were ity PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1935 Comments INSIDE STORY OF TOLEDO STRIKE IN THE UNIONS offices. Among those who were By KARL LORE On Life, Liberty RT PREIS Told by a Leading Participant in the placed in othce was Jimmy Roland. This is the first of a The battle of the Toledo Chevro Newark Ledger strike, are solid in and Pursuit of ee articles by Art Battle with General Motors Chevrolet strikers, who from the let workers seems to have set of their support for closer ties with the great Toledo strike Happiness was the editor of beginning was a leader of the pro the spark of another strike wave. the organized labor movement.
gressive forces. Progressives were in the Northwest the Jumber Work Split. By BILL REICHTruth, the Chevrolet inevitably arise. What was thely affect the production of steel, elected to positions on their execu ers have succeeded in shutting down bulletin. leadership and guidance, what the coal and other baste products which the shop committees of the differ operations. The independent IndusAnti afiliation forces are talking Land of the Free.
Chevrolet strike was one of the termined the course of these events sustained largely by the continued and were placed upon the general building Workers, on strike at Cam. the proposal carries, but the likelie will deny that the Toledo program, what the forces that de for the past few years has been ent plants which were organized trial Union of Marine and ship about the possibility of a split Because she partietpated in an most remarkable labor battles ever Further, and more significant, what expansion of the automobile indus executive committee of the local. den, plans to spread its fight all hood of any such action is consideviction demonstration, Mrs. Stella fought in this country.
were the means and methods er try. The Toledo industrial work. The Inside and outside of the over the Atlantic Coast. Philadel ered remote letter, signed by Petroski, of Wilkes Barre, Pa, 1, 300 raw recruits to unionism, ployed by this leadership? ers had a weapon for power in thelruilon began to expose the policies phía teamsters tied up the city nine members of the Board of Govmother of eight children born in from a group of production workers Role of the hands which they did not know of Ramsey and Bossler. Its mem food supply in a suprise walkout. ernors of the Newark unit and America, faces deportation to Po formerly considered among the bers built up an air tight case And now comes word from Wash printed in the Guild Reporter, land. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, most docile in industry, for three The answer to the first question either existed or how to use.
Jr. at the Boy Scouts Silver Jubil. weeks to a is. Today, Toledo is a unton towa to based on tron facts with which to ington that all negotiations for a are significant: lay. grown has a red flag list of more than the world. But one week in the capitalist press of the nation, in year it has well a name for 104ized to sufficient strength, they a national strike of the men of the Guild must get into the of 2, 000 persons considered unfit to union, they over role the timidity cluding such an informed reporter as a stronghold of progressive and lead or influence American boys and actual hostility of their own ns Louis Stark of the New York militant unionism. Over twenty placed charges against these cor picks is on the order of the day. We are concerned over an ap The greatest bit of patriotism be national leaders in calling the strike Times, attributed the leading Influ successful or partially ing done in the United States todny and conducted themselves with a ence to the Workers Party. It was strikes have been waged in the past on the floor of the union and had stabilization Act, say the Washing parent move by a group strongly opposed to affiliation to panic the with the is being done by the Boy Scouts militaney, discipline and precision publicly recognized by Francis DI 12 months in all of which was them ousted from office.
In Passing national walkout. That act, supereat, at Tenst Implied, of split Our red dag list is in constant use. scarcely ever excelled in American ion, national of organizer, pleket lines and mass action have In this connection, a passing ported by a considerable section of in the Guild if affiliation is voted.
Elks have gathered over a million tive, in the face of the outright or temporarily curbed the strike. lt labor. In almost every strike those word should be given to the stupid the operators as well as by the. There is the very real likelihood sigostures to a petition urging leg position of their own higher oft has been openly acknowledged cl who have organized and led the charges voiced in the Dally Worker United Mine Workers, provides for that at least a few good units will 1slation against reds. cials, they spread the strike to tens rectly and indirectly by official rep. picket lines have been Workers editorial of May 6, titled Rene government regulation of the indus not be able to withstand the onslaught of their employers if we And Home of Brave. in of thousands of other auto workers resentatives of both the Socialist Party members. Starting with the grades in Toledo. This editorial, try. The sees in it a subremain out of the main stream of Bruce Barton, the man who Bab paralysed an entire giant corpora ledo.
the Larrowe Millin and Armour some hack entirely ignorant of the tures of the coal code which have the labor movement. No one ques bittized Christ, stntes: It is a hard tion.
More vital for the future guld and Swift strikes, up to the Gen Toledo situation, asserted that the broken down completely.
tions the right to oppose afiliation thing to say, but we are used to But when that opposition is backed They distinguished themselves not ance of the American working class, eral Milk Drivers and FERA strikes, American Workers Partywas however, is the answer to the sec. the Workers Party has laid down making an alliance with Ramsey, Newspaper Guild.
up by the threat to withdraw, the luxury in this country and it bas merely on the picket lines, however, oud question. That answer lies the lines of the militant strike an of Lofficial, to split the softened us. Curtis Wilson, but in that complex and treacher correctly not merely in the immed strategy employed, and its members strike. This is not merely a delit. dramatic organizations in the Am One of the most interesting and opponent has talked himself out veteran and of court.
miner, lives with his family of nine manded and secured direct negotia in a one room tent on Paint Creek, tions between their employers and and during the strike, but in events Their participation was known and everyone in Toledo knows that annual convention early in June at Copper.
family huddles in a corner to keep runks. The pressure, authority, course of the labor movement in their advice and tactics were con in the union, and that it was the gates from various branches of the that has been created by the diviWest Virginia. On rainy nights the elected workers from their own which are rooted in the entire welcomed, often officially invited, there is no such official as Ramsey Cleveland, Ohioon About 126 delet In an effort to solve the problem members and progressives American Newspaper Guild will ston of the Montana copper miners dry. Two of the children have propaganda and intimidation of the Toledo for the past two years. 11 sidered and largely pursued.
never lived in a house. The family government, press and employers and development of the Workers The First Battle in the union who forced his ousting ther to face the problems of the into craft unions, the Montana receives weekly food order of combined could not deceive or de Party in Toledo.
It was in the Auto Lite strike eight months ago professional 50. The father war compensa moralize them. They forced some that the first showed its met Following the cleaning up of the capitalist worker in a declining state Miners Council has been or world. It is indicative of ganized. The Council will embrace tion was cut off by Roosevelt eco measure of concessions from an Until the time of the Auto Lite tle and sowed the seeds of militant union, the progressives pushed for the nature of these problems that nomy program. He is entitled to Litherto unyielding gang of industrike of last May, Toledo to most ity which are today the characterization in the union. Plantatertion to the American Federation of and smelters in that state. All the under its Jurisdiction everyone ward a program of Intensive organ the big issue will be that of afiliaworking in and around mines, mills trial to TIME magazine, President Roosevelt at the Woodmont Rod and it in the end they bowed to the tween Cleveland and Detroit or the with but five or six actual party tracts secured from the employers. The question arose within the have representation on the council.
Went Down Fighting Gun Club in the Blue Ridge Moun. shameless and brazen treachery or place where a boxer named Demp members at the time, none of whom and company already organized only a handful of members then solve the problem of industrial untains, lunched on venison steak, re some of their own leaders and refully pounding with his fists a fel sey gained immortality by successHere we have another effort to unionism smashed Guild soon after its formation. But were connected with the union, the tired to the private lake where he turned to work with very partial tow named Jess Willard. Its only Lucas County Unemployed League, The militancy which the workers up with organized labor. The idea rubber, electrical equipment, manu.
Workers Party, with the aid of the in all the plants recognized the importance of a tie ionism by the council method. In ing a dinner of broiled pheasant he most stirring resistance and protest other claim to distinction was the which the had organized and held good. Violations of the terms year. With some experience with tries, this shoddy substitute for the.
had the Lite strike has in past sat down to write the scathing conceivable under the circumstanc fact that all but one of its ten in which its members had been bonus veto message.
banks had collapsed two years be most active and prominent, went on of the contracts by the bosses met publishers under their belt and the real thing has been introduced to Great Minds.
llusionment and demoralization fore Roosevelt stabilized the bank the picket lines, at a time when the with immediate and strong action. example of te Newark strike fresh kid the workers into believing that in mind, the issue of affiliation will they have industrial unionism. The The union men be the major one. At last year situation the metal mines is csRoger Babson advocates. 1) their ranks, as has happened in all the banks. In 1982, 60 tono defled the injunction against mass were numrently vigilant in the convention at St. Paul, the quespecially important. At the last se Temporary disenfranchisement of similar circumstances with other percent of its formerly painfully pleketing, to which the remaintenance of their rights.
relief workers. 2) payment on re older and more experienced unlon employed population was unem lenders of the auto unlon, tion was not allowed to assume sion of the Executive Council of the lief jobs of only sixty five percent groups, within 24 hours they met plogeda and Bossler, bad timidly submit General Motors Next large proportions. The newspaper of representatives of the of going private wages; and (3) life again to denounce those who had Toledo was also a notorious ted, revived the strike, built up One plant alone remained, in par workers had not had the necessary Mill, Mine and Smelter Workers pensions for Senators. These mea. betrayed them to analyze their succheap labor, acab town. What mass picket lines, reorganized the ticular, to be organized. But this experience. Things will be alter protested the action of the Metal sures would show business men and cesses and mistakes in preparation ever unions were in existence were scattered ranks of the strikers and plant was a barder nut to crack ent at Cleveland.
Trades Department in taking all Industrialists that the administra for a future battle which they are weak and ineffectual craft unions personally led the workers on the than the others had been. This was There is no way of telling what the skilled men out and leaving tion does not belleve in Communism determined to make, and to present among the skilled trades Year Aring line in the six day Battle of not the plant of some local capital the convention vote on this all im only the unskilled in the miners theists. was part of that uge portant matter will be. The pro union. Their appeal was rejected.
perty, but is trying to work along more nighting and progressive than sleepy and ineffectual way. There forces of the police, deputies and net work belonging to the seemingliation forces favor a referendum The formation of the Council is an sound lines and at the same time ever.
was no expansion, vitality or activ. National Guards.
ly all powerful General Motors of the entire membership. New attempt to meet this situation. But keep the radicals in check. No competent observer would reBut the activities of the Workers Corp, the Chevrolet Motor Oblo York membership meeting held as long as the local craft organizcorrespondent from Curryville, Pa. Kard such an example of working Latent Power of Workers Party only began with this strike. Company, key transmission plant early in May endorsed aftillation by ations are under the discipline of writes to Forbes, Hearst class struggle and solidarity 18 For a labor movement built on The next job was to clean out the for the Chevrolet Corp. Workers in a ten to one majority. The Newark the internationals, united action in Mouthpiece: Our patience is something spontaneous. The record exclusive and craft lines solely, union, weaken the reactionary and this plant had always shunned un Guild, after their experiences in the the Industry is far from certain medaling of our alien population of the their methods and attitudes ing genuine power so long as they the union on a fighting, progressive cept leaflets. Not more than a DEBELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE If this government doesn suit as proved in similar past instances could them, send them back where they in steel, rubber, auto, textile and ful in their own ranks, the fact that cous, intelligent and active members duced even to attend an open union belong. Forbes replies: Doesn other basic industries, would indt Toledo was the glass and auto of the union were brought into the meeting. The spy system, the black that ring truly American of the cate that more was needed than parts center of America was not Working under the guidance list, the company union relgned suAmerica of pre brain trust days? spontaneous will to off set the deeven recognized. They did not and discipline of the they preme. But forces were at work 0233 Higher Learning.
moralizing and shattering effects of know, or were unconcerned about began to organize a progressive inside and outside of the Chevrolet From the Toledo branch we have for our press. Secondly, prompt their restraining, demagogic and the fact that a stoppage of produc bloc inside the union. These pro plant which all the power and in an investigation of Chicago Unt what occurred in the Toledo Chere onld be em cfew plants in Toledogressives drew up a slate of officers timidation of General Motors could been informed that the membership remittances must be made for all is starting an immediate drive to bundle orders received and for an versity after Walgren, the drukrolet strike, certain questions must tomobile production, and indirect tions, capturing seven out of twelve (Continued next week) obtain one hundred subscriptions subscriptions due to be renewed.
gist, removed his nicce because of tor the New Mutant. Knowing Thirdly, and above all, we must Tadical social teachings there. SHUNORMATION MANUDUMINICA DOMINI organtzed protest. We will never May 1, 1986 issue: An expensive expedition to Central get that through the and it that the Toledo branch means bust have immediate remittances on all Walter Frank deserves the supAmerica is planned by the Univer.
is a mistortune that the New MILI port of the voters in his ward. He there need be no doubt that this tirely too large sums outstanding ness when It sets out to do a job accounts due. There are today ensity of Chicago for Dr. Emertant, even for a moment, should has been known for a long time as will also be carried through to a for both publications and the finan son that he might study social conditions among termites (white DUTCHMATOMATOIMINATOMIENIOWww Sion that the is not without an active and militant trade un successtul conclusion. But there is cial crisis caused by this fact will ants. The Federal Grand Jury Association of New York proclaims Wrong on Mass Pressure no organized mass pressure behind its virtues. Unamerican principles have been Reader Says Hollins (not even the organized masses of the LL. kives the the Communist Party, and that qualities glve assurance that he rades. They have witnessed by ac matter we put up to the branches The is the defense arm of his fighting qualities, but these more to this decision than the good surely lead to a catastrophe unless will and the desire of these com action is taken right away. This taught in workers schools in the past. We register disapproval of Exitor, New Militant. clue to the truth about both cases speaks worlds for its character. will fight to carry out his pre electual experience what it means to and supporters. Prompt action on further use of Federal funds fer Traditional economte oppression Whole sections of the labor move tion program. He is not a member have have a live organ guiding and this is the cooperation you must such anpatriotic activities. It is well te preface workers classes reversed the verdict in the Scotts been trebled and quadrupled by have no defense arm should one of the Communist Party, and the supporting their every step in Elve.
with a study of Americanism and boro case, you published an article the crises since 1920. There is pro ago have united to create a joint Party has had many serious disng serious struggle. Their decision is to the effectiveness of the All New Militant builders are the words and tune of the star which, while it mildly reproved the found discontent among them. The defense body including many party reements with him; but there can a tilltant.
New asked to get in touch with the office Spangled Banner.
International Labor Defense for ized, except in isolated cases such the object of the Non Partisan La willingness to serve the interests of discontent has not yet been organ and non party viewpoints. This is be no doubt about his sincerity and At the same time it is a certainty immediately to tell us what they Fearless Journalism. mots pressure anvelt ereliste rom us the Southern Tenant Purmers bor Defense which is moving stend workers, and on this the that the organ that served them so can do on the questions raised In this connection we wish In October, 1931. the San Fran having forced reversal on the ily toward that goal.
Communist Party endorses his can. well in this recent magnificent above.
But any additional provocation cisco Argonaut stated: In Merrian Supreme Court. Aside from the With fraternal greetings, didacy.
struckle will prove equally as effec to discuss with them also some the people of Californin have a fact that the article failed to men would ease the task of serious for HARRY STRANG. The following is a quotation from tive in the task that the Toledo concrete plans that we are now promise and a symbol of strength, tion that Samuel Leibowityces seeking to organize the deep the Rank and File Federationist, militants now have ahead of them: working on designed to make this strengthen the progres organ a much more effective and Tiragress and stability of traditional played a leading role in the hearing discontent already prevailing. And organ of the Communist Party A sive forces in the automobile unions impressive one in the future. We Krowth. Por political advan liefore the Supreme Court (which the Supreme Court, which views Tobin Skunk Should of Rank and File Commit and in this manner to build a much need more New Militant builders tee, July, 1934, Issue: more potent instrument for the and we expect to hear from all send plan. goverument co operatives peatedly was going to happen while not of this or that enpitalist clique Have P Rat for Pal for the unemployed. And a higher the and the Dally Worker or group. but from the brond view litor. New Militant. To Walter Frank, secretary struggles still to come. It is be who are willing to give a hand.
income tax. Today the San Fran wore up and down that this one. Hoint of the capitalist class as a of the Lathers No 190, who for cause of this reason that other The New Militant recently had a years proclaimed himself as leader branches should without delay take number of 250 three months subWe have on hand still a limited cis Argonant dveries: All one time favorite of their was ont of whole, does not desire at this timecartoon showing the Citizens All of the militant ranks can discern in Merriam is cobwebs the case. the article misconstrued to kive such provocation.
from an empty skull. Heaven help the real forces at work in the su. Even where there is no organized ance of Minneapolis taking its net 1960 ofcial care in more and elle oes up and follow the example now set seription cards solde omly the clubs of four or more and paid in adus from the folly of having charen preme Court reversal.
mass pressure as in the Hollins skunk, Dan Tobin, for an airing the sellout of the May drivers vance. Those who are ready to such a man as governor. Last week the New York Times tential mass protest.
case, reacts to the threat of 1o Naturally, the cartoonist showed strike in Minneapolis. When In the office certain steps have assist in building circulation should the workers of the city drawing Walter Frank, the great left wing been taken to assure a greater eco forward a dollar for each club of Society Notes.
announced that the Supreme Court back in disgust And this applies also to Seottsbody has shrunk from the odor gly But not every er heard of the death of a special nomy of publication and which, we four, for which the cards will be had reversed sentence in the case. Despite all the bungling and wat by Tobin. The Communist dent of the American Ball Co. he run to assure greater eficiency. tar postal cards and as the The largest crowd in years AS sembled at the onestown. Ohio, youth sentenced to death on a rape the isolation of the Scottsboro boys the leaders of Leal 574, insinuating nounced the truce to take effect im tant and the New International builder, one by one the one and the YAL. to hear Sally Rand, fan charge after he was tried by a jury from the Negree masses (not even that robin is justified in kicking mediately though officially it did not have been consolidated under one wested is thereby reden do the the le Dangers of Communism. The Times and the Daily Workery has replace the gangeter lawyer sterse brotherhood. The cartoonist Mr. Frank reboked the victorious the supporters of these publications fice for entry of the subscriptions gressman from Oklahoma, has adeo on Scottsbeto a precedent matinee idol, en swing more than suling up close to skunk Tobin the death of the special police tained. But remember please, weber, we have only a limited numopted the slogan: Every Woman for the Ilollins case, a Queen. Barbara Hintton a limited section of the Negro mass and showing real appreciation of man.
count on this cooperation. For our ber of these club cards and no other Prince Malvani. After the to in the New Militant article on the olation of the Scottsboro boys from reactionary cabal bones will stifle are speechless.
dad paid 3, 000, 000 to get rid off one took literally the remarks Ichind him. lespite the pitiful is the prisonous odor which all the What do you say, Walter? We part we shall undertake the follow 250 three months subscriptions will ledo sell out Edward McGrady. Scottsboro case one ing: The New International will be accepted first assistant to Fannie Perkins, Here that the Court had reversed house their cause, despite all negat. the genuinely revolutionary cleappear regularly every month. The ments in the Minneapolis labor On June 1st we are moving into of the LLD massive factors, the Supreme Court set movement.
stated: Other American Hedera because May issue is now off the press and Rats of course do not new headquarters. Our new adtion of labor strikes in the auto pressure If one took midteriel the saw the werelist hier te precipies about on leashes, but sometimes What to Attend part of the monthly and wanted tubes the June issue will appear the early dress will be 55 East 11th Street, industry will be cleaned up in short remarks in the times and the Dally not want at this time to precipitNew York City.
order. John Rockefeller is Worker on the lolling case, one ate a serious conflict with the op nearly 17 years old. Director would believe that the Court is pressed millions of Negroes.
far away when they do their little www. we catch up. For the New Militant tricks. Mendenhall, of the Geolog governed by precedent and then in the follins and Scottsboro Bronx Housewarming Saturday, May 25, 8:30 Dance we shall gradually advance the and Entertainment at Branch press date until it will also appear Bronx Branch and ca oldest louse, a tiny insect that forth and forever all sentences maneres recha veready the fruits of The Party on the Flying beadquarters, 420 19th Street, earlier in the week and thus in a Entertainment by Group lived 30, 066, 000 years ago, has been sie no good unless there were Ne of spontaneity, you might say. Trapeze given by Branch W. and more suitable time for distribution SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE discovered. Roger Firestone, kroes on the panel. Neither of these think what harvest we might 859 Westchester Ave.
grandson of multi millionaire tire conclusions is true have If every defense case coming Editor, New Militant From our branches and goat Sunday, May 26, 10:30 Hike ers we expect the following: man. Harvey Firestone, was voted The fact that the Hollins case was before the courts had the backing. The following is a quotation from to Hunters Island. Take Lexing we require more concentation and Dancing and Refreshments most likely to succeed by Prince. almost unknown until the Supreme of a united labor movement it United Action, organ of the Com ton Ave. Subway (local) to Pel more systematic attention to the Admission 20 ton sentors Court acted, the fact that there was spontaneity were translated into munist Party, Minnesota District, ham Bay Station. Auspices building up of a greater circulation The Manager Corner Letters to the Editor Union.