CapitalismCominternCommunismEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismNazismSocialismSovietStalinStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 24 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1935 PRICE CENTS THE END OF THE BLUE BUZZARD Victory Greets Protests Muste Speaks for Workers FLOPS seperti finally signed the death note thoning. Efforts of Ill. Paupers Wages Revolutionon Nat Hook Up Bosses Rush majo richievement has been gradually make change stone by Jobless Masses on Work Relief Choice Between Fascism To Cash In On Court decision, coming as it does as the last act in the grim Rivals Mr. Hearst Demands Adoption of Court Decision Organization Is Only Communism in It.
The League demands that the lonnection and of which have bers of the state of Columbia Unt parts of it, was in no effective way chinery of the courts would only get into the picture many of their numbers died and several and serap the entire present pro forth the historie Communist posl. suppression of pro labor professora the so called principal employers of They Among the measures he used, the NRA was the most grand women sent their masa delegations 30. 00 per week: a system of unem realize certain great social ideals. in German at the New Jersey Col Invoked the belp of the NIRA, the to usher in the New Age of fullness of life for all. This was agents that they were not going to paid by the employers and the gov old countries. There were to be University, dismissed for his anti sideration given to the large emfight.
AN EDITORIAL By its decision in the Schechter Poultry Case, the Supreme the past months the once proud structure of the New Deal stone. Little more than a skeleton was left for judicial execution.
What is the central lesson to be drawn from the Supreme or Communism faree of the Blue Eagle? Is it, as the of leaders would He Declares have us believe, a staggering blow at labor, which is now deIn Slurs at Workers Security prived of the benefits of the labor loving NRA? Or are we to NEW YORK, May 30. In a stir Bill conclude logically from the two year propaganda of the Comring address over WJZ on a national book up comrade Musto, munist Party that it is victory for labor, since it does By GERRY ALLARD WASHINGTON, May 22. national secretary of the Workers Power In Labors away with the Roosevelt Slave Act. SPRINGFIELD, May 23. Reminding the President of his in Party of the pointed to the Hands It is necessary to review the facts.
Over 3, 000 jobless workers, from augural promises, the National Un cundamental maladies of the mod When Roosevelt took office in 1933, the capitalists were towns, converged on the state capi ters in Columbus, Ohio, and abili ed his broadcast by placing before By FERRY The unanimous decision of the The banks were closed, and complete financial collapse was defiance of the orders that they dny condemned the administration that stirs the modern epocrifas Supreme Court handed down last threatening. The volumes of production and employment were was increased.
Monday effectively killed whatever at their lowest points of the depression. Industry as a whole to President Roosevelt, stating. Comrade Muste represented the was still alive of the NIRA.
City and state police warned the The organized unemployed will restandpoint of It may be of some interest, but was operating at a loss. The price structure was weakening marchers that they could not march fuse to work for the privilege of three cornered debate under the probably of no great importance, to under an avalanche of desperate competitive price cutting. aid parade. They marched through not enough to live on and just too Exlucation, in which the other or prade in this city. The jobless starving on wage rates which are auspices of the League for Political look into the reasons why the legisLabor was growing increasingly restless, and moving toward the heart of the city and passed on much to die on.
Pation pertaining to the National speakers were Norman Thomas and MUSTE direct action.
Recovery, as it is called, was held the towering state capital building.
Lawrence Denis.
Quoting the President stateto be against the Constitution.
of the ditch and to set it going once more along the road of high their time is Workers Alliance Fess than living wages to its work setting forth the communist answer Professors Assumes for the purpose of being able to see The complete text of Muste ad. Drive on Pro Labor is more interesting and make changes Strong arm methods were necessary to pull capitalism out Weary, huntry and desperate, the ment, that no business which de profits. Only the Federal Government was in a position to banners so the political oppressors ers has any right to continue in to the problem confronting the Amanalyze the situation Goody by departing widely from the traditional Constitutional cour weeks could read and tukemian more than bare subsistence elementing the toon va unilatera parte reo Wide Proportions NIRA.
Not to be misunderstood level mean the wages of decent the so called Third, Communist, Inthe workers know from their own One Marchers Dies living.
ternational, with which have no The plight of the workers was With the dismissal of five mem experience that the NIRA, all and Roosevelt took control. Realizing that the ponderous ma clearly shown by the fact that one President live up to his promises never been a member. am setting versity medical college this week, helping them in their fight against months later, recall it too well, that his own hands, reducing Congress for the time being to a rubber cdly from the lack of food. Several the Workers Security Bill spon the modern working class and to atte campaign.
stamp. By a rapid series of measures, he saved the banking women from northern Illmols rode sored by the National Unemployed the writings of its great teachers, Two Instructors and three tech. whenever there was a conflict be system, stopped the bankruptcies of large corporations, and hitch hiked, commandeered trucks which constitutes the program of niclans were fired at the College of tween the workers on the one side, started capitalism once more going forward that is, and cars and still others walked for week in all industry: a program According to both the popular bla without a hearing and no rea other side, and whenever in such a The Bill provides for the 30 hour the United States, Physicians and Surgeons at Colum and Mr. Ford, General Motors, the once more in a position to make profits.
miles. Nevertheless the hundreds of public works on a basis of 30 and the official conception, this na sons glven.
of thousands of starving men and hours per week at a minimum of tion embodies and was founded to Dr. Llenhard Bergel, instructor fight the workers in their innocence iose and the most unusual. It was the NRA that was supposed to Springtield to tell the capitalist ployment and social insurance to beIt was to differ radically from the lege for Women, a unit of Rutgera result invariably was special conthe Roosevelt solution to the crisis the most ballyhooed meas starve without ure ever passed by a Congress.
That afternoon the sales tax was vidual and corporation incomes of No individual or group was to be his department. Nazi sympathizer mobile decision or in the decision ernment through taxation on indi no aristocracles of birth or wealth. Nazi opinions by the chairman of ployers; as in the President autoEssentially the NRA consisted of two distinct parts. 1) late that night her slekea but that release and inherktances to provide others. Not for a favored tew, but colleagues and students during shipping a new khor Regulations to secure what was called fair competition. This Gov. Horner would give up the at benefits to all unemployed during for the masses of the population hearings being held by the college Anti Labor Decisions phrase covered a multitude of capitalist sins. Under its banner, tempt to pass the bill as an emer the total period of unemployment there was to be abundance, secur trustees. The hearing forced by The lesson learned by the workcodes were set up to eliminate destructive price cutting, regerary words and watch the at a rate of 10 per week per per ty, an equal voice in the govern widespread protests agatust Dr. ers in the anthracite field of be trade groups, etc.
a majority vote of the legislature. dependent. Pending such ulate trade practice, promote cooperative actions among Gov. Horner had a majority from ployment insurance that direct nation conceived in liberty and ded the action against him.
unem pression and self development, a piled up to prove the Nazi basis for cause it clearly showed that the authorities in charge of the enThe actual effect of these regulations, as brought out by the the start but he persisted for weeks cash relier shall be given on the icated to the proposition that all Hicks Dismissed Darrow report, was to increase the domination of trusts and to pass the increase in sales tax as basis of 10 for a single person men are created equal.
forcement of the NIRA were neither Granville Hicks, professor of willing nor able, nor at any time monopolies within each industry, since it was the monopolies lately which required a two thirds The si proposed by the Unem.
an emergency to take effect immedplus for each dependent Weekly.
Abundance for All English at Rennselear Technical ready to challenge effectively the that controlled the code authorities.
vote of the House. The sales tax ployed league combines into one sources for such a society, unques missed by the university on the carins the The material and technical re Institute in Troy, New York, die coal barons for the purpose of semeager advantages (2) The second part of the NRA dealt with labor provi increase will not take effect untii document is complete program otionably exist in the United States grounds of retrenchment, charged which the NIRA allegedett veten sions partial prohibition of child labor, regulation of mini July mum wages and maximum hours, and the famous Section 78, Morgan, chairman of the Illinois committee headed by Edward the workers of the land, according that insofar as it depends upon na scare.
protect the health and welfare of today. No competent student doubts that his dismissal was due to a red the workers. It cannot be forgotten how flagrantly the decisions of the covering so called collective bargaining.
to the communication.
Workers Alliance, was refused an tural resources and the productive Dr. Winslow Hallett, professor NIRA board were violated by men The pretended aim of these labor provisions was to aid the audience by the Governor. Gov.
plant, everybody could have a com of psychology and mathematics at of the type and size of Weirton of fortable and attractive home, abunforgotten man. The actual chief purposes were two: First, chief was too busy to pay attention world, and especially Japan, pre tunity for recreation and education, NEW YORK (FP. With the dant food, decent clothing, oppor. was dismissed on May 11.
Cedar Crest College, Allentown, tbe Weirton Steel companies, nor did the workers forget the pitiful the New Deal in its early stages needed the unified support of to a committee representing thou paring for war at record speed, the security against accident, sickness, to Extend Action and cowardly attitude of the gov.
all classes of the population. The labor provisions, looking on sands of starving workers exports of steel scrap from the land old age; and the sense of in being fought not only as an issue of cent Toledo strike, or the humiliathe surface like a concession to labor, were worded in such a Dr. Hallett case is unique in ernment representatives in the re Jobless Make History United States reached a new high dependence and self respect that academic freedom but also as ation which the National way as to soft soap the working class into supporting the New The Illinois Workers Alliance pnt at 560, 000 tons in the first quarter goes with these things.
straight labor case. The Central Board or Madam Fannie Perkins Deal program. Second, they were designed to prevent independ A2 It was mainly responsible for year record breaking total and ever, is mass unemployment, wide backing his What we actually have, how. Trades and Tabor Council is solidly was exposed to in the controversy by turning the workers struggles aside into governmental chan legislature over the issue. The un whole year prior to 1933.
te to the council and treasur. controversy the government and in the standard of living since 1929, er of the American Federation of the blue buxxard representing the nels. With the cooperation of the of officials, the employed made history.
They car. The proportion of steel scrap ex a society which does not know how Teachers local. The American Fed NIRA came out second beste workers were encouraged to look to Roosevelt for higher wages political proportions out of this states has increased four times in coming out of the high schools and its hundreds of locals for support among workers for the NIRA: as a There is very little sentiment left and better conditions, not to their own efforts; and they were (Continued on Page 3)
tied up in a complicated system of neutral Labor Boards tour years. Continued on Page Continged on Page Continued on Page 2)
whenever they tried to start actions on their own account.
The NRA, aided by a partial natural upswing in the business cycle, did its job. Helped by the codes of fair competition, the big corporations were once again piling up profits by the end of 1933. Though the labor provisions could not entirely prevent independent working class struggle, they did By the National Committee of the Workers Party of the manage to strangle two strike waves in their infancy, and to keep every large strike from reaching maturity. This was not done without certain real concessions to the workers in some The military alliance signed between France and to which both the Socialist and the Communist par ical war against the Ethiopian people, even though the Soviet Union, and the statement thereon issued ties alike have contributed, that the present leaders industries. But it should be understood that, with few excep jointly by Laval and Stalin, Molotov and Litvinov, of the Soviet Union have considered themselves Nations.
both countries are part of the notorious League of tions, these concessions resulted not from the NRA but from mark another departure by the present heads of the obliged to seek alliances with one imperialist power the threat or actuality of militant labor struggles. The business Soviet Union from the principles upon which it was Germany is rearming at a furious pace with the of the NRA as of every capitalist plan was to increase profits established.
or another against the danger of attack which openly avowed intention of regaining her former not along with but relatively at the expense of wages, since that threatens Russia most acutely from the side of Hit imperialist power.
is the only way in which profits can any longer be increased or workers, allied with the poor farmers, succeeded in The Soviet Union is the only land in which the ler Germany and reactionary Poland and Japan.
This is precisely the principle which was violated hypocritical assurance that it aims to preserve the France is increasing her armaments with the even continued.
by the Socialist parties in the last World War, With capitalism temporarily out of the ditch, a divi overthrowing their exploiters and oppressors and when they betrayed the working class, supported peace, but in actuality as part of her preparations sion of opinion set in among the capitalists themselves. During setting up a workers republic as the gigantic first their imperialist fatherland and concluded a for a war with Germany for the preservation of the the first months of the NRA, almost the entire ruling class was step to a free socialist society. Its great advances imperialist robberies she committed at the end of too worried to ask questions. But as profits returned, more are a promise of the glorious future which the work peace with the capitalist class.
the last war.
and more bankers and industrialists began to protest against ing masses throughout the world are striving to This is precisely the principle which is now being violated by the leaders of the Communist parties in England is arming heavily for that next world government interference in business, regimentation, etc. achieve. As such it is the elementary duty of war, whose coming is inevitable unless the working The ruling class was not unanimous in this protest. The codes workers everywhere to guard the achievements of their support of the manner in which the Francoclass first crushes imperialism, in order to safeguard of fair competition met with approval, for example, throughout the Soviet working class, and to defend the Union Soviet Pact is being carried through. The latter and extend her vast colonial empire.
most of the retail trade associations. Again, these codes and from all attacks made upon it by its capitalist are thereby preparing to play the same part in the The United States is in the race with the rest also the labor provisions were well liked by the big clothing enemies. In essence, this means the extension of coming world war that was played by the Socialist parties in the last war!
and is even now conducting preparatory maneuvers manufacturers with closed shops, who were helped in their fight the workers revolution throughout the entire world.
in the Pacific in rehearsal for the war with Japan.
against the sweatshops which had been undermining their mark The workers in the capitalist countries, the The preparations for the new world war are ets prior to NRA.
Everywhere, a decaying capitalist society is slaves imperialism in the colonies, are thus the being made at break neck speed. All the preliminBut the big shop industrialists and bankers were impatient only true allies of the Soviet Union. Even though ary steps have already been taken. Never since proving again that war is one of its inevitable products. Once more it is being shown that war is not with interference. They felt confident of their power to go the working class of several countries has suffered 1918 have the military, naval and aviation budgets their own way both against their competitors and on the field cruel defeats in the past year, and has been weak of the imperialist powers been so big as they are prevented by good or peaceful capitalist powers, or caused by bad and bellicose capitalist of the class struggle. They wanted a return to the pre NRA ened as a result, it nevertheless remains the only today.
powers but that it is only one of the most frightful structure, at a stage higher of finance monopoly development. reliable defender of the workers republic against In the Far East, Japan is engaged in a brutal and most natural products of capitalism itself. Only The Supreme Court decision marks partial temporary the destructive designs of world imperialism. war of aggression against the Chinese peoples.
in the Soviet Union, where capitalism has been over (Continued on Page 4)
It is precisely because of these defeats, however, In Africa, Italian Fascism has launched a pirat(Continued on Page 4)
ent class activities (i. e. strikes) on the part of the workers, the six weeks deadlock in the state more than was ever shipped in any spread poverty, a fifty percent cut delernte taght. Dr. Hallett is with the rubber barons, in which Statement on the Franco Soviet Alliance