CommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

and and ot PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY JUNE 8, 1935 come against Dillon, that at the STRIKE Comments INSIDE STORY OF TOLEDO May 18 meeting the strikers first Progressives voted to refuse the floor for discus slon on the company proposal to Map Plans for On Life, Liberty meeting held several days before bers of the strike committee. Dillon and Pursuit of series of three articles by Art when a delegation of Toledo union went into a tantrum and stormed Preis on the great Toledo strike. Battle with General Motors Strike in Silk militants headed by Jimmy Roland from the hall, loudly declaring that Art Preis was the editor of had visited the Flint local. Dillon he would withdraw the union char Happiness Strike Truth, the Chevrolet strikers bulletin. of the strikers and the employers. the strike committee and the union influenced the Flint workers to ter. The subsequent developments Ed. Note: Below is the subBy BILL REICH They impressed upon the strikers executive board. The mem postpone strike action until after of the meeting, with its disqueting stance of a resolution to be pre Peace on Earth.
By ART PREIS the dangers of permittag the govbers continued to distribute leaflets the rate omasleading statements results for the strikes near meble ne sented by progressive workers in the Paterson local of the Amerl.
Matlete proclaime Germany strike the line up of opposing than those from their own immedi ers and read with keen interest. stessives, once the vote had been ness of the members of the strike From the outset of the Chevrolet strike settlement, or to allow other were widely accepted by the strik of the Toledo strikers. The pro ot the strikers and tho inarticulatecan Federation of Silk Workers The importance of the set of proThe title of Nazi General Werner on the one side were the strikers, iti negotiations.
need peace and wants peace. ro forces was clear cut and marked. ate ranks to have final authority The strikers shortly made a distinc called for started a drive to defeat committee.
posals contained therein cannot von Blomberg was changed from tion between literature and the company proposals. huge The executive members of the be understated. They merit care minority of the strike committee Defense Minister to Mintstor of and the progressive forces in the had been to proffer counter propos welcomed the distinctive appearing held. Another issue of Strike power to carry out his threat and part of every member of the unThe first move of the company that of other groups, and always mase meeting of Toledo labor was unfon local, fearful that Dion had ful and dellberate study on the War. On Nov. German youths military training. The New General Motors, the organized com. contract. These proposals were intained a positive program of action ferent editor, somewhat weakened, fluences, induced Roland and the which promises to be a long batof twenty will be conscripted for union local.
Bork Herald Tribune emblazons: such as the Chamber of Commerce effect the acceptance of company. explained in clear terms and which but following the general form of other committeemen, from the tle. Victory can only be won HUMANIZUHRER WOULD and Merchants and Manufacturers unionism, the notorious merit and fearlessly and factually exposed the first one. When the vote was standpoint of union loyalty, air the union purgues correct and three technicians and two instruct. press, the leading eltizens includ. Labor Code, conditional promises New Militants, containing uncomci Proportional representation to release the policies and maneuveral of to be handed down later, the unlon play, free speech, etc. to secure militant policies. The resolutlon ors were expelled from Columbia ing prominent socialites, univeralty of slight wage increases, all hidden promising attacks upon Dillon, Tay.
Tum Down Proposal Dillon spoke, using every device of Dillon did not cease his stalling cajolery, alarm and threat to in Fellow workers: In 1981 Nicholas Murray Butler, lie officials, etc, the government. Francis Duilon did not arrive in correct tactics to be used the role with the representative booed during the entire course of bound to have tremendous reper phrases. lor and Schwake, pointing out the tactics.
duce the strikers to accept the comHe came to an agreement The Supreme Court ruling that pany terms. He was roundly found the NRA unconstitutional is awarded the Noble Peace Prize. themselves, particularly those rep: strike was under way. Bren had tributed on the pleket lines and at for another line of attack. The mitted that his remarks carried in necessary for the union to appraise It is now Captains of Industry.
resenting the national leadership of he desired to be could not have the meetings. This literature of company agreed to meet with the the of Vice President Arthur Young of the Steel Corporation swears: Eressives was tirst of all to foto baten down the strikers thront. For thie in molding progressive alettiment representatives of the strikers for suficient weight to capture the the situation and prepare to further negotiations strikers. But when Fred Schwake, Dillon used It is our opinion that, taking the will go to jail or be convicted the Toledo strike on a militant me being he had to appear to go and arming the progressives against the pretext of the negotiations to of their own and whom a great cue from what they consider to be whom the strikers considered one again restrain the Flint Buick local a tremendous victory, the manufacprovisions of the Wagner Bil. ership of the strike in the hands Adence by a display of militancy ble Bhol felon rather than obey the mass action basis, to keep the lead along with the sentiment of the the influence of the reactionaries, During the second week of the om striking until after the nego number still had confidence in beturers throughout the silk industry ed him a gold medal for his out to prevent the settlement of the and to seize in his own hands the its attack. It began the swift set all but one member of the strike militancy, spoke in favor of accept to launch a concerted drive, in standing and creative work in strike by Francis Dillon and the leadership of the strike. At a mass ting up of a transmission plant to committee refused to decept the ance while the voting was going on order to increase the hours of work. promoting company unions. of officialdom over the day of bis arrival, he urged them Ind. which the newspapers played included only some minor conces alerted the treatter capitulation, be and destroy the power of our une Grace the. hem Steel says: Business is being progressives realized the necessity to vote down the company offer. up to frighten the Toledo workers sions and no guarantee of union came discouraged and confused and the first attempts are being halted by undue emphasis on roof spreading the strike to every This they did unanimously. back to work. strike breaking recognition or seniority rights. The voted, against their own destres, for made to feel our strength before form, unsound, blased and perhaps General Motors plant and, if posConflict Sharpens agency, hiding behind the spurious one member the committee who receptance. The vote resulted in even unconstitutional leglalative sible, to inspire a general auto proposals, political maneuvering. walk out.
the conflict of forces within the sociation, was organized by the Grady and the was Ben Once Dillon arrived on the scene name of Independent Workers Astought on the side of Dillon, Metavor of acceptance and the strik Runching the campaign against us.
In a unrestrained public expenditures, union ranks, between the reaction company officials and foremen. Gov. Bonner. This is the same Ben Boners returned to work the next day. only take one of two posible No Try at Scabbing currency tinkering and increasing Role of Parties progresalves, became ernment concilators, including the ner whom the Daily Worker de For the first four days of the aries and stands. Either wait for the offentax strike, under the aggressive leader more May One of the important and slgnin sive of the manufacturers to get in Ervin or u. Steel, stated stories and progreso es ehe stenders to deal further with the strikers be a kert Edward. McGrady, were betrayal, as a leading militant cant phases of this strike was the full swing, thus reducing ourselves Under the code, our filed prices pushed the waites retetetre representatives or to negotiate untul sent into Toledo are less than those ruling in 1926; The Independent Workers Asso. The progressives began to organ political parties. The Socialist courageously assume the leadership power. Apart from the newspaper the men returned to work.
cent higher than those of 1920. per propagenda anti strike atute thinly left the situation in Toledo at a clation claimed to have sent. re. re the strike militants in prepara Party was conspicuoue by its com and the offensive ourselves, keep Inancial return under these condi itu, and misleading advertisements vious that the strategy of General ther with a petition containing the when the question of the company Tim McCormack, one of the local ers, and force them into a defensive tlons has been disappointing the strike pala for by General Motors (and Francis Dillon, who signatures of the majority of the second proposal was to be present. leaders, exclaimed on the day position.
Assume Offensive steel industry reported 8, 200, 000 merces and effective counter attack strike terminated) was to keep the vote on the company proposals made with the strike committee, is of the Toledo branch, Jesus profits, There is no doubt in our mind as was launched.
No effort was made strike isolated, undermine the mor under the supervision of the De sued a widely featured statement Christ! The hasn done a of Labor by the company to run scabs Into ale of the strikers through propato the press telling the strikers to goddam thing during this strike. to which stand the union must the plant, for memories of the Auto ganda and the threat of permanent Dillon First Trek accept the company proposals and, The same can be equally said of losing game, and we should not con take: The defensive is at best a Six hundred destitute miners in Lite strike still provokes sleeplessnes 15 closing the plant and starting Dillon, persuaded by a saperficial by indirection, denunciating the the Communist Party. Aside from alder even for a moment the posslWestern Germany staged hunger among the industrialists in Toledo operations elsewhere, demoralize show of strength on the part of this loyal members of the strike com the usual passing out of leaflets bility of playing it. We must as in to mass picket lines kept a 24 hour them through inaction and subver strike breaking outat that a major mittee as reds. The newspapers which were largely alterate and sume the ofensive.
come out until concessions were vigilance about the deserted plant. sive methods and, if possible, starve ity of the workers were in favor of pat on an extra beavy barrage urg illeglble and usimlly making bugWe must, on the other hand, angranted. They were routed with Plant managers and officials were them out.
returning to work, urged such advice. On May 12, Muste adtear gas. On May Day millions forced to be thepermission of the The next move of the progres vote in hopes that the union force the strikers to follow Dillon a gestions on policy three days afternlyze the situation so as to know the progressives of the union had what we are going to do before of Germans celebrated the great strike committee to enter upon thelr sives was to spread the strike. On would be outvoted and the strikers dressed an open meeting on the already taken steps to put them in hand, and in order to have a clear single stadert came to power to compelled to pay the strikers of do, a group of Chevrolet strizers which would not put the finger of scored Dillon, Schwake and the nor Indirect influence on the strike perspective of the situation in the and came coming months tsel percent sales tax the property and while on the picket had gone to Detroit where coptes betrayal upon him. After terrific other reactionaries, and urged the local This is manifestly a slack season to pay for relter. Labor leaders line. By keeping one step ahead of of strike Truth were circulated pressure had been brought upon the strikers not accept the company to representatives of the on The number of federal reller funds back to 190 the company, by taking the agree at the Chevrolet plant there, and strike committee, all but Roland terms. Many of the leading strik the afternoon of the settlement and in our industry.
ols. Henry Fond announces ive, the striker prevented the the office building of General Mot and two others agreed to the vote. ers and picket captains attended the for two hours begged and pleaded employed union members is falling The following night, Sunday, DI meeting.
with the raise in minimum wages from company from carrying through sors was plcketed until the group for a united front. steadily, while many of those still When the pointed out that working are only working part to a day. With the first pas company simply did not know how though the closure of the Toledo This local had previously voted to so strong had the sentiment be this was a rather belated step in time. We must therefore note de of a five day layoff for 81, 000 workers to denl with progressive labor lend plant threatened shortly to stop. surplus of 580. 000, 000 hases of the caliber of a Jim Roland production throughout the entire that these other groups were in swift strike and of an early settlement. We must prepare our Moreover, from the standpoint of being made by General Motors and of transmissions, every effort was Motor Company. was not, the representatives of these groups agreed that such a real test of strength.
It is obvious that the manufacMajesty of the Law. committee began to show the pubfrom reaching outside of Toledo.
the progressives rather than helpturers are going to make of the them.
coming struggle a well organized committee makes it a felony to Motors a thing or two. When the and Ignored for some time the vote SPRINGFIELD, Contrary to fly connived to gain the favor of the The final consideration of the er attempt to get rid of the union once sue literature proposing change in company issued lengthy statements of numerous auto Union locals the reports in the Daily Worker Workers Alliance by gilb phrases fectiveness of the organization or and for all time. We must make Federal and state governments by to the public through press chans throughout the country in favor of under date of May 18 to May 25, thetr treachery was exposed at the progressives has come since the red struggle to establish and en of the. Governor Earle of Pennsylvania repiled through the same channels workers, speeded up and exploited employment Councils had nothing essary. Desperation seems to have settlement the Chevrolet unton Actual, not only nominal, recogntsigns a bull requiring all rellef recipients to post a cash bond of devastating prepared statements to the hilt, wanted action, Tele to do with the hunger marches resuddenly gripped the Stalinists in members again met in full force. tion of the union must be our basic with equally lengthy but extremely 600. 20. 000 erns of government that quickly forced the company to committee to numerous other locals marches were led by the Illinois a couple of months only to break on and his machine were denounced grams had been sent by the strike cently held in Springfield, Ill. The these parts. They pussyfooted for There was demoralization. Du slogan.
beef intended for distribution to the change the substance of its proptelling of the strike and urging Workers Alliance and to deny this themselves to pieces because it re by the entire body.
But if we are to have an even unemployed exploded in a New Organla. Further, the strike commit them to take similar action. is going Hearst one better. mains an evident fact that they tives of the Cetral Labor Unionize for it. The struggle that we Representa chance of success, we must organleans warehouse. Mail con tee issued a strike bulletin, Strike Strike Spreads The Stalinists, who faltered so continuously follow the tail of the spoke at this meeting and likewise foresee cannot be local in scope.
tracts awarded to the Mer Truth, which had wide spread dischant Marine last year cost the tribution among the Chevrolet Dillon moved north, following his badly in their conspiracy to cap kite in the enormous struggles that denounced Dillon.
Immediate organizational stepe government 28, 000, 000. Operating workers and workers in other auto Arst mass meeting in Toledo, to ture the hunger marches, have ro are.
Progressives to Meet Soon must be taken immediately to moexpenses of the entire fleet amount parts plants. The militant tone, the confer with the Detroit union oftt sorted to the old tactics of unitedorp metag place in strategic southfronting from below. Monday, May Today the union is stronger than bilize the workers throughout the CORRECTION ever in the Chevrolet plant. The Industry. We therefore recommend William Humphries, Federal Trade analysis of the strike issues con the Toledo unlom progressives went Illinois converged at the meeting Commissioner, ousted by Roosevelt, tained in this single bulletin tre south, to Norwood, Ohio. They of branch 128, Illinois Workers Alor slipped into the reproduction of more strongly than ever. conAn unfortunate typographical er progressives in the entire local are that our local request the national WAS awarded 3, 043. 06 back salary. mendously strengthened the morale succeeded in persuading the work once, of Springfield. They came comrade Maste address over theference of auto union progressives more influential and organizing office: Proposals. Mayor LaGuardia of New York of the strikers laid the basis ers in two General Motors plants there boldly with resolution proa City, addressing a woman confer. tor the progressive principles which there to strike, without benefit of posing to censure Gerry Allard and radio in the last 188ue of the News from all sections of the country meetings and membership meet Instead of reading will be held definitely in the near Ings with a view to organize the proclaimed: The economic system duct of the strike and the negotia in Cleveland and Atlanta, Ga. were leadership of the Illinois Workers am setting forth the historic Com future.
is wrong. would like to be in tions.
sentiment of the workers; Congress where could do some One primary consideration moti prior to strike action. Other strikes Alliance for rejecting a treacherous munist position, embodied in the lution last week, which all the experience of the modern working locals in the country will be asked all organized labor for our com2. To secure the support of thing about it.
Stalinist Scalping Party vated the oulon progressives as they threatened, involving important key united front offer.
class and in the writings its great to adopt, demanding that Dillon be mnapped out their tactics. They un plants. Each day reports of plant The Stalinists tried their best to teachers, which constitutes the fired as an of organizer.
ing struggle; derstood well enough that in this closures due to lack of parts were provoke physical combat as one of program of the United States. At Schwake star has dimmed and he tional campaign in the unorgan To launch a vast organizaArthur Brisbane adviss all wo particular situation the most dan received. The next move of the their number was reported to have should say: am setting forth win undoubtedly be deposed from ized alstricts, to take place im men to have six good children. cerous forces they had to combat progressives was to Flint.
mediately: More than 12, 000, 000 young people were within their own camp. They While the representatives of Bilesessed a pistol for that purpose, the historie Communist position. his position in the union very shortThe rot squad of the police depart which constitutes the program of ly. The Chevrolet workers have have reached the employable sage knew they were dealing with sex Green were moving in on the strike ment appeared at the meeting when the Workers Party of the United conducted several inside strikes regional and national strike com.
since their return to work, all of mittees elected directly from the to take their place as producing working class standpoint. inarticu crous elements within the local un alarm. The police left shortly. Not them completely successful.
and contributing citizens in our so late workers, fearful of public lon, particularly the executive or any other one spot of southsuficient forces in Spring membership and acting in con The Chevrolet strike must be reciety, states Studebaker, opinion, subject to confusion in board members and the business READ THE NEW MILITANT.
junction with local, regional and Commissioner of Education, the weiter of rumor and misleading agent, Fred Schwake, who were opern Illinois the Stalinists came in garded as merely the preliminary national officials. Five million yonths of mating age propaganda, raw with indoctrinated posing the progressives and attempt from Thayer, Chicago, Franklin WORKERS skirmish of a greater battle to Preparation for the 1980. come. The progressive program, ance of a daily strike bulletin, to Protect Yourselves Against the which the has been advocatSloan Overton of the National Court suspicious of everything they could Jimmy Roland and the strike com them were members. They offset the influence of the boss cil of Federated Church Women. not unlerstand. but nevertheless mittee. Under the pressure of Dil. were given the floor anyway to Hazards of Life. Join the ing, the militant policies, are be controlled press; anxious for competent guidance and lon and Taylor, another of start their offensive of getting Gercoming more strongly ingrained in Wonders of Science.
WORKMEN SICK DEATH Immediate steps for the willing to make a stand up tight. Bill Green organizers, they began ry Allard senlp.
the union. From standpoint of raising of a war chest of 500, 000.
BENEFIT FUND OF THE the immediate gains secured in the Scientific experiment carried out the real enemy they would have to to obstruct progressive moves. They The Stalinist offensive was soon As for demands, we propose to at the International Convention of combat would be the Of top withheld funds from the strike turned into a defensive because the 1884 1935 strike, the strikers suffered a par stand by the demands already subtlal defeat. From the standpoint mitted to and adopted by the memful girls exposed one unit of the ant, Francis Dillon, whose policies ther publication of the strike bulle to reject the resolution. counter Organized, managed by and for of the development of the progres bership: union recognition locally body after another hair, eyes, legs, were opposed to strikes and militant tin. In the mass meetings and on motion to condemn the and workers with only one purpose: sive forces, the strengthening of the and nationally, the 30 hour week, lips, broast to a selected group of action, who believed in asking fa the picket lines they attempted to their defunct Unemployment Coun to render protection to members union, the splendid fight that is be the 25 average wage for weavers men in order to determine woman vors of the bosses and keeping on edge tre strike committee out of alls for disruptive tactics was un and their families, and to sup ing made against the unfon reac with other wages graduated accrowning glory.
tionaries, the Chevrolet strike must cordingly.
An aconstiphone friendly terms with the labor ex. the leadership. red scare was animously carried when Stalinists tall endeavors and struggles registered the effect on the men posters and the government. In started by Schwake who induced a left the ball completely routed, both for the improvement of tollers.
be regarded as a magnificent vic view of the extremely chang. Body as a whole won. Teen every major industry these elements small group of the more backward in the logic of arguments and in tory.
About 50, 000 members organing and shifting situation in Patersy Weensy Razors can be obtained had succeeded in curbing necessary strikers to chase individuals dis voting strength.
Ized in 850 branches. Reserves son we advocate as a measure for for shaving eyebrows and nostrils. militant action by reliance on com tributing literature of other workSold Support At the end of 18 years of glorious keeping tabs on the situation as 3, 400, 000. Baby Tidy Didy Service, promising methods of arbitration ing class organizations. Represen Tuesday, May 28, the Auburn, fascism in Italy under the direction well as to keep high the morale of Inc. of New York offers an eco and the diversion of action into the tatives of the Communist Party re 11. branch of the met and Death benefit graded accord of that greater leader of men, Ben the workers the calling of shop nomical and unstinted flow of sci deadening channels of endless conceived the brunt of this attack, due voted unanimously to endorse the ing to age at entry. Sick Benefit to Mussolint, the Italian Debt bad chalrmen meetings every week.
entifically cleansed, soft swell diap ferences and government boards and in large measure to the stupidity policies outlined by the Alliance at paymests from 360 to 900 toll increased 32, 000, 000, 000 lire.
We must in the meantime enforce ers. toilet seat which weighs agencies which were promptly con and tactlessness of some of the the demonstration. Allari and men and women, according to the prevailing standards and resist the sitter when he lifts his feet is verted into instruments for the pro statements contained in an initial Kempton Willams were given unclasses PAUL LUTTINGER, all attempts the part of the on the market. new pretzel tection of the Interests of the em leaflet.
animous votes of confidence. The Monthly Lewments from 450 twisting machine enables two men bosses while we prepare for the DANIEL LUTTINGER, MD.
Welcome Literature branch has 420 members.
to 20.
national strike to twist as many pretzels as form.
The Negotiations Members of the reported the role of the Stalinists in the For further information apply Washington Square North erly twisted by ten.
to Main Once: From the outset, the progressives these reactionary actions to the minois relief crisis practically and Except Sundays put forth the idea of direct negotia Joint Action Committee which im ends that group among the milinols Steel Guards Data on 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklya, and Holidays.
Executive Salaries headline.
JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY. tions between the elected committee mediately sent a strong protest to unemployed. Where they previous Because they were so low?
Stalinists Disrupters Routed Internet resource center med en resteren om groente un acmorali per el III. Meeting on Hunger Marche de The Russell Cramer BI DOW in lle relations councils of Genera Francis Dillon had safely concealed port all