AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniParis CommunePopular FrontsRadekSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

As the French Working Class Approaches the Final Crisis to VIII.
must be a SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1935 NEW MILITANT PACE the furore created among many sections of the population by their propagandixing of the vision of Plenty must not be lost sight of Very complex technical problems pleading with them to come to the methods on the road to power: are involved in the problem of takLessons of the Municipal Elections rescue of the working class and Resolution of the Bolshevik Leninists a) Popularization and preparation of the general strike; ing political power and likewise in the job of keeping the machinery b) Creation the Workers Victory Brings Fascist Danger Closer bands? yowim po the fire Forthe Coming Congress of the French SP of production and distribution goMilitia of France as you di dafter Februc) Propaganda for the arming ing after power has been taken, in a highly Industrialized nation. The GENEVA, May 17 (ICL Press bands it is from this crisis that ary 12? The race to power after Motion of the Bolshevik Lenin ties. even under the banner of the of the people.
capitalist story is that after the Service. The Marxists have al. the present totalitarian state in May and 12 will be much sharper ist Group for the National Con defense of the The party VI.
revolution chaos, distress and so ways struggled against the anti Italy emerged.
and much quicker: who will get gress of the French Socialist must carry on the struggle for the The party emphasizes that the on are inevitable because unskillel parliamentary cretinism of the an.
archists but they have never ceased results of the elections in 1930, fascism? This is what must be unAnd in Spain? There also, the there first, the working class or Party, June 9, 1935.
revolution and for the establish struggle for power can only connote and inexperienced workers will be ment of the Socialist United States the struggle for the radicni destrue running the trains and power sta their vigorous struggle against tra. evaluated not according to the derstood and be made understood. The Congress of the Socialist of Europe, as the only method of tion of the bourgeois state appara tions, making plans for bridges and ditional parliamentary cretinism. number of those elected, but ac We are far from the thought ofcording to the real number of votes The Dilemma Party considers that the entire na avoiding war. It nevertheless war tus (police, administrative, consti ships, etc. The story is of course, Upon the solution of this unavoid tional and international situation does break out, the struggle for tutional and military) and its sub absurd. It fails to take account of the victories won in the munici marked defeat of the forces of er ze depends the possibility of or immediately placing itself in the continuation of the class struggle, ants state, the form of which has of the workers themselves.
under estimating the importance of registered by cach party, basically able dilemma we or they in pow: imposes on the proletariat the task power must be followed up by the stitution by the workers and peas the great competence of the masses pels elections from the 6th to the the old regime. And in spite of that maintaining and extending the vie forefront of the struggle for power. regardless of the defeat of its own been initiated by the Paris Com. Who has constructed this councommunists, by the popular front action from marching to the de the possibility of a real and lasting oppressed are not ready to seize The struggle for power must also commune. In the aim of establish way? Furthermore, this capitalist mune, then realized by the Soviet try vast productive plant ang minimize the extent of these viclican conquests.
for short. It is not our object to struction of the democratic repub alliance of proletarian France with power and expropriate the bourbe combined with appropriate pro ing dual power in society the party tale makes no mention of the fact proletarian depends the reoisie, the militarist reaction the paganda to win the tollers under will begin the creation of the first that technicians and scientists are tories thanks to which a large enough number of municipalities Disavow Civil Truce cleanents of workers power (neigh constantly thwarteil under sapitalfate and the near future in Europe Tardieus and the Weygands and the arms for socialism.
III have passed to the hands of the Yes: Engels pointed that out long and the world, the fate of peace fascists the la Rocques, the Buc.
borhood committees, workers and ism. They are given scanty funds socialists and communists. We ago. Lenin illustrated it once they rest contented with these mun. ably seize it.
If on the contrary ards and the Taittingers will inevit The Socialist Party declares that peasants committees, factory com. unless immediate profit is in sight the democratic conquests (freedom mittees, soldiers circles. from their work. Countless invenmust, however, put the proletariat agad universale suffrage can offer icipal clection victories, the That is why the Socialist Party of assemblage and press) must not VII.
tions and discoveries go unused beThe party centands the conces cause it would not pay the pritry to present these victories to country, its only value is as an tinue in this fashion ad infinitum, der the slogan of the struggle for which can only be defended by natives of the colonies oppressed by put them to use. The revolutionary incorrigible parliamentarians who conces, which are at play in the political elections in order to con working masses immediately un state and the Constitution of 1875. sion of elementary liberties to the vate capitalists who own them to forces of the 6th of February, ing of the results of the 5th and terially disarm the French working orally and ma power, which must serve as the methods of revolutionary mas ac the French bourgeoisie (trade un party will make it clear that it is that is the forces equipped for civil 12th of May? The communist class by stupid injections axis for action by the party on tion. Utilizing these conquests de ion rights, freedom of press and well aware of the delicate nature gains do not signify an approval bourgeois pacifism, they associ cial, military.
of petty all fields: political, economic, so riving from the democratic period assemblage, etc. The working of war against the workers.
technical tasks which the Whoever believes that is deceiv or the policy of civil peace which ate themselves with the type of nais the method and point of depar class of France can conquier power workers must carry out, and that ing himself and deceiving the the communist leadership slavishly tional defense Stalin preseribed in revolutionary path. Between the stricted by bourgeois legality, the classes exploited by French capital and anarchy, it is precisely the soThe only path to power is the ture for an action which is not re only jointly with the peoples and so far from standing for inefliciency working class by lulling them on following the steps of Soviet dip Moscow during Laval visit while reformist methods and the insur action of the masses directed by theism in its colonies.
cialist economy under workers conthe electoral results. On the con lomacy, practices towards the the enemy organizes, arms and rectionist methods there is no thira socialists will lead to the decisive In the struggle for power an im trol which alone will give full scope trary, the forces of the 6th of French bourgeoisie which is allied February, the forces of counter to the Wherever this the sad result will be that instead midwife of societies.
trains itself for civil war, the result, road. Only force is the great struggle for the overthrow of the portant role will be played by the to science and will effectively plan bourgeoisle.
revolution and coup etat, will be problem has been prosed and despite of the defeat of the forces of the categories of the most exploited and for human welfare.
most oppressed, such as the youth, no less disturbed and no less active its being prosed in terms disgusting 6th of February they will end up Elsewhere the conception of a The prerequisite of this struggle after the elections of the 5th and to revolutionary Marxism and to by surrendering themselves to it is merciless action against the wwer will develop on the basis of workers. The Congress of the so tlonary party (not reformist or not program of action towards the women and the foreign born Leninist, e. a disciplined, revolucoup etat and civil war are not fent of the enemy at home the together with the victories won by Flandin government of spollation the program of action containing cialist Party therefore decides to parliamentary which the Workers defeated by ballots. That is what policy of civil peace with the imthe entire working class. and war, which far from defending the important demands (nationaliz conduct a campaiga which will par. Party holds, the role of such a we learned first from the Italian perialist allies of the of warning: If the French working capitalist regime, methodically dedustries) connected with demands oping a program of demands, suit day, and in the revolutionary crisis Once more we sound our signal the rights of the workers within the ation of the banks and the key in. ticularly aim at intensively devel. party in the mass organizations to experience, and then from the Ger has been clearly disavowed: we are class is not to suffer the humiliation stroys them with the support of the indigenous to every strata of the able for them.
man and Austrian, and recently referring to St. Denis. But the and the slavery of our brothers in fascists, the militarists and the toiling population (draw up a list Itself, has been set forth.
from the Spanish events.
communist gains as well as those Italy and Germany: if it is not to church.
The Party, standing upon the The Italian Experlence of the soctalists and of the pop sujer the heavy defeats as in Ausof demands principally for the Victory of the workers is not principles In 1921, in Italy, Giolitti dis ular front In general signify that tria and Spain The Hadical Socialist party lends workers, the women, the youth, the possible without strong cohesion series already discussed in this its support in this task. For this peasants, the unemployed, the for without the constitution, in the fire the American workers. No one else e created of course by solved the Italian Chamber, hoping even despite the thus to weaken the socialist and itulationist policy which was carism!
Down with parliamentary cretin rencon the Socialist Party considers elen born, the employees, the small of struggle of a revolutionary lead can do the job for them. The Party it imperative to break all connec storekeepers, the colonials. ership, that is, in the present condi must so root itself in and address communist opposition is parliament. ried on by both socialist and comThe county voted once more against munist leadership, the will to strug working class!
Down with the disarmers of the tions with it in the elections, in the struggle for these demands tions of organization of the working itself to the conditions under which parliament and outside of parlia will Giolitti and against Fascism, which ble against fascism has taken unLove live the Workers Milita! ment.
at the time of the coup etat had shakable roots among the French by the exploited of produc scious elements in a single revolu that they will feel the Party to be Long live the united front of From this also it flows that the tion, exchange and credit now mon tionary party constituted on a clear their parts concerned about their only 25 out of 500 deputies. After workers ever since February 12.
two years in power, Mussolini question must be posed to the braces all the toiling masses of volent opposition towards the gov. The Party will appeal to the consons, the victories and the defents guage, intimately acquainted with struggle, which organizes and em whole attitude or practice of bene opolized by a handful of exploiters. political basis derived from the les problems, able to talk their lansought to sanction his coup etat leaders of the popular front after France for the revolutionary strugernment and its policy (votes in federal unions for joint action in of the past.
by new elections in 1994. Once the victories of the 5th and 12th gle against Fascism and against parliament, etc. must be de order to support the organization their experiences, to be trusted in The party decides, in order to action, more and more to be looked again he was disavowed by the of May. What will you do with war.
nounced as incompatible with a and mass actions around the above hasten this regrouping in the fire to for guidance.
country, especially in the great in these victories? How will you utildustrial centers but even in theize this great force which has tal.
revolutionary orientation towards demands, inscribed in the confeder of action, to hold regular joint PHILADELPHIA (FP. Pay power.
al plan.
meetings between members of ditWe heartily agree, furthermore, country. It was after the results ten into your lap in the form of so boosts, union recognition and a 44 The struggle for power demande with the contention that the Party of these elections that Mussolini powerful a net work of municipal hour week in a temporary truce a break with all promises and all ferent proletarian parties so as to must know how to popularize its had recourse to a second coup etatities?
The propaganda around the above claborate a unity platform on a message and eren more to dramaWill you continue to prosending June 1, have ended a strike practices of civil peace even in the mentioned demands will be con truly revolutionary basis.
by provoking the assassination of trate yourself at the feet of Flandin. of 800 Philadelphia teamsters and case of German aggresston (speech nected with the following slogans tize the daily struggles the work.
the socialist deputy Matteoti by his Regnier, Laval and others, by helpers.
of Blum in the Chamber of Depu. Tas the principal objectives and SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT ers and the revolutionary struggle as a whole. An emotional loyalty to the revolutionary movement must their fight against British merch be developed. movement which ants by means of such slogans, does not care or know how to march American merchants promptly and sing and fing its banners to the turned around and wrote a consti breeze, is already dead. Ed. Note: This is the concludmeans that fascism is going to tution based upon Hamilton iden This involves the use of symbols.
ing article of the series of four a. Continued from Page 1) Illinois Workers Alliance by comrade Muste. How the Job Can that only by some tour de force, than on conceptions of freedom and nationalistic symbols upon the were fight they made their organization cowards were made by the ComBy MUSTE some colossal exhibition of Ameri equality for the masses, and so on workers must, however, be broken, a great political force in the state munist Party leaders. Records will IV.
and Must Be can salesmanship. some clever We must point out that in the pre: not confirmed. The revolutionary and what is equally important, the prove that in past years the ComHaving pointed out the falseness building up of a rival personality, industrial era the conception of movement must, therefore, have its Illinois Workers Alliance grew by manist manhandled Unemployment or inadequacy of some of the means Done can we stem the tide and achieve plenty, security, etc. for large own. They must be such as to leaps and bounds.
Council did not march in the capt which have been proposed for overthe workers revolution. We face masses was to a great extent an bring forward the idea and strengThe jobless fought against the tal city a single time despite their throwing capitalism in the Indeed a hard aght; but the out. unrealizable dream, that in the Ma then the emotion of class. the sales tax almost single handedly. advanced notice that they would we must now state positively how of people hold that the middle class come is not yet decided chine Age the dream can be real working class against the capitalist The State Federation of Labor sup, march in defiance of police orders. the Workers Party abelleves the job cannot be gotten to support the not passed through an ceudal er in which private ownership in the bor internationalism against middle Since the country as a whole has ized, but only in a socialist economy and consequently the idea of laported the sales tax and condemned the Illinois Workers Alliance. The force of numbers marched three Fundamentally, as we have al We must not make the mistake of perience, as well as for other reameans of production is relegated to class nationalism. To break the great mass of partially employed tmes throughout the city in less ready pointed out, the way is underestimating the problem. Farm sons, the American masses do not the museum of history along with hold of false ideas is difficult workers remained apathetic in the than two weeks.
the way of Marx and Lenin. Weers, for example, do in certain cases as has frequently been pointed out the ox cart, an economy in which enough at best. We should be fool struggle. Within the ranks of the Illinols Worisers Alliance great conWhile the Daily Worker was in tangled contraption with a cause if relief rates or wages on they are slow in achieving clasydaries are wiped out and the inter more difficult by ting symbols fusion existed over the sales tax the process of exposing the Hearst 1935 patent for achieving the workpabile works are kept up, it is consciousness. This tends to make national brotherhood of labor real which might confuse the workers, press for its lies in regards to the Especially anong some of the memSoviet Union it too, lled about the The central position among the foret pittance Small business cult. It keeps workers voting for ers revolution harder to get farm labor to work labor organization work more dimined.
which do not clearly and uncombers who took the position that mulinois Hunger March. For intorces which must be depended people often line up with Big Bus republican and democratie tickets, American history can also be utiloyalty to the The revolutionary tradition of promisinglese Borld wide brother whether its an Income or salos tax stance, in the Daily Worker Issue the workers pay the bill, so what of May 22, the day after the march, upon to overthrow capitalism be iness interests This is true. It is ete. But this also means that at ized not the romantic idea that hood of labor, and not to any lesser the job of revolutionists to carry on any rate large sections of the Am Americans are inveterate crusaders cause!
wrecking crew of the Coramuntst were more than 1, 000 marchers the workers in the basic indus: skitul propaganda work among erican working population do not prepared to shed their blood for The events of each new day, both party who did everything from the The Associated Press stated that tries. As the capitalist system de these and similar elements. But have any feeling of Inferiority. icleals. but the fact that the history in the and abroad, make clear start to wreck the march. Despite there were more than 2ate Line the clines and presently falls to pieces, this is not an impossible task. They are not habituated to oppres of the nation is one of constant and the need in this country of such a these obstacles the unemployed parade. In the same item the Daily presents the masses with growing These groups also suffer, and ever sion and servility. It is a fresh, severe class struggle, that the capi. revolutionary party as the workers staged a truly heroic battle Worker said that the marchers hunger and insecurity, the threat or more intensely, under capitalism. very vigorous working class, cap. talist class did not hesitate to fight More than in any previous period for six long weeks.
were led by the Unemployment actuality of fascism and war, the Their leaders are as intelligent as able of bold and dettant action, for its class interests whenever the in modern revolutionary history the Wrecking Crew at Work nation required as in 1778 and responsibility for leadership The Communist party again re crence to the incis Workers ral: simple things about wages and at least can be won to the revolu: less rapidly becoming more hard. 1861, that the working class today upon the American working class vealed their insincerity with their liance, an organization of 150, 000 hours, for the right to exist, neces. tionary position. There have been bofled and convinced that the must be prepared to use all means and its vanguard. If it take united front polley. They members organized in 286 towns in sarily becomes more intense. It many cases in the as well as whole thing is a racket. It is, to carry forward the evolutionary that this party have an internationviolated the discipline of the march, 81 counties. On the other hand alfrom a fight in a single plant, it have given substantial support to has never suffered a major disastrocess and establish a higher eco al outlook and constitute a part of booed militant non Stalinist speak check up of capitalist papers from develops into a fight against a gihas to be fought on a broader front. Other countries, where these groupe furthermore, working class which noiny and fimer culture than cup an international revolutionary force, workers in strike struggles. We do It has not lost confidence in itself. italism could achieve.
it is equally true that such a party microphone at the meeting and in linols Workers Alliance was the santic corporation, against all the not have to accept it as foreor. All this is to be kept in mind and while the growing impoverish in the the very stronghold of corporations in an industry, against dained that they are going to line used by revolutionists working in ment and insecurity under copital capitalism and imperialism, will selves to the Nth degree. No more No wonder Karl Radek lauds Ad whole. The government, moreover, shown in Russia, Germany and up with Fascism. It has been the American scene.
ism in its decline, as we have alplay a mighty role in the freeing of than fifty Unemployed Council olph Ochs of the New York Times. takes aides more and more openly other countries that they were will of the American working Nor is it merely that in the case ready pointed out play a decisive the workers in the Latin American members participated in the attair ne toohas to read the New York against the workers, so in order to ing in the war and post war crisis there is no feudal tradition to point of revolutionary action, it is wortd.
class role in bringing the masses to the nations, in Europe, throughout the Times to find out what is going on exist they wage the fight against to support or at least tolerate rev. reckon with. The popular concept also true that the American stand wanted to take control of the situin America.
Therefore, for an effective Ameratlon the government too, that is, the en olutionary workers leadership. It is that Karl Lockner, Chicago CommunDespite these enemies of labor. tire governmental system, the state. was only where socialist and com to be Me United States was meant ard of living has been comparative lican revolutionary party!
ist leader, was among those who dia despite the array forces that which supports capitalism. In the munist party leadership had become tries. It was a nation conceived does not usually feel himself a United States, committed with its different from the old coun ly high, that the American worker all in his power to disrupt the mass ranged from the Washington for course of these struggles the work bankrupt and these middle class in liberty and dedicated to the pro member of poor, oppressed sister parties and groups to the lutely nothing to make the march bureaucrats and Communist dis Committees or Councils Soviets movement under this leadership equal a nation in which there must be based in a considerable Fourth International: a success the Communist Party rupters, the Illinois Workers Alll. are compelled to take on broader had shot its bolt and offered no were not to be rich and poor, op degree on his outraged sense of ance led a splendid fight in defense functions. Under the leadership of courageous and clear way out, that pressors and oppressed, exploiters Justice over the things he might 80 march and began united fronting contheweg met meer werken med stort revolutionary try to se prete they rallied en masse behind the and exploited: in which not merely easily bave in this highly mechan. Budenz Resigns Workers Alliance members with towns where the organization func and become the basic organs of the Here in the there is unques should have plenty, security and optural resources, and instead of From Workers Party Communist Party sympathies and tons.
Workers State.
tionably among the masses resent portunity for self expression. This which he is given a five to fifty showed them to the fore asking for Allies of the Workers ment against restraint and regi aspiration or dream has had a dollars a month security wage!
By workers we mean the working mentation. What fascism, the tri real influence on the thinking and In other words, those who insist Louis Budenz has resigned sition that was the helcht of comedy if its reactions were not 80 portation, factory workers. It in in practice in Europe has been seen country. It is not an aspiration this nation must paint the picture resignation has been accepted by tragle. Members the Illinois www. ncludes also the clerical workers, by the workers and farmers of this which they need to dismiss. It is of what might be, must show con. the Political Committee.
Workers Alliance asked the execu Sunday, June Hike to Palisades, agricultural workers, many techn country. It would be absurd to not only permissible for revolu cretely what the machine age could Radical differences between comtive board of the Illinois Workers Broadway line to DyckmanStreet. cians and professionals who are assume that they are now immune tionists to make use of this factor do for the masses it the fetters of rade Budenz and the party on a Alliance to make a united front Meet at Dyckman St. Ferry. 11 also wage earners. These have to to fascist propaganda; but it is cer in American psychology: they would capitalisan were struck off the Ma number fundamental questions with their own members so Karl Auspices: Spartacus Youth organize in their economic organ tain that the European object les be plain fools if they did not do so. chine, are entirely correct. In this were the reasons for the resignation Teachers could capture tencerenin et SaterneJune 8, 8:30 leration the justil mere end more on a country todas as more precise in present in to see the izations, just as the factory work son has made an impression. The. we are not to slip connection, it may be observed that and its acceptance. These differene the march! The Illinois Workers Housewarming Party and Dance, gage in the same kind of struggles chology. In strikes, organizing erican dream, which would at best are indeed vulnerable in their eco lishod in the Modern Monthly, were Alliance told Karl Lockner and his Entertainment and Refreshments. as the latter.
campaigns, etc. popular sentiment accomplish nothing and at worst nomics and romantic in their con further confirmed in several dishandful of leaders that they 1776 Pitkin Ave. Admission 15c. The workers must have the sup is with the revolting groups nearly serve to fan the fires of national ception of the problem of political cussions which followed its publlcould march in the demonstration Browngville Spartacus and port of other oppressed and exploit everywhere. or course there are ism, we must point out how the power how we are going to get a cation. The party point of view on but under no circumstances were Friday, June 7th, 8:00 Lec ed sections of the population the exceptions. The revolutionary rising capitalist class developed the chance to put a new economic sys these questions has been set forth they to attempt to wreck the Alli ture: The End of the NRA. farmers, small business people, the Marxian knows better than to get concepts and slogans of liberty, tem into effect but as engineers in a series of articles by comrade ance as they had the Unemployed Speaker: Shachtman. Browns persecuted Negro race, colonial panicky, lose his head completely equality, fraternity. in its own in pointing to the capacity of our pro Muste in the New Militant.
ville Branch, 1776 Pitkin peoples who also suffer under the and insist that the following, real terest: how after luring the work ductive mechanism they have made Charges that the leaders of the Avenue.
yoke of American capitalism. lot or apparent, of a Long or Coughliners and farmers to back them in a contribution. And the lesson of READ THE NEW MILITANT, Victory Greets Struggle of The American Approach Illinois Unemployed Masses everti