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NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 25 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1935 PRICE CENTS to Appeal Drive Begins for Eight Page Toledo Edison Strike Criminal Syndicalist New Militant by August First Is Called Off After Case in Sacramento Interesting Features and Educational Articles will be Paralyzing Industry Attration in Enlarged Paper; Members, Sympathizers Urged to Support Slug Pickets in Brutal Sally on Packing Strike Leaders Split Ranks of Canton Strike Strike.
Ohio Jobless to Meet on June Terror Is Used Against Bakers hoovitada en un les Article on Franco Soviet PRESS FRANTIC NATIONAL ISSUE Radio Symposium Brings Thousands of Letters Alliance on Page Three Thousands of letters commentBeginning August first, Antl Yar Day, the New Campaign Plannedin months subscription clubs of four, purchasable On page three of this issue of Enormous Pressure Militant will appear as an eight page publication in at 50, prepaid, and selling at 400 each sub.
ing on the symposium between Solicitation of the Now Militant we print a lengan enlarged eight column format.
GREETINGS TO THE Labor Movement of Thomas, Dennis and Muste have thy analysis of the Franco Sovlet With this change we will make a new and, a great EIGHT PAGE WEEKLY to be printed in the first Causes Cave In Alliance by the International Sec.
Entire Country been received by the offices of the leap forward. Double space will be available for issue at 2016 per name and 00 per column inch greeting adv.
retariat of the International ComLeague for Political Education more news from the field of the class struggle, about munist League, The Impending of Strike Solicitation of specially increased bundle under whose ausploes the radio the activities of the trade union militants, and for war will place all working class orders of the first eight page issue with efforts for First steps to raise the recent broadcast was held. Comrade new features as well as for analytical and theorparties to the highest test. But BULLETIN effective distribution made accordingly and fol.
Sacramento criminal syndicalism Musto defended Communismetical articules. The New Militant should become even today these organizations As we go to press news comes lowed up by increased bundle order sales. The convictions to the level of a na from Toledo that the power against his Socialist and Fascist doubly effective In reality a popular paper and tionwide fight with broad, aggres opponents. In a brilliant adfundamental in character.
price for single copies will be cents and in bundle are laying the groundwork for their future position. The Stalin strike which threatened to shut sive labor backing, were announced orders to agents cents a copy.
dress, printed in the last issue of The need for this change is obvious. Throughout Laval communique has definite down power in radius of 800 e. Special affairs to be arranged by the party yesterday by the Non Partisan LA the New Mbltant. Muste pointed the country the workers find themselves today face square miles and effecting twentyly committed the Communist parbor Defense branches to greet the appearance of tre eight page to face with new attacks upon thelr standard of to the glaring defects of capitalthree cities in three states has weekly and with proceeds to go to the New Militant.
ties to a position of social patriotTermed a national test case by ist society and the need for com living and new attacks against their organizations.
Ism, e. defense of their capital. been called off pending negotiathe Hearst press, and halled by the Systematie efforts to obtain regular advermuniam. Workers from many Momentous battles are on the order of the day. Great ist fatherlands. We recommend tions on their demand for a 20 California renctionaries as a mod.
tisements for the eight page weekly.
parts of the country have written events are in the making on an international scale the careful, deliberate study of percent increase in wages. It is el for all states, the Sacramento Plans are now being worked out for the establishin, displaying keen interest in the where the extension of Fascism is threatening and this article to every revolutionary understood that these negotia convictions have become the basis program of the and comthe imperialist powers are rushing headlong into an ment of a first class editorial staff and for proposals worker who wants to know how tions are to start Monday with of a drive for new anti labor laws. mending him on his masterful other world war. To us this can mean only a much for the contents and the new and additional features to cope with the problem of war officials of the Honry Doherty The LD. has called a conter treatment of the subject.
greater responsibility necessitating first of all the to be carried by the eight page weekly. Announce when it comes.
Company in New York, parent ence for Monday afternoon to seek strengthening of our party press. This we have ac ments of these plans will be made during the procompany of the Toledo Edison.
united labor action on behalf of the cepted as a duty that brooks no delay.
gress of the campaign Oliver Myers, business agent of eight Sacramento prisoners and To measure up to this responsibility we will need There will be premiums, in the form of valuable the unlon, attributed the sudden against the type of prosecution the most complete cooperation from every party books, offered for best sub getters during this termination of the strike to pred which convicted them.
member, from every friend and from every supporter. campaign and special inducements for the prospec sure from many sources. The Conference Called Our plans call for a two months campaign to tive subscribers as well as for those who send in the union workers voted 237 to 22 to The NPLD, representing Norman strengthen the party press and to lay the foundation most greetings to the elght page weekly or otherwise end the strike. The men are to Mini, who refuse probation and is for the eight page weekly. Comrade Swabeck has carry on particularly effective work for its realizabe paid in full for the day of the now serving a to 14 years senbeen placed in charge of carrying this ont. During tion. Announcements will be made in respect to this tence in San Quentin, bas invited the campaign we aim to accomplish the following: aspect in future issues to the To establish a SECURITY FUND through Material for this campaign will be in the mails (Special to New Militant)
Labor Detenen the International By ART PRETS within the next couple of days. Meanwhile those of Succeed After Bosses Mini seven fellow prisoners: the which represents Mayor Praises Police pledge of monthly payments for a period of one year or six months, with the first installment pay our comrades, readers and supporters who are 48 TOLEDO, Ohio, Jane strike National Labor Secretary of the After Attack in able when the first issue of the eight page weekly pecially interested in seeing the greatest possible Guns, Clubs and of employees of the Toledo Edison Socialist Party. charged with the appears. The goal for this security fund to be speed applied in reaching the goal set for the eightGas Fail Co. which suppMes the electrical Columbus defense work; the American 50. 00 monthly for the first six months at least. page weekly, do not delay! Get to work right away power for Toledo, northwest Ohio, Civil Liberties Union; and the Gen2. Collection of 2, 000 cash contributions for and forward your contributions. Send in your sugnortheast Indians and southeast eral Defense Committee of the launching the clght page weekly, including the gestions for the campaign. From this end we shall By JACK WILSON Michigan. Including score of comW. The Workers Party, of which (Spoetal to Now Militant)
acquisition of needed additional machinery. То meet our promise. We feel sure that we are in a CANTON, Ohio, June After munities, began at 7:00 this the defendant Norman Mini 18 dot grim picketing of the Columbus COLUMBUS, Ohio. Elght weeks help us reach this goal we make the following re position to produce an eight page weekly that will successfully resleting for over a morning. 500 maintenance, produc member, and many trade unions Packing Co. were climaxed Friday, quests: become a worthy and an authentic spokesman for week the ruthless terrorism of the tion and technical workers, memhave already endorsed the work of the LD. in the Sacramento gusting instances of flagrant strikeMay 31, by one of the most dis4. That each Party member who 18 employed the revolutionary forces in the United States a real Republic Steel Co. here to break up bers of the International Brother contribute a DAY PAY to to the eight page weekly. weapon in the class struggle and an effective organ the picket lines, nearly 7, 000 steel hood. of Electrical Workers, Local case. That all our readers and supporters solicit izer for the American and world revolution! workers at slx plants found them 245, were the first to walk out 125 It progress is made at this meet police force.
breaking ever perpetrated by any ADVANOK SUBSCRIPTIONS for the eight page Forward your contribution to lay the foundation selves split by more Insidious office workers also struck and picking and basis for cooperation lald, weekly at 00 for a yearly sub, 00 for six for the eight page weekly. Make all checks and force than the clubs, guns and gas eted the Toledo Edison Building.
expansion of the united defense. The meat cutters, members of months and 65e for three months. One feature of money orders payable to the New Militant, 56 East bombs of company thug the trea Plans for the strike, announced by movement should be relatively easy Local 346, struck when the Com the advance solicitation will be a special three 11th Street, New York, chery of of bureaucrats Oliver Myers, business agent of the whose misleadership was directly local, indicated that it will not be to achieve the LD. announce pany refused to sign a new closed the go back to totally effective until responsible for tomorrow went states. Thus far acceptances shop contract to replace the one of the invitation to the conference the plant had driven the workers Conditions in work vote passed by over half the morning, as the shut down will be have been received from the of strikers.
progressive, only a portion of workLU. and the Socialist Party. The to a state of desperation. Even Although 75 workers were sent to ers having been called on strike has not yet reached a decl under the closed shop, the maximum slon but has acknowledged receipt week, a terrible speedup had been wage had been about 00 per to Hold Plenum vocative company thug attacks, the Hysteria has struck the local of the invitation The LL. alone instituted, and many had been Protest Splitting Move determination of the pickets to win Press, as well as all the other has not answered the invitation.
forced to apply for supplementary Solidarity Will Win union recognition was undaunted agencies and groups of the capital.
Socialist Party Reply The second regular Plenary Ses relier.
In replying to the Paul by Chairman sion of the National Committee of Strike, Union lished after each attack than be industrial plants, street cars, street Porter, National Labor Secretary of cal 413 went out on a Immediately, Truck Drivers Lothe Workers Party of the will fore. Public sympathy was entirely lights and other major sources of the Socialist Party, underlines the strike. The pleketing lagged at sympathy In State be held in New York City, June 14Leader Says with the strikers as even bourgeois electrical consumption has not as LD. view of the Sacramento slow pace until the entrance of the 16.
Journals criticized the terrorism of yet been seriously curtailed Alght as one on behalf of trade un Pranklin County (By Special Correspondent) The meeting will be devoted The third week of the strike of the company, Frenzled Attack on Strike Unemployed Instead of crystalling the anti There is a strong possibility that ton and democratic rights which can league revitalized the strike. Active Committee of the Ohio Unem mental political problems when local 50 of the Bakery and ConCOLUMBUS, Ohio. The Execu chiefly to the discussion of fundaAnd mass defense. After outlining Meter, members of the Workers proposal by President Wm. Among these are the relations or Unlon finds organized labor pledged spread spontaneously for two days fic pressure is being exerted from be won only by a combined legal thur Wedemeyer and James Van ployed Lengue, in pursuance to a confront the working class today feetionary Workers International Nteel baron sentiment and building the strike may be suspended or a more solid strike movement which terminated before morning. Terri8. activities in support of the trial defense In Sacramento, Porter (Continued on Page 3)
Truax, has called a state wkle con the Party to the parties and groups to help the men carry on. Finan to four plants, the of sent every side, press, government, outgoes on to say: ference to meet here on June 8. In other countries standing on the cal aid has already come in from the notorious Akron rubber organ standing citizens, business and Despite the fact that we have Mass Picket Line The chief business will be the same program and what steps can many locals in the International. izers, who betrayed the rubber church groups and the internaconsideration of the new work relter and should be taken, in view of other F. of locals have also workers into the scenes and they tional officers of the union upon the members of the Communist For Hallet Defense set up and the most effective way the war danger, toward building voted similar ald. The strike is permitted the city officials to hold the local strikers and their repreParty or the one member of the an independent vote of workers sentatives to suspend the strike for to combat the latest attempt of the the Fourth International; develop directed against the Gottfried BakWorkers Party among the defendRoosevelt administration to break ments in the Communist and so ing Co. plants of Manhattan and on the question of returning to arbitration or pending negotiations.
ants, we are prepared to participate ALLENTOWN, June down wage standards. The last cialist parties and the relation of the Bronx. The Baking Trust is work, giving the company ample a meeting of Prestriking electrical in joint action to at their appeal mass picket line thrown around conference of the in March the towards these organiza lined up solid to smash the strike opportunity to propagandize for workers will be held at midnight peace and thus breaking the back tonight to act upon the suggestion against the infamous verdlet of Cedar Crest College campus on of this year brought over 100 deletions: the meaning of recent events Plans for a mass picketing dem Sacramento. Whether or not prac Monday, June 10, Commencement gater from all parts of the state.
in the Soviet Union with special onstration are now being worked (Continued on Page 4) of the international officers that the tical arrangements satisfactory to Day, will be the answer tho The Office reports that it attention to the Franco Soviet pact: out as an answer to the attacks of strike be suspended pending furyour organization (N. to the trade unions and the Unemployed is receiving indignant protests from the collapse of the NRA and the the company thugs on strike pickLED to our party and to the other Leagues to the summary dismissal leagues throughout the state coer perspectives before the American cts. Such attacks coupled with ar New Castle WPGains hohe striking once workers have organizations you mention, can be of Professor Winslow Fallett. the announcement that the Workalready voted in meeting tonight to made, remains to be seen. Our Plans were completed today for a ers Alliance of Amerien. David The work of the party in the advertisements in the boss press In Intensive Drive return to work if the maintenance, California comrades, after their exproduction and technical workers mobilization of a thousand workers Lasser, chairman, is to hold a state trade union field, the unemployed are the means employed by the periences in the Sacramento trial, to confront the college authorities convention in Columbus later in movement and in labor defense will company in an effort to overcome NEWCASTLE, Pa. June After decide to accept the proposal of the There is a strong feeling in or of joint work with the LLD. Wel visitors the indigeation of organ one county secretary. of the Party in these fields elaborated of the strikers. On May 22, two several weeks of intensive activity International officers.
are forry sorptical of the possibility and demonstrate to graduates and June. What is the idea, writes to evaluated and the policy of the the splendid solidarity and spirit castle held a mass meeting May 28 ganixed labor elreles here that such ourselves. So important is the 18 fusal to reinstate Dr. Hallett.
state league with tens of thousands sions, the organizattonal problems ber avere first aired on and then on the Purpose and Program of move may prove to be disastrous sue at stake, however. that we do not wish to close the door on ALLKINTOWN. Pa, June With two years and a hundred militant and plans for the summer period by a gang of gorillas led by two of the Workers Parts. It was en for the strikers, as arbitration or the possibility of joint action. Only impressive backing from the trade struggles have been fought by the outlined.
the Gottfried brothers.
thusiastically received by a good negotiations without picket lines a conference such as you susrest unions, a mass protest meeting was workers under its leadership? Is crowd of workers present. The will mean another shell game setIn this connection careful attenFace Smashed In speaker at the meeting was com tlement which will give the workcan answer the question practical held last night to defend Dr.
Win this promoting unity among the on tion will be given the campaign to ly.
Bach whose face was smashed be rade George Papeun, Akron branchers nothing Edward McGrady slow Hallett, recently dismissed employel? What is the difference make the party weekly organ, theyond recognition is still in the hos organizer. Comrade Papeun became Assistant Secretary of Labor, and Porter letter concludes by ask by Cedar Crest College authorities between the tactie of the Socialist New Militant, an eight page Piper pital. In other cases where the known for his activities in New notorious government strike breaker ing the LD. to convey the because of his pro labor activities. Party leaders of the and by Anti War day, August first. The strikers were not so badly outnum castle when he helped in the pick whold such effective work here greetings of the National Labor Professor Sidney Hook, chairman the tactic of the now detunet Un Political Committee has already bered the Gottfried gangsters met eting of the relief office by the un just three weeks ago in the Chev.
Committee of the to the Sac of the Department of Philosophy employed Councils who talked unit approved this proposal and the Na with such a reception that they will employed who are ramento prisoners, and by naming of New York University, and Felixed front and practiced disruption :tional Office is giving the fullest think twice the next time before Co operative Worganized in the rolet strike, is expected on the rs of America. scene momentarily.
Press Demands Violence us delegates of the to the Morrow, secretary of the Non Par. The will no more be able support to the editorial and bust attacking the fighting men of Local The mass meeting by the Workjoint conference Murray Baron, tisan Labor Defense, were the chief to serve the workers or even to ness staff of the paper in carrying 50. Several strikers have been ers Party was a culmination of a The company has already New York trade unionist, and Jack speakers. The meeting was held survive at all on this false basis it into effect.
pinched on cooked up charges. series of mass meetings and demonnounced its intentions of operating Altman, Business Manager of the under the auspices of the Hallett than were the Councils.
Herman Gund, manager of Local strations held by the unemployed the power and transmission plants Socialist Call Defense Committee, on which the Local lengues in the mining see LUMBER STRIKERS 50, interviewed at his office at 799 of this city at which he spoke. As in the face of mass picket lines.
The provided the trial Central Trades and Labor Council tion of the state, where Bill Green WIN INITIAL VICTORY Broadway, stated that the spirit of a result of this meeting and the The newspapers are openly calling attorney, Albert Goldman of Chl and the leading unions of Allen is well and not favorably known, BREMERTON, Wash. FP) The the strikers was not only not dim work of the branch in Newcastle, or police force and demanding that cago, and a complete defense for town are represented.
the asking what kind of an under strike of 40, 000 men in the logging intshing In face of the boss terror the Workers Party succeeded in or the plants be operated under any Norman Mini, who was convicted Earlier in the day, the Cedar standing there is between Lasser and sawmill industry in the Pacific but rather that it was increasing sanizing Spartacus Youth Club conditions should the strike. com along with the seven others due to College Board of Trustees held aand Bill Green northwest got its first taste of vlc Workers throughout the city are re and has taken into the Party sev. tinue and go into full effect, a the superior pressure on the jury meeting and refused to permit Dr. Proposals for a state wide strike tory when the McCormick Lumber fusing to buy the seab bread and eral new members with prospects certain amount of power will be of the labor hating forces of the Hallett to appear to defend him tor union rates on relief jobs and Co. settled on a 40 hour week and many stores, after being picketed, of gaining more. The workers who brought into the city from outside state. The also bailed out self. The trustees issued a resolu for a mass convention of thousands 50 an hour minimum scale. The are refusing to handle the scab came in were some of the most ac Ohio communities.
two Communist Party defendants, tion denying that Dr. Hallett was of unemployed and reliet workers previous rate was 45 cents. It has made products of the Gottfried tive and advanced from the picket sufficient only for emergency main after the failed to do so tor dismissed because he organized the in Columbus next month, will be mills in Washington and Oregon. Baking Co. Mr. Gund paid high live The branch expects to open tenance of electric power for hos six months; got wid publicity lentown Local of the Americ considered at turday renee 18 still spread Fed. tribute to the solidarity of the men a headquarters in Newcastle this pitals and similar Institutions, it is considerable union backing for all Federation of Teachers and was ae of the Ohio Leagues.
eral mediators and union higher upe on strike. Aid from other sections week believed.
the defendants: built a unified de tive the Pennsylvania Unemare having a hard time in negotia of the labor movement is coming in, Comrade Slavin of Youngstown The question of the maintenance fense movement in California, in ployed League, but giving no other BOSTON (FP. New England tons because there are 1, 500 emand, he added, With a continua came down to help in the organiza of the strike rests largely at present cluding the state organization of reasons why he was fired. To date regional council of teamsters unploying firms and became the men, tion of this spirit and solidarity ton of the Spartacus Youth Club, upon the position taken by Oliver the P, which was soon disrupted requests of various professional and tons looms as the result of the re having taken a lot of dirt the last plus the support of organized labor and he busled himself with the de Myers, in whom the almost sole by the and The labor organizations for a statement cent successful strike which tied up ten years from the bosses, are in we will be sure to win. talls necessary in putting the Spar leadership of the strike now rests. after the trial obtained from a of charges against Dr. Hallett have motor transportation in western Do mood to settle unless they get tacus Youth League on the New While Myers has been known to (Continued on Page 4) not been answered by the trustees. Massachusetts, Connecticut, etc. real gains.
castle map. Continued on Page 3)