORK CITY. The NonWe all want it. publish paper and engage in a wing Socialist leadership driving it out. Rallying against this policy the fight for Norman Mint against The Workers Party preeds it. drive to set up and strengthen pro full speed ahead for the expulsion of split, the left wing groups formed the labor haters of California who We re going to get it The eight page NEW MILITANT.
Fredere stoupe in all locals was of a large, growing left wing move a united front, the first since the are now keeping him in San QuenOn August the first enlarged paper is due to appear. Progressive Group of Local 22 of Two weeks ago, by a vote of 14 ing to protest the investigation, at for his liberation with a cold plate The Increase in size will mean far more than a 100 percent inerense ther international Ladies Garment to in the Executive Board the tended by nearly one thousand un dinner in this city on June 26. As in the efficieney of our party organ and organizer. The big job we Workers Union and held at Man Admluistration put through a moton members, was held on June In the trin, the will make have to do demands a bigger and a better paper.
hattan Opera House, last Saturday tion calling on the Executive At the last Delegate Assembly meet its fight for Mlini a fight on behall afternoon. Are we going to get it? Will we be able to forge a really effective Labor Party Rejected; Representatives from eight pro tion to investigate the local. The question of the investigation was syndicalism defendants and against weapon against war and fascism? It depends on every party member, Favor Revolutionary gressive groups in the Investigating committee, consisting announced as so for to 17 against the criminal syndicalism law used every sympathizer, every worker who realizes the need for reaching and one group in the Amalgamated of the president, the secretary. The demand for a recount was is to railroad them to prison the American masses with the clear voice of the Workers Party.
Action Clothing Workers were seated as treasurer and the legislative rep nored by the chairman, and the Among the speakers at the dinner We have plans.
delegates Representatives from a resentative of the national body meeting was hastily adjourned. will be Muste, National See number of groups were not seated conducted its hearings in New York The situation at this writing is retary of the Workets Party: HerWe have a print shop, comrades to work, comrades to write news ALLENTOWX, Pa. June 10. on the grounds that they were not on June and Three hundred Afty delegates, extremely tense. The investigating bert Solow, who spent four months and articles known to the sponsors of the con representing more than 25, 000 or.
Second Expulsion Attempt WE NEED CASH. And we need it right away.
committee, having completed its in Sacramento directing the ference. They were however allowed nized unemployed, met bere SatThis is the second attempt in re hearings, will make its recommend. work during the trial; Mur.
The Workers Party is due for another big step ahead. The estabto remain as fraternal delegatescent years on the part of the Adations in August, after the national my Baron, leading Socialist and listment on a firm basis of the eight wige NEW MILITANT will be urday and Sunday, June and 8, large number of individual mem ministration to answer the chal convention. In the meanwhile, the trade unionist of New York: Carlo at the convention of the Pennsylbers from locals of the lenge of the left wing, which for united front is continuing its fight, Tresca, well known anti Fascist; such an advance.
vania Unemployed Langue. and Millinery Workers Union years has been fighting its back the success of which depends upon and Louis Berg of the Executive of Send in your contribution. Begin suh gathering. Put your shoulders The delegates, representatives of where no progressive groups exist ward policies and bureaucratic its ability to solidify a program the Sidney Ilook, Profeswere present as observers taking no practices, by expulsion.
extending further than the mere sor of Philosophy at New York job before the party at the present time.
to the wheel. The enlarged NEW MILITANT is the most important unemployed organizations in more heard reports of increased activities part in the proceedings. Two local 1932 it appointed a Grievance plank against expulsion.
University, will preside.
unions were represented by two sets Committee headed by Professor The dinner will be held at Irving and continual growth in the course of delegates ench. In local the John Dewey to consider expulsion SOUTHERN TENANT of the last year. Their unmistakPlaza, 15th Street and Irving Place, grond rontrolling the admioistra charges against five lett wing lend able seriousness and their businesstion as well as a smaller oppositioners. The proposal of the Commiteach are being sold by members of like procedure enve evidence to the gronp had delegates sented.
fact that the majority of them were MEMPHIS, Tenn. FP. Reach the They are also avail ters Welfare Lengue, a progressive a subsequent proposal to suspending out into Texas and Oklahoma, able at the following places. New group of local 10 organization mer with wide trade Delegates from a Socialist group mised.
were seated. The Admistration then compro the Southern Tenant Farmers Un Militant office, East 11th St.
union experience.
Plan Against Rellef Rates the beesame local were present as stitutional amendment abolishing the lawless violence of Arkansas St: 11 Martello other, 94 Filth Class Struggle Measures Security Bill proposed by the for the freedom of class war membership meetings with the pow. planters, is increasing its influence Ave. League for Industrial DemoAfter the opening address by PresMax Bluestein, a business agenter to decide policy! Delegate and power. The executive council cracy, 112 Fast 19th St. Admission Accepted; Fighting prisoners, Tom Mooney, the Harlan Executive Electea miners, the Scottsboro boys, etc. Ident Larrry Treimbach and the rethe local 22 and representative of Assembls. roughly corresponding to at its June meeting in Memphis at the door will be 75 cents. Pro port of Secretary Lester Heckman, resolution of greeting to the Penn the convention settled down to the the progressive group of that local a shop chairmen body, was insti. received charter applications for ceers will be used for the Mini de was elected chairman, Chas. Zim tuted to replace the membership locals with over 11, 000 members.
fense fund.
sylvania Unemployed League in task of laying plans for organized HUNTINGTON, Va. June session simultaneously, was also action against the scandalous 19.
merman, manager of the same local, meetings, Most of these are already organ LD. for Unifled Defense made the keynote speech.
In an inspiring two days on the passed.
The opposition forces, adapting in locally but want the benefit of In response to the call of the Natate convention of the West Vir The convention adjourned with of the Roosevelt government for strongly condemned the class col themselves to the new situation, the strength and experience of the delegates from the National ginia Unemployed League marsh: the election of officers and an exe prevailing wage rates on rellet Jobs administration of the con Delegate Assembly meetings it de southeastern Oklahoma and Party, defense arm of the and before it and cast an eye on its veteran miner was elected predil present direct relief allowances trasting with it the record of the feated the Administration on a northeasteru Texas the American the LD. held a prin the 131 delegates were in attendance, and staunch fellow worker of Moth for the representation of the unemLIG.
number of crucial questions. In the Farmers and Farm Laborers Union conference Monday at prospects for the future.
dent. C. Dean, another ex miner Brandon of the Progressive elections just held for members of with headquarters in Madli, Okla. nossibilities of building an abes taking and viewing with a president. George Harris, Negro Jobles an active part in all the er Jones, was elected Arst vice ployed on project complaint boards Unionists, present by Invitation, the Executive Board and for oth 000 strong, applied for membersive unified defense were discued.
as well as other urgent needs of the told of the great need of a city and cers, it gained over 40 percent of ship. The Amerlenn Agricultural it was decided to pretpone activl eritient eye all measures proposed militant, was voted in as second nation wide organization of pro the total vote.
Workers Union with headquartersties a week, in view of the absence for the development of the organ vice president Joe Blankenship was aarked progress in deciding on the Organizationally, the convention resiven He congratulated the New Frame up In Bonham, Tex. 2, 000 strong, alsof delegates from the which ixation.
delegates for the step they were The investigation is a clear applied.
re elected secretary treasurer.
representa Mimi seven co defend real organization taking and pledged the support of establishment of district offices in patriotism new executive board of 15 tested Harrisburgh and Pittsburgh, to ex himself and his organization for ants, and from the General Defense was manifest throughout all the militants was voted in.
Committee (1. Since the sessions. The mnemployed workers, tend the scope of the and in progressive action. His speech was meeting.
setting up an Organizational Dewell received nounced, the has appointed their officials, were clearly resolved News Men Guild partment, whose task it will be to The report of the Credentials an observer. An observer attended to see to it that only those of the penetrate into every corner of the Committee caused a bit of debate, from the also.
a number of delegates protesting highest integrity and representing To Join of state with regular organizers workA new invitation has been sent the rank and file should be their ing necording to a systematic plan, against their non seating. In reply to the and the conference will new leaders.
under centralized direction. The Zimmerman and others argued that Red Union Dissolved Assault Mass Picket reassemble in a few days to take The principal speaker at the con couveation also set up an EducationBy JACK WILSON practical steps toward expanding vention was Arnold Johnson, sec al Department, instructing it to form known to them they could not be Joins of Line for Hallett sented as regular delegates. It was itself, and beginning the appeal retary of the In his address After a bitter five day fight. pro of which to train active league CLEVELAND, Ohio, June 10. a series of circuit schools by means stated, however, that if the groups tight, both through an attorney for he pointed out that the workers gressives in the American Newspa workers for the maximum effective International Reinstatement Alin and a mass protest campaign must cease relying on Greek giftser Guild, having 7, 000 members, action in the struggle of the unem.
represented by these delegates were against all the Sacramento con such as they had been presented by wwing the onld in action as an played.
properly introduced to the officials After years of fighting, of mutual ALLENTOWN, PA Pickets from victions, Hoover and Roosevelt, and begin other progressive force in the Am Reports from the county organisand found kosher they will be ac sche tur market, the Joint Council unlons of Allentown were attacked consulted recently by the LD. only effective means to rescue them second annul convention held here. in membership since the last conthe two onions in the New the Unemployed League and trade Opinions of a number of lawyers applying their own power as the er cau labor movement during the Atious Indicated a steady growth cepted as it of the center. complete program was present of the International and the Pur by police as they attempted to pick are that the aflidavit given by a from the slave conditions Proposed ed to the conference by Murray Workers Industrial Union have et Cedar Crest College, rls school juror to Herbert Solow and Jack by capitalism. Such a struggle hours over the question of oportunities for advancement in new The 120 delegates fought for vention as well as tremendous opGross, office manager of local 22 merged, the latter folning the in near Allentown, in protest to the (Continued on Page 2) alone he declared, could bring aliliation. Three definite forces Helds. large sum was pledged by in the name of the progressive ternational on terms whish made recent dismissal of Prof. Winslow freedom and victory.
presenter point of view for adopthe elegates present, to carry on War Only for Freedom tion.
which had not previously been pre This uniftention on the basis of tnemployed League and American Bakers Strike Ends The high point of his address organizational work.
sented to any of the groupe, notreinstatement of all members with Federation of Teachers. right wing clique fought Reject Phony Unity thut of local 22. was out discrimination, elections withCity police and state troopers After Fierce Battle which workers in one country are weke reporters trade unionists. An The convention went on record accepted in total with only one in forty days, with all members guarding public streets leading to the Workers Security called on to kill their fellow work other group insisted that affliation in favor alight addition. One amendment eligible for office, etc. is a victory the college brutally attacked the Bill introduced in Congress by the erat the chairman on the sounds a progressive basis. Progressive The American flag at the head of picketine marke by talents class and profiteers. Now lix the time to creen, Lewis, Dubinsky and out for a 30 hour scan we kit rette After three weeks militant only for the profit of the bankers peuta do Flie reactionary betrayan National Unemployed League cull.
supported the view expressed in the ticularly in Toronto, plus the about police and thrown into the shrub or pickets, the Gottfried Baking it war and to use the weapons of amendment and therefore there was turn in Sulainist trade union policy bery at the side of the street. Wayne Company strike is over.
trades unions on the work relief Affiliate Industr ally war only for the freedom of workno need to accept it in the consti made the merger possible. The rise Morton, leader of the line, was ar An agreement carrying a substan. rs.
The correct position of affiliating projects for the active support of tution. One addition was made of a progressive group in the Forrested on charges of sorderly Itial increase in wages and partial Then followed the regular busi Disassociat ng themselves from the the National Unemployed League.
an Industrial international but as Action, the official organ of Will Herberg, of the Lovestone Workers Industrial Union, fighting conduct.
group, who is educational director against the bureaucratie excenes recognition of the union has been nens of the convention, with Presi: bureaucrats was advanced by the resolution presented by Comreached. Continned on Page 1)
Later in the day, General On Wednesday, the strikers voted dent Biddle the leading reporter. New York delegation and certain munist Party delegates for united the latter to accept after a lot of realixing the public indignation and later in the day the agreement office, he reported that nine old of its leadership, helped to push Beary. Commissioner of Police, by a majority in favor of the terms Reviewing the progress of the widille western grons ailed by a front action witis the sectarian Leagues during his short tenure of few wattered guilds.
Unemployed Councils was embatGreen Acts to Stan blurt and blustering the terms of uroused by the act on of the police, was signed by Jack Chick, presi branches had been revived and 11 majority to have a resolution with majurity. Speaker niter speaker fered by the International. permitted the pickets to march The third rond painel a 72 to 67 lcally rejected by an overwhelming dent, Herman Gand, Secretary, and new ones organized. In one enseits New Rubber Union virtually identical with those yoted lege. This was in direct violation local 50 of the Bakery and Contec through snow and mud to get to al meinbership for referendum vote inyed Councils in the past. They The final terms of settlement are peacefully on streets near the col Theodore Wharton, organizer, for he had trekked twenty six miles recommendation to the general by the League with the UnemIts piliey succeed in pusing as a pointed to the sad experiences made at the International Convention of a proclamation issired during the tionary Workers International Un Legue meeting recalled that the controlled AKRON, Ohio. Despite requests held in Toronto last May. The en 1834 text. le strike by Mayor Fredion, and by Gottfried, vice presfrom major local rubber workers try of the industrial members. ct Lewis limiting picket lines to 10 ident for the company.
on the questioni Beant Scott, chairman of the Ex for Laadiliation again broken faith in the course of Unemployed Councils had time and cutive Board, followed unions, William Green, of the International, the affairs of the persons The agreement provides for the brief history of the West Virginia with a state of canl dates was elected as president, has delayed calling Internationnl previous to the elec Pickets in Cap and Gown firing of strike breakers hired dur. Unemployed League since its founogressive took command of the inte front action, that they had convention to organize Internation and the eleetion itself, will be After the commencement exercising the strike: immediate reinstate continually striven to disrupt the tional until July.
under the jurisdiction of the com. es, which were in progress during ment of strikers, sharing of work the Leagues throngh the various sected textilettoyant commend thereby proven themselves un dation on May 1933. lle toote onvention. Heywid Broun was unemployed Leagues, that they had His rubber Organizer, Coleman mittee of seven elected by the In the picketing Professor Hallett, in Claherty, explained that Green was ternational Convention. So far this cap and gown, joined the line. Also tion of disputes during the life of pestdents who have state and gone Ashcraft, treasurer. But the still the sending questionnaires to all locals committee has fulled its tasks on the line was Rev. Paul Cotton, the agreement. Though full upon march, he declared. It has gone tion, the convention voted by 80 to had dwindled down to an insigniftto determine their attitude. Then with admirable skill.
On the question of labor legislather pointed out that the Councils recently ousted from the pastorate rates were not secured, wage in through many tough disappoint 40 to support the Wagner Tabor cant number while the Pennsylvania a convention will be called. Since all the unions have voted for the called by the IU. recently re Church because of his activity in were gained. Wages will now range Tengue. The Va. will keep the advocacy of a class struggle itselt is the bona fide organization meeting of about 2, 500 furriers of the Bethlehem Presbyteriancreases of from 20 to 30 percentments, but nobody can sell out the will despite sharp attack of it and Unemployed Lengue had established international, the of bur named the Independent Internation the Unemployed League.
from 41 cents and hour for women going when all other organizations policy by militants.
eaucracy is simply trying to postal Fur Workers Industrial Union, When Dr. Cotton presented a helpers to 90 cents an hour for ovenfold up. And the thing that will of the unemployed in the state. In pone the progressive move.
held in Cooper Union last Wednes petition signed by the picket line to men.
An attack of the now extinct New spite of their disruptive tactics.
The convention, while voting down The question of whether the in day. voted unanimously to accept Dr. William Curtis, President of Interviewed in his office, Herman keep us going is the militant action Deal and of the of bureau the fake unity proposal of the Stalternational will actually be an in the terms offered by the Interna the College, he was ordered off the Gund, secretary of local 60, declared of the rank and file.
Other officers supplemented bis convention which saw the complete inists, went on record endorsing the ployees, or whether the craft work. mittee of Seven. Already at this out, said Dr. Curtis, losing his ment a victory as it did not provide report with graphic descriptions of submergence of professionalism to anity negotiations of the National ers will maintain their seven inter meeting the line to be followed by academic dignity.
for fall union wages and a closed chelections of rather Leaguests in the attitude of trade un onism.
nationals is the focal point of dis tbe Stalinists after entry into the The following organizations were shop. Considering the situation in strikes, demonstrations and action favorable referendum by the with bona fide unemployed organpute in arguments on forming the International, was indicated. An represented on the line: The which a good section of the inside at relief offices.
international membership on the athliation ques. Izations on a national scale, calling attack was launched against the Resolutions Adopted Amalgamated Clothing Workers of workers remained at work, and the tion seems assured as previous sur for a rank and file merger convenLast year when the United Rub progressives, the Fur Workers Un America, Local 119: the American lack of finances, they were the best Resolutions were passed calling veys indicated a preponderant mation based on a militant, class struggle program Federation of Silk Workers, Local must, said Gund, be considered for a regular rank and file conter jority for it.
Claherty, aided by the crafts, ob bers of the International were 10: the International Ladies Gar as the first step in our fight forence every three months, demon Whether the of La will give Labor Party Resolution tained control. Of course, he will praised and applauded.
ment workers Union, Local 111; complete unionization, not only of strations against the Roosevelt re an international charter to the Another resolution introduced by fight to keep them separate and The tasks of the progressives are the Shirtworkers Union, Local 128, the Gottfried plants, but for all llet scale, against Fascism, against suild is another question, on which the which had managed to cont nge the munell, if possible. Continued on Pago 5) all of Allentown.
baker factories in the city. imperialist war, for the Workers opinion is divided. Continued on Page ²)
Furriers Unite Police Destroy In One Union American Flag even