Progressives so.
won PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1935 for Jack Warnick and Caroline Decker, dia ASIOIMEAIUSCULAR DICHUHAUDHARAMUONANIMCHALARCON to research at your disposal.
MILITANT the Sacramento case become known outside We have seen the policies of Letters to the Editor Stalin and his American counterwith which is merged California to any wide extent. When the New parts work out in th hela of strug To Meet in THE MILITANT Militant began to print a series of articles mundus gle. We tried for years through Published weekly by the New Militant Publishing Co. www. countless methods to get rid of West 15th Street, New York City about it, the Daily Worker was compelled to When Gold Turns to Mud or a Letter Lewis and his cohorts. We tried Phone. Algonquin 9058 give the case some publicity.
Needle Trades The held Sacramento defense The Daily Worker Failed to Print we were on the verge of doing the batered as second class mail matter at the Post Office job only to be stifled by the bumeetings in New York, Chicago and Boston at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
and won trade union backing for the defense Editor New Militant: reaucracy of the in New York NEW YORK conference of Board is correct or not JAMES CANNON. Editor in a number of cities. Nevertheless, the strugThe Com and Moscow. Countless numbers of progressive groups in the needle The other day Mike Gold wrote munist Party did not have one HARRY HOWE. Associate Editor us who were members of the trades is called on June for the gle was largely confined to California. whole column in the Daily single member on the water front, were expeled without trials or the purpose of organizing a progressive SUBSCRIPTION RATES: It is heartening, therefore, to learn, as is there he receives, there is one hos prior to the general strike. Not we were expelled with the same could lay down the main lines to In the United States 00 per year: 65c six months.
reported in our news columns, that the didn mention. Maybe the Now that it makes any difference, but dirty work la Lewis Canada and Foreign: 50 per year; 00 six months plans to make the Sacramento appeal a Militant can use it. still believe that Lenin was right Just Not Recognized sive groups, and a center that Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
national issue. It properly should be: Hearst when he said: Les bourgeois sophwould coordinate the work of the has proclaimed it to be one and nobody can Mr. Mike Gold March 9, 1935 Istication, more proletarian hon kept up the struggle. We ve seen Since then we ve gone out and progressives, are long past due.
Vol. SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1935 No. 215 deny that the imprisonment of workers for or o Daily Worker esty.
Situation in the Industry several of our fellows shot down Mike Union Sq. Miners ganizing and holding certain political beliefs 50 Fast 13th Street like dogs.
What we have now in the needle Six of them, all young The Sacramento Appeal is an action which calls for nationwide resis New York, When started out as a kid in the men, are now in prisons of Illinois trades is an offensive of the bosses.
coal mines of Illinois some Jugoserving life. The Daily Worker has This offensive has been developing Six wecks ago our comrade, Norman Mini, tance of all workers and honest democratic Dear Mike Gold: slavian Communist presented me never mentioned one line about gradually. The appetites of the Your series of articles in carrent with a copy of The Damn Agitator this. Anything that is connected bosses have been whetted by the refusing to accept the mercy of the court, was elements. The fact that the has issues of the Daily Worker in re and other stories. The Agitator with Trotskyism 1s condemned in almost unbroken chalm of defents called a conference of national organizations Trotsky prompts me to write these story was good, but the Breaker respective of how great the strug. suffered by labor throughout the sentenced to San Quentin for the crime of or will be good news to all real friends of the Sac lines.
ganizing workers into a union. Along with ramento prisoners. The Workers Party, of have been following your stun: At that time you insinuated that in the Ilinois coal fields, Minne and treacherous conduct of the seven members of the Communist Party, he has course, will support the struggle on a national munist press and books. Politically adult miners were a bunch of mor. apolis, Toledo, etc. the bosses of bureaucraes. With the re becn imprisoned for one to fourteen years.
The Judge refused to set bail pending appeal, through its National Labor Secretary, has ap second grader. Since read your miner by having him spend his first munist Party soconded the motion have sained enormous self confdence. The best illustration is the and Mini is now isoner 57606 in San Quentin.
articles in the Daily Worker in an pay on booze and whores while his all the way through.
His conviction was the result of an illegalence is additional reason for hoping that a worker. know you are politically in a coal mine and near one all my cold. Your devotion to the cause demand a revision of the agreement pointed delegates to the forthcoming conterswer to young Philadelphia mother wept at home. ve lived You are on the wrong rond, Mike attitude of the cloak bosses. They horse trade in the jury room, forced upon jur really broad and powerful defense fight can baywire ors who wanted to acquit him and other de be developed.
What are you trying to do? Makeness of the mining folks. But ve ing the work of retarding progres rising cost of living and unabated unemployment fendants, but who succumbed to the pressure of On the other hand, the attitude of the good for the mistake you made never seen the morals of coal min sive revolutionary action.
Something Fishy Here They challenge the workers openreactionary propaganda and reactionary fel while no surprise to anyone acquainted with Party had little to do with the sun ve observed at New Masies balls While you re at it you might asly and, shaking a finger, they say: low jurors. The conviction is not simply policies at this stage is far from being Francisco general strike? Does the and other bohemian revelrles. Prob. This is not 1933, my boy.
Situation in the Unions legal in a technical sense. it is a crime against good news. These wreckers apparently care Spanking Fouer received from the ably when it comes to morals and wereld Berry for about five hun The bis gains in 1933 not only organize and defend its econot through with their sabotage of the Sacra Pall you for beinkel sold the doming young people with more decency who feel the same or perhaps are more enlightened than the Phlla transformed the unions and made nomic interests, and against the democratic mento struggle. They have studiously ignored the foremost literary assassin of than your type.
delpla comrade. The tide is going them what they are today but also rights of the people at large.
invitations to the forthcoming conference, and Trotsky and Trotskyism? case in point: was going to turn. The switch of the rehabilitated the old leadership Broken Bone Stuff home the other night accompanied over night, from trade union isola which had been discredited by its Reactionary elements are delighted with the give every reason to suspect that in the appeal You re swell when it comes to by the president of my local and tion to bulld the of and expulsion and splitting policies verdict. William Randolph Hearst sees it as In an example for other regions to follow, and is tics which they introduced into the trial fight. Writing about broken bones, blood. eef solet. Wer stopped the polley from a labor party is their story is now waning.
advocating the adoption by every state of laws True, the West Coast Staiinists, who for when you enter the field of polemics went in the boy refused to enter party will expedite the road to rev the bosses they will not be able to which will make it possible to imprison union organizers just as Mini and his fellow workers pigeon, now have been forced to back water to plaining Einstein theory of relx enter the saloon. We came out than anything else that the ap. Confronted with the offensive of nickel bar the point where they characterize him as antivity.
new and inex the bosses what do these worthles membership today were imprisoned. Labor should show no less consciousness of the meaning of this verdict vandals kept class prisoners who were in their that you are very gullible. There their primitive ways don want and are nothing but a bunch ories. In 1933 we used to call honest, misguided class prisoner. But these to Soort recente us phase in regards This proves that contaminers in perlenood and that the remaining do? They go back on their mem than do the anti labor forces: reaction has won goose steppers. This is rightly NRA meetings. Everything was a victory and a fight must be made to regain own party in the county jail for six months, you had to eat 46, 000 copies of your their kids to go into eloons any proven by the fact that the reper rony then. So let us call an NRA the lost ground.
and they certainly will not hesitate to wreck column. Perhaps it to not too im sooner than they have to.
Learn a Few Things, Gold kussions within the over sach meeting in 1985. Maybe the good a crazy policy has been null and old days will come back! They Through the Non Partisan Labor Defense, the whole appeal struggle if it suits them to do one daye retracted to be the benga Now on this Trotsky business and vold. Were it a real Communist call a meeting for a bigger and you are saying about the analysis young Philadelphia worker. Party built on and living up to the better NRA. They enact a cheap which handled his trial fight, Norman Mini is The record of the in the Sacramento and program of the Left Opposition. You write as if he were the only Leninist tradition there would be show. They threaten, plead; they going to appeal his conviction. An able atcase is thus far one of the most shameful in what you said about the San young man in the United States plenty hell within the over fool themselves and fool the work torney, armed with the affidavit given to the ers. Dubinsky, the president of the Non Partisan Labor Defense by Juror McInall labor defense history. Its splitting of the is true. The same admission correctness of Stalin role. In the When labor fakers juggle the hell Ladies Garment Workers Union united front in California hamstrung the state can be found in the June 1934 193ne Illinois coal country you can go into out of funds and public responst who is introduced as a man with tire and revealing the illegality of the verdict, wide campaign, as has been testified by the of the Communist, in an article scores of towns and meet young bilities, when the trade unton move. Napoleonic traits, said we can make a powerful argument for a reversal. Northern California Civil Liberties Union, the by Sam Darcy. You who pretend coal diggers who probably know ment refuses to join the In a collective bargaining through a If he makes his argument against the sounding California Socialist Party and other elements to be so courageous, silently accept more about Stalin socialism in one venture, all you ll have left strike. Muut the workers continue board of a great mass movement of protest, the to strike or should the community which aided the defense. Its treachery to Mini Board statement. To date you 1927, etc. than you do, despite the Yours in disgust, the appeals court of California will think twice take the responsibility? We say called forth the earnest protests of Jack Warn have failed to state whether the fact that you have all the facilities!
and three times before it sustains the railroadthe community should take the reick, union leader and acquitted defendant who sponsibility. etc.
ing verdict of the Sacramento court.
Six days later the news comes At this time there comes news both good and for the crime of Trotskyism, e. for refus THE FUTURE BELONGS that the NRA is dead. The situation in the Industry making the TO THE YOUTH bad about developments in the appeal struggle. ing to knife in the back a fellow worker and Canton Strike The trial fight was carried on almost entirely fellow defendant.
In Sacramento failure of class collaboration poliWith the above slogan as its cies more obvious from day to day.
as a California issue. For a long time the If the wrecks the possibility of build(Continued from Page 1)
watchword the Spartacus Youth (Continued from Page 1)
calls for a new leadership Communist Party and its instrument, the ing a nation wide, multi partisan, aggressive of the strike.
League has launched a move juror an affidavit Impeaching the Progressive leadership had sole control of the defense. During defense movement on behalf of the eight Sacrament which is rapidly spreading This development came after a verdict which is likely to play a The progressive group can be this from Coast to Coast. Since the leadership if they develop an unthat time, the prisoners were kept in the county major role in the appeal.
mento defenants, it will bear the responsibility week of militant struggle by the National Convention of the jail although bail was readily available, and for whatever disasters may follow. The Work workers whose heroism was unex in December, 1934, the memThe is now preparing to compromising struggle against the hire bureaucracy.
attorney for Mini appeal publicity about the case was sabotaged. All bership of our organization has The Stalinist left wing groups ers Party pledges itself to fight to the finish celled by that of any strike group and to organize a public protest are discredited and isolated this because a number of the prisoners were for a unified movement and a militant struggle when the rest ostrelke called more than doubled! New branch.
es are croppng up everywhere; against all the convictions. It is guilty of disputing the authority of Sam Dar for liberation of the eight victims of the Cali at the Berger Manufacturing Co. a steer The progressives should others are gaining steadily.
supplying Mini with funds for in a clear Independent course. They cy, District Organizer of the and one of fornis plunderbund. We call upon all party subsidiary of the Republle Steel The task before us is indeed commissary purchases and with must organize and develop the Literature them, Mini, even challenged the authority of colossal. No less is involved members to publicize the Sacramento case in 350 out of 100 workers answered Letters from Mini to struggle against the class collabormembers of the reveal Ationist leadership. The consolida the Communist International.
than the dangers of war and their localities and to stand by for directives pany thugs and armored trucks fascism. How can they be coped that while he has received some of Not until the entered the case, for concrete work to build the defense move tried to smash, sending 40 workers with except by hilhary the literature, the New Internation tion of the progressive movement is.
to hospitals last Monday. Grimly youth organization hiring a lawyer for Mini and providing bail ment.
al, monthly organ of the Workers on the order of the day.
determined to win, the strikers revaccinate the youth of the nation Party, has been denied him. pro test is being made to Warden Holocago local of the he stated, formed their lines as soon as the against this virus of capitalism?
This is the goal of Spartacus han at San Quentin Holy Father the Party has correctly reacted to tear gas cleared away.
Five plants walked out in sympa the necessity whose revolutionary clarity Mini and the other Sacramento His tongue le starched with silver, of building and thy strikes during the next two assisting the Spartacus stands out against the bankrupt prisoners in San Quentin are 18 his hands adorned with gold; Mid West Conference Shows tagues days of last week as indignation cy of the other working class signed to the Jute mill, the prison an iron cross leaps on bis navel, arose over the continued company Report from Gillespio youth organizations.
toughest job. They are manufac his Holiness is bought and sold.
Jim Cross, member of the Na under the slogan of Avenge the attacks. The workers came out Most vital of the needs of the turing sucking sold by the prison The si spiritual accessory CHICAGO, May 14. Inambers are enrolled in Chicago, initional Committee who has built a Massacres. So strong was sympa in this regard is a news to the Associated Farmers, an or paper which appears regularly gurating a Spartacus Youth League Champign, in Gillespie, and in union of the youth working on re thy with the strikers following the ganization of bankers and corpornavigates his elocution; Shortage of funds has prevented district in the middle west, 22 delen Detroit Three months before me liet jubs in Gillespie, reported outrages, that city police arrested the regular issuance of Young mento prosecution. This work has ate land owners behind the Sacrathe Catholic gentlemen Including the Ministry Spartacus, the page monthly been assigned because of the polit invest in Retribution, four partaeus hranches and one Gillespie, or Detroit.
mendous possibilities for the Spara company car when the strike nucleus, converted in Chicago on The opening report was delivered tacus open themselves in the Illinbreakers began the Afth assault on missed and every issue skipped, of the Every month ical nature of the offense. TheThe radio It humble soul May 11 and 12 urges all workers to write by Nathan Goold, National Secre ois Workers Alliance. limitation the workers.
licks at his chatter and chaffs: let us remind our friends, Is an to Mini, addressing him at San The main task before the confer tary, who recorded similar growth of time, however, prevented any while used to promulgate a sternThen city authorities proclaimed other opportunity lost. Quentin, California, by name and er role ence was the setting up of a dis of the Spartacus nationally. Com discussion on the point which was a virtual martial law on the strike We appeal to the readers of number: Norman Mini, Box 67606.
trict apparatus in the form of a rade Gould pointed out that the turned over to the incoming region scenes and declared they would it virtues include some laughs.
the New Milltant to transform Regional Committee and a Chicago has had a 144 percent in a committee.
hold vote for the strikers to see their certain moral support into Resident Committee The Resident crease in munbership since Janu. To the tune of the Internation if they wanted to continue. Mean on May by the over the actual contributions for Young the working folk and unemployed. Committee elected at the mid west ary and that an active National at the conference ended.
signature of Herbert Solow who wbile influence of the rank an file Spartacus.
represented the in Cali gaining with prizes the tervent Aside from the regional confer. was isolated to two outlaw lodges conference is composed of Irving Committee, which issued bulletins We are confident that you will lads Bern, al Garber. Yetta Barshefshy, and circular letters, now exists. nee the Spartacus Youth League of the under Clarence Irwin fornia throughout the four months respond Sid Scott, Karl Kiepim. Nathan The delegates greeted with enthu recorded the most active week end control and while they boycotted the call of our grow Sacramento trint.
who shoots the guns and save their joys.
ing movement. Friends, don Brown, Sam Shapiro, Dave Grub stasm the information that the Na: of activity in its history. On the the vote, other unionists went to the delay. second letter was sent May 15, man und Ben Goldberg. The out. tional Committee initiated a call evening of May 11 an affair was polls with tacit permission of the Send all donations to but the has ignored both. The men of gol go their way of wound members of the Region for an international youth confer held to welcome Comrade Gould readers who criticized the strike as Business Manager, According to a statement issued filling the skaners with a little Committee are Jim Cross from Gilence of youth organizations moving back to his home town and to pro a wildcnt since official apyesterday by Felix Morrow, temYoung Spartacus more sin, lespie, Herman Beck from Detroit toward a new youth international vide sufficient funds so that he proval hadn been asked or given.
shrewdly appraising for a turbu55 East 11th St.
porary secretary of the PL.
and Terbert assin from Cham which is to be held in December in would be able to continue his tour In this manner was labor forces that organization will continue to lent day puign. Alternates to the committee Paris.
across the country. Over seventy split since today found more than presy for united action and will do when martial needs begin.
are Dan Golden, Marion Landau Table Motion five people attended the affair at half the workers going back into ILLINOIS WAGES SAG IN APRIL all in its power to avoid the danThey preach from pulpits to the and Ily Stone from Chicago and the Westside headquarters where the plants while others who main CHICAGO (FP. Jobs in Illinois cers which disunity creates Rock Baxter from Gillesple.
on the most important political twenty dollars was raised. Fifteen tained a picket line were berded went up percent in number dur If the adopts a split assembling death when war beThat the Spartacns Yonth Lengne the endorsing of the National Com and the remainder was need to pay a battempts of Yocal union leaders only percent, making a net loss clares who left the base for in April but total wages went up policy. Morrow statement de gins: protesting verily, Indeed it a the expenses and a mass organization was clearly Imittee slogan Abolish the feed and bouse to set up a general strike committee in wages, according to the minots weakening the whole light. The reshock pointed out by the delegates to the. the delegates decided to table the out of town delegates.
had been folled by the bureaucrats department of labor monthly response of the and the support the earth not freed from sins.
conference. Chicago was represent in a position to commit themselves Gould Speaks at and this marked the beginning of port. Women wages actually of the the attitude of many el with 17 delegates of these wine on the point. The majority of the adjournment of the conference, ership on boycotting the vote fur Weekly earnings averaged 22. 07 ocement can be rallied in support The following evening, after the the split. The division of the lead droppel percent unions, make it plain that a real Holler than thou is the Corporatwo delegates. Detroit with one representatives felt that there was Comrade Gould spoke at a mass ther widened the breach and now for men and women. In manufac. for the propers tionpaying his Holiness the divi eentes, and the Indiana Harbor quate discussion on the question meeting in the Central on the return of many strikers to work turing the average was only 21. 94 On the legal side, the best way dends: nucleus with one delegate. Min. Instead the conference recommend youth. The meeting was the larg the strike.
American has apparently broken the back of a week, of which men got 24. 03 to get all the prisoners an able sanctimonious prelates of all per neapolis and Waukegan with Spared that the National Committee set est in the history of the Chicago End women 14. 42.
legal staff at the least expense, is suasion.
tacus nuclei were absent.
Illinois has been operating under through joint legal work. Our West who kill with the Christ their up a commission to do some Grows in Outlying Territory research on the and that live attending over one hundred twenty FRANKFORT, Ky. FP. The both a state and federal NRA but Coast correspondent reports a ru chest suspends seven Harlan miners, tramed for wages in some industries remain mor that Leo Gallagher will handle Christ is love and their souls are In the report on the district Irv wide spread discussion follow in raised, Gould receiving 27. 60. Ar the murder of mine guards in 1981, very low. The average in the appeal for the We have money.
ing Bern stated that the Chicago the Spartacus, rangements are being made for an are still in prison although Gov shirts and furnishings was 13. 96 not yet selected an attorney. By organization gained over 35 mem Joe Giganti, the Workers Party other affair when Nathan Goula Ruby Laffoon has paroled several in April. In fruit and vegetable arrangement with trial Attorney their heavens blend with usury: bers since the first of the year: representative to the SYL, made returns in the middle of June.
brethren of the word that is hundred men in the past few canning it was 18. 45 a week.
added another club to the Chicago the report on the relation of the Goldman, Gallagher entered notice months on the recommendation of In coal mining employment was of appeal for all the convicted branch, which now has six clubs Party to the youth. After an in Relief Administrator Harry Hop the department of publie welfare. 44. percent of normal, compared workers. Whether or not there is the workingman is his enemy.
in the city and was directly respirational report on the situation kins got 10 a minute for a talk Among the pardoned men were with 72. percent in April 1934. a unified front in court, depends His tongue is starched with silver, sponsible for the creation of the confronting the youth internation near Chicago. He will pay up some convicted of murder, man Wages were at 17. percent of nor entirely on the attitude of the his hands adorned with gold: branch at Champaign as well as ally, Comrade Giganti pointed outskilled workers near Birmingham slaughter and robbery, but Ken mal, compared with 17. 65 percent LD. If it is serious in its profes an iron cross leans on hle travel, the Indiana Harbor group. The that the Party must pay particular tucky governor seems to think in 1934, figuring total payrolls in sions, it will attend Monday con his Holiness is bought and sold.
discussion showed that 103 mem. attention to the youth. In the Chi READ THE NEW MILITANT. that striking is the greatest crime, each case.
ference and work for unity. ANON.
has now been expelled from the Stalinist wamp Leaders Split NPLD Appeal Takes Leap Forward The letter was sent to the Dhe Corporations bewitch with Ad filled honey