CommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyHitlerSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers Party

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1935 Comments INSIDE STORY OF TOLEDO STRIKE Censure Silk Workers Board; Told by a Leading Participant in the contract and presented it to the Fails to Carry Out Decisions Boom.
in in gins.
The Manager Corner their committee drew up a union On Life, Liberty By ART PREIS (Ed. Note: This is the second and Pursuit of of a series of three articles by Battle with General Motors land firmly and skillfully directed By FELIX GIORDANO Union Muffs Situation Art Preis on the great Toledo committee through PATERSON, May 22. The Joint At this hearing our union failed Happiness the inexperreacherous conference Board of this local of the American miserably. It not moblize the strike. Art Preis was the editor this first By BILL REICH of Strike Truth, the Chevrolet policies fostered by these forces, mine what agency the workers do and indicated thereby the undevt Federation of Silk Workers was ex membership to attend the meeting strikers bulletin. Labor Two cold were the lessons of the in the entire labor movement of the live bargaining. The real unton bad throughout the strike. The com at a meeting of the Plain Goods tion embodying its views, it did not Calling themselves the Sindicato quickly permeated the entire Toledo mass action, with a weakening of but it was the intent of the com. But the terms of their own contract. The vote came as a result of an official leadership to the workers.
por Defenca de la Mujer, Mexican labor movement, and which in turn class collaboration policies that many to force through a vote fav. They would not accept cigars or attack against the Stalinist Influ. What fight there was, what resisprostitutes formed the first unton affected through the Toledo labor the subsequent unionization of the orable to the company union before non union brand cigarettes offered enced Board for failing to carry tance was offered, was not organ, of their craft. They voted for a movement the Chevrolet strike. Toledo Chevrolet workers, their the genuine union could secure the by the bosses. They declined to out its own decisions.
general strike unless their demands The first lesson was that better strike and its unique aspects, can slightest foot hold in the plant. The lunch with the bosses or deal with At an open hearing of the Mayor organized by the dyers union, are met by June The Ameri conditions for the workers are won be correctly understood. In the obvious crudity and arrogance of them in any but a formal and bust. Conciliation Committee held the which was not affected by the meetcan Federation of Ministers.
Local on the picket lines. Secondly, the final analysis, what preceded and this maneuver acted as a boomer ness like manner. The class lles previous night night at Centraling, No. 1, was recently formed in New Toledo workers had learned that immediately followed the Chevrolet ang against the company and served were strictly drawn.
High School the Joint Board was the failure of the local official York City. Labor bas a new the struggle of one group of work strike is as significant from a broad to drive the workers in desperate Every significant condition in the supposed to present a resolution for dom on Friday was not the end, champion: American labor will not ers is the battle of all workers, in perspective as the strike itself. defiance to the union.
untou contract was flatly rejected public approval, which was then to the beginning of a disastrous chaplong stand for price fixing, limita which all latior must cooperate it Showdown Comes in Autos Then there was Jimmy Roland. by the bosses. That very night a be forwarded and presented to the ter in the bistory of our union, tion of output, stilling of competl victory is to be assured.
Following the unionization of the Jimmy was a plain everyday pro mass meeting of the Chevrolet open bearing on the silk code in where the lert off in Paterson, tion or other monopolistic of Fas: side by side with the progressive vast majority of the Toledo auto duction worker in the Chevrolet workers was held and a unanimous Washington on Tuesday. Such a the infamous national leadership of not Wallah. Green replies: As for new spirit began to animate the proached the last major challenge strike. In short order, he got the authority to call the strike. Jimmy Morgan, notorious local representa wages proposed by the Labor Ad.
proclaims Herbert Hoover. auto workers union, Local 18884, a the auto workers union finally ap early stages prior to the auto Lite committee of nine was elected with official view of the unton. Tom Mahon accepting the standard of labor, we will follow Roosevelt, not other unions as well. One of the in its path, the transmission plantean. During the Anto Lite affray Roland was the chairman.
Hoover. Green threatens a significant indications of this fact of the Chevrolet Motor Ohio Com he was one of the handful of union tive of the was the labor visory Board, in, open defiance of Trying to Stall general strike to force labor legis was the increasing participation of pany, employing 2, 300 workers. militants who fought the injuncspokesman on the Mayor Commit the standard of wages and other Desperately, General Motors tee, which sanctioned unanimously labor provisions demanded by the September Grecu denounced the every strike battle and its response plant had met with almost total stays of the fight. During his persought to delay the action. Top the passage of resolutions that were membership of the union nationally tactie of the general strike and to the appeals for assistance from failure. Certain more backward lod of unemployment he joined the notch GM. oficials flooded into very clear in so far as the bosses only a seant three weeks ago.
An Alarm Signal broke the general strike in San the organized unemployed. elements and leaders in the union and became one of its leading Toledo from Detroit Monday, April demands went, but which became Nor can we be surprised; for, had Francisco by refusing to support The Organized Unemployed balked at the sceming magnitude of meinbers. He likewise established 2, at and called the shop miraculously vague as soon as they 1t.
It was a well established fact the task, for this was poaching himself as a leading progressive in committee into another conference. began to babble about a standard not aterson, even Paterson, the city of struggles, allowed the May.
that the Lucas County Unemployed upon the previously inviolable do the union and was elected to the General Motors was obviously on of wages for the workers League, acting with the assistance mains of the General Motors Cor. position of trustee on the executive were dealing with leadership of a Member Speaks or Resolution to pass. And none of the known members The events of last Friday in PatJiges, the trained Hollywood of the Workers Parts, had taken poration whose illimitable resourc board.
different calibre than that of the of the Communist Party dared get erson and of yesterday in Washchimpanzee, draws a salary of 350 the initiative and regression Ines would be fully and unhesitatingly One Man Picket Line weak, vacilating, conciliating type up and protest at the hearing. It ington bear a warning and sound commerce reports that the average and reviving the lifeless strike. less, the progressive forces in the youth, Jimmy was class conscious sonified by individuals like the na Parts who demanded that the reso The membership of our Despite his inexperience and of the of L, officialdom, per was only a member of the Workers the alarm.
union worker in industry receives 21. 86 This action on the part of the or union pressed unceasingly for an to the core, intelligent and eager to tional auto union organizer, Francis lution which read part. re needs inteligentalled Progressive worker, 17. 86. ver. The cocker bome to the union men that the rolet plant. They recognized that the union, honest and incorruptible closeted in conference for twelve minimums on the basis of the pro. Group falled when it was Spanied that played in the Barretts unemployed, instead of belng a all previous union activities had in every fiber and, above all, a bull straight hours so that the strike gram adopted by the workers. charse, and now cannot do any.
Wimpole Street received 100 a serious menace to their jobs and been merely preliminary skirmishes dog fighter for his principles. He could not be called that day The specifically state the program thing better than spread a whisper week. Cotton textile workera wage standards, a huge reservolr of and training for this major refused to back down before Gen committee held to its demands like adopted by the which is ing campaign against individual in the south average 10. 29 per potential scabe might become an slaught, which carried with it the eral Motors When the Auto Labor the Rock of Gibralter.
week for male workers. Samuel invaluable ally on the picket lines. possibility of a general auto strike Board avoided his appeal for reinfor a thirty hour week and a 25 instead of presenting a policy Gold wint spent a million dollars to in the Armour and Swift and Lar: and genuine show down on the statement on his job, he put on his Roland and his committee went At 8:16 April 28, Jimmy minimum for weavers.
fighting for it. The Communist Having failed to protest make a start of Anna sten. She power och ting strike te bienes hores issue of unionism in the. their Party, grown respectable with first project under the new works County Unemployed League was of Three primary factors determina Chevrolet main gate. He was re word. The power was turned off. program to its logical conclusion union policy, does not dare put up hired in short order and placed in the wheels stopped moving In and did not even support the de a fight against the reactionary lead program opened Mississippl. cially invited to aid the strikers the ultimate success of the progres an office were 75 per and in actuality formed the back sives program for organization of Wages for labor de tots els at his original wage disciplined organized line, the work mand, with the result that the resoership of the of What is needed in Paterson and in every week or 19 per month. As a bone of the mass picket lines.
the Chevrolet plant. The first et minent Auto Labor Board election, company foremen tried to threaten Not such was the attitude of the otersilie centeredisi ve percelenment sequel to his book, The Coming One of the significant contribu these was the general atmosphere the union was compelled to act and cajole the strikers not to leave officials of the Federation and of of really progressive forces, gen.
American Boom, Major LL. tions of the Workers Party Angas has written The Boom Be: Toledo labor movement. and one air of Toledo and the steady suc before the election a meeting of the distort the issues of the strike and Baldanzl made no bones about pre basis of a sound program pot real which has had a vital bearing upon cession of labor battles and victor Chevrolet workers was called. The confuse the workers, were circa senting a resolution of his own, militancy, and challenging both the Arts and Letters.
the present characteristic solidare ies and partial victories which fol phenomenal number of 600 showed lated. The company tactlos were which was carried as a substitute old bureaucrate and the Communist Dr. John Condon (Jafsie) de front. While the Unemployed League strike. The Chevrolet worker might and acting organizer. Other suc was entirely shut down.
Jimmy Roland was chairman useless. In short order, the plant resolution for one presented by the Party for leadership in the locals Mayor Committee.
and nationally.
dicated an ode, The Bronx Beauti was demonstrating the effectiveness have shunned direct union appeals, rssful meetings were called in ful. to the Bronx Chamber of of joint action between the unem. but he could not avoid the expert: quick succession. The union was were met by a group of the union At the plant gate, the strikers Commerce. Huey Long song. ployed workers on the Auto Lite ences of bis triends and neighbors flooded with applications for mem men, headed by Bill Prior. The Every Man a King is a best seller picket lines, a united demonstration who were in the unions nor the bership. When the elections were progressives aided the strikers to in the Sonth.
will end in. Soviet RussiaWas secured for increased relief daily evidences of union activities finally held, despite the fact that organize a solid, effective mass Roosevelt Administration end in the Unemployed League and the forced themselves into the Toledo to participate in it, the vote of the and go will the between the Central Labor Unlon, and achievements which constantly the union advised the workers not picket iine.
Then the strike committee, 18 nothing. Huey Long will not end in now defunct Rellet Workers Asso press.
will be made. Meanwhile it is urnothing. He is stimulating, he is ciation. successful united front The Company Maneuver Ingly for the representative of the number of telegrams. One went to Wanted Chevrolet workers went overwhelm. guided by Jimmy Roland, sett More Builders Are gent that all agents who receive not ephemeral and will not end in anti injunction demonstration, oribundle orders square up their acSecondly, the officials of General union, the business agent, Fred Washington to the surprised and nothing. babbles Gertrude Stein. ginally proposed by the was Motors connived with the Automo Schwake.
chagrined Francis Dillon, informing Among the New Militant builders the office. It is urgent that all counts and forward remittances to Aeted Quickly Progress Party. Socialist and Communist bile Labor Board in attempting to him that the strike was on. The Comrade Semington of Chl those of our readers whose subparties.
put over a crude maneuver to place Once the vote was over, there was others went to all the union locals cago holds the record for the period scription has expired or is about to Five years ago the average length the official stamp of company an no stalling or delay. Moving quick in General Motors plants through of the last fortnight. He sent in expire forward their renewal at of a screen kiss was 72 inches of The Famous Death March film giving four seconds of blies. In the fall of 1934, on the initia This wes an election called in strong and militant leadership of strike and urging them to take club subscriptions of four eacb. ter how perfectly conceived, will ionism upon the Chevrolet workers. ly and decisively. guided by the out the country, telling them of the a total of six yearly subs and two once. After all, new plans, no matToday the screen kiss has dropped tive of the Unemployed League, a the Chevrolet plant for April 9, Jimmy Roland, as chairman of the similar action. Every one of these But there is another sign of activ. mean very little unless there is the to approximately 18 inches which Joint Action Committee was or under the supervision of the com. ected executive shop committee, moves had been previously calcu ity in this field from Chicago. More most active cooperation from our means they last but a second and ganized with several other local in pletely repudiated Board, to deter the new union men acting through lated by the anton progressives. attention is being given to general readers, supporters and from the a ball. The fastest airplanes dependent unemployed groupe. distribution and Rose Casano also New Militant builders.
were used to rush bullfrogs from continuous fight of several months forwarded two club subscriptions Please remember that from June where in certain restaurants, wait of four each jumping contest. Virgil Garvey, the relief standards for unemployed first our address will be 55 East resses returned to the wage basis humane society head, forbade the single men. series of extremely of 00 for day week. The sent in two club subscriptions of From Los Angeles Doughty 1th Street, New York City. out the cat derby. Dr. Jones strations, climaxed by the famous selt that the result can be anything won the race, in which men werring six dayand night Single Men but a general lowering of wage received from Norman Penn one night shirts, each carrying a calico Death March and the seizure of the and from To Appear Soon scales and still more general in such club subscription Rowland cat and lighted candle, gallop 50 Lens County Court House, were (Continued from Page 1) deliberation will aid business staruuse in working hours Davenport, Iowa, We are making a serious effort yards. Eighteen disciples of organized and led by Sam Pollock matter of cota facts, the disillusion bility and preserve public contiforwarded one club subscription and Prepare for Action Father Devine could not cense ecsand Ted Selander.
ment was growing from month to dence. It is well to listen to him He must theoretical organ, tasy after a recent Garden of Ent During the latter part of Febru month and from week to week, see. but we, on the basis of experience, decks an be ready now that the two six months subs. Chester John to catch up with the past delays in ing session.
ary of this year, the Toledo Buila. ing the actual disability of the La may ngure there will be very few levels are lewe van action. He must one year subs and our indefatigable The management of both publica Trades Council initiated a bor Boards to accomplish anything chain store operators tanins síble one, to those who up to now in the northwest sent in a club sub under one head and we believe that Fight men were killed, two sen the Federal Emergency Relief proever resort was made to the legis. It is to be expected that the ink of 128 million people in Phils conscription of four. All in all when this will facilitate the matter of this is taken together with a num appearing on time is the future.
befs of ship smashed in the recent Navy League soon stepped to the fore in though that being the fact that the the Supreme Court when the genrespond to the coming onslaught of in notably from New York City. press on June 10. Following that of the games in the Pacific. Increase this strike. The program of the NIRA was little it any help to the tlemen, many of them operating the employers against the living placing three in a room. Lord of this strike was adopted in en employers, there is another aspect letin board to inform their employ organization. The times we must it is, of course, not sufficient for a issue will be further advanced and of cadets at West Point necessitates Unemployed League for the conduct workers in their fight with large chain stores, will rush to the bul standars by an effective method of this is not such a bad record, but the date of appearance of the July Rothermere, Fangland Hearst, Hirety: Joint Action Committee, the thing which cannot be 10st cok of changed conditions, as was es into the unlon tos might not real serious extension of circula so on until we have caught up.
tior Time is short for distribution of force by 1, 000 planes is childish and Trade Council the and the changed relationship brought about partment store, the Falr, where the rectively as only can be done by the May issue and for settlement practical means of quick rel of accounts, but the remittances are selesk Tora de renses Germany has workers Alliance, was set up and a bythe NIRA between workers and butchers were put to work on the strong and all embracing uniong. sults in this respect is afforded by a very important item in assuring 10, 000 bombing planes. Math xeneral FERA strike was effected the small employers.
Where Conditions Improved ew Mellon, nephew of Andy Mellon Mass strike tactics, hitherto com after the decision of the Supreme WASHINGTON (FP. By a blare issued in clubs of four three a prompt appearance. The May isprincess hent le mie That Germany is the skilled craft untons, were ing the past two years millons of work until o clock instead of 5:30. refused to reverse the sentence of advance, printed on postal ion in France. From the ome It cannot be forgotten that dur court wat so clock instead of to ruling the Supreme Court months subs for each dollar paid in an analysis of the present situarearming. Being property owner adopted. Agnin and workers employed in one horse Don Forget Hoover shops or in the so called sweat is liating saved my home from the picket lines and a series of splendid shops, or in shops which are not Mr. Harper Sibley, President of the on the Georgia chain gang, claim and the investment thus refunded discussion is the Long and Couglilia It sounds almost too good when labor organizer, to 18 to 20 years as soon as the subs are obtained velopments taken up for a thorough communistic rabble that would demonstrations.
considered usually industrial ones, Chamber of Commerce of the Unit ing no jurisdiction.
have spred all over Europe had he Bay Day United Labor dem the working conditions and the ed States calls upon American in limited number of these cards and carry as one of its outstanding feunot come into power in 1983. ansiration was organized by the basic wages were changed to the dustry and business men to pre.
JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY. they will be good only for a limited tures in new theoretical article on Society Notes.
Joint Action Committee. endorsed great benefit of the workers. Look serve for the present the wages by the Central Labor Union. This ing over the thousands of small and work hours established under period of time. Some changes by Soviet Russia by Trotsky.
the way of real improvements of WORKERS In this connection let us remind Joimhe recently discharged was the largest May Day demon: shops wherein the cheap aprons the Nira, because, as he stated, the New Militant are now in confrom the pital with it hopeless stration over held in Toledo, with and house dresses are manufac for the American business man Protect Yourselves Against the case of cancer wnsvieted from his Muste as the principle speak tured, checking up on the small res this is the moment to prove his which Hence the limited period yon of the embination offer of a for one year subscription for the New these club cards will hold Stilitant and the New International home in Toledo, Ohio. Margot, It ended in a militant march taurants, taking into account the good faith. The American worker, Hazards of Life. Join the good.
both for 00. This offer also will Court of Oxford and Asquith on the Luens County Rellet head improvement brought about by the no matter huw short his memory WORKMEN SICK DEATH The changes that are contemplat. he good only for a limited period.
wore a valued at 000. 000 at quarters, NIRA in the cinployment of child is, did not and could not forget that BENEFIT FUND OF THE the silver Jubilee Ball ed are of a far reaching character The best thing to do for those who Queen March of Labor dren, there were a great number of in 1929 when the depression set in, Mary wore a diamond valued at and as soon as the plans take on are interested is therefore to avail While the FERA strike was workers in this country who for the President Hoover called upon the 1884 1985 concrete shape the announcement themselves of this offer right away.
Organized, managed by and for ign Relief Administrator, threat strikes occurred, the outstanding by legislation in a manner as they see us through the temporary de ens to entrople from relief who bele the general Milk Drivers could and should have been affected pression, promises were readily workers with only one purpose Speed Is Most Important Now!
refuse to work in the beet fields at strike. An unofficial Joint Board of by trade union organizations. forthcoming. The same business men to render protection to members cuole wage. The late Alfred Strategy was devised, composed of. It is also not to be denied that who have their moment now to and their families, and to sup The New Militant is in a very porters will want see Irene Pont left an estate est. the leaders of all the strikes include the trade unions were picking up prove their good faith had their op. port all endeavors and struggles serious financial crisis. Only dis Nilitant go under. We feel cer mated at 100, 000, 000. His wife ing Sam Pollock, representing the creat numbers of workers in indus portunity, and as headline through for the improvement of toilers. aster can follow if this situation tain that you will all lend a hand gets an annual income of 200, 000. Joint Action Committee. The forces tries hitherto closed to the trade the papers of the country that wages About 50, 000 members organis not changed. It will go under to get it out of its difficulty. But the Florida eslate and the yachts of the various groups of strikers, union movement. All these advan shall not be cut, and then rusbed ized in 350 branches. Reserves unless our alarm signal is heeded. action is required without a mo. Mulligan stew was served on under the leadership of Pollock, tages are going to be as a matter to the train to go back to their re. 3, 400, 000 This crisis is brought about by ment delay. The first thing to May 15 at the Cincinnati transient were combined into a joint picket of fact are already today, wiped oft spective business and announce and large due to the fact of the do for those who owe on bundle flon honse. One hundre men were line, called the March of labor, the slate.
wage cuts and so called temporary Death benefit graded accordinexcusable negligence in many accounts is to make an immediate ing to age at entry, Sick Benefit Far sighted Explotters poisonel. Andrew Mellon 4, which by a series of quick concen.
lay offs lasting for the past years.
paymests from 300 to 900. to instances and the undue slowness settlement. In addition all sub000. 000 art treasures are locked trations on various struck plants It is well to hear Mr. Massmann, Today when we have these modern in others in making settlements seriptions about to expire should men and women, according to in securely the Corcoran Art Gal and projects closed them all down President of the Grocery chain methods of communication, the Imfor accounts due orhout delay and the classes.
lery to be seen only by the Mellons effectively, Supreme store Distribution Assn. warning portant decision ders forwarded regularly. We do New Militant builders get busy and their friends. As the Sal. It is only Monthly assements from 45 not doubt that the bundles have soliciting new subscriptions. of this simultaneous de in price, wages or hours of employ of time at any place. Honolulu, as to 20.
been disposed of; but the remit this is acted on promptly we can in Chicago ten men were evicted velopment the organization of the ment might upset business and the Associated Press reported, al For further information apply tances are lacking. To say the get out of the crisis and continue from its flophouse.
progressive forces within the auto market conditions. Chain store op ready on the 28th of this month to Main Omce. least, this is an intolerable sitna in existence.
union and its expansion and achieve erators maintaining a far sighted predicted prompt return of low 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, tion.
In this we count upon all the SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT ments by virtue of the militant point of view and proceeding with wages and longer hours in Hawaii We do not believe that our sup friends and supporters of the the to kwa kosa figuren en en het Wage Slashing Drive Begins Games.
rene vation Army celebrated its jubileederstand on the basis of an un bis associates that hasty changes Court was no secret for any length