BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninismMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismURSSWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE Stalin Has Signed the Death Certificate of the Third International Announcement of Betrayal!
above seen the German social democrats of Open Letter war, gain such force as to directly pure diplomacy, that is to say, to 1918.
To the World Proletariat threaten the military machine of the Althiest sort. They refuse to Only yesterday, Thorez and Co.
the bourgeoisie and imperil its al see anything except combinations Ed. Note. Turbulent conditions (leader of French Ed. swore liance with the it would with this or that imperialism in France occasioned by the fall that We love our country, but we imply that the French proletariat against some other. They of the cabinet, new aggressions cannot countenance national de is capable of selzing power at the all afraid lest the French workers fense under the capitalist regime.
by Italy against Abyssinia, gen.
height of the struggle. Should they compromise their combinatione.
erally the growing tenseness in If this formula has any meaning it And now answer a question that has been put to me: perhaps be restrained in such a sit. Thorex and Co. subscribe to this the world, wally driving humanity implies that we cannot confide to uation? Let them say it. Will we lisgraceful attitude. They also nearer to the new imperialist hol. In case of such a war launched by Hitler against the hands of our bourgeoisie the run the risk of defeat? Obviously. dem the revolutionary movement task of defending our country Revolution, like war, curries risk to be an obstacle to the safety of ocaust, make it imperative that would you apply your slogan: transformation of the the working class be armed with (which besides is not ours. Towith it since danger is the essen the They accept the order a revolutionary policy before its bearts we shall make common cause day we are told, with throbbing outbreak. The following appeal with our bourgeoisle in the defense Imperialist war into the civil war?
tial element in But only wretch to penalive and hamstring the rev.
tial clement in it. But only wretch olution.
of the International Secretariat from mu international situation They opeuly become the Stalinist of the International Communist of the IL. We want to know, Well, no! because in such a war it is not an imperialist which is brimful of mortal dangers police over the French proletariat, League with which the Workers how is it that the French bour: without incurring any risks what ant what is more, the Stalinist powar that is involved, a war between two imperialist gangs, ever.
Party has established fraternal scoisie which is not good enough Bice become at the same time the relations is in basic agreement to defend tour deeply loved coun.
Thus revolutionary detentism pollee of French imperialism.
with the statement of tre Nation try. proves itself good enough for it is a war against the Soviet Union.
does not prevent the Soviet govern. Socialism in one Country al Committee of the on the the defense of the This ment on its own responsibility from Franco Soylet Alliance printed in is the nub of the question. There profiting by such and such a pact Ends in Civil Peace the last issue of the New Millcan be no middle of the road. The or this and that imperialist mill When we Extract from a speech by Maurice Thorez, leader of the Central Comtant, and sheds valuable light very same people will be obliged to Bolshevik Lenintary assistance. But these fleeting ists. began our struggle against the upon many of the questions being we shall make common cause with proclaim, with throbbing hearts mittee of the Communist Party of France, delivered in Paris on May 17, 1935, and reproduced in the party official organ, Humanite of transactions cannot and must uot in theory of socialism in one country asked by the workers in conneetion with these epoch making people against the barbarism of our bourgeoisie to defend May 24, 1935.
the world proletariat whose and it may have scemed that only an events.
is, above all during the time of cussion. Today the historical functask academic question was under disIIitler. because the French people Stalin together renegude has the right to call for the same working class through civil peace? be: it would be absurd to punish revolution or in the destruction of we imperialisten through the Victor ttom of this formula muy be clearly Laval has signed the death certid sacrifices on the part of its heroes To fritter away the only capital our country for the idiocy of the mechanism of the bourgeois ious revolution.
the fate of the from the cate of the Third International, as the Russian people.
Late of the world proletariat. It Today, there is not a single work: position of the Communist Party for precarious, equivocal and un decisive and not the policy of the arm the fascist leagues. Zyrom quence of the Defeats There is nothing new in the new pedence of the proletariat, in return it is the clas character that is e, Petter ting the sloganstrate The Pact is the Consehas created a national base for the er, even the most politically back. It is social patriotism.
stable diplomatic Soviet bureaucracy which allowed it to concentrate all the power in Fiet bureaucrats have just publicly, Has the War Danger a would be tantamount to walling up oppose the war budgets of the most revolutionary demand is the most of the World its own hands. The new law which extends capital puntshment to chil Proletariat al proletariat. For the first time National Address? ture. The basic crime of reform bourgeois states, and we are pledged fism.
dren 12 years reveals with fearStalin has openly said what is, e. But the immediate danger comes chasing after ism Iles precisely in the fact that to defend the SR, despite and Must We Support AlliThe pact indicates weakness and sales og sende at a considerable te not in full view of the entire world be from German fascism, it will be forms, it castrated the proletariat not strength on the part of the 18 has repudiated revolutionary inter said, 90 It is necessary to make a by class collaboration. This policy tional defense of the bourgeois But the absurdity of the condi ances Useful to the This new treaty is the move from socialism but that under nationalism and passed over to the bloc against it. Such an argument is ten times, coe hundred times, a state. bears, nevertheless, a grave Workers Gov t?
product of the defeat in China, in the domination of the omnipotent platform of social patriotism. He suffices for this or that diplomatie thousand times more criminal at a political meaning.
Germany, in Austria and Spain. bureaucracy the social decomposiIn refutation it will be said, Yet Stree the world revolutionary tion of wide strata of workers and of his open betrayal through the ment. But this conception has a peaceful period of parliamentary the latter demands, he would be recognize the right of the Soviet ernment of the found it proportions despite all the technoyou medium of a bourgeois minister, nothing in common with Marxism. combinations but of a war which unable who is himselt a traitor to the We have always maintained that concentrates all the instruments of Herloor even Louis Marin. He with imperialist states for its im imperialist factor. That is the only by the workers and peasants And differentiate himself from government to conclude alliances self forced to adapt itself to the logical conquests bought so dearly working class in his own country, the danger of war is the inevitable oppression and destruction in the would lose the confidence of the mediate safety. Is it then not our correct formula for the Franco is precisely at the moment state The hired bureaucrats of French product of world imperialist anta: hands of the bourgeoiste and leaves working class, and become a cipher. duty as the French workers to sup Soviet treaty, Stalinism have immediately drawn gonisms. German fascism as well the proletariat only its sole and By resorting to paelfism right upseful to the workers govern see only the strengthening of the that the Government of the from it all the necessary conclu as the dangers of war are the pro only weapon: its political indepen to the outbreak of the port these alliances insofar as they The Kremlin bureaucrats. who founded by the October Revolution sions, and Valllant Courturier (an dacts of the colossal productive dence, Its hatred of the bourgeoiste, tains the possibility of rendering a ment?
he reare editor of Humanite, organ of the forces of German capitalism that its revolutionary will.
French Ed. in his article seek for outlets, and that must double service to the bourgeoisie thereby poelt the indepen draws the final conclusions from No, never! We have already dence of the workers state from the theory of socialism in one coun.
adde ignominy to betrayal. seek for outlets, whatever the Moreover, who has the right to during the war: a large section of poluted out why the German social the world working class movement: try, prostitating the ABC declare that the docile submissive the working class will say to it lists were duty bound to fight against the more defeats the latter suffers Marxism and degrading the Comin mobilize themselves on the revolu. most progressive capitalist regimes its own bourgeoisie must inevitably now joins the ranks of elvil peace, was absolutely necessary for the tional position of the These mann, Noske Renaudel, Vander.
strata are seething and are vigor. tramework of the national state. it to retreat? Not only would this fotsted upon us, it is because the at the given moment.
apa. com oualy intervening in the political France is marching hand in hand be gratuitous assertion but just defense is just. In order to be they must be nalled to the pillory. The Third International struggle, while the petty bourgeol with fascist Italy and with qual the contrary would prove the case able to achieve this mission Blumtion more concretely and more prac the proletariat in a number of coun. Is Dead! Long Live The Let us take this very same ques. But it because of annihilation of sle, directly hit by the economic democratic England against fascist in the long run.
crisis which is steadily deepening. Germany, must reject as invalid the orders Revolutionary defeatism tries the Soviet government is com: Fourth International!
is becoming radicale as a whole, Hitler has not yet morally of Stalin. This perfidious game is Heally When after the capitulation of to it bureaucrat has the audacity to lutionary activity during the one crushed the German proletariat. In enormously facilitated by the social doesn at all imply the sabotage pelled to traternize temporarin Write that there is no longer any war consisted precisely in denoun order to succeed in this, his prope patriotle turn of the stalinista. active minority. It would be ab working class this cannot be the finiteler, me proclaimed: it is the noomne for de independent activity ing the propaganda of the allies sanda ererolves around the welshey The League of Nations of the proletariat in ita revolution who spoke to the name of democra are hated. they seek our destruc And Blum Faith surd to attribute to revolutionary ground for further weakening the workers the idea of blowing up latter by demoralizing it and thus August 1th of the Third Interbridges and railroads, etc. etc. still further worsening the interna national, we met with not a few geoisie, that all efforts are to nol and the Hohenzollerns? The old ton.
It is a question of the race protests. August 4th, we were struggle. Already the fact that the Leon Blum and Co. lament that in case of war. The revolutionary tional situation, of forcing the rev Avall and that to stave of the in, catchwords are being refurbished workers state was compelled to the communique does not sufficient workers. Insofar as they are the olution to retreat and consequently told was a conscious betrayal while vasion of the nothing re to camouflage Imperialist antagonthe inevitable consequence of false malos except to place faith in Isms by means or shamphics. French imperialism. Crawling on tween political systems.
geolsle against Germany has streng League. Yet the National the slaves of imperialism who are danger.
policy. Today we see how superihis belly he consummates the beOn this road one quickly applyes lakainst the Germ of the Nazis Committee of the French Socialist consclous of their enslavement. At Safety Lies in the Rev.
thened the cial are such purely psychological trayal of his master.
working class Party Ed. As early as January the same time they prepare through evaluations. The capitulation was In the eyes of everyone the Third cracy as such counterposed to Hit liberately participate in this allt. which proclaims the necessity at the idealization of French demo Should the French proletariat de elaborated its famous program agitation the transformation of the lutionary Policy of the the expression of the internal degenInternational has become the diplo: ler Germany.
eration, a consequence of accumumatic agent of Stalinism loaded ance by surrendering its class inde destroying the bourgoots state and should the succeed in Proletariat lated blunders and crimes. This Here again, there is no middle pendence the theory of the race the working people including the the French bourgeoise in the event portance are at stake the revolu: capltulation to imperialist war and of opposing to it the interests of securing the military assistance of When events of world wide im degeneration implied in its turn the down with blundere la vite mer ombe of the road. We repeat: 1t is the struggle will make great headway interests on the country. What is ot aggression on the part of Gertlonary party has no right to be a prelude to the capitulation before decisive step on the road to clvd polley of social patriotism.
The conception of the agressor theory of the class struggle. Driven the League of Nations? It 18 als man imperialism (which is by the mit itself to be motivated by sec. Imperialist bourgeoisie which is Let us review the facts, of diplomacy, but it is fatal or the which he has himselt Incited, Hit state, or of several bourgeois states, sistance supplied by the bourgeois always problematic considerations, the Augustation of the Third Brest Litovsk and the ortentation the proletariat. The ter may be compelled to unleash acting Jointly, and at the same time de rend power planetu net why berbio: se si necesareta me latinis kated pro ternational was already lodged to Franco Russian Pact France protects Mussolini, allow. On the other hand the open, Irre mechanism of the bourgeois state tomary minority will continue to lutionary strength of the class; it the great merit of the Bolshevik The Stalin Laval pact rests on ing him a free held for action to sistible, thunderous opposition of deserves only to be destroyed how fulfill its duty in incessantly prets in this manner that one can also Leninists that they stated this in peace. The Soviet government en tria. And it is precisely the light imperialism will be a disavowal of better future upon the League of bourgeoisle, whatever may be the ary questions: revolutionary polley the same place as the Brest Litovsk Abyssinta, and also as regards Aus the French proletariat to its own can anyone stake the hopes for a paring for the overthrow of the best exert influence on all second time.
ters into a military alliance withening grip of Italy on Austria raclam and will give a powerful Nations which is the by product of military assistance of the imper. Is always the most practical. The Leninism is betrayed and vilified an imperialist govern moeder 80e ee match nationalism and lead to the The Betrayal of Stalin ialist general staff (and it will al enemy is Stalinism! It weakened by Stalinism.
not at which may fan to white heat Ger impetus to the German revolution. this very same mechanism?
It is the doctrine of Jaureslam ways be precarious, equivocal and the because it delivered The urgent task of the hour is be annihilated. In any case, that outbreak of the war.
that democracy or the democratic perfidious. the Chinese workers and peasants to reconstitute the ranks of the Is its only justification. The Brest are the permanent Antagonismo And the Crises in the state. the bourgeois mechanism. The revolutionary repercussions to the bureaucracy of the KuominLitovsk peace was a defeat; while which are deepening and sharpenenvisages constant improvement of which will be engendered in Ger tang, the English workers to the letariat. For this a banner and a the Franco Russian pact has been ing.
trade unions, program are necessary, and they its fate and advances slowly but many by the revolutionary move bureaucracy of proclaimed for all those who care evitable explosion and the prevenOn the other hand their in.
The participated active surely toward socialism. Viewed in ment in France will provide another, etc. Frightened by the conse can only be the banner and the proto listen freat victory for the tive measures of the capitalist wy at Geneva in the elaboration of this perspective the league of Na sort of effective assistance for the quences et sought to play the card gram of the Fourth International.
The Third International is dead.
It is unnecessary to at states can and must cause the catas measures against terrorism and to regulate the international rela as for the development of the world results proved themselves even Love live the Fourth International tempt comparison between the trophe.
more fatal. Today Stalin and Co. International Secretariat of relation of forces in 1918 and at King of Jugoslavia was the reason tons of the democrats.
the present time. The facts speak Social Patriotism Is Today not only Plvert and Zyr Should the revolutionary move have lost all confidence in the revo the International Communist for this incident. We, Marxists, for themselves Whatever the die Driving the League.
omsky (prominent lefts in the ment in France, in the event of Ilutionary forces. They resort to have always been the opponents of Ed. but also Blum and Paul ferences in the world situation and individual terrorism, but we have in the relationship of forces, the Franco Soviet treaty from the standnecessity to overthrow and destroy in. police cruiser bore down upon point of principles and politics rest this may perhaps be true, but isn pression.
We will be told in answer, A1 terrorister nga pole mien periga lista de the mechanism of the bourgeois Brutal Police Sally loer strikerne by the police centre Ended by Pressure the treaty of Brest Litovsk. Shoola, pecessario all the same to save hus taken its place in the can they maintain their faith in the (Continued from Page 1) from all sides. Clubbing and black. Continued from Page 1)
then, the Communists and Social late danger which is the very same sphere of national struggles as the League of Nations?
Party and Ohio were among jacking indiscriminately, the police have strong progressive and millists vote in parliament for the rati. Hitler Germany. Let us observe Dillar of the established order and on the subject of disarmament. Zy a written agreement was signed be any women were slugged to the lone association with the old line The same question presents itselt those on the strike committee and slowly forced the strikers back. tant tendencies, it is felt that his fleation of the Franco Soviet agree first of all that only yesterday ment? And this too regardless of the question of whether or no So the slogan of pational liberation communique, the In the light of the Stalin Laval romsky expresses his regrets at the tween the union locals and the ground; strikers were badly beaten. of La officialdom may influence Comintern advanced in Germany international sight of his newly acquired friend League. The morale of the strik resistance could be offered by him to agree to suspension of the viet diplomacy was really force which is impossible without a war. Working class is beginning to a Litvinoy abandoning the slogans ofers rose; evidences of militancy the unarmed and unprepared work. strike under this terrific pressure.
to sign this treaty?
Today the Communist International a better understanding of why stal disarmament in favor of collective broke out despite the paine atti ers. The workers of the Columbus The strike was called following learned from the end very same Zyromsky tude of the Columbus Federation of Packing Let us recall the historie exam wants to defend the Versailles in undertook cows berencat on the refuted in his last article, social Labor.
of a club just what is the role of lengthy negotiations with the To Bosses Understand the police. They learned that the ledo Edison management, when un.
Serial Democrats woted in the He is lost who abandons the posi: Zinovlev group. Before finally de pacifiern in domestic policies, le Reichstag the hope of settling the social questremendous importance of police, the entire city administra con requests for a 20 percent wagethat since the Bolsheviks had ael the international revolution and geoisie be found it necessary to to understand that external social labor leaders of Columbus, it was Commerce who were trying to crush The Toledo Edison Co. is one of ratifying it, claiming tion of the class struggle and or livering the Kremlin to the bourlon amicably. Zyromsky is unable the strike was not apparent to the tion were tools of the Chamber or Increase were flatly turned down.
cepted at there was no reason whate who begins to seek safety outside those who might raise their voices pacifism is the reverse side of the certainly clear to the Chamber of overwhelm and exterminate all Mayor Whitewashes Police Henry Dougherty holdings. It has been making enormous profits Bolsheviks replied to them, You agninst one own government in march to the City Hall was and has been exacting terrifically in protest.
the bourgeoisie allows itself to be the strike could be broken, union organized and a delegation visited high rates from the consumers.
swine. We are objectively com one own country. Today the be Stalinism to the Rescue disarmed in order to secure peace labor in Franklin County would be the Mayor and Safety Director Failure of the strikers represen.
pelled to negotiate in order not to trayal will be covered by the plea it will be at the same time dis smashed. Therefore, every resource Pealer. Mayor Worley, former mem. tatives to sue statements or a be annihilated, but as for you you of the need to save peace, tomor of Social Pacifism armed in the struggle against the of the police force was placed at ber of the Socialist Party, who still strike bulletin or leaflets to offset But proletariat. We find here the same the disposal of the plant.
The enemy is Stalinism!
against, and your vote implies wheless, the betrayal will be perpetu. the point in question is not to for contradiction as in the question The fighting spirit of the strikers far as am concerned, the strikers carries a union card, stated, As the unrestrained lies and frenaled ther or not you place confidence in ated in order to save democracy or get or overlook reformism. The concerning the League of Nations mounted to a furlous pitch that have fortelted their right to plcket. distinct weakness of the strike tacdistortions of the press has been a your own bourgeoisie.
to save the But neither treacherous polley of the Stalinlsts We have at least the verbal recogforced recognition from the union From now on, only 12 plekets will tics so far.
If we allowed that the Soviet peace nor democracy nor the provides them with tremendous nition of the need for the proletariat leaders of the demand for action. be permitted at the plant. Major Government is really compelled to can be saved by the surrender support. From now on Blum and to arm itself and to gain powertul It was decide to stop all trucks and Pealer impartially exonerated the Labor to actively support the French imperialism, the proletariat it after Germany has been annl. Ed. openly spread the idea of in order to lead to the victory of 200 cops and plain clothesmen were restraint and good judgment they tive character must be resumed: of the latter country does not at hilated for the second time, France, the defense of the national soll the internal class struggle At the massed to meet the pickets. How employed.
the power of the Chamber of Comall have to do so. By their votes Italy and England turn against because these philistines them time one busies oneself with secur ever, the 150 workers, Unemployed What must be done by the mill merce and its hired strike breakers, in parliament the Socialist and their temporary ally, does anyone selves, likewise, do ing peace the capit re Leaguers, and sympathetic stude tants of the Columbus Packing Co. the police, must Commannist deputies are not called believe that it will be possible on unconditional defense. This stu glme through general disarmament. who were on the picket line man now? The lessons of Toledo must upon to express themselves upon the spur of the moment to sever at pidity of wishing to condition Why then make a revolution against aged to stop and smash every scabbe followed. strike bulletin must Sunday, June Hike to Palisades, the reason and motives for the a single stroke the proletariat from the defense of the national bour a humanitarian bourgeoisie which car tried to enter. Arthur be issued immediately: street corn Broadway line to Dyckman St.
action of the Soviet government the bourgeofsle which with the ala seoalele or of the proletarian state will be disarmed through a coven. Wedemeyer led the picket line all er meetings must be organized to Meet at Dyckman St. Ferry. 11 Imirt solely upon the reasons and of the working class parties will is clear to everyone. It our coun ant of the League of Nations? through the night.
acquaint the workers of Columbus Auspices. Spartacus Youth motives of the Flandin Laval gor. have succeeded in raising itself as try as it is, is worthy of being de The solution of this enigma is When it seemed that the plant with the true facts of the strike: League.
ernment. If they vote confidence the master of the nation, and that tended, it must be defended no mat quite simple. These people haven would be effectively throttled, the pressure must be brought to bear in it, they are the same swine as has gagged and demoralized ter what the origin of the war may the slightest confidence elther in a hired thugs, masquerading under upon the Columbus Federation of READ THE NEW MILITANT.
Ruin also assumed the defense of nation med preobliked to record de los Pickets Slugged in the ma pole seller dere de contro usten Toledo Power Strike IC