CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyImperialismMarxismMussoliniSocialismStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1935 PAGE with which is merged 75 Week. The Roosevelt Standard the setting up of an international union with Union Wages Fights for a United Protest on Memorial Day Vol. way of The movement.
conditions NEW MILITANT Auto International One of the problems which the militants of THE MILITANT the Federal Automobile locals will have to give Published weekly by the New Militant Publishing Co. careful attention in the immediate future is West 15th Street, New York City Phone, ALgonquin 9058 unemployed, and am also fearful a charter from the American Federation of that private industrg will use these rates to reduce the wages they are Entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office Labor. At the close of the recent meeting of To Go Down now paying.
at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879, the of executive council, when the We are accustomed to the sight General Motors strike was on, William Green of William Green trembling with JAMES CANNON (Continued from page 1). Editor On May 30, the bosses and profit unions. But we stand for a broad HARRY A, HOWE. Associate Editor announced that the charter for an internation over 100, 000 (22 cents in rural dis Iright at the mention of direct acal union which had been promised to the auto triets. For the South then, city tion, of strikes. But here his whole cers will hold their Memorial Day and representative united front.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: mobile workers a long time ago, was to be relief wages drop from 40 to 10 philosophy is summed up: he is services and parades, calculated to There would be no question if the In the United States 00 per year; 650 six months, Canada and Foreign: 50 per year: 00 six months issued as soon as things quieted down. Well, cents and from 00 to 42 cents fearful of lower wages, but he is whip up the singuistic and patriotic were being asked to work The first step into the equally fearful of raising them by spirit of the American working together with the to win strikes.
thanks to Francis Dillon strenuous efforts on promised land of Roosevelt securclass youth. The desires of the the working youth into the trade Bundle Rates: Two cents per cops.
behalf of the of bureaucracy, the ity.
Bils, Not Action class conscious youth to show their unions, but here it is simply a matSATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1935 No. 23 General Motors strike had been settled and Under Rates At present Green and the rest of determined opposition to the whole ter of expressing in a united front except for a flurry here and there in the auto In the North PWA wages were the of skates are puttine Day and to the profit system that is, to the war program of the im Progressives Organize! mobile centers, things have quieted down. See other on the leader ons kinded and their best the high the mannere Bem Elves Time to it, mas been repeatedly perialista, tor fasekost The The first move of the progressive automobile new scheme they will be scents Green of his learful strikes, may marifested by the powerful pres will be taking upon itself the full An individual cannot successfully cope with workers should be to demand an end to delays, and sx cents in the cities 26 and Darsen Roosevelt having tilken masure towards broad youth demon responsibility for splitting the dem.
a machine. Even a group of individuals get to call for the international charter immediate 34 cents in rural areas. important steps to the right, the Last year the Young Communist position of last week.
ting together in a crisis and agreeing on a This is the way President Roose work rellet program and the bonus, League, by its maneuvers ly. The Federal locals cannot act together Opposes Stalinist Disruption The Spartacus Youth League disprogram are in the end no match for an old quickly and effectively so long as they are set to like gebout lifting up the unit now. cover up with a gesture its own name and leadership over to the left. The Wagner Bill furn the united front, and its arbitrary sociates itself completely from the well oiled machine.
loosely tied together in a council which has no The lack of any provision for pre ishes him with just the proper attempts to dominate the demon position of the But how That is the lesson which was hammered into real power. Furthermore, an international wailing rates in the new billets of cover, nothing more threbefore he stration, forced rupture of the do things stand with the the progressive unionists in Toledo, Cleveland, union and its locals have, under the of Interfect, that skliled workers will endorsement of the of In separate demonstrations, The sectarian and bureaucratic Norwood and other General Motors centers by set up, much more control over their own af no longer work for union scales, ns practice it will have no more effect policies of Stalinism are now reapS. Efforts for Unity the betrayal of Dillon a couple of weeks ago. fairs than the Federal locals which are merely they did under the PWA. Wherens than the now half dead National Already they are taking steps to build the This year agnin, a genuine united in their full fruit. The dual paper militants in the auto industry into an organ of the ways, theefore to make Dillon betray month at union rates to earn their arbitrate workers out of the front for May 30 has not been iste attempts at domination, the achieved, partly because of the intactics of wrecking what they could they might make by strike jurious activities of the Stalinist not control all those policies that ized force.
as there are the list for the automobile workers ten oth sixty do work under the new section Youth organization. The Spartacus have so discredited Stalinism in the The moment progressives undertake such a to get their own international charter immedi week, four weeks a month, to gain William Green feels the sand Youth League proposed from the eyes of the labor movement, and move they are met with the objection: But ately.
the same sum. On the new scale running out from under his feet. very beginning to both the Ameri have made it possible for the trade this means having an organization within an In the second place, much may depend upon will be played the funeral march of But it is not from William Green can Youth Congress continuations union bureaucracy and the old and his fears that workers can ex committee which was arranging the Guard leadership of the to organization. This means that a certain group the way in which the new international is setunton ne saison Not Isolated Competing pect any aid.
united front, the Young Peoples reject and refuse the formation of is going to try to dominate the union. Then up. Doubtless the Green Dillon proposition Many liberal papers deplore the The new program contains a socialist League and the re a real united front stand out today another group will start up. The union will will be that for a year at least the present new program as creating a caste clause which permits the Works spectively, that a broad united front as sol barriers be divided.
council which is dominated by them or some of the unemployed, as isolating a Progress Division to upset the en arrangements committee be set up every move towards a united front.
It is curious to have this cry raised so conlarge body of the American people tire scale by exempting projects to include the major political ten Although it has superficially group they appoint, shall serve as the provistantly in a country which works under a party sional executive board of the new international and condemning them to semi slay where necessary in accordance dencies and city wide organizations. changed some of its old policies and ery.
with local wage conditions. This This united front committee woula methods, the CL still persists in system, where it is an accepted thing that the Then when this outfit is fairly secure in the But the unemployed will not be simple clause really invalidate the include the members and organizamany of them: in packing the unitparties, Democratic Republican, etc. organize saddle it will call convention and by the holated in a semi slave caste: not whole published scale and leads us tions in the continuations commit ed front conference of May 11, pubto advance their respective programs. What methods so well known to the labor politicians, ployed, far from being isolated, will more than a feeler to see how the But the capitulating to Daily Worker calculated to lump should be more natural in a democratic organ will see to it that safe and sane, that is, be in direct contact with the em people will react. In practice the the pressure of the Old Guard the together with the ization such as the trade union movement pur machine, delegates are elected, so that the con ployed, and will tend to pull down sende will be even lower if the ad and Militants in the de May 14. attempting to dominports to be. than that groups should organize vention may put the politicians into permanent members of the program the min ministration can get away with it. Yded to withdraw from the demon. ate the demonstration, etc.
about a program, bring it to the attention of control of the union.
Workers on government prostration on the pretext that it was and is anxious to see as the membership, etc. Could anything be more Doubtless the Green Dillon outfit has al sects (frequently let ont to private At the same time workers can could not participate in a united broad and genuine a united front educational for the membership Is there any ready sent reassuring word to General Motors contractors) will work at program force the scale up anything that front with the dual unions of the as possible on May 30. But the better way to bring issues into the open and and the rest of the automobile corporations: wages side by side with privately can down, can, in this case, 50 which split the labor is determined to exclude the counter revolutionary enemies of The Spartacus Youth League, in the working have them decided in an open and above board We will take care of everything and see to it employed workers. It is evident pe workers force it up, Refused Speaker that no hot heads, no wild young men, no reds, scales together with employers mum wages at best 19 dollars a a letter to the City Executive Com The controlled continua As a matter of fact, in some of our most have anything to say about the new union. Breed and government connivance month, and maximum at best 91 a mittee of the made it clear respectable and conservative unions such as Trust us and you will be safe. See what we will drive all wages down to the month. It provides that only one that such a stand cannot possibly tions committee refuses the sy.
member of each family may work be condoned by a revolutionary not only a speaker but even repre security level.
the typographical, two or more parties have were able to do even in Toledo. Instend of creating an isolated for that sum. All food clothing, youth organization. The letter reads sentation on the arrangements com Progressives must insist on a convention of caste of semi slaves consisting of rent, furniture, amusement, medical in part: operated openly, put up slates in elections, etc.
mittee. We requested this as a Letter to Young Socialists guarantee that the would acfor years.
here are hundreds of unions delegates elected by the rank and file of the the unemployed, the ww program case, etc. for the whole family, no The argument that the tually stand by their word for a throughout the country in which groups with local unions. The situation in the automobile will make the whole working class, matter what sine must be found in Cannot march with the TU. genuine united front. The different programs have functioned year after industry is such that a convention, in which in time, a euste of semi slaves. Un that sum.
The wages are not steady. The unious seems to year, and this has not meant the collapse of the workers can compare notes and make plans is no such thing as an isulated work irregular, depending on the a szecious one, directed against the makes it impossible for the the union.
for a national organization and a national caste, for wages of one section of projects in hand. The worker is whole conception of the united to participate. We do not intend to Honest workers must not be led astray by strike when conditions are ripe, is urgently the working class inevitably react docked for illness. He is liable to front lu the first place, it is rather tati alone in a Stalinist demonstrathe crimes and mistakes which have been comneeded. At such a convention the new interna not from empty idealism that labor division (appropriately named) can ular ittc where are the without voice, giving their farctcal that the objects to? united front the cover of our tional must be drafted and officers elected.
mitted by the Communist Party in the trade organizations proclaim that an in cut his wage, pald, as an ndded in But even granting that they may banner and our name unions. It is true that the groups they organ: One other basic consideration must receive jury to one is an injury to all. sult only mopthly, at whim.
Green Nightmares careful attention at once. As things stand The worker is at the mercy of exist, then in what manner can the ized and influenced set out to capture unions, There can be little surprise that the government for which he toils. reconcile its marching with decided not to take part in either the of proposes to assign a considerthe unions on May Day and the or the demon often by allying themselves with reactionary rejecting the Stalinist paper unions stration or mass meeting. Instead and gangster clements in order to get votes. able percentage of the workers in the automo even the goddering of Lofat slave wages.
There is but one recourse: not It is also true that the pursued a disrupbile industry to the machinists and other craft dreams of peaceful and endless col votes, not wills, not laws, not labor Alay 30 Moreover, it is incon. it will call its own mass meeting tive policy in the unions. Today, in a feverish unions. The auto workers have been led to laboration by the announcement of boards, not William Greens, but sistent with your past policy: for on the meaning and significance of some six months TUUL unions May 30 and explain our stand to William Greenlirect believe that the Federal locals were a stepping the new program.
organization and have been affiliated to the American the working class youth. The meetattempt to win back the confidence of the trade Youth Congresss, why only now, ing will take place next Friday, unionists which they lost by these insane methstone to industrial unionism. It is reported is reported to say: am fearful strike action.
when the is being liqui. May 31, at Irving Plaza. We call ods, they actually play the game of the that when in a recent interview Green was dated overnight, does the on all our renders and sympathizof bureaucrats as they did in Akron.
suddenly become conscience strickers to demonstrate with us their as understanding and determination to Progressive unionists, whether they be also We are not the apologists for tight consistently for a genuine members of the Workers Party or not, will seek the Stalinists nor for their dual united front of the working class.
to influence the unions by working out sound tional will not be an industrial union if the By JEFF RALL (Continued from Page 1)
to summarize the discussion in a policies for the unions, advocating them open genuine sense if the of leaders have ly, doing everything in their power to educate their way.
French Situation Is Feature Kansas City, Mo. May 18. The afe and sane manner.
the membership, make them acquainted with With a dozen or twenty unions in the indus the topic of Nathan Gould ad made to the conference by the em The most progressive report was the policies they are advocating. If they are defeated they will take the licking and get right try there will be continual bickering and strife dress, delivered to an attentive and ployment discussion grony. It me to work again in order that the policies they employers will assiduously play off the one the Workers Modern Libraryacto Lundeen bill, favoring sovernment More brilliant, more interesting to finally and fully subject it to advocate mny eventually win the day. They against the other. In strikes they will be scab becaur themes a presented partes a cas pernylon of ille factories for team and as fundamental as previous imperialist plunder clothed in the will gain the confidence of the membership by bing on cach other us has happened so often lionth seretary presented by its name AS under the NHL Alter Sonck verstehen is the comment already made black shirts of Mussolini hordes.
e who has the youth has the White, favoring the right of youth national, now on the press.
It is article in this issue. Labor in 1936 fight more valiantly on the picket line, etc. will be the victims of these conditions. The army. stated Gould, to organize, strike and pleket, urs: a special issue, the main body of Panorama and Prognosis.
and fighting with all their might for the poliif not crippled from the outset unless it is in imperative need of rescuing the on education, and opposing the milent situation in France and the Comrade Muste deals in this article itarixntion of and transient problems of the French labor and essentially with the forces within cies in which they believe.
working class youth from the dan the full sense of the term industrial, embracing kers of fascist demagogy and mo camp. The last of the series of revolutionary movement. Where is the labor movement reactionaries What is the alternative if the militants do all the workers in and about the automobile bilizing them behind the revolution tenslotte which were trend Pranee Guiner is the title of this and progressives, and foreensting not organize? That there are then no groups, and auto parts plants.
no machine in the union at all? Not at all. Let the slogan of genuine industrial unionism cialist League and the Young Comize that most present measures fit hics. Is it going toward murderous Green will not be the only ones forth. Both the Young eoples 80 all over Minnesota read: We real Marxian analysis of French poll the prospects of the latter, he conThe officialdom in the trade unions is organ be raised immediately. Let an educational munist League have conclusively relieving employment are pallia Bascism or the workers revoluized, openly or secretly. They have their maclaiming represent the workers in Washington, and in any case the Nineteen solid pages of material decisive events will not then occur chine, their cliques, through whom by strong workers, both in and out of the Federal locals. the youth for revolutionary action mate solution of the depression and arm methods, by job control, deceitful propu Let the question be raised in the central labor he said, and the responsibiilty thus nemployment lies in socialized make up this article fully on the in the White House with the smilganda, they control the membership, often bodies and all local unions that can be reague to rulan this duty imposed Lo Tuuri, communist candidate carried in one press for example sucers are pakten, but on the picket rests with the planned height with fundamental analyses without the membership being aware of it. reached. The soil is ready for such a cam upon them by history. for alderman, roscan this roueg during the months and we are nower lines in the steel. cont band is store It is these bureaucrats, these Tammany pol paign. Let all the militant and progressive The belief that the Americantion to say, Although am a young coeding the seizure of power mobile. as the gas bombs and iticians, in the trade union movement who raise We desire of the existing class forces in servatism and a tendency to balk sake of this motion the cry, We must not have an organization country.
The May issue of the New Inter.
within an organization. They do it in order mbatically repudiated we comradetained on the basis of a minimum Omy way dur, for the working clase national contains alle stew article to defend their jobs, to maintain their own Gould, as he pointed to the magul program.
and forceful in is shown in unmistakable fashion, beautiful Dating with the napolicy of collaboration with the bosses. They ficent examples heroism and the Replying to Tuuri, a member of It is impossible for the thinking its analysis know only too well that once the militants capacity for self sacrifice displayed Spartacus countered, Zero is the worker to understand the present tive question in South Africa, writThe United States and the European Powers by the workers in recent strike bat minimum program conceivable. day situation in France without ten by Lee of Johannesburg. It cease acting as individuals, cease depending on Are Preparing for War!
tles. These militant actions prove Logically you ought to favor noth reading this article contains a further installment by an occasional joint action in a crisis, but make HOW ARE THE WORKERS PREPARED TO that the American workers will not ing, and you would have unity with One of our European correspond. Gotesky on the discussion of themselves into a permanent, independent, MEET THE NEXT WARY accept fascism and the continued everyone. young Farmer Laborents contributes an article on the Marxism: Science or Metbod?
assaults of capitalism upon their ite remarked that The demand for problem of Abyssinia. New and other valuable material, Speakers: fighting force, the day of the bureaucrats is living standards with folded arms socialisan, after five years of de Nerve Center of Imperialist Lust. Readers of the New Militant and done. Muste and passive nequiescence. With a pression, is certainly the most min. For the first time in an English their friends cannot afford to miss Progressives, militants, organize! You have National Secretary of the Workers Party vanguard worthy of their allegiance imum of minimum demands that publication its readers may learn this issue and we shall be glad to a right to organize! You must organize if Manny Garrett they can and will be led to a revo could be included in a minimum about this African native state not accept your order either for single lutionary struggle for the over program.
yet conquered by the imperialist copies, bundles or subscriptions. We trade union democracy is to be maintained. Editor of Young Spartacus throwal of capitalism and the es The resolution carried by an robber bandita, They may learn take this occasion also to mention You must organize to save the unions from FRIDAY, MAY 31st, P.
tablishment of a Workers State. overwhelming majority, the young about the reasons for the feverish in reply to inquiries that we have reactionaries, racketeers, and betrayers, to Germania Hall, Third Ave, and 16th St Further, such a vanguard has bees Communists abstaining to the sur mobilization by Mussolini in what a very small number still left of created asserted Comrade Gouldprise of all. One youth remarked: very clearly appears as a planned the first issue of the New Internamake the unions into mighty weapons of de Auspices: District Workers Party of the Workers Party of the and always thought that the Com attempt to make an end to the in tional. The price per single copy fense and offense for the workers. the Spartacus Youth League. munists were revolutionaries. dependence of this native state and is 25 cents.
ART PREIS Editor of the suppressed strike Sunday, May 26th, p.
bulletin, Strike Truth Irving Plaza, 15th st. Irving Pl.
JAMES CANNON Editor of the New Millant action, len?
asked whether the new union in automobiles Gould Speaks Youth Sways that he could not be sure! In other words, the In Kansas City Mpls. Congress was of May New International omrad In forces get behind it. And it will sweep the working class is inhibited with con. Communist, do not favor tbe in Germany. An estimate is given the bullets fly about.
Mass Meeting Inside Story Of The Toledo Strike