CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1935 injus of the crisis created by the new works relief NEW MILITANT in New York City which has as yet gathered in with which is merged THE MILITANT only a handful of the unemployed of the MetPublisbed weekly by the New Militant Publishing Co. ropolis, and apparently carefully avoids the (Continued from Page 1)
tem acts, obviously as a brake Citizenship in the new state will socialism is in essence an Interna2 West 16th Street, New York City many states and localities in which practically colleges, universal insecurity among upon production Ho that, as the likewise be the prerogative of all tional, a world economy. Every Phone. Algonquin 9058 no unemployed organization exists, to attempt budustrial aware o oferers smais para perole you have want in the who are engaged in useful work, duction under private capital. com Entered as second clase mail matter at the Post Office an invasion of territory already very effective tailment of liberty and the exercise, therefore, the workers and domestic, technical professional, tween rival capltalists in a nation at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. ly covered, he is guilty of playing on the deep of severe and brutal repression farmers of the United States under The workers of these various cate and capitalist groups in different naseated desire of the workers for unity for sec against efforts of the masses to the political leadership of the Work gories in the various enterprises thong disrupts such efforts.
JAMES CANNON. Editor HARRY HOWE. Associate Editor tarian purposes, and at the same time creating right their wrongs.
Obliterating Insecurity conditions which bring about division and not what might be and what is does mediately private ownersblp and They will elect representatives to This appalling contrast between they would take steps to end im Unions democratically controlled.
The removal of the brake of priSUBSCRIPTION RATES: unity. It would be hard to find in the whole not, in our opinion, spring from control over natural resources and the higher governing bodies and vate ownership which shuts down In the United States 00 per year; 65c six months history of the labor movement of the United superficial causes it arises from over the plant for production, dis eventually to the National Council factories. blows under water Canada and Foreign: 50 per year: 1, 00 six months.
States a more flagrant and inexcusable in the nature of the economic system tribution and communication which or Congress.
Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
stance of dual unionism. capitalism under which we op their toil and skill have built. Owntechnician, and putting in its place National Planning Commis the social, that is, scientific, use of erate.
Vol. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1985 No. 23 The Workers Party stands as always for revolution in technology has in society represented by the new ating commissions in various indus tive plant, will mean an immediate ership and control would be vested sion, with subordinate and cooper natural resources and the produc united action of responsible unemployed organ occurred since 1789 and is still in Workers state. The owners, so tries and localities, will be estab and substantial improvement in the End of the Blue Buzzard izations for special ends by agreed upon process Steel, automobiles, electric called, would not receive compen lished. Its business will be to plan standard of living of the masses.
methods. It supports the in its oft (Continued from Page 1)
distributed not by individuals in farmers, not the industrialists and goods and services of all kinds, to ous. The specter of insecurity will triumph of the point of view. The question repeated demand for a single unified unem: individual enterprises, but through financiers who have been colning utilize fully the many inventions de removed. The undemocratic ecohere was not an issue between the capitalist ployed organization democratically controlled sociale de coloranti con tenterpris. proht from their toll, who have and discoveries already available nomie domination of the few over class and the working class, but an issue beby the rank and file, as against a loose federa ever, or these enterprises, and with The new state will as a matter of because no private profit can ac one can prediet the cultural ad.
tween two groups within the capitalist class.
tion created and controlled by a top leadership. it the right to make profit from inct take whatever measures may crue from them at present, to set vances which may follow this reU. is not yet ready for the social and polit. ity in the face of the common enemy be engaged ploit the labor of those be necessary to make it impossible the scientists and technicians to lease of the human spirit. On no The Supreme Court said in effect that the Because of our profound concern that solidar them to in them, is still on the for the old owning class, the czars work freely and with adequate re of Industry and finance, to get back sources in order to plan for stillerican dream of liberty, equality other economie basis can the Amachieved, we call upon the executive of the same individual basis, operated un ical structure foreshadowed by the NRA, even as well as the Labor Committee of the der essentially the same legal and into power. All inhabitants, how greater efficiency in the use of our and fraternity be realized under the though it might have to make use of it to pull not engaged in or resources and thus for greater abun conditions of modern life.
out of an emergency. It invalidated the NRA Socialist Party, under whose direction we asjust as impossible for this anti ganizing resistance to the new re dance of leisure as well as goods.
on the grounds that Congress had unconstitusume Lasser is working, to repudiate the action quated system of private ownership gime and trying to restore the old It should be added that the Work ent capitalist class will neck to Like every ruling class, the prestionally delegated legislative powers to the we have referred to and to see to it that no and profit to function, to supply the order of special privilege, insecur ers state will envisage not only na maincantate power President and attempted intra state regulation similar adventures are indulged in in the fu needs of the population today, ateity and war, will have their oppor tional but international planning of its rise and expansion capitalism of the relations between employees and emture. We believe that all unemployed organ economy in the Southern states to to share in the products of that cial and restrictive today as state raise the standard of living of the ployers. The specific grounds are not imporizations ought to record their condemnation of continue to do so in 1860. The sys work.
boundaries had become in 1780, and masses. In the present period, as is elear enough on the face of it, it tant, since the Court can always find legal such tactics in the most emphatic manner.
justification for whatever suits the requireWe agree furthermore with the that by the fact that while it presumably recognizes ize, to strike are destroyed by the very dem can no longer do this. Profits can ments of the dominant capitalist grouping.
it is time for the to make plain whether their right to collective bargaining, outlaws oeratie governments which they are support be made only by tercer exploitaNevertheless, they serve to indicate the still it has entered into an agreement with William company unions, etc. it attempts to shift the ing.
ards of the masses, taking away immature character of the developing crisis of Green and the of officialdom generally, fate of all the conditions of the workers in The argument of these Socialist parties, now even such concessions as were preU. capitalism. Finance capital does not yet with regard to unemployed work, and if so industry and in union organization from the need a radically new departure. There is now what are the terms of this agreement. Unity field of battle in strike struggles, where the ever the ostensible and apparent reason for as then, is a lie and a deception, because what viously made. Since capitalism must keep pusha breathing space, with the old ways, the Conof the workers, employed and unemployed, workers have their real strength and where entering the war, the fact remains that in iting the standard lower and lower, stitution, for the time being vindicated.
not the same as collaboration with the top offi militancy counts as an important asset, to the every capitalist country, democratic or every vestige of democratic rights, But during the breathing space the historical cialdom of the of which is itself com decision of labor boards and judges of the otherwise, pursues purely reactionary and im every means of resistance that contradictions will ripen further. The Blue mitted to a policy of collaboration with the capitalist courts.
perialistic aims. For all of them, wars are farmers, workers, small business Eagle has not gone forever. Like the phoenix, employing class and the capitalist government. Needless to say the final decisions by the wars for new banditry and conquest or for the men, etc. may have. For obviously a new and greater Blue Eagle will begin before courts will be properly backed up by police preservation of yesterday banditry and conservative an organization of these long to rise from its ashes. And the new Eagle men clubs and steel helmeted soldiers. In quest.
elements may be, at some point it will conceal beneath its wings the Fasces and The Wagner Bill this is concealed the attempt to completely In the early period of the Communist parties will try to resist the imposition of the Swastika. For Fascism is the necessary disarm the workers. Hence the joy of the reThe Wagner Bill passed the Senate on May actionary leaders who prefer this means of and their International (the Third. that is, tresher to maintain their system, capitalist solution to the historical crisis of 16 and has been reported favorably by the taking off from their shoulders the responsibil tical with the present position of the Workers destroy any such organization in in the period Lenin, their position was iden the capitalists will then seek to the capitalist system.
House Committee on Labor Relations. With ity of the old time crude betrayals which are Party. In the period of their degeneration, utter dlsregard of law, constitution From a survey of the role of the NRA, the reasonable certainty it may be assumed that becoming increasingly dangerous to their sal that is, in the period of Stalinism, their posi and telling cleh tega ventilatie worth central lesson or, rather, double lesson em this most bitterly contested proposed legisla aried positions.
tion has drawn steadily closer to that of the present period only by the resort erges. tion will become law before Congress adjourns. But if and when enacted, this Bill will re Socialist patriots.
The workers must defend their rights and Then what?
to Fascism. Under these circumWill it meet the same fate at the hands of can scene. The workers have already learned May 15, 1935 by flect a yet greater contradition in the Ameri In the joint statement issued in Moscow on stances to assume that democratic advance their demands by militant struggle, by Stalin, Molotov and processes will be maintained is an their own independent class actions. It was the misleaders of the workers, above all the preme Court as did the NRA or will it become from industrial disputes referred for settle upon them, in the interest and maintenance of against impoverishment the nine judges on the bench of the Su some bitter lessons of what they can expect Litvinov, it says: Above all, the duty falls ostrich policy. Unquestionably the struggle and strikes of the workers of bureaucrats, and not primarily the one of the means, by virtue of its compulsory ment to labor boards and to the capitalist peace, not to allow the means of their national tice which now goes on daily will to pass by without advances on the part of erican working class on to the road of rebel of these experiences between the working Stalin understands and fully approves the ing eventually a struggle against defense to weaken in any sense. In this regard, have to be waged ever more intense the working class. They put their faith in lion?
In the bitter contest that has raged pro and basses, who have nothing to lose but their national defense policy of France in keeping the economic system As such and chains, and their union officials who try to sit the government. And. not surprisingly con around this proposed Bill is reflected the on the safety valve to prevent an explosion, is curity.
her armed forces at a level required for se against the government wbich resists even moderate adjustments as the government of the capitalist class used great paradox of highly developed industrial bound to increase with an ever growing speed.
witness the Supreme Court decision every one of these agencies to beat back the America an the retarded political development In a speech in the League of Nations on on NRA and becomes more and More conclusive proof will be at hand to workers. That is what the government is for. and union organization of its working masses. convince the former that regardless of the Soviet Union: Our standpoint is that of the of oppression. The choice 18 April 18, Litvinov declared in the name of the more openly an undemocratic agenNow, following the Supreme Court decision, It is true that the Wagner Bill provides for latter it will be necessary to rely only the the bureaucrats are once more flying to the the establishment of an independent labor kind of relations with the employers that they right to security and to all the means of guarequality of the nations and their indisputable action for a new social order.
government, and demanding the Wagner board; it provides for the outlawing of. com. can establish and enforce through union organ anteeing themselves this security. All the The Choice for All Bill, the Guffey Bill, a new NRA.
own experience that something is to the decision must be a repudiation of this majority of the workers in any plaints wouia weapon. Not the reliance on governmental peaceful states have the right to arm them to which are welcatoare from celem legislation but on their own militant action parliamentary horse trading, whose only posspeak for all the workers. These are the pro should be the watchword.
By these declarations, the spokesmen of the radically wrong but who hesitate sible effect is to befuddle, weaken, and lead visions that are being condemned by industrialSoviet Union and the Third International are to face the clear and drastie alter natives, we point ont what has hap aside the working class from its proper business. ists as a government imposed closed shop depriving the Communist Party of France of pened to similar groups and clases the possibility of conducting an effective strug in Germany and elsewhere. They The answer must be: Organization, strikes, They are not inclined to yield even an inch of The Franco Soviet Alliance gle against the militaristic armaments meas espoused Faciam because they discipline, militant struggle. The working ground to labor.
class has no friend and no support other than The faint hearted fraternity of reactionary (Continued on Page 4)
ures of French imperialism. With these dec wanted an improvement in their its own organized strength. This is what it labor leaders take the opposite stand and hail thrown, is no imperialist policy pursued; only larations in the hands of the French capitalist beaten down to the level of bare must learn from its experience with the NRA. the Wagner Bill as the Magna Charta of labor there can and does a natural policy of peace class, the French Communist party is hence existence. They desired security: forth able to argue only as to what measure of and they have insecurity. They The second, more fundamental, lesson is in while fully understanding its compulsory ar exist.
fact the central lesson of our entire historical bitration features. This is not the expression The task facing the workers in the capitalist armaments and militarization is best calculated wanted national self respect and epoch. The NRA proves once more, openly of the paradoxical position of today for in countries, therefore, is an enormous intensifica to protect the security of French imperial the precipice to war. They wanted and dramatically, that there is no way out for regard to this point they are heart and soul tion of their efforts against the coming imperialism.
freedom and recoiled from the regthe working class other than through the 80with the industrialists. They could wish for ist war. The only preventive for war is the ex In other words, it must now consistently imentation which they were told cialist revolution. No capitalist solution, nothing better than the kind of legislation that termination of imperialism itself. Nothing assume the fundamental position of defense of would obtain under socalism. imposed by the capitalist government, can pos strikes which they dread even more than do mongering about disarmament, the League tions, the spokesman of the Third Internation wanted a lite based on the old vir sibly benefit the working class. All such solu the hard headed exploiters who are determined of Nations, arbitration and the like is so tions at the present time can only prepare the al covers up the fact that the army of imper tues, and recoiled from the march way for the final capitalist solution Fascism.
to fight the issues out boldly and brazenly. much dust in the eyes of the masses calculated ialism. democratic or not) is not only, bas forward to a new culture: they ically, an army for imperialist aggression Hitlerism. They wanted to go back The only government on which the working not in the provisions that ostensibly outlaw!
The real significance of the Wagner Bill lies to facilitate the work of the warmongers.
class can rely will be their own government.
To exterminate imperialism, however, the against other imperialist powers, but that it to the good old days before the The independent struggle of the workers to the company union but in what follows. This is working class must follow a policy of intrans is used to subjugate the colonial peoples of war; they are being swept back to defend their economic and social rights against vides for the creation of a National Labor Re it cannot for a moment relax its vigilance. To the compulsory arbitration features. It pro igeant class struggle against its classic enemy. France, and the militant working class of the middle age savagery. Capitalism today means France itself!
retreat, reaction, Fascism. war, the the capitalist regime must lead to the political lations Board, composed of three members to every militaristic and war step of every imJust as the Socialist and Communist parties collapse of civilization. The one struggle of the working class for state power. be appointed by the President Section (a) perialist power, the working class must con were jointly responsible for the catastrophic road to security, to peace, to free This is the lesson of the Blue Eagle.
defeat of the German working class at the dom, to cultural advancement is the vides that the findings of the board as to the imperialist war! In every war that breaks hands of the Hitlerites, so they are now jointly This is your choice capitalismo facts, if supported by evidence, shall be con out despite the efforts of the working class, preparing for the new social patriotic betrayal which means reaction and chaos or Shady Adventure clusive. In its clause (f) under Section the latter must be prepared to utilize the crisis of the masses in the coming war!
The recent attempt of David Lasser, Chair shall be placed under the jurisdiction of Fed imperialist war into a triumphant battle of promising opposition to imperialist war and the Wagner Bill provides that labor disputes of the capitalist rulers in order to change the The Workers Party reaffirms its uncom higher level of civilization and culture.
gather recruits for his organization in terri eral District Courts, and it expressly pre the workers against the exploiters, for their the imperialist powers be they represented by tory in West Virginia where for more than two scribes that the jurisdiction of the court shall overthrow and for the establishment of the Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, Drive on Pro Labor years unemployed leagues affiliated with the be exclusive and its judgment and decree shall workers republic which will truly bring an Republican France, Monarchical England, or National Unemployed League have carried on be final, except that the same shall be subject end to war and suffering.
Democratic United States. The Workers Professors Spreads effective militant activity, met with a cold re(Continued from Page 1)
to review by the Supreme Court of the This is the position taken by the Workers Party calls upon the workers in every capitalist land to concentrate all their forces, all of Dr. Hallett.
ception from West Virginia workers, This If any more proof be needed of the compul Party. It is identical with the position taken their does not change in any degree the disruptive be necessary to mention only the provisions for world with which our party is associated in sory arbitration features of this Bill it would by all those parties and groups throughout the their forces, all their blows, against the real to take action. It Dr. Hallett is not When the was founded this winter punishment of what is called unfair labor the work of welding together the vanguard of Workers Party renews its pledge of unreserved and Labor Counelt will appear for at a conference of certain state and local of practice affecting commerce. Translated into the working class into a new and genuinely solidarity with the Soviet Union and will con aid to the Pennsylvania Federation ficials of unemployed organizations, its leaders mean anything but strikes.
common everyday language this could hardly revolutionary world movement the Fourth tinue its work of rallying the American work of Labore International ers to form a bulwark of support and defense Leagues, in which Dr. Hallett 18 The Pennsylvania Unemployed insisted that it was in no sense an attempt to The NRA has been declared unconstitution The position of the Socialist parties, and of the first workers republic.
also active, announced today that build an organization dual to the al in all its code provisions. Insofar as its of their International (the Second) is just the Down with imperialism and its wars!
it Dr. Hallett is not reinstated Resolutions looking toward conferences for celebrated Section Ta is concerned, the collec opposite. Just as in 1914, they are now talk Strengthen the lines of struggle against ex fore June 10, graduation day at Cedar Crest, the Unemployed setting up a single, unified organization of the tive bargaining clause, chairman Biddle of the ing about supporting the so called democrat ploiter and oppressor!
Leagues of Lehigh, Northampton unemployed were carried. officials present Labor Board has already recommend ic capitalist countries in the coming war with Hail the fighting solidarity of the interna and Carbon counties will throw a have recently called certain conferences to dised that it be scrapped because of the Wagner the Fascist countries. And just as in the last tional working class!
mass picket line around the college.
cuss his question of unity and of united action. Bill being on the way. This Bill is now about war, they will sit by quietly while the demo Hail the workers revolution and the work Dr. Hallett has asked the Non Par When the leader of an organization making to reach its final reading in the House. To cratic rights of the workers the right to free ers world the only real and lasting guaran port of labor organizations nationthese professions runs away in the very midst the workers it will represent a contradiction press, free speech, free assemblage, to organ tee of peace, freedom and security!
or local unions