NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 23 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1935 PRICE CENTS 75 Week. The Roosevelt Standard Illinois Workers Plan Youth Confab Expelled Professor Central Union COOLIE WAGES Swayed by SYL Slams Dillon New Hunger March In Minneapolis For Settlement LowScales WillDrive AllUnion Rates Down Mlinois AllentownCLU ILGW Pledges Backs Teacher more plainis his inability to stand To Gain Union To Support Ill.
Demands in NY which tomeliately sets the mini vigorously oppose the attempts to Relief Battle scelte ori proge. Pouth are Organizes resented his autocratic and die er et langer dans In College Fight have very shrewdly arranged it, so Teachers is in die lewende to the Ten the supercente in favore dove the relation member of her neke driven by scape the project. Every time a job is wem Minois HIT SALES TAX Left Wing Delegates Worse than Hitler Muste to Broadcast On Radio May30, 10PM Carry the Toledo Body Will Fight to Last Field Finds Comrade Muste, National Ditch Says IWA Secretary of the Workers Party, By REGINALD BURKE TOLEDO, May 17. The Toledo Fear of Strikes Disturbs Bill Green will speak over station WJZ on MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Left Union Leader, organ of the Toledo Leader an NBC hook up on Thursday, wing delegates acting in concert Central Labor Union, bears sharp Would Rather Talk May 30 at 10 He will rep with the Spartacus Youth League witness to the bare face treason of resent the revolutionary point of in a surprise attack on the reaction Green, Dillon and Co. in the ChevIn the days when black slavery was legal in the South, the slaves SPRINGFIELD, 11. call for a view of the Workers Party in a ary sponsors of the Minnesota rolet strike. In addition to the mass mobilization of the unem symposium in which Norman Youth Today Conference succeed story of the settlement, the paper had security. They were worth something to their owners; and as a ployed and relief workers Thomas of the Socialist Party ed in wresting away control of the lears a three column editorial consequence were fel, clothed and sheltered, and given medical care, for a march on the state capital, and Lawrence Dennis, Fascist, conference.
headed Mussolini Hitler Dillon. so that they might be strong and healthy.
Tuesday, May 21, was issued to will represent opposing opinions. Overriding the harmless plans To quote: The strikers voted night by the Illinois Workers AlThe work relief rates just issued by our President Roosevelt as All readers of the New Militant of the Minneapolis Commmunity not to allow Dillon the privilege of liance.
and friends of the are Fund, the Junior Chamber of Com addressing them until after the a part of his seeurity program legalize a new slavery in the South, The instructions ined to 266 merce, the Junior League, and other WINSLOW HALLETT urged to tune in on this broadvote was taken. When Mr. Dillon a slavery of starvation and nakedness, without shelter, without mediunits in 81 counties were released cast. It is the first time a lead individual capitalist and social big came into the meeting hall the ani cal care, an endless, hopeless, dismal, slavery that guarantees to milfollowing an emergency conference ing spokesman of the party has wigs, they passed resolutions favor mosity felt against him by the lions of free Americans an existence worse than that of Indian the state board members held given its position over a nation ing the right of youth to strike. opworkers manifested itself in loud here. The call, issued by the ex wide hook up.
posing militarization, and en boos from all sides. he flew into ecutive board and signed by EdThe Very Minimum for a solution of the capitalist im a violent rage and told the oflicers 19. 00 per month is not the miniward Morgan, state chairman of passe by the socialist planned econthe Illinois Workers Alliance said omy. revealing development of unton was revoked us when Taylor Bakers Strike mum wage to the newspapers that the unemployed refuse to the conference was the refusal of tried to pacify him he showed even headline. Unxkilled Southern workstarve while there are dozens of Young Communist League delegates ere may consider themselves lucky ways to raise relief funds.
to receive 19 a month. Not only the gaf. He left the hall amid The state executive board feels has Ilarry Hopkins the right to socialist economy.
the boos of the workers who bitterthat it is absolutely necessary to vary wages within ton per cent, The Spartacus Youth Tangue of tatorial.
starve the and which was issued to the live hund Wide Campaign for Dillon Dictatorship at 17. 10 of sessed of Illinois, the call stated.
red delegates as they entered the His dictatorship however had but the wages are not paid for time The fight against the sales tax and Prompt action in protest against. icoltet Hotel where the conferReinstatement the desired effect. The officers of Fighting against low wages, dis lost because of voluntary absence, for the reopening of relief stations the stoppiuk of all unemployment ence was held. The pamphlet pointthe union, fearing this one man who crimination and firing of onion illness, completion or postponement continues. We will fight to the last relief in Illinois, was taken toxlayed out that the conference was part ALLENTOWN, PA. May 22. ro had the power to take away from men, the bakers and drivers of the of project, or permanent dismissal.
ditch in defending the bread and by Dressmakers Union Locn! 22 of of a nation wide move to mobilize fessor Winslow Tlaltett of Cedar thousands of workers the union battani cand Kronsstrack work at selthis wife and his children, to beans of our people.
pay rent, buy ford and clothes for Calls for National Support 30, 00 workers, one of the largest for the wholding of the very social bor activities by the Board of Trus strife suffering and money, pleaded on Monday.
The call of the state executive in the American Federation of La Mystem which tony dooms millions lees, has been Joined in his fight with him to return.
All workers in the plants, sales. all on a wise of 19 a month may board of the Alliance was support bor. In response to the appeal is of young men and women to fu for reinstatoinent in the local col Never in the history of the labor mell. driver, bakers, helpers and be exensel if he is ill from undered Ivy Paul Rasmussen, Milwau und by the Workers Alliance, a ture of importance and despair.
nourishment or exposure. But lege by the Allentown Central movement have witnessed such a maintenance workers including a kee, national secretary of the national organization of the unem Purpose of Trades and Labor Council and the case of domination, such an arro. large number of women workers. he is ill his y conses, and he Workers Alliance of America with Moyel. Charles Zimmerman, The rent purpose of the confer Pennsylvania Unemployed lacus. gant disregard of the rights to organized in Baking Pictory Work etting back on relier. The worker which the is affiliated, and manager of the dressmakers union, ence, said the pamphlet, was to Gerry Allard, Springfield, leader of immediately wired to Governo demonstrate to wealth contributore committee of four to see the college torship over tree Americans as wus fectionary Workers International Collell because it was are too If Professor Hallett is shown by this representative of the Union, are out. The plants are tied curity program the remedy is to unemployed. scoring the storing of relief to such as the community Funt, ful not reinstated by May 23, the cen. Ela White is hired out on solid. Attempts to move a few cut his wages, and let the man and Rasmussen departed for Chicago the millions jobless in Illinois His while and Milwaukee today pledging up and pledging the support of his diverting the youth to harmless campaign asalnst the college treasury by per capita tax on the pickets One Gottfried thug fired witing to get on relief.
port of the national movement of thowerful organization in the fight pursuits Professor Hallett, treasurer of local rank and Ale.
on pickets. Some scabs were henten the jobless in the fight to reopen the telegram follows in full: The sponsors of the program 369 of the American Federation of Don was not alone in assisting up in a fight and it is reported that the completion or postponement of the relief stations in this state. Thirty Thousand Members of The courageous expression of our Dresenakers Union Local Twenty. as to the natral Trades and labor Connci. was percent favor of comlanded in the river. Company offl Illinois membership in its effective two, affiliated with tural radicalism of youth, which it Protests pany. Wilson, ex president of cials called up the union to inquire ernmental whim, the worker loses resistance against the closing of the of protest emphatic given free play would bring all relief stations and in opposing the ally stopping relief to Mlinois their plans to nanght.
The lensylvania Unemployed America, was sent here according to detectives delivers have a breven his puittance during the period when he is neither working nor on sales tax is commendable, Rasmus jobless. We place our strength The jamphlet then proceeded to Learne passed a resolution depune to reperireas the direct representa at strike headquarters to assist in hier.
sen said. It has arousell them and influence behind the search.
bership in all parts of the country Workers Alliance in its fight against hunger and misery and could be wrested from the reaction notified its county organizations to the workers by these high hat, well of Local 50 stated that steps are of the order itself to 17. 10, and 19 a month is not at all the min.
Herman (und, general secretary imum.
be organised so that the control a move against organized labor aud. The sabotage practised against It is cut in the provisions It is our intention to throw the full support of every affiliate and sym join them in their demand that arles take action. Dr. Hallett is active paid and well fed individuals begheing pathetic group behind the march of relief stations be reopened. The pamphlet created a sens. in the Lehigh County Unemploved gars description in polite language. the Westchester plant of the com will be cut in practice to even lower the Illinois Workers Alliance In Fitting Company similar protest has been sent tion, both among the youth and League.
pany and also to tie up the Moore The Workers Alliance of Amer. to Harry Flopkins, head of the among the sponsors The latter. Florence Curtis Hanson, national Mussolini, Hitler, nor any of the Baking Co. of Astoria, subsidiary were fortunate not to live in the Truly the slaves of the old South ica calls upon all trades unions and FERA in Washington. At the same taken completely at a loss, tried secretary of the American Federa present atletators could possibly of the Gottfried Co.
other labor organizations to support time, the dressmakers union sent a several pitiful tricks to prevent its tion of Tenchors, has pledged the take a more arrogant stand. The era of Roosevelt Security.
Local 50 was formerly a mrt of the fight of our state division. It message of solidarity and unis members of the Junior Chamber of tion to Dr. Tallett fight for rein president of the through the Amalgamated Mood Workers, Lower Everywhere support circulation. Social workers and support of the national organiza cheap landing of Mr. Knudsen (vice is imperative that an iron front of to Gerry Allard of the Illinois 19 per month is the lowest scale the jobless and employed workers Workers Alliance in Springfield. Commerce came to the distributors statement. The Allentown and the public press by Mr. Dilen had an independent Industrial union in.
be effected in this march. This is minois.
and said. These are just the things Philadelphia teachers locals have the sut servient ring of a political to unify the ranks of union labor. If the sale will be lower in praca fight that will decide whether the common people of Illinois are to be want to distribute them in the more through the Non Partisan Labor local unions in Toledo and else. of Lunion, recently. On the lower throughout the country.
reduced to furter exploitation or KANSAS CITY. Mo. 350 unioning for you. Their devices falled, Defense, North Dakota State Col where to find out from President terms of the unification, Local 50 in order to wring every last poswhether they will bring to a stor takers went on strike this morning however, to stop the distribution. lege local of the teachers hus Greit hired organizers are Baking Factory Workers has the sible penny out the disgraceful and abhorrent pro demanding a signed contract which Nor did any of the parliamentary pledged its support of Dr. Hallett paced in the field under his in right to kirganizac fotit employees of three divisions have been created.
grani of a reactionary class govern currantees an increase of 65 in tricks of the reactionaries in the and is rallying Northwestern lahor structions to act as dictators, and the Baking Factories including the country is divided into four ment.
to force the rank and file to vote as drivers. Organized work is proceed ones, the wages varying according of compulsory insurance, and a revention swang solidly behind the President William Curtis and dictated under pain of being puting to line up alle baking factory to zeme. Tattoor has been divided Auction is the number of day rate progressive forces, who good nathe Board of Trustees of Cedar out the labor movement.
workers in New York in Local 50. into four cutesories, unskilled, inNew Castle Jobless hours.
turedly tolerated the presence of Crest have refused to give any rea Ir that is the policy of those The demands of the union intermediate, skilled, and professionThe strike will also affect 400 Walter Pitkin (famous windbas, son for Dr. Hallett dismissal. clected as officers in the of clude: wion rooguition, reinstaten, wages varying according to cathave no bread to deliver. Five of Ilow to Get a Job, and other hu charges. The American Association sooner we will be able to start tivity, increased wide and im. within the zomes are divided accBy FRED RAYBURN the smaller bakeries have accepted morous works) who was supposed of University Professors, the Am telt for American freedom by pure proved working conditions that will ording to population, cities of over (Continued on Page 4) erican Civil Liberties Union, and in the labor movement of dictators overcome the speed up.
100, 000, cities of over 150. 000, towns NEWCASTLK, Pa. May 13. De the terms of the union bakers, the American Federation of Teach who live off the per capital tax of spite attempts of local and state SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANTO, wages varying again necordof over 25. 000, over 5000, and under police to break their ranks the Coers have all requested a written we workers.
ing to size of the city.
operative Workers of America are dismissal but have been met with Thus 19 is set for work in wone continuing to picket relief offices stony silence ty the trustees. In here. The of is a local for unskilled labor in town of conversations with Dr. Hallett, less than 5000 unemployed organization with however, President Curtis definitely branches throughout Lawrence and The highest wage, for professionstated that his teaching ability was als, in wone 1, the North, cities adjoining counties. The picketing NEW YORK (FP. started on May with the demand That the weekly wage of Americably 21. 86! living costs have hopped up appre in no way in question, and admit.
of more than 100, 000 is 942 ted that his work in the unions and for adequate cash relief and the ca average factory worker after That why freight car loading the unemployed organization were dustry key plants in Longview locals enlling for strike action on SEATTLE (FP. With the int ready sent a resolution to all pulp stopping of evictions.
How Scales Were Determined two years of the New Deal.
On Thursday evening. May the figure for March, 1985, as re 1985 were down about 4, 000 a It during the first three months of the basis for the trustees action.
finally affected by the strike, 35, 000 May 20.
The wage senlea, say the reports, while Governor Earle was prepar ported by the Department of month from last year. It signinChurch Considers Case timber workers are confidently Unemployed organizations in the data with other wage information, were determined by checking wage ing to address the American Legion Commerce cant that the most serious declines The Eastern Synod of the Re holding their ranks firm.
in the Cathedral, a delegation of Pacifle northwest are cooperating including civil works earnings, Skilled workers received a little were noted in the transportation of formed Church, with wbich Cedar in an attempt to keep workers by taking care of picketing employweekly earnings in private indust the of demanded his appearance before them. The attempt more than that 21. 25.
of his secretary to speak in his beskilled found, on the average, only erican workers have to eat to keep have pledged themselves to bring the operators offered tren ce pro Ito take jobs in struck mille But un grains and livestock the food Am Crest College is connected, is now at the Tong Bell and Weyerhauserment agencies and relief stationery, construction wage data, ete.
in session, and liberal ministers mills at Lon at Longview from going out, and by instructing all members not Apparently the procedure followhalf was turned down by the dele 17. 85 in their pay envelopes, and going.
Dr. Hallett case on the floor of posal granting 50 cents an hour, a ed, was to obtain the lowest pos gatlon, Smoked out, the Governor women workers in industry were That why consumption of but the convention. The Church League 40 hour week with time and a half sible wage rates from every source, appeared and arranged a meeting paid, an even smaller amount, ter, for instance, has declined about for Industriai divide the resultant average by two, at his office in Harrisburg on May 15. 47.
25, 000, 000 lbs. a month below last League for Industrial Democracy, timber Workers Union, but not the Readers Attention!
and proclaim the result as a pro13.
The general average has risen year.
the Non Partisan Labor Defense closed shop. This was rejected by Change of Address found study of the wage levels of While the delegation was in Har since March, 1933. Then it was That why only 23, 000, 000 was and the Committee on Academic an to vote and 3, 000 mill workworkers risburg Interviewing the Governor 11. 56. year later it had climbed spent in the entire United States in Freedom of the Civil Liberties Up ers walked out.
From June the address of comparison of wage scales of a mass demonstration took place at to 20. 53. In February of this year March, 1935, for new homes for ton have sent telegrams urging the Strikers are demanding union the Roosevelt relief program with the local relief offices. George Pap it reached 22. 09, but since then it America badly housed population. synod to demand Dr. Hallett re recognition, abolition of the black the Workers Party, the Spar the scales on the PWA shows a cat.
cun of the Workers Party was the has slipped again.
That why epidemies of disease instatement.
list, 75 cents an hour, and a day, tacus Youth League, the Inter astrophic drop. Under the PWA in principal speaker. In a spirited this 21. 86 represents a monetary are sweeping the undernourished, Letters of protest should be sent 30 hour week. Refusal of the Long national Workers School, the the South, now Zone 4, unskilled and timely address comrade Papeun wage boost, but only doubtful badly clothed youth of the nation.
to the President and Board of view workers to accept a separate New Militant and the New Inlabor received 40 cents an hour, brought the workers a message of gain in real wages. Food prices The country has the machinery, Trustees, Cedar Crest College, Al agreement has strengthened the skilled labor 00. Under the new struggle.
ternational will be 55 East 11th have jumped at least 35 percent the resources, the workers to triple lentown, Pa.
sentiment for a uniform agreement security program unskilled labor mass meeting is planned by during ame period, government that 21. 86 weekly wage, provided for the whole industry.
Street, New York City.
receives 19 cents per hour in cities the Workers Party. New Castle statistics reveal. Clothing and home industry is run not for profit but HARTFORD, Conn. FP) Wage Longview pulp, peper and sul The Pioneer Publishers re of over 100. 000 (12 cents an hour branch, in the near future on the furnishings cost about 25 percent for use. The government own sur boosts have ended a 17 day strike phite workers expect to be out by mains at the present address, in rural districts. skilled labor reprogram of the Workers Party with more than they did when Roosevelt vey of productive capacity showed of more than 1, 500 union teamsters May 29, the present contract expir 96 Fifth Avenue.
ceives 42 cents and hour in cities comrade Papeun as the speaker. Teame into office, and rent and other that.
in the Connecticut vailey.
ing on May 26. The local has al(Continued on Page 4)
Tage Levels Hit New Low as om te ben met een FDR Redistributes Wealth Key Lumber Plants Walk Out Industry Tied Upon West Coast